Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Nov 1929, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1929 el ------- ep, Miss Hard-Boiled "BY JANE DIXON Iustrated by Armstrong Perry | 'What Has Gone Before Ag ehist model for Alphonse Courbet, noted fashion expert, Na- quel Rojos Is being taken to Paris by him, slong with snother model, aria [) Kk. On the trip soross, on the Gloire de France, Raquel's dark, o' tle beauty attracts the ate tentions of Bertie Adams, & mile Monaire sportsman, Alphonse re ponts the interest of Adams in Ra guel, She Is annoyed by her em 1eyer's attitude-=whioch he asserts b only a protective interest, but whish Greta declares 1s prompted by jealousy, Bhe tells Alphonse © that she will not snorifes her free. dom for her position, Chapter 87 There was much merrymaking on the Gloire de France that evening, The music had . never seemed #0 ively, the dancers so frollcsome, camaraderia #0 spontansous, An undereurrent of antloipation throbbed through the glant ship. Ahead there, in the night, was France, 'Tomorrow these people would seattér like a lake into the banks of which outlets are out leaving its waters free to seek whatever course is thelr level, "Many of them I'll never mee again," Maguel told herself with a little twinge of regret, "Pe h none of them," Tor here they had been herded together, A little world by them» solves, soudding along through plus-gresn water, Orossing their wires of ambition, of love, of hate, ot passion, as 1f they might be go- ing on this way to the end of time, Greta had told her that one does not wear formal dress the last pvening on ship, Ho she had ghosenn & frook to sult her mood, A frock built of soariet and silk and bouyant youth, A frock thal Jaughed and swirled in motion, that peti foto soft folds and tried to 100k sedate in repose, Put thers was little repose in Raquet this night, Bhe was like & posriet poppy romping with a high wind, "'Bhall we stroll a while on deck?" Alphonse asked her when hey had finished a partioulsrly poduotive wally, "10 Jove It" she agreed at ono, "Phen I will bring your weap." "On, no, Don't bother, It's warm, 1 like the wind from the sha," "1 know, ma petite, Dut it Is treacherous, that wind, You have been dancing, Jt is not safe" He went {0 fotoh the wrap, a. wished he would be less solloltous, Less proprietary, Bhe felt that she was the best Judge of what she should do, He put the wrap around her shoulders, Mis hands lingered, His long, tapering fingers touched her oheek, then drew away quiokly, as 4% they had strayed on forbidden ure, "Thanks," she sald, Mer voles was a obill breeds, They walked forward, stood ow where they could feel the win Deesing velvet palms against hot , Raquel forgot the llngers fag arma, the touch that had chill od her, There was nothing but the allure of the night, And the wars, #0 close overhead that it soomed she could reach up and wok them to make a twinkling for her halr, , tapering fingers on her § her head out of the m hi re to make conversation, "we will be in Paris," "And I for one shall not be sorry," sald Alphonse, 'The life oun ship* board has no interest for ma, It In 100 compressing, All these Juobis, they are polyglot, Like the French Polak oF peasant soup, Ever hing is thrown into it, The result 1a bound 10 be uncertain," "There are a few Interesting yom Tay Morte ams," name from her unintentionally, Rho should not have mentioned it, after the upplpasantness in her room, The on her arm tighten. young Adama?" y auaplelously, teeth were bared. tb ab Her under lip, 1 than vexation 16 make a eurt ans|k whom ahe was em+ made money » heel into her if thought to fashion To take control, time, but of her \ must de made to , ot Tad LY . be naling, must curd her \ ----r ashe would lose \he Suppoee you ight set h that ° mite h ) clean, and stron And 100, when he's h f, When he lets go, like he the night he Ra bu ut Jone, | oan feel noth hh Yh od "winged at the werd "rosie " 1s akin to love," he maid, sardonieally, "We'll leave love out of it, 1 0 " " i "» "No. I shall not, Now, or LL TN Alphonse laughed, The laugh a ban seen Pio bn Aoeft A be flied, Dew uty, i strange a A 1AFE=-they th it, m orate In her an appetite for these { ma appetite," he