Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 7

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Tr rey. PACE SEVEN ERs shot eed ATI 0a i " ul ai wi ig gpl SEES pe ---- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929 FCTEMA CASED | <p stesso OY] frenny of ivf to know ita sub otanes overtook her, She wanted jt to be rough with her, to toss ler about, to frolle with her, She "iplr Primer--~Ross Brown, Myr wvis, Lone Dunn, Douglas Jones, SM [ )) (Pp) i 8 H ele Blaly and Bernlge Blair ah- f k! iss Hard-Boiled £ tpeyr we gn The dark, exotle bbauly of Ra Bit dae ot rb, r 0 Your In where she uns served as ohiet model o Courbet, noted fash The latest to suodumb gharmn ts Krio Btaftopd, son / uh "with 11 "i Ww I] ( ¢ summoned him to , Brie walks Raquel to ma , 8k the same tine telling hr ty beonuse of his father's opposl 10 the match, he will have to ance bis succession to the title estate, Without giving Erfo Raquel coldly | ed BY JANE DIXON I dont mean to, I could have built Urie's passion into someting deap- or, mors, permapent, But' to do It would have meant walking through dust, breathing, esting, thinking dust, | think thet no position, how over high, ls worth that price." An they glided along the open round that unwound like a white ribbon' through green fislds, » small boy ran toward them waving # hbuneh of, whd flowers In hiv wrimy han " ua glgnaled tie chauffeur to the ear, Bhe took a handful or ance trom har bag. without re. ward to denomination. .and held them toward the boy as she gather: ed in the flowers, He stood, 0. Later awe 2 Courbet's that she cannot a o| ahion, fortune that had stupefied for a moment, at the fallen hi Then, with a shrill ory of Joy, he started pell-mell toward at atohs the luxuries to whioh she has be- ed eottame down a lane, come noouatomed, and accept & Hite of hardship and self-denial, such as Bri had plotured as her lof, fhe had known real havdehips and poverty in the dust of the Arizona town of Wermosa, where she had left her father end mother and tittle brother, Jose, Chapter BS When Alphonse Courbet, study. ing his collection of jades, coneeds od to be the finest current annals art, «heard the tinkle of a tele: phone on ly pihisgert, he sen {impanding ehanwe, ., oe be, Wo had soaresly pt ainea his vetun from New ork weeks ago, Raquel nojon, +.» 1g poly", mow about to he uaplunted from ha own exotle 4 garden Into an Puglish conntryside tye Muquel was lost to him, Alwave he had been phla to Ret that which he desired, 1f It eluded him for a while, he waited, Tn the ond, he won, We waa, for rvamnle. disdainful of marriage, We had never married, Yet he had known many beautiful women, The treasures of art he soveted | had come, eventually, Inte hie hand, These were the Reheion of soni, Women were but a ness -) fanav, We loved bevuty In all ite forma. Women were but one axe pression of beauty, A Dbenutifel note that dled down aulekly into . hollow echo of flteell," When heauty died the mediup through whieh t "hid been eThptged held no more interest for him, There was Pavline, In New York, Once the waw 8 wild rose, fresh and tender and flushed, W tulokly ah a faded, She h become A nuisance. .n whining, agama Hi, fawning greature that in. ve found : oud hunger for or als even though sha came to he | ng image of the one she wl her.apacter, (he Ingredihi: Preept, Raquel was gratefu! that Al phone showed neither surprise nor fosiatance to her requeat that she ' allowed to go on to Deauville lately, 6 ear will come for you be fore aight," he sald, 'Mave only the Ihinge for yo Ju diate needs packed, Iw New wale! | Deauville, A "100, The chau tor Nise rete, Nn a ur will receive full natrnotions, "Bat you," wistfully, ,, thought you were going too, for a hol'day, Ar A ands stoo His brow wan JU, J, re in throat worked ~ Ahe wanted yr Fr ier We is id hoy homed, at ught, He had ore, her 1 low fas . a gam! Ha" Sty the --~-- rie tleahpots he had created in woman strong enough to sur vive a single knawing ambition? "Would she Immolate the sense an «the altar of a tradition? believed ashe would met, Her Ite for beauty, fer the velvet "lite, was insal able, But he not be sure, until now, He alized that she was running away ™ Batted 4 Rg down, later," he sald, be La ay 9 ssually, ear set, » bh hurt by . of enth . Ml Greta complained he hurried across the garden " I i oar, "What an hour to ¢ an honest girl out of bed" i had Sindy netiled Inte thie euahions, oy will be a glovlous ride" she ta, Hehtly, "Rlimey!"