Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Dec 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAW DALY. MES, 8 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7. é 925. AAI py # ye | Mima John i", Richardson, Margaret Digi a ig Shi i. W Wallace FR ded, in RE stl fms. Vw | Ww ; ough) amid, bar RHEUM ATISM? re PrViola = Goypey ih, dae v) 'shoo 3 acting on this in- Jn 3 Cel coli Ww wand Prov p Ay wh Adbmat Stas dejver, Maraele Sciatica? Lumbago? i Pos) pt | teaman Mims wife summoned, ri Bi anid J on the following "waive mal ollef in bir, re Margarets Clark, uit and d aha oui Was socks | woods om team wi byfiButocttye Borgoants TRC ave malo, mpeedy 1 ef from pain Lhether Jobn Wood, Ruby Y 4 'dental,' or, utd' un main fink on 3 hy, a was put 1intoll and McGee, Maracle wos Vetorboro, Ont, oi "i wd ne HR wan rng ge oor BE CEE yh CHARGE a oral Hg TER ' oF an 10 police later arrested Harrison, o Capa ot Frcher, alex, Holl Fou Yurbul & hd Faly Mr, and AL Burgoyne and i Rheumatic Capsules ar bo only remedy er, Maracle, who nppeared as A | that hoe given me relief froram Arth Dalam Ar prner, ohlld were living In a camp on! yoo) C3 it terday, denied LC lly good for thos, d Helen als, i Hug ny arg: I Wounded By Lum the logging opesation at Northview ROTI er, gv " Naaralels No harm (Continged * hifi Puko 3) alt kuowleded of the erime other | Lumbago, Neu t Wood ania Smith, lvan gras " and seversl of the lumbermen by = A, His|than that Hereison had later in- | ful drugs 60c Ape Bd 16 adie, Boba alr, n Dourded with then 'oy Hathes 'ying prostrate 16 ron bh. an a " Dee, 2+~The Trall Rang Dupn teacher, { way brought the shotgun, whieh 1s money was missing ond the tax! | timated that he had robbed Hodge Hy, Mee, é~~Lhe ITh ng M, hy ' { i Harms ! disappesred, He managed to | When Harrison and the two men \/ i ra nd hx Boys held hele Log: i Jopumedinta Room Plaster Wook, or Nel Doo, Types |dlloged to Lave heen detective, In- h4t.4 hap way hack to the high | returned to the car they told Min TRC® stings In the school ou : 4 denut t Ha logy adtmont' paverod trom Her |to the camp where the child, was Tr i Se i vag, finally caught n bus and re-| (hat Hodge was still drinking, sity mgnt, Douglas Henderson, IA " i" jin v2 M y by b heavy clisrgo of buck- asleep 'onthe bod. Ho Was havil- AK Ad Ce turned Jo Oshawa where ho pre- Harrison was convicted In Plex so pl stiget chien and Lh i fi: vHadh bb Can [® t when a shotgun in the hands [ing it when it discharged, the don- PHONE 1420 sented himself at the police .'a~|ering police cotrt several weeks Toronto, appeal ted 1 and a new trial aKer of King street church who are aot Sug ind W " wy } rs of ua workman ut d loging camp | tents wtriking the bed and the Comer Bond and Prince Bireots tion, Hergeant M, Bowman, whe | ago by Mcglstrate Clarke and en | was ordered, 'candidates tor Ushawa in the [#bn Lich her, H een stata, i lat Northview, six