sald ingratiating. Iv. "I think only of your good. Great things await you in Paris, 1 do not want them spoiled by a silly affair of the heart, The young [1 Adams 1s 8 wastrel" "All mon are, when they dere to he," sald Raquel, "Only some ele fish desire, some goal they hope to fain for themselves, keeps them rom headlong," " that you are wrong, ma oherie," Me spoke as a father to on impatient child, "But we will not disouss It on this so delightful evening, 1 feel a responsibility for you, my ohild, 1 shall expeot ou not to make my role of adviser 0 difMeult," "I shall sincerely try to please you in all things, M'sieu," she said earnestly, "so long as you do not ask of me my freedom, 1 have braved many things! have hurt those who loved me '==lnughing Jack Parrelle="those 1 loved' == Luok and baby Jose='"for freedom, I will not give It up, after paying #0 high a price," "It would be the last sacrifice 1 should ask you to make," sald Alphonse suavely, / Ris lip of a girl was a woman, A clever woman and a determined one, Homething had disillusioned, embittered her, He had once exe erimented with dry lee, Bho was ike that, Burning 21d, Dry Joe melted, In time, Raquel awoke Thefore Voloes were shouting outside the port<holes of her cabin, There were thumping and rumblings, Nhe Jumped out of bed, confused, What waa this strange feeling As dawn, vin It the world stood still, Hhe could Lear her own hesrt beat, Mhe rushed to the nearest porthole, The abip had stopped, below, on dry land, men were rushing back and forth, Thelr voloes set Up A bediam of unfamiliar nolses wwords she did not eateh, Then it all came over her with A tingling little rush, They were shouting In French, Thin was France, Bhe was in France, Now she made out other figures on the dock, Could 'hose two ovel by what looked ke a table or & counter bhe--~why yes! Greta and Bertle Adams, Hhe could Just make them out, Had she overs slept? Were Passengers going ashore? Why hadu't. Greta onlled her! Bhe rushed to look at the olock In the gray room, Two In the morning, They wers not to land until eight, Whe rang for the nteward, "What Is 147" she asked exelted. "Am 1 Jate? There are people Outside, \ "Non, Mademoiselle," the stews art assured her, with his knowing smile, "They go ashore for oars nlval, They will return," Raquel returned to the ports hole, hung perilously out, he Bertie Adams, making oarpival too, Bhe was on the point of sums moning Alphonse, to beg him to take her where ler feet might touch allen soll, it only for a mo No, Not Alphonse, Bhe must Assume no Intimacy with him if she was to keep him at a distance, as ahe meant to do, She looked up at the sky, A lambent moon swung, like a lary bloody range lantern, over the treetops beyond the water's edge, Chaptor 08 In the morning, with Greta and Alphon- Raquel walked ashore as casually as though she were cross ing a bridge trom one hullding te another, ' A Httle quiver of excitement ran ' ough her, though, when her feet tonehed solid earth. Phe stood on alien soll, She waa In France, What Nid this strange land hold for her? The fultiiment of her ambitions, der denirea? Beauty in forms she had not yet experienced? It seemed Ime posaible that Meauty could have oven more facets than those ahe kad already seen, Would thix foreign people find her admirable? Could she attract them as she had attracted her own? Alphonse had omised her avelaim, But Alphonse saw her through her oy 8 of=just what, she was not willing to admit, Not yet, Well, at any rate, the would soon now, What, last night, she had taken £0 he small counters or hootha turns od out to be portable bars, Nehind them stood ruddy-faced French wos men of the rural type, their avarl oloug eyes roving the crowds fer prospective oust "ers, They wera clever, these French women, Inte a amall apace they managed to saveere dorens of varls shaped hotties 'with fascinating labels, Creme de Menthe, lke the green of freahsant pease fn the park that ehauffeur had driven her to the night she "rived In New York, Aliourette, dika sox on wv shine Jara of pink syrupy lquld with no name, Thick sandwiches made of hunks Af bread thinly spread with a paste of meat, And dellelous-looking en kes, Peopla clustered around the imall