Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1929, p. 2

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viptions ai | The Whitby Daily Times ows will Be vecelved nt the Whithy Branch Office, at Gag otto und Chronicle, Telephone Bis==Aftor Business Rng, "SUPPER, CONCER Ladies' Ald Scored Culindry Triumph--Oshawa Choly Wall Received ) ---- ay very suegesslul ghicken lope per und concert, under (he Ae, of the Ladies' Ald of the Baptist Church, was held on Thursday even: ing In the church 5 Sunday school yl ast ih hd ve Elo umiiap I tothe da were t busy po fm he Tirke rer Bs being tive py all churches in the town, who patronized the supper, Chizken pre seldom (ails 10 tempt the average appetite, and on this uc caslon there wis 1 exception to the rule, Liener us helpings of gligken, potatoes, pickles, jellies and other good things ware provided dor each wuest and the ladies received num. erous compliments for the excellence of thelr culinary art, In addition to the good things mentioned pumpkin ples were mest eonsplewous on the tables, likewise cakes of all kinds They disappeared rapidly, After the supper the pastor, Capt Best, took the chal in the auditor Jum, snd introduced the members. of tho Centre street United ehureh choir, of Oshawa, who dressed in the goss tumes of long ago, rendered a choles programme, with the following num hers: Chorus: "Love's Old Sweet Song" Plano Solo: Nancy (Mildred M)) | Song! Prudence (Mrs, HY); Negro spirttuals: "Swing Low," "Nobody Knows," "Deep River," "Walk "In Jertisalent" Chorus; "Old Black Joey" recitation: Betsy (Dorothy 1) with encore; solo; Herokish (Mr, Koeh); plano duet! Pladence and Minnie (Mra, H, and Rut); chorus Wall Have to Mortgage the Farm"; quartette | reading 4 Amy (Hazel DD) solo; Tobias (RF.B) 1 cholr selection "Ned" | community ONKS 1 "Carry Me ene Phone 850, H, SORIUSTON oid 01 # y bonnet' "There's i ou Aud Lag Syne pt {§ I hy fine prgonizias flo he Che rendered to well the (ly Fhe" generous and wel og wer oF ¢ old Ey Songs I '} 4 1eie popularity and the pow L141 pr the poi know how to ik them with feeling and effect, vote, of thanks wis, tendered; the visi for their kidnged 4 coming 10 'Whitby to give the vert, wlgo oe the Indies of the ¢hureh fog thal en) enjoyably mipper, a , |GOUNTY BUILDINGS IN GOOD REPAIR Much Work Has Been Done in Last Year, County Council Hears ------ The County bulldings are now in a good state of repalr, und a credit to the County of Ontario aecordipg to in report presented to County Council by Jo M, Kenny, chairman of the Lounty Property Committde, onl Thursday morniug, Mr, Kenny res orted that extensive repnirs hid 44h made to the county gaol, in eloding an improvement to the feats Ing system which will now save eon siderable fuel, a new floor In the gov ernor's residence, and repairs to the rool aml deainage system Some good work wis abd done wt. the House of Rofuge, Inélufling the paint | Ing of _opthuildings, The ehalrmii sted [tut ihe had pdrsonally super vised all the work done at the Coun ty buildings durfng three months, Asks Reeves to Help That some of the reeves In the townships who are not on the Pen sions Board could by eg-operating with members of the Wourd he al meh assistance in supplying the names of eligible pensioners, ip thelr respective munigipalities, was the statement made hy Gordon Melean, reeve of Uxbridge town, and chalr man of the Board for the County to the council for Thursday morning The chairman stated that members Back to OM Vieglony"i "Put on RS AH One TH iE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY: NOVEMBER 22, 1929 of the Board while planning to visit iy Jar of the county could ne or a monthly} heer various niu eto (1 wold forward 10 thy hy thie ne es of those entitled ta recive pen slang, the Board's work old be Rrently fueled, a hi Mpl.cun Hy: edt soe FoR Ll hn de "n HEPA 4rd th is respect, He | that non the Board gol a |thran ihe EXECUTIVE PLANS SEASON'S WORK iston as Secretary is Accepted Arm csu-- Al a meeting of the Executive of Whithy Chamber of Commerce held on Thursday evening, a number of important matters were discussed President KB, Ay Hutchison presided The secretary, J), WH, Orvimiston, ten dered hip resignation, stating that dw did not have time to devote to th duties of the office which le has hel since the Chamber wis arganized wei Over i year Ro, Kearney, lo