Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 PAGE THREE RR Ma igh a #* ---- hawa Sponso Furniture For Fity Rooms Arrives at Hotel Oshawa, Bustle of Activity Reigns Dining Room and Lobby Fill- ed With Large Piles of Furniture, and Opening Date Said to be Not Far Away SETTLE TWO FLOORS BY END OF NEXT WEEK Carpets Laid on First Floor, Furniture Placing Starts Tomeorrow==ixth Floor to be Settled Next, It Is Stated Furniture for 60 rooms of the new Genosha Hotel has arrived, and will he placed by the end of next week, Carpets are now helng laid, and work on the settling of the hotel f§ proceeding as rapidly as possible, Large fumiture vans are trans- orting loads of furniture to the otal from Tovonto as fast Ax pos: sible, and the dining room and lohhy are vapidly helng filled with huge piles of tables, chairs, desks and beds, The hotel has onge more assumed a bustle of activity after peing dormant for some time, and there 18 concrete evidence of the fact that the opening date 1s not far away, Although no statement as to that date could he abtained by The Times, It 18 understood tn be set for the earliest possible day, The marks of netivity about the hoilding led a reporter to Invest! gate this morning, and, although no definite information was given out by the management, it was nos tleed (hat activity was centering about the second and sixth floors It was understood through eonver gations that these floors will be gettled fipat and perhaps opened for business while furniture is being moved into the other floors, The laying of davpets {8 nearly gompleted on the second floar, and it is expected to be finished tonight and tomorrow, Furniture will then be moved into this fleer and wet tled while carpets ave lald on the sixth floor, The turniture for the Johbhy was received some time ago, and furniture for the dining room will ha placed after some of the bedrooms have heen settled, is understood o The bedrooms will present 8 Meaning appearance, The furni Are td finished tn walnut, and hare monires well with the carpets and with the room decorations The furniture tn each room includes the bed, an easy chair a writing desk with ehalr, a night table, and a walnut dresser, as well as the ra dio loud speaker in each room, } DRYSDALE GIVEN THREE NOS. TERM Kingston, Nav 14,--Faund guilty on four Heparate 0OUNtA ynder section 284 of the Criminal lode, that of doing grievous bods fly harm, W, H, Drysdale of King glon came hefore County Judge Madden yesterday at Napanee, and was sentenced to three months in the counties' Jall af Lennox and Addington an each count, the sen: fences to yun econourvently, The case arose aut of a motor Aceldent on Provinelal Highway Ne, some weeks ago, In which a oar fiviven by F, KE, Maxwell of Qale awa, In the colliston ¥, ®, Mass well and Rev, ¥. Maxwell were mjured, and John Murphy and Thomas O'Brien, who weve being given a vide hy My, Drysdale, were also injured, Ri eda ha LL Coming Events a Cents per word each in sortion, Mintmum charge for ench insertion, Bde, | ORHAWA WINTER QARDENS, ! Friday, Nov, 16th, dancing 880 pom, Rjuare and round danelng featuring a rousing Pal Jones Music hE Pat shannon and his Haymakers, A square dance orchestra that makea you enjoy every minute, (114) R, HAWKEY, THE LEADER OF the Taranta Unity Centre will be 1 In Weleh's Parviour on Friday at {8 pom, The subjeet will he, The | Lord Prayer, Metaphyaioally | interpreted, All are weleame, (1120) HE ONTARIO ENCAMPMENT, ! No, 11, LOOK, will meet on ! Friday, Nov, 1§ the purpose {of conferring of he Patrick des 1 gree, Full attendfice 1a requests Led, JK No thy, RE. { 0) PUMPKIN PIE SOCIAL UNDER ! ausploes of Ritson Road Home © and Sehool. Club on Thursday night, Nov, 14, at 7.80 at Rin son School, (1h) OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS © Thursday, Nov, 141h, spot prige dance Right. Frank Carew and his commanders one of Teron. to's enapplest dance orchestras, * Dancing 8.30 pm. Admission ' 180, (113) PRIZE LIST FOR PLOUGHING MATCH Several Special Prizes Awarded at Meet in