Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1929, p. 4

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: TORONTO OFFICE #01 Bood Building, 06 Temperance Bireet, Telephone Adelaide 0107. WH. D Tresldder, representative REPRESENTATIVES IN VU. 8, Pavers and Bions, lus, Now York and Chleage Lr ---- AR Br THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1929 EC a aM. RELIEF WHERE IT 18 NEEDED Aommp----y The speech which Alderman Preston made while the alty eouncll was discussing the local rellef situa- tlon on Monday evening was not exactly a happy ong, Discussing the possibility of large demands upon relief funds during the coming winter, Alderman Preston claimed that it was unfalr to ask the men whe had regular employment on city gangs to share the work with men who had been employed In the factories "for five or sx months making big wages" He went on 10 say that there were many now aps plying for relef whe had been "living high all sum- mer, paying instalments on a piano, a radio or u ear And he wound up with the statement that "those who have been living beyond thelr means way be taught # lesson" To take an attitude of that kind is tollose the whole perspective of the relief situation, Wiat relief of ficlals need to be concerned with ls not the causes of the need for relief, but rather the actual need its sell. But, in considering Alderman Preston's states ment, it is hardly fale to say that the factory men to whom he referred had five or six months work wt high wages, In most cases those now in dire straits had little more than three months steady work this year, and thelr wages were not so high that they could meet the obligations piled up against them dur. ing last winter snd lay aside sufficient to tide them through' the long Idle season, The objection taken to working men paying instals ments on plancs, radios, and cars ly also somewhat unfalr, Jt must be remembered that in the early part of the year, prospects looked good, and there was plenty of employment, And one could hardly blame some of these people from seeking a litle pleasure and joy in life, and buying a plane or a radio sot, or, in isolated cases, oven a car, At the time the purchases were made, they probably ex- pected 'the good conditions to continue, and that it would be no hardship to them to pay for those things whieh meant bringing a little bit of sunshine into a life of hard work, "Instead of being condemned, these people should parhaps be helped over the hard tues, because they have shown that they wish to have thing in lle more than the mene. drab. o of dally toll, to Le meant And one would | by teaching these people & lesson, os Alderman Preston does not suggest that Wr thelr families 'should be allowed to starve, tever the causes avhich contribute to the present need, these people are human beings, ahd plain humanity revolts from the idea that they should be "taught adesson" in the only possible way in which it could be taught, But knowing Alderman Preston an we do, we can Dardly belleve that he wishes to infer that the type of cases he mentioned is typical of the Oshawa fam- flies who, by dint of belng uhable to, secure: work, Shrough no fault of their own, are forced to the ex- Sremity of accepting relief, There are, of course, al: svays a few people who think that the community wee them a living, people who are almost professions ale at the art of yeguring relief, J'hese, however, are sory much in the minority, WE would venture to suggest that they constitute less than one per cent of the number of families in need, And these people wre already 30 well known to the relief authorities, that there Ia little possibility that they will be al: 10 take an unfair advantage of any celiel are available, : {8 needed at this time is not caustio eritlalsm of the people who are in need. Rather is It ngoes ary that those in places of authority should concen: A thelr attention on the best methods of handling the relief problem which is pressing, so that no fam: fly in Oshawa this winter need be brought to the weorge of starvation because of the lack of employ: ment, AN UNWANTED PEOPLE It would seem that the Mennonites who are nh wd in Russia, and threatened with exile in Siberia, Bre people without a country, The appeal made by rN Hon, Mr, Forke to the western provinges to ace L gept them as settlers has met with a cold response, ther Alberta, Saskdtchewan nor Manitoba has any eu to assume the responsibility of accepting thew, gvon with assurances that they will not become a on the proviage, And, although an appeal has been nade to Ontario to offer them a place of refuge, it is not very likely that this province will be any nore: willing than the others to open Ita doors 10 them, © tis an uniortunate situation = for the Mennonites, As has been pointed out 'previously in these columng, the Mennonite communities already existent in Ow farlo have been industeiony, thrifty and law abiding, people yolug about thelr business, living their ho In their own way, and causing no trouble to BORS, rr . Wom ' THE OSHAWA. DAILYPTIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1929 4 The o gt difioulty, of courses, Is that the appeal bod ats th wheh ail the po of Cane bare rather o shout the advisability of ex tensive immigration, provines has suffered, to some extent from the Influx of supposed farm