Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929 PAGE THIRTEEN 001 ARENT ¥ A cibrer ved t we Sri h THE C A444" where IASSIRIED SECTION... = Selle dt keba k wis : Anders, oy 8LY or over « Mutrance Bimoos 1. ¥, Grierson, K a on, HBA, N tlh 1 fon § : "Hi LR dener "4h Al) Port Parry, Jon Perey 8:1 month) CLOT WA and Phonon HH Oshawa, (UREN P ---- : Medica! WRAY ii HICTAR: BUH ourher, OMee and res I " Join Vietorl wh Lo thick | "AY eon Ohatctelplun, 8 I 8 10 jhlorpiy wiirk " di WE Ren veirs' pos Shei lensy IY re wn res ¥imeee 51, N, (cor. Bagh) oy HARRY, PHYSICIAN PREOP, 0) wa detany diseases V na ond eh A Pi hf Ant at : on # lil hi " wer J on by. Mee LTE Hock ane Whe. Nl Physielan special at Jtetnity, OF k and dis ee and resi North, Phone st "ollie o 1] (YNTOTAN, Bur 08, Obstetriolan ties and fa sate, bi (11) Bidoy street north, ne P=1 ma) X er BE HE Ln BL hi Siore (heh SE feel 1 wl » consultation and treatment ald sen of ear, nese and throat ppoiniments may be ide ul By Ibi tetrician, YUN" ¥ ni "ila fly CAINE | SARK nibeel Tatas Work, iluan REA B 4 hone NIHON Bod Noy, 38 RR Nov, Hd mod i) Hight, wor Aran bj op Wy odo Engineering and Surveying 2 nt is ft forum : pd fl, N, Tos, #0 Bimeoe north, Yonr Insiranee vans Ab ionded to and your mierests pro: fected Transportation OAWTATH ANDBYONRTR. TOL. man's, 86 Bond West, Hpeeiallsty in furniture moving, storage ware house and moving van equipment "hone H4 a i OANTAGK, MOVING, GRAVEL sind and "nders feat an ol tony 1 All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASK IN ADVAN This rule has been found necessary because of ox loss arising from handling a large numbes of sma of this nature, For the sonvenlence of customers who find it Inconvenient to some personally to The Times office, a will bring a messenger who will receive he advertisement snd collect for same, "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT telephone call |) han!in svi, niin "ana "Con #87 King plshe! Furie Park Road Pe Lota! and Yong disthnee ank 4 Cowle, 1 n 68 Park WW) Wouth Phone HAL Nov, 16:1 mo) NEW DUMP TRUL T. 8b lek, Gravel, sand and elnders, ear! 4 mn ik floor 81 I, May Phone (Noy, 6:1 me) An "MOVING, aRAYEL, wand and dinders, P LEAL Chris traham, a Nu Hoad, Nov, 14<1 month) TIA SABIE £4 Beauty Parlors FETT Tou op ih i wihve, Special 85 an Wave an shasytian | agin) iY eo 4908 or Wi Hair eut hat Ad Nimgne "fi By | y gpman f ed sham movers iv Apply Box 26, post oftieg, Osh ba King Street West anaes Js, soli ed I UPHOTRTIRING falda made to order Real Estate for Sale KK AND LOT ALKO LARUR e of land for sale cheap, Kasy (Ide) Yok HALL -NIW HIX ROOM brick, five minutes from Motors, oak flosrs up and down, All eon vanlenoes Price only four thousand dollars, small cash payment down, Balance ne rent, Phone S850M, (1480) i is ii... -- "Watch Repairing A VON OUNTIN, EXPERT wise watchmaker repair shop #! our pat Work Wanted CHESTER We save you A Con Phone (31) Fatinintes free O 74 Mechanle street, Betty Waid wt Dent WD uty Shop ' Colina 81, We spe # In ladies' hair quiting bh shampooing, | (XPT ent Wave Shoppe jk po btn: | mar M arcel phiine B:1 mn) "CURL 80e, EYE Mra, Everette Bell, KAward Apartments, For appointments (Dee, 3-1 Mo V aciale, ) gents, Far appoip! ments ofl : Nov, 18. hae i Apt brow reiting, k} Apartment oh arn Hirvet, thous dak ng | a LUE TTL TACT Good sand and gravel, To Innure Wok on wi sara And Upen evenings BATTERIVS CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 73 cents wl supplied § Stan LLL If ren Hatterien repaire! Phone Widwon 0 MI 8 mo) (Noy 14-1 BATTRATER ORARGED AND DE livared 7be, entire election) aystem of oar fe rental fhe, And the aired, ¥04 Oshawa Bivd. Phoue 110W, Nov, 18:1mo) DO BODY REPAIRS TO trucks, Also general wondwork, W, Fry, 40 Dond wes Nov 14:1 mo) prompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date, W, Bow rowdal.e Phone 1014, ATTHOR LYNDE VOCAL TTA: ther (Hambourg Conpervatory, 1o aA. I ) Musie information phone 1 Nursing PRACTICAL NURNIEL MATTER: ity, Invalid or general nursing For (Nov, 37-1 mo) font) puns repared for pM oNams Fred ar Director of Musle, Oshawa Qolleg! ate and Publle Aehoold, Studio, 30 Westmoreland, Phone 80040, (Noy, 18:1 mo) NURSE NE , brani le lend ne violin teachers, n he An W up he ernoons udie 8 hone LL Radio Service RETAIN ON ATL Won: i #6 8 reasonable price by an ex pert Radio-Triclan, All work guar Anteed, Battery charging The, Bab terion for sale, Geo, Hurroughs & Hon, Phone BR2==11, Graduate Na tonal adi Institute, (Dee, 8:1 mo) WAC cesnorien for male, Pepaira'on elec. frie and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re |y charged, rental supplied, $1, Phone of 8 it Haat, { nting «o . Paling ond Decorating hE Aer, Painting FIRE SAN iw Nov, 61 wo) A Paperhanger, Only fihranteed |] ' Jan experience rieen reasonable, ] Ws ENULIRH WOME MADE PORR plo, steak and kidney nies, hot or oe, brawn, eakes he Nagi | \ oy Frank Dra t, Phone 28721, (vy prices, | en enka's Ny AURIS " A Expert » 4 Hy aN shoeshine, A (Now, 211 ng) TORT =" TRTWEEN™ store and Mandard Dank, Bimooe BL, an LON "MONDAY of [10407, Oharien Walon, 148 Bighy |¢ ¥ STOR MW warm and com Mand we will measure your windows free and quote Jow prices on Read) ttlased i. four furnished rooms or a ment, near Motors, tite partieu: ein. POBly to Box 338 T Lp "i Jurnished rooms Apply Box, wh Yo x kite | AbRIAment, voARORA be, nedr Mots ng It pomsible, Box 430 and Found LAMULER Lost 4 J. A Metibbon's law of flee a small gold Reward, | ging. Valued av keepsake, Rewar MoGQibhon lady's Whithy and Plokerin MQ. brown tub bag: with Tuas Valued sa gift, Phone 2081 hate) 0 CONT 22" DOUBLE BARRELLKD Rameriess shot gun on road north Thornton's Corners, Finder phone R700W, Reward (1010) ha eh UE Hematitthing NINE GENTS YER YARD, PLRAY ed Bkirts, one dollar, alterations, ete, All kinds of beautiful fandy on sale, Mre pall, B04 Bim bo 8 00 Boulh, Phone ah, Noy, 18:1 mo) SILK HOSE or 28 FIRST pA Se ge Sah Selle or \ owe h "edardale (1%) Storm Windows POWR TUT TURL Make cold houses priable Phone 38Jow a Storm Windows, fitted denied, Dee, 2:1 Caulking an 6, WAVE ALL OREVIORS ARGUND your windows and doors filled with plastic coment apd shut out the cold draft, spves fuel, the cost Is San, NET ) | 8 0X aatitatte, J, MN Law hawa, Phone Dee, 4-1 mo) Furniture Repairing FORNITURE RE UPHOLATRRED a and repaired, No job too small or too large, George A, Lemee, Phone 1430M, bee, 41 mo Wanted to Rent ha FOUNG TOUTE WANS THER re Imes, (1800) ENR OR Li) OUNd" TOHUPER hbiahed rooms ng, About hr minutes oy Rs ag eniners, Roo Dr east y Hate thrma to (18h) Rh (13320) Articles For Sale WIRED HAND AND Dol slabs, $450 per luad Also bone dr. hdy yh aterous Meek Limied ar RT ITI, {i Lids, pianos, new and a Twa 6 Uno radion, latest wodels; terwe arranged, Apply ©. Trull. Phone IABAS, nr FOR SALE =" ONDERS™ TAKEN for Christus geese ulive or dressed ready for the also Northetu Spies, Phone (1280) BARGAIN BATTERY pet, In good Phone 17104, (1491) FoR | DREAD naught weed chalus, size 35 x 5 alight! used, Phone 1420M (130¢) CHRISTMAS TRIES rORTBALY, cedar and spruge, phone 1218) (132h) PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOIL Christmas wreaths snd evergreens with Cedar Nurseries & Company, Whithy, Phone 308 (1460, 187, FOR BALK Console Model Iadio street or it or phone SO06W, " Help--Wanted Male aven | 106304, RADIO, vondition, SALIBET OF 188, 188) "HATTER Y LIRR 49 Division (1330) {ply 521 Bimeoe St For Rent FOUR AND Kivi wuukil MOD orn suites, inviuding electrie relrig oration, slove, Isundry, eonven) hues, oto.) eonUnUOUS hot wale supplied, Apply Bupt, phone 56713, ur The Trusts and Guarantees Uo Id, mupager for owner, Loromte, ; om (3741) TO WENT =" WO PURNISHED rooms, bath, Mght, heat and gas, 40 Mapio street, Phone 709W, : (181¢) FOR RENT = TATED AVA. ments, two or three rooms, Hght and water, gas ranges Installed, heated cur storage, Apply 12 Gladstone Ave, (118) APANWTIRENT, CT" ROOME AND bath, fixtures complete, elecirio stove, steam heat, linen and dlothes glosets, Central, Owner, Lox 886 "Times, (1481) FURNIFHED WO """hooms, livery convenience for light houses keeping, Phone 1470), Riohmond _Biroet Bast, TO NENT=AWO or" THRER rooms, Heated, All conveniences, Apply 247 Dedrborne avenue, a (1800) BATIELOR AVATIMENT, Large enough for three. Every thing furnished, Private, Convenls unos, Priced, right, Corner of Meotenlfo and Contre Bt, (1800) AOUSE™ TOI ™ RENT = FiVi, rooms, wll conveniences, Garage, 160 Mill Bireet, phone 3233W (131¢) LO KIN] Ha Ty ON Alta Street, near Shpnrite School und eolleglnte, Apply 312 Goll Street or phone Y71W, (13e) TO RENT « MODERN THREE rooms and bath wpartment, elegs trie stove, refrigeration, and hot water heating, Apply 161 King inst, nrtment 2, (1814) fiol AT RENTS RATUR AND nll conveniences, Fhone as (1 1410) FOR RENT FURNISHED APART ment for lght housekeeping, conven leneen, near motors, Phone 2297, 105 Colborne J LT (132¢) FOR REN'T~8 ROOM TOUS) on MeLanghlin Boulevard, All eon venlenoes, possession 1st January, Ap N --- (182) LARGE BRIGHT TWO ROOM apartment, newly decorated, pri vate convenlenoes, furnished or un furnished, equipped for light housokeoping, 06 Cantre, (1880) AITATHED = 0ATHROOM = FLAT, sonvanlonces, wired for eleetrio wove, Phone 1087J, 187 Park aoon™ LOUAL HALES AN whnted at once to sell the new Connor Thermo Kleotrle Washer Good commission proposition, Ap ply 18 Dond Bt, Bast, Phonas B07 (1880) Help Wanted--F emale WANTED = COMPETENT COOR peneral, must have references, no washing, Apply Hox JA Times, (1310) EXPRIIENCLO BINDRRY GIRL wanted, Apply Hupt, Mundy-tood- fellow Printing Co, Limited, (188n) a a a Position Wanted YOUNG MAN; FIRST CLASS draughtsman, desires position, Goml knowledge of general plant mainten ance and radio Apply Box 339 Tinea (130¢ pmpnglioy top a fTUNGARIAN GIRL DESIRES housework, experienced, Avply 254 Ritson Road South 20) YOUNG MAN AGED 20 THRIRY b) work of any kind, Phone 16631, (132¢) Carpentering CARPENTER, BTAIR BUILDING, ho. trimming, also saws filled, Kood, 240 Kulalle, Phone 134W, (180¢) a Personal NG men, ages 24 and 29 wish to meet two young girls, Please enclose photo, Box 341 Times, (1800) Wan ted to By WANTED 10 Duy=A "TEAM Aeleh, 1 Wipotaki, Lakeview