Brooklin, Tuesday -- The prise Wet for the fifth an nual ploughing mateh of the Houth Ontario in aloe Association, held on the farm of Hdward Whip. pay, near Brooklin village, Tues day, ia published as follows! Class 1, Bod (open to all) sl prigse==pilver cup donated hy Bank of Commerea, Vort Perry, W, Tim hers, Btouftville; #nd=D, Tran, Claremont; Brd-=0, Tran, Whites vale; Ath-=¥, Timbers, Krindalej Bth---=W, Peddie, Malton, Class 2, Bod Jolnter fopen to all) Ilst=John Medd, Port Perry! fnde=W, Omerod, Oreenwood] Hrde=W, #hort, Wood ville; 4th==N, Watson, Wood» bridge, Class 2, Bod (Jolnter Plows with Blinners) 1sl-==W, 0, Maxwell, Markham! Snd-=Jas, Lee, Green bank; frd0O, Ball, Uxbridge] dthe=D, Harris, Stouffville; Bthe GU, Tanson, Uxhridge Class 4, Kinbble (Open to all) I8t==l,, Bteckley, Btouffville; ¥nd «W, Pargugon, Htouffville; dvd ¥, Thompson, Claremont] 4th Jag, Foley, Milliken] Bthe=W, Op: merod, Greenwood Clags 6, Bluhhle (Boys under) 1st---0, MeCualg, bridge; 2nd-=0, Ferguson, ville; fvd Loe, Neagvrave| P, Brown, Waoadville; Ath Mmith, Uxbridge] OtheI" Reagrave Class 0, Amateurs, endale, Brookling 8nd Ferndale Tractors all) 1st limbus) bus, plows IN and Came Miourr ith M Real, Int W C, Far Booth, in Btubhble (Open to Kugene Dearborn, Co nd, Nugbitt, Colum» Kpecial Prises Hest team and equipment Frank Ormiston, Brooklin, Nest going team in Fields A MeMillan, Reagrave Hest Crown In Bod, Class 1 Timbers, Rtouffville Rest finish in Class lel Claremont Rest Crown in Ww ), Tran, Jointer--W, G Atrait of himself by members of the Maxwell, Markham Best Crown In Cunlg, Gamebridgs Peat fin¥sh In Class 8 merod, Greenwood, Heat finish In Class § guson, Btoutfville, The directors will shortly pub Hah a Met of all contributors to | the funds of the Assoelation, which | Class B Me | Ww, Oi D, Ver were very much appreciated, The aMeers and directors of the Association arel Hon Prem, Jas, lee) 0, H, Downey; 1st vicespres Gifford: sec-treas, W, N, aenistant treasurer, Thos, Hall; dl rectors, B, W, Wehher, Cari Avs ery, John Medd, Geo, MeMillan, CO, Blakely, D, Munroe, 0, M, For sythe, O, Tran, W, Omerod, ¥, Cree glen, €, Plaxton, I, 7, Rowe, BK Pardon, SIR ARTHUR CURRIE EXPRESSES THANKS Replies to ; Telegram Sent | Him From Legion's Arm. | istice Banquet president, Lloyd Croxall) Sip Arthur Curele, whe was sent a telegram of goodwill fram the Armistice Banquet of the Canadian Leglon held herve last week, ex: pressed his pleasure at receiving Ht in a letter received hy M, M, Hood, | A member of the executive of the looal legion, yesterday Nir Avthur'a letter vead ¥ "I wae very happy to receive your telegram of November 8th on the occasion af the hanquet of the Oahawa Hraneh of the Leglon in honor of Armistice Day, "I have heen eomtined ta the house for the last two weeka as a result of a chill, but am so far improved that 1 expect ta veturn to the office very shortly, "With all good wishes to you personally, and to the members of the hranch, I am Yours faithfully, A, W, Currie, ro -------- These "perfoet lovers" who take the ladies by storm appear to make excellent targets, also, w= Ningston Whige-S tandatl ha sin Mrs, BM, Martin, 610 Park Rd, Routh, wishes to thank all her friends and nelghbours for expres slon of sympathy and flowers, Especial mention of the Histers of Highop Bethune Collese and De Lewis at the time of the death of her dear son, Harry, (114a) A '00 LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED-=YOUNG MAN WITH anles ability to represent manufac: turer in Oshawa and disteiet, Good appartunity for advancement, Ap Ply Box 803 Times, (1140) MADATE ™ TROWN," FALMIET Phone anpeintments 26388, 93 Louisa Street, (114b) DR. D. 8, HOIG MADE THE RECIPIENT OF PORTRAIT OF SELF MARKS 18 YEARS SER. VICE AS HOSPITAL'S | SUPERINTENDANT Dr. McKellar, Medical Mis. sionary to India, Gives Address to Staff Dy, , B, Holg, medieal superin tendent of the Oshawn General Hospital, was presented with a pors medieal staff and nurses of the hospital at an Interesting gathering held last night In