Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1929, p. 9

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'I'he favor ip A TEMPTI | AND HIGH FOOD VALU With all the bran bs of the ip wheat shay Jot he wold at antig hot ory hafore next year's yield," wala "willium A, Wilson, Candin ngriouliurn) representa: tive tu London, King, upon his ar vival here yesterday from the Old Country, With an intimate 8 of the wheat situation My, (Ir did not hesitate to w that in his opinion the time ad to come when Canadian wheat, st present filling the glant elevators at dit ferent points throughqut the west, would move towards the Crest British market, Among the in Mark, one lands, iy one ens by' each hi the number of Hew, NG FLA! OR- y a oy ALE LU 1b) if pl ti Srune of whals wh aft lave & dellelous d cove with thot mi and Svandhing sliclow any bod [1] ' ie Ser rin) THE OSHAWA PAILY TIMES, a a am: 3 GANADIAN LEGION TURNS T0 WEST 5 FOR CONVENTION = Third Annual Convention at Regina Marks New Step For Organization Sra hr a M, Metniree Hood, Canadian inl, Hepresontatiye) Por ime first tne In ita Wise ory, the Canadian Legion of the B h Kmpire erviee Longue tn (hig #ingl oy westward post the . paphioal centre' of Ihe dom! omuion op "1th annual dominion phy tion, to heiheld In Reghin from Wav, 4htn 48, hin will be the third Aareinion eonvenilon sinee the Cunndlan Le. aon " 0 nig ho i ) pose ah Whi frp wie I fy TA The vt wie no , Tha ho ald in a olin, NB, In Tune, ro {} i saw the Legion eonsalidate Hy sition, Bines then It Las expan » ta the point where the West mateh of the Mast In (he number of branelies ft members, Bianding second only to Outarw In branches and membership the ravines of Baskatehewan 1 wor fy of the honor of having the 1080 convention held In fis eapitnl olty, and the other provinees of the Wet ve alep made tremendous forward strides and contedbuted In no small measwes to Lhe npdulld ing of the Legion as a national ovgantaation, Koen Intorest There are evidences of very keen interest in the third dominion gonvantion, While the Legion al | Ways han hefore IL (the problems Lof the digabled ex-seryice men and | tha dependents, whivh sonstiiute [the first eull upon es attention, 1s activities veneh far heyond its own domestie problems and encompass the welfare of the dominion as a | whole, the Beitish Empire, and be yond One of the foremost matters that will engage the attention of the Snvantion th thet of 1 minim | i and land settlement, Whe y Koglan 18 net only & soures for ine axyry ong of well-nensured and untionsily comprehensive opinions an Lily very vital subjeet, but 1t fh mi #0 hotive part In iit 4 ilkfaslon and Jaltiomont 0 I niles from . ih Itish om 088 G0 operation with the in Legion und the headquarters of the Brite lil ®inplre Service Leagues Ip Lon don, Wogland, enables careful me: leation and constant supervision oi these men and thelr families, By process of elimination in the train ing periad, only the most suitable sople are sent to Canada, and rom the me they Hath these Moron thelr progress Is garatully watched it they are 4 ven banetit uf, "at vital pola oo" we engendered War sery A AN comp Win of Pa: ar as ori to yin western Hine the great .m ory. EL WAP Velaran settler make thelr ih { Yomian, in 4 a hey ot ie Went, will undoubtedly make @ most at ow Ve idy of fhe Wibists oi ay down 'the poelley w po tha notlyities of A 1 3 ib, lon until the n gr up, with A questo land setkloment I that of wo hier seltloment, In Whe haw an especial irl The oon« vention will endeavor to determine the affects of revaluation of sok dievs' wetilement lands from the standpoint of the settler, and a number of important resolutions on this point will be presented for (lgounslon with a view to formu lnting Proposnle to strengthen this branch of land settlement aotivity, In these matters, the relation ship of the Canadian settlement problem to the whola Empire will he under veview, The prominent part which the Canadian Legion Look fu the deliberations of the bis ennial conference of the British Wmpire Herviea League In London Inst June ensures that the reports of the delegates to that conference will provide very valuable informa- tion and give direction to the son. vention In muking deelslons affeels ing the affairs of veterans throughs out the empire, and In its Inter nivtional relationthibe Fusion of tmperial Veterans In its domestio affairs the le glon at this convention will coms plete (he fusion of the "Imperial Veterans In Canada' Inte the le a -- . ------ a rd heh as id og - ew. - a. T= St, - ER -- esses ---= - mMEEESesT