Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1929, p. 4

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by iia 0d J A 4 k | { i ' Ex 4 4) 3 a Fredy LR ea THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TI (Established 1871) An Independent newspaper published avery afternoon eacopt Bundaye and legal holidays, ot Oshawa Canadas, by Mundy Printing Company, Limited, Chas, M. Mundy, President; A. BR, Alloway, Bes retary, The Oshawa Daily Times is a member of the Cana: dine Press, the Canadian Daily Newspapers' Ase sosintion, The Ontario Pravingisl Dailies sad the Audit Buresv of Clzenlations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 10s » week By wall in Canada (outside Othawe enrvier delivery limite), 9400 » yosri United Btates, $5.00 » year, TORONTO OFFICE $07 Bond Building, 88 Temperance Bireel, Telephone Adelaide 0107 MH, BD Treslddar, reépraventative REPRESENTATIVES INU, 8, Pevers and Stone, Ine, Now York and Chisage, ff . - 141 CNR FARR y SHEER HYPOCRISY re Phere would be something amusing In the decision of W. H, Price, attorney-general of Ontario 10 place temperance literature in the government liquor sores were the whole idea not so full of hypoerisy, One oan well afford te smile at the thought of pamphlets urging people 1d beware of the evils of Intoxieating liquor belng handed out by men wha are selling the vile stuff as fast as they ean get vid of i@ver the pounter, "I'he whole prepesal 1s just a sap to that seotion of public opinion whieh still demands that thers be effort in the enforces ment of the Liguer Control At Looking at the idea fram any angle, onatls forced to ask what: good it weuld do to plage temperange fiterature in liguer stores, The people who viait those stares have only one ehjeet in view, and that to buy liquor, They are net people who would be Bothered with taking home and reading anything whikh eon demned the usa of what they went inte that store to bu, Mueh more sensible is the idea whieh has been put fopward hy the YWest 'Tepento Presbytery of the United Clwreh, asking the minister of education of Ontéria to instiiute a course of study on the evils of aleoheluinto shesourrioulum of the publie and high sologls of Ontaplo, Youthful winds are suseeptible, and IF they can be taught the truth about the terrible havae which fs wrought hy the use of intoxieating liquor, there will be seme hope for a sober generation when they grow up, a generation whieh will sg fully vealive the evil of the whelg liquor traffie that it vill be ruthlessly wiped out of existenge, vigorous temperance BUSINESS I8 GOOD 1, H, Woods of Calgary, president of the Canadian « Chamber of Commerce, has just completed a trip which has taken him fram the maritime provinces "to the Pacific coast: He has had splendid opportuns ities for utilizing his keen powers of observation and analysis, and his verdiet, on vredehing Vancouver, was that he had found business conditions in Canada ex- woptionally good for this season of the year, In the maritimes, he found a remarkable recavery from the depression of regent yeavs, with an inereass ing shipping trade helping conditions: there wonders fully, Throughout Ontario and the west, in spite ot the wheat slump, he found that business on the whole waa roar bie, Coming from a man of the standing ahd Keenness of Col, Woods, this analysis is encouraging, This has been a peeuliar year, @ year in which ramers of pane conditions have playgd a large part in under mining public ogifidense dn the soundness of business Rovunately these swniors, have quickly heen diss pelle and Candida can beast of having a fundamen tal condition in business that is wholly sound, and wht {x capable of absorbing all the troubles and dim. oulties which have been experienced this year, and still going ahead of greater progress and prosperity, EDUCATION FOR PEACE It was a timely suggestion which Prowmier King made in one of the speeches of his western tour when be endorsed a project for the placing of a copy of the Kellogg peace past in every school in \he Dominion, The ideal is what counts, for this thought is apparently vooted in the desire that the shildron of Canada shall have an education in the value of peace and its principles, This is an aspect of is often greawly noglented. In the teaching of History, there is a tens dency to glorily war and its gonquests, and to lead ohildven to believe that war lian inevitable condition which mvs come at fairly veghlar periods, There is little teaching of the coll truth