honor of the 16th your of Wig Incumbeney, The por trade will hong In the staff room of the hospital A feature of the evening was an address on India presented hy Dr, MoKellar, female medionl missions Ary to that eountry for the pasl forty yours Privileged ng these missionaries are to enter the hames of the most exelusive people, Mr, MaoKellay was ahle to present a most Intimate, fuselnating ploture of the home fe of these peoples It would fgulte fmpossible to epitomize her talk, hut It held her South Ontario Polled The (ALBERT KNOWLES Heteners 10 the last word and i was realized how mueh hettey equipped this gullet lady was to hring a message from Indig to the West that many who are attempt Ing this tesk Where Are The Letter Writers? unusual eondition on Monday night munfeation had heen the Hoard offices for presentation to the Board during the entire month, Nobody, apparently, want ed the use of the sehools No body desired a position as teach ar, no firm offered some remark ahle new equipment for the gehools, It was most unusual, Chaly man of the Hoard, A, WW, Hell, sald that never in all his experience, had sueh a condition been noted ia Hoard meeting FINED $100 FOR HAVING LIQUOR Joseph Marks Warned That He Cannot Obtain Any | More Liquor Permits | An Was noted Nol one com received al at Joseph Mar) i Athol west, was fined #100 and costs oy | three months In nll when he was | eonvieted Magistrate Willis in | pallies eourt tarday on a ohavge | of having Hguoer in a place other | than a private dwelling, A second | chavge of having unlawfully on | tained a lHguor permit was with drawn with the consent of the Crown An Marks intimated that he could not pay the fine he will have ta serve the Jall term Marks wa warned hy Friend that neither he, nor any member of his family, could in future obtain a permit for the pur ehiage of Haguaor Alex ©, Hall at od as counsel for Mavks DIES OF INJURIES REGEIVED IN FALL FROM ROOF, B.B.C. Funeral Was Held Yesterday of Harry Martin, Park Road South Yeaterday afternoon, the funeral of Harry Maven, age 21, was held from Holy Teinlty Chureh, Osh awa, conducted hy the Rev, ®, ©, Jarrett. It was largely attended hy friends of the youth who was pops ular In the sommunity Harvey Martin was fatally ine ured when he fell fram a vera dah rool while putting In storm windows at the Rishop Rethune College, on Friday, Due to the naw and rain the roof was very slippery and when he missed his footing he fall fram the voof, He wad found hy W, Riekle and an ambulance and a doctor were oall od Immediately, At first it was thought that he was not seriously wjured and he wan taken to hia home, Later in the evening he was taken to the hospital and It Was found that he had heen hurt Internally, He dled on Monday morning, Coroner Dr. D8 Holg wa called In and decided that no Ins QUEL WAS NOCeRsALY Martin is survived hy hin mother, who res sides on Park road south, nireel ny Ve Chief Manchester Farmer Claimed by Death Joseph Haolthy, 83%, farmer of Manchester, Ont, and Fonlan ratd veteran, dled yesterday at his homestead, Mr, Holthy was well known in the Port Perry distriot where he Was a member of Fidelity lodge, A, F, & AM, Surviving are his wite and the) danghtors, Mrs, Jennie Pole, af Toronto, Misa Nellie Holthy, at home and Mus Carpens week ter, of Manchester, Ont, Largest Vote In Recent Ontario Election Contest The honor of representing ithe tiding whieh polled the largest vole in the recent election belongs lo W, Hi, N, Binelatr, 5,C,, Liberal lender and member of (he Logly lative Assembly for (his viding, The totel vole In Bouth Ontario was 18000, by far. the © largest vate im any viding, including all the Toronto ridings, Mr, Binelalr's vote of 0,701 Is the second largest vote polled for any oupdidate In the VProvinee, being only #18 votes short of the vote polled for AC, Molen, winner in Eglinton riding, Toronto, The number who east thelr hal lots In this riding was simost 70 pay cent, of the - avallable vole, which speaks well for the Interest whieh the electors of Bouth Ou trio