THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, Canstte wibsoriptions, and news will be received st the Whithy Branch Office, at and Chronicle, Telephone PY Business Hawrew='"Phone 369, ' REPRESENTATIVE----JAMES H, ORMISTON Hold Memorial Services At Monument And Town Hall On Sunday Afternoon Next The eltisens of Whithy and sui rounding district will ones gil have kn opportunity of showing thelr respect for those who pild the supreme suerifloe during he treat War, by being present at the geremanies arranged for Bundy next by the Minlatarinl Assoulition und Legion Vast of Whithy Bunday, the 17th, was selegied inntend of the 10th #0 that the veterans of Whithy eoulg eels hrate with those #1 Oshiwe on the 10th and sgaln with them Lieve on Bunday next A parade composed of the efi bodies, the Vive WBrigade, Hoy Beouts and Cubs, the Ontario Hegl ment and thelr band, together with the Whibhy and Oshawa Vel arans and the Whithy Citlsens Band will form up and lesve the Town Fark at 846 pom, Vom there they will proceed to the War Mamorial wheve un prayer will he offered, wreaths placed on the | memorial and two minutes' shlenm uhserved, after which the Lust Pon and Revellle will ha wounded bh huglers, followed hy the pinging of that well known hymn "Abide With Me/' Vollowing thig bsevemony the parade will progesd to the Town Hall where an Avmistlos Bepvies will he held, An ul Inst your's wei vies, the addvess will he Elven hy the Padre of the loeal Wanch of Ihe Leglon, Hey, (Qupl,) Host wi Inst year's chaplain, this yous i Ihe Kev J. M, Urlanll, who 'Will | whenk, ya the offering received at this services will he forward tol the Ney, Capt, Lambert, ehaplatn | of Christie Bt, Hospital to he placed ih his fund for the purehnse | of Hitle Tusuries for the patients | af thet Hospital An In past yours, the eltigans of the town ara axpected to take aotive Intersst In thopas memorial porvioes And these in charge are hoping that with fine Wesley thare will he a vary large turnout They are asked to out out the pro gram here outlined for reference CNR. WILL NOT CANCEL MORNING TRAIN FROM NORTH Word has been veooived hy J, Veank Doothe, Canadian National Hallways tiokel agont at Whithy, that an order iss ned withdrawl from we vies the ©, N, I, train from the north which arviyes in Whithy dally at 7.08 am, of feotve on November 10th, han heen cancelled, Thin moans that the train. whieh brings many asehool ohildyen ml others to Whithy dally oxeept Sunday will eontinue In ope eration, The decision of he GNA, 1s no doubt due to the veprosentations wade hy the Town Counell two weeks nga, when It was pelnted out that the dhmusliation of this train would be sorlous In many ways, partioniarly te those attending the Whithy High Nohool from the north, ic Pile Relief nn Pr, Leonhardt ww) Hom Rald' bs guarantond i i LUT Al Sven A 8 hau eh in: ange A ol Hy \ pe oy wy YY WW IL] the del le With § this guaranties in the heings ke nel FANN avery | Youth i 20 CHAPLAIN TO SPEAK HUY, Jd, M, URINALL Chaplain of Whithy Post of the Canadian Leglon, who will be the speaker at the memaorinl worviow tor Whithy's sons wha fell in the great war, to he held In Whithy Town Hall on Buns tay afternoon ANDERSON FACES TORONTO CHARGES "ontenced For Can nington Burglary Taken to the Queen City Alter belng sentenced in Whithy Loom (orm of two yervs less a day, Hows Anderson, the youth wha was hot the leg when arrested in Cannington for shophreaking, Was then ta Taronte yesterday hy Detectives Loavitt and HIN Andoveon Is held In Toranta on two eharges of househrenking and theft of an autemohile he Is alleged to have daoy leading an apartment in Haddon 1) J Jarvin Hireat, Misa and Phornton awakened te find pointing » Eun at them women fled In her night elev hing from the apartment te the wiveut, frightening the man, who decnmnped On the samn day have entered » at LOK Javvis street and pale of trousers and money, On Oot, 18 he with having stalen an automobile awned hy George Tattle nf i0 Honahill Avenue, mn ane nt the tn Oot, IN unloeked an tn Hall Pam Minn man he of the he in alleged rooming house slolen a LT0 in MESUME BAND OONCERTS The officers of Whithy Oltlsens' Band