Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 6

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RSH. a rma oo and PERSONAL | _ HOMP. MADE SUNSHINE hi Nal i two fl humor and a everyone of fry people' s faults ter, fun, Silence in life's 2d nsefpnes : ghines eg 1] fon healthy g out for Kloom, te so full of love aven't room, { A medley wp, and youll he well repaid, oth is so full of eheer as hing that's heme: made! " "eMontrent Star, bi 1 "Mi, \ Bleanor rr akaitha and rh, Bric Phillips are in Ottawa anding the Winter Fale there, Keith Wickens, formerly employ ll by General Motors of Oshawa, dn pecepted a position In Kings. i RH, Perry of Barnia bas heen visiting ids brother Banford Per. ty and Mys, Perry of Hortop Ave- nue this week, IN GENK'S HALL, COURTLON | | f Tonight, Special music | AY he In Ndr cy many friends of M, W, Ger- ow, Hortop Avenue, who recoutly underwent an operation for ap dieitls in the Oshawa General Jit), will be glad to know that ie 18 getting along very well, Among those from Oshawa who J, ded the Ontario Hospital Ball hithy last evening were Mr, ine Mra, 0, Reilly, Mr, and MetLheson, My," and Mrs, Lorne Argkley, Mr, and Mrs, Black, Dr, and Mrs, Miller, Misses Lens Gould, Madaline Bawks, Lena and Me Watson, Plorence Flintotf, Bobs Pulton, Clara Hopper, Doris Kounedy, J Dorothy Lutrell, Messrs, Young, Weith Wiskens, Gordon Cook, Theodore Hillott, Mack Button, Art Black, Hd, Gar vey, "Bing" Spencer, Nell Hesgle~ wood, Murray Johnson, Earl Cun- ningham, Russel Winnington, The Chosen Wriends nf Oshawa held an indoor plenie in the lodge room last evening, There WAs & oplendid program, Miss Helen Hunking recited a number, Ming Dorethy Clarks of Whitby delight od all with her solos, A recitation by Miss Marion Bievenson and a "mouth crgan solo by Mrs, James of Whithy were much ap~ preciated, Little Miss Joyce Marks sang a solo and there Was nlen a solo by Alfred Bkingalley, Orlin Lint then took charge of the plenio and the games which fol« lowed, This form of entertainment was somewhat now and all enjoyed it, Befoyo the evening ended there was dancing to musle supplied by Head | George Morlsh and his orchestra, STR ERRATA TIA PRESENTATION BY STAFF PLAYERS Director Prevented With Dish Set from Collegi- ate Staff Players The tinal production of the Htan Players at the Collegiate last night was followed A tea nerved py the Household hoy classes to the members of the club, md to all who. asels in any way in pro. uting the plays, A feature the of the occasion was the presentation by the Press dant, Mr, G, M, Henry, astluted b Mr, A, ¥, Brown, of a Parker Des sot to the Director of the Players Mr, Ernest J, MeGirr, The J resident reside Je club that it was 'tk oOirr's initiative rl the tall 2 Fiarors hod been organized, and' that he hed rendered excellent service both as director and actor, Mr, MeGirr, in his response, thanked the club for thelr generous gift, and expressed his appreciation for the co-operation rendered by all who had assisted in the pro» duction of the plays, GENERAL MOTORS MUSICAL AND DRAMATIO ROOL TE ------ An interesting 'funmetion took lace at a recent practice of the eneral Motors Musics! snd Dra mate Boclety when a presentstion was made, on hehalt of the society, to Mr, and Mrs, H, onnell, he were recentl hi) Mrs, Con- nell being formerly Miss Marle Weery, The presentation, which took place In the GMC, sudi- torium, was made by Reg, Tarrett, who handed over to Mr, and Mrs, MgoConnell, an automatic electric toaster, and extended to them the sood wishes of their colleagues for happy and prosperous married Hite, r. MeConnell made a brief reply, expressing deep appreciation of the kind thoughts which prompt. the gift, o "toad anys a philospher, 1s fsease, Yes, it oan also be referred to as an mfflietion of the neck.