took In exercising thelr frans ¢hise, This 1s ona of the largest ridings In Ontario, as regards | population The cumpnign waged here pre vious to the selection helwesn Mr, Hinelalr and his Conservative op ponent, Frank L, Mason, wae very keen and rvesulted In a majority of 1,060 for the Libera) candidate IE 16, interesting Lo note that Lhe Conpervative wlandard hearer poll ed a vols which in some Instances i wimost twice that reseived by cortain successful candidates In other ridings © throughout the provines, In discussing the elestion with The Times yonterdny, W, 10, N, Bins vinly made briaf reference to the (net thal although the number of pots In the Opposition had been reduced, the Opposition had wes sured many more votes in this election than It had In the eames palegn of 1040, TIL 1s one of the anomallds of our election system," Mr, Hinclair stated, "that the strength of the Government and the Opposition, in the Mouse Is greatly dig-propors tionate to the sige of the vole polled by the two parties respens Uyaly, Although our vole Wis wueh larger the number of wanty han been reduced, It Is an indole (hon that the system has not yet repehed perfection,' CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | A CORNKCTION Heoently the Khoe Htore of Oshawa in this distriet a quantity of bills announcing a specigl sale of fool WOR! On these hilly, men's over phoes wore featured, and the price wh erroneously printed as 8.17 Tide should have been $8.17, which I the corvect price of the over shoes, APPLICATION HEFURKD The Board of Kdueation on Mon day night refused the application of Chevrolet Ladies' Athletle Club for the use of the Collegiate gymna slum for basketball, The applioa tion was presented to the Hoard al Ite last meeting and referred 10 the property committes, whieh re commended that the request be nol granted, COLLEGIATE BOND INNUN The olty treasurer informed the Hoard of Wdueation that the sale of debentures on the teahnieal sohool addition to the Collegiate AEnaw-Hurpass distributed land Voontional Institute would net about $978,000, The lesue was for $00,000, but the unfaverable eon dicion of the bond market foroed the eity to aeeept price for the bonds somewhat Pal value, NIITIAN MATLN Matls for Great Hritain and Hurope close at the Oshawa Post Oftles at the following hours dun n helow the | ing the next week Now 18] fram Nov for MN Ma jestie, York, closes at 7.00 pm, Letter mall only For #, 8, Duchess of Riohmond, from Montreal, closes at 1.00 pm Nav, 1} All malls For # N, Rerengaria, York, closes at 7.00 14, Letter mall only For HH, Leviathan, from New York, closes at 7.80 pon, Noy, 10 Lgtter mall only, LITTLE THEATRE PRESENTS PLAY BY from New pm, Nov, So r------ SIR J. M. BARRIE| ABOUT 630 PUPILS Delightful Play to be Given at Rotary Hall Next Week A delightful treat 18 in stove for the playslovers of Oshawa next when the Little Theatre players present Hie J, M, Barvies whimsteal comedy, "AloasRit-hys the Fire," The name of Harrie has a mage sound to it ta all who ave familiar with his plays, and the sample of his work whieh is ta be presented In the Rotary Hall oa November 18, 15, 20 and 21 8 considered ane of his best It In interesting to nota thal the Little Theatre of Galveston, Texas, ohowe AloasRit-hy-the-Five as ta opening play of the 1830 1080 season, and that It was ves coelved there with enthusiantio ae claim hy eapaeity aadlences every night It was produced, In annowns on the play, the Galveston Tris hune made the following comment, whieh wight well be passed on to the peaple of Oshawa, SAlleasRitshy-The- Fire" (s a par tenlarly happy choloe for an opens ing play, In that Barrie needa ne introduction to the theatresloving publie, Here is a play sure to ap peal to a large number of people, and a charming performance may ho expected," It 1s interesting to note that this play was frat produced in 1908, when 11 was presented hy Charles Frohman, with Ethel Barrymore playng the leading role John Cale, the director of the | Little Theatre, han assembled an exceptionally