I'HE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1929 PAGE SEVEN a blouse, Ig gay, ks | 16s," sm -- " ---- wien wie wae fully areed, oie | ALMOST FRANTIC {JN} FENN CHILDREN HAVE TO C y OSHAWA DEFENDED AND THEY LIKE THE CRISP SHEDS went into the gray vovm of Miss Hard-Boiled |i Sis "Wim moc 00 ED 5% 4] e hy wi In)" ATH doe Aap Kidney Trouble AlAINS Al TACK S 4 0 D D E D & ) ny JANE DIXON pillows, her head swathed, gypsy | od w k R | fashion, | lenglh of ul hiffa | " i : Musirated by Armstrong Verry hth oy In A oath of hie oh fan bi ness ne ieved niinued from page by "Fruit-a-tives ' bin degre yen When do wh go to hreakfasl?" aulieg Hague, apologetis for the i What Bas Gone Belure futrusion, "U'm siarved," Raquel Rojos, a Novy beauty In | Yaad Weavens!" Cyeia fawned an Arisona town, Tesls the | \ n Ihe a lagy kitten, "Da you always oe of adventures when dack Yay: gel up in the middie of the night?" ; hin , » ag engineer, makes love Vv "Ie wiley tan," on 4 Jen (a her, To sacape the wesith of hey , "1 tald you, Crack of dawn, Hing ] [ihe : ips With all the bran h father, she flees with a : this bell have, The thivd one mark { A i te: | of the hole J money ig hg advances, He | . y a soward, Wa never go down fol bv. / J fi whole wheat in to join ¥ in New Yo wwenlifaal, TUS served hare, In our . f } ' = as Jutn Ke and Loom. O74? TA A flav of oranss 2 . 4 4. i i I! -] Jou dons Kiva tos oan eiiidran 0 chew Shredded Wheat But Farvell's whiviwing conviship Cutan, will you, old dear? And somes i + ffi Wi Hn sound tect yg the better they like it==and that means heoomes & dim memory ne she wally ) ! Porrier, Might an wall get used to MIL, TERMI wa ol th I J 6th ane renithy gums, Just the food for growing for him, A new world has heen : f It now ar YE won Vary Wonk Eas of Hi / Mk youngsters, Bo delicious and so easy to serve, opened to her through & hanes i "aime # hat ney Trouble and suffered with f | ------------ ml meeting with Alphonse Courhel, 0 ParHel, Water, With bubbles | yosemite Hendinhe whys Mes | lin (he famous costumer, who engages \ B Wa 1} Romulus Tewslor, Hi, Jenn (i [ | lito wt the | : { ' " her as & model, Bhe has 8 sensa / En has ry ah Out there In | siaihn, 1,0, "1 wis (rented for ii ental | wing bein I phven bo Tt oCol, HW, ¥, Bmith, coms (lanal snocess In New York and then : ) } [the Mahal, p 16P6'8 [06 WALer 100 | jon ime and wa Just about dig. | 10 ent BL ghd hiding offiear, who was loyally Alphonse announces that she is (0 / 'Nn tL} gar YOu wn flnset aouraged when 1 lenrnod of 'Vrill | fi th] ut paeantly organ/s Infod by the offiaers, non-oom~ tn Paris to dlaplay fashions, He ' fn a H, Aeavie, There WAR | ative, Tmprovement cine with i h HELA 11404 » Hany and men, The hooks passage for hey and another gasa é SI BIL, 100, Who WA | he flvky Taw doses, and In ol ny | eARIdLON, Haves | rnimauty Jung uhday the shie model, Greta Tosak, on the Gloire N & " f b hank | Gin: bi months the kidney (robles, wel ogg | SHAR a Re A Shion Hp bo Andmunter Dompaey de Franes, 0 hava lnig 0 hooks, Wars, | ness and headaches wera gon | I WO | ft ) Hi J { mieh to the noopsion \ on your (able, There are mors 10 4 "Paltntiven" vesilatos (he hoy | I ( hi nt y wid to hive wn indering fine marehing musie, | | | | nh Aer On Announce ( " Raquel makes an unsuecessinl ! a ny room attempt to welte a latter tn Yar f [ (rath Kroansd A i and phen purifies 1 | fetors In irda i" voll, explaining why she has nal 4 4 | "a : ' ' ood and hrings sound, vigor ' { hewn enti : ds DOMESTIC INVE od Wi W 4 he 1 Bins A Bay, dearis,"" she sald You're | hentth, Fry thin wonderful med | | | HW Live ( ENTIONS LEAD > id hi at the Hotel Brie | ; / ton good to he (rus, Honest, Heave | sine made of fruit Juloos vom! [ idk domestla fare on Ag Planned, ans! how I'd Hike & Hack of coffee, | with the finest medicinal fugredi | ' Ottieors Prom J re " " interest "1 the re Chapter B8 Wieck a a shoa and piping hot | ants, 880 and B00 a box al dele i Luneral A iH, I hook and: eye whieh | on Tm " UHurely they have oolfas on (he | averywhare ' HM yy rin quickly attached to materi] ' ship . ! | | | H ! LALLY ! | tented Raquel, nounding from hed lke TE) aay Lhisy have I's very gs nd Cal, Hohe hi, pelented by & wo | HI (' ( | | \ device for pres r that has burst Hs Loy \ popular, Bapseially 1h ning af I have heeome convinced TY wi 1 11H y iy I 'y y fH, with & The two models appraised eh oh other, woman fakhion I Hut not for Hitt Cents, I've | there 18 very much latent hi ( | wont |e tgade commands the contents of u sRuRep ands of Wikier an iy i i i ll i. U.S gob to think af my complexion, It in the attitude of many p | | ure | Motlowin 1h turn " % hing ' or, and a hPparaiA song, 10 Join Its Mather Qoean, Alphonsa smiled sncouragingly, leaning forward ta see IF (hinlY rout t, good night!" Hishap Cannon ! ADs GOWNRIRIFS hy pliis On thin day she was starting tov H¥au mean we've on the slip?! |ATANAS Raquel ware Indeed tn wi It dossn't seem t» hather me" ! Paris, In a ghip, As big as the hg VRuL eartainement, mon petite neat, "How do you wet tha fl Munna! sald doubtfully, "va als Walking 1» a most health y mf the manin TL Puliding, Ab hig an the EVWy f : Now, now, Miss Gre Alphions ways drunk It fine, Bays One writ hint { Cine | dined dn the il ure nll these holes (in your sane pila of | nothing very few indi | | ' 1 | i Oh, 1 gradusted row ni | 1 h ant tn the cord in the hedroom, sls al ii men BIB Neve I { much utiention he Bosarts on Park [Where In Ib you think We 8ve7 [ag wun dinplennad, Lo petita Hague Grats nit up fn bad, studied Ra Avenues, Gliding aeross the ooean [Gomw, wo will And your oabin, Mads [has ner dreams, You must not dine | guol olosely J Journal: Arg { ly [an It [rn Hrooklvn Ragls tn stPAREe Iands in an enohanted [emaiselle Greta will be waiting for] (urh them, Come, we go helow," onl she sald: "It's von! -- od puinae, us there," Raguel vealised she fell ehill aE he waned rustully at the desk Up a stalvway banked with tow Alphonse howed his Koodnights od | | What's real? Hagusl was pus with its seatteved sheets of paper, | ers, Then (nto an elevator, Long at (he door of the sult That pallid Jook you have, Like if ahe only knew what to tell Fars |sorridors with many doors, 1ike # My eabin Is 1 i i howl of peavia-served with thiek hotel, Faople streaming through | do) Niimher 160A | floraam, Take 11 from me, old dear unything ou're wolng to ho an eyaful of the | ain! it's wal to he done,' she prods | them Fanpla running Feanpla | von should want me for fed herself, "I must gel to the [walking People who laughed, Peas | whatever, send he sward, Bon [mood news ta the hoys alans shop a8 soon as 1 ean, MIght as |ple with solemn faces YOYage, mon peti Rue Ae 1a Paix and the Bois" well da It now, Whils I'm happy YAN, tof, mon ahev Alphonse While they were an deok, 8 ha Cretan elimbed aut of hed, Thre ind In the mead," mationsd har ta follow, "Look, 1 ket of fralt had muda (18 nppeny | wah the thin white sill nf her