Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Nov 1929, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1929 Ty ___. } BLUE DEVILS MUST WIN BY TWO POINTS OR MORE TO WIN ROUND | Blue Devils Leave for OSHAWA SIMCORS oT OSHAWA a aug Local Public School | 'Sarnia This Afternoon! mw, au wm we PORT SNAPSHOT ss wii vot | RRUGDY Finals Will Be n - nial Workout ih Blut, With . A sociution's Major league table, in Blue Devils Expe Expect To Have ; EAA vo gd gg By Oso, Camvssigy Bports Editor fluding womes of Bauder, Novi 16 Played On Wednesday O.H A B Letin Il; Wein: Simsoas scurdy. datonen l | ' u 8lehnm i 7 N n F § i to Play on Heavy Field--|| \J £3. Lod u Ll man, wan 9ut ARG he sre Was Put Oh ak, be Vi We! 4 B or A iC oLD COUNTRY Mo. ' Both Teams Will Be at - ni ' wa | (hough the old mill, but will need f q Mim, Rov, 42 node dl : y Finals To Be Played a # lot of hard work yeh: Les, A They Leave This Afternoon 10h High, 24 3 a8 SOCCER RESULTS! (or City Stadium Tomor The following referees will offi pi Full Strength According olate nt the §,7,A, games scheduled | Kinson and Reg, Burr showed signs The General Motors Blue Devils leave thig afternoon for Sarnia it Karl, Ken, 41 44 for this week! of wakkening at times, but lusted 4.4 by the Canadian National Rallway, The boys have 1o'win the Mim, Beach 22 ao row Afternoon--Ne Ad to Present Reports Tonight~Marihoros v, ft, Mi | out very well, Pit by he Aanadien Nptoral Rintii, 1HE SY 10, « 2 [4 ENGLISH LEAGUE th "chuel's=--Htan Burgoyne, Varsity v, |, Pete Garvison wan pretty (wme| ome by vie, point a merg apd (hoy ave determined to do Just that ds AA i First Division | mission Will Be Charged it The Blue Devils leave for Barnia | Vietorias--Jtimmy Loftus, at first beacause he didn't think a | little thing, Everyone bs At and reigdy for the fray and although ers Congases a 50 Avienil '" | Middlesl rough 0° | ' t 4.47 this afternoon by the Canas Wednesday Kitehener v, Grims- | ont tendop should tly but gol vent reports from Sarnia are to the €feet that the field is very muddy, CGE ..., 43 47 Aston Ville 0 & Liverpool 41 Aller i season of Intense riviley an National Railway, 'Lhe members By--~Krnie Collett, Niagara "al I ath ho, ud pvek i fast game is expected, Sundertand vy 4h Halton Wind's 0 Hirminghi U1 hitween the various teams of the eB he oo» PE Lancashire 22 BO 16 1 Bwrnley (oon & Grimsby Town, Hl Publis School Huh League, ' the Heaches Yi # h 47 18] Derby | aunty + 4 Sheffield Un, 1 | winners of the Norther and Bguhs the clyb and all the players are v, Nowmarket---Mae McOarthy, nfident of yietory and they are der Thursday---Tovonto C0 end dhl Sparc, world Oshawa Simm Derby { Whettefd Un, , 4 ' ' : Adhd ASTRA EE) hid 4 LULL mm Leagues are ta meet sdnesdiy One hockey club in this city that lsg't allowing the grass to grow Leeds United ,, West Ham Un, J Af noen An two sudden de Ea ale owl he ws 0 gon | Jol Talon Ig to | fiain Vries; | Woot Han un 31 iforite f dle uh dant Osh Went, Toronto--HErnie trined 10, bring bis hae him Parkdale v, Rangers--Jim McKay» | have one Fonl autf ou i Whip, on, AREAS, under ite fuer ig the Oshawa Bimoeoes Tntevnediate Hockey Club i Town, t Teams In B.P A, series may use : Portsmouth oo A Blackburn Roy h ie 00 # Hove re ae mm and enasar hey six hlternates, including an OXLEM Millionaires are getting vight dawn to husiness alveady, Last night they hil thely Wrestle Stasiak Bnet. Wed 17 Ha horius Us Junior nd oS i i ; A eh The ( i he Motor City Stadium and they are going to have Sunderland 1 | tay Cf an overcome this 'one point right in gonltender, op 13 players in all S first workout at | ---------- Bunderlan ' cleester ty Biadinm, near the new rena arnia remains to he seen, The boys OHA, entries in all four series tart Season two more this week, The next is to be on Wednesday and the