Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 14

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AGE <i} ¥s EH CO PIES WAS 1 CONDITIONS ARE BETTER AT GM.C. (Continued from page 1) the plant has been placed in tement has y the com» 4 the # ade fon in 1080 more orderly and doa into one senson As 5 in previous years, he Walkerville on 1 running at about half strength, with $28 men on the payroll, ot assembled in Oshawa, the Oanadian General planta for the duction in 1038, and commercial jobs, Chavro was | 80,361 lets, or nhout your, were exported, now order named, which /470 are in the Chevrolet motor plant, making motors to be The total production of cars in Motors 1929 meason just closed was 108,000 units, an in- crease of 1,000 units over the pro- There were 70, 248 Chevrolets produced during the year, Including passenger ears A total of 40 nd [per cent of the production for the Pontiac, Buick, Oldsmobile, Oakland, Mar- quette, Viking, LaSalle and Cadil lac followed in production In the Marke Summary TORONTO STOOK KXCHANGE Toronto, Dee, b.--~Enlivened by netivity in a number of oll stocks the Toronto Stock Exchange today was busier than for some days. Prospects of a year-end bonus wes responsible for the demand in Brit. fuh American O11 which jumped two points to 44%, while Inter national Petrolenm was also the Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke WE ARE SOLE AGENTS Twenty - 20 Delivery Vehicles OUR SERVICE 1S UNBEATABLE Dixon Coal Co. Telephone 262 -- Five Direct Lines contre of interest but closed un« changed at 214, Brazilian and Nickel also shared the spotlight in the matter of active ity, but elsewhere trading was dull, Brazilian on selling of over 1600 shares was bid up as high as 44% but dropped back to 44% to close at midday with a net gain, A number of leading issues n+ cluding Bteel of Canada Walkers, Cong, Bakeries and Gypsum re. malned unchanged, CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Dec, B.--Sharp sets bineks in Liverpool quotations, to- gether with a bearish forecast of tho Argentine wheat exportable gurplus, gave wheat prices here an early downward trend today, Largely Increased buying, however developed on the breaks in values, Opening #c¢ to 1%e off, Chicage wheat afterward showed consider: able power to rally, Corn, oats and provisions were also easier with corn starting 4c to fo to %e down, and subsequently holding near the initial range, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, Dec, b.~~Wheat: Deg. Lhe lower at 142; May, 16e to § lower at 149% to 1504; July li» to 1%c lower at 152 to 161). Oats: Dec, fe lower at 63%; May lower at ah bo FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, Dec, B,~~Foreign ex. change firm; demand rates (Great Pritain in dollars; others In To the One DEPENDABLE HERBAL REME. DIES FOR Over weight Stomach Kidneys Bad Skin Piles Tonsils-Adenocids Nerves Catarrh Hay Fover Tapeworm Rheumatism Ete. Who Seeks Healt PLEASE NOTE The President of Our Organisation M. H. THUNA WILL BE AT OUR || HERBAL STORE 7 Simcoe St. North Phone 28588, . ALL DAY FRIDAY, PECKL vER 6TH ormat al t ur FAMOUS Eiht Emon vi a Att 4 you got. bash to Nature for Help, Our Herbal Remedies have been before the publie since 1888, and our organization bas ad. vanced to the Jn where we now maintain 2% OF OUR O HERBAL STORES IN ONTARIO ae well as distributing