Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Dec 1929, p. 11

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PAGE ELEVEN Pegadivic ¢ oxiaey me) tu "in the Aud A ovad 1° o wopmlgeay Sacks J whet 6idy oe Seller wid isd i avid ot Eris ye Yd : yin vA A ! LOUIS S| Solicitor, Store, M street ne 25860, ---- 60. Money to luau Ba. nanny Kina 9. tors, Solieitors, ote, 41 Bldg. Oshawa and Port Perry. Phones 759 Oshawa, Port Perry 24 anl mn ' 3 (Dec. © Medics! TRICTAN. "SUR . Office and resi Es corner Vietori, ky Ww Thick PH 's1 Surg bat trician, Srasia) to ity work ard en. Two vears' oa rtiiencs. Office and fen 4 N. {cor Brock 3-1 month) =e St. On DR. HA cian, felite fing : : RY. PHYSICTA® Surgeon, | Ob diseases Of nists te i: i. > Qifice. AT = RE ran ea given wt sav work and Electr vis Vice, Disn fu, Ofc am ARCHER, M.D.CM "Poand 8 Edinburgh Surseon and Nj Phone 30 Phone * Phone 3153 [1] Re 3.1 special ork fo fen ¢. (Hi & § Bdinburgh Surgeon, | Obstetrician, tention h/ [aleshity iro ] ich fhe. Se 189 S Simeue, St, Norh. Ce H Obstetrician. Office and Ll eon, a. Surgeon. 313, Simooe street BOrLD, Rhone 3415. ¢ #10) PR F. 1 Street We t. Toromia will be office ave Sarl a's Store ea¢ pm, for ona tat of disenses of gan only. Bal. ¥0 a x BRT VAG 10 to 12 am. Spoolatment, ON. Rig over + Dewlands ' 10 to 13 ¢ ta 5, a ap fut : t veuln ' ment. oft fice phony A498: 5 I'batterien Ll puN oat or extra en gay for, ext s oxid ox Nitrou ado) Bar " T over Dewland's Res 22W Evenings bv 1 = Bae Fe or Fld. Phen Al 149 | ate Ww " EE {i fing hy I SOR Fond Be ™ Furie 4 ~ AiR) va 3, 18 bi ye ¥, » mot tenographe axe. me 1600 Special rater for waif ip and alreiar | pow, A No) . 26:1 mo LR Phone 912J. [Te Shuto St i W aderate pricos, (Nov, 31-1 mo.) + | north, Your insurapge "| tended to and your iBtefests igi oy A Block Phan : | HONEVAR AND Ean io Land Surveyors and iv " cers, sub divisions, I municipal engineer: "es i ng 2 gr ALL Eee a ow street north, IT F Jo DAFT street, Bue street. Am saws, lance. ner one consult R. N. Jobps,, 80 Sim yants Pp tected 3 it T COLE falinte ware: #6 Bond moving, man : in furniture ord and moving van egjtoment w i i ind Ay 4 lon ¢ Wr. hating fmith al ht. W i )S and e MMB vi "81 King \ Hohe! Tare movers. Park WA r age Loca! and long distanes Frank Cowle Pron 65 Park RI South. Phone 810 Nov Lne 0 4 NEW DUMP TR Jock. Grivel a and cl devs ink Na 215 Bloor St. E wa. Phone Nov; 6-1 mo.) CARTAGE, ROVING GRAVEL, sand and cinders. eo 2621M Chris Graham, 870 Verdun Road. (Novi 14.1, onth) Beauty "oo #ETTY LOU wave, st lal $8 gH wave and shampoo hie Har futth it imeoe Nort "MARCELLING Betty Ward at Betty Lou Pe B, ent Wave Shopye. Maregl.and sham po $1. Phone 08. eget 4 et BATSON S BARBER AND a | Yo Shop 9 Celina St. We spr enlize 'mm ladies' hair evtting, mar eelling, shampooing, facials Marcel 5 cents For Hg Aho " 653, MAR AND '800; EY brow arching, 25¢. Mra, Everette Bell, apartment 9, Edward = Apartnidnts, uwebec Street, For appointments phone 32066F. Dee. 3-1 Mo.) ui Supplies BIOUKS FOR SATT Good sand and gravel To insure Jrompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date. W. Bor rowdal.e Phone 1618, Music DE, VOCAL TEA. cher (Hambourg I ied To ronto) pupils prepared. for all exams Oshawa. Wednesday, 92 Sinus S No : 2754F, tf) r of Musle, Oshawa 'Oniienis rete Public Schogls, Stedio, 30 yostmoreland, Phone 2824) (Nov, 18+ FRANK CONVERSE $ of Toronto's on Ths violin teachers, . in Oshawa on i Studio 86 Elgin OV. Radio Service TEAL ON ALL MOD- els at a reasonable price by an ex- pert Radio-Triclan, All work guar anteed, Rattery charging 