PAGE 8X i \ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 Women's Interests in the Home --- and the. Communit # Y "SOCIAL and PERSONAL + THE HAPPIER THING Vor 3 t hot hours 1 face a grimy And type "Dear Bis, we cannot yet ght dll hours with rougly diss we are yours faith wiser noon, mE 3 Hk through the win: Mi Tia yy swiftly Why y hin . J §66 A NATTOW, high-bank: het Ro vg me to a cll where I ean rs, over the stiff . Between green springing eorn and Thy Ben, Where Jn hear the merry Haping Teun I fark In careless rivalry, ne theve, pressed close to earth, | seems more heautiful 0 he a Singing lark or blade of corn, po dr thing it seems to be n true an Just a woman silting by a wall ing all day "Dear Sirs, yours fmt. ~Worence Lacey, me Miss Maisie Millichamp, Simeoe street north, is entertaining a num: ar of liars at dinner this evening Dey 'w fil go on 10 the Military Ball after, wy Land Mrs, Harston enters hai the cast o the biny of the Ing Hand Class and others da] Ing In connection with the play, after the performance lust evening, The weekly Whist Drive was held In the Sons of England Hall on Wed- nesday evening, There was a fair at endance, Prizes were won by the oniowing Mi Miss Allee Fitches, Mrs Madder, Messrs; Bentley, Mrs, Geo, Morgan, & A, Black, €, Holder, H, special prise, A. Black, | Bheor un Fashioned ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP 'or, King & Nimeon Bt, | WEDDINGS ; Woes | Ri iiogs was the scene of a ry pretty wedding on Sature day, 8, a am, when Mar ter of Mr, and Mrs, James po " of Detroit, became the tide of Sevla, son of Mrs, Oshawa, and the late Ml 'x oh Rev, Vather Bench officiated, The bride was hacomingly owne in a royal blue frock ht [10 shoes to mateh, Bhe was attended hy the -sistér of the groom, Miss Ver- onles Doyle, who wore a royal blue froek and hat and shoes to match, The room wis attended by Mr, Ingle Droyer, of Oshawa, Alter the ceremony a huffet lunch. con was served 'at the home of the aroom's mother, and a reception wal held to a number of the guest the home of the bride's sister, 1 Fudge, Mr, and Mrs, Doyle will reside in Oshawa, A -------------------- FIFTY-NINE YEARS WEDDED YESTERDAY Mr, and Mrs, J, P, Tuttle Have Happy Anniversary of Their Wedding My, and Mrs, John P, Tuttle a highly respected and well known old couple of Oshaws celebrated thelr fifty-ninth wdeding annivers NATY yesterday, All day Mr, and Mrs, Tuttle weeo receiving congratulations from thelr many friends who call ed at the house or telephoned ov went letters, but the big surprise to them both was when about thirty of thelr nelghbours and friends arrived at thely home last avening and practieally took pos wsnlon of the house Arranges ments had been made for a real Ly dagosty will hold kam sual Inour vaults until Christmas. "Lag-Away" Diamond Hpealal | a "Lay » Awar" Man Clock 1] " . Hme-hooper, (®] $13.00 Deauville ub] w=the new design in COMMUNITY eo loroed Pastry " (In Gift $60 BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner [at a dinner, rity of which Mr, and Mrs, Tut ie wore the guests of honor, On hohall of ull the guests Mr, Milton Warry made a very tine speech 1p which he featured the kindlinsss and friendliness that Mr, snd Mrs, Tuttle have wiways si.own towsrds thelr nelghhours, His speech war tallowed by au presentation of i ple plate and sliver frame, a hemu: tiful ching fruit howl and cake Inte, Both were somewhat (a k hut o replied with u few words of AP ecint on and Erate fulness, Cards and other games com: oned the remainder of the even ne's entertainment untit midnight when supper was served, | | i | The neighbours took this oppor: | tunity of presenting My, and Mys Werry with a banguet, It also being the occasion of thelr wed: ding anniversary, r, Tuttlo was born in Hastings county and in the year 1861 eamu to Oshawa where he met Mary Corner who had vecently cama to this county from England, Mary Corner hecame his wife on Decem- bar B, 1870, They were married at the home of a relatives Iu Houth Oshawa, by the Rev, My, Rice, of the Bible Christian Church which later heetme the Metcalfe Hit, Methodist Church. Bince that time hey have lived n Oshawa except for a short Inter- val when they resided at Veter hoough and Deseronto, They are hoht now well up In years, Mrs, Tuttle 81 and Mr, Tuttle two years younger, hut they are enjoying per fect health, The four ehildren of Mr, Mrs, Tuttle are all lving, Mi Charles Tuttle in