pa Hho sat down at the desk, Tn a [8m on Irene soll one seoand, and Janes on the taple, A lavas basket, tn | Jamas, which mada her look more moment she was soratohing AWAY than aver like a prefty hn hey busily, If she stopps Ate think, [ops & dbo she'd never fAnlgh, Just put down [ugh Il the Aret thing that eames Inte her Bho was In A neal Hke ane she had Hved tn the hagas YAmige, Do not blame me, 1 do al Madame Hosart, A gray room [auiness, but what wera Carta ns [been wo long since 1 had any veal not want to marry, Not now, Here with silver walla, ¥ven the furnis | formed Raave!l, ""pomesranale { Cale tht the old hallows think in New York 1 have found Heaus [ture wan gray, The avay of dawn and wows at thal," I've dled und have folded wp.' IF Hueh heauty as 1 did not [with & hint of vogps In If Where UAIphouse hag done himself ha poked through mors yards af Know eauld he It has taken [would she sleep? There was no hed, | proud ald Cretan, Hey ant aves lelanthing tn hey | possession of me, 1 go today to | nn eaudh, fn this room [hlun an earnfiowers In a Held of Phat ved of lv oaks nifty Paris, France, as a mode! to wear Flowers in vases an the Hoar | wheat, ware Heed an Raquel, on ya, dear! \ Lat we neautiful elothes, Tam paid well [Roses with long stems A 0nPRANe | All the wiladom that had cama | ae I'd hetier gn | Pie bisque and if tn sate, OF this you nead [of ovehids on & table, rumpled, a8 (1a Wolien down (he AF N nal warvy, leave far you #800, if they had heen worn and tossed | the erinklon pt the { 16 held the 4 hatare ha the Arst mnanev I have earned, [Lhare purelensly Bomeans was nl ehildish hlua nye \ We de ual know how lang ¥ shall OAIes Greta,' Alphonss ealled | he noan In the tall rose AW id, fust afiar 1's cama fram {gi Lwe thease manila A BivL appeared in (he Anny he |@ maglotan had A tha ming Aid Hanw One inew STL Ewan aloud anre | IDBKRA YArY FOURE Faller than | minute he'll wave | | { 10 was thinking alnud 00 wall, warkiapy, wheh I eopae | Flaguel Bomelhing quaint about | ike (E gway," jonah, Aenrie vou're sertalnly Wek, 10 wil Lp dilfareny wl nar, and hari, A pink and Blue | You f gn oomiart tn ma, As for antes, ange win and golden giv! { predi ted fn mine I'M se andy Hitia Claguiia Phe two models appraised Vol W | idl As YOU'LL Enon wee At he Ald nat ata to read wil other, waman fashian | Cvati ah ' tora | van atte around, There's the stew Ihe Wad written, 1b would be wees | "Weur poqm fa there" sald Als | Woaril all him te make 14 snappy I Whatever she weate would |phonse te Hagquel, Indioatl A hig 1a my th ain ' ha! up later Raquel and narsl, tnadanuate, Yard, She) doar, 18 was BlEEer (han her vaai LLL Greta ware walling hreiskly along tee Rundvadsdaliar Bille afin Lhe hiniel, Tasre was a cunnn y | \ \ 0 APAswall that enmnlets O09 ANd sanied Lham tate aR ave) har hed, The anlar of that old L NoYOl wi Hed tl mmenss hulldine Sane addeeased Lo Nem | Yall0w VOMGH TORR BRR AREA BIR He oye { \ wid rolllaking Along on the | nad on har hat, Bhat with UR WEY aha asked the elm A taw people came Inte the YY han \ ------ - fhe ead, 1) owas twice as! veo, Foieuds af Alphonse, Bus That Was & 'neat eomplin | 1H Wakes His "wy BRA Way pong | | 8 wetiamd, au 10 had heed naan friend io 8 | mt week of Lar lay here TIE va rushing Mitte wean of al'm nat sueh an fnfa \ " \ \ Wilge on la soph An EAN) wil HT) pada aver the ous een walid net pon | | \ ) " Alphiny sallings wera [that night he of i of (A 4 \ . y | She MARE sure Lie MARAE WAL IOW