Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Dec 1929, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE, ---- ------ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1929 EE E----- Er erT----------r 'December 3 - | Will be recorded in store history as the greatest Sale of the whole year, * Buch a wonderful chance to save on gift merchandise at this opportune time Is quite unique, he Store Has Been Crowded with Thrifty ja Days Sale-3 Eri ote: SATURDAY IS THE LAST DAY or Friday, New shipments of the following lines SNS, b $1.98 Neckwear 49c 2. A ET lL Sr -------- al i a i. IBEX 12-4 BLANKETS Per Pair "Lingerie Sets $1.98 Moomoers and Vest very dains tily boxed tor Ohelstimas Glee, High lustre finish, foe kn Rayon Boomer with gusset, fangy Inset of Morn Laos and daintlly eolored medallion, Hunning elastie at walst and knees, Operas top style Vos with taney Hern Lnce to mateh Maoomers, In colors of Peach, Pink, Malse and. White, and In small, medium, and largy sian, Mach set In gift boy, DURING THRUEK IG DAYN, por aed, Bloomers $1 98 wo and Vest I No phone orders--not more than 2 pairs to a customer, Size 70 x 84, White or grey. Gift Gowns $1.79 Fins Knit, High Lustre Will easily solve one of your Gift Problems Fine knit, high lustre Rayon Gown, sleaveless, squara neck style, Colored deep applique and lace front, colored and plain ecru lace trimming, also « heme« stitched tallored style with lage, Flesh, Peach, White, and Sweet Pea, small, me dium, large, Each gown in Christmas box, Usual $2.50 value, During 3 8, 70 Big Days, each , Flesh, Peach, White and Sweet-pea BATHROB'S I Always Acceptable An Extraordinary Value for You Bath Robes of soft fine ish Cotton Elderdown, Floral Conventional, and Bleck pattérne, in Rose, (Mauve, Blue, Green, Tan, ote, cord. ed edges on collar, Contrasting coloved silk Cord Ties with pocket, Small, medi- um and large, Woe men's sizes Usually $4.50, During Three Big Days, each, Umbrellas $2.69 Twelve rib, fall frame Umbrella, esllulold tips and fo) ruler sills. mixture eover, Hebi welght hollow metal tube Imitating wood; taney handles of eelinlold and "wood combing tone, In straight with slik eord ano Sraok siyles, Black, Green Hod, Navy Hogular 84,00 Haeh In gift box, DUR ING THRER BIG DAYH $2 69 . sol 40a New Ties in Christmas Boxes Men's FoursinsHand Ties, A special of Imported materials made up for Bright colorings and terns, Biripes; Diagoln and Jacgunrds Usually priced at The, Mueh fn Christ mas hox, DURING THIEN B10 49 DAYHN, each Paragon satin Hnish lot us gonseryalive pat Big Doll 98¢c Big 25:nch, dremed, Crying Doll with unbreakable head, Has loud, long ery, Several styles of Dredses with Lace trimmings on 'collar and Bons net to match, A real surprise value, Be here early, Divide ed in threa lots for early buy- ors on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings, During I'hree Big Days, 98¢ Each EEE ET AE EN Men's Handkerchiefs 17¢ Men's IN x 18 Inoh, ultra fine Linen finish Hands kerohlefs, Woven strips Ings and bors dora In com bination cous tranting el orings, halts neh hem atitehing Hplendid Bie value, Huy these Nanded In halt dos ens, DURING THREE nia wn Ie or 0 6" $1 Handker- / chiefs 1c Gift Boxed Ht Boxe Bath Towel Gift Set, 89 AN ATTHACTIVH AND PRACTICAL un end Wool Hose 59¢ Art Bik to the top, mock fashioning, mis 49c¢ Art Silk Men's fine Bilk Lisle elas tho web Braves; Cross back style, In neat patterned Haht and dark effects, Rach pir In Christmas box, sual The value, Oup price DURING THRER nia RA DAYH, per paly 49¢ Pillow Cases Pillow © oases Kyenglow, Heasan, Merida Aloma, eto, slses §\ DURING 59¢ Pair Towel 40 £ 40 Inches with Jaeguard pat (orn «on oolors ol Ross, Blue, Gold, Lay ender, dontrasting color In khorder, Two Mace Clothe, 18 x 10 inches Hoxed for a gift, DURING THRER HIG DAYHN, per 89¢ ploves tution seams, Allure, Gunmetal, to 10, Hig values at 8b THRER BIG DAYH, por Mufflers An Uhielstmns GIR that will be Appreciated Pure Linen ohiefs 10 x 10 fneohes White