announces that the flvst of povian of Bunday evening sneered band oaneerts, which were so pop ular last: winter, will he given in Whithy Town Hall the first Bune day evening in Docamber, For the opener a fine programme (a being prepared, The Band will intros duen new features at tha various paneeris throughout the season, and they are looking forward to a full hall each time the small frankiurter stands on Broadway are sald ta pay from $25.000 10 $50,000 for thelr ans nual leases, Mot dog b= Kitehoner Reid Vora, Many of Food for a Wonderful Dinner at Very Little Cost Plate [LLL RRLLRLIEE we 18a Ib. Plate Rolls .......... 280 Ib, Chuck ,.......20 to 23¢ Ib, Short Rib 280 Ib, Roll Ribs be Ib, PORK Shoulders Butta Side ' Logs, hall Loin, trimmed dle Ih, 3% Ib, LAMB TL RTT PL A kane I Stew LASRAAREY Home-made Head Cheese |, Our own Pure Lard (vin Saurkraut PL TTLEENN H------------ VEAL Shoulder Fillet 300 1b, Loin Roast Ib, Veal Chops |, Stew Veal | AARAL) wile Ib, wnBOe Ib, cond Be 1b, AW AERERTELE | | + 3 Ibs, for Rb 8 TL IT PT PR CEERI PHONE 396 GATES B UTCHER 23 SIMCOE STREET NORTH (whose subject will be in| in ohavged | PLANS COMPLETE FOR THE LUNCHEON FRIDAY EVENING Tickets For Chamber Commerce Affair Are Now Selling Fast a -- Plans wre now complete for the Chamber of Commerse lungheon to Le held on Vide evening of this week In the Counell ph eon meneing st 6.30 sharp, and ending ul elght o'clock, The teksts for the lunchean are now in the hands of the Executive committes and are selling freely, An attendunee of 100 or over le anticipated, Lunch will bs pro vided by Whithy Women's Institute, The speaker or the luncheon, will he Major W, H, Wood, manager of the London Chamber of Comnierce, "Bullding Major Wood London on Hi of Balanced Community," 8 an outstanding man in und ls considered an authority af Commerce work has already weslated the Whithy Chamber in erganieation work, Major Woad Is attending the sanvention ef the Ontarie Associated Boards of Frade in Voranta an Thursday and Friday and 1s one of the speakers on the segond day, Will Make Presentation An interesting feature of the luneh eon will be the presentation hy Hi Warship Mayor Dudley of 4 Royal Humane Seelety certiieats ta Jacl Wilson, son of Mr, and Mes, Herbert Wilson, for hig brivery in saving a wompanien, Hebert Andersen, fron drowning & few months ago, The mayor will make the presentation of ihe certifente, whieh has heen framed through the kindness of Nicholson & Selden, en hehalt of the Human Hoclety and the Counell and eitigens if Whithy here will be bright eemmunit singing, led by Arthur WW, Lynde, with Miss Kathleen Lousk, ATC M, af the College, at the plane, A sesond luncheon will he held st neon an Nevember 3th, when the speaker will he My E } Hall Gurney, prominent Canadian manus fheturer Flite wilt he the last lunch oon before Ch TL COUNTY COUNCIL CALLED TO MEET ON NOVEMBER 18 Important Business To Come Before Legislators for the County Ontario County Counckl has been oalled te meet In the Court House at Whithy on Monday afternoon, November 18th, at the hour of two o'oloak, This Is the flual session of the year, and Warden Adam Dols gon, of Cannington, will preside, There are always a number of Important matter to be considered At the November session, The ques tion of read and bridge construe fon 18 always paramount, and as there has bee Toit deal of this work done this year the question may be again be much to the fore, Owing to the storm of last spring which worked havee with county ry, Ald bridges, much extra work he undertaken this year, The Ar roads and bridges program heen prety well oarrled out, pon on It will he presented flernoon of the November ---- usually given over ta the hearing of the Young orators from All parts of the county wha took prises At the rural sohool tales, W, M, Croakery, the agrioultural re prosentative at Uxbridge, brings his [Youthful shavges 10 the odunty [town and an the eeunty fathers alts tng around the desks the Hood yates of aratory are let loose, The two silver sups are then awarded 10 the twa best orators, I 1 In understood that the County [Old Pepslons Hoard will submit a [report ta the Counell