70c, Bat- | tories for sale, Geo. Burroughs & son. Phone 8823-1); Graduate Na- tional Radi Tustiriis, STEW TA TT RH VICE AC J cessories for sale, repairs on elec: tric and battery sets, tubes and tested, batteries! re- charged. rental supplied, orn 1046J, Charles Wales, 146. East. R rhanger, painting d ini rr Ty and gra ph) Pine Ave. Dhue. A G x, Paperhanger. Only first class work ranteed; 20 jinn sxsedlence . Pho CITY AND FARM T loans 'arrang Sain. ed Baa Cr -- er pa Hou "WADE FORR| ples, steak and cold, brawn, cakes and past ote., eto. Fraak Drakes, 81. street, Phone 8378F ve JEST nA Menke's conor Ning, and William \ "st Export. skaie ae W aud shoeshine. (Nov: 21-1 mo.) q| i | sate, Mrs ell, 40% Sim cus reasonable ° ¥ / = 16-1 mo.) to : {ag Tae R a 6 HAVE YOUR All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ete. STRICTLY CASH AN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense wd logs arising from handling w large number of small accounts of this nature, to come personally to The "ond collect for same, "Times" Classified Teleph For the convenience of coistomers who find it Inconyenient will bring a messenger who wi ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT es' office, a telephone call receive the advertisement Ads Bring Renu one 35 Ee | GRAND BARGAIN 6-ROOMED sold brick house, hot water heating, open fire lace, oak floors, sacrifice, rice $4400, See Holden, 92 Simeoe North, 371W, (13h) WHITBY FARM, RUAL™ HOME, seven roomed brick house, Fur. nace, garage, uloe lawn, good Ear- den, asparagus bed, strawberries, real buy, Get particulars, James Ryan, Cannington, (1840) Watch Repairing "VON CUNTEN EXPERT chimaker, repair shop #' g Street West Your on! solicite i {fa A ork Wanted ' (1h 8TH RING CHESTER Role made tn order we save you money mates free. GA Con siablel 74. Mechanic street WC 19951 & BATTERIFS CHARGED TAIN for and delivered 5 cems If i tal supplied $1 Ratteries repaired Stan lideon Mil St TH 1886W, (Nov, 12-1 mo! BATTERIES "CHARGED AND Dl livesiod 78¢c. rental he. and the entire electrical aystem of dar re paired ¥04 Oshawa Hivd Phous J108W Nov. 13. 13-1mo) we DO BODY REPAIRS 0 ars and trucks, Also genera) wondwork W, Fry, 49 Bond west pen evenings. A Nov 14:1 mo) is anywhere on car, leis you | vOUR AND viv soodBD MOD urn suites, including eleetric rejris vrution, Stove, (BUDAry, oonVeu) eaves, oLo. copLinueus bot wale! supplied, Apply du phone 3674, uf he Trusts and Guarealee Uo, wid, manager Lor owner, Aeronto, $748) AND electrio and Owner, ' bath, fixtures complete, stove, steam heat, linen clothes closets, Central, Lox 386 Times, HEATED BATHROOM conveniences, wired for atove, Phone 1087), 187 road south, PLAT, eleotric Fark (1832¢) room 10 rent, Phree minutes trom Lour gorners, Apply 78 Bond street west, (1880) 10 RENT-FIVE ROOM BRICK, convenlences, hardwood floors, eles tric fixtures, newly decorated, Also avake. imoidiste possession, A 31 Yagin St. East, Bhone 1085), (155h NEAT 4-ROOM | VACANT Len dollags month, Apply Morin & French, ones 2080, 1207W _(133¢) TO RENT -- LARGE WHITE briek louse at 18 Nassau Ar et, fight Kom and finished ie furnacd and all conven lance, oF thy Phone 1855W LT T0 RENT--0 HOUMED BION house on Division street above Allee, Modern, Rent $30 per month, Phone 2604 Jor apply 6 Celina streat, / (183¢) FOR RENT = HEATED APART. ments, two or three rooms, light and water, gas ranges installed, heated car storage, Apply 12 Gladstone fe -- (ITS) TO RENT -- --- MODERN THREE rooms and bath apartment, elec trie stove, refrigeration, sand hot water 'heating, Apply 101 King BA AT t A (181d) FOR RENT