agencies th t Canada, If you are ailing, see him while oe in Oshawa and get started on thy path to Health, DR. THUNA BALSAM REMEDIES, LIMITED _ | cents); Great Britain ,87 11-16; Canadian dollars % per cent, dis- count, TORONTO High 4% i8 Ord, 20 23 bo 11% Bla 24 20 28% 28% : 11% 80 Close "My 41% 20 20% 60 Low 40% an 19% " 28% 60 Htock Br. A, Drag, Can Coekahutt Cty, Dry. Dis, Bgrm, Dom, Bh Gypsum Hr, Wal Hm, Brd It, Util, It, Nkl It. Pet Id, Aleh Imp, Ol Lob, "A" Ms, Hr Me, Frt Mt, Pr Pg, Hor Shaw 81 8, Btatlon 48 "7 Standard Mines 110 108 146 132 177 178 71 70 Ol 26 23% 11% a IY Mn 14% 20 12% 43% 24% 133% 04% 81 4 J % 80% HY) 14 29 12% 44% 24 130 04 Abana Alax Amulet Big, Min, Fur BELOW Wholesale Cost Coat COATS ONLY LEFT TO BE SOLD THIS WEEK-END Every Coat Carries a Guarantee The ALL OUR STOCK REDUCED FOR EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING FAIR|"; Simcoe St., S. OSHAWA | FRENCH SEALS | $85 MUSKRAT Stock Market Prices by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Sidia, Forlong and Co, 776 746 B10 605 1160 80 1025 8600 842 50 380 B10 270 125 10 Ch. Res, 716 De, Mns, 726 Faleon, 660 Holl. ... B10 He, Of 1160 Hy, Gold 80 Hd, By, 1026 Lk, 8h, 1960 Bid Norda., 3600 Bh, Gr. 3066 Biscoe 60 Bd, Bs, 896 Tk, Hg B10 Ventures 290 Wr, Hr, 128 Walnwell 16 776 A NEW YORK Btoek , High Low Amer, Can, 120% Am, Fr. Pr, 01% Anacondu 1% Balt & Ohlo 117% Can, Fac, +109 Chrysler .. 83% Cs, Gn, N.Y, 106% Col, Gra, 81% Pupont .. 114% Erie Rall 60% Gen, Vd», B0% Gen, Mot, "wy Hud, Mot, 48 1t, Com, .. 11% It. Tele. .. 11% Jns, Man, 184% Lee, Wis, 4% Mex, Bbrd, 23% Mt, Ward B90 % Voore Co. 81% Phil, Pet. 890% 3 Pb. Br.'NJ. 68% Radio .... 40% | Simmons ,,101% Bin. Ol .. 28% ft. Ol NJ. 68% Utd, Afr. 41% U.S. Fteel 168% Woolworth 78% Yel. Trek, 12 Money rite 4% per cent, PRODUCE PRICES I ON THE MARKETS TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale desiere tn hay and straw ere woting 10 shippers the ing prices for jAriote elintred on pack baled 1 No H Timothy, baled, jo WA straw, "halt ." } rat rid ton No, | loose. is quoisd at 919 to oer tt v Toronto TORONTO ---- are pigs ng pro En to retell eaters at the ollowing 'on ws=Fresh xiv in cartons, 68 to 72; we ras, to el firsts, loose o to hr 1 a ey Het antras, to 6c, Storage reais, "te Mo firsts, 41 to ' Dutter=No, | creamery, prints, 4%: No. 1 foam Pints, 41 dle ' n re eese--=New, large, oe, triplets, i stiltons, pe Old, large, twins, 8 1.2¢; triplets and outs, siltons. 31 Me. Chickens, or Ibe, up .. REECE ETT + 3 12 te 4 Ibs, 3 te 3 12 Ib + under 3 Ibs, Hens, over § ha, Do, 4 to § lbs, , Hrotlers +, Ducklings Turkeys Cease TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to Ih trade = 8 to Me cooked loins, 44 I) Te ho rolls, ci hreaklast bacon to We, backs, geen ed, 36 10 40; BT smoked, 45 10 Sle, Cured meats=Long clear bacon, 50 te 70 hy, 24ei 70 to WO ny 90 to io' Top., fe, Heavyweight rolls, 40¢; lightweight rolls, "Lard=Purs, tierces, 16c; ube, 17¢¢ galls. 