werk. ors who would not stay on the far hut prelernd to seek the large cities se un possible emyloy+ Bo they can hardly be blamed for seeking to 'uvold the aggravation of & sltuntion which they A can hardly deal with adequately as Jt is, © he humanitarian appesl of Mr, Forke ls one which has wn strong appeal to sentiment, but, when viewed In the light of cold reason and common sense, It can be sald thet the Mennonites are being refused, not beasuse they are not wanted, but rathef because it might not be the best thing for themselves to come to Canada at the present juncture, There Is a long, hard winter ahead, and they might, if they came here At present, preve to be a serious burden to the pro- vince which. give them shelter, CO-OPERATION FOR PROSPERITY The drastic steps which are being taken by Presi dent Hoover to promote the prosperity of his couns try, and to overcome the paychologlca! effects of the recent stock market slump, are commendable, In that they lay on the necessity of close co-operation between all the leaders of business and Industry, His conferences with the lenders of transportation and finance have already brought results In the form of nosurances from these branches of the country's eco+ nomle life that they are prepared to do thelr share In providing for greater industrial snd construction activity, Although there Isa tendency in the United States, us well as In some sections of this country, to be pessimistic over present conditions, there have been sufficient evidences that conditions ure basically sound to show that pessimism Is unwarranted, The cosoperation which is being given President Hoover, howevar, Is a practieal measure to promote a feeling of greater confidence, and at the same time, to pro * vide employment opportunities which will remove the [oaling of depression which has been created, This gosoperation cannot full to have good results, since It will bring an Increased feeling of security und prosperity, und will provide for an expansion of business activities, Although this country has not suffered to anything like the same extent as the Une ited States, it might not be out of place to suggest that & similar line of action sponsored by the Pre. mier of Canada might do much to promote a strong» ur feeling of optimism than Is apparent at present, ---------------------- UNSATISFACTORY REPORTS The report of the Canadian department of trade and commerce for the seven months ending with Oc. tober ean hardly be considered satisfactory to this country, For some years past, it has been possible for Canada to boast of a considerable balance of exports over imports, and this favorable trade bal ance has been one of the contributory factors to Canada's prosperity, This year, however, the balance has swung the other way, until, ut the end of October, it stood at $85,000,000 against Canada, This means that the peo- ple of Canada bought that amount of foreign goods In excess of the amount of goods produced in Cans ada and sold to other countries, Apologists for this state of affairs have thelr excuses ready of course, and claim that it is due to the deeline in wheat ex- ports, There may be a certain amount of truth in this, for the smaller wheat crop of 198, and the holding back of that crop by the wheat pool, have had their effort on the total of imports, Yet a closer study of the situation shows that this alone is not to blame for the unfavorable trade hale ance, An analysis of the figures reveals that Canada has ingreased its imports by $21,000,000 a month since Marth, while in the same period the exports have Ingrensed by only $6,000,000 a month In the same pe- riod, This gives the key to the unfavorable trade bals anee, It Is simply that the people bf Canada are buying too much from other countries, are buying an ever<dnereasing volume of foreign products, instead of the produsts obsthelr home industries, It would appear, therefore, that the remedy lies in thelr own hands, They need to have a greater faith in the pros duets of their own industries, a practical faith which will lead them to spending thelr money on home pros duets rather than, imported products, so that the trade balance may be made to swing back in Canada's favor once again, Just ay much by a deerease of im. ports as hy an increase In exports, CANADA MAY SUFFER The government of tha Argentine Republic has ane nounced the signing of an agredent with Great Bris tain whereby the wheat of the Argentine Republic will be exempted from any protestive duties or res steletions imposed by Britain on countries outpide the Empire, This means, ih effect, that the Argentine will, so far as wheat is concerned, be treated exactly as If that country were a part of the British Empire in reapect to trade preference, This action on the part of Britain harlly seems fair to those countries within the Empire which have embarked on a campaign for increasing trade within the Empire, and opening up greater markets for the products of Great Britain, Canada Is vitally inters osted in this matter, more interested, perhaps, ghan any other part of the Empire, because the Argentine Republic is Canada's greatest competitor in the Bris tish market for wheat, It is quite likely that, should there come a time when Rritaln had a duty on wheat produced outside the Empire, this country would sufs fer an a result of the