Ad's OWI ~ sigh Always ad naarly seevet as he could [motion wikamitia | | \ | LITT WE Farrell | keap thew He let his Jess dlatin. jthe yallow and Vi Davey phe ald the clerk Brightly VIF haf sulehed eampatitors sound the | her had Kept) \ | he Ll INGING 10 ROCK! yinuld esas while Tn ay, please trumpets and the symhals LL HI ht fan LD \ a Ward Rim thls weve, Perhaps vou ' nd better nub 18 1a the gate, Ti dn and load champagne were served, {In hed he walked ta a \ portant "Alphonsa kept this down from [high and: round, with Helstnglors, Finland, Noy, 18 \ SWHH pleasure, Miss Roajass™ Ria private stool, whispered Greta, [pushed bask, Noth [ niory of daring efforts to resens 1) Rhea akinped out uf the hate! Raquel wondered how she knew, [out the an th i from a wreeked vessel off the witation palms tn tha lobby, Sculs | 508 had aniy stinped trom hep miass, [oF dancing wa withern coast was Fanored today in sl carpets, Balled white on ins AL Lhe Jast moment thera waa a herd was a pile no NE aavaNeR Feneived Neve | Had she veally thous this WA | Pus of footsteps altside the done [With tha shylyeniored \ An unidentified salting ship helioved | Aranda \ {ot 8 Aulte, A Woman dashed into them, of ! A \ i» | vedish or Finnish wounded | Al dey Tn the shan ale served as [ihe pad, thay herelt unon (rata Magasines on the raek der the lin a storm of Oraehadarne, on the » del, Gowns, Rath, wraps, Laces, | with & wroal ahow of afeetion, A JTaDIe, Bie crawled ha in a, | Whoconst, and was broken up by | ibBons, feathers, flawers Fina | BUSOW WAMAR With thes shades of | Tring to compose heiwolt read howaves, The erew was sighted Rhea eould da ne mara than upp Li mn the shere, elinging 10 a small | | alvaady think Franeh,' He threw | (he shape of a gondola, honving big tt Raquel stepped Three [orange sphere ful purple fig flash showed pink and tiem waters of hinok grapes as hig as Might as well Loup ha | { FOAM Very Mueh || winuta inl) red appl Tuy vi wned We'll go out an deel and ¥ yoalinned globes that looked Hike [get & lond of A In aur lune It's y ' We wi Iying tha aN I the inns eaoh pllve \ Wa vlaoe af the neep) 1 ald den al fanny | i Ping sandwiohes on & Alvar tray | hefora she wa yf \ PRIMER AWept Aver Wer 1) waves, | DOUAR Bale, A §reen panied dress, Buried around her for a Momeni, and many rapes of Imitation phavls Ove the Pages, nhaeeingly \ waged on ArRned aoross NEP Ample horas! After what seemed tan! ' \ mater boat and three other boat | » The lastamingte vueh, Alphanas Whale, Hate Greta vesponded [ hOUrs, she arose, #he W | make | p driven back hy the huge waves J . WEY eave Ris shen tn vanningite the ambrace with something ie | 8 Iplsurely talial, WH Cobh th they PUL ont 10 ald the marae i ; 7 \ Phere were ho tus 0 AN lors, After repeated efforts had / . cg * im, He shouted orders, He pats averaton, How did you And out | | wl He awantpsd and tensed ANA Was ning | A od the raam, The « i ha ed Twn af the sailors attempted ta unpaeked, neatly arvanaed | W fram the roek (8 the shore Weare & JIA dn a Fienoh pateta VVeu paughiy ehild, to treat we \ this wav, 161 hadn't met one of the | cloket, Yards of heautitil eioths e hody of one was washed ashore srangly flavored with Amarteans ts ® \ 1) | the ath fled | | fms, givle, quite hy accident, tn & Maes OR SRE0OTETSH Hankel AL L10 ahd the ather Was pulled from fat An hy ALFORRII Wa THs widows, the fatherless and die ignorance of these they ved and Be M SEN try this pleated shirt with id Wale TAUREN fram & ohale tn a ahaws [yptawn, I'd never have kaawa \ \ A " i bel i \ PAR, DiRneE teem Alphonsa's [werd of i \ he mall ved and blaeh eho) | TILL o wan bhalioved 16 be deal, Claeks with hands thal Wmw. Where's Alseth sha decided, "and the rad slipover Living LL . aged roll on, an unending Procession penrched pon. awed, AF deemed 1a slap cow VHa's aut there, dean 1h the hall TN v he a \ N A alately [Please ask him to cama fn" ( nrisery, RACPOSS THe WOria 8 history, "Us ia Antahed!