17 1+2¢1 prints, 18 to 19. Shortening=Tier: es, 13 1:2 10 M4 Ldey hy 14a pails, M Cel tine, 16 1.3ci prints, 15 1.2, Pork--Lolng, 36 1.2¢; New York shoulders, Fo; pork butts, 21 1.3¢; pork hams, 2c, FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, In of. ect on the St. Lawrence warket, Toronto: Produce Unis, extras, per dosen Do, firsts Do, pullet extras Dou storage ext Do, do, firsts Dutter, dairy per pound oy 1 sven oy, per ol an 04 A os, a qt Carrots Sua Deo, Neots, i, 6 . Drussels prouts, qt, Onions, dry, 1l.qt, bas! Do,, 6.qt, basket Cabbage Cauliflower Endive, dosen inach, PEER (yiviie JRushreotns, per wound ittuce. th tied ettuce, 3 oy "ee I'otatoes, Cucumbers, eam Parsley, per BUCH +.:ve Crean, three for «iiiii Celery, dos, ranges, per 'alsily, two bunche irapefruit, ho Linens, Por dpue "" Nie Seqh fone, . CUT THIS OUT OM English Resipe for Catarrh Catarrial Desiree and Hood It you know ds Noise one who is troubled with Catarrhal Deafness, head nolses or or. Jdinary eatarch cut out this formula and hand it to them and you 2 have the means of ving some ufferer vethans from total abineas, " land sclentists for a long time past have recog: nized that catarrh is a constitutional disease and necessarily requires constitutional treats went, Sprays, whalers and nose douches are Ma. ble to irritate the delicate alr for and force the disease into the middle ear Whish [requently means: total dealness, or else the disease may be driven down or D alr anes towards the Jiu which in equal dangerous, 'The following form we wh used extensively in the amp En mate is a constitutional treatment ji should prove especially efficacious to suffers ers here who ve under more favorable eli. mate |] Seetire from our drunglat 1 ounce of Par. mint (Double Mrength). ake this home and add to it M4 hot water and a Nt reanulated Sugar! ir oy fy scdved. Take one ta "biawvoon olen bi lee a El ah on rin hb Areas head ola Cow Tete hing hicome ean 1s should open, hreath an the In is Parmnt oe reese CEASA NS SUBRSE ess ol "ind hearin improve eustachian tubes SR this ys acts directly upon the LR ates of the syst Ny has \ -- action that helps to obtain the desired results. '! nreparation 1s easy to make, costs ite an | Green beans, 6 Gt. +irivrine Lranbarrien, a a tw T'urnips, bus, , | to Tu bag .. ' to Leeks, 6-at, bask EAST BUFFALO LIVE BTOCK Fast Buffalo, Dec, 4.~Recolpin of hogs, 2,+ 3004 fubdy active, wesk to 10g lower; hulk 150 to 250 ths., $10 to $10,105 120 to 140 ths, Receipts of enttle, 1255 steady; madium | Ba hellers, bs wood cows, $8.75; cutter grades, #0 welghty steers unsold, ig of calves, 150; venlers metive; steady with Tuesday's close and 50c over |# do, Recalpts of shesp, 1,200; lambs slow, weak Crain dewlers on the Trade wre making the followin for car lots~Manitobu Wisat Ho, erm, if §/ HE 920.75 to $9.90; packing sows, $8.25 to $8.75, | 0, ton, $37.25; Ontario Krai ley, 70¢; rye, $1; huckwheut, oto CHICAGO PRODUCE Chicago, Dec, 4.~The spot egg good to choles, $13. 0 middl ings "rong weights 11,25 i eommon, $10 to $10, UOTATIONS 'oronto Bowed of quotations 1 norths $1 505 , No, 2, do, $147 i No, 3, 43 1.2; No, 4, $1.40 1:2; No, 5 "i, #; No, $17 feed, $1.00 1:2 (ef, Goderich and ny paris), Manitoba oate=No, 1 feed, 63 1-40; No, 2, 02 1.4¢, American com=Nao, 2 yellow, $1.05 1.2 5; funds) all rall delivered, Toronjo frei Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freight, ho. mostly 25 lower; $14; medium und $12.50; TORONTO GRAIN ened slightly lower but early orders t were ample to Wt quotations 1.2, 1 the close, however, there was profit thet carried values down fractions] with inerensing support coming nt market all the time, A ed, wonme + vonpaterite improvement and included--Tyan, per ong 32% 25; shorts, per Wheat, $1.20; oats, $c; FUTURES