FURNISHED APART t housekeeping, conven ment for iences, tear motors, Phone 2207, 108 (132¢) (Colborne East, VaR Ton --~3_ ROOM HOUS! on MeLaughlin Poulevard. All eon vonle need, possession in January, Ap ty $21 Sinicoe Cb (1.52e) LARGE BRIGHT TWO ROOM apartament, newly decorated, pri "ie eo vemencen, furnished or Wu uruished, equipped for light bWobueleeping. bo veutre, (18%¢) 10 RENT=2 ROOMS HARD wood floors, in new house all eon: Ge Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATER: nity, Invalid or general nursing, For information phone 1398, (Nov, 87-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSE DISEN- gaged, maternity, invalid or general nursing, Doctor's 'references, For intormation, phone T42M, 133 hi. Hemstitching NINE OENTS PER YARD, PLEAT I fo one dollar, alterations, M kinds of ceautiful fan2y uth. Phone A Ad (Nov, 184 me) "Storm Windows STORM WINDOWS CUT FUEL bills one quarter Make cold houses warm and comfortable. Phone 2830w and we will measure your windows free und quote low prices on Ready Slated Storm Windows, fitted and lied if desired. Dec. 2-1 mo, Caulking HAVE ALL CREVIOES AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastic cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the cos: is small, Free estimates, J. H. Law. son. R.R. No. 9, Oshawa, Phone 7883 Dea, 4-1 no) Furniture Repairing fURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repaired. No job too small or too large. George A. Lemee, Phone 1436M, (Dec. 4-1 mo) to Rent Apartment, reasonable, near Mot- ors. garage if possible, Bor. 418 Times, 1330) ROBERTSHAW'S OIRCULATING tibrary, You will enjoy reading the |* fatest Flotion at minimum cont | yoo Phone 1472, 87 Cimcoe ah BEST AND artistic LA maker in Pe for meni who care, Prices far |A 1244 Nimees Ju it th refined SR" Moors Prone whi side' the work vourself. We tell vou how, Send for free circular. Hall WANTED _ "RENT--3 ToOMED | FOR d on $10 orders, All end tched Easy to lav. You [Vv Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WHO, slubs. $3.50 lad. Also bone dry Phone 1388 wood Waterous Meek Limied 0) 1 TY rT Ltd., pianos, new and used plane Uso radios, atest 'wodels; tere arranged Apply © Trak JSan. 1660) ULE FOR SALE = ORDERS Cre for Christmius geese ala. or dressed ready for the oven; alg Norther Spies, Phone 1653rl4, (1280) BARGAIN RADIO, PATTERY ret, In good condition, Phone A108), (1400) HRISEMAS LREES BOR SALE, spiuce, phone 1818), (32h) yo BALL) BATTERYL id Condole Model Radio, ub Divis whrogl ee phone Lub WwW, (140) JM i ENCY IROUBLE AUIQ damp ste what you ure doing in a blaze ol hight, leaves both hands free for work. $3.75, Sole agent, Phone "il | (134¢) MES IV TAILOR MAL: hy yucay nearly new, size 18. Apply dil M Monk St, (183¢) Help--Wadted Male 4000 LOCAL BALECNAN wanted at once to sell the new Connof Thermo REiectric Washer Good commission proposition, Ap ply 12 Bond Bt, Kast, Phone Hu1, (43%) MAN WANTED TO WIRE BMALL house, supplying fixtures, Will give good Foard sedan value $60 ae payment, K. Sheridan, 248 Pare road south, (1880) EARN $6 10 | $10 0 PER 'DAY, AM. bitious, reliable men wanted at once, Part time pay while Haining for Aviation Mechanics, Garage Work, Driving, Battery, Electrie, Acctelyny Welding, House Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Machinist, Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafti Mating and Haledressing, Acts hie ap: plication in now, ch or yal for in- formation, Dominion Trade Schools, Ltd, Eastern Headquarters 163 King St. W., Toronto. nt service ~--const to ent (13 F100. 