Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Dec 1929, p. 3

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a ' JLY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 6, 1929 Report of Convention of The Canadian Legion Received with inthusiasm at D bison nl Resolus tign of Important Gath. g Held in Regina Last Described in Two- Address by Dele- SIR RTHUR UR CURRIE'S Rese WAS READ {by ee new antlon or Nave forvive men and re, M, Fi i Raiser, MP, ant MaVor "r B. Mitohell, who, at the ¢lose of the address of the evening, they ex pres "in eulogistio terms thelr Hi fdtion of the work of the ® delpgate to the Leglon eons fon, 'add of the worl of tha kes fon as a whole Oanrade of, 1 be by. president of the hrinen, fded aver tha meating A National Vales Presenting his veport on the do ae nrada Hd | tf \ A Ha wihnderta) | impressiof re ane Mndby which also ranches of Canadian Legion in the Units minds of | States, Despite the strength af 16 was pointed out, the convention dealt with the problems under diss olselon from the hroad ylewpoint oq data avelfarey and the a harmony and unanis He dt {1 Was, rofreahs ig to every . Touching in the problems dealt with, the speaker sald the high 4 (Conthned on ppgoe 12) Hl "| COMMENCE MONDAY (CROWN . . PROSECUTOR 1 next wre wele avnthoy fas Sar, _--_ on shaw STORK | t TAN rng re a | | Fig Jewels , Gems of Old World Genius Sa auhy ik Jou ge gown, You will find in Viewing the atmactive-looki ide in OY J n you Sah re . KING STREET WRaT (a being Incurred, Large Meeting HEADS KINSMEN' LEON ONIER Wha has been elected president of the Oshawa Kinsman's Club for the ensuing year, ONO TRIAL MAY: AT WHITBY COURT GIVES THIS INTIMA. TION YESTERDAY Improbable Trial Will Bagin Tomorrow, He States The trial of Frank Daono, Osh» awa Italian, who 18 charged with the murder of Mrs, Hophie Koh arniok, of Oshawa, which 1s sohed: wed for the fall "asninon of the wuprema Court, now in weasion ut Whithy, will not commence unt) Monday It 1s expected W. A, Stillwell, counsel for the defence, appeared befora Mr, Jus- tice Wright and the court yestel fay alternoon and annolineed that the defence was ready to proceed with the trial, "I would Hke to 1 aow whether the esurt would he prepared to sit gatnrday?" he asked "1 would not be wise to change the order of the court," His Lord. hip commented, "This 1s a mal tar whieh 1s entirely in the hands of the Crown prosecutor "We have one witness from the Ontario Reformatory at Guelph," Mr, Stillwell mentioned, "Expenie your Lovdship hy Xeenine him here Mr, Williams, s#pectal Crown prosecutor, intimated that It was improbable that the "Huono trial would commence hefare Monday, "Heine onthe nevi case, Mp, Justice Wright instruetod, a CHICKENPOX ONLY COMMUNICABLE DISEASE IN CITY |Bixteen Cases of This Mal- 'andy Were Reported Dur. ing November T. B. CLINIC 82 Tubereulosls Cases Ex amined During the Month Chickenpox was practically the only communicable disease whieh wis pros valent In the eity during the month of November aecording to, the report of Miss 13, 12, Harrls, public health nurse, which was presented at the reine meeting of the Hoard of Health held in the city offices last wight, There were 10 eases of this disease reported during that period, the report stated, A tuperewioss ciple was held by the provineis! department of healtp a the city last mont and 82 opses were examined and Xerayed, all ol whom were recerved by local phys glans, As yet no report has been re gived upon these cases 'he report showed that the eity's health department has been active aking protective measures against dlphitieria and searlet fever, "Ihe children of six city schools have 1 ceived 1460 doses of anti=toxing thus rently inereasing thelr chances ul scaping either searlet fever or diph eri attacks, I'wo ehild welfare elinies were held uring the month and the attendance was as follows Canadian Foreign Cline Cline 'ata Attendance JH Kl cof Infants IN 14 i of Preschools 0 132 13 y of New Infants , Y . No, of New Pre-school Age Children oi 00 No, examined by Dy fhe BET IN Miven vageinations Continued on ne Wt alley The fi lowing are the visits made (0 Jontinked on page 3) KINSAN'S CLUB ELECFS OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR Leon Osler