With narrow and wide eolored Now designs and dainty colorings, Very narrow hom, Usoal 200 value 11 DURING THREN BIG DAYS, each Nxiy ha, ALN Kid Gloves $1.85 atitehed and Sk MEET } ob a: " sonllopad 1 y oflues, with emhroldery patiarns aml eyelet of logis, Hach pate ted with Hilk rite han, with Greeting Qard fn Christmas hox, Regula $2.00 value, DURING THRER no DAYS, per "$1.98 Women's printed Handkops vontres borders met, o Ona of the most popular mulflers for men (his year fa the imported YHembery Art Blk Hquare' In Allover Two-Tone Oheok and Plata effests, Black with White, Hlaok wiht Navy, Maroon with White, Ald Sumbinatioh calobinue Worth $2.60, DURING ¥ $1.89 DAVE, 0800 syvanvavtsnrinnny other Imported Kid Gloves, variety of fancy outs, stitohings, and tatlored effects, Mode, BDeaver, Nrown, Urey, ahd Blaok with White; Blaes 4 to TA, Unsually $2.26 to $5,00, DURING THRER HIG DAYS, per pal $1 85 . French and RE oat of the trl, ia a bookkeeper in the tmperial Bank at Toronto and had no previous record, He was placed on probation for twelve Taxes & Insurance Telephone Laundry Repalve Contingenolen early date and the finishing of MOR conviruotion work tn the town NOW at hand, many mora will be out of remployment for tha Ohrlats MAR Boaron, to be disoussed and all are asked to be there on time, This win Hkely bho the last meeting before the wensoh commences In full aWing at the end of the month Chas NH, Mason' presented the ROOTOLATYLraRsUTOr'S Taport shows Ing the operating expenses of the hoapital for the past year which showed a slight deficit, an fobs They had not eaten for nearly two days and had ne money to pay for pepales, They tried, they sald, to met a Hit on Howmanville, hdd dd db abi Bowmanville Daily Times } 5 News, advertising and subseriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times | elephones=+Ofhee, B87, REPRESENTATIVE--B. HERBERT MORTLOCK "Toronto Trio Convicted | of Stea ing Local Auto Get Reformatory Terms Geta Four Munthe rooelved MORtha determinate and 2 months determinate at tha Onars Re He had three previow opnviotiona vesisterad againat him, In July, 1927, he was convicted of Johi Cullinan, aged 18, Ole | ence Lansdowne, amped 17, and William, Cuddy, aged 20, all ot Torani, Lay before Magte trate W. F. Ward, in police court Yesterday and. were convioted eo stealing wn oar awned hy Douglas Moore of Bawmanville, The ear was atelen from Carlisle aves on Ran night, Clover datective work ® part of Chlet oy Venton poRsible for the am rest of the hays #0 soon after the Welt X48 Committed, RAF a i A of Bi oma a-- | John Cullinan, formatory, shophreaking and thei January, Mareh and May of 1938, was od yioted of theft, receiving for the Wal ptfones 18 wonthy da Durwash Bat wan Telemmed on 'Marale law Clarence Lansdowne, the young - kL Emonths and ia to report to the Rev, w 1 Canon. okey, rector of Ri, Anne's 3 | Chureh, Poronts, the ehureh to [Which the three lads belong, The y benoh gave this hoy a severs lew SMe and warned him of the dans 4 gore uf breaking the law and in & | oonoluding advised him to go with soelety and net against it, One Month Sentence WAM Cuddy who was the deb yor af the stolen car Was given one month Cobourg ll and is alo 0 report te Canon Skey eel Month for twelve months, He had one previous eonviotlon of the MAME nature as the one with whieh he wan charged and which oeonrs od In 1938, The fact that hia mes ther could keep him if ha got out of work and also that he had a Hon 10 KO 10 caused (he mam rate to deolde th treat him more lontently than he had intended dos Ing, He had at first sentenced thin youth to three months hut the defence counsel, W, RB Clarke, ot Toronto, made an eloquent plea top Cuddy and the crown did not ob: Joo ta the amalley sentence Had No Money The story as told the court was that the lads had vented a oar in Toronto ame days previous and Worn retutaing "10 theld homes when they had some troubla in four L I the highway but without avatll and yielded when they were tempted 