145 146-152) __Help Wa WasiadoF emale to assist a Gp occasionally look ing after child, someone without too many home ties, Apply Box J6 Times. (133b) PRET Position Wanted HUNGARIAN = GIRL I, DESIRES housework, expetien need. Apply 254 Ritson Road South, (192) YOUNG MAN AGED 20 DESIRES work of any kind, Phone - (1820) YOUNG = GIRL WITH FOUR years High School would like a posiv tion in office. Apply Box 35 Times, (133) POSITION AS HOUSERBEPER wanted at once by widow, Apply Mrs, BE. Hawley, Ash 8t,, ph? h a Rr -- i RL Pets and Live Stock SALE ~~ 20 PURE BRED sipgle comb white leghorn hens, $1, each and 12 white Wyandotte pullets Martins train $1.85 each. Apply C, Brides, Courtice, en (1330) tnd OLD WHITE E LEGHORN h the moult, just laying, "8 pullers. Geo, Reynold n Cour Poodle pupbies $0 each, APY 02 olborne Bast, RU SALE=10" Lk oN JENS, cach, Massy i Shih Pu bor ir $5.00. D Harv! Fulper good repair f ornton's Corners, to Buy or Rent Five six roomed brick house. All conveniences, Good locality, Apply Box $47 Times, (1880), ) I give hay as pays ih Lakes a, Cedardalv, (13a) SMALL PONY "CUT gandition, Apply J, J, ¢ Bigin Eas? Phone dav, Box 311, BHawilton, Building Material Specialista. (1340) venlences, Apply 38 Alice St; "Yon 074F, WO FURNISHED RUOMS. ry convenience for light howto. | ing, Phone 1 1473). h |APARIMENL 410 REN1 DC ory \ wn building, hardwood floors, steam heat, Electric refrigerator and stove, | hot water, newly decorated, Immed- (late possession, Phone 1768M (133) JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN looking for, large roomy apart« ment. two or three rooms, newly decorated, downtown, $80, Heat, light and water included, Hot and cold running water, Semi-private bath, Cooking ranges, heated ger ages, nice location, See them today, 13 Gladstone avenue, (134s) "For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -- Several farms on Oshawa Residen- tial property, Mutdech, 27 Warren, Insurance~-Fire Life, Auomeblia Plate Glass, Contracting ( CTING = plastering, electrle tons. Phone 139 for estimates {1xl) OR ---- = ------------------ Notice NOTIOR OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LA Notice is hereby given that a by-law No. 1977, was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa on the 31st day ot October, 1939, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of §9,173,00 to pay for certain road-making machinery and ahbliances, and that such by- law was at a the registry office at County of On- tarie, 'on the 85th day of Novem- ber, 1880. Any motion to quash or set Gide the same Or any part thereof must made within t months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter, Dated ine 20th day of Novem ber, 1 T. B. HARD, Clerk, (128:134-140) Notice NOTIUR OF REGITRATION onl Notice is hereby given that a by-law, No, 1974, was passed by the Counell the Corporation. of the City of Oshawa on the 3let y of October, 1929, providing ay AI the |b amount of §9,4 hoe to Ju Jay Sor the vonstruction Fag aud thas i hy-lay n the reglatry County of Ey Ld Cot The ¥ on the 39th y of November, nt Any Ra hou t ie quash or wat ® the apt art theveof ba within hree months ne Hust Rubliontian this notice ho 'cannot he made thereafter. Paiod the $0th day of Novem: ber, 1 F. E. HAR®, Olerk, (138:234:240) The Mexican eit of Bdus cation is making' oilorts ta le traduce physical exercises aud party, into. the schools of the nation, ins Sud Juding the establishment 'of athletic eld aN (1881), I Classified Ads. S-------- First insertion 1% genie per word, Minimam charge 800, Each subsequent 0onpecn- tive Insertion 10 per word, i Threo consecutive