™ sald Greta, settling fate the ater corner, "Throwing ¥ a title doesn't sive 4 ». Ahi You just toss and walt for the ne 'Ss no nee ween about mig conlln t It does TRI Wg TRAY Nm Rate ni way and slamming it "hls face" potter so, Wa will hate pe ® part of a woman, he will find ble," : \ ™ = sulfettun really loves her, for me fs diften 3: pM he unreal emotion op dra 'em tease vy Ranunel was likely nto a ir hiee aeain, "Jone, mur ad Manna), "Now m, | alsa," he will pot ride on a fat sleek pony groaned Greta from behind dow in the morning to breathe ome of 'afr with a tang of salt in it sunshine was still thin, pats Ah ' r was ently, ghe knew, Fhe had not |t heard Greta come In from The Cas ino, The door ef Greta's room wan ajar, Her evening bag was fos sed op the living-room table along with a ruin of tattered orohids, When Raquel opened the outer door to 8 ving, she found her own pert French maid "irpine volubly, her arms Indep with bandboxes and br leg " Tare ride all night with the trunks," she sald, fluttering about the room In an sitompt fo revt"ve order, "Monsieur send us both hy motor transport, ¥ have keep my ave on your trunks, Miss Orela's A hotel porter brought (n the trunks, and wan not overly quiet in handling them, "My mothar's apron atvines!" the a) BOR 3 ran tought it bask, throwing out her arma, straggling with ft, Until, ip an Instant, trensy be- oame panies, Mudthing lind grips pod her in the hack, Just between the shoulders, Wag tearing at her uit ea if to wrench It or, The salt water was fn Blinding ber, In her (vost § her, Her halting now was t, Bhe strove desperately row off the gr r bask, but held the tighter, Whe tried to ery out, A rush of sen-water awept into her nose, ,., fote har very lungs, ft seemed, Fhe was helng towed, awitt)y now, by that grip at her hack, Oui to sea? Bhe could not tell, Alphonse, A black velvet hal with white paradise feathers fin ¢ hi, Bud, Hundreds of toy tin horns outside a great station, toting seveaming, Luey,,, mother, ,, 0h Tey, rer in earn to Ii It might have "boon aons after ward that the waven ds of Rague) ojos fluttered ever so slightly, then opened slowly, Wer mind had not yet thrown off the terrer ol her struegle with the sea, ®he on ly knew that she was looking straight into the troubled gray eyes of a man who leaned over her, There was a glint in his haly where the sun struck fit, "She has regained conscious ness," the man sald, "Fhe will be all right In a few winutes," The man leaned ¢loser, She felt 8 pressure on her chest, A steady bearing down that was painful, Khe wanted to ery out, Only a faint moan of protest eseaped her, A Hittle stream of salt water trickled out over her lips, "Lio still, pleass," the man order: od orleply, anticipating her effort to sit up and look shout her In the strange world to which she had come, "I'll valse you when fit Is time," Bho closed her eyes, Bhe lad discovered that, after all, the effort to rise was not worth making, An eontasy oame over her, The man with the gray eves... his voles wis lke a how Arawn aeross the strines nf her anni, We would push Away the sea, Shey lunched In the Inn of W! lam the Conquerer, with a groom at its head." "What's that about aeked Greta "Nothing, T wan Just thinking a bout a little boy I once knew." of William the Conaueror, with herbs and its great kitohen of shins ing hie oned, u At the last mament frets came aeandly te Raquel, already walls * In the oar, "It's stuuning "hut what are you molng with 119" Wha caret" winwine the kettle wa thet fin #'des oaneht the llehg of the sun, "The main thing fa thd T mot 1, V weaationlly had to blast, thoweh, Mv! these frogs are tough egme to nt "Da you mean H's a wifi?" RNa al anked tnoredalonely, Yay, dearte, you don't think 'm guttine nangp dalle yet, op mop me apound buvine hase Weltles, This bimbo, had tears In his eves when he cefsed to struesle We's the big nat*s n this Joint, "Major PDavehmare," Rrqual knew she shou'd remons '*ate with thin navehte, greedy Orata, ®ve cold not, The lanehe ter wonld oame, deapite hen effort 40 shines It, A Dindville! thev fonnd a suite "A heen ones oad far them at the "etal Normandie, i Raowel lived the nlace at once, Tt wan gay, Prisht lobed nf soarlet weraniuma and vatehes of purple "itunias rvioted alone windows 'adaes nf the anatng tim hosed hni'd. ne, One lurched and dned on a hrasd apen veranda level with the "ne LA "Ooh! sald Angle, "det a load of thet ocean, We sotta wet some sof=aing hathineauite, desvia TI simnly froth at the month If 1 haye to a't wader an wmheally and look A tha mana" ; | a for a dts tn