---~Port Arthur News Chronlele, Mr, and Mrs, J, P, Tuttle of 119 Colborne Bt, XK, ho sre tor day vecelving congratulations on the avent of thelr Tifty-ninth wed | Celebrating Fifty-Ninth Wedding Anniversary To-Day ding anniversary. Mv. and Mrs, Tuttle have lived in Oshawa ever since thelr marriage oxcept for a very short time, Am a-------- 3.3. CLASS PLAY wer AT MASONIC TEMPLE Helping Hand Class of Sim- coe St, Church Play "Re- celving the Parson" cm---- "Receiving The Parson" Is the ttle of the play presented by the Helping Hand Class of Himeooe BL, United Chureh Sunday Hehool, In the Musomleg Tewple last evening, Although ealled a play It possess 4 number of rousing choruses and some delightful solos that are well taken by different ones featuring iu the plot, The nstory is very simple, the church societies pre. paring for the reception of the new minister, the arrival of the minister and also the arrival of a young gentleman, who is mistaken for the parson by a very designing lady, Mrs, Evelyn Bateman who played the part of wife of one of he ehureh deacons keeps the audi mee fn fits of laughter with her funny speoaches and actions, Miss | Leah Gerrow, the young girl who {has fallen in love with a sity boy plays her part very weil, ¥ha has + pretty solo the refrain Of which Wo taken up by the chorus consist || ing of fifteen girls and three boys "| Mins Binle {| part and a solo that she does ex | A wide Neloction of Christmas Gifts Await you at FASHION SHOPPE 84 dimecoe Nt, Sowth You've read about it-- now HEAR it! "The Set with the PUNCH" Approved Jacobse Sabine No, vd wr Buk an 200 Wine ER Tanio E NEW "Champion of the Air"! It's here, ready for you. Come and listen, Know the extra value of this latest Stewart-Warner achievement, Learn it "the set with the This is the famous new 900 series, with the marvelous "Screen call Grid" circuit. You will marvel at its Favet, lak its keen sensitivity, its amazi tone! fg realism and clearness of and hear. Compare with any set, price regardless. We have this set in console, con. of exquisite ower give you a demonstration, Height 'Table Mode! 900, $145.00 love tubes. OSHAWA BATTERY SERVICE 37 King St, West A. G. BROOMFIELD solette and table models--cabinets Raa or not al Jo ur A Saw Sayin wil Phone 1184 Fir ! Richardson also has tremely well, Other Important roles Are played hy Miss Marion Nighols, Miss Alice Harston, the designing lady who with Don Holden, the city boy sings a duet The part of the parson Ia taken by Percy Taylor, The whole play is a riot of fun and added to M are the ridigulous costumes of older people, The class Is to be congratulated on the way they have all worked to make the play the success it ls, Those desiring to see It will have the opportunity this evening, It Ia to he repeated and tickets may be obtained at the door or from any member of the class, | HELPFUL HINTS | TENDER CUTS OF MEAT The fairly tender cuts of beef are suttable for roasting and baking, 'these are the riba, chuck and rump, The ribs are prime favourites, The niost tender ribs are from the sixth to the twelfth (Inclusive), counting from the head, The first five ribs from the head is known as the chuck This conts less than a rib roast and is good value for a large family, The standing ribs carve to the best ads vantage, The pin bene, which is in the loin, is another cut that ihakes n desirable roast if the family is large. The rump is located around the pel vie bone and makes a g roast if the animal is not a tough one, It makes a good roast, The cross rib makes an excellent pot roast and there Is no waste, Other cuts for pot roast are the brisket (which ia the lower part of the