Albany, Indiana, | Frank and Orfvel at Detroit and | Miss Lelia Tuttle with her parent at 119 Colborne Bt, -------------------------------- | HELPFUL HINTS | oy TIME RAVER If you fold up the towels, sheets and other household linen when you take it from the line, It will save many minutes and effort In ironing, MENDING HOLES To mend a hole worsted garment, unravel a thread or two from the seam, CRACKED WALIA Before you paint yeur rocms, mand the eracks, There are sev oral kinds of mending plaster on the market which, when mixed with water, will do the job ony | and beautifully, PICTURE HANGING Pales of pletures are extremely good now, hung over each other or alongside each other, over a ta ble, hook case or any other hig plece of furniture, BROILED CUFFS Hoys' shirts should have thelr outfs and collars seaped well ana gorubbed with an hrush before they are put In the washing machine A famous sclontist wan presented at which one. of th guests began to deride philosophy He went pn rudely to express the opinion that the ward "philosopher was but another way of spelling "fool" "What Is your opinion, pro fessor?" he asked, smilin Is there much distance between Wem The professor surveyed his boarish vis vis keenly for a moment, then, with a polite bow, responded, "Sometimes only the width of a table!" Pass Along Your Favor fe Recipes The editor of Ab of the Women's Page would greatly apprecl: ate it It any readers who have good recipes for Ohrist: mas oakes and puddings would send them in te her, She will be pleased to publish these and any other favorite recipes, Also, she will be glad to offer any suggestions that may help te solve prob. lems that erop " from day to day, In this business of housekeeping, Please ad: dress all letters to Hditor of Women's Page, Oshawa Dally Times, Astoundin Value Ladies' Lo Goloshes 'Cuban, Flat or High Heels and all sizes while they last, Three shades of brown to choose from in two styles. All first quality, . Regular value, $1.95, change---so Safonde $149 On sale, No ex- and | In a slik or | } ERE LLL TTY | WAR LEFT HIN T0 SUFFER JERMIBLY: Oo AT » rat | " trtetiy) a, 1] ry i iE wily jal Rk fa. HALENDER TYPR A charmingly slender model that chooses one of the new plalded silks Paris decrees the smartest thing for daytime wear, It la In rust brawn coloring, A diagonal panel arrangement of bodice at front and at centre: front of skirt of plain silk erepe in blending tone, typleally modern, wives the figure additional height The neckline rolled Into revers with inset vestes of the plain erepe is youthful, The skirt eut elreular ls shaped #0 As to keep the hipline flat, Nar row belt indieates higher walst- line, Style No, 806 fs designed in sleea 14, 14, 20 yours, 36, 24, 40 and 43 tuchea hust, It 1s very effective in mid-night blue crepe satin made of the dull surface with the shiny surface used for contrasting panels and vestee Huhter's green fallle silk ovepe fs a very lovely idea for general wear for it can ke worn fof street or afternoons, Hiack sheer velvet, printed sheer velvet Witt plain, feather welght tweed with plain woolen, caver cloth in self-checked pattern with material cut on bias for contrast, wool orepe, and orepe mavocaln ap propriate, attern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (opin is preferred) wrap coln carefully, We suggest that when you senda for pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a Son of our new Fall and Winter Fashion Magasine, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON a Ry Fa he Ll ALARA N IRAN INNS Rig BRE EE TIARA RARRANARARAANAY NY (1) BELLA L LLL L ALS Ciena atntasanatannane BIER Lu anaenanien " EARLE TTY ALLTEL EL LLY \ikireas ' hou Fo " . a EEN Tt RECIPES Carvel Chowder 0 carrots, J mediumesized potatoes, 1 medimn-sized onion, 4 quarts water, 4 slices bacon Salty, pepper, paprika to taste, F) tablespoons butter, 12 cup sweet cream, 4 soda crackers, Peel the vegetables and slice or wl | WORENS MEETINGS | BUNBEAM CHAPTER I ast evening Bunbeam C hapten WB, held their regular Mesting and ot J i, ue ih of uificers in 0 "bh Hall, Blster Grace Walker, Astron wis In the chair, There was Inrge Ain anes of members with itors from Toronto, Bt, y's, vitehener and Bowmanville, Lhe des rees of the Quder were conferred Mn four hey | Imire with Pust Mu- on Hie helley and Past Fatrow, elley, providing thelr daugh- "o or being one of the newly initialed demhbers, Bro, Crelghton of Bit, Mary's