open door "extended to the South American country \ a EDITORIAL NOTES Having suffered a more or less severe earthquake, New York alate may now elaim to be quite the equal of California: Oshawa's Little Theatre Is deserving of far more support than it is being given, It is amasing how slow people are to support a worthwhile movement in thelr own community, The five great naval powers have started off well hy agreeing to the date fixed for the Hmitations cons ference, I{ they can agree as well when the cons forence is in session the results should be worth while, Little fault will be found with the release of Dy Q. J. C, Withrow, after serving two yours of his sens tence, fh view of the fact that Bartlett Brooks, charge . od in connection with the same offence, was acquitted, '| tn together, and sort 'em out when Other Editor's Comments THON Hogortar) In one year ngle oyster can produce one hilllon new ones some one has figured out, and this ceuses Cn, rt of the Holden Prov gross to believe shat at least one should met Inte a church ayster stew once in a while, (Brockville Recorder) Rich in fron ores itself, Ontario has been consuming ores brought from the United States hecanse they were of higher quality, But if the Turnbull process proves a success, the situation may be cone oelvably reversed since the iron ore resources of Minnesota are not fn- exhaustible, and Ontario the Im. porter, may quite possibly become Optario the exporter, ep ---- MILL JRE BORES (Toronto Mall and Empire) American millionaires aye mul. tiplying and Iast year thers was an ineranse of fifty-nine in the ranks of those whose annual Income in in excess of a million dollars, It In to he hoped that they ave generally of a finer quality than the others, for Theodore Roosevelt once said that the dullest people he ever met were milllonaives who, once they sensed to talk about thelr partiou- far business, were hores, Among the millionaires he had talked to, he sald, there were hut three ex. ceptions to this rule, ADVERTISING AND SELLING (Regina Leader) As for the Canadian consumer he buys tew British products be~ onuse he never hears nhout them, He reads ten advertisements of other products to ope Hritish ads vertisgment In Canada, The re. sult 18 that he buys the goods he roads About, British goods are as & rule of high quality but in the face of stiff sompetition and more enterprising welling methods they will not sell themselves, It might be said with considerable point that both Canada and Creat Britain can take A lesson from the United Hinton In the business of advertise ing and selling, SYONN MURDER A DAY" (The Vancouver fun) Ohiengo fs In the Judieial distriet of Cook County, the population of which Is five miniondl Its murder record averages one a aay, When Clive was eharged with having committed fearful erimes against the people of India he told the House of Lords that, after ax. amining the particulars set forth in the Indietment, he was astonish od at his own moderation, Similarly, the assistant state at torney of Cook County, 0. Wayland Rrooks, Is astonished at the mod oration of the Chieago sssassine "It In really remarkable that there are so faw murders,' he says, Canada has twice the population of Cook County and that population In sprend over a vast territory much of which 8 unpoliesd except for the vary rare visita of members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Canadians murder each other at the rate of about one or two A month, | Bits of Hn | "Literary people rarely commit orimes," says a writer, He evident. ly doesn't read many modern novels, "'Mhey laughed when 1 walker to the plano, but thelr laughter turned to astonishment when 1 ear ried ft ont," remarked the Install ment Collector, -- "I hear Skimpole was hurt, How did it happen?" "Wall, you see that ditoh over there!" "You" "Well, he didn't," Lady: "What books have you got on jurisprudence!" Lunch-hour assistant, "Sorry ma dam we de not stock them ady: "What! No hooks at all an jurisprudence!" Lunch-hour assistant: "No, madam Tuta's are the sole agents for Justas prudence' books, 80 we da not stock them," A STEP FORWARD A young man just out of ool lege nought the advice of a hard. headed and successful business man, Pell ne, please, how 1 should #0 about gelting a start in the areat same of business,' "Sell your wrist watoh and buy an alarm olook," was the laconlo reply, ==8tratford Heacon-Herald, ---- The stream of traffic which had been released by the yolitoman was held up by an antiquated coupe, the driver of which was making frantic efforts to engage Nis gears, thereby gine a tors rifle grinding noise, or v alting hopefully for two ur three minutes, a taxbdviver, who was next in line, wan heard to remark, loudly and savoastio- ally 'Go on, Archibald, ohuok 'em all yer git home," Bu TeartabAnd it came to ANN, 88 Joals sat at meat with hemi, he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them, ARd thelr eyes wera opened, and they knew him: and he vanished out of thelr sight, And they sald one to another, Did pot our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Soriptures te Luke 24.30, 81, 22 Prayer: "Divine Instructor gracious Lowd, De Thou forever near" THE SECRET OF GOOD VENTILATION 9 When you stay al one of the older hotels op vislk, mo: Th homestesds you are immediately wirnck with the great height