Is President and T, L. Wil:on, Vige- President At an enthusiastic meeting of the Kingmen's Club held In Welsh's Parlours last evening the afeers and directors of the eoming year wera nominated and elected, They Are Past hell; President, br, IL, KH, Hub 1, Oaler;: Viee T, L, Wilson] Hegretawy, Q. Palmer; Treasurer, ¥, Har Jett) Regintrar, W, Luke, The di reetora ware; R, Atorks, T, Youny and D, CO, Fowler, J, Hoover was A laled pditor of the "Kin" and will dontrol the destinies of that President, President, Subscriptions Permanent Office New them at Times Office, of The Times, It is twice blest," CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND AND ASSOCIATED WELFARE SOCIETIES Telephone 1206, Kindly make cheques and donations payable to order of T, W, Joyce, Treasurer, sending same to him or leave Public acknowledgment will he made daily in columns "The quality of mercy is not strained, Requested For Open in Times Building WEED BILL IN THIS CITY WAS $2.80 INSPECTOR SAYS Large Cost to Citizens Due to Recent Provincial Act 4,380 VACANT LOTS South-East Ward, No, Has Most Vacant Prop- erties of Any City Ward gutting bill this year amounted to the formidable (o tal of B4NB0.00 the report of 1, A 2 Oshawa's weed periodieal for the ensuing year, as well as handling publelty for the lub, + Card of Thanks Mrs, OC, Hurlbert and family wish io thank their many friends who so Gindly wave of thelr time and the adies who gave baking, the Ont | HE jeaple donot realize the es that mean so much to J. Brown Motor Sales for thelr kindness in oaning their eave, and any others during their recent sad bereavement (1a) Saravana ddd! Coming Lk Lvents | verw # Conta per . Word each In sortion, Minimum charge for each (sertion, dvirdvirdrebdriniebd dr dninbdnebddy WORLD RE ha Bh Welsh Imperial Singers will he at hing Sng Street United Church, ! Friday, Brecembor thth, 418 and $08 pon Auspices of the Choi | (13h) OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS, Saturday, Degember 2th, Dancin 840 pa. Music by Frank Carew and his Commanders, featuring Ril Fredericks Toronto's famous Venu Sax player, He sure to come and enjoy a real evening, (Ah) MADAME = BROWN, PALMIST, | Phone appointments 2006F 3 Louisa Street, (13h) WMMAGE SALE IN SIMCOE NT, Churgh basement Saturday, De gomber 7th, at one o'olack, (1) IQUARR AND ROUND DANCE Al Ht, Andrew's hall, 690 Alben street, Saturday aight, Dee, Tih, fepturing Joe Hpencer and his Bean Pullers, Admission he, g (182%) AR THE "MIKADO" AT THE Re vmental Rand Convert, Regent | Theatre, Sunday evening, Decem hel, Doors open 813 pan, (1330) | OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS apeotal round and square dance commencing 8, » . Mit wy Pat Shannon Hap makers A nian! leadiug dance planist in a0loa and song, (1320) ry TT T-- Need For Contribution To Welfare and Chrisimas Fund Growing M Today's Additions to a' Fund Amount to Only $118, Including Cheque for $100 from Mayor T, B. Mitchell GENEROUS RESPONSE , URGENTLY REQUIRED Major Hamilton Requests That Particulars of Local Families in Need of Assist ance Be Sent to Him at Once The Community Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund 1a growing but it lg growing far ton slowly to meet the neacsgnf the situation whieh lg being rovealad as the In vestigatora for the fund Inquire In to the reports received of families In need, Today's addition to the fund amounts to §11500, the chief contribution helng # cheque Tor $100 from Mayor ¥, BK Mighall In order to reach a total which will enable the extglting conditions to he dealt with anything like nde guately, thousands of dollars must Sl be added to the amount or the fund, and every day the need seomes greater and more urgent Many reports of families In need have already heen received hy Ma Jor George Hamilton, seevetary of the fund, who la having all reporia fully Investigated, Major Hamil ton requests, however, that all re porta of families requiring wasist ance ha sent to him at once, Ho that they oan he investigated Leaving reports to the last me ment means that there oan be no Investigation, and as a result, wol thy families may he left off the Trophies s Won | ore Urgent Daily Christman distribution Het Just Ce gauss the elreumstances have not heen called