chuck), the round and the flank (lower end of loin.) KEEPING LINEN It is an old hint that advises the storage of linen in blue paper so that the whiteness of thes material may be preserved, If blue paper ix lacking, dip some old cotton material in very atrong blue water so that it Asquires the hesemary protective tint, This will de equal by w well, "n POPCORN BALLS Boil together 1 cupful of tiolasses or corn ayrup with a tablespoonful of vinegar until it cracks when put in- 3 water, Have ready freshly corn which has been freed et | partly-cooked or hard particles, r the syrup over the corn and as soon aa it is cool enough to bandh form into tiny balls, SALTED ALMONDS Blanch almonds by Putting bolling water for a few minutes, Re- Rove akina and dry well, Bo in olive oil ar butter in a pan an to of stove, stirring continually, e {from the fire when a very light brown, as they continue to golor afs we removing fr « the pan, Drain well on brown paper and aprinkle with salt, into A naw pad for insertion in ahoea 10 suppoit foot arehes ean be ine flated with an alr pump to any desired degree of rigldity, | WOMENS MEETINGS wor, LU, held thelr regular Tuesday afternoon at Chureh The vYiee- pregident Mrs, Booth took the chaly With hymn "Joy to the World" (he meeting was opened, Mrs, A, Wright read the seripture losson, The business was the ap- polntment of a commities to take charge of the town eampalgn of Temperance Wducation in Sunday Behools, This work is being car ried on by W.C/I\U/8 In Bunday Mehools all over Canada, The pro gram consisted of a plano solo by Miss M, Kellow, reports of the Dominton Convention hy Mrs, Hicks and Mrs, Bird, and a solo by Mra, Parey Mayhee, The meeting ¢losed with 4 hymn and prayer, LEND A HAND OLURB The Lend a Hand Club held thetr monthly meeting at the home of Kister Elisabeth Welk on Athol Bt, Tuesday evening, Bister Mary Sharp acted ps chaleman 10 abe range of the president, The officery 10 wore elected and are as awe President, Nihyl Holds worth vicapeesidont, Frankie Branton; secretary, Ina Follest treasurer, Kligabeth Welr, A silver bread tray was donated hy Mister Shaw, for which Nister B, Gillard held the lucky tloket, After the meeting lunch was served by the hostess oen'sted by Nisters Hran- ton and Rinker, The proceeds of the draw and the luneh go to chavitable purposes, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mister Hunker, The Wi mesting on King Hireel Wome of those taking parts of the | RECIPES | This in about the time Junior ecldes In the attle whether he is going to lke the things that Nan th WHI bring him on Christmas eve, ~=Hamilton Npectator, a I i at Watch Re epairing URNS JEW STORE King & Prince Sts. IT BEATS ALL i'ow Those Old Creaky Stiff Joints Limber Right Up With Joint-Ease Halance your partneredonw the center-~(osht! but don't it fee) rood to have those old joints works Ing as smooth and easy as those of the ehamplon hurler at the Fair! Funny, tei how Joints soaks right fn and tn two minut goes clear through skin and flesh way down to the ligaments and hone, It surely does oll 'am up; takes out all the stiffness, lameness, kinks, oreaks, soreness and swell ng in next to uo time, and makes you feel like a youdg buck again, Joint-Kase 18 for bad, stiff sets ing Joints whether in foot, ankle, Knee, hip, weok, shoulder, elbow, fingers or spine and for that pur pose 14 the fastest selling remedy in Canada, Made right here---a tube for 80 centn at Jury & Loe voll, Ltd, 8 King 8, I, and re member when Jolnt-lane gots in Joint agony gets out---quivk! The Women's Corner Vor Anything of Interest to the Homemaker aud the House hosper Those who have glven the matter of clothes trends serlons thought, somes out definitely with the