Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1929, p. 6

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omen' The Women's Corver | aay A ud Anything of 1oterest to (he ma and the Hous ad ald / FABRICS MUST HOLD BHAFE Perhaps ong of the Wi dbs tasps for women lwahapping for gms] ven 18 to lemrn to be a Judge of fi bries, In selepting either sill woolen inaterisls whether they i ghoseh over the eounter or In ready toswenr dgputingnis, it is nebessir "to now something about tie eon struction of the mnterials in order 1 Het the best vilue, Vowlunstely fer thos y hive not had the thine or the iny indy to make this study, theve to usually expert ddvige (uo hie sult, w cont, or wn froek, 0 ts lines and look well at the had from the store, MW It Is sought to hel end of & long business day, should THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, _ s Interests in t ¢ Ho 1929 i Ra i me --- and the Community FE SO he tiade of those masters from whieh #u Eire may rightly Ls ex seabud A I ee, M18 not neees Wry te i one's taste 10 the ved's of one's business, Wihathep it I8 heeauss af te unbgue curing Walitien op nk, tweed, which Hn bi enue approved and pres ented wider ew gees for the last ww prisons, leads daytime fabiries, weed pons and subs and tweed Joeki ys tor welght wre In the wetvont of Tushlons und they have nilvaled werring flimiles The vuvier Twkeds especially, may his tie eh wll alter a wewr in the rain, hung we properly and a souple of days ate y thiey emerge In sneh @ sats thet Wey wre anew mers wearable, Even the Tighter tweeds do wot uplly "bag" or pull out of shaps In wile of the "parent looseness of ie weave And then they lend themselves well to the expert work mili whieh characterizes the good tillorad things with thelr eompliented ol wd HY avert elath Tor frocks Is another witertal whieh might well have heen ~ a at eg A EE Announcement ie pon '- Nest Post Office We have been appointed Sole Agents In Oshawa and Distriet for the GREAT HERBAL TONIC SARCON KARN'S DRUG STORE We Deliver Phone 378 | ANNOUNCEMENT | HIONIY ~DHEYER On puturday, Heplember 7, sl Toronto, Babs Jean Dreyer, doughs ter of Rav, and Mrs, W, G, G, Drey~ or of Bobenygeun, was married to Bric Randolph Henry, son of Mr, and Mey, Ki, M, Houry, Oshaws, -- devised with the business woman's needs In mind, As the phrase runs "it wears like fron" and It Is to be had In & number of pretty solors mish Ws pale green, or ross or any other shide which Is good this season, And It Jouks well with (sllered lingers with linen or organdie collars J cults, whieh can easly be ehinge Th order to freshen the frock for the secand consecutive day of wear to business, Wool arepe Is another excellent dren material whieh re-emerges un- der the swine eld Jun but " of Bue watly, like its predagensor, This ses: son's wool erepe In apt to be ong of the quite shear weaves, us light as sill, but with sll the resistance to aruehing that good woolen maferinls show, It, too, somes In & number of aolors, but bleak 1s Just shout the smartest of wll, especially with white lingerie touches, nd In making & eholos of any slik, erepe, talfetan or sating, the woman who wishes to ninke the most of her purehases hie he sure that It |» not overwelghted, In which ease It easily erneks, and more easily shows uly and enduring creases, Pam A Your F. te Recipes The editor of the Women's Page would greatly apprecis ae It If any readers who have good recipes for Christ mas eakes and puddings would send them ip to her Bha will be pleased fo Rublisk these and shy other favorite recipes, Also, she will be kad to offer any suggestions that may help to solve prob. lems that epop "w from day to day, In this business of housekeeping, Please ads dress all Jottars 10 Editor of Women's Page, Oshawa Dally Timon Hear itToday... The vivid beauty of Majesticy MAJESTIC RADIO colorful tone, The ) I reaker were prese are powerful, mellow, disdnct, The plano, the violin, every musical instrument is W "UMIGHTY MONARCH OF THE AIRY faithfully your home the world's finest orchestoas-- play for you and your guests at & moments notice, Untll you cannot realise the vivid beauty of Majestic's Cotonrut. Tons, Let us demonstrate in Jou no cost or obligation, are priced within reach of every Ami and there will be no change in Majestic prices this year, Join the Majestic y Here's Choose the Maj wish for Christmas, Pay & smal amount each week through this reproduced, Majestic dance music gives will bring to homé every true, human ay natural as If the nt, "The voice of a great soprano Is bell: ¢ in its clearness and natural purity. Deepest bass notes HELPFUL HINTS | | SOCIAL and Pye Just been to the cobbles Where slekly shoes In rows Await hig kindly clover touch On soles and hoels anf toes [ He wouves his needle fn und gut Awhisthing all the while And when hi haxed wu ohildish sf You ought to sep hin smile A tral