tables on wheels, rallying one "ather, drin® ae (hiratity, "I'd like to taste some of that pink stuff, tn the jars," she told Alnonge, T "Non, ma petite," he chided, d | ment, k "000 must net trust there bargains ore, They take advantage of the wreal Ameriean thirst, We shall find what we 3 nt on the train, T ARAN take you and Misa Greta to the compartment, then po to wee ahot the car T have preaneed to hinge. The insatiable a You must net be angry we, SWRA ERA hapwitesy mith Wa Dae wanted to be there with Greta and |" are anx' .s to the City of Beauty." "You, lot's got going," Oreta sald, "The simple life Is getting on my Laven" COreta oslled the hectlo whirl through which they had parsed those fow days (a ship-board "the simp + 1ife."" And she had been out here on the pler, almost until dawn, making earnival, Before that she lind 4' ed and cavoried with her eternal "prospects," What did Greta onll a = ~1ft, a £411 fa? Thelr train compartment proved to be a small room with padded goats rhanning alo' + ' o sides, with onreful Yousewlves made for thelr pati dd tidlos on a wanker, Auch Ks parlor chalvs, One entered these rooms through doors at the side of the train, Raquel compared them to i carriage, "There is room for »lx, even olght," she sald to Cretan, when Al phonse had seen that they were comfortably settivd, "Are we to hoe company?" "No, thank heavens, sighed Greta, stretching at length on one of the seats, "Alphonse wouldn't mix with the common herd at such close quarters, ¥e's sure to have the whole compartment, Hand me my bag, will you, dearie? 1've wot to taka a flock of pink pills, 1've got a headache that's a wow, Al phonse wr~ right, Those frog bar maids don't sell deinks, They ped. dle dynamite" ha pink stuff looked dellelous,' sald TMaguel, regretfully, Nhe fell that shies had been deprived of an ndventures, The adventure In this plrangas land, Cretan groanad, "Hay, dearls' she sald, "If 1 didn't know hetier I'd think you were trying to kid me, Nica ttle girl at elrous eryine for pink lemonade, That dre you's re raving about In raspberry syrup home-mads, It's got no mare klok fn It than a counterfeit MIL Tay off that stuff, dearie, It's pad for your pomplexian," Raquel looked al CGrela, Hear alin was parched, yellowish, Tiny Hines had etched themeelves a round her eyes, Mer chi®iah faly ness, the pink and whit velvet of her, was faded, brittle, "I got you," Cireta sald, wearily "IT don't laok a Aav aver ninety, I've gol to lay off, T saw Nertie Adams ee the new-mnawh hay, sura got hollow legs YEE Ahia fa the way the "stuff, " Greta calls If, makes you look, thought Raquel "I must ba careful to take only a little, Tt would he oven worke with me, 1'd rome to be Hke, Mike, Mra, Dosart," "IE wasn't walting, angel," Greta plained, "Me brought It aver, on the ship, I don't know why, He's a whole stable of them here In Paris, Dut that black buggy with the funeral effect meomn to he his pet," Just at first Raquel thought Crete wad Joking, Bring a car all Lhe way across the ocean In a ship? No, Ureta seemed to state a faot 19 the most casual ner possible, Would wonders never in this wonderful worl to which she had cacaped? Alphongs returned, The train pulled out from under the great shed, With a toot<toot of whistle that sounded like a toy horn Iu the heads of a mall boy, There were toy trains on toy ralls alongside thelr «wn, Bmall borg ard girls ran with unbellevanle speed, close td the windows through which (they soreamed the only English word thelr nimble Latin tongues had mas tered, Penny," Poor little kids, She had been 'I '® that once, Dirty aw wet and ugly, Greta reached In her purse, "No, no," orled Raquel, stopping Cotas hand, about to toss change thrbugh the window, "Do nol, please, Greta, It Is wrong to give them erumba, They wi'l be content with erumbs all thelr lives, Lot them be very hungry, so they will learn to look for bread, And for cake" "Wall, 11 be... aten to her" Girela appealed to Alphonse, "Aln't sha the cold little olam?