to the attention of the fund necrelary, Partipulurs om neady families should be sent to | Major Hamilton, § Bond Hireet, at ones, or telephoned to him at No WT \ Meanwhile, the appeal for eon tributions 1s renewed, and The Times Joins with the committes In puEking that these he made prompt and mpenerously, Contributions can he sent to I, W, Joyes, mannan ar of thy Dominion Bank and treas urer of the fund, or ean he left at the office of the Oshawa Dally Times The following Is the list of eon tributions to date "RB a, Ww nt, $1,000.00 1,000 100 no Low MoLanghlin +, Mebaughlin Mallenide Tron Ua, Mrs, Mahal Hobson Mayor 1, 1, Mitohell MC Polloe Dep, Ward's J, BD, MaekKay N Waolwoerth Company Ouhawa Letter Carriers, Dr, 1 W, 4, MaKay Lend-A-Hand Club Hev, HW, Harston ,,, Hoanes Hros W. H, French KE D F. & un [111} uly [1 LU] uu ou LUA) LU 0 10,00 10,00 0 un ah (1) 10 10 10 10 1) Hartel Mes, Kita Urals J, HW, Minng and Puckett Hros, #& L.0n A Friend $00 T, 0, Vanson \ Mrs, J, Bluan 0 An Expressman on A Friend TIL no OB WW, 'i 1.00 hou Hon uo Welly Total ta date Es LR RLA contributions ave, Cooper Smith Co, Lid, 100 pounds rolled ont and twa haps of potatoes) Jury & Lovell, (per Mr, Wallnos), 80 pounds of _Oandy, by Parkwood Other wood Horses are on Display Here A wonderful display of gliver plate and other trophies, won hy the hordes of Parkwood Hiablea during this year at the different horse shows throughout Canada and 'the United HNiates, ta he geen in the window of Hros,, Jjowellers The dlaplay which ld shown In the window represents only a trav tion of the total number of tro philes that have been won hy the horses of R, #8, Melaughlin, This window, mally decorated with a host of colored prise ribbons and brightened hy many peces of wil y ln eventing a great deal of t umong the passers-by, wlong with Is elt Inter These prises, those mo that are not shown, were won at virions places, anol as Balintow, amilton, dt Catharines, Cobourg, Roston, Newleklay, Mutton, Chinas dian National Exhibition, New York and the Royal Winter Fair, foronte, They represent some of the highest. honors that are to he won In the agquing world and are a oredit ta the owner, These tro phies will ha on display tn Felt Broa', window until Saturday nEht of this week, own tearoom Overheard in a Cape hoy) 1 "Wher Waitress (10 native are the cups, Hn?" fim: "The eu a 'am," are still busy, RR POTATOES your 'inter stock, NEW BRUNSWICK down by the sea, We anticipate higher prices for potatoes, and recommend immediate purchase of stock from way UXBRIDGE atock from the well known sand hills of Uxbridge, $1.80 Per 90 ib. Bag HOGG & LYTLE Limited PHONE 203 We stand behind the quality of our stook, 00 | hoo | dubbell, sanitary and plumbing in spectar yevealed whon It wis present ed to the board of health at its regu lar meeting last night, OF this wm gity property, either for vacant lots owned by the eity or for streets and street allowances, hh ramsinder must be eolleeted from the owners oi vient properties, dhe largest num her of these praperties are located in wird No, £4 and in this ward the ust amounted to $1,007 40 In the compilation of this inform pon of the sivaation some interesting diets were found by the sanitary in speotar with regard 10 the ownership of vacant lots, "Lhe number of lot looted in the various wards are as follows | Ward No, | Properties Total Vacant ah §/ 2) Division 1 4404 Ihivision 2 (44 Division 3 4.4 Ward No, 2 Diyislun 4 b Division 8 4400 0 Livision 2 Ghy Division 1362 Wend No. 3 ' 0d \ 1a! Ward No, 4 10 1) I URL) W io uy Ward Neo, § Division 134 117 17 FOYEAL 1350 1.150 Approximate cost ol cul 11} with 1hvision Division Division Division Lhivision Division hus the Ing weeds Ward No, | Ward LAIR] 1007 40 1 50.70 YAR (LL) 31 cost § No, 2 with JU gost Ward No, & with 193 eos Ward No, 4 with 1441 ¢ Ward N 9 \ 117 gost 7 | 4150 § JHTO NS | With regard to the situation at the arbage dumpling ground Aubbell comments hire TEL) Inspector dimeulty thy seems to he som ha on charge of Pagan 6) vho really (Continued ELECTIONS TO THE BOYS' PARLIAMENT HELD TOMORROW Teen ume hoya tn the various Sunday Pehools tn Oshawa are the subjects of sloctioneering this week, In preparation for the eles tions to the Ontarle Tuxis Boys