With He mh Fo wead pplandid thing he does titehes with tele war slele slides well ruck il agul wir tally So. blessing on that eebbler wan An wall us sending shoe His choo Our souls he ina pirit shines therein it renews! Alice Boyd, Taranto | Miss Allee At, spent Tut Willan Calbar ne woeesli-und In Taranto Jaek Carter, of Toronto, 14 Visit ing Ceol Honuettn, Ohureh Nt, Mr, and Mies, G, Turner, Agni Bt, wore (the guests of frionds in Toronto aver the weel-snd Mr, and Mrs, Robert Philp, Bur | Ketan, have heen the guests of My and Mrs, BA, Wright, Division ML, for tha past few days Mr, and Mi Hamilton MeCon nell are returning to town today after sponding thalr honeymoon 1 Butfalo, Mrs, MeCounell, bebo her marriage Alla Mark Werry, NEW BAKE TABLE FOR PREMIERS WIFE Win y to | beer this wonderful ndio home... Majestics Christmas Club! how the plan te! ic model you . On tof $3 and $5 per ristmas Eve, u Radio on over 10 months, Ee week will assure delivery of The Sater be word ¥ GEO. C, 18 Church Street ALLCHIN LTD. wo Oshawa Mrs, F erguson 'Orders Table Made at Christie Street Hospital Foranto, Ont, Nav, #1) Within | the next few weeks, a white hak Ing thle, mataltopped and full of | deep and roomy drawers, will leave the Vetoraft shops at Chpistie street hospital addressed to Mes Gy Howard Verguson While her husband ohattod ana joked his way through the vanks | of esservice men who staf this | huay fhotory, Mes, Ferguson step ped anlde long enough to order a fable for the Kitohen of the new home sho and the premier are mak Ing Just above Bi, Olal "Tell them how you want tt made and get the ane you want, the prime minister opunselied, smiling solloltously, as Mes, Pergu WON Rave hev order, But lke many other house: wives, Mrs, Forguson long had Known the aanot Kind of table ah had wgntod, As sho dictated spe olftontions to a olerk, sha amdiea at her husband the smile that many A husband han recaived, to his oon fusion, on similar furniture buying oxpeditions, One gathored that there was a oase where the prime mindster's advice, no matter what ita fmpor anes constitutionally to the Craw, was surpertinius, The Proamier had a oheory word for all and a Hiple of smiles fol | lowed tn his wake | For Instance! he asked ane worker abhouta wounded gar and aoeived the veply a thle Mrondly: LW the anty one here with a Wound fike this" / "I'l het the vent of them are Mad," returned My, Porguson, eyes twinkling, The veteran's was the heartiest of the eohoing laughter N. SUNDAY RVENENG FROCK | eR y | The latest fashion whim ds the | 'Tunday evening frook," It ia a | ploturesygiio rook, wanally, with wis WRNALLY lovely sloaves and meek treatinent, Bolt garnet velvets, Mwny gold booaded dames and other glamuronn fables fashion it It dw the counterpart of the ok | He Sunday "heat deoss' Bat it hak 8 party ally vathey than & | Shure one | PERSONAL Migs Neots Davis opened her yin for uw party for anhout twenty f the members of the Chosen tlonds last evening, Besides the Inoing there wore a few musioal mbes contributed hy Mr, Usorge lorlel who Jed tn wu singsong And Ir. Askew who played an accardias ola The next Tuesday svening Foanrty will bo next waek al the home | of Men MaXuight, Dowmanvyiile, t, Andrew's Young Veopls are 0 omeat with North flmeos Young soplo west Monday evening The foul debate of the Young Foeple's geiotion of the eity will he held hit eveuing between (hess two Bo= ation, Tho subject of disgussion Hosolved that Ministry: and fone offer a greater apporiyns orvies than business or Hite Narth Mimeoe the aMrmative side of Me LY Tor Iie rolfesnional upholding 0 question Hebokah Lodge No, § held thelr uiny meeting Wadnesday, flor Aunle Bhamil, NU, 0000 fod the ohuly Among the order of business was the second nomine- of ofMoors for 1000, AL the of the Meeting the last of A of suchre parties took place following are prise winners| Mes, Thompson, Mrs, Woeks, Mallatt, gentlemen, Mr, Hold Mr, Moles and Mrs, Bohwarts, ho apeetal pritos wera won by Mrs nompron and © HM, Helder I'he eds are used for the benefit lodge, W. Bhamile thanked 1 tor attending and stated that fore would he more enehire parties future lan lon orion hi tiae Vi SLL the 1 the CANADIAN MP. CONGRATULATED Miss MacPhail Is The Per. sonification of Strength and Silence --] London, Eng, Nov correspondent of the News says! Mis, Hambton MF, who ia just hae k from Geneva, and full of ens - £1,#=The | thusluem for har first experiences of the League of Nations Was pars teularly impressed hy the xreat ability, knowledee nnd understand. ing of the women delegates, and mont partieulariy Miss Aunes Mao- Phall, Canada's only woman MP, Ming Maobhall in the pearsonifions ton of strength and silence she holleves he spouks Hitle, but when she does, welghs her words oarefully, and In always intevesting, and whe. thor whe speaks at all or not, Ins variably mets things done, Hhe oombines a