Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Nov 1929, p. 13

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_ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 Bouy s On St. Lawrence To Be Left As Long As Ships Require - Hawn, ww Mis to vk on on the lower Bt, Lawrence v yi W Ieft In Phe Af ale wn pow Mj fall, Annnineed nen parLmeit fy Marine ree usntly, Private eables from - Kng land PAA winted thet newmine Jory are published (he report hint (he gan buoys and other aldu would he vemaoved on Nav, 85, This has eniusd considerable anwisty AINANE ocean steamuhip som panies, Ad i matter of fact, the aids to navigation will be aft in places long witer that date, They wre not as o rile removed untill after the mins dle of December, dependent on the woniher, lk cad The depsviment gave out the waslvance that the buoys would he 1eft oul a8 long as the shipping Interests needed them, 16 was pointed aut that u heavy movemen| of grain 1s Expected before he froagaip somes In view of the hold-up of shipments earviier in ihe tall, Ascordingly svevything will he done to assist the ships using the Bt, Lawrences routs, Hyery year & number of buoys have heen lost by being left ont until they ave enught in the fae, Plans have heen made to fol leat nome of the less Important huoys earlier thie year Lo ming mien these losses and this has pros J ' ' x » " Gainey pbs (Orginal ohio ' on le) Ad Vi A i ant an 0 finds dgtard hat lo Atel, nl, Ani bo, oli 04 0 Ade | Dlg pons, Lo ort wp 3 dais, Indo Ao of bronshs rh ba qs tithing bust Bogle Arend, and. Au MALL COUPON TODAY CS TT Fieags spn ek aw Baby MAME ALBREEA hably enuped the veport Lo "sbrend hat wil Lhe aids would he vemeys 6d, No buoy will be taken up as long nu I 1s needed (0 assist the orsan hots In uavigating the riy ar, ROAD REPAIRS ARE CONSIDERED BY DARLINGTON TWP. *[Councll Hears Many Re quests for Improvement of Side Roads = ---- Regular meeting of Darviington Counell was hold on Tuesday, Nov, 7, 1080, with members sll pres ent, Tieave Williams presiding Minutes of lust mesting were verdad and npproved, WwW. 0, Bentham made spplions tan for wive fence bonus, Halaps ved to vosd supt, to veport, dames Curtis, BA 0, gave his raport, an for month September, whieh was approved and seoepled, Wm, Wood, Jas, A, Wheooks and Irvine Poster hvlefly address ed ponnell, enlling attention to the pide vonds wt Lots 14 and 15 and Lote 16 and 17, B, ¥, Con, and waking that repairs he made, Rafer ved to veave and road superin tandent Juines Moorey hHiofly addressed eaunetl, ealling attention to von dition of YORAWAY lending to his mill ut cen, Lot 10, Con, 7, He farred ta the veeve and road super Intendent, The sugnestion for the closing of the eoncession voud helween Lots {and 8, Con, 4, and the cave of old bridge timbers at Lot 4, Con 4, wan vefarred to Councillor Blan ehavd and rond supevintendent Hoad superintendent presented vouehiarg No, 10, salary and office axpennes, $106.10) No, #1, road gonsteuetion, HURT. 801 and rosd maintenance, $800.87, which were approved and ovdered paid Tronsurer acknowledged veosipt af $1.00 from A, 1, Bitlett far rent of hall) #OEG0. 08 from counties Lrepsiirer, Lagisintive grant, salary fen and eertiftoatos and L, T, Page coe, $108.00, Taxes 1HUN Orders were drawn on treasurer an follows! 1, HW, Wlehards, sal wry and offles, 8106.10) 7, H, Riek ards, voad oconstruetion, HER7.50) T H Riohards maintennnes, BAOR AT Neleetors of Jurors, sees tion of Jurors 1000, 10.00 Mrs 1" H, Heohell collector's bond, BI6.00; Mes, WH, Hatherly, milk, Mra, Bavage ehavity, $0.10) ¢, Db Hodgaon, sunplie Mra Havare, charity, R18.80 1°, 0, Kerslake, work tn park, 811.400 W, W, Han dearson, sheen damages, one lamb $10.00; WO, mhortridge, adv, 7 AHH No, B30, FIER 00] treasurer township of Bast Whithy, union, 8 f, No, #4, Darlington and 6 Baal Don't Pity Poor Young Men of bow tor powers pare fa fa A will on: wibstani ial tom now for "Mo Matter whieh tells how this may be done, Address; Confederation fe Hewd Offees TORONTO Hobert 1, Mmith, Loon) Agent, h King wt, ¥, wh \ - EE -- & EE eg hl iLLSPH deh, and coupons, No, 4 Whith | LL} PHA Caunell adjournsd (to Baturday, December 7, at the hour of 10 o'elovk pm W, It, Allin, olerk BRAZIL CONSIDERS COFFEE SITUATION tho Tanelro, "Hrs! offen situation