Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1929, p. 3

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5 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1929 PAGE THREE | aa a. 5 People In Ontario County Are Gra Be hs Clinic Tuberculosis is Now Being - Conducted at Local Hospital Clinic at Oshawa General! Hospital Is Making Exam- 'inations of Local Tuber . culosis Suspects and Con- tacts WILL BE HERE UNTIL NEXT WEDNESDAY Preventive " Measures Are Under the Control of the Province, With the Co» operation of the Doctors of Oshawa p-- The travelling tuberculosis cline of the provinelal department of health is at present in hy demonstra ting its preventive work in a remark: able way, The elinie is established ut the Oshawa General Hospital, and has been in operation all this week, examining by X-Ray a large number of tuberculosis contacts and suspects who have been brought to it through the doctors of the city, All of the local doctors have given splendid co operation to the elinic in bringing cages of this type te its attention, and this week un average of twelve patients a day have been given ex amination, the elinie will also be op- | erating here on Monday und Wed | nesday of next week, On Monday twelve more eases will be exuwmined, and on nesday there will be sev eral more available for the ¢linic, Dr, T, W, G, McKay, medical of ficer of health, who has been instru mental in having the travelling clini come ta Oshawa at this time, inform ed the Times, yesterday that sixty per cent, of the cases being examined were those of people who had been in direct contact with persons suffer ing from tubereylosis, the rest being tuberculosis suspects, Only three of those examined were old cases ol tuberculosis, so that the chief fun tion of the clinic Is In diagnosing conditions so as to disclose signs of tuberculosis in its early stages, when it is most amenable to curative treat ment, The travelling olinie is mains tained by the provinelal department of health, and travels all over Ontario doing work of this type, work whieh is considered to be very effective in preventing the development of tuber culosis to a stage at which it would be beyond successful dreatment TOO LATE TO CLASSY LOST-FOUR HAND PAINTED orepe-do-chine handkerchiefs bes tween Brook, Bond or King, Please peturn to Kyle's store, - a FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, MOD. ern, Very low rental, Apply apart ment 3, 390A Bimeoe Bt, oRh ( hh) FOR BALE~~1 PAIR GIRLS boots and skates, size 8, 174 Church, (1200) I-- Coming Events 8 Cents per word each ine sertion. Minimum charge OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS Friday, November 2ind, Round auare dancing to Pat shannon and His Haymakers FeatyHng & 'slde-splitting Prize balloon blowing contest, "Blow to all your friends about it." Dancing 8.20 pm, (120b) SHOOTING MATOH--- ON OROF- ford Farm north of Maple Grove, Bowmanville, Saturday afters noon. November 28rd, Rifle and shot gun ranges I'rea ammuni- tion, Forty geese and ducks for prives, Green Bros, (1208) RUMMAGE SALE RASEMENT OF Simooe Bt, United Church, Fri day. 8 pm, (1208) NADAME BROWN, PALMIST, hone Appointments 2030F, 43 uisa Street, (1200) HARMONY HOME AND SCHOOL Club home gooklug sale on Fri Coy November 22nd, from 1 to 4 pom, at 20 Slmove St, fouth (1208 AL BAZAAR CENTRE © Street United Church, Thursday, 5 November 28th at 2.30, 2 (120a) SIMCOE ST, UNITED CHURCH will hold annual supper, Weds neaday, November 27, Tickets i adults 800, ohildven Rie, ak (136:120:123) WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE sale of home cooking Saturday Nov, 23, Raine 12 noon, 4b it, Ki St, (118-120-131) OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS Thursday, November 21. dancing 8.30 pgp, Featuring Jack Evans and hia Manhattan Blue Blowers Just finlahed season's ongARe: ment tor TTC, Hanlan's Polat. PERL CONSULT MADAME BEBDA, solentitio palmist, 234 St. Jul fon street, (1180) ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING "In Gene's Hall, Courtice Thurs day evening. Musi¢ by Holding's orchestra, (119b) a % at ronn ference that his pourt had dis« Lan teat today, Any good druggist can supply For MANY HAPPY RETURNS HON, WILLIAM SMITH Grand old man of Columbus, and for many years member of pare Hament at Ottawn for this vids Ing, who on Naturday last was Ha yoars of age, The Hom, My, Emith has heen (11 recently, but ohh Wednesday was reported much improved and he will be out ngnin shortly, His many friends In Whithy and Ontario County estend to him sincere congvatulations on his birthday und wish for him many more years of health and strength, CASES HERE PROVE SHOCK TO COUNCIL Over 200 "Juvenile Court Cases in 8 Months in Osh. awa Said Very Large Oshawu's two hundied Juvenile court capes proved a shock te the Heolal Mervice Council of Ontario when it met in mid-conference at the Royal York hotel Toronto, yesterday, Rev, §, C, Jarrett, reo tor of Holy Teinity Anglican @hwreh and' Judge of the loos! juvenile court, had mformed the posed of 200 cases during the past elght months and Judge Warner pommented that the number seems ed unusually large for a city the flee of Oshawa Judge Jarrett however explained that many of the eases handled here are not Hated as such in other oltles where they are attended to as "minor charges' by the chief probation offiger, CHINAMEN FINED, POLL TAX.UNPAID Six Men of Capitol Cafe Un. able to Prove Their Partnership Six Chinamen who are engaged in the Capitol Cale, were each fin- ed 40 for fallure to pay the poll tax, by Magistrate J, Willis, ree ently, The Chinamen must also pay the poll tax of $5 apleey, The Celestial elalmed that they should not be made to pay the tax as they were all partners in the ownership of the Cate, This could not be accepted as a proper defence by the court, however, as there were no documents to show that a partnership had heen entered upon, The prosecutions were entered by F, KE, Ellis, poll tax collector, OBITUARY MRS, HARRY BASSETT The funeral was held in Toronta on Tuesday, November 19th of Mrs, Harry Hassett who died last Saturs day, Mrs, Bassett's' husband was Killed vecently hy @ street oar 1} loronto andl on receiving the news of his death she suffered a stroke from which she failed" to recover, Mrs, Hassett was in her seventy-sixth year, She was a sister of Mes, A, Cowle, of Bond street, Ohawa, Bes sides Mrs, Cowle there survive four brothers and three grandchildren, ---------------------------- 11 1 were a dog catoher T wouldn't look for any except Pekingese Lite, Folks Past 40 Should Read This = ___-. 1 you are troubled with a burning sen: sation, bladder weakness, frequent dal " oy ance, getting up mighty dull pate In back, lower abdomen and dowi though groin ron shoukl try the alnasing vans of Dey Southworth's "Usataba' al oles aw seo what a wonderhal dhiitevence they wake! this sean od foomnts wf a well Anowa phy olan huings You the swt and' saliaiy, WE CWO At has brought to dosens of ath you surely will be thankinl and very well pleased 11 it does ual satisty, the drugs supplied vou with "Urataba™ 1s AUthoriged 10 1eIUIR Your money wn the ist boy purehased. Thies gives you a full 10 dave' test of "ratabs™ without visk wf wi wnle pleased with results, WM vou would ¥now the wv of peaceiul, yestiul sleep a normal healthy Bladder, start this Rist tha nd OSHAWA RAILWAY'S NEW STREET CARS ARE GIVEN TRIAL ------ Trim Red Car Given Run Down Simcoe Street Yesterday Ope of the naw street cars pure ghesed by the Oshawa Railway Company last year, which wil) shortly be pul into operation here, was given a run down the Bimeoe street tracks yesterday afternoon, The new street car attracted con siderable