at this ses: sion, oo Winter No Bar to Golf in Canada THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1929 PAGE NINE ad ve 114 Ww app, | f f Ly voll 4 aad PA Mai M 1] Vi 71 " | I h i i" I i" Ww I I Ww i Photograph taken February #0, 1008, of the savras on whisk the contest da played, with gallery ol layer weaving light olothes shows mildness of slimats in yA Beatty Challenge Cup with miwdature veproductions of the watohing playors, Lowey loft February at Vietaria, Tee - Lower wight oup for the wiwmers in men and women Wy T he process of snetehing the laurels from the hrows of California Is going vight on In Canada, is helylng her name in the " "Our Lindy of the Hnows mild dlimate of Vancouver Inland, Announcement has heen made sooond annual Empress Hotel mid nament at the Colwoeod course, from February 17 to 88 inglusive, country north of the 40th farallel Josnd to he foal dosp In snow n shove 1gy-out wil New Business Places Are Among Buildings Of 1929; New And Improved Homes Indieationp that th af hullding permite tsun Fawn of Whith amauntie<aver 8100,000 fh very tine veoord for wo com tively quiet youn Thea year 10 bullding yom resuiE will be we BORE mant ravenue, tn uta ony Hullding oreoted th mm oourse of vonstruetion game fue new 1 atations, and wit Noss places and private hom AONE the larger ad by Building In Pringle, and fram whi will at the end of th received a revenue of aver Naw we Hro Punda nr Ha hie Whith flecied In find, of eouy Idaho ation fa permite 4] | fawn in | E11) oh YOUR have | FIO0 In Tons rvlon station for Bond treet Want, $3,000} now govvion station for Throad gold Brow, $5,000) addition ta the County Rogintey oftlon, $10,500 naw frant tn BJ, Molutyre's sto $1,0000 alterations te Hiehurdson hook hy BR, N, Bassett, 31,0007 al terptions to store hutiding | | Odum, $1,800; residence tor Ii Oy 5, Muodougall, $000 tans ta "he Grange | Heaoralt, $2,000; new oft nlitera oll of mom Afternoon Hay A Land 'n Will he Pav." A vetivin ken on hehalt Lord's Day Alliance day Hohoal; 8 pom Vioe at Almonds W, Bundemoni nom Kyenin warship, The Minialoy proach Wd sermon In the "Maker Martin Lath Hoolantnntiopt tian | Prenchieg will Lhe se of Freedom' sev 0 YHreadom fram Hondag Manny Young People's Boolet) studios tod hy Dee Maods Pe, Mi Wodnosduy, § Olde Pye Canoert Party Auspioas of chnh Feiday night f.45 Teall Ransera \ axis Visttary tame LL Uhareh no Pwo gra Weal nom unde Hye Wa always wal Proshytovian Lindsay, base | Andrew's Roy, John re -- IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY Special veterance to the work of the Land's I Alllanca will be made in Whithy United Ohureh nest Sunday morning hy the Rev, A.W, Banderson, Regular services will be held in Il oly fhader, We a8 well as RY Iy aotivities, The alle ug a ihe Wat of Otioes for week, \ . an hp Rector, Langford, Sunday, oR LTR, 11 amy, morning serveioe, & pom, Sunday Sohool and Adult Bible Qlass, for, soholavs may attend the United Armistice Bervioa in the Town Hall instead HN Sunday Sehoal, 1 pom, Holy Commun servive, Preacher al ote Vioss, the rector, Thurs (11 ) 100 pom, WA Bush i an ith) meting tn the ley all, Unlie Chureh-=Minister, - % | ohards, BI, Hunday, vember 1 = 11 am, Morning preacher, Rev, i nda Bermon theme WRAL Shall wa da with the Soaks Right In And Limbers Up Stiff Joints New Discovery Limbers 'Ew Up and Even the Creaking Ceases, JUNE ab on the new appliontion oatlad Joint-Ease IF you want to Know what veal Joint comfort is | 0s fan sURE swollen, 08 Pain tortured Jolnts whether caused Wy rheumatism ap not A Taw wooonds' rubbing and i soaka right fn theonsh akin and flash wight down to Hgament and hone tolls up and lmbers wp Joints, subdues the Intlammation and veduees the swelling Iain Base 1% the one great remedy pl All Jatnt troubles and dary Lavell, ad, 8 Ring 8&1, BW, My other ve drugatsts ave dispensing 16 dally, Made tn Canagda=a. tab or 80 cents, Ben remember when Joint. | ate gen tn joint agony gets out we Quick the Vietaria, Photographs Included show this papular hellef th he a fallacy as fav as the Victoria course Is concerned | HUY 8 U0 Robertson The Canadian midewintar part Ausapies l) reat British Columbia