Parliament whieh are being held famarrow, The two candidates In (he Osh Awa constituency are Douglas Hens derson and Clittord Baker Hen deraon le a well-known member of the Camelot Taxis dguare of Bm pon BE United Chureh, and 1d pros minent in the various activities of the olub and of the Sunday Nohoeol Af A whole, Haker Is the present mem@er from Oshawa, and WW the ohatvman of the elty Doye' Work Boal, He ts mentor of the Albion reall Ranger camp of King street United Chureh, The election Ia helng held tomar pow, with polling from one to six o'elook In the YYMOA, © NH Millard of thin olty fa the retuwn ing oMeer, There are about iu hoya, members of organized Sune day Hohool olpases ov OBR groups tn this eity and in Harmony on the voters' Mat Born MeRAY AT THE: OSHAWA wneral Hospital, on Deo, 4, 1938, 10 My, and Mrs, John MoRay (hee Ruby Kemp) a aon. (A) aA me " FUNERAL NOTICE [ MOTHERSILL=IN EAST WHIT ay, on Thursday, Decenber Sth, 1929, davion Mothersill, aged. 62 years uneral fram the family residence ot & Con, 1, East Whithy, on Sats vedi, December Rib, Service at 3.40 wm, Interment Bt, George's cemetery, (LRAT) ' 'rivate, \ 1 Deathe | TOK KS- ON DECEMRER STH, (920 at Roland, 'Manitoba, James I dtocks, formerly of Columbus, Oat, Ww his TB year, Husband of Mars: wet Ormiston, Ui) | TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ARTEFEREANS TLORT MEHR rey serge TAN nary new, see WW | 18 App Monk (1a) | PAR NT 10 2) NT TOWN wit building, hardwood floors, steam eat, Hlootrio retvigerator and stove, Wot water, newly decorated, hnmeds Mle posvgavion, Phone 1708M. (1) Two Floors of my DIES IN OSHAWA pint $1000 will he charged aging | CALVIN HURLBERY Wha died on DRo, 1 at Hu Gd, He wan a well know her of Albert Biroot Chureh how nue ol nomem United dribble dodo { OBITUARY 1} TE a CALVIN HURLBERT I, wi Hed of CHS Wi of Hayden, be of the late M Huaribert, or Laes Calvin Hurlhei Decom her Int, the nh DOFR I Lhe towneaip ul Ing the vi Mi nest i" il Vuron Aon Mrs, Hurlbert His hirst tab! I baron tnd ong L.onson Aries wl Hers Wie wii wie wis Miss Cai uh i dig pon were horn to this wi Hurlbert, of Detroit} Harve Livel t Oklahoma, Giretta of New York wha died In nfm ih wis 10 -Mi nd daughter of M Mr, Wm, Ball, ol bride, Onin Ii slrvive thi Mra, Mer Hulbert, all of Oshawa and Miss Jessie at hom Mr, Hurlbert spent the early 1 hin hile und Cas pnd the latter part In Claremont a Oshawa, Mi TRL ent member Street Ui ited Chureh, Wve part [! anything with ehureh work, Ho was a member of the Vea perty hoard My, Hurlbert was om ployed at the General Motors plant Oshawa, tor elght years and was well thowght of hy all Ms fellow workmen Pho cause of his death was a stroke which he sutterell suddenly while th family, with the phon ol Mes Hurlbert, was Sunday Hin ning Lhe funeral { al is hong at 2 o'eloek hy the tang, During the services keok sang aweetly, "Phy and "When the Roll is Called up Yonder," (by vequest), Mr What tam spoke Teelingly, oxpressing his heartlelt svmpathy for the family ands wpoke of the fellowship of the deceased din eonnestion with the chureh work, Interment was wade in the family plot at Claremont cometery, The pall were Lorne Ferguson, of Hic Heawn, R. Valentine, Thomas wn and M, Sharpe who attended the funeral were Lonsan Hurl , Murlhery, of De Gn, Aldred, of Little Mi Mi po nd Laverau ¥ il yl | und Hra ren now IHRE ape Ler Hall, seg the Inte Mi | on Hollis Calvin Miss Gladys Wiian vin M Cnllogley i'r 8 ol noand we en mi Furibert w min of the Albert Lik Lanne ng an vied ab ehrely wih eondueted Fuesday, Dee, |, A What Mien, La Holy Cliy" NAR IN} on Roy WOArOTE kell, { Stephen hose from a distaneo hort, of Detroit trol nnd Mrs { Reitudn, Ont Floral tributes were reeaived from Albert Street United Churgly, Sprays from the mill voom and lumber vad Mes, 0 Edwards, Mr, and Mes Adama, Mr, and Mes, Carkeoky My & Mes, SW, Clark, Me, & Mes, J Molloy, Mr, and Mes, TL Rall, Mis Nlanche Ball, Me, and Mes, A,B Spencer and dankhter, Kathleen, The Hope CGLT, wroup of the Albert Street Chureh, Me, and Mes, WW, Ax tell, My, and Mes, Talmadue Rabe, Mr, Mes, Chas, Knlght, Master Ray Fapping he front, rear ar bath ends of an automobile gether ean he rvalsed with a' new Jak that 1s intended to be permanently mounted