capable company foe this production, and the reheam™ sale have Indicated that it in gow Ing to he one of the finest things done since Little Theatre Was en tablished in Oshawa, The seat plan will open to subsoribers tn a few days, and there will be an abhunds ance of seats for nonaubsoribhers at the usual rate of one dollar for single admissions, American talking pictures are heing shown in Austria, ARMY REFIRENKENTED The Balvation Army was also represented among the organise tions and societies whish were present at the meeting held Tues day night for the purpose of or ganiging a community welfare fed eration, This fact was Inadver tently omitted In the report of the mesting which appeared in last night'y paper, ATTHND CONVENTION WW, I, Davis, assistant general manager of General Motors of Can ada, Limited, and N, C, Millman, H, Wood and Alex, Garner, of the loeal head ofoe, are in Toron to this week attending the annual convention of the Hoclety of Auto motive Knglnears My, Wood Ia treasurer of the Canadian seetion of the, Hoolety INQUENT OPENED Cobourg, Nav, 14 of the three vietimas goeldent on the Provinelal Itigh way about two miles east of the town Maturday, have been removed for burial, The body of Mis Ma rie Fraser was taken to Campbell ford for interment, and those of Mrs, Mary J, Emith and of Claude Ninek of Toronto, Dr, Uearge NM Farrig held an Inguest Into tin death of Miss Fraser Alter view ing the body, adjournment was made until Nov, § ORATORY AT BIRUH CLIVE Nearbore, Nov, 14. ireh ONE Home and Hehool Club at It monthly meeting last night heard an address on "The League of Na tions' hy Mes, W, D, Lang of To ronto, following which the finals of the schools eratory contest were staged, with Btta Mheppavd, 72 Halg Avenue, Biveh CHEE, being de olared 1020 champion, and Arthur Bryant, Kingston Road, second, and Marjorie COhatterton third Principal Mrs, BE, Reece occupied the ohalr, ENROLMENT AT THE NIGHT CLASSE IS The bodies of the motor Fine Attendance Average in Oshawa Schools Last Month An average attendance of Hi.R per oan wasn maintained in the Oshawa publlie sohoals during Oe tober, and an average of 8.3 per | the Collegiate and Vooa tonal Iustitute, according to re Porta presented to the Noard of Rduoation Tuesday nlaht hy Super vislag Prinoipal ©, 1 Cannon oant in ol the publio sehools and Prineipal A, | E, O'Nalll, of the Collealate, In als report, My, O'Neill also submitted fgures on the voeations Al evening olassse, The snvolment Ly olasses totalled S07, hut this ineluded a large number of duplis eations,. The snralment in the ev vening classes, Mr, O'Neill stated, inoluded about 430 pupils, an ine oreRse of aver 180 ax compared with last year, Many of the clans on wore filled to capacity, he sald, The total envalment of the ool logiata in October wan 914, of which TH) were from Oshawa, $8 fram Ontario county and 18% from other counties, The &oademie olasses inoluded B04 pupils, the commarolal olasses 208 and the teohnioal 117 soholars, North Stwmoeoe, Albert ang Rit aon schools led the publie schools with an attendance average of $9 per cant, King street and South Rimooe sohools had an attendance of 88 per cent: Mary and Cedan dale seheols 83 per cent, and Coens tre sohonl 84 per cent, The enrolment of the publie sohools Inoreased hy 2@ during the month, and was 3,478 at the end of Oatabher, Mr, Cannon reported, OF these, 1, T4l were girls and 1. T3T were hays, Born FINLAY In Oshawa on Thurs day, November 14th, to My, and Mes, John Finlay, 188 Brook street ant, Oshawa, a won, Roth well, (Nee Winnltred Vieows), Qi | MAY BE RELEASED BY LONDON POLICE (OSHAWA MAN WAS "ainaan FRMAL WELCOME "locrme--Anorr on OR NEW PASTOR to Crime~--Another Osh- awa Man Is Held -- Rev, A, Small Welcomed as New Pastor of First Nav, 18 Hoot Baptist Church ha nuked to trase Fngland of Hurry On Wednesday evening the con groegation of Fiest Baptist Chureh London polles of floar, and of Charles Helhy, of formally welcomed they new pastor Hoy, A, mall whe hag come herg Oshawn, who were caught In the