contributed a beautiful solo with Bis, Reid at the plano, The election ef officers resulted as Jllows 1 Worthy Matron, Sis, Chloa Brown, Worthy Patron, Bro, Fred Las mouth, Assng, Matron, Sis, E, Weir Assog, Patron, Bro, BK, N, Weir, Beeretary, Bis, C, Bhelley, Preasurer, Sis, J, Stirling, Conduetress, Bis, 1K, Barnes, Assoe, Conductress, 1, CHF, I'rustee, Bis, Grace Walker, Auditors, Sisters Vrain, KE, Chalmer and Annand, A vote of thanks was tendered the rutingers, Bister Creighton of Bi, Mary's, P.D.D,GM, Bro, Barnes, P, Patron of Beaches Chapter, Taranto and Bro, A, Edger, of Bowmanville, wha made fitting replies as did the Pages Bis, Dempsey and Annand, Refreshments were enjoyed at the conglusion of the meeting, NORTH KIMOOE (CHURCH WA, The W.A, of North Bimoeos United Chureh held its Ian. meet Ing of the year at the ehureh yeu tovdny alternoon, Mrs, Battle was presiding, The meeting was opens ed by singing a hymn followed by reading In unison of the Christmas story in the hymnal, Mp, OC, H White contributed a» very inter esting rvegding entitled "Ohrist mas' hy Kathleen Norris, Mrs, J, N, Noble sang "In The Purple Twi Hght", The meetihg opened (or business with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting Reports of the year's work were given hy (he HNecrelary Mr, WN Perry and the Treasurer Mrs, H M, Bmith. Tt was made very clear hy thesa reports that the Interest and ontnusiasm with whieh the ladies began the year of work hava not ahated and the evidences of alose ta $1,000.00 being realised shows that real work has been dong It was decided that all neoounts should ba paid off and a cheque for $500.00 handed to the offielal bourd of the ehureh Mrs, Hattle then spoke bplefly the year and thanked the lon far thely hearty support Boora Mm, Hattle was allowed to Elva up the ohalr Mrs, A, M, It Win on behalf of the Indies spoke Wn few words of sincere apprecin ton of the retiring president's Barnest and untiring devotion to duty, which made it a Measure to work under her leadership, Mpa Irwin asied the ladies to manifest tile In the old fashlond way, by A good elupp of the hands, The respanoe was hearty, : The pastor Hev, A, M, Irwin was then asked to take the chalr and conunet the election ' of of floors for 1080, Mp, Irwin eon dratulated the Association on the dplendid success of thelr first full Sear of organisation, adding thu! thin gives wonderful prog Wise foi future years in the building of om chureh and carrying on of Christ an Attivition in the community Mus, M, Kelly AS convener o the oR commities guve hor repurt and woved that It he adoptod, This was seconded by Mrs, B Dilworth, and the vole Was unanimeus, The officers alec! od are! Freeldent, Mrs, A. M. Ih wing lei. vice-president, Mrs J K, Valleaw; fad vice-president sire, Robt, Keel, The following four were veselegted: Heoretary, Mrs, 8, Perry; Treasurer, Mrs, Hl M, #mith; Convenor of Flawe Committee, Mra, Keel; Press re porter, Mrs, G, D, Dulmage, Mrs, Niehols was elecled rep teaentative of the association to meet all offielal boards of the ohureh, UEUAl meeting day the January meeting will be postponed to Jan Wary 8, Tea will he served at this hth final 8 final meeting of 1939 closed with he singing of a hymn and prayer lead by the pastor, A social half hour was spent over the tea cups, Rrate very coarsely, Add the Water and cook until the vegetables are very tender--about fifteen minutes. Cut the bacon in small pieces and fry Mh Seite had Oho HA . PeRPOr 10 taste to the vege: jabicy totes with the butter, Cobh or a few minutes my nd add the ereant, Remove from the ire and add he oMekers, which have been rolled. erve at onee, This makes four la plates of chowder, a ver vorfyu dish, almost a meal i in inal, CREAM OF LIMA REAN soup Due oup dried Lima heans, 3 Nees carrot hlespoans hour, nts cold water, i oup eream of milk, J Wbleagoon salt, Apoon eppen » slices anion : \abletoons butter Rais i Soak the beans over night: in the morning, drain and add cold water! cook until soft, and rub through a steve, wt veustables in small oubes and cook § mins tn half the butter, ve. mave vegetables, add four, salt and pepper and stir inte boiling soup, Add cream, reheat, strain and add rematn- ing butter in small pieces, 5 a According to a Russian scientist the human eye moves involuntarily about 100 times a minute, MODERN BRIDES DISLIKE CUSTOM Brides Rebel i Against An cient Custom of Being "Given Away" ' -- Bhould the