athe Jack Tayler, Canadian heavyweight "Abandoned will commence soon after 3 odlack , 87, Croup: n i all think they can do it and they are close Wednesday, Nov, 27, ; -- on Friday night wrestling champion, 18 trashing hard Becand Division Ihe junior game will precede the su eine do do lr best 13" Lot | L068 1 0 TARR Sh onl | vente Nov, J ronty Mon, toot fo oh oat gt' Mfr agua | Jowdtod, 072 3" Ql A 0 4 iv rn, Mie wil comanen a the " 4 to BYsteome, ph seven the Star Building Friday, Nov, 88, league season tonight at the Raving ' Oshawa Juniors? Blanley Blasink, the Polish giant who ph yor dg Wi i wmw'h A, hout 4 o'clock, Ritson rord sepiirn, pa nt lea bi they it, This year k NG Fall | nandled 'Caylor so roughly here lass] Sari WY (of 2 BOUIREMpLOn 44 champions of the Bouthern Grigp hay have to overcome s single paint Fink wit Niagara 1a gdh SA wmerous Tngwirfes are coping fn eaneerning the Oshaws entry in summer that the Canadian grapples Charleton Atl : pha' poct vor Hand Centre street seniors, ehamplons Wi ¢ game must be played in : the OHA, junior series I'he hamroeks have non heen heard from sustained a fractured leg, Lay ior may H i" Wry 1H uf the Northern Group, will meet 19 ming them here and 'thus' quality |bad stare and will be fighting to res A hive stepped in where brave men fear | Notts Cound Wrindford decide the Benton oy ehampionshin. | To Td TTR Be TR pid and not Oshawa this year, 4 y far this year, It looks as if they are going to default to Brants ) f All members of the squad are fit for ie Rion final With the | deem themaelves nd gel A hontion 8 a HW h A yw f he elanlegto Bran 1a tread, hut he is supremely gonn- | Preston Nobo 4 attenham Hol Both teams are heavy, fast, snd suis tion, thanks to the Intrea § , near the top of the table tonight fare nless they get a move on they will find themselves not in th i oie Sasiak and | Beading a Barnsley ,, de y and veady for ac y n dent that he ean defeat Btasiphk a | taelilers and will provide the best ex oad work of Trainer Johnson and The Blue Devils have a gonalders | With the new forward passing hoe series, There are hackey players in the eity Who ire eligible" to pla thus retaliate for past (reatment Stoke Cit o belie ono dH Bibition of the season, Ritsan juniors 4 ist H Luk d o| able welght margin over the local | key rules in force and the Interna ; lia | Bwansea Town, § Millwall A x ip assistant How Luke, and also hoys, but they did not show. the | anal teams packed with young i junior, Hi haut a little action stash, whe started his wrestling " 3 H ar North Bimees Juniors whe ple L}) Cliff Pound, When & manager and tight, speed oF tackling ability of | gressive iy A dR fot i the ' ' ' * | aareer as a lightweight, has inereins | Wolv, une ot Nath Forest present ted for the Han plnenip ul BAe : : gd In poundiage until he 18 now one 1 visi the Northern Group Vee Kids pros the Sarnia team, Norm Geary, the | offside Hame, the hockey should he I'ublie Bchool Rughy Finals Be Thai At rauneat of Ah (Ruther Becton) Vide Even mora exciting. Hae Than speedy backfield flash of the los | highly spectacular and exciting this | J h k h busi The b eals, was too elusive for Oshawa, Vear, Le Osha Public Behool Rughy Finals An the Junior and Benioy wrapplers, He is a great showman and Hou rng h& He, | Plymouth Arg's the big fellows, for. they enter the ! i Jinow theif business ih oe and on his own field he will be |" The Millionaires have strengthened | seations will be played tomorrow Altermoon wt the Mator Clty Stadiuf Iie atrut of yietory)" after taking i ob, rh ! fee , 1 Hohn ny wane With w fight to the finish a hy . if i i even hetter, since last season when they mide I'he Kids Put up uo serpppy game of raghy and thelr hihi 4 vel (wll or winning i disision hie been AR H iis riMol Buyers, o | te and their HAMEL