interest, It 1s painted ved, trimmed with yellow, and has # much neater appearance than the ears pow In use, It is slung mueh lower, and gives the appearance of a smaller car, although It has as mueh headroom Inside as the pres. ent ears, The new cars are described Ly H, W, Cooper, manager of the company, as much safer and bets ter than the present cars, They are equipped with the finest sales ty devices known, and will be safe, comfortable vehicles for the elite gens of Oshawa, he sald, With the inauguration in the near future of a ten-minute street ear service in Oshawa, the new street ears will be put inte use, No announcement Las been made by the company as to when this new service will be inaugurated, but a statement Is expected shorts I, The passing track en Blmeoe street near Loulsa street has heen finlshed, and permission was given by tha city counell some time ago for the rullway to cease meeting CNR, trains s0 that the new schedule could be put Inte effect, RALLY NIGHT OF ROYAL TEMPLARY Prominent Toronto Officers of Order Attended Annual Function The annual rally night of Osh awa Council No, 68, Royal Temp lars of Temperance, was held on Tuesday evening In the I, T, ¥ hall, King and Prince streets, The meeting was attended hy F, M, Kay, Dominlon councillor, John Buchanan, Dominion past counellior, Dominion vigeenunotls lor Britnell, and other prominent Royal Templar officers af Toronto, Brief addresses were given hy Mes sre, Kay, Buchanan and Hritnell, The program included readings hy Miss Ida Comrle, David Smith, and Miss Greta Howden; vooal sos lo# hy Miss Ivy Fleming and Lloyd Newhall; and a tableau hy Jack Comrie, Miss Ida Comrie and Miss Ivy Fleming MOTORIST SENT 10 HIGHER COURT Fatal Road Crash Results in Charge of Negligent Driving Port Hope, Nov, 20,--Charged with grevious bodily harm throug negligent driving, MH, M, 8hulman, 214 Wychwood avenue, Toronto, was committed for trial in Port Hope police court, The charge was laid following a fatal accident on the provineial highway near News castle on Oot, 18, when a car driv. en by the acoused was proceeding from Kingston to Tareato, HW, C Love, 8t, Thomas, was killed when the auto crashed into a slow-mev- {ng transport truck, -------------------------------- KEDRON NEWS NOTES Nov, 19-Miss Nora Marion Mounting, spent last week with Mra, A, L, Pascoe, Salina, ; Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Crossman and Irene, motored to Kirkfield re cently, VHA Eileen Stainton, Zion, visited her sister, Mrs, Rass Lee, Mes. W, N, Hoskin and Darathy are spending 'a few days with her parents in Orono, Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Gibson and Douglas, Oshawa vistted R, J. Luke Fay Conlin and Miss Marguerite Conlin were in Toronto on Friday, Miss Loraine Pascoe spent a few avs with D, and Mrs, McCulloch, rono, Mr, and Mrs, IL C Lawrence, Myrtle, and Mr. Andrew M, Laws rance, Oshawa, visited 1, Mountjoy, Tay Conlin and Miss Marguerite Conlin attended a party in Brooklin on Thursday night Messrs, Howard and Lome Hos kin and Marwood Heard, Oshawa, visited Herb, Hundle, Hampton Mr, and Mrs, A, DD, Langmaid and Evelyn, Zion, visited Everett Mount oy, ! ! Miss Kathleen Conlin returned home on briday. alter spending two ek's vacation with relatives in ew York City Mr, and Mes, Ross Lee A. TT Staluton, ion, Mr. and Mrs, George Scott, Ray and Grace visited at the home of Arthar Ross, Columbus, Kedron, Werry « visited | were the most Bees in Hol low Tree Form Very Interesting Exhibit by " Local Apiarist at Royal An exhibit which is attracting mueh interest in the aplary msecs tion of the Roynl Winter Valr is that of J, ¥, Anderson, loess ap arlat, who resides at 268 Ritson Road north, "The exhibit consists of & hollow tree trunk containing 4 bees' nest which has been ens cased I 8 glass cane, The nest was secured under