vigorous Intellect and a atrong sense of humor, Mes, M, A, Hamilton member for Waekburn, NOME PANHTION NOTES Home colors that Paris decrees for avening are pink, watersgreen, baby blue, torguise blue, "dark brown, and belght or dark reds, The old silver dog collar and pevteatt looker of wrandmother's days are helug revived tn Jewelry fashions and the longer and more fominine akirta now used are held reaponsible for the revival, Is Labor he newest evening shoes are of ie soft ohion velvet with straps or goldoor siivey Noted fashion houses are featur Ing avaning gowns with the oap sleeves, A VE 0 pg i mot he pliable, Removes redness and relieves trritation AN IMPROVED OVEN Cup # of ashestos paper to fit the Find, 45 sas pap retaing '} saves fuel and prevents wr ws yom burning, TO BHAR.ZEN SCISSORS When the scissors are dull, run the blades across the neck of & small bottle, In the same position as though sutting off the neck of the bottle, TO BRIGHTEN LEATHER If the leather seats and: backs of chairs become dull, beat the white of sn egg snd rub thoroughly, Then polish with & clean soft eloth, SHINY GATMENTS When & garment becomes shiny, sponge It with a solution of one tea spoontul of ammonia tp one quart of water, Then press on the wrong side, TO CLEAN PLAYING CARDS To ¢leun wolled playing cards dip a small sponge In spirits of camphor and rub lightly, "This restores the newness, FLORAL CENTERPIECE You Cun have lovely oval can traplese for your table If you plant colored follage plank, Keep the een tres nipped out and they will grow In oval shape, most attractive STIFFENING SILKS When light sills 1s good and falrly new, 'ne stiffening Is required, hut when It has been In uss for some tine Ib Is apt to look & litle limp if loft entirely without If, But be sure to wee guimswater and nothing elec : : Me Ys quakly wid eanly made whl & quarter of & pound of cheap gm warned and a quire of bolling water, Wash the gum arable In cold Wier to remove dust snd wond fibre, then add the water and stand (he pan In & warm place, Br now and then untll the gum melts, then strain through musing snd bottle for use A small dessert spoontul of gum water ge made to half a pint of warm water is the proportion to give a slight but deelded freshness and firmness to "will, Dip the ariel quickly in the solution, squeeze tight ly and then roll it up fn u large per leodly glean towel I'his Is done thas some of the moisture ean be ohsorbed and lroning nde easier tin really best not to hang these siiflened silks out of doors; results are better of they wre lroned while uulte damp, having been left rolled up Aemly Tor at least halk an hour Those things that are not stiffen ut all can be put over the Hue for short time, but they must be taken in while quit damp for froning, and, even then, it Is wise to rall them up for a short time, You want to by sure of even dampness, as then there will be no fear of rough, dry patches to spoil your work Don't per silk at all, Just hang It aver the Une and turn it about now and then so that there Is an equal weight on either side, Re-dried starch is used to prevent MELARENS LIMITED HAMILTON ONTARIO 1 MCLAREN'S J caking ~» [0 ? INVINCIBLE iy pT NVINCIBLE BAKING POWDER an A ih ve tb BUTTERBCOTCH PIE WITH PECANS | sup scalded milk " eup flour A teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons shortening 14 tenspoon extract "4 oup eold milk 14 cups brown (gar 2 epun A -- W eup pecans chopped, Method-5ift together four, salt, sugar, add slowly to sealded mifk In double boller, stirring it in, Cook th thick, Add egg yolks Ma 8 and cook three minutes more, Re move from fire, add shortening snd flavoring, Fold in beaten whites, Cont before pouring into ple shell, Over top of flling sprinkle chopped pecan tHiul cont for we will clear them out at 7 Great New Our Male Is go ing over big and wo are satisfied With the ves Aponse to our of forts in making this ouy fmt sale a big event in the year's husiness, Our Hues of coats, dresses, and mils linory, however, are still offering a wide selection to choose from and' this week. end this offer to these whe were unable te be served last week AN opportunity to shia the wonderful vals wap OF Ladies Coats Only a few of thix line are Toft and we want to clear them from up stopk as wo weed the space for one Christina activis then and to these who want a good haw in this week end we offer you a bean: wetter Materials wPetter Construction ~Hetter Comfon w=flotier Appearance CHUB Sold and Recommended by BURNS CO, LTD, King and Simcoe Streets 500 / The Fashion Sh SIMCOE ST, § These Better Things weliotter Wear wellotter Value I B é S Eute Silk Hose All slsen we the well known Ves nus make, All shades, $1975 Be DRESSES Dresses worn never offered hy wi before at sneha price and we sold many fast weeR, but wo still Rave many more and

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