cil manager ob the Royal Bank, con sented to wet @s secretiry until successor to Mr, Ormiston ean appointed, Members were unanimous that the retiring seepetary had tendered. val uible service to the Chamber during his tenure of office, It wis decided to hold an open meeting for the discussion of matters of interest to the town and district carly in December, Ib was left to the President and Secretary to sel the date and snnewnce suing ut the luncheon wy Friday hodn, Noyenthpr Wih, at. which Mr, B, Holt Gurney will be the Apeaker A Letter from ¥, BM, tewlil, suid Chambeg of ~Com panting that © merce take up the question of ha Inge business places and houses in Whi numbered, was luld an the tube ath the next meeting, The Kx ecutive thought that such ove in Whithy was Jong overdue, some aetion should be taken, Mi Irwin stated that it did not souwl well nor was' It very satisfactory to tell wm man that Ws oflice was two doors north of Allin's Drug Stor A resolution wus passed that the hi i and that i i Seeretary be instructed to write to a A haa Ee. Saturday Specials Of a Worthwhile Savings , Character 15 Only Ladies' Better Costs, Values up to $45.00 £24.50 8 doz. Chic New Velvet Hats, for Misses & Women 99¢c 300 pairs Silk & Wool Hose Reg. 79¢ quality, Saturday 59¢ GIRLS' COATS, SIZES 2 TO 14 YEARS - - ALL REDUCED GIRLS' PLEATED SERGE SKIRTS, 8 to, 14 years.......... Chamoisette Gloves, Assorted Colors, sizes 6 to 8, pair LADIES' ART SILK HOSE, Sizes 8'4 to 10, Pair 15 prs. Lady Mag Corsets & Corselettes. Rég. to $13.80, Ya Price Children's Cashmere Hasé, Blk., Sand, Sines 4 to 7%, 'or.. 380 FRILLED CURTAIN, SCRIM, yard . SHORT LENGTH DRAPERY CHINTZ, Z. vad" ETT RT TIN SRE +1180 -19c 28-inch STRIPE FLANNELETTES, pink and blue, yard 13¢c FUJA SILKE, SHORT LENGTHS, 2 to 5 yds., yard... LINGERIE CREPES; Plain & fancy. Short Lansthervds 100 Short Lengths Flat Crepes, Printed Silks, Values to $2.98 98¢c GREY FLANNELETTE, 2 to 10-yard Lengths, yard .. .16¢ 23-inch English Flannelette, Regular 38¢ Quality for, i 23c "Prints & Ginghams, Short Ends, 2 to 6 yards, yd, 18¢ Wate ' Boys' Navy Chinchilla Coats, Red Lining, Sizes 2 to 7 789. a8 Infant's Fur Fabric Coats, Rose, 'Blue, white, Reg. $4.95, size 6 mos. to 4 yrs. ~ Girls' Silk Vests & Bloomers, all colors, Sizes 2 to 6 Girls' Silk Vests & Bloomers, All colors, Sizes 8 to 14 "me. $2.98-83.98 49¢c 99¢c "Children's Wool Pullover Leggings, Grey, Camel, pair 98¢ LADIES' DIMITY BLOOMERS, Assorted Colors, pair 28€ See. Window Displays W. A. Dewlan LIMITED dou (Tl out 400 thik Atdony polly have ol oppo ge AND LUNCHEON Resignation of J, H.. Orm- [the TRAINING SCHOOL Ei m---- Pr -- the Olas Chiiher o Commerce expressing the very great & pleasursg the Whithy delegates had in attend in the Tnguektendeeed by the Osh awh Chamber to the members of the Assoetted Boards of Lrade and Chambers of Commerce at the Koy: al York Hotel, Toronto, and also thanking the Qshawn LCbamber ol Commeres" for its hospitality 10 Whithy wwesis, and eongratilating them on their pollic spirit and en- tor rise, The above resolution was hy As Go Browning KC, for the lineheon last week but it wis brought to the president's notice, tog lite to be plaeed before the meets I Hol 1 prepared A special committee of W, A, liduy, I, A, Hutehison and J, J, Me Intyre was named to deal with a let ter received regarding the C, VV, RR, installing a system of eleatric block signals on their lake share line ne cessitating the removal of the de rails and the closing of the tower at the Whithy diamond, This move, I wis stated, would be a dangerous one, on account of grades, The Cone milttee, In conjunétion with Secretary will tuke whatever action they dein Ot on hehull of the Executive Boswmanville Daily Times Bn, HERBERT MORTLOOK Representative Phone: Office B8Y, 70 BUILD SERVICE STATION, RUMOR Imperial Oil Company 'Will Erect Unit Here, It Is Reported It has beep rumored around the town in the past few weeks that the Imperial ON Company ls can tomplating bullding In the near fu ture an ultra modern service sta tion whore the West End Garage now stands, at the corner of King und Queen streets The property is owned hy J HH H, Jury, - and when The Times phoned him concerning the project It wis not denied Nothing define ite has been decided ns yet, how aver, hut In the 1 future the went end of th tow MAY Bea a decided