state. ment that pajsmas are not only here to stay; but will be worn more than ever for sports, lomnging purposes and beach wear, One wlready hears of "kitchenette pajama" us s substitute far the bungalow apron eo comes upon . photographs of soclety and stage favourites propelling their speeq bouts and lolling about In ras er' spectacular pajamas, IL seems the Irony of fashion that just at this moment long skirts and petticouts throw thelr shadow across our path, Lingerie experts are convinced that the vogue for long evening dress Is surely to revive the rustling silk pets tieont, und who Is there to say them nay! 'Women having reverted to type und gone feminine will bide behind thelr ®wn pettheosts, So long as they may also wear pajamas abroad wus well as at home there Ini little cause we them to quarrel with thelr lot, At the mid-season o fenin 5 held the latter part of Octoh ory A Parig p amas models were naturally stress nince hese Salle llactions w were forges ly concerned alm Beach and others resort Tenblons. A Palm Beach wardrobe barren of pajamas ls un- thinkable, They are gayer than gay ne befits AL related to the beach, Pajamas for Indoor went have taken on a greater elegance and are fashioned of velvets and tissues wor thy of 4 more formal fate, Most chic women have adopted the pajamas in New.of the usual negllgee They ure always in three pleces, and are Inglined to tuck blouse with coats of almost any length, Trovsseaux must be elagtle enough | to Include both Wh poly and pets | COatn, { aa P---- Sheer Chiffon Pull Vashloned HORIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Simcoe Be, AYLMER. Fru Well, the New York couple that phrachuled into matrimony proba~ ly didn't, excesd the speed with which some oc of matrimony, Bxpross, its Soups & Vegetables According to a Unhed States Geologlonl * Burvey expert 90,000 earthquakes may ocecur {nthe world in a year but ouly 40 will do mueh dumage, arachute out yuples alo Couriers e SS INV Ww as ar INCIBLE UICK PUDDINGS REQUIRE NO EGGS OR SUGAR « MILK ONLY NEEDS TO BPE ADDED ~ "INVINCIBLE in name and in qualley® MELARENS Livireo -- HA ANLISN, Sun M - | It's Time to Prepare Your Xmas Puddings. ARNOLD'S Are Well Prepared to Supply All Your Needs, and, of Course, at Lowest Prices. Pork Butts Pure Pork Sausage CHOICE MEAXS sBLECTED GROCERIES b.285¢ Pork Shouldersn.19¢ Homemade Sausage Ib. 19¢ 1b. 26¢ Cooked Ham, Sliced Ib. 490 FINEST CREAMERY BUTTER COTTAGR BRAND CARNATION BRAND An nde 440 MONARCH weal ATT RUE wn PORTERHOUSE ROAST Wing Steak Loins Fresh Hams "35 Ib. 380 FLOUR. 7+lb. ae 3 Be Alb. 8 1 v 0 9 Red Maraschine Ohervdes ' (0 0 Beom BAL Me Now Crop Australian Sultana Ralsing ooo 500300 New Crop Australian Currant, soos ivionddin 180 Orange Peel, 0APE chav dveiainns ill Me SEER ISSR RRR RR RRR RR ARE RRR Ae PG Pag RRO NERERY. TET TL TI STR IIo eS We oly TT LTT ETT hs, We SHO ROAST tn. 2 Qe LAMB Fronts i 18e FINEST FISH ton TT TL TI TTI TIT T TT | ww AVRRARRRRRARANRRRART RARE * SUNMAID SREDLESS RAISINS 2 ist 27% halves penn I CAREER RRNALINAN EL AS) whee We Bordeaux Soles Naina Diamond RB Country nM Mincement ARNOLD'S , QOLDEN CURED ALOU BRAND Fresh Fillets 0000000, NEW MESSINA Lemons NO, 1 GRADE COOKING Smoked Fillets. 1 Qe Soles, Fresh Atlante Fah «oyyiviiiiiiiniinn I 180 Maconcehie's Kippers, cellophane wrapped. 4 fish eo Whitefish, Selkirk Pan Frozen Fah ooo db 880 HEADQUARTERS for FRUIT and VEGETABLES pox. 31 Grapefruit aw 250 Onions 10». 25¢(Carrots. 2 + 1§e SALADA TEA ui 69 errmmemee ARNOLD'S ALL.CANADIAN MARKETS mmm Dae, ww 1Qe "Chacolaion. .. ay 8 | 8. dba 2% LL THRE | an we aes tens wad ai 1% LARD 17: pom Hard Mixed Candies omemade Country Pow 8 Yb NEW CALIFORNIA

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