ant of burglariging Caleott and Visher's wlove Aaturday at mid ight and from whose arrests has followed recovery hy local detess | from North Hay I'he Nivel part tives of Jewelry and other loot of the reception was held In Lhe valued nt $4,600, Finger prints | ehureh wuditorium Mr, Robert wild photos of hotly men were dig Hamilton, a prominent worker In patehed to the old country today, the ehureh, anctod as chalrman, and Webha had told many stories | With the singing of a hymn the here of having heen a member of | Program began, I'ollowlng prayer the "Liteguards' in Wogland and | bY the ehalrman, Mrs, Jenkns ven he sald when he joined the police dered wu wolo, "The Lost Chord foree (hat he had often mounted | Mr. Anderson, a depcon of Lhe guard at Buckingham palace, Hel church wan called upon ta speak, by eame to Canada from England | On behalt of the chureh, ty 0 ganisutions and Ite Andividual mambérs, he extended a warm wel come to Mr, Ball, hig wife and Aaughtey Thin welcome Wha see in 1004 und hin veeord ts to bie wonrohed hers and in the eM unded by the chairman who in his remarks stated hig hope that the sountry Today polices werd more Inclined ministry of Mr, Bmall would ho Wosked Ly Cod and thet the een Kiva ear to the protestations Alhert Knowles of Oshaws who clalme that he Was not a party to hte burglar operations of Webhe and Hall Mis story was that he | Sregation awd (he minister and Melby boarded In the same | Would vork weurnestly together placa at Oshawa and that he fe | Mra, Rosser's "The Vale capled the tnvitaton of Nelhy, uo | Hreams' was much enjoyed former Londoner, to spend the A letler from the Home Mission noliday week-end here He ways | Noard congratulating tha. church on obtaining fine an man for thelr leudey extending hest Wishes for In the future Hamilton London, Om, land Yard will the records In Welibe, forme; new Holo ol 0 nnd BUCO My that Belbhy Introduced him to Webbe and that Wehbe and pelhy 1aft Knowles' oar on a side plreet they. told Wim they Kolng to wee uw friend and he back In a few minutes The fivet intimation hid that they wore hurglars, he save, came when Nelhy returned breathless exelaim Ing that "eep's got my gun and shot me," Representatives of the company by whom Knowles has heen employed In Oshawa visited polloe headquarters today to vouch for his oharacter and to offer him | Aunlatance DOG DAY TODAY IN THE POLICE COURT, | Thirty Persone Fined For Failing to Procure Dog Tags when Wal read hy Ministerial Association Greetings Rev, NN, BH, Patterson of Christ | Chureh, vies president of the Osh awa Ministerial Association wan anlkied to way came to Hey | Ww brother ministers | From the ministers of My Patterson extended congratulations and best wishes te the and the new pustor He enlarged on the state ment that the parish is made up workers together with God, My HEmall vesponded to these Kindly welcomes on hehalf of Mra mall and Miss Klgle Small He anid that except for a few ae guaintances he was practically ame Ong strangers but the warmth of the welonme did mueh to make him feel nt ease and at home Noell Hour Npent Mra, Wiking played a plano sel wotlon Prayer hy Rav, Duncan Munroe ended the Arst part of the evening's nrogramme All present were roguested to remain after ward to partake of lunch served by the ladies In the Nunday sohool room, In this social way the eon gregation was given an apportuny woula he words of wel hehall n Tew imall on of the eity hearty songragation 0 Today was dog day in the oly | police court and thirty persons whe [had tailed to procure tags for thelr pels previous to Nov, 1, were fin lod each two dollars and ordered to Gp : ity of meeting thely new pastor | procure the necessary Heannos, [in & mors friendly manner | Many and varied ware the exe | cused which were offered ta the | {oourt, but to most of them Magis | \ [trate Wills turned a deaf oar, The | | onsen were prosecuted this. morn 4 4 Chief Friend and Humane Inspector Nelson Haired, A number of people falled to ap» | RY IMPRESSIVE VE RESHIVE Whitby, Oshawa, Brooklin