nun. usual plrcumstanoes and considers able skill hed to he exercised, Home time ago a colony of hees at Mv, Anderson's hee farm, lo- ented In the township, swarmed and tinally located In a tree tronk phout fifty feet shove the level of the ground, With the consent of the owner of the tres, the top paction of the trunk was cut off and with it the nest, Netting wus thrawn over the nest so that the bees would not have a chance to scape and the section of trunk wae then placed In A glass case, The nest and honey comh eun be jueen clearly through the glass and spectators at the Fair are able to watch the busy Nitle insects at work, It 1s deseribed ag one of the most Interesting sights in the aplary section, Last Straw Hat of Season and First Snowstorm Appear Here Together The act straw hat of the seuson and the first snowstorm made & simultaneous appearance fn Oshe Awa yenterday, hile most people shivered with the thought of the show lying on the eold, frozen ground a Young man Was seen | hurrying down Albert street In his shirt sleeves while hig head was crowned with a straw, Like the Inst rose of summer It was bloom: ng wlone, It 1a also reported that the man qulekened his pace when he nos teed that a team of horses, draws ng a milk wagon, gased enviously upon his erowning glory while thelr mouths watered &t° the (thought of the miniature straw slack the biped was wearing, Stock Market Prices | Markey Bummary by Canadian ress Toranto and New York Nook Quotations Supplied by Ntoble, Vorlong amd Co, | TT mi -- TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE | loaronta, Nov, 31=Alter gn irrey ular start, prices on the Toronto Stock Exchange today Armed up to wards the elose, Trading continued quiet, International Nickel and Wall Jromient in regard ormer sold off 1:8 at 32 3:4, while the latter firmed 1:2 12, Brazilian receded 1.2 at Steel of Canada and Page were the strong features of the ston, both issues finished the day with galing of three points each at 45 1.21 and 98 repegtively Of the active all stocks Bell American was up 1:4 at 41 Iny was unchanged at 28 1.4 and Inter national Pete Apmed 1.2 at 22 14 rs to activity, The | h erinl ATANDARD MINING EXOHANGE Toronto, Noy, 21 With the ex ception of the ells, stocks gave A firm display In today's session of the Btandard Mining Exchange, At the olose, galnw outnumbered losses by a wide margin, Noranda and Amulet provided a wood shave of tha total turnover The former closed at 47.00, for a net galn of 60, while the latter firmed # at 1.88 Lake Bhare was up B0 wt 10.88 and Falconbridge gained 60 at 7.10 The olla were generally Mayland dropped 06 at 8.860 th Pacifte was off 8 at 2.00, dropped 10 at 2,10 and od Ollg wan up 0 at 1.46 L aster Alber Alay Assoolat | Vn ee I, the reduction of bank rates in Kong land and of heavy abandonment of wheat usoreage In Argentina Moreover, Argentine threshing ve. turns were alarming and black rust complaints more numerous Open ng 1%e to 8%o up, Ohlone wheat afterward showed addition al gains, Corn und oats were also Brongor, with corn starting %o to Loo higher, and subsequently climbing still more, Provisions tended 10 sag TORONTO High 11 40 40% iy 18% 184 Block Hr, A, Nraw Can, Ind Can, Hrd Cookshuty Oty, Dv Dis, Hgrm Gypsum 2 Hr, Wal Hm, Wed, It, Ut, It, Nk I, Pet Id, Aleit Imp, OH Lob A" Ma, Hr Me, Frit Mt, Hy Low Close TE Te 18 4 10% TE" 111] 18 2A 19 ue Ti aN TEN 18 4 Ti 15 rt ; 10 EER 118 ba Hid 114 ha ih iu 11% 1 11] 19% 'Y Hhay miation ) A FR ii MINES Blow k Low Other price changes included) Nase Metals up § at 4.08; Hallin | wer up 15 at 516; Hudson Hav un 26 at 11.00; Hheritt-Gordon un 29 at 4.00 and Ventures up 10 at 4,00, NEW YORK NTOUK RNCHANGEK New York, Nov, 21,.The stoek market developed rather pronouns od reactionary tendencies toward midday today, as traders generally displayed an Inclination to