de ens, Oshawa, | 3a WANTED «A SMALE HOUSE wired and fixtures supplied, Will give good ford sedan, valine $65.00 us pays ment, K. Sheridan, 248 Park Road YT TIT ra CHING ohilla rabbits, y stock, Hd ehoh, Abit, pyre bd or. 2, Oshawa, Lot 35, concession 8 Rn lipiton, (1384) ROTRNTENAWS "UTROUEATING iibrary, You will enjoy reading the tntest Motion at minimum cost Phone 1472, 37 Bimeoe Bt, North (Tag 1) 8¢ Foot WN WUY HARDWOOD poring now for only Be a foor, eight paid on Mh Sets. All and side matched, Ba \® W\ can do the work nt A LL} vou how, Send for do elreular, H iday, Box 311, Hamilton, Building { A Auction Sale AUCTION SALE «= SATURDAY, eet h Ave of fresh cows and elose © propers ty © nk Nigh Ri "ot the stock he Myrtle | Nation, At thin sale offered abbut 28 head high grade Holsteins and a few Aveshives. ale 1.30 o'clogk sharp, See bills, Wi Maw, Auctionser, aR) road wouth, (1380) NIOR WARM VOURNTEHED BRD. room to rent, Three minutes from fonr corners, Apply 78 Bond street wat (1880) Eo = ' Tailoring PAUL VERLANY, IEST AND most artistie elothes maker in Osh awa for men who care, Prices fair and remsonable, 1245 Simeoe Street south, Phone 1583W, (Nov, 29:1 mo.) Notice of Application for Divorce NOTION Is hereby given that Constance Mary Wright of the City of Oshawa, In the County of Ontario, in the Province of One tario, Married Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session Hill of Divorce from her husband, Luolus Mimer Wright, of the Olty of Oshawa, aforesaid, carpenter, on the grounds of adultery, DATED at the City of Oshawa, In the I'rovince of Ontario, this Twentvlifth day of November, A D, 1020, JOHEPIE P, MANGAN, Barreister, &e. Oshawa, Ont, Bolloltor for Petitioner, 100-108-144-140:105) Ea i aah SOLINA ------ Solina, Nov, 7.«0n Wednesday evening a goodly number of the biends and neighbors of Mr, and A. J. Reynolds and Miss Edna Maahoned to say goodbye to them, be- fore they moved to thelr new homes, Miss Edna is going to Hampton and r, and Mrs, Reynolds to Bowman. ville, During the early part of the Seni ames were enjoyed and later tr oA Werry ealled the company a Roa calling on Miss Lena Tay- lor to read a nicely worded address, while Miss Rilda Hockaday and Mr, BJ. Stevens made the presentation of a Coleman Huieilite lamp to Min ldna and a ra it dish to Mr, and Mrs, Reynolds, They all replied in nicely worded speeches, although taken by surprise, Mr, Werry then called upon Mr, John Pascoe, Mr, Chas, lanchaed, Mr, John Kivell, Mr, RG, MeKisock, Me, Chas, Shortridge, Mr. BG Stevens, Mr L. Pascoe, who all spoke in the SN terms of the family and res gret at thelr departure from our midst, where Mra, Reynolds and Miss Edna will be missed from the choir, Bible class and Women's Institute, Me, Nolan, Oshawa, Mr, John Cox, Bowmanville visited at \ Bakers, Mrs, Smales, Mrs, Howsam, Mrs, Millson are in attendance at the Women's Institute Convention in To- roto during this veek, Messrs Carl Wilbur ie family Thos, Baker, John WwW. T Baker were up to the Ri ol Winter Fate, Mr, John Baker exhibiting cats tle and a saddle pony, Mn Alan Balson is busy election. soring this week. speaking at Ovone, Zion, Courtice, Bowman lle, Ennis Killen and Newcastle, - Good lnek. to vant Alan at the polly on Saturday, Meo AT Ravnolde had & very we ® ru sal on Wednerdaw Mr. C0 No Howsam at Epsom dun thereof, for a "Rates for | Classified Ads. First insertioni=114 oeonts por