have heen and none will be given, It is quite 7 hh , ; ; I ¥ Ir exhitions are well wnilar here, However, when an ope | Yulham vo 4 Newport Coun on hetter attended than the seniors, Nels MePhedran outlkioked Art | such a great finish, although homeless i | Hh likely that they will not need any al= | wien 11 Oshawa, and he expects wande Hh bout the country. and] arth watchin Yimisgion 18 Tree bul lection will be taken to ponent puts Mr, Btasiak's shoulders | Gillingham 400 4 Elipton Orient Nurth Simeoe Juniors and Coniry at bia. Tne alone wil ow b o| to do it again here Wednesday af- they hang th establish & following in| Nel defray experi me out and give the Kids a hand on the mit the roar of anger that | baton Town oo © Bwindon Town, juniors meet tonight at Motor City n Saturday after the boys got | owinon i In the dressing room the first remark There are no casualties en the trainer ean bring their team through six gruelling games and. still have every man ready to play it shows that fA } the vietim emits is vather out of the | Northmmpion '| Brentford Bladium 10 decide a winner for the As h he Kot the wa and with thelr fost game of ol . ordinary, Brasiak vesents any such N Nu " h Cit i Ww atlurd Narthern Group, At ie nah tits that was heard was from ROWeN | wanderers lind-up, Nels MoPhed- p fig ended od de heretics J Ganueis 1 olarquay nie row na admission will he charged hut was to this effect, "Well, boys, us 1 ur ol feiihod Many familiar figures fo logal-ho Abt hha babi s N w Pr ' ue i Me bout which will be to # finial vathend Un, Hylghton & H's thi hal will Tie passed and it 18 hoped . oh ran, Mike Burleigh and Howard [yey followers will be in action, th k cu ro Ledguemn y Nal \ | { [ Intario Champlons, we weren't 0 joulcing who were carried off. the infarity of them playing in the Cane 3 A y C7 the best two out gf three (ally Iw Witlailh berithyr Town i wood sum will be secured to afi 1a hat" The boy all think this and on | paid in Oshawa, are all better and wo last year, while there are a few PUNTS ht W estern On RATIO | unr limit, fa guniming i fut ol dies (Norther Regan) the sweater fund whigh Is to provide Wednesday they are going out on | warn out with the vest of the sausd ped Bar winile UTE 0g 4 EW N h ent Jogally as Dayior is populiy here | Averington Bend Wigen Horaugh 0] sweaters for each school, The Witines the field not only trying ta he hot this evening when Coach Luke Cugs 8 and his friends would gleaive nuth Chesterhield Part Vale 40000 af the Renior Clty hamplonship will he hut they are going to try to buen the | nap put his men through a light Players and " oration OF & new Four-team | oon better than a vielory over the | Darlington Wrexham reogive the Murry Johnston Cup, professional hookey league ta be | pllish steang mai, Vaylar 6 ome Ploveaater Hoy BOULhPOrE worry while the winner of the Tumor City Wanderers Jb Joe's hoping they | workout and signal drill \ H ) i vn Beg RL {a " Nh 0 jus 14 ittie Ung, J & HuUwn 8 anda walession adic . . UTES 1 li in alts | wrrow 2 inky wwmnla vin § 1} ---- . A. A. | IN will 1 ACKLES " I hoodie longue, whieh will ope heal in M id hii wy Lis Hartlepools Un 2 Carlisle United WH 2r0lw } IL veeatva' the Nui Sarnia, Nav, 18.~Mud. cleats i Toate in Guelph, Galt, Kitchener and Lineal Ct Crewe Alex'dra giting rushy will result from' these will be in order for Wednesday's Plan Long Flight Permit { Ise Hy ¥ Brantford, Wit Annan eed yest Re oore Rotherham | hg Btu kpark Lou of iwa games and a large number | of intermediate OR}. U, final game The Dapester day h ples af Toronte, whe uth olson sneetitars will Tkely he present at veted ap seoretary of the Inaugural Pranimere RN 4 RoghdalesN ork | (he Bradium here between the Wanderers and | [ibsan. Portugal--Flans for a non 1 pr . ) the Oshawa Blue DeWlls, The grid Bo