10 take the other ear, When they reached Toronto, they abandoned the car at Gladstone avenue, bat Ald not damage 1t In any way, Chiat Venton, tn oheoking up on the ear whioh was left In Bowmans ville, traced the thres aconsed, had them arrested, and brought them here on Wednesday, W, ¥ Ker, R.G,, of Cobourg, eandueted the ona for the orown, AN of the ae oused pleaded gully The Times, was also given to understand that thesa three lads ATO Aled wanted for an alleged robs hery In Toronto and will face these further oharges today, It tn al loged that they drove a Toronto Wan to his home, In an automobile and succeeded In getting him ine toxionted, and then velloving him of twa hundred dollars, JUNIOR HOCKEY MEETING TONIGHT All juniop hookey players ana those interested In Junior hookey Are reminded that there will Be a meating of the club In Jack Gunn's axpresr alee tonight at & o'clock There are several tmporiant things The first game 1a at Port Hope on December 24, and the exercise will help digeat the big dinners of the praviows day, LACK OF WORK 19 BECOMING ACUTE Many Men Will Be Out of Employment at Christ mas Time a No word har been received aa you hy the local offelals as to whom the contro haa been let tor the construetion of the new Hale vation Army oltadel, Work waa expected ta commence thin week, but 16 dn hardly Qikely that it will now, The job i expected to pros vide work for a few of the unews ployed In the town who are heoow RE MOR numerous each wedk, Although things were nearly normal a few weeks aga (tI now stated on authority that thin probs tom fx getting Acute, and with the closing of the evaporator al an lows! F. F. MORRIS NEW PRESIDENT LOCAL HOSPITAL BOARD a -- Board Passes Resolution of| * Condolence on Death of Its Late President The annual meeting of Bowman: | Milk ville Hospital was held recently Vice-President ¥, F, Morris presi. ng, » An Interesting and formative report wag read hy Mra, Florence Amythe, the conscientious and ef flelent cuperintandent A motion was passed vaterving to the loss sustained hy the hoapl tal In the death of ta president, Norman 8 Ro James, and that this meeting HO OR recard vololng tie appreciation of hia valuable sew vices to the hospital tn the ten YeR® ho was a member of the board, Fuel Water loa Oot, 1, "28, Cash on hand § Ont, Gov't Grant Counties' Grant Nowmanville Grant Donations for Maintenance From patients for Usa of Telephone Miroellaneous Recepita Cash return from Nurses Home account Nutohers' Meat \ Matter and Rgew Flour, Bread & Meal Potatoes & Vegetables Graceried & Provistons Driggs & Medicine Meod'l & Surg'l Appliances 1,118.01 Wine & Spirits \ Gen, House Furnishing and Ronewaln Cartage & Bxpross rooms, Brushes, Soaps, ato 148.88 Light & Power Salaries Salaries Print', Receipt 187.0% TAN 60.00 1,000.00 A840 " 18,886.70 13.90 110.84 2,000.00 18,190,080 Rapenditures $16.82 06,08 410.48 486.0% 174.48 1880.48 480,08 LER nr 448 1, TORN S41 108.88 24.00 2,078.78 CR IFR LL] 153.90 Nurses Help stationery, Ete, Refund to patients Patd Overdraft of Oot, iat, 1028, 281.00 Oot, Int, "29, Dal, in Dank 413.04 -- 18,190.80 Mrs, V, NH. Storey, President of the Women's Auxiliary, presented the report of thip organisation, Mombera of last year's wera re-elected with ¥ O, Mollvean filling the vacanoy, \ At a subuequent meeting of ¢ board these officers were elected: President «8, KF, Moria, " VieesPrealdent==W, Roan Sivike, Reo'yoTrean 0, 11, Mason, Bxeoutive Committe «= J, W, Alexander, T, 8 Holgate, W, J, Dudley, TT, A, Roan, J, O'Neill and Mosdamen V, H, Storey, Thos, Toda and BR, Nounsall, representatives from the Women's Auxiitary, 4 A vote of thanks was passed to all Who had assisted in " way in carrying on the work of the howpital so anocesstully during the PARL Yoar, \ Throvahout the world trees are subject to attacks feom 200,000 kinda of insects, A A Hungarian has invented aps PATALIY to tranemic motion ples tres either hy wire or Made,

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