pear when thelr names were called, | and Port Perry Veterans [ "We shall have to lssue WARPRILS | Attend United Church | for their arrest and show them that a summons 18 not to he dis | Ihe held Ing hy | Hoolety Arndstiee memorial serviee in Brooklin United church on obeyed," Chief Friend commented UNLOCK DOORS OF ~ SCHOOLS EARLIER " } ATHER | stue OVOLINE Was a decided LLNS " oosd, The parade, which warehed trom the Township. Hall under the w-------- teudership of Capt, WW, KE MoCarthy, | Caretakers Instructed by Was headed by Rewthers of the 4 | trio Regiment Band under Comvade Board to Make This | 1 "Gives, followed by the ou Hoy Scouts under Seoutmastey \l Provision Agar: then the members of the w------ Hrooklin branch of the Canadian Les Salaries of teachers ahsent for gion supported hy members from short pertods will not he patd for | Oshawa, Whithy and Port Perry, {the period of thelr absence With: foongisting of about $0 members iu out a dooter's certiiloate of the all veoommendation of the supervising On arvival at the ehwreh the spouts prinepal of the phil sooty oF [formed a wward of honor and the the prineipal of the Collegiate, the | veterans entored their reserved seats Hoard of Education deoided last [to find the building packed to over night. The Board also deotded | towing, There was a printed. pader that the doors of the sohoold must [of service which waa in ehrge of he unlooked early hy tha eaves [the pastor, Rev, BL Jal, BA, who wkers In bad weather, tn order to [delivered a long 10 be remembered allow pupils to enter, and teansacts [sermon which was based on the text, al Jit AY other husiness, "Take heed to thysell and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lost they depart dram thy hoary" (Dont, 4:9), It was an eamest appeal' to all progent not to forget the men wha fought and saved thelr country, the commdeship which warked the war dave, and the dream which tnapived them 10 carry ons=the dream ot a new world of brotherhood, goodwill and peace SUhe speaker pointed out that the [dependants and broken compades of {ithe dead were with us, and our obs [Hgation to them was a debt of sags (Continued on page 13) ei ------ RNB. the oaretakens of the Collegiate and of five of the pablio: sehonks, Traaten Dr, BJ Donovan sald that he had visited seve! of the rolls and had found that in twa of the public sohools conditions in regard to olealiness, ete Were not satisfactory, No salary ins OPARSOR ware bhelng sranted the Janitors of these schools, and they The question of the salary to be pald to a teacher who Was Pes turning to the staf of the Oshawa wohools after a leave of absence of five Years was ralsed, The Boawnd deolded te allow her to veturn at the same salary which she had Peon pald when she left the local sohoaly, rather than reducing her sAlRTY 10 the minimum paid by the Roan, The purchase of muale supplies | for the sehools at an approximate ost of $200 was anthorised Nurses' Room The Business Adminstrator was Iastenoted to report on the veguest of the medioal officer of health, that & nurses' roam he provided at Mary Street sohoal The Reand deolded te cary an order of the Provinelal Five Marshall that all doors a2 rooms in the Collegiate and Vooattonal Inatititte he canatracted to swing outwards into the sarvidors insteag of Inwards, and the architects were wmatraeted to have this change ont ". [8] Ww wire Oshawa will bo warned hy the Board that conditions at thelr sohools Wust improve, hn made without any additional cost | (0 the Board, Salary inoreases were granted | rs Ontario C. of C. Convention In Toronto Local Chamber Is Giving Banquet To Delegates In Royal York Hotel Tonight Resolution of Oshawa Chamber of Commerée Being Considered at Busi- ness Session of Conven- tion Which Is Being Held Today and Tomorrow HON, WM. FINLAYSON SPEAKS AT BANQUET Other Prominent Men Will Also Give Addresses -- Large Contingent From Oshawa Will Attend the Function, It Is Ex. pected A lurge contingent of Oshawa oitdgonn Including members of the Chamber of Commervee, the