inser. tions for. th price ol two first (nsertions (threes nents s word), Minimum chargé fvr three insertions, 60 cents, Box pumber 100 additional Professions) or ihiness Cards, $3.00 p ontb tor $0 wordy ml fonts (] pit a ce Gn A ia MUCH > TELEVHONN, " Ask for U Ad Papurs wort, . Otherkditor's Comnients TRUE TO THEIR FIRST LOVE (doronto diur) It Is rather the irony of fate that the King of the Horseless Capringe in Canada, Ri 5, Mebaughling Osn- awa, shoud win the highest Bonors at the Koyal Winter Lorss OW = at, Catharines Slanugrd, Yet the McLaughling of @shawa minde buggies aud earriagef tor worses long beiore the automobile wes heurd of und, alihough their manu SLUNG Interest 18 now in Cary, their attachment to the horse has never wancd, TARIFF AND TAX (Des Moines, lay Keguler) ne GLhier insisting kL wile 01 this (AX BPRUGnE kboul thy TRADE tari revision is that it treats the tai us a te That isn't always dong Lax 18 a very realistic term when applied to the tariff, It gets deeper into the iatiff than the term protection gets \ ) | ior while the purpuse be nut reven ue rimarily but protection against reign goods m our m, iret, what it women to inevitably Tv tHe Tiki ng ol our 'people--those who buy at the | iid done A consiuerabis amount vl domestic market--and the trning-e) that tax revenue, of the obit, daw to the pockets and hands of another part of our people, A CHILD'S LAUGH (St, 'Lhomas }imeserournal) Robert Ingersoll's viewh found lit- tle favor with the followers of Chris. uanity, Nevertheless he was a gifted writer and thinker, In proof of which read the following supremely beautis ful apostrophe 10 the laugh of a child: "I'he laugh of a child will make the holiest day more sacred still, Strike With hand, of fire. Qf weird musician, the harp ming with Ap- pollo's golden hair; A © vast Cue thedral aisles with » onles sweet and dim, deft touches of the organ keys; blow, bugier, blow until the sliver notes do touch and kiss the moonlight waves; but know your sweetest are discords all compared with childhood's happy laugh that laugh that fills the 'eyes with light, and every heart win Jor "A rippling of laughter! Thou art the blessed boundary line" between the beasts and men, OVOP WAY" OF | ward wave of time doth drown fretful fiend of care, O, rose-lipped daughter of joy, make dimples hall in he cheeks to catch and hold and glorify all the |" teary of gri WILLIAM PRESIDER oy or SCRAN. SUN, SAYS: THAT ewspapar 1s run by hu. man ty ov Rh and L The public considers.a newspaper natitution and Bh pers ties from the paper itself, The remark, "Y always. .., Seve nn i Jen ad -- to the press. Opinion should be omingl ae, and et papers try té do he, readers do not Know the || dlerense between news and editor ial opinion' news and ly wri to -- To what you wen a publish so "oil thine news a the public wantgferime news There a usa ah laints about oh Sou at practic rue n better, ER make or m a i ate more enor in a news plant than ing theArmy, | | Bits of Verse Hl] Mong the years we marvel, and | NOT UNDERSTOOD Not understood, we move asunder, Our paths grow wider as the BOABONR Creep, we wonder Why life is "Lite? And then we fall asleep, Mot understood, Not nnderstood, we gather false fmpressions And hug them yours go by, Til virtue often seems to us trans Kressions, And thus men rise and fall, and live and _ dle Not understood, closer as the Not understood, how tril es often change um, The thoughtless sentence or hte fancied slight Destroy loug years of friendship and ostrange us, And on our souls there fully a freecing blight Not understood, How many