Mihi I India' av, Of Blocks wfc ede ded dedi deeded ne : Mi § Boturday wilt be 'ante | 1 ur ns T0 } Corian LR AGUR Play ot iron at the athletle Bark Was & | heen approved by the technical avin NOW 100K If you want (0 sea jost how th A Algernon (reading Joke) = Fawney streteh of stioky mud today, the tion eommitties I'he men wha will hm ---- h lost Ral | arnih on Hata by Hobart Bawah of Guelph, whe \ Firs Division this e ferry Mg iy here thinks that monotony being broken Around |..oie the trip are Captain Tartare] 8t, Louis, Nov, 18-~Witheut ao vou! had belted wa down to] Vo elected president, The vies Red Mansall Mow ne Gl the tel id Lowdenheath a foothall None has four wheeld, the Infield of the baseball dlamond | and Lieutenant Pals (akinK & Positive stand on the lssue an" Ostor's Mlayhoude: the Re bh nt dw Harvy WH, Chae of KI | pos tolurtul lay: A | A Hh bul Hunde "Hit { Prd en0RIug. Parey Haw! haw! And haw oh { ) 0 whiren Ii | J V i with pools of water, The heavy His of starting blocks, the track and | gant, and seo flashes of (tha gam \ ful by, 18 Jost to the | It hl Hibernlans many wheels has the bally thing! vains of late Have tossed more was - . fold gommitioe. of 4he = Amatedr A a a aatuk A i0-gam hodule for eae | joining the professional ranks wheu | Hamilton Aeas, 1 Clyde Aa3 ats RA ter on to the field than can he het! ton' tod ted jon the atbech NAY dine | CTUD Was drawn up, the tema to ne signed a contact to play far the | Hearts y 4 Moron ' drained away before Wednesday, Athletlo union tod ay voted to pers fyight, they will he shown foy th iy i home-und-homo series of Ave | Taranto Millionaries in the Interma: | Kilmarnook fi Dundes United' 21. The weneral knowledge class had The light Sarnia team is heavily v mr mit the dae o meshanieal warting halanee of the week Kam "he ason will open Dee, [ional Hockey leagus Moore Brat Queen's Park o 4 Partick Thistle heen discussing forms of goverment, favored to win the game and This paved He vay tary hputt oh Raat Janae 16 hau bry: | i HER, It niave wi Hranttord {earned fame when he fashed on the | Rangers 0 Ayr United ,,, fh Weary ei hehe it length' pre reund a eliminate the Oshawa : . arf Janney ia. 4 A and Guetph at Kiteheno haok field for Balmy Bedeh in vies] Bt Johnston I Motherwell pounded the question . uh nd vi I ' adgeptance of the 100-yard dash | He stole the plotures with hig Ii he new langun, with new offi o { Nob amit mn Ligers tn the d » Mir . 4 ) AIA Well, Blmpaan, what 15 the' differ twelve, The locals play much \ ' | | Ha { ren | Aberdeen abi a ER 1reenrd of 0 2.6 weconds, made hy | jie Kodak and says he fepls not the | ope, | ganstinuation of the old [winian finals thies iN @ whil Secand Division pnee hetween # King and & Presi hotter on thelr own lot than away 4 | from home, last week's game in (leorge Himpson of Ohio Atate with [ lanat hit guilty about it wither Canadian professional hoekey Lhe has neviarmed hridliantly on the | Allen Rovers, Ariadale' oi, dent blocks ' , 198i fl name of whieh Was | roar guard of the Montreal Winged | Alloa # 2 Oshawa being the first out-of-town : I Clydebank "Please, pr, & King i the san of game they have won this season, Hentiment In favor of the hloeks » na as | ChE OW ta the Intemmas | Wheelers in a sensational nnner evs | Arbroath | Bt Bernard's his father, but @ President jan The vaunted strength of Cliff was oryvatallised after a lively de he hove leave on onal Houkey league oF Alaiat Breohink CY ++ 1 Kiua's Park -- Pound's Blue Devils did not im- | | f bate, Partionated in by teaek [tional Limited tie BH I Iowhil be one elass below the Moore asgepted an offer of J Dumbarton i Third Lanarl {1 "Long shirts ave hack In arle Whe Ki | Har NPVs ore Internationa! league, and players { : Ny press the Narnia players or man i eanches, oMelals and the