wis firm and unchanged today, Futures op- steady tone was char. seteristic of the spot butter market at the opening today with sll quotations tmchang- The movement. from storage is showing In the luture options, These were bar level, Open commitments--Dec, egys narket 0065 last year, 8,797, Eggs year, 15,95, Chleags ot standards, d4ey tone steady, Eggs, Gur~ rentf fists, 40 to 4dc; tone a bity ownrd taking y but othe firm, 1:2¢; tone firm, Breet stocks--Butter, 9928; 07, Yams vodsy, 8,291; 1 Is a onrly trade; good to gholcs, $17.50 to $18.50, ¥- TR STE "re hs ae dr a is the time for Your Groceteria is ready, ready with a wide as- sortment of fancy foods and confections from all quarters of the globe -- foods of quality that will help to make this the Happiest Christmas for you and your family, Prices are typically Jow, Quality is high. Come early! Shop Early! Quantities are limited in some lines, Ir PAYS TO SHOP HERE ALWAYS SUNGLO Compare it with any butter you can bt and sweet--""The Cream of the Creamery", CREAMERY BUTTER 1y. It's fresh 43¢ Christmas Supplies Are Here! Christmas Crackers, large ..... bro- Almonds in ala ine, pkg. 14 «12 . 47s gir 3] % wm 49 « 22 ile y 28¢ Almonds in glassine, pkg. i mn, 14 opristmas Cy Pa With Almond Icing Rich in Fruit and Flavor Nat More Ying 2 tv a Customer og. Price, 61¢ he, : EATON'S CANDIES Are Delicious Packed in the attractive blue box under our own supervision Licorice Allsorts ..............23¢ Peanut Brittle .........oo0000.. 1B¢ Colonial Mixture ..............18¢ Jelly Beans , snesenseeey 196 Velvet Maple Buds ............28¢ Gum Drops veneer 18€ Butter Scotch Drops ........19¢ Cream Candies ........cc00ne.19¢ Fruit Drops .....cccnvnvinnnnnee. 19¢ SPECIAL! Ibs. for 2 FIG BARS CRISPO! SPECIAL! 25c¢ 2 RAISINS Lbs, for SEEDLESS + 21¢c Peach Jam EXTRA SPECIAL ! Aylmer Green Label Fancy Quality--~Ripe Can value, with exacting care. Delicious Jam. Remarkable KHOVA PLUM PUDDING Per PALM SHRIMPS STAR AMMONIA Re 13e for Interlake Toilet Tissue Re 23c for Ya i 21c COCOA FRY'S w 24¢ Pkgy 1. A SPECIAL! bars for 2, LIFEBUOY SOAP Bottle 13¢ SPECIAL! H. P. SAUCE rAd Thick SPECIAL! Pork Shoulder Fresh. Frauhe ..o 18¢ Pork Butts For Roasting ng * 25¢ Special for Week-end On is pleasant to lake, person Ww fate ¢ WA head noloes or in hard ld give FA treatment a Roasts 1b. 24¢ the latest design, Rib Roasts ib. 28¢ Rolled 1b.32¢ Rib Specials for Monday to Thursday Steaks, Round ...29¢ Porter House ....37c Pot Roast .......20¢c Beef Stews ......17¢ Sirloin +... «i... 32¢ Wing Steaks .38¢ ly. LARGE JUICY ORANGES ...... CR A [@ Nal = w PERATED + BY ¢ "1 | LATOR GR Announcing Our New Department EATON'S MEATS} Offering Fresh Meats of the best prime lity, served from a lossly clean, refrigerated meat counter of prices offer decided Savings! Here Are Remarkable Specials Blade Roasts with Blade out 1b. 23¢ spe t= Thre Legs connie 38 Loins densa le Chops coum 38 " ARIS a ey The Irradiated Cereal factor In the general steadiness noticealle early but reguined a part of the k He firm at the revised price som sebtiing 568; Dec, tar, By Jun, bitter, 292; Vet; buster, Thres market reportswDutter todsy, 15, ay, 18,463} dast market--Butter, extras, 42¢; York spot market Butter, extras, tone strong, Eggs, hests, 50 to Bic; last year, 106, ust year, 91,793,

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