row hofapa the heseh pA] HWA a minute, dearle, Wald avervihine 1 think T sen a Himba 7 "uow Rack in tha a'd hame tawn, Whoopste, T And 'em, wo matter where they hide. sid Rania Greta was "aok tn a few minutes, Muhniing with anticipation for the avant ne, "T wan right she gold "One of wy Hite ntavmates from the Lane Tland ®«t Not much money, but nlenty of fun, We wants ta drew us paver ta he Castro tonight, Dia 1 vae Wat "I ananose you didn't" Tanwhad Raqrel, "Rut van must say No for we, I'm going to get my beauty Aleen, WEavddv, lak don't 101 ma you've Alacavered a frow's foot en your nearly gheek tt » MLhaves't vat Wnt J may, at anv vo amant, IFT tre a hap yane pace. a know, Greta's wise evan Manted Wie acouation, "Yau're nutting he old high hat. You don't thin rurhing off te sudden he. MR vou 1 "know that hiwmha, Mm nv a riot Be what van oall the pleht neanta® "ame ather time, Greta," sal Nennal, with finality, wirthingaly, Manatee At toast When Raous! weit to the wins groomat' | they tell us they were fig old-tavhioned garden of awest b Tout of the Kitehen with a Isyre Th a _groupiera took me for t nar kettle, Which aie avhihited ride" | Ww purled Greta, ty I» 'Inlly open door, "Why didn' : tearing ¢ on the pulldingr"" "I'm sorry dear," Rague! called "It's the trunks, I should have They lunched In the ancient Inn 0lo ed your door," a Then the alr m1) muat v, "Don't you want to get up and ha for a dipt" "Oueh! My head's splitting # "Thon vay 100" Bympathetieals fram Ranuel, No, my ho friend did, AN Y to da "ad to do with It was te plok the 'rong Rambers, Fram a selection of Dething fin: sry, much of whieh would not with etand the dampness of a sprine shower, minh leas an ocean aurh, Raruel ond Greta ehose two praes tend antfils, When they reached the deserted heath the tide was far out, Ra nue) aned across the sand to meet (t, Greta, Nmping and groaning, followed, "Gosh." she sald when she dip ped a toe gingerly tn a thin sheet of pale green water that ritfled to. ward her, "Wouldn't vou know I'd forget my wheelohalr an & morning like this?" Ranuel waq alrsady far out, anlaahine and floundering in the water like a frollosame puppy, When they came in the heagh hod Bexun to take on a touch of lite, Nursea with thelr eharges were pranaring 40 butld forts and towers of sand that later would be destroyed hy the tncomine tide, "The crowd won't he dewn for hours," sald Creta, "T's a soolal error to be seen on the beach hee fore eleven." They stretohed, full-lgneth, the warm, white sand, Greta dos od, Raone! watohed the tide ereep across the sands, Out there somewhere, at the other adwe of this damsiing obean waa another acean, A desert ocean ) the midet of the desert ocean hag ly L] » ne the prone! Blame of the aun, At the baski of the shack in the shadow a drab woman with hopeless arse nounded meal for endlesa pllan of leathery slaba, Wer matt. Jue '|. prenaring tortillas, A aveat bul of & men awaevared: thraveh the dust In front of the shack, Paneha, hound for his morning oun at Keno Pete's Romewhere fn the ' shack a small hor with winttul, friehtensd eyes cowered, 'waiting for the eoha of the man's footateps to Ale away Was she, Race! Rades, really hare, on the shores of France? With heaunty, money, luxury at her command? Mad she fled the desert o0ean mare tan two years ago, riding throush {te starlit stillness toward, vor this? OF was It esters ay Was the 'dohe hut tn the desert ocean & mirawe? Op would she wake wh suddenly with Noho roaring for hig hack 1? Find that thie damaling hue y Greta, the children over there with their nurees, the villas nailing under de So woh ereatu of phame anv She had » sudden notion she mun of fhe blue ocean, test 'is reality, Bho rose without wake 'ag Greta Ran forward eaverly waat the senile onpting surf, Yes, this was a real cotan, 4 (Continued To-Mmorrow) SIX PERSONS ARE BY FIRE IN HOME e-- Father and Fiye Children Lose Lives--Mother and | Two Others Saved Alfred, Ont., Dee, B=Paul Bap tiste Sauve and five ot his ehild- ren ranging in age from 8 to 10 ears, were burned to death when fire wap. thelr farm home near here early yesterday, Mrs, Hauve with her son, Paul, aged 18, escap ed by Jumping from the second storey as the flames roared througn the frame house Unable to save her husband and the other children whose escape had been out off, the frantic mo. ther threw her one-month+ld baby out the window onto the snow out. alde, and then jumped for her own Ite, Both her legs were hroken inthe leap and these painful in. Juries, along with the resultant