and operat od hy a erank 'at one side PAGE T T HREE Luncheon Marks Preliminary Opening of New Genosha Hotel of Hotel Ready, Others Will be in Operation in Near Future It is Stated Difficulties In Finishing Structure Have Been Overcome and Hotel Will Soon Be Open From Top to Bottom, Says President FORMAL OPENING TO BE HELD SOON Chamber of Commerce Asks od to Assume Charge of Function to Mark Oceas slon--Harry Fall of Corn~ wall, Appointed Manager Announcement thaw twa floors of the biotel Genoshe gre now I Gpera fon, and that in the near futlire the Whole hotel would he in, operation, piving the public servige and "eeam modation of the very highest ype, du luncheon tendered by the management ta ou group of yasterduy, in hans profminary opening of the hotel, "this announcement wid made na brlel addyess delivered by F, E, brewing president of the Hotel Gens y who dad that in spite sand disconragements wf NE nature, the eompany Was clone to the aeeamplishment ef reat project of providing Oshawa tel whieh would be & eredis hate! Pr Ww uk the Hinent eitigens osha Compan Faire uit ih uh La Hi Io WW Heinle it Butler, one of the of the hatel sampany, the Hghit ful warmest chief of presided luncheon, which was & des funetion, and evoked the prise of those who. were privileged to he guests, At the elose {the repast, Mr, Hutler welcomed th and galled on Mr, lowin, president of the company, to address witherin Nat Vermal Opening hw emphas Poa HE Tune hivn wise 0 he the Tormal LILY IE noted, but tat tet Ila In the Tar disant when LY 10 wn compete hotel sefs WHE Fendy the guess It WARK, however, the opening of wa hoors or the notel, wien hisl rnisaed and made ready fap Ho requested Mavor Mits coll und Go W, Mebaughiing as prass ent ob the Chamber of Commeree, 1a be the nest to sign the hate regs wer, an ht tue Ota Hhenty would also sign thelr names to this momento Ie OUcuRian, Pointing out that the hotel gom pany had faced great dithenlties and discouragements in thelr ehorts to pedeh the present stage, My, Irwin dd hg wins happy that these had uvereome, and that i would for the hotel Gens public w hotel sers viee that would be second (0 none in Canada for the rates which would he charged, This would mean a rad nl veversal uf hotel condition in Oxhinwa, and was a justifigation of the falth which he und his colleagues had always had in the future of thelr pros feet, He believed that the goal was now Lin sight, and that soon te hotel would he in operation from flop Jo hattam, and would he tends or the formal opening, This, he saidy would bo i Wreat oocasion, a ha proposed to ask the Oshawa Chamber of 8 Ole merce to assume charge of all the plans for that funetion In conclusion, he bespoke far tha company the eharty co-operation and woodwill of the eitlsens of Oshawa, s0 that the hatel might hecome an important centre of the social commer on and business Hie of the eity, Mayor Mitehell Mayor Mitchell, galled on by tha dhnteman, expressed the geeatest sats Wtnction that the hotel was now! peady for at lonst a partial opening, and wild he regretted that there nad heen any evitielim of the project wt any time. He sald ali eitizens should he hooters of & project af this kin sine Oshawa was not a finished eity ove Ir In | I FOBT E, ar Hint HOE imtenug i (A FIT wold bie dure, Hew hot they whi nounes thst wu Vive oy 1 heen aon he posaihle osha to give the without a hotel of this type, He was glad 10 welcome Mi Butler, AN , sity leon of Oshawa, and said he the elttgens would give their hoped sahport to the hotel, Gr Wi Melaughlin GW, MeLawghlip, president of the (Continued on Page 2) A so Every Week Night (Except Saturday) at 7.30 REV, ALBERT HUGHES, B.A, IN CHARGE Calvary Baptist Churchdy, A DIFFERENT PROGRAM RACH Niunt ¥ . -- Tonight GOSPEL MALE Will Have Charge ing Also hear these aplondid singer avery Bunmday afternoon S80 LLB ht over CERB=tome Rangel How UARTETTE the Meet Fem Neat wo elev, Albert Haahos 4% Doth servives, (1 amy TR) Bpocial masie, "Meetings Continved All Next Week Noe Naturday's Times For Fall Program -_ Prayer Meetings in Homes Every Afternoon All meetings are undenominatio nal iy Paul of all Shitehes | ae of ne Shute, are . ANY vit charactor anu ap

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