Mayor, members of the elty ecounell, apd others are expected to attend the hanguet being held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, tonight une der the ausplees of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce in honor af the nonual convention of the Ontario Aunooiated Boards of rade and Chambers of Commerce which In mesting In Toronto tos morrow and Friday, The convens under the auspices of the loon! Chamber, and 1 was. origin. ally planned to hold It here but dus to the facet that the special committee In charge could not ahs twin guarantee that the new Hotel would ba able to Recoms« ndate the delegates other Arranges ments had to he made Arrangements have heen coms plated to trapkport the guests from Oshawa to the Royal York and a pecin] hus has heen chartered from the Collaentt Canch Line, This bus will leave from in front of the post-ofMiee, King Streat Hast, ut h.0 n'eloek sharp ton night, and will leave Toaronte an tha roturn trip at 10.45 o'cloek, If the number is sufficient to wars rant It a second hus may be seouy od Havaral of those who are ate tending the banquet are planning to matory up in thelr own oars Hon, Ww, Finlayson Speaks W, MoLaunghlin, presi» the looal Chamber, will as chatrman tomorrow night, Hon, Wm, Finlayson, Mins Ister of Lands and Forests for Ontario, has bean engaged as the ohlef sponker while addressps will alge: ho presented hy Caetl Bethe une, Jredident of the Ammogiation, and FA, Paulhus, of Montreal, vieaspresident of the Chambers of Cammeree ™ addition ta the speeches and toasta a splendid program of ene tertainment has heen prepared an that there will he not ope dWll noment during the whole eourse of the evening, The Oryatal Rall dom 0 the Rayal York fe ta be the netting for the banduet "dud the gathering is heralded as one of the most notable this season, Diveakfast Meeting Laon Frazer, secretary of the Lon! ohamber of Commerce, was in Toronto yeste Aday atterneon and Attended a daner last night uns der the aueploes of the directors of the Assoclated Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commeros, A Unique feature of the convention in to he the breakfast meeting whieh My, Frager will tender the secretaries of the various Boards and Chambers represented on Kiri ha morning, November dd. he sessions of tha Conventfon anened this morning in the rt of tha Royal York Hetal atid o'olaok, They will continue une! 1.30 e'clock tomorrew afternoon: Oshawa Resolution Among the resolutions ta the cons vention, fa ona from the Oshawa Qhamber of Commerce that the One tario government establish a oeps tral service of Information for the PUTROER of supplying proapeoti Industries regarding the industria advantages and resources of the Provinea and of the various mus nieipalitien of tha Provinces, This Would be established with the oo aperation of all munieipalities reps resented hy an Industrial Develops ment Roan, Other vesolutiona from oth \ Chambers of Commarne, which have heen given endorsement hy the Oshawa chamber, are as tol Iowa Moommending an inter-ems Pre trade conference! wrging duotion in the come tax and the corporation tax: establishment in the University af Torante of a des partment to give inatvaotion 3 Aft problems: disapproval ob the extension of tha pawer of the Hoard of Rallway Commissioned for Canada #0 that the Board ma Tule Sh the bg of new ook A Publ service companies: w Ing that all tourist Va be - pected and supervised roving Aran Canada water highway asking the Proviaplal gavernmen to inerease is ARhrariation t sh, Lon 1s 1e0TRO dent of pronide Canadian the protection of game The delegates ta the vention from Oshawa are © President Gy Molaughtin, Secretary Leon Frags on, Mayor TB Mitehell, G, D. Cos nant, Gea, Hart, RH, B® Sohell, Ay W, Ball, Frank Mason, A, Stor 1s BJ, Reddin B, © Hodgins, K CO Young and BE, A, Lovell, mventar of the donnhinut, hat we a more interested in people wha know UN 10 Ay Ahoy ee Doin Fag N [tawdry he alt right to look wp wt &

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