* "Perhaps," sald Atphonse, hime self somewhat taken aback by Ra. quel's intenaity, "But there's wis dom in what she says." "Kyen #0," Greta remarked with @ shrug, "who wants .to be 'wire when {te so much more fun Jjuat being carelesat" The door at the side of the com partment f+ "1x on the narrow pase age of the train opened, TNertle Adams inserted himself through the opening. "Rung swat," he greeted, bun leaquing a low how, "Couldn't we drum up a little lite hereabouta? Mah jor. or Button, button, who's got the button, .or something?" "wa ulating a swoon, "After what you sald wan wine last night,." &he stooped, glanced aporehensively to. ward Alphonse, Raque! followed her glance, The face of the older man was forbidding, Mis amall ever glitt \ We meant Adama to know his pr sence there was an intruaton, 7 "A rubber of bridee.' Nertie nuns gested, #0 that Alphonse wigh know he was (ncluded in the oy "Or a snack of poker" A His eyes Mvited Raquel, ¥ "I must decline, for the ladies? Alphonse's suave politeness like a blow In the face, "They sire to rest" FM arey I'moanve We shall go by train, I know you tiushing beneath hia tan, "Lat (Aliehted and vreeted Alphonse with mm... perhapi XL And left with what grace he could, An oppressive silence followel his oxit, In & few minutes, Alphonse excused himself, He would see & bout insuring a place at lunch, "Phew!" Grein whistled when he was gone, "If that wasn't giving 8 guy the gate! What's eating Als phonse, anyway?' Then, after » momprts "Oh, 1 know, He thought Dortle wan trying to spatch you ae wav from him, Can wee Sant (47% "I think he disapproves of Mp, Adurgn," Magne) offered, "111 say he does, He's sour on any man who somes within eying distane of you, 1 srs wherg you're going to be ny free as a bird In a glided engn "hen we wat tn Paris" "In that you are wrong,"' suid Naauel, her white feat gleaming mwalle'sunly, I shall he entirely frees, 14 ta understood," "Maybe." Cretan shrugged Ther Araoping #' ouldars, "But Just the wams, T'm glad I'm not in your kid boots," " 4 w-- we Chapter 80 -- Linquol's first impression of Paris was that of a Tong platform clogged with people who shouted and goss tenlated, Who Tanghed and © ' 1 vith squat ease, And who ran wild. ly around in eiroles without seem Ing 'o go any place in particular, Her next impr salon was of hun. ( ody of horns ehrleking thelr pros tasty through a turmoil of traffie that looked &s If it could not be disentangled, put that fAnally une snnrie? aolf and rolled away at Arh rain of spead, "Well, hete wa are," hurhled Greta, when they had edged thelr Woy through the turmell on the piatform, *'1 expocto" the *Tav'pe of Dubonnet to meet me, hut mavhe the Marikeosn wouldn't tet him." "The Margulis of what!" asked Raquel Ehe never when to take 'hig michievous Creta serine ly ""Dubonnet, doarle, You don't know him* od " Dutannet F'm »urpris But you'll meet him, He's all nver the In Jrinty uy your heat silk hat Lively, Very him long enough," Alnhy mo! ' them fo fol low him, A ear had drawn up Just nhead, A long, tlosed car the color Of coffes with plenty of rieh cream In it pines Good egr on I DALY, it you ste! wit A chauffeur In brown very LRucosssion of qule bows that bent iLITly from the waist "Look," whizgnared Greta, "Als nhanse haw trotted ant the prides af his motor Thret one's =» Spanish § Httle wagon." The Interior And moll Inhie netgoy flome of the ear, was dean ither of a'siade lghter than the body, Dull bronze Kuade this morning, Me lookad fresh on | That bimbo's Raquel thought, winkine the sunhion the an! i loned leather "I'm dying," moaned Greta, gim+ sald Ada N f) got (ute the Nols de Bologna, which . fittings, "Everything ho has Is perfect," back into wall fap hatnle ouplainad: Alphonse, his ultracoftiein! tone "Hotels" Raquel's ned a bent Ho was golng to take Greta a way Neparate them, There would be no Greta with Ne: funny talk and her (rrepressible Kpivit of fun Nd frolio to dull the edre of Var foneliness von this morsel of friendship was to be dented hor, "T have deolded 11 would he ad visable to ake a showing In two laos," Alphonse went on klihly "You will ba mueh ahserved, Is neolully when It In known vou re present the creations of Cher A) nhonke, You, Madeamolualle, wil) ue to the GAnttnental, And for you Mins Cretan, T have chosen the Nite." To Raquel the names wore ae many words Yet they wore more than words, she know, when she caught the look of surprise on ff *"'% face "Wa firat go