about war, of all is horrors and hardships, And there is not nearly enough attention paid to stressing in the winds of the children the neceasity of eultivating a desire and a will for peace, ©The Relloge pact is a symbol of that new will for peace, and as a wymbol it has a place in the schol of every nation which is a signatory to that pact, Not 30 wany years age it used 10 be the boast of bays that they belonged to a nation that could net be toked hy any others What a wonderful advance it would bo if they could be taught to beast that thelr nation was one which was willing to maxe goeat sacrifices for peace, x CONDEMNING UNRMDLOYMENT T------ The Ru New, J, H Thomas minister of employs ment in the Reitish government, bas come wet strongly in opposition to the system of waemploy ment insurance which Nas become commonly known ay "the dele)! Me Is quite entspelien whut it, too, dor at # meeting n London a few days ago, he saldi "Anything that makes men and women rely on other efforts thin their own anything that tends ty Wak young men and women look to the gtute for assistance they themselves ought to give, Is Silcylu tod to destroy und sap (hat dependent spielt. whieh Built up the British Tee, a ANLOF hls Is trae, Bt theeils a siwation of une employment in Great Britain today whieh cannot be overlogked, 1f work eowld be found for all those whe seek it, then My, Thomas wolld" pet need, (o movalize on the wealiness of the unemployment J strane situation, But thers Is not werk for hun dreds of thousands of the people=and they must live, They cannot be allowed to starve, And slnes they have to eontribute to the unemployment insu ance seheme while they are worldng, It Js only fair thet they should be benefiginries of It when work Jy not wvallable, It 18 tee, as ME, Thomas alse stated, that It 1s the polley ef the government to endeavor to provide for the people of Britain, Failing that, hewever, songs thing must be done to provide for the destitute uns employed, and ie seems tg us that the British mes 'thod Is a fairly equitable method of doing it, The chief danger lies In the fact that, under the present gonditlons, many pebple become 80 ageustomed to being provided for from the Insuranee funds that they lose thelr taste for worl, Probably that ls the eon- dition which Mr, Thomas had In mind when he spoke as he did, but it 1s hardly fair to condemn the systen because there are these who take advantage of It to secure a living without earning it, GOING TOO FAR Mayor McBride went up to & debate at Hart House, Toronto, & week or so ago, and was presented with a four to one deelslon by the students present to the effect that Torome was an Intelerant elty, This was going just a Mle tog far for the mayor, and he ly quite exercised over the attitude of the students, In fact, he has made It the subject of a far-reaching declaration, The students, In his gpiniony were not half appre clative enough of the privilege whieh they enjoy in living In Toromte, and had no right to knoek thelr university elty by deelaving It intolerant, And, In order that the future students of the unlyersity might have a different idea of Teronto, and might trained to ralse thelr volees in singing ts praises, he demands that the entipe faculty of the university be resorganteed, and 4 new one engaged which would have as its ehief objet in life the training of a stus dent body ready to boost for Toronto, Instead of knocking In We always thought that Sam Melrlde had a well developed sense of humor, but apparently we were mistaken I'he students may, as he thought, have gona too far In declaring Sam's elty intolerant, but he has fallen nto exactly the same mistake, and has gone po far in his resentment of thelr eritielsm of Toronte, The result is that has given the people of the provines good cuuse for hearty mereiment at his expense, and if he had that sense of humer with which he has been eredited, he would see how ridiculous he has made himself In faet, most people will be ready to agree that L'orento 1s not perfect, and that eritigism, even by university students, Is net altogether a bad thing for any community be net HT BOM at ancy REFORESTING CAMP BORDEN Ie 1s announced thas negotiations are now under the oecupied by the will aequire Horden alr training school, and will carry on there a plan of large scale reforestation, If this praject goes through, it will be a highly ereditable undertaking on the part of the Ontario government, For some years the Ontarle government has heen paying much