of the cellingm; ten, twelve and even fours tean fost, This telly us in a practical way the general idea of ventilation of Just a few yours ago, ' Kyery room had a high celling so that there would he Menty of fresh alr for everyhody, It was figured out that each individual should have a space of 1000 euhle foot, that 1s a space ten fect wide, ten feet long, and ten feet high, or measurements near to this, Further, It way estimated that the alr in this room should he changed by exhaust fans, or hy open windows or doory, It was thought, and wo taught, that the alr expired from tha lungs that 1s used nlve-wus harmful because It contained earbon di nxlde and also because it contains od some organic matter from body wines, It hag heen shown that carbon dioxide ae found fn even a greatly crowded room has really nol effects upon Lhe system, Vurther, sven the body wate which create the oder noticeable In a crowded room dre liewise harmless What then makes the alr In a erowded room harmful? Yad alr fs made bad hy helng tog warm, too moist, or because 1 iw stagnants«not kept in motion, The reason that you feel uncom fortabla tn a Yeloge' room Is he cause your hody gets surrounded hy a sort of melst warm envalops dug tn the Tok the alr In Ahe room Now volir body needs to throw off waste matter and heat hy way of the nkin If tha surrouhding ale 18 warm and moist the skin eannot rid ftself of tha hody's heat afd moisture, hoecatiee the alr has ready too much This then entsoes discomfort If the alr ean he the danger and kept fu motion A a Sis he of movement of measuies, then the warm raeist aly surrounding your hody gets moved away, and you feel comigpt while again, Kemember it Is not the alr spase in & room, hut the movement of (lie &im that Js importgnt in vents Alston, _ GHILLY TREATMENT ' » i -- Vacstions One=""Why so gleomy, ¥ oy 0 "Just heard my und y nae" Just heard my 6 line aut me out of His will, He's nlters od I times in the last two years, "Ha Venti a fresh-heir fiend" Muskegee-Phoenix, A re -------- Part of Spain, Trinidad, BW I, is the capital of that wonderfu island, It is one of the most beautiful cities in the West In- dies, has a wonderful harbor snd does » large ocean commerce, hut It has the same traffic problem us whout every other city, The Editor of the Part of Bpain Gagette, in talking shout the me tor transport problem there, is is of the opinion that the auth ities in charge «f traffic in that city are not mind readers, He thinks that accidents would great. ly decrease If. motor J i would exercise mors cave in the oheration of motor ears, In part he says: I'he Trinidad Guardian realizes that those whose duty it is to control this foun of traflie cannot penetrate the mentality of drivers and compel them 0 heed the measures prayided to in sure #4 maximum of safety on the nuhlic roads But it seems fas though an effort will have to be ihe 10 require applicants to possess mething Lesides mare ability to rive before Heenses are Issued them "Engh enve should be decided on its own merits and the consid: oration of Mness to drive should invelye questions of intemperance, foolhardiness, hravade, and pre. vious convictions," IT WOULD BE WELL TO HEED HIS ADVICE I. - a ---------------- We. STOCKS n | StoBIEFORLONG 8 | BONDS | | i B oli Sion Stor "tend, 8, F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System i 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA f Ld ai Ei _-- GRAIN Phones 143 and 144 St. S. [50 TNE SUT ST TF 0X XT a 3 CARNATIONS Rog, $1.50 $1.00 I a A a NZ ]5 RR Fruits Soups & Vegetables (at cm »* | NT | \ (1 | A i ol Zs | nr ALY a hundred recipes -% for appetizing, nourish« ing dishes from soups to desserts challenge your skill in this illustrated cook book, sent on request, You will find them easy to follow and the resylts will be a revelation to you, as they are to every woman using thisdoubly-rieh St, Charles Milk "for every milk need", Mail coupon today, THE BORDEN CO, LIMITED 1608¢, Paul St. West, Montreal, Dept, A Please sand me free §(, Charjos Recipe Book Na. Ra NAME... ADDRESS §a$inn Go a EE ih New FLORIST Headquarters in OSHAWA! 8 Simcoc on Friday and Saturday We are going to make it very interesting for every flower lover of Oshawa BOSTON FERNS and vicinity and we are putting on some real bargains for Friday and Satur day of this week and in addition to our bargains we ave going to give away a Tose to every customer coming inte our atere on Friday and Saturday and should our roses give out then we will substitute a carnation, the above we are putting on a special in Boston ferns, primulas and other potted plantas, \ Don't Forget Qur Address 8 Simcoe St. South Everyone Is Invited to See Our Beautiful Display of Chrysanthimtums and Pom-Pom, Russel Porking will be ope oning a new flower store on Felday, November 88nd, and will bo celebrating his sivth anniversary as a flow 'Ist In Oshawa, Our busis ness has grown steadily every year until we have found it necessary to open Wi A store whereby we oan serve aur customers to bets ter advantage and solicit now business, A Rose Given to Every Customer You ave Welcome Reg, R108 98¢ PRIMULAS Rog, The &@ 880 §0¢ In addition te SPECIALISTS IN FLORAL DESIGNS FOR WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, ETC, BC CC CC AC AA AN BARA \

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