miles from hore, | youngster's legs, In the room at way present ut the station when | tenced to five yon 5 with twenty WwW, i, Willams K.C and eietion 108 the Juss Ho ards, | aigohiarged accidentally, Kathleen, the time were the little giris mo. bench Hodge entored, (01d the conrt thut | aghos, Crown Attorney J, A. McGibb inient, were with the bord wi amt, 5 iy on he fopryearcld daughter of Mr, and|{her, the latter's young spn, Karl, a Kin' ponrance indiouted that he | | His Gounsel Arthur' Drodey, ot 1 of Oshawa, acted Tor thy Orownr pddressed a union meeting , 3 . y : ; " ritt, 79; Constance Pato . rai nel amos the kroups aga Cranb, 72 i i: | TILLIE THE TOILER--Funny Business ar a a By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb CMEC ML Mulard they gave [901 y 11) y 00) : : d : : "Boys in inspiring talk on ihe elma ah. § 061 Bertha 'H 02 ut, 6. . " Waking of Living," emphasiuing the son ri Mi , A pedd' of Jaws an ONE phitner in the Mason, 91 Iaabel Cooke Lerche Lyn- L . THAT'S ME, LADY), business Jn which we are all enghge| gin Powel iif 8a; Morley Hitcher, 81; wv) FIANK JOHNSON, "Tie od Me, Millard brought the meeting | Donald oud en, 80; Eileen Luke, 8, I av Mv vTT BEST LITTLE COMEDY Lizaid . peut . { prayer, ott, uh Juckle Sanders, BTA INETRUCTQR IN "THE 4 ey ini Is Si roe Mi gy Sugden, 73; Eunice TORIAL. TAM a CAN 8 BUSINESS! © CAN Gad vives In 'oronto, Chien, 4 8 Jovee Smith, fo. holy PLETE NOW MAN A MURDER CAS. p, ya attendance way present at Yivisnne Hern, / Aehcher CASTING Fos Landy \ 7 PROPEQTY BONS, UNTIL (EN, school on Sunday, 'the 'Vrall C y PieToa NET | RAR Soria oldu will take part in condueting .' Benio: Room eri the: service nextsSunday, A good 8t- | gig ron 'denote per cent, tondunce is again hoped for, § Ne enttien Jockvons 78; Stow- y All those present at the Young | ht "Muckle, 78; Stanley Cook, 741 Y, People's meeting of the Centre strout | fg, py Lehn, 74; Loulse Pollard, 73 United church on Monday night Myrilo Best i Gordon Trim 72; ureatt enjoyed the Tocture and lant- | vite Cry mb, 20; Grace Grills, 68 "wen hy Mr: Huwkeliar) yo, Pollard, a lem Willson, a; vy Hatmovy. Christan concert Roy Plemin Harold Winter, 60 ey by the Harmony Sunda" ro ty. Edi 32, Sarold 79; George nd. Publie school, will be held R 1G 0; ia harmony Community Hall, on Funkinn, Ai 69] Della Tooley, ob: I raday, 'December 19, at 8 o'olock. Fiean rulll, 68; Charles Papineay, Fh aye In belong prepared a6 Tour] Wakely, 68; Ruby Brown, ta Claus is kbeping this date open 621 Betty: Lewis, 62; Morley Lowls, feommunity, and we ope 61; Bertha Hern, 60; Douglaw, Best, i he people will da the same. Ade h ¢ z Dpy EN AN n, adults, 25¢; children free, Sr. Hl<Cletys Dyer, 81; George RZ | eB hu hi % rg Phi N armony public school report of | paviow. 