Improvement in Hs apponr Up until a few months ago, | hafore the MeMurtry Nock was 00s cupled, this end of the town pre | gonted a drab appearance and with {the addition of a Earaxe of this typa there will be a needed ime provement at the western timits of business section ORY | Ane ANNUAL CONCERT Br ------ The lads of tha Boys" Training Hehool are practieing hard these duys for one of the most impor fant events in thelr year's activi tion hint is the annual concert which 1s held fn the Opera House In Bowmanville, The Times learn od today In a conversgtion with the superintendent of tha school, Dy 0, | Heamon, that the boys In tond following up their last year's sueooss by again producing a musi eal comedy, This will Be under the direction of Converse Bmith of Toronto, who 1s the mugleal in pipuctor of the Institution This vear's proflustion Is entitled "Moy ly be Jolly" and In addition to thin play there will be a skillful pymnastio display under the super | vision Karl Cunningham, phy wioal inktruetor of the sohool Kvery sont In the spacious Opera | Mouse was filled for last year's avert and a great many haa Ww stand throughout the performance The proceeds of this annual event go towards supplying a Christman tree for the hoys and each one is mada the recipient of a handsome praesent and their fil of these ed! Mes which, hoya of thelr ages ey i Joy, O'tigens should bear In mind that some of these hoya are oy phans and that tha majority of them are from poor families, and thin event means the making of a foyous Yuletide season for the young lads at the Boys' Training wohool JUNIOR HOCKEYISTS MEETING TONIGHT re Hotkey players and those Inter ol culture gated in the fastest game ip the world are agatu reminded that the Juniors are meeting tonight at Juok Gunn's offiep on King street, to organise and get prepared for the reason, One thermometer on King street this morning showed that ft was only 18 ahove sero and uw nica spell of this weather will woon put the rink in shape, Bo the' host thing du to be prepared, so that the season's activities oan coms mence and go through without a hiteh once the lee ia In condition, Don't forget the thme and place, Jack Gunn's King street east, § o's ojook sharp, That lust word means that business will commenga when the town elook steikes elght and not hall an hour later COUNTY CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY MEETS -- | | Very satisfactory veporta weve f presented at the annual meeting of the Children's Ald Soolety for the Qountiex of Durham and Novths umberland which was held in the { Pablie Libeavy Hall, Port Hope, {| youterduy, Officers of the society Cwere appointed, ' $35 to $50 dressed, Society Brand and tailored reputation, SIMCOE 8ST, ORGANIZE THE BOY SCOUTS, BROUGHAM TeonAge Boys of Village Taking Keen Interest in the Movement 20-"T'den age b much interested Hrougham, Ne of brougham are the Boy Seout movement lately of ganized hor This afganization should he very benefiginl to the boy of the village, in| A number of our WMS, ladies at tended the thank offering servige of St, Paul's United Church, Piekering Wednesday, to hear the gifted speaker, Miss Garret She vividly depicted India and its crying need nd the child wife, ehild mother and child widow became very real to her hearers, The ladies of 51, Paul's served refreshments at the close of the program, to all the guests of the alternoon, Visitors at the Perryman home « Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, T, I man and the Love family of Te on The Everest family of visited T, and Miss Gamma Wednesday of this week Mrs, W, Wallace and daughter of Toronto and Mrs, J. Baird of Wick wore visitors at the Brown home on Saturday The W, J and My Brown family and Mi MePhail and daughter wore guests of the Browns her Ihe Fred Cassie family and Mrs Philip were in Toranto on Saturday and saw the arrival of Santa Claus Dan Gannon, V, Shaver and 7, ( Rrown went north to Haliburton on Saturday and returned on Tuesday with a deer, Capable of magnifying an object to 2860 times Its natural alee and of 'shifting ts magnitication from firat to fourth power, or vice versa At the mere touch of the operator's hand, what la balleved to ba the world's most powerful research mis oroseope has Just been campleted by experts at the Hausch & Lomb Company fn Buffalo, An extensive campadan for beau tifying Missaur!t