wes - -- - TOIT eS me = Serving Canada's Building Industry be used in their construction. For elec: tricity is the great vitalizer of the modern structure--flooding it with light and with Rr it! No less than 13600 sew homes SOntTacted for in the first six Janthah 500 business build altogether some ne millions of pay And what a part electricity will play in each of those new homes and buildings what miles of electric wiring what countless electrical fixtures | need to "life" at your will, Canada's building industry ih certainly renders ing a great service to the Canadian public and the Northern Electric Company is happy to supply this industry with some of its necessary electrical equipment, Norlfery Electric COMPANY Lanvin A National Electrical Service 131 SIMCOE STREET $B . TORONTO, ONTARIO The Northern Electric Company alse wakes five alarm systemin private telephone stems ic addvess tema talking mone Picture equipmentt and disivibutes well known brands of "A rice suppli ies and electrical howehold "hpliances of alt ki -------- in | legion oe the "Imperial Veterans the Leglon' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 21, 1929 PAGE NINE. glow, Announcement to this oflaet fas alronty been made by Majer [ P, R LIAB f FOR Norman Dingle, president of that M hody, and arrangements have heen made for this hody Lo enter the SHIP GO LISION [¥] vaion. fh + fnnlion o Jominittes under Yeu of the. Baskatchewan rovinela ommand, 1s making ollowing every possible arrangement for the Judgment Given F entertainment of the delegates, Crash, of Montrose and With large delegations expected from every provines in the domin Rose Castle fon, the lending officials of the le ---- klon have every reason to antlol-| Montreal, Nov, 21 lame for pate that th third dominion cons | goliiston in the Bt, Lawrence River, vention will" he an outstanding | hetween the Montross of the Cana milestone In the development of din Vaeltio Bteamship Line and the Canadian' Loglon, the Rose Onstle, belonging te the 4 A Dotniton Nhigping Compnny, Mm ad, 18 Inld on the tormer vessel, Mennonites Seek in & Judgment hy Mr Tntios PRI. Entry to Manitoba am ere in the Admiralty Court re y Al Twa aotlons for damages wefe a fulpes, to 8h Nov. re dl fused | tukam an a vesult of the goliiston, with Alberta not appearing to ra-| "8 BY the Cinadian Vacltlo Rail. vor thelr entry, the 6,000 Monnon Hy against the Nowa Castle for ite vofwgees from Musslu, now B,000, and the other by the stranded nasr Moseow, are suid 10 awhars of (Lie Rose Castle for ha endeavoring to find homes in WATH,000 nualost the Montrose, In Manitoba, Dhely representatives | Judgment, Mr, Justice Demers are MAKING overtures to the pro-|!Na% the Montrose Hable far the vineisl government to permit wot. | 1VIAKe GBused to the Tose Castle ting here on eolony farms, No "nd directs that the amonnt of the aotion san be taken until the ro-| 1AMAKE be pensined by the resis urn at the week-end of Tromior Ares ation ha Oupudian, et radken from overjons, allway 4s di The aotions In "the {raity Court resulted trom a eoltislon hes {wae the MA vonuely Ju the Mt, Luwrenoa Tver holow Three Nive ors, on July 87, 104K, a ------ Jag Limited We have confidence In the Anglo Amerigan understanding becuse o our confidence In Anglo-American understanding Weston Leader a = A Watrous-Meek, Limited McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Oshawa Lumber Company Carew Lumber Co, Ww. J. Trick Company, Limited « Oshawa, Ont, -------------- BL ES RO RR Sy lS At trivial expense Gyproc will convert space now wasted into one or more extra rooms, . Oshawa, Ont. « Oshawa, Ont, « Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont! ee TE om the four corners of the Globe == from the world's heat orchards, plantations, farm and factories, the very finest foodstuls are selected and arranged In a tempting manner, classified so that it Is practioally impossible to forget a single Item, The shelves w= fruit bing w= vefrigeratge oounters == the biscalt seation, ete, all entice you with thelr quality pro. duets at the usual Loblaw savings, CLUR HOUSR COFFEE 63 ! ™ Tn. in AYLMER DICED CARROTS 2 M= 21 CHARM ioht at ~ Rr is pa THESE SPECIALS ON SALE NOVEMBER 22nd to 28th INCLUSIVE ROYAL YEAST Rok Phe. 7° TODDY at dve ter 2 RT 31° Cleans Everything Py & LABRNRY'S Chef Sauce Boule 23° | OS Sone SURES SOAP 152 JIF 29° | SPECIAL=AYLMER | PINEAPPLE TID-BIT SPECIAL= MILLIONAIRES | SARDINES 2 mw 27: RINSQ Soaks Clothes Whine 3 Pug. 25° WHITE SWAN 'Toilet * Rotts Tissue" 81°

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