shook, may result In her death, ii is feared, The dead arei~--Faul B. Bauve, aed 38; Hmile, 10; Alfred, 8; Da- vid, 6; Elisabeth, 4; Pejer, 2 The fire broke out from an un known cause around 3 o'clock yes. terday morning and had gained a strong hold on the wooden strue- ture before Mrs, Bauve awoke, choking from the smoke, to fina her bedroom & mass of flames, Jumping out of bed, ahe fought hey way to the door In an endeavor vo arouse her husband and the five ohildren who were asleep in tas rear of the house, A veritable wah of flamen rushing up the stalroase out her off, however, after orying to her husband that the house was on fire, she broke the window of her bedroom, dropped her infant daughter onto the snow, and, arer helping her son, Paul, jump to safety, she leaped to the ground herself, From her cot in the Hawkesbury hoapital, suffering intense agony, with both her legs broken, her face | and hands painfully burned, Mrs, Sauve recounted how she had fu. thiely attempted to rise from th | ground after escaping from the | flames, The burns about her face and: hands are severe, while tue pain of her fractured le nee a ia oxoru- faa It will necessitate a long tale 0 wh her life, also Rvs the Julie | gaa sustain nternal injure a Way result In her ad: dllion to the ready large toll of human fe, The scene of the tragedy by the provinelal miles from this vil} which 1s some 40 miles east of tlawa, The Hauve family, vealdents of thls dls triet for only three ope, were not well known here, is belleved Sauve brought his yA here trom Vankleek Hill, to eatablish the farm home on whieh the trag: edy soured, CONLIN'S SCHOOL AUTUMN REPORT Other Interesting News Items From freon fa close # two | " d= The following [EN] the report of the fall examinations " Kedron, Dee, 3 MUCH PAIN lost # tof I "Thin cube vied» Delors we cakes of Cutiours of Cutleurs Dia healad, Hires Va ; Ont, June , 1038, a aS iar Jonp an and Oints Cato fur Conlin's school, Kast Whithy ] » No ki i 0G H A Sr, IVeeGladys Blair, Frank Hos 1, Jr, IV Sr, 11 Louis Pogson, Lloyd Btork, Verna Selleck, Kddie Gal ka, Florence Groat Jr, HleGlen Hosking Josephine alka, Frank MeCann, John James, Junior Tl=Blanehe Walr, Verna rown, Wray Stork, Kvelyn Brook henlor Le=Jean Yellowlees, MeGann, Orvel Selleck, Irene Davis x BURNED T0 DEATH i ') MAO a. < Junior IJilla Hoskin Audrey Willie sent for tests, No, on roll, 29 AE, Bmyth, Teacher, I------ SE p-------- | HONOR ROLL FOR BROUGHAM SCHOOL Boy Scout Field Secretary To Attend Mesting In Brougham Thursday Broughwmn, Dee, 3 yw Honor roll of Brovwgham Bchool No, 10, Pieler» ing, Is ws follows r, IVe=lorme Holtby, White Als Bayles, Sr, HL=Walter Knox, Merle Hop. kins, Jy Philli Jv, II Donald White, Harold Cas sle, Ross Knox, Hecond Clags=Norma Merle Holthy, Bybil Shaver Harry Germyn, prhneipal, James Ricker and Gordon MeGon il, both of North Bay, Ont, are vis Hors with Mr, and Mrs, Jermyn, Mr, Lemon, held secretary of the Boy Neout movement in Ontario wil) attend the meeting of the Arst Brows hum, troop in the Temperance Hall on Thursday next, Anyone Interests ed Is Invited to attend, The, Christinas concert sponsored by school and Sunday School is to be held on Degemeber 20, ---------------- The only record anybody should try to make dn public highways, Is a record for safe and sane drive Ing~Witchener Record, Virginia Harnden, om T- Toe full-bodied richness [ mellow flavour of Gold Medal have made it a most popular bever- age. You'll like Gold edal Tea. h COLD MEDAL TEA RF TARE RCT Me A ed "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" Some of the Men Back of Dominion Stores' Service GROCERIES CHAN, Ri buted, anne, Coun , Genera % ARMATRONG, thet H TR he : FE 6 HW, DAVIS, OT SITAR Tern Dominion Stores is proud of its men, of all ranks, who maintain the high standards which have made the name "Dominion Stores" a shopping by-word throughout Ontario and Quebec, Three important executives are pictured above. It is interesting to note that each one has begn born within the Empire. CHRISTMAS CAKES Made In our own modern bakery, of the choloest Ingredients, ww 39 n> ~~ Free. ROYAL Baking Po CANADA OR DURRAM - 4 Fry's Cocoa Lifebuoy Soap 3 Cakes 20. Corn Starch Leave your order with the Manager, HL ARR Bac TO | A FULL FLAVORED TEA THAT CHEERS AND SATISFIES Domino Tea .30 1b, Paokage REG, he LB, 14-aine Tin 25¢ wder 6-on. Tin 280 . Pkg. 106 CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Branston Pickle Razor Blades Jae 250 Pkg. 390 59. 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