highways hy plant. ing trees and shrubs has been quietly under way since last spring, fostered hy the Bate Highways Commission, Now Illinois 1s taking up a similar plan, aimed principals ly at fighting the signboard evil, LOOK FOR THE SOCIETY BRAND LABEL Wn THE POGKETY No need to he a Beau Brummel O man wants to be over-dressed, What was a virtue in early- Victorian days is now little shore of # capital crime, But every man doés want to be well He wants to be able "mix" anywhere , feriority complex, this distinguished line he can choose clothing to suit his personality , , , clothing of dependable fabrics styled value vouched for by the maker's JOHNSTON'S IT'S THRE QUT OF YOUR GLOTHES THAT COUNTS no , » without an in- is his answer, for from by experts with NORTH [GIRLS GIVE PLAY AT ENNISKILLEN C.GLT. Group Presents "Between Two Lives" to Large Audience Enniskillen, Noy, 20The C.G,11 irls presented thelr play. "Hetween fwo Lives Monday evening to ood attendance The play was wel given throughout, the girls: taking thelr parts with great eredit, Miss Flya Orchard trained them, The play had a good moral and provoked much lnughter, from the start, Musical se lections were also miven, Rey, J, M Whyte, acted as chairman in his ca pahle manner Mrs, Thos, MeGill and Rova, spent the week friends in Toronto, Mrs ing for a tarther visit Mr, and Mra, DD, Burgmaster were alled to Hulfalp on bus bist of the week Mra, WW, Patters gon, Crone, spent nd Mrs, J, Freehorn Mrs, A, Tamblyn is visiting friends in Liven Misses Winnle and: Gertie Oks pent Sunday with their parents, Mr daughter end with MaGill stay ness the Robin My on and 8 Sunday with | to the indsay at Lindsay, Saturday, and pent Sunday with their brother-ige w, A Irwin, Mrrand Mrs, WV allage Btaiptap vi- ted with his father, James Stainton, and My, and Mes, Moore, Suir, The Ladies' Ald is holding a hid* gar in the hasement of the church on Wednesday, Dee, 4 ry p-------------- VERNON KNIGHT DROWNED HERE] (Continued from page #) by walking the plank walk or pang plank which had heen built for this purpose, This walk 1s bullt en hoth sides of the large pipe which empties the til from the harhor into the marsh and may have heen Jahdared slippery hy the snow. ' When ha had gone about half the Anta 6 from the pier to the dredge he may have ig footing and tumbled in- eoking enld water, Alert the police could not oats him last pight IL was su that a8 or lost L hi iit ul the Knight was ell hore in the oily and had at ona time been em ployed as a bra kom an for the Qh: Ha way tod 1 midned awa Rallway sports and particularly hasebpll and wofthall Phis summer he as: wislted in refereeing several snfl- hall games, He had been engagn at the harbor during the past three months and was acoustomd | to sleeping In the crew's quarters on the dredge at night, A mad feature of the tragedy Is the fact that Knight, who Wa unmarried, leaves a widowed m ther, Mrs, Josephine Knight, ons Ing ut 708 Cedar street, Two eros thers also survive, Garnet, an em ployes of General Motors and Les lie who works at the Robson Led ther Co, Both reside at home, RUSHING RELIEF | TO NEWFOUNDLAND (Continued from Page 1) equipment necessary to the fishing Industry erumbled hefore the disas FOus wave The Franch Islands of Bt, Plerre and' Miquelon, near the Burin const, suffered severe damage, ies cording to reports, Forty Belleved Dead Bt, John's, NAd,, Noy, 28.--The toll of death and damage from a tidal wave whieh swept the count of the Burin peninsula after Mons day's earthquakes mounted today a8 soattering veports filtered in hera from the devastated sections A heavy snowstorm was veparted along the coast, threatening to n+ tarfere with resong work and cause further suffering, Reports In some cases conflicts od, hut a eheok-up Indicated that at least forty deaths had resulted In various areas along the penin- Sula, Owing to Interrupled tales graphic servies, due It was helleved, to destruction of lines by the earths nuiake, few details weve received ut government offices here, where res Het work was Délng OVER I4E d, Unable to Land | Halifax, Noy, 2-The costal steamer Vernheld arrived at Burin ummediately after the town had heen swept by the tidal wave on Menday might, the owners, Farquhar and Company, learned from Captain | H, Brushat, this morning, The Ferns field was unable to dock at Burin owing to the