inventors | Harnia, ani 3 | nia Oke at a conference on dunday night | Dunfermline A Bo'ness ther one likes It ar nol, oii an agement, who assert that they i of several of the starting devices, | eleven holla Hkh } A Lanai Professtonal {although he admitted 10 a Mall and | Leith Athletis } Forfar Athletic, 21 "authority," And how Jong Will they should have little diffieulty in trim« J wiih ll | The committee notion was subject : vik ya Mota Von lopine will be wnbfect to draft bY | BFainire representative a few minutes | Montross hn Ktenhousemuls stay "back" if the girls dg net hy © am, : i Wi } to hiprov) of the solivantind whieh i hey ! . o Ad - tind bl It i bute Tekin InaRue I AYE | hefore the talk w il Ruanvivy { {Jueen af South ? Rast Fife Cd them be Toronta Mall and Empire i ha | ene ts sessions today, but thin | done, are { | Vu URE players in the International leakue, arts pramate h h dn I" taith Roy ' ¢ ba | a expec sithout | obstructed through the glowed wh whet tn draft by the National | RULE 0 Her, A a wt Raith Rovers , 4 | Hilingshiy Dh A ------------ Sih -- A p ¢ a pected to he gained without [obs \ atlonal and deserting the wmateny ranks. | A SYA (real Place ta 'Bleop Hookey | the onl major | further argument, dows PREN Maare can be classed as the me FOOTBALL! | i Accept Nimpson's Hecord the slogan of that hotel hook eRe Vaektterior 1 ARI _ . " ) . hi nn effect the AAU, adopts an | ' tukhy, his great hasketdike eatohin b DOMINION KHAMRONSHIP | | "open mind" attitude on the hioeks, to looks Hke & muddy Th | NOMINA TIONS IN ad sidesstepning hroken-fiolds rans 4 . allowing thelr use in all track [Harnia Pue ta this, M wing one of the features af thy laal art | 1 J meets without at the same time [took all the Maes to Toronto ye three eampaigns, In hoekey he hi HAMILTON TIGERS Y f lB [stamping them as oMeial pending | terday and had them equipped with N, RRUC f CON If il nly heen ardinary, playing with ky 1S ADJOURNED "Now MAYING | 4 L i | | p p Phias will gunvantes Heagh United andl Vietopias tw the | \ en . ve 'S INTERCOLLEGE CHAMPIONS T. Righardson, Memorial Stadium, Kingoten JATURDAY, NOV, 23rd Amis ha ne ney Urdey All Th pe bldess or tigkels must be accompanied tickets availa Hen mall uy or Mp able nd wil bh riers: rod after tha fies of tha Ath Woy Board or helove PA sume Alle vi ul" a {he He with exchange, led with the beat | be forwarded re Hair evening, Stadium, le Hoa Sentral, Queen's will be held at This building at 86 Craven §t,, London, England, now used as a hotel, was for fifteen residence of Banjamin On it Is a tablet Lived Herve," yoars the Franklin, |° which "Henjamin Franklin (1700:1700) cia NPs Travel The King's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICES ROYAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO AM, 11,30 PM, 12.30 1.30 X 4 November 20th to November 28th FARE 85¢ Leave Oshawa (Standard Time) Leave Toronto P.M. 30 4.30 8.30 8.3¢C 7.30 8.30 9 103 cll 1B AM, d7.30 4.30 8.30 10,30 11.30 PM, 12.30 1,30 2.30 d~~Daily except Sunday, GRAY COACH LINES Hotel Oshawa - OSHAWA . Phone 2825 PM, 3.30 4.30 8.30 68.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10,30 11.30 the verdiet of tnternational authori ties upon the matter, Meanwhile Simpson's veoord, a long with athers made with hlooks will go on the United Stafes vecord hooks with a notation as ta the olreumatances and without displaces Ing any marks now on the list, Tt will stand as the fastest "100" on record, Award of the prindipal swimming championship meets for 1800 wan recommended to the convention as follows: Senior men's and women's auts door, to Southern Pacltic associa. tion, Los Angeles; senior men's ins door, Central association, Ohleagn} senior women's indoor, Florida ane soelation, Miam! Beach: senior wo- men's long distance, Metpopalitan association, New York; * senior men's long distance, Ohio associa: tion, Cincinnati, 6,000 ACRES ARISE FROM BAD SWAMP First Class Farm Land Be. ing Reclaimed in Kam: ouraska Quebec Quebe¢, Nov, 19. 