attention to the reforestation of waste Arenas, even 'going so far as (0 transport part of the population of certain distiiots to other sections of Outario so as to utilize land unsuitable for farming for the planting of forest trees, This iv a work of conservation whieh is worth while, since it helps to build up timber resources for future generations, Unfertunately the areas available for reforestation are somewhat limited, but the main value ef the tree planting activities ©f the government lies in the sets ting of an example to private individuals and coms panies to do likewise, In the Camp Horden area, there in an expanse of some 25,000 10 JOO acres, which, if refarested, with in a decade or two would provide a splendid growth of tmber, and a new resource which will have been bullt up ar a comparatively small expenditure of Fhe location in ideal for the purpose, and glose at hand are the government nurseries at Mids haest, from whieh the stoek can be scoured for this oxtonsive planting, As a atep forward in the reforestation eampalgn to which the government has committed itself, this move is a splendid one, and will arouse keen inters ont in the general need for the planting of more trees everywhere in Ontario, EDITORIAL NOTES : WEEE------------ Premier King Ma announced that there will be further reductions in tamation, Perhaps this is why rumors of an carly federal clection are so prevalent, TE---- A ladies wrestling olub has been formed in Lows don, But Bt iv not likely 10 be much different irony some of the modern dance halls, N way whereby Untario government are now Camp money Confidence 1s coming back 10 the stock markets, but what many of the speculators would like to see in their money coming back, Solemn services marked the Amuistice and Thanks» giving Day observance in practically every communs ity I Ontario, This provinee has sensed the rea! significance of the day and the proper method of observing it : Iv is estimated that the recent Ontario election cost the province half a million dollars, and it all depends on the point of view as to whether the money was wasted or well spent, : Morley Callaghan, the famous novelist, says that Loronto is intolerant because of the "overwhelming wedioenity" of da ghtlsens® Now watch for Mayer MoBride's retort, -- Mescow sent twenty Communist agitators to Japan, aml now the Japanese goverment has arrested 83 of thelr followers, That" should be goed evidence that Chief Draper has the right idea ps EE ------_--_.. IURSDAY, gk NOVEMBER | he Other Editor's Comments A MATTER OF HABE (Vortlend Oregon) More then #4,000,000,000 1s hes ing spent for nrmament thig year hy the greater natlong of the world, it, develops, but 16 is not g¥en inte ad any of them gontemplata using Woon offensive movements, BECK LESE MOTORINTS (Uhieago "Tribune The automobile ts, In wrong hands, & deadly wagpon, and wny gxperience of travel on our sirests proves there are many men und women wha wre until to divest one, The Incompetent driver, whelhe) hig or hay dneompetence 18 physiol or Is the result of laek of decent sonsldaration for the rights snd aately of others, should he strictly weeded out and kept off the publie highways, ANOTHER RECIPE VOR LONGRYITY (Cinelnnatl Times-Hiar) AL olghty-six, the Rey, Dy, Geo, Alexander, of New York does a full day's work, and finds time ona strength te interest himself aotively in many things outside the sphere of the Ministry, How does he do IL? He seems to have nearkened to advice of "sp Agel friend" 'who long ago admonished Rim: "When you met old eat half AF much, sleep twice as muh, avink three times as mueh water und laugh four times ax much," Bhin epigrammatis counsel Ia worth heeding fn spirit if not pre- olsely In letter, THY POWER OF THE MOVIES (VF, J, PP, Veale In the Nineteenth Century, London) Baldwin has dvawn atten one mapect of the film's influence~1the avil effect fim plays designed to sult Western tastes have upon Oviental audiences, with thely entirely different standards and outlook, , + There ls, how: wver, another aspect of the prob lem with results at least equally serious, hut far less easy to rem aay AL the present time » Nrenl fMim-producing State has unlimited power, not pnaly to magnify Its own aohlevemeants, but to held up to universal contempt the charao ter and misdeeds of tu rivals Thus we owe to the American film Industry the all but universal hes lief thut the American Army won the Great War, The point is pe haps of litle practieal Imports anoe, although