take profits on the sharp upturng of the past two sessions, Trading remain. od qulet and orderly, however, and declines in most leading shares were limited to to less than 4 points, UB, Bteel sagged 23 points, and suoh shares as Amerioan Can, Ra dle, American Telephone, General | Motors, Johns Manville and Bald win, 1 to 24 pelnts, Calumblan Carbon dropped #3 and Auburn Auto and Otis Elevator, hoth ef which have a thin market, dropped 18 and 21 points, Call money again venewed at @ per cent, Heavy buying of the railroad shares turned the course of stock ries upward today after an ear fer flurry of Nelllng had ocarvied wany of the leaders down #1 to 84 share, and a few specialties down % to $81. Most of the early losses ware out down, or wiped out. soon after midday, and a long lat of atooks were selling #1 to #8 a shave above yesterday's final quos tations, TORONTO LIVENTOCK Toronto, Nov, 21.Cattle re celpts 44, Left-overs on the Doms Inlon Livestock Exchange today totalled 200 head, the bulk of whieh were store cattle, Few sales were made up till aeon, Calf res colpta, 18, Calves were steady at $16.00 for top, Hog vecelpts, 24, Hogs were steady at 310.660 FOR, for sae loots or $11.78 off car, Shean receipts, 41, A small sup. ply of lambs sold steady at $12.00 per owt, CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Nov, 21.-=Wheat, Deg, 128M: Mar, 1.308%: Corn, Deo, S08; Mar, 94% Oata Deo, 474; Mar, 49%, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winhiped, Nov, 21.-=Wheat: Nov, 214 higher at 138%: Dec, 1% to 1% higher at 1844 to 136% 1 May, 2% to 1% higher al 143 to 143%: July 2% to 1% Maher at 144 to 143%, Oats: Deco, & higher at' 64%; May, % higher at 0TH, ---- Ernest Werry, Enniskillen recently visited HH. K We my. Mr, and Mrs, AD Vanyke and Earle visited Mrs, T, Shortridge, | Brooklin, CHICAGO GRAIN Chicage, Nov, $1 Sudden brisk upturng in wheat prices today aos | Abana companied the announvement of High 180 HT) 180 uo 100 T45 T10 Close 119 210 188 (1 T00 148 710 610 814 1286 13% fl i 1078 1] 1000 4a1s ati 470 als 188 18% 117 EA) 180 ad T00 Tad 11) Ajax Amulet Wg Missouri Chem, Res, Dome Mines Faloonbridge Haolll'n ger 620 Home Ol ,, 1878 Howey Gold al Hudson Bay 1188 Koot, Floren, i [ake Bhove 1050 Noranda av00 Cher Gordon 403 Hlacoe { sudbury Das, Ffeok Humhes Wright Harg Waluwell O01) in 085 v Bas 2 NEW YORK High 11% anioek Amer, Can, Am, Fr, Pr, 0% Anneanda (TEM Balt & Ohlo 119 Can, Pao, 201M Cheysler ,, 3 Ce, Ge, N.Y, A " 11 Col, Gra, Dupont (TR ON 11TH 20044 45 1 LER 111% fdw a0 11% L 3 13% T08% 11% REY 18% he Erle Rall Gn, Pds, Gen, Mot Hd, Mt, It, Com, It, Tele Jue, Man, lee, Wis Mex, Shid, Mt, Wara Paore Co, Phil, Pel Ph, Sv, NJ, Radio Stmmong Sta, ON |, at, Ol NJ, Ud, Alp, UN, Stee! 171% Woolworth 17 TM Yen Th 134% 1% Money vate § per cent a ------ City y News TYPREWRITING CONTRAY The fall typewriting contest for the championship of Oshawa and distriet has been announced for Wednesday, December 4, Those Interested may obtain full informa. tion by phoning 3218, Habe Ruth Fined Wegtbroak, Conn==1t gost Babe Ruth $34 here for ng on his way to ton enday, Officer Rabeock of the state police sald he chased the howe run king about 50 wiles before arresting him, Dabe was doling 80 in Rraatord when Babooek began the pursuit, 4 ? { 1 ! 11 A \ 1 ¥ ! 