cheerless, lonely hearts are aching For Jack of sympithy-Ah, day by day How many cheerless, lonely hearts ...are breaking, How many noble spirits pass awny Not understood, 0; God! That men could see a little ! dlearer, : Or judge less harshly where they cannot wee, Oh God! That men would draw & Jittla nearer One another, Thee And understood, They'd be nearer By Jomes W Porton, MD PANGER OF THYROID Mein band . . When examiiig the entrants. fof he last VWwrigiwy Macaiuon swim we came Boies & buy or sixteen whe Weighed ov pounds, He wis u WoL gubd-looking youngster and BWR, On questioning he told ue that he had always been fat «= fat when & waby in iact, Now whue dieting and exercise may be of help here, this Is geal) the type of case wihere the thyroi extract is especially indicated, Th mica of the thyroid gland, situated in the neck, is, as mentioned before, like the draught in a furnace--it makes the fuel burn, If there is too much juice == too much Sraugie-- the fucl burns up too quie fn and hence we find these thin in ividuals with rapid hearts, used, and gets stored as fat in 'Lhe fact that the thyroid estract Ww overw lh Ss ad they Now this is most heart is beating rapidly and re to reduce weight. ? Jf you have al been Ay ways If there is not enough . juice or draught then the fuel does net fet the aystem, helps burn up the fuel and prevent outiweignt, | has come to the Jha of of consulting a commence using it, dangerous prac. tice and physicians all over the he world are coming ACross cases where and on close quest And thyrold extract has b If you are overweight why not at the Seduction Inia Sensible Too x ° ht! now a berty = 1 13 to 17 years of age iy your family doctor und he will likely prescribe thyroid exteaet, and by watching its effect keep you within safe limits, { you were thin ns 4 youngster, and sven past puberty, and then ber gan to put on weight, you can look after the job of re/ cing withoul much advice from your doctor, First find out from the usual tar bles of height and chest measurement just what you should weigh, If you ure 25 per cent overweight cut dowm | on your food intake that much = cutting down about JO to 35 per cent on fats, bread, and vegetables, and about 15 to 20 per cent on meat Bi eggs. Meat and eggs keep up your strength during the reducing treat. ment, In addition to this, gradually ine crease the amount of exe reise taken, and in a fow weeks you can grads ually Increase your food intake again and still be slowly reducing. 1 think you are wise to reduce your yin if you are more than 10 or 15 per cent overweight, but why not go about it inn safe and sane manner, (Registered In necordance with the Copyright Aet,) : , LOST Lables store and k, Simeos St, and s law office a small ng LA Valued an Reward, J, A, MeOI i Ld EYESIGHT SPECIA IST ge ory le Yow mii Pos ue ky Eve Car and L Disney hing hye 1516 Phone 1814 ---- A ------ s------ Do You Need Money? ' Dev't Lose Ycur Car + Lat Me Finance You! IC. BR. BEclden MOTOR LOANS AND DIN COUNTS LTD Felt Block Hoom 8 Phone 30 DISNEY-COTT' AMBULANCE 87 Colina St, * Phone. 1008 Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Mol Motor on ones with who have crea Iurnbsbr Ne watey us it carries leading: (rE in the lumber, that of the a Most people, oy being human, pre: fer to spend thei products which are widely known' and nationally advertised -- the r-good money on a ' reputation to live up ita oink to handle +mantfactu r themselves, . hattyou bf what ll RH ie Je Ad lana Lub PANY UNITED Road North ONE 2821.2820 oh *

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