word, Minimom charge 806, Bach subsequent consech. EYESIGHT SPECIA IST fn Te ay ee DISNEY -COTT AMBULAXCY #7 Colina Bt, tive Insertion 1¢ per word, Three oconsesutive inser: tions for th price of two firet (nsertions (three cents a word), Minimom eharge fur three insertions, 60 cevts, Dox number 106 additions) Professional or Busines Disney Block: 1916 Phone 118 SBA 111 -------- All Makes L] Need Money"? JAMITED 00 Simcoe Mt, B, Phone 10808 Radios Repaired The Ontario Motor Sales Phone 900 -- Onrds, $9.60) per month for 30 worGy or less; 10 cents a word per wonth for each additions) word, TIMES CLASSIVIED ADS CONT LITTLE; ACs COMPLINH MUCH TELEVHONE 8b Ask for Ulawitied Ad Departinent , Don't Lose Your Cas, Let Me Finance You! MOTOR LOANS AND DIN ] COUNTS LTD. gE Pelt Mock Boom 6 "hone 3790 r.e. -- Ee th ing the week where he Intends hold WI 8 pki OF plugk Bnd implenients, During in interesiing Sunday School session at Kidod, Mr, Stuns ley Kicknid of Shaws guve his plats | I form In the coming eieciion to the | & boy's Ninth Pariament in 'Foronto, | § Vrencining service lullowed wien Kev, Jo Ki Bick preached a lengthy and 'B interesting sermon on Sumson, Mu | sie by the choir was splendid Mrs. W. J. Reynolds and Kuth with "toronto friends, Mr. A L. Pascoe at Mrs, Douglas MeLaughlin's at 'toronto, Owing to the absence of Miss Ru by Dewell, Mr. Alan Balson took ciunrge ol the program. Miss Muriel Baker took the devotonsl tople, Ihe invitation of Mapls Grove League to visit them on Wednesday, Dee, 4 was accepted, A vocal duet was sung by Misses Jessie and Norma Yellowleos, | Report of Young People's eonvention | In Pelervoro wus given by Mr, Alun Bulson, Mr. Balson at the same time outlined his platform for the coming eclection, Piano solo, Mrs, lsane Har | dy, Miss Ruth MeKessock then put On A contest, Inadvertantly missed was the read ing by Miss Evelyn Millson from the buganr program held at Eldad last | week, 4 calf are holding a Christmas tree and coneert in the church on Monday, December 23 { Mr, and Mrs, Hilton dink and Mr, and Mes, Clarence THE and Miss | Ruth were guests of Mr, H, I, Tink. | Mr, and Mrs, C, Worry and sons Wm, and Robert, Kedron, visited at | Mr, 8. I Werry's | Mr, and Mes, Will Mountjoy and daughters, of Kedron, were guests at | the home of Mr. A, L. Pasco Messrs, Stanley Rickard and Roy Play Safe There is still time to insulate be~ fore extreme Winter weather starts in. One of the greatest menaces to health and pocket book, in the cold weather, is an uninsulated attic. We have two types of insulation, one for the easy-to-get-at places, and the other for the most difficult places, both are absolutely efficient, We solicit your inquiries, ir Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Miss Jones, Newcastle, were Sunday visits ors at Mr, Joh. 1 Baker's, a. FF or this Christmas ~1he Gift of Gifts A THOUSAND GIFTS IN ONE «vs the music of world masters... fiaachie fermans, or : Kener brings them to clarity, @ brilliance dot Ton ull eption di oo Thor on ide Si ei Kolstor A demonstration will prove is radio's greatest value. CANADIAN BRANDES LIMITED Toronto, Canada ug 'Invest In enjoyment, . . say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" with a Kolster Radio. Wholesa'e Distributors -- Bennet & Elliott, Ltd, 1108 Bay Stree, Toronto' : FOR SALE BY -- BOND BROS., KING ST, EAST, OSHAWA

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