past my atelier," ha added, "I must stop there, You walt, for only a moment," The "atelier" was a fine stone Willing fronting on a broad street that floweq toward a great areh spanning it on the horlgon, "Didn't T tell you?" Greta dem. anded, when they were alana In the oar, "The Continental! You won't grab off any Vanderbilt orders there, And little Greta drawa the Rite, no leas," What te It Mie, this Continens tl?" Raquel asked, alarmed, "Don't worry, dearte," (ireta Aald, "It's respectable, Ton darned respectable, Regular old homes stead, Quiet as Malin Street after dark, Tut when it comes to the show-off, wmder what hig idea | In parking you there?" "Porhaps he thinkw ft In I'm a stranger, you know," It's safe, all vight, Of course, he figures. on gotiing you away from my bag Influence, "a wants to hide you, that's Ng game, Ie knowa you won't stay put long in the Rite," \ "But why should he want te hide me, {tf I'm to show his models " Anpuming heart kip: sale, Greta glggled, "Now I'll ask you an easy one," 'she sald, 'You're private stock, He's saving you for himuelt," "If I thought that," Raquel flared, "I'd vefuke to go to this, ." "Konesteo-nen-tahl, The nocent la on the last ayllable, ax in cash, Take It easy, old dear, Don't start a riot before tha fun begins, Juat YOu run along as if you were Wits lean Winnie in parson, I'm just a- round the corner from you. And I've got good eyesight, I'll tip you off to the news, This frog can't pl oany rubber checks on little QGretp, nor you efther, It you say 80." "I'd rather have It out now, tell him I'm going with you," "Nothing doing. Do you want to get me ahipped Mek to Broadway, ¢, 0, DY Keep your jewelry on, dearle, No one's held us up, .yet, Seah, Here he comes, Act natural now, yes, that's the Are de Tris umph, Neat little paokage, It was put thera so's you'q know when you | | right, Iulape, and ware "ns {fore an Ineratinting clerk is some grand litle playground, be Hove me." "Wa shall dine there tonight" suid Alphonse wesuming his place in the ear, He wes in high good humor, Evidently only the best of tidings awaited him in his stelier, which, Raquel learned from Greta, was the French equivalent of » studio, It was here that Alphonse exhibited his works dong in the nae of that fickle goddess, Dame Vashion, "Hurrah!" oried Greta gleefully, "Chatesu Madrid, Won't Onder ells here go woozy over It? There was & goegalow there Inst summer «of googalow 4s a hired man whe dances for a dishonest living, dearle, ,., ." "Then wa shall Aine at Amenon: ville," A' honse said, eurtly "There must he none of these slesk worms It Is not the Amerioan custom," Greta exploded: "My eye, it ain't, With every tat mama from Oshkosh to the Bronx tripping a mean fox. trot at so much per trot," "You are free to do »« you wish, but Mademoiselle will dance only with gentlemen, . "Huh, 1 Hike that, Why, geegal- ows are the most respectahle am- usenent In Parls, Any girl who misses her grandmother goes right out to the Bole and drags grandma Away from a boy friend who's teaching her a new step In the tango, Honest," Clever (. 'a, Bhs had success fully dissembled her just resent. mest in a trickle of (rropressible un, The car glided to a stop In an open ofr 's walled with a gray "tone building, / tall shaft centered the elrile, "Thin 1g the "laes Vendome," sald Greta, "An In oysters, My, how goad It Is to ba home! I hope Mr, and Mrs, Itz have walted up for me" Raquel wag to ramain in the ear while Alphanse #* v that Greta was properly cared for, Tie was linc! nimost immodinte'y, UNow that you are here, everie Fo anld (0 Naguel, "all hops ta koep yon far a Yong, loeg time, ™ "Wie valre wan Unsteady Thera was a pastion 's {t he could eoneeal, "I want very mueh to stay, It 1 find It, .agréeable." Naquel eald, Thers was n warning tn hor words in hier alr of aloofness, "Then wa must ma'e It, agrees ible," Ha had sensed the warning They wera midway In a street giving off the open 'Ircle, You, Gotan wan Just around the corner They alles under ni arch lead. Ing Into a court, The court waa set with tables under poily-striped ums hireling, Peaple sat at the tables sipping feed drin'te, A long covers 4 eatlary ov th fre elod «en of the enolnved veolangle They turusd