havoc wyewght by the tdal wave, hut put in at a nearby cove and distributed her cargo, ins dluding a supply of fond stuffs, to the fsheriolke whase prayisions were went hy the waved ™ he ship was undamaged, Denmark, telephonically, 14 wild to he the hest developed country in Kurope, The telephone webvice is aperated hy 7 private companies ench serving an island territor with the exception of one whie aperates on the peninsula of Jute land, "The submarine cables cons necting the islands are owned hy the government, Po phat' PUAN ES PTS TR | "Bonny Bay" and His Singing Daddy Are Coming Again! NTARTING TOMORROW aR: Davey Lee Last Times--TONIGHT? GRETA GARBO in "The Single Standard" y WE A Now Eat "Basie A Delightful Breakfast Food and Mi Wesley Oke, Miss MeGill entertained Wy Ihursday eve Reva " ung people on Hing Wm, Lamb, Mr, Kenneth and Miss Mag Lamb, Bowmanville, spent Sun day with Mr, and Mrs, L, Lamb, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Ashton family, Gordon Werry and Mrs, H Werry visited friends in Oshawa and heard Rey, Mr, and Mrs, Dibble, 15, C, Ashton and Miss Marion Os chard are building new garages, Mrs, R days at the John Slemon Mp, and Mrs family and My, on visited friends in day, Mr, and Mrs, BE, Dickinson and Miss Elma Dickinson visited Mr, and Mrs, W, Shenpard, Bunker Hill, an Sunday, Mrs, Shepphard returning home with them for a visi, My, and Mrs, Arthur Redknap and Alfred, Mrs, Wm, Whittaker and Mrs, John Pethick, Newtonville, visi: ted Mr, and Mrs, 8, Pethick, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Tamblyn and Mary visited Gordon Werry, Sunday W, €, Kirkland ad Miss Margar ot, Cobourg, Mrs, Bradley Sr, Osh. awa, Mrs, Hoekbridge, Port Hope, and Mp, and Mra Nouvan Bradley and Miss Elsie, visited Mr, and Mra lames Bradley, Sun + Tamblyn, home of Mr, and My Wm, Ashton and and Mes, R, Ormist 'oronto, Sun which has come to detract from many of the beauty spots along state roads, I EO IE To Relieve Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness And Head Noises Persons wwflering . from patavchal - deul ness, of who are growing hard of hearing and have hend noises will be glad to know that this A terana affliction ean usually bo successiully treated at home hy an Ww bral wedieine that in many instances has eflpeted Suinplete eliel alter other {reatments have Tailed, Aeterna wha could scarvely - Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Miss Joan Tamblyn, Oshawa, Mr, and Murs, Milton Tamblyn and Glen Tam blyn, Orono, spent Sunday at the home of Wm, Stalaton, Me, and Mrs, Edgar Staples ats tonded the funeral of the late George and lemon is spending a few | Travel The King's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICES ROYAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO November 20th to November 28th FARE 88¢ PM, 3.30 430 8.30 6.3¢ 7.30 8.30 8.30 10.30 ell 18 AM, d7.00 d7,30 8,30 9.30 10.30 11.30 PM, 13,30 1,30 230 Hotel Oshawa Leave Oshawa (Standard Time) Leave Toronte AM, d7.30 8.30 2,30 10.30 11.30 PM, 12.30 1,30 2.30 d=--Daily except Sunday, GRAY COACH LINES OSHAWA Phone 2828 aaa --_---- Health is the Watchword and Economy Reigns Supreme hear~have hd thei hearing restored to seh an extent that the Lek of a wath was plainly audible seven or eight inches | away from either oar, Therefure, {f you know of someone wha is troubled with head notes or oatanrhal dealwess, ent ont this | formula and hand it 10 them and you may have been the weans of saving some po sufferer perhaps [rom otal dealness, The presoription can be prepared ar home and ma as AWS Secure from your druggist 1 os, Parmine ) (Double Stren AN) Take this home and adil 1018 34 pint of het water an a wiated sugar: sur until hae ve thblesioon wwe Hime A day, Parmint 1a used in this way not only to reduce by tania action the inflammation and swelling in the Eustachian Tubes, and thus 10 equelize the air pressure on the ding but 1a somect any excess of secre. tons in the widdle ear, and the results IL gives are nearly always quick wad of fective, Every has catarrh in any rambling, hissing a hide wean Take one person wha distressing form, or sounds we thew should give Wis 4s vie 8 nak LULL in those families where mothers give the children lots of good, simple nourishing food---~particularly Canada Bread How the Youngsters Love It!

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