4 AN # { |] rt Ez 2 hy a PONE dW CNIS 5 FE 16 WIN CONTESTS AT THE WINTER FAIR R. 5. McLaughlin's Entries Make Favorable 'Showing st the Royal A favorable showing was made by the horses owned by WH, B, Mos Laughlin, of this sity, at the opens ing program of the Royul Winter Falr yesterday, My Delight took first prise in the class for Canadlan-owned wad. dla horses, Tn a very closely cous tested event, Mahib was placed second In the green heavyweight hunters' eolass, W, B, Cleland's Top Twig and Habib were very avenly matched in thig event, In which conformation and condition saunted for 60 per rent, 'The final decision was not made until Top Twig had hasn sent out of the ring to be resaddled and was then gals Yoped furiously around the ring to prove te the satisfaction of the Judes that his breathing was right, In the competition for the Tore onto Hunt eup, Bharavogue, rid den by Mrs, W, E, Phillips, won second prige of 4 handsome plate This event was limited to qualified hunters vidden hy an amateur meme her of the Toronto Hunt elub, In full dress ROADS DANGEROUS FOR AUTOMOBILES At Least One Car Lost a Wheel When It Skidded It was treacherous welug on the streets of Oshawa today for the uur wary motorist, Last night's snow storm, coupled with low tempera ture, covered many of the sireets with & thin coating of lee which made driving conditions very dans garous, and drivers had to be more than usually careful to keep thelr cars from akidding At least one oar lost a wheel as the result of skidding, It was be ing driven down Ritson Road, and skidded on the rallway track near King Street, The ear turned right reund, and the rear right whee crashed into the curb on Lhe sast alde of tha street, The whale snapped off, the spokes hreaking as If they were matehes, and the oar came to & stop over un the boulevard strip alongside the sireat While no other accidents have been reported wo far, It was very noticeable that the great majority of drivers were taking no Chnnoes on the slippery pavements, COUPLE KILLED BY CARBON MONOXIDE Dead Bodies Discovered in Toronto Home---Death Accidental Tarento, Nov, 21--=Wm, Herth wiok, 04, and his wife, 63, last night lay In the eolty mergue, for the home they had struggled to peautify had hecome thelr lethal ohambenr, They were found dead when pos lee battered down the doors of thelr vesidence at T0 Cambridge avenue late yesterday afternoon, Dorthwick wad a painter in the employ of the parks department, The Borthwicks died some time on Monday night, vietims of a vents lose gas heater, according to pelle reconstruction of the double fatal ity, Thelp ncaldental deaths were caused hy carbon menaxida gas, which still poured from the heiter lant night as police brake into the house, COLUMBUS Columbus, Nov, 20-=Alter an illness of a few days death claimed the lie of Khizabeth Stevenson, beloved wife of Thomas Nall, Columbus, The des ceased had lived in Columbus for some time, © She had many warm rioggls who held her dn the highest veiatd and who sincerely regret her demise. Mrs, Hall, i has been troubled with asthma for a good many years, took a turn for the worse on Monday, The end came peacefully Thursday, October 3, Deceased is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs, A, La 0 Taunton, also one sister and two beos thers, The funeral was held at the family residence en Saturday, Now, The service wa sconducted hy Rev, KF, Clugston, of the United Chueh, Columbus, Interngnt vas Wade Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, Mp and Mus, H, Searle spent the week-end at Toronto With relatives, My, and Mes, Watson, RN and son Karl, Mr, and Mrs, H Moore, from Cambrey, vistted at OC Mayes on. Sunday, Mr, and Mes, Fred Wilson, of Oshs awa, Mrs, Stevenson and family, of Whithy, spent Sunday with My, H, Wilson, ) Mr, and Mes, Thos, Cook spent Sunday with Mr. Geo, Hepburn Mr, and Mes, A, Gregory, of Chat han, is visiting with their daughter, Mes, IG Purvis, Mr Thomas Mall and Mes, AD Lonemaid wish wb express their ol praciation of the kind sywmathy, help and fRaral tributes their me of deep sorrow, 3 of at nted Old Age Pens PARKWOOD HORSES ! ions Nearly $5,000 Paid in Old : Age Pensions in the County Each Month, Council Learns Who Owned the Coat? The police here are trying to lg+ ents the owner af a cont which was left In a ear driven by L, W, Bmith, of Humberstone, The coat 1s thought to be the