to the mounted a short flight of Wontst aiflon be Ywe "an ' cont ree (Continvad To-Morroaw) CANADA'S BUILDING SETS NEW RECORD Aggregate Value in First Ten Months of 1920 $203,784,509 Ottawa, Nov, 240 Bullding noes tivity In Canuda mude 0 new high record during the first ten months Of 1020 with an aggregate value of $200, 784,600, Thin exceeded the name months last year, the pre vious high level, by over $0,000, 000, With the dominfon bursau mn | Bachelor Cigar A quarter of a century ago, the Bachelor Cigar introduced a new smoking pleasure , , , a genuine 100% Havana Aller cigar of unusual mildness and fragrance. Because of this exceptional quality, maintained for EACHELOK 25 years, the Bachelor celebrates its silver aoni~ versary with the largest sale of any 10¢ cigar in Canada, WiLson's The Largest Selling 10¢ Cigar in Can of statisties Index , of waterinl prices of 90.6 the cout of bullding was slightly higher as in dieatud by corresponding of 87.0 and 06.8 in 1028 1027, respectively, In October ulpne the estimated | bullding wuthorized was an ineroawe of 6.56 | Beptember New Brunswick Quebec, Ontario Baskatehewan and Alberta regis tered Increases an compared with Napt,, 1080 that of §B63,0U8T, 21.0 per cent, In Quebeo hein mont noteworthy, The grontest de of BORN. R76, or KO. 4 per cent, In cronse In this comparison was thal Nova Boeotla ana | value of $18,088,077 par eent, over ol BOSTON MANUFACTURER DIKN Winchester, Mass, Nov Charles M, Jenkins, 647, president of the C, M, Jenkins & Company Hoston patterns-making firm, died at his home here, Ho was born h ia hh a INTRATINAL CORROSION «= mean that slow, hidden colleption of dis eane-breeding poison waste which goe on In every system unless action I taken, JACK'S LAX was sclentifioally prepared to fight this, keep the sys. tem clear and clean, regulate bowels, liver, kidneys, stomach, Use It regus larly, Bold hy the hest druggists everywhere at 2080 per box, LE EB EN _E NE _N_HN_ NE _N_JN JN _J J Bold By=l, W, Thompson, Dyugnist I ness is represented in this die rectory=~a handy reference tor LUMBER | F.L, BEECROFT | Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard, Phone Oshawa 854 Whithy 18 howe 108 W. J. SARGANT Varden Hloor treat Orders | Delivered | COAL COAL RIN, to prevent breaking, cracking or chipping in the pocket, and to preserve its freshness, richness and delightful aroma, | n \ wholesale | Prince Edward Island and came (AF, Among the he was A here many years ako, organizations of which WARM IN WINTER . To honour the occasion, the Bachelor now appears in gala dress----each cigar indi. vidually wrapped in silvery foil, V4 Foil Wrapped Spiker also in packs and AM, and the Winchester Royal Arch Chapter of the Boston Employers' Association, He leaves prices {member were the Winthrop Lodge lg widow and a married daughters RE ei INSULATING BUILDING BOAPD COOL IN SUMMER DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, our Own those List Your Firm acquainted with the business houses, to become various who wish in the "Times" Business Directory! For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 20 Slmooe Bn Se=iVo Deliver ' Machinery Repairing | NOTHING U0 ahah NOTHING 00 sMALL '1Ul hing St W. those Home -- LL SEND BES Se fe dh CLOSED OAR acoepted an payment on 6 room new brick dence, All conveniences, Well oated, Hot alr heating, ete, prepared to buy as the means business, DISNEY REAL ESTAR 20 King. Kinet Jatt Ow ome owher 'Wé fave several desirable houses for rent, CUTLER & PRESTON Real Kstate Insurance Telephone ST --008 Night oalls 810-=1500 04 King St, West ES UE NA AS MUCH COMMUNIST LITERATURE SEIZED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Warsaw, Palandy Nov, '26.~Nines teen persons were arrested and more than a ton of Communist Hts erature seized in a series of police raids recently on twenty or more suspected plices In Warsaw, Among those atrested were several promi. nent Communist party leaders, The police, who sald the rvaida were caused by the increasing ore onlatfon of Communist propagans du, expressed belief that an extenss fve organization with Maue ln, War anw, Danzig and Gleiwite had Yas Acanac Mache Shop | uneovered, .

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