eustom of away" brides he abolished 7 There is a growing rebellion on part of modern young women i alnst the time-honored regulation that they must be led to the altar and given away as though, as one bride swpressed ii, they were pounds of ten "Yhay arrange everything for them selves nowadays, they argue, from securing husbands to hixing the wed ding day, Lhe modern bride, too, who has & sense of the degorative, 18 nat st all gertaln that the presence of a black costed man does not detract fram the pictorial effect as she walks up the aisle followed by her procession wi bridesmaids, The modern hiridegroom agrees with his bride, He thinks that this busi ness of having her handed over 1 im by her father might easily he omitted A strong supporter of this give-away" magriage movement Catherine, Countess of land "Lhe eustom of 'giving-away' th bride is Just formality (Hat has ex ited singe time immemorial," she sinld to a Dally Express representa tye," "and it is time that it was eli minated altogether," "It does not fit In with the mod ern scheme af thi 48 at all, Girls of today do not even bother to ask their parents if they may marry the men Plo whom they are engaged, 1s not the dea of a father giving his daughter away theretore out of place find In Ineere! Modern girls ave not given away by anybody, They are much (ni igh spirited id self reliant for that" WEED BILL IN THIS CITY WAS %2.480 "giving "antl 14 Westimore (Continued from Page §) away from view a8 one approac ter this place, Banitary Conditions Taking the general Sanity emi tons in apd around the i of the opinion that they Cin! show up very favourably with these to he found in other municipalities of sim: ar population, or even largbr, Note the low number of eases of contagion in the iy? of 0 Othaw, during the manth of N ovemher, which is in the form of Chickenpox, and of a mild type, I'he result of monthly inspection Is shown as follows (= Placarded for Contagion vive IR Released from Quarantine ,,,, 10 Plumbing Inspections (Old wor k) Plumbing Inspection (New work) 22 Inspection of Caled ivvviiivins inkeries FORALL ER PARRA R RRR rR Candy Mig, Places XIII IIIT] Helreshment Parlours ,,, Fruit Stores ' Cirogery Btores (General) Fn Eaundries ooiovnenvnernrronrnene Pool Room 1 serrersneressarses Howling Alleys (vonveenrennins Business Colleges oir vrvevsreers Separate 8ehool ,,,, Public Sehools Bmoke Nulsanees IT Vaeant Houses, and ones whizh should be ,,,,, Notices sent ont re dwellings ' EI prrene Notices sent out ra VD.8, ,...., Water Samples sent in for Anis yais oo reries Milk § Saniples Be ent in fon "Anal iit] 0 00 ui na TOTAL servenevens Plumbing Vermits issued ,,,., Revenue Derived therefrom John Ringling of cireus fame sald at a luncheon in New York "Bo Berilibles his quit his good pot wife for his young seerctury, Dawh has gone off with his god wiodel, leaving Mrs awh and We children destitute, while Beatrice pe ty, the film star, has out the hnog that tied hor to her thied Wish' Mr, Ringling frowned "Artists," he said, "must lenp w appearances, of course | yes, they 18 pid ph large wardrobes hut the greats er part of thel wardrohes needn't necessarily be divoree sults," A wide Weleotion of Christmas (iifts Await you at FASHION SHOPPE B44 Simeoe BE Ronth | © 400, 000 Women Report Benefit by actual record "Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound?" A questionnaire enclosed with every bottle of medicine has brought, to date, over 400,000 replies. The overwhelming ma- jority=in fact, ninety-eight eut INSPECTOR SAYS spreading of this or as to whether it is properly spread or not Salvaging at this place is still hein carried 'on, and it would seem that the parties wha are sonstantly found to he at wor's In the salvaging op refuse, As New Year's Day falls on th rations, are like mage and drop of a hundred-=says, "Yes." UY this dependable medicine has helped 80 many women, fsn't it reasonable to suppose that i will help you too? Get a bottle from your druggist today, Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetabie Compound ted In ieee THROUGH YEARS OF RESEA MARCONI you _ Srl Recah. te, Welike BR THE HI Ta die ond Mareoni "CANADIAN "MARCONI OWNING AND OPERATING RADIO STATION OFOF AT MONTREAL @ MAKERS OF THE MAROON! RV.G. RADIOTRON TERETE Hrd wal 3% YOu want te pay. The proof Sisslis dou at your nesrest FEATURES? H "COMPANY A. N, SHARP, Manager 8 CELINA STREET THE MARCONI RADIO SHOP PHONE 2604 a