property of an Oshaws wo- man and Mr, Humberstone Is st tempting to find the owner, A shory time age when L, W, Smith and his brother were motors ing through the elty on thelr why to Toronto they were hulled ou King street west by two ladies who stat: ed that they had wilssed the hus fo Toronte and requested that they he piven a ride, The twa men pequlesed and drove the women to Front street, Toronto, where they wished to wet aut, As the driver was not familiar with the streets of Toronto tw ladive Rave them divections by which they were able to find thelr way, Later they discovered that a parcel eontaln Ing a lady's cont had heen left in the rear seat of the car and had appars ently heen forgotten by one of the women U, OF T, ALUNNI BANQUET MONDAY Several Noted Speakers Will Address Gathering in Masonic Temple The banquet of the Oshawa Franch of the University of Tor onto Alumni, whieh ia being held next Monday night in the new Ma- sonle Temple building, promises to be one of the most Interesting events of the season, The commits tee In charge Is bending every ef: fort towards making the evening A success, and invitations have been extended to five hundred fpvaduates of the, University in On tario and Durham counties, Dr, CO, ¥, MoGilliveay, of Whitby, vetepan educationist and physls lan, will preside ag chairman of the banquet, Rosa MeKinnon, of Oshawa, will lead the sluging while Clty Xngineer W, ¢, Amith wil ov eompht on the plane, Almost every graduating olass In Ontarle's largest university, from 1880 to the class of 1088.00, will be rep resented at this important gather Ing of farmer colleglans, The fes. tivitles will bring to mind happy college days and the profitable years spent within the shadows of the university walls Heveral noted speakers will be present ineluding Miss Dorothy Kil patriek, Dean of Women at Unis versity College, Hugh J, MeLaughs lin, vice president of the University of Taranto Alumnae Federation, WW. J, Dunlop, director of the Unis versity Extension Work, and Pros fessor N, DeWitt, Dean of Arta at Victoria College, ----y-- PICKERING PICKERING AYA ELECTS OFFICERS C. Fair Named President, Mrs. J. O'Brien, Vice: President Plokerlngy Nov, 30=The AY PA af St, George's Chureh recently opens od {ta new elub roams, in the Cours tice bullding on King street, These rooms, Which consist of a committee room and Kitehen, are tastefully recorated, and: homily furnished, the equipment of which, has, for the most part been donated by those ins terested, It is expected that the AYPA and the Women's Guild, will have many pleasant gatherings in these rooms, L, At the first meeting of the AY, PA, the following officers were elees ted for the year: Hon, president, Rev, D, B. Langs 1 president, C. Fairy vicesprests ent, Mrs, LL O'Rplen; secretary, Miss Thelina Mansfield; asst, seeres tary; Misa Annie Bakery treasurer, Miss & WW, Davisy publicity secre ary, Mes, 1, Tanner, i" Eh. an] PICKERING RE IS GIVEN WELCOME w---- Piekering,. Nov, 20=The members of St, George's Chureh, Piokering and the Dunfarion mission gathers together on Friday evening Rast in the Community Hall, Dunbarton, and tendered a welcome to their new rector, Rew, KE. 6G Robinson, RD and fale, A musical program was given by several af the members and during the social hour whieh follow ol, the vector was able 10 become acquainted with his new pavighion erg, Mn Robinson oeenpied his pals pity, officially, for the first time on Sunday, having recently come here from Schomberg, mrrr-- Ontario County's Share of Providing Pensions Is $097.10 Per Month--Pen~ sioners Receive Average of $15.04 « Month, Re- port Shows 4 33 PENSIONERS IN. HOUSE OF SE OI REFUGE Are Making Arrangements to Leave This Institution on Receipt of Pensions-- Objection to Paying Bills of Reeves Quashed by Counell Applications for old age pensions made to the