It does less than justice to the tens of thousands of men who lald down ther Hives in France and Wanders during the period when President Wilsen wos too proud to fAght It furnishes, however, hn Hood example of the snormous power of einema, Com pared to the multitudes whe derive thelr ideas on the Creat War from the Alms, the people who seek the real foots fram authoritative book on the subject, are but an inslgni fleant minority Mr tion to RIGHT YOU ARE I'eacheri Now tell me, what of people will wear the blguest crowns when they go to Heaven! Bright Pupil Those with the big gest heads = Huen Humor, Madrid A SURPRISE "Helle! Pm buying a washing wma chine for my wife av a birthday pre pent" "That will he a surprise, "Yeu, quite! She's expecting a new \ cal sort eh!" THAT WAS LUCK Roger Were you lucky at the ra een vesterday! [ found a quarter after the last rac and 1 didn't have to walk home Answers EE TALKIE INFLUENCE PFeuant Ofeeri Why haven't you sent your son to school? want him to learn how Proud Father: It fant now that we have talking fils Wwers ta read? necessary An s---- BROAD:MINDED Marv: It's a shame that big man had to take the seat directly in front of you, You're filssing the whale show, "Na, not all of it, He's reading all the titles aloud," = Answers, MAKING CHANGE SWhy were you driving so thia ring . Well, the judge fined me five dol lam for speeding yesterday, and he couldn't change my tensdollar bill $0 he told me to go and speed it out Hummel, Hamburg, TOUGH! Chicken was served in the seaside boarding house. but=well, it might have heen more tender, I don't know mueh about these things," one wan was heard to say, hut 1 feel sure that bird came from a hard-boiled cpg' =="Tit-Rits -- TOO PERFECT Salesman: This ear ix a wonder It goes so gently that you do notice the mation, the engine is al lent, the gas hurns 30 well that there in no smell, and the speed is sweh fast \ Prospective Ruver: But can't 1 see anothor make of ear? What is the good of one that | shall not know I have Me=Passing Show, Ld te 3 | + Sol wn eh Fad ih | The Allipe ll One \What nian ner ob man is Hin for he eonand eth oven the winds and water, and they obey himeeluke 8128 ! "Christ without, our safety Choist withing owe joy; Wha, iF we he twithinl Can our hope destyoy." Bits of Humor | Derek 1 should Just think 1 was! | Don't you | fat not | that one ean hardly see the car go h : Pours 2] James W. Barton, M.D HOY 01 COLD WATER VOR NUHAINN You huve sprained an ankle oi other joint, ov veoslvad soe simi lar injury and you have been told hy one doetoy to use cold wilter or fe applleations, nud hy another doctor to uss hot waler, Now whieh fs vight? Qenurally speaking you would be wise 10 always use the hot spph entlons, Although IL ds true (hat cola np plications seam to delay or Lo seme extent prevent the formation of ine flammatory products, this is really wll that they do, and not very efs fectually ot that, Further, lee or old applentions must he kept up continuously ones they ure siarted an their effect ooayen ms mediptely they ave removed from the injured surface, And still furs ther les or sold spplieations wee ihe polutely harmiul # not applied me mediately alter Injury takes ples, If they are used once the inflem- mation has started, they replly [IN lay yecovery heesuse cold has not the power to move inflammatory products What about hot water? The hot uapplieations dilate or widen the blood vessels and hurry the eireulation, Mven alter stop ping the hot applications the blood vaunols sill remain dilated so that the elreulation continues to move more vapldaly than normal This Ineveased elveulation, which Ineludes the lymph elreulation wlgo, washes out the tissued, rids tinsnos of thelr wastes, and hastens the vebullding of the Lesuae oelly, und tha number of infects oy ganloms 18 @otinlly deorepased in number Hot moist dressings are bhetiey than a dry heat, The temperature of the water should he nn Httle warmer than the temperature of the hody! nbout 104 degrees ¥, is considered nhout right Where 1 in possible to apply a hot moist dressing, and then put olled silk or other waterproof sovering ever It, host results will he obtained However, my point 1s that while oa or immediately and continuously, may pometimes he of service, the von tinned hot applications are more readily avallable and more effect fos walter Jf avallable, used | Ive (Registered the pecordance Act) in Copyright | THAT some cities seem to need to get thelr eollestive af fairs into the hands