™ Alphonse glans | Na. Let him stay there ® " ey you should be taken aR whet sad at the wateh on his welst, Ran fhe waiman panied, pulled Grew 1 would become of th you now \ | Preyod upon by the uwnscrupwlows i ] / ¥ + Ae i and protect! Mong supple fnaers (hough 10ons faside, A whishered eonveraation Arar hate wildly awey, VOome, Mads | hotween them he woman Haun pdiselle Raquel, A sport track fad from the ream, {i \ WIE must he ioe ta have friends | N sided from time to time by charity aa Look al a the The Sy One there The Ap hy [8 IU 1 rose f k whe men neglect ide DOW tha hie tax, A hat, Miss Bmily [see you o ike this' Aue! sale ' . . n 3 Aon Dieu! No, no, 86, Why do vou [1a the boyish girl, #he felt lonely : he J SE on Bae eSicie \ i . tl 4 ' 'hat LE) 3 ] ot 11h the hbtial ! in all the world, A spectacke which has hefore another sun shall rise or set : cae Mok ane the eater af dus? SOVORTAY, oo (AR Derteet," YEAR was ne felend, That Wak | x WAR Ww pW 3 stv} ne } \ RE 3 Yoh Jou Binh Raqial WAL | Mp Weis The BIR GEN \ : no exces in this country and that adequate Life losurance, the AlATRE WeRIALIY a8 ale slipped Tha harshly ab hee awn hummer ! \ A ok aver her head, "Why da youl "Yaur mather 3 | y 4 this ce ry. Th are tl : s contwry, These re vie love that never dies, shall pro- Down PIRh Avenue 1h the wae | YAN ashore The wWaPAIAR was TOWRA SAY, ACTOR: mean AIMLY Hah IE heing shouted (hrauah the passages. | Alphonse, Out WRAP the 1oat BE (he [eheh side of the melien Wiss tha PATS I oAhat great white was the viver Poking aul ra © ghotae dust for wet Pan't you SU AuR, Hattie would show wh | p tims of man's forgetfulness , . tect your loved ones and depend: ofl streets, Cran hroad Barns that Yama, said Alphonse, "We w uated on the piver's edie, A fEe on deel! reat " hitding fe the hath the Glaire |B of shadows that veached toward 20 France Across A narrow hrldae | the sans gaow Tam throush with qust® Fi, 00 she thought there Was ANY | brush away the vy oy as it 1 had Maney fh AL Bhe had & Rerve the . ft never haen. 1 ga to Paria" wih, helnging hep hay felons martyrs to the indifference and amend A Bh ed : \ | i & i rom the possibility of wane, Masle of oars, of paadle willing, . {i af tpuek mioARinE, A Waving plats Chapter 1 \ form WIR 1PURNR ARE bags an 1, Raquel stood on the deel ologe to | AA savrving them wp Rar Ihe OR Fthe wall, until the mass of moving { \ A of the Barn PEERS ARE WaUIng arms An Lhe ~~ YPRte war Mademabells Ra Epler rooadad fain the wight, Painis \ | \ : , ane) TRAD a0 olavRtan CURRIE 10 of laht swam in the darkass © , Mi A ' \ y Oo taretul, ROW, IR e Ihe white] VAdion, New York" Raquel my Wilding wured Adios, beautiful eit ® | Take TOW We LAL LN VION Ate BONE 10 De An evel te | ; WH We Are Aboard al taa™ YReA ULNA Greta exelaimed, (he Days along the the de la Ba and the Rats Ww Me de N\ A "= 3 LION GIVES FIRE ALARM seq bon wre | Ts : -- Rh Toke 4 eenly 1h ples neat Wy ; \ ells oF The hes \ RATA uh alten Ny hy Wah pent Howden | haw Malad, the alam wa