78: Catharine' Lander, 74; * November Shunter Rigo gone. Ruth Topley, Hf Garnett Goyne, 05, is. nT Shnoer fi PL Timming, Principal | TELLING TOMMY Tew iw Ch Ol - Call "I noticed your advertise ™ " omm otic ed J U - by Ag Bruce Tommy H Gordon Kellett, ant td the paper thi evening for 4 h v NAME ESKIMO 15 AN ALGOHQUIN NORD MEAHING i or Patan, Town Grills, |B ed hon Yur bers HON MANY. Jf In 1928 THE TOTAL : : EATERS OF RA FLESH. BUT THEY CALL THEMSELVES INUIT , WELL, WHAT h = n ) 'l ly or Of birc op } { v he N All ) ---- you hud uny experience In that fine ESKIMOS ARE. ESKIMO POPULATION ! MEATING "THE PEOPLE ALTHOUGH THEY ARE SCATTERED ALi DID YoU LEARN 160M, THEYRE OY er ih Te THERE In ne WAS ESTIMATED AT a: OVER GRECHLAND, ALASKA, THE ISLANDS OFTHE ARCTIC ABOUT Eskimos, Wi 50 Wor! their tails 1" WORLD, DADDY | 30,000, TOMMY, OCEAN AD PARTS OF ASIA BORDERING ON THE BERING TIME TABLES J Et Sen R, TIME TABLE oot 4 Sot Ral Cate Sunarh ¥-NCCORDING TO SCIENTISTS ESKIMOS ARE si HY (Except Sunawy) : MERELY ONE KIND OF HORTH AMERICAN bo is (negot Sundar), INDIAN BOTH IN BLOOD AND LANGUAGE , i CL wept Sundar). OF THE ESTIMATED POPULATION OF 30000 iy SEA THE SAME LANGUAGE 13 SPOKEN BY ALL EXCEPT IM SOUTHERN LABRADOR WHERE PEO fer PLE CLASSIFIED AS ESKIMOS SPEAK fly (Ese Jain, 111998 ABOUT HALF HAVE MORE OR 0 LAHGUAGE BUT ENGLISH. CANADIAN HEL RAILWAYS y LESS OF YHITE BLOOD. G J : 4 y ow Fintums Byndviate tne Crest Brith rights rederved. - En CS Coan ad Fb mE rn gir Bentan BRINGING UP FATHER 7 1. i. oneen Synd Ys fh - Re ------ vi Ball + anoopt y. Now | HOPE YOL Will 9 TOR / THLAES THE OWMONE) | MELLO MR NGOS TrID 1S THE (TE PREDIOENT OF TH 1 ih ahr worn! Sunder, ALKING ABOUT MY BROTHER EXPECT TO WEAR FROM | PREDIDENT OF THE STREXT STREET RAILWAY JUST PHONED Aly, except Saturday, a A JOB AS CONDUCTOR A GUY WHO DANS i ' RAILWAY | WOULD LIKE TO AN' SAID HED Rar EVER Y= ud AS hie Lait A RT TCR Lie DIONT LOBE ANY MONEY SPEAK TO YOU IN) REGARD TEIN ABO oR. LA ery wethound Ld ' IN THE STOCK MARKET: TO YOUR WIFES BROTHER irk pa tRam ait. ' " i NOW LISTEN = Vs : orm 50 am. Jetty: except Sunday, ! CN MEAN TO I \ a 8 sa, hall, A MIB HE HAD ! \ LE i oy unde. b A REALLY GONE TO A. ; ior Your Drug Needs pt | MY y or A ) * i L JHOMPSONS |. in Bs ba Simcoe' Sa Seemte | Whitby, 7 Qubasa Bowmanvite : en SE JW AHARE IL, "18 Bond Street East 12 7 J 7 @® VED, Ina" Peature Rorviee, Ine Ureat Britain ridhts reserved. #przez3P53 PPPePocTusess OH-DADOY- I NavER : Would ve Bren LETS PULL ~- AND wisH. FOR, HOME» BUT From Room For Alt, ANOTHER ADVENTIRE DARLING Deity. Beony THAT Lovely Prince 33 [THe KING WAS 38 HAPPY Te GET His AND HE ORDERED A (3.6 PLATA of ? THE BEST LIVER Fom COMFY- i | IH0 Ring Prati Byam they I hr ¥ ND TCH CINE A AND ALL SoRTS of a) ey KIS3ED "Tre PRINCESS Goat) CAKE AND CANDY For Datuy ave (5.00) Bye-Anb STARTS en THEIR WAN 1} . WET SOUR COAT AND HAT ON MUMSY - MR, Wht gy HAS "THE MEW CES ALL yr UP NE ® Ap om FONT SX Quick , S Ta s EO la iy Ao YEO IRS Rw J. W. Worrall, Oph. D, |

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