and method relief of coffee growers belng widely diseussed In the Hragillan newspapers, The Jornal do Comerelo in an editorial says that the valor gation sehiome In ita present form i not workable and ealls upon Julie Prostes, president of the Nate of Sao Paulo, to work out changes which would give greater elastielity Correlo da Manha lnk the coffer and po litleal situation declaring that The for the are the time has come to submerge loeal | 10 ae palitieal differences in ordes Ea a 1 a Console Model BA00 Com in - LUA hess ibe Atwater Nant eoeiver Dynamo a haan i BO London-~1t thers is #ny~ thing that & London bobby treasures mors than his trusty night stiek, It Is his famous dark blue helmet, and the rimar that (he time-sstabilished lead place 18 Lo be replaced by penked ups of New York pulles dress hing done Nttle to limpress the spiel of the polies department here, Phere are 14000 hobbies gnd, despite the fact that the lives of many of them probably have been saved by the heavy metal bracing that sup ports the hielinet, some protests have London Bobbies Relieved That Helmets Are Not To Be Abolished heen made begnuss of the faet that the ¢hin strap of the helmet leaves u white mark wrod uw sunburned face which brands the wearer as a hobby even when he 1s off duty or wttempting to trace down erimingls us i plan elothesman, Lutest reports of the situation ins dlenta that those hobbies who declare od they would resign if the helmets were abolished won't have to po to whieh extremes Inasmnch as it 1s rus mored the helmet is being slightly whtered so us to retain the protective hrnea without the chin strap, declde hours He olive the seonomie welfare of the ens tire sountry, polltlenl opponents get together and thal eandidute undivided backing of the people of ull the states, 2 mn SOUGHT BY NEW YORKER Fifty Couples Wanted To New York, spending hin working hours In the Bloomingdale Hospital, olaliwes In mental onper, and arowds and the peokers after the mad plensures of Manhattan, have sonvineed Wrnest W, that 1's 81) wrong, the out wn plan, oll youlerdaye- It sumguonts (hat pon # compromise prosidens who would ohio the J elvillgation, the next few monihs penetrate 10 the nid, gustoms, lead thelr own lives, Whaw's formal announcement wan Issued from Bloomingdale, It wild "A olub 1s being formed to bring together those who are tired of sx. Inting conditions and are anxious to migrate to some tropleal utopis whers the hdvantages of a orasy oiviliention will be conuplonous by thelr abeenee, and where radios und nolses, brags bands and suto horns, will be unknown, "An outstanding feature of the aolony will be the ahsanoe of rules and regulations and the complete frendom the members will enjoy, "If you are fed up wih the Mensings of a olvilised age and wish to return (oa happy primitive state of exintencs, you ars Invited to at tend u meeting at Labor Temple, November #0." for Afrion, IN FAR AFRICA Join in Reversion' Experiment Nov, IY Yoars of whigh wpe ar of Kiubway play among Bhaw, 00, United Press somprise the eolony to start," mm nfter did not alt Innetive NLY from Atwater Kent, leader of radio since radio began, could you ex- pect to have this perfected Screen-Grid Set made available --=now---at a price within the reach of every pocketbook. vouohing Wig deelslon, but worked The plan he announes n valony of 100 pers lous souls, Hke himself tired of who will wall within yomole Interior shedding clothes and irksome Whnw amplified hig letter to the "Itty men and fifty women will he | 0 finest N71 iis. 3a imperied md ked in many styles Pan and fancy - * INVINCIBLE In ne and In qual PAGE THIRTEEN, 4 Ir) INVINCIBLE rie sald, "They esn he married or un married, 1U've ploked Central Afs rion un the site of our new world, Wa won't tale any food or elothes, for when we gel where we're going we'll grow our food and make what olothes we want, We are going to start all over again, "Au for marrisges and laws, and sol things, we'll adopt tribal ouss toms, Theres will be no government, Wyery man will be his own king} ayary woman wm guesn Our only Inws will he an Informal code (0 discourage orime against each oth ar, a tribal one, We will raise our ohildren and educate them in our own way, Genius will bs directed to proper channels, We don't want any