of some men | whe are competent and capable of doing business, [ THAT it Is a | that will alow enees dt foolish community factional dite { permanently disintegrate i cltirenshiy THAT every cltiven should ve. member his duty to his home oity | and realise that ne matter what | Ns opinion is, there is we ase of carrying on hostilities forever, FHAT they should got together | got down to business and HOOUS {THY HOMIE CITY HAY can't do a thing are who think nanally the men they Haht | | | THAT the men whe make up | thelr minds te do things wally [oan do iy THAT the hard do Is Hguring working, THE MEN WHO CAN DO THINGS SHOULD REAL. IZE THAT COOPERATION MEANS TEAM.WORK, GE} TOGETHER I Work some men how te keep from | Bits of Verse BONG Honnle Leddy Habel Mune, I wad seo yo shinin' sane, Ower barley feld an' Hake green, Wi a byesrond balth atween, | I wad vin the links thre! Liohttit and singin' men', Bre my aingin' days be dune, Bonny Leddy Hatrst Mune, WHI some auld lover meet, Whaur the path Hes dewy weet, Wateh yor aller Heht abune, Nonny Leddy Halvat' Mune, {A Held of stooks id a rare sieht, FEI awa' the morn 's nloht, ime o' hair's sine ower an dune, Bonny Leddy Haivat Mune, Marion Angus in the Glasgow Hora ld, v--w-- COURAGE On the thin plank of courage | Walk with stow steps, and tearfully, Across the unspeakable abyss, And dare not look that way of this Lest the wnfathomed depths shoul! show The things 1 am afraid to knows Lest on my downeast eve thew nlcams The phosphorescent stuff of dreams, Or, trembling the misty ain GE shapes oF terror and despair Aud over as | wo 1 how Phe jealous waves of doubt and fear Ntretehing with many-fngered spray FO Satoh 10 Iron MY RAFF W Way, And drag ino thelr angry sea | My halfvineh of security, | God prant it Gail not tll t feel he wold carth honeath my heel \ Milky, the Observer with | i 4, 1929 -------- Eye and Eye Pe Strain by CN, TUCK, Opt.n | (Copyright 19 MUROLY WIHAIN Part "8" While 16 Is true thet soms of the canses conduelve to errors nid frragularities today have heen handed to us mg wn heritage, IL 14 only too evident that an ever in orensing number far In advance of the hereditary caves are the fruits of our own actions und of notions made necessary by elvillan Hon," "Home peoulinrMes may ha nol od and interpreted, Vor Instance, indirect vision, evidences of » change In the visual fleld due to Irregular funotioning of certain muscles, This condition was no doubt started as In many oases hy suppression momentarily unnoties od In the beginning, hut as snoh pubsequent moment of suppression Wan succeeded hy the one follow ing, the periods of suppression he some of grenter duration until fin lly the vislon was completely wb merged, And oven if in is devel | opment i were successful, viston | could only be veguined step hy ulep up IL was lost, the periods of davalopment. only holng uw matier of ragaining hy develapment wht | wil lost provided nature would permit, Pome organs whose pow mw of functioning wre allowed to lope, nftor 8 period of yours will not veturn without new troubles coming with them It may also bo the cause of Gn A uiternating wippression Who tho gondition Just explained oxedpt hit the' periods of sippros plon alternate, fivsl one eye and then the ether, " LEVEY [ MAC wal Ding gg puts which 1 / Hig nat! on! I DODD'S KIDNEY ud B18 i ih er Sd E-FORLONG 1 TOCHS Private Wire System Phones 143 and 144 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA -- and Ofte tons Bundi" 8, F, EVERSON, Local Manager The Canadian Bank of Commerce The business of the branch of The Canadian Bank of Come merce located at 20 Simcoe Street North will be transferred to the Branch on the North East Corner of King and Simcoe Sts. Which has recently been substantially enlarged. OSHAWA BRANCH On Monday, Nov. 18th with 10 tubes and ie speaker Two buys this magnificent Lyric Model 96 complete ultrasdynam other designs at $250 and $285 give you the same outstanding features of Lyrie Radio. And at$378 vou can have the greatest of combination sete Lyric Radio and Phonograph LYRIC 10 Tubes -- 5-Gang Condenser Lyric is Canada's Biggest Radio Value because tts ten tubes and five-ga Hi with. dual om Re A ha hod op ws reception--best con wgate give you the vecy best of w ume and tone BEAUTY OF CABINETS Lyte Redio Cablnats ar admired ary: C. 8 Prince St, nee Of Lda Soy sad dd Manufactured at Toronto by Mohawk Radio Limited i In selectivity, distance, CHURCHLEY Oshawa

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