8ix thous and acres of fire olass farm nt ire wlowly emergin trom swampy region in the River Ouslls aved, Namourasks county, on the south shore of the Saint Law: renee, under a drainage scheme now in operation for more than A vear, Most af the new land will be veady fr oultivation fext year, For years. this area haa heen & { sheer loan 10 the farmers of | Kamouraska hecause of the ex: | pense of drainage; in most places | digging down olght feet ls neces: sary for proper placing of the | drain tiles, The minister of agrioul- {ture 8 providing the machinery, however, and intended proprietors are paying the vest of the bills, Black earth of a Quay PraOs tically useless for agriculture coms stitutes the tap soll of the 6,000 aores, but it 'has been found that he sub soll will make excellent srowing earth, An entirely new parish will avise 'as farms take the placa of the swamp, v--r---- 1 Women are "persons" heyond all doubt, © A couple of 'em up in East | Simece the other night came 0 blows during a politic argument -Rorder Cities Star mud oork our fast moving halt-line a | footing Mal gh. The sang certainly want to Two Candidates in Field for! deem themselves tomorrow, and | . cancy Ww . ANY LAM an Blake a comes Vacaney in Legis it will he our own Blue Devil lature Keen 'em pen avian av. 18 Pred W ral, Part Blgin, and D f Conservative Wiavtou, While in Switzerland a \ ominated Saturday ta oon was about to make an asc \ tho deterred provineial sles he thought he might as well natin ton in Narth Heuea November 29 some Inguiries about the gu ath had previgusly received the was to accompany hii worsation of party conventions "Ts he a thoroughly skills \ he elegtion was deferred fol er!" he asked his hatel-keepet lowing (he sudden death of Alex, YT should sav 50." was the rep! | Mowhinney Liberal oandidate, He has lost twa parties al tours vthe ovavineial elections Oetahey dawn the wmeumtain-side, and each | 20, He died the day before the time has come oft without as meh | oleetio Av, Hyers. was the Can asa soratoh himsell wrvative candidate at that time GRETA GARBO Coming to the Regent theatre tomarrew in "The Single Standard" a glamovous lave story with sound and wus: ieal synchronization, Nils Asther plays opposite Miss Garbo in this fiery romance, | Tarante Interchureh leagn - --~-- The murder trial that | KINGNTON ™ bl \\ (Hy Canadian Prose Lansed Wire) shocked a nation! MWTAWA GLERER | Cobourg, Nav, 18. Buffering . fram shock and & nervous break Kingston, Nav, 13 he Kinga: | down, Havey Bmith was unable to Thru Different ton Collegiate Jostituie foothill | appear today on a oharge of team has bean wotified that they | rackloas driving, causing the death will play Ottawa Glebe Collegiate | of theresa eeoupants of his ear on Institute in the next vound of the | the evening of Nov. 8, The case Eyes Inter-seholastio series, af OUAWA, | wan postponed until Nay, 26, the Friday atternoon day after the nauest, Mary Duncan ' Amith's oar, which he was driv u In the last 12 months the Lond | Ing, was wreoked two miles sast of Warner Baxter Mayor of London has attended | Qahourg, his wife, Miss Marie Fras Edmund Lowe nearly 400 banquets, at timas have ar, af Whithy, and Clande Black, ng to Appear at twa in the same | of Mount Dennis, heing killed in evening the wreok STARTS TOMORROW PTI vend vl Friday She Dared Every. y thing for Love! Neve is the Romance of a Girl Who Tried 10 take 2 Love where "She Found I See This « The SINGLE STANDARD In Fae Cus NILS ASTHER DOROTHY SERASTIAN JOHN MACK BROWN MLN wwwwmmwmaenwd TON th) ; Ronald Colman

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