Wdisons, for Invention means noise, All we want Is to he our polves,' AMERICANS SEEK ANCESTORS More Amerlenns have heen search Ing In Burope for thelr ancestors this than In any previous season National Portrait Gallery YER! The mn HE OLIVES | hl UE London sald that it hes had more In- auiries than in any year before, Vise Hors to the home of famous people Included many who were looking wy thelr ancestors, seem ssr-- J FOOD DRIED BY BPRAYER Mill, milk products, fruit Julcen chocolate, margarine und rubber Int« ox are being drisd by an atomizer which has been invented in Denmark, [t 1s suid that In the process the vitamine content Is retained and none of the products to be dried are dam« ned { PHOTOGRAPHS RADIO TO PLANE As a result of successful expe ments over Berlin, Germany, weath charts are to be photographed a sent by radio to all passenger re planes In that country, In the test it Is sald, the pllot enslly pleked the weather pletures which were pe {ectly clear, RR, -- rr -- BE Le i Ra GHUPHIPIRLPHPLDOLHNNL ' Week-End Special Our Own Bilverbrook Band BULTER | inhi the garden spots Fancy Pastourived Creamery « i 1 of the country, 2 be. §%7¢ fresh from the Frosh Creamery % vines, and priced 2 bs. § Fe LD lower than you POO OG LIPO PIPE OL 00! Phin your's pack of vegetables In wy st A AY will find the same = high quality else y where, Y DP9940000909099 It will pay you to buy your winter supply of eanned wogolables before | the olose of this © sis on Naturday + night, The quality In high + And, | of course, the ' prices are low, D040 00000099 Week.End Special! FINE GRANULATED OSHAWA TWO STORES--KING ST. WEST--SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Special Values at A&P MEAT MARKETXS A A&P markets have met with amasing sucsess because they shorten shopping time, They are veritable food department stores, whara eholes outs of meat, quality fowl and fish, fresh feults and vegetables, fine delloatessen and famous brands of groveries are gathered together for your selestion | TY FRESH YOUNU ROARTING roe PORK w. 49. Butt Roast Lean i. 25 Shoulder Fresh 17 ROASTS * 34 oe 1b, 29c Porterhouse "ui" WING-~An Excellent Roast .......\ PRIME RIB-First 4 Ribs ...vvovvv00 lbs 27 RUMP---Round or Square Side .,...... Ib, 28e FANCY RUGARCCURER BMOKED HAMS ovine. 28 PRAMEAL, BY THE PIECE BLICKL aMOKED COTTAGE BREAKFAST ROLLS n.28e BACON 1b 2° MINCEMEAT--New Season AAA NYA 2 ba. 26c SALMON SR. BG LAKE HERRING-Fresh SALA NAN ANY Ib. 1le FINNAN HADDIE« Beacon Br,, Smoked. Ib, 15c OYSTERS , Sica "UhEHR® Glass Jar 3% Fruits and Vegetables Carrots mov 2 in 1%. Onions... wii. § we. 2 §e Toble Model 33 Atwater Rent Battery Model a7 ORANG ay, Ton T GRAPEFRUIT Texas, Seedles GRAPES---Red Emperor ender, Iceberg. 2 Heads 18c 8.40003 for 83¢ "TR 1 | TN | lencias. ....Doz. Ne Va SWEET POTATOES ...... «i v0 7 Iba, 28c TURNIPS Native Grown. ,...,.,,.8 lbs, 1 18¢ 101, Che bed A Avveater Kent Models are equipped with CGE. RY.C. Rediotrons Thakee Apples 6.25 425 Cooling Melntoah GOLDEN BANTAM» DEL MAIZ ......... LYNN VALLEY WHITE CORN CROSBY CORN Aylmer Fancy Quality CANNED VEGETABLE SALE ---- PAOD -P bot CORN xr aann 8 No, 2 Tins 79¢ NTANDARD a ny MER ono 0 hl _ ny ¥ AND Vv av Airy GOLDEN BANTAM AYIA FANer Golden Bantam SOAR RA bs co vv1v+ 3 No, 2 Tins 87¢ 4 No, 2 Tins 80¢ 4 No. 2 Tins 88¢c 3 No. 2 Tins Sle 3 No. 1 Tins 36¢ "0. 6 wg LYNN VALLEY, Aylmer Choice TOMATOES AAR Quy Shove, BA 61.07 Qe 8 No. 2 Tins 38c NO. 2 SIEVE aUALI NO. 4 SIEVE 0 %% NO. 8 SIEVE "sili Y Aylmer Choice Quality No. 3 8 feve RR. GREEN GIANT PEAS. .......3 No. 2 Tine 72¢ PEAS 3 No. 2 Tine 86c 6 No. 1 Tins 66c 8 No. 2 Tins 80c 6+: 89. MEDIUM CHOICE QUALITY AYLMER Aylmer Fancy Quality Medium Tips Qunlity, ASPARAGUS TIPS DEL MONTE ¢¢....v..v vivo 3No. 1 Tine 83¢ CUTTINGS---Lynn Valley. 2 No. 2 Tins 48¢c 4 No. 1 Tine $1.00 2 5:73 LR EY BEETS AN FANCY QU ATY SPINACH px rey WAX BEANS not 4iuree 3 No. 2 Tine 63¢ DICED CARROTS padi" ta. 6 No. 2 Tine 78¢ 3 No. 2 Tins 68¢ 3 No. 2 Tina 87¢ PRUNES ui as Ib. 17 Coffees ete. Baker's Coffee 8 O'clock Coffee ..... ad Fane -- SO Weston's Selected Biscuits ......t tn @9€ P & G Soap . 4 bars 15¢ Borden's Choc. flavored Malted Milk 59¢ Shaker Free THE GREAT ATLANTIC & Pace Tea Co. LIMITED OF CANADA on

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