County of Ontario Old Aug Pensions Hoard this year under the Old Age Pensions Act totalled 2 weeording to a report which was presented to the county council yess terday afternoon by the Board, Of this number the board found that 268 old peuple were eligible while the ap» plieations of fourteen were refused, Ontarle County's share for the old iy pension bill will amount to ap. proximately $U9R10 'per month ree presenting twenty per cent, of the total gost of $4,944.50 per month, TH pensioners will reeelve an average © ¥I5.04 each, per month, the hoard re« ported, Some of those recelving pene will be entitled to the ful meant of $20 per month while ethers are entitled to lesser sums, Thirty three of those who will recelve the estan have been inmates of the louse of Refuge, In Whithy, ant the majority of these have made aps rangements to leave the countyly home for the aged upon the rece pt al their pensions, Ihe report recommended the pays ment Of certain sumim to the reeves of the municipalities whe had rendess od valuable assistance to the board 0 securing information coneerning the residents of (hel Feapoctive mus felpalities whe wight be entitled ry monthly allowance under the Aes, those who were reviving payment for (NEle serviges Ineluded Tobi Ross, reeve of Nast Whithy, John Morr sol, reeve of Rama, Robert Somets ville, reeve of Port Perry, John Ross, reeve of Thorab and Wiliam ( anle, reeve of Uxbridge township, the tots al amount being £34.50, Objects to Paying Reeves Rooye George MacMillan, of Reueh townahip, anu Reeve GW, M, Forayth, of Pickering township, were of the pinion that the gounell would ereating @ precedent by paying th Sum and the council then went inte committee of the whole to consider the repart with Reeve Wi Gy Cassié, of Uxbridge township, in the chair Reeve MacMillan moved an amends ment Miggenting that the bills of thy reeves of Kast Whithy, Rama, Thee ah, and Uxbridge townships x of the teove of Mort Perry be witli Ura, "Lam heartily in accord wit \ OM 'Ake Penvipns' Act and boliene il bring gomiort to m BUN that it w eserving people who are toe old help themselves," he said, "Bus thought these members of the ¢ oll may be rightly entitled to + money this thing is fer a charitab and it would be a noble indly act if they withdraw thet accounts," ) The reeve of Reach alsa Intima that he had rendered service to - Ol Age Pensions Board but had not entered an account, : eation Go te Board | "I never put in a bill and assisted the Old Age Pensions in the applications whieh were n by residents of my township," 'R Forsyth of Plekerlng commented. Was of the opinion that the Bea should wot spend money in order Het information concerning the ape plicantsy It was the duty of the loants to present the necessary oration to the Hoard, le Tavoues ed Mr, MaeMillan's i endgent, # Reeve Morrison, of Rama to hip, did not agree with A A 3 views speaker's contention, The » jority of those who the pension were 100 \ and fe to present their cases properly fore the Hoard, he © "Fh Reeve Kenny, Ww I hat the member of the OM oad, Joint out reeves had rendered a great & to the Board and that they ha ) ably saved it money by invest nk the eligibility of the applicants the pension, This opinion was upheldshy members of the Board. ine Reevd Machean, of UN ¢ wan, and KL, Chaban, second atyrreeve of Pickering township, retary, hi The amendment was put to § vote and war Jost with only t Renben Ni iw Ror cove MacMillan, Reeve t Deputy Reeve Middleton, Picke The report of the OM Age sions Moard was therefore ade without amendment Card of Thanks Ming Astley and brothers © and Gente, wiih to express grateful appreciation of the ki ness and aympathy of ma i. friends I thelr recont borehves Ment And 10 thank all those whe sent beautiful floral tributes, A) \

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