RH that the | and golf tour will he held a time when the is popularly sup Hopes uifuir, recently wamen, Vinter main troph present held heing posted the view af Mee yall ai hun it FQ overall to Lawlor hloek UU optinge at ul Oph plilerntinns ie Pangman uo whurkments ie far AM AIRBURE 1h perm We aunt nat elude th plierations to the Molntyr for the Hoyas! Haul Hider wi 0opermit for this wh I LE oheon taken out, hat a thut the HE Nxlonsive Blovk of Cannde n 0.000 ne wo IH he put in mde ta the (81 in thi Bing hoon enn ndditions have heen minds Hore and there thiaughout Lown new hames have ho ol, and business properties tmproy wil hore fodemand toy good homes and It 18 pleasing to note that ul thy ta found smpty In Whithy hoy In nlen the 10] | A) he cost Yul heen mplete now Hud prove ntarim Unt af repay ark dane on private dwellings while not a few hi Harrah hy the | I LNAI | hae hoon few we Lang fuetm fled on uly of this hnllding faoprtpined Whithy oan he said ta he hnldin awn In the matter af new bhutld Phe town 18 making stend How in m | November 17th, 11 0 sihjeot, "Phe Propeletops ol hing 1 Con 8 vhhinth Bohoal po, sublet with Ohpiat \ Hine sanded ta all Whithy Baptist Chuveh | Host, pastor, sunday 17h 10 am Hihio | Wihelm adult tarintendent i hip fhm past hath LI WIRY wm A m 1:34, 8.00 and Hi What Bhatl henvty fudy, ¥ (I [1 wel Rev, 9% Novem hey fhoal Mi tonohey and Am Bivine poapel peviog arvies Man Hy ni Aan Yoru b, hay wn TURE all hy a Tuning paniae | PRY OY Visto woeleamed at ny nm nm ha ervioe sivives ALL Saints Crist, veotay 17th 2th Hhaviened Holy Uy [RL Ohureh Rev, J. M unday, Novamhey sunday after Trinity MORNE prayer and | Cammunton at toa Bun hood, 4 pm, evening prayer (ALL Ll Hornard's athe AW, LL Ryan Ohure Sunday, November 17th orvion at \Whithy at 31 am, San sohonl at & pow, Henedietion | i nm rvioe atl Plokening HUMOR A BH am Churoh «Ray pastop mn Wi) \ \ WHITRY HIGH SCHOOL RE PORT \ following ave the resulis ol examinations hold last week! Form Veslatin Compas, Robe SA Brapen #1 1B Long, of R, 1 idan og entley, Sa; Al \\ostney | ' Quit, 50M Puck in, XN N N hive, WF; I Matndrell 01 UC) Robertson 201 M RU Form Vo Froneh Camp 8 ML MeAvthay, 8 BR, Oday © SOO, a A FR ns hs AREAS op I) we x IML Oshorne, | a oui, MA Lawler, WL Luke, 4 M,N MasConnell, ad HF Newian, 8; LD 0 Grows GUL Wag AN RR. Lonas, Maundyell folk, 18 Form Hhe-Arithmetis 0 Heard, Madee ™ Downey A Cooke N Avieswanih Pig Ww Be 0 tournament eulendur of the Canadian Pacific Hallway and proved I'he Vietoria fixture handicap, competing in the KB hy 1,1 of Vietaria, although a lavge Het of other priges 1a | The competition 1a apen to all Vietoria elubs and alsa to any of the entry vieinity of the elty will he pressed inte service, Yi Barton, 44 Ww LET Bure, 2; wold, Ws gold, Latte, 00; | Lyeker, B24 my J M lin, 231 Af Mri mpartanese IW Mrs haarty volte of thanks he held al url November erat, 84 vy B15 My i, Disney, 8d; WK. Daw Anderson, Wi C, Kerr, M, Carnish, 785 ©, Kass, 77; B 794 Cr Bell, 785 Bb, ¥acabosky Bleep, 745 WW, Harkness, 71; 07; J, Mudrey, 66; ( wundrell, 65; MW, Wilkinson, 05; B gop, DBs B, Johnson, 575 B, Clarke J, Harding, Abs V, Wadd, 37; ¢ Bleep, 15 Varm CA and Agriculture rot Yeur=literature 1 Ales W, Balishury, 78; 1, 78 HW, Burt, 74; LL, MeBride, Heard, 705 M, Vark, i M Muir, 661 WW, Qsbarne, { H Birkett, dt M, Bleep, 02; MeQuay, 611 ¥K, Melobingon, | Meuyes, bo; 1, Blelgtholm, § DD, Vowell, B11 M Wilson, $15 M, Emith, 805 1, Wiehards, 44; Ady 1, Calderone, Ad Ay W, Venemore, 42 O'Connor, 3 LL. Binith, 34; ) Irkett, 321 C, Cassndy, 30 1, Con 304 1, Gordan, 265 1, Vatterson,| Gi, Willson, 4 Mowat, Clas Yhregds Thread | M LIEN Neskel, Bouthwell, Greenlaw, inley, BANK CONTRACT LER I'he continet for the ppb the Melntyre ¢ building the Vost Offices 1a be edd, the Hoy! Bank of Canadd has i Nn Ae witded to the W, J, Trick Companys of Oshawa, wha lia waried we wh An entirely new front will ha git ig the tilling ind "Nifming ne ile terations will he Ra Ticd #IThe hank will veenpy the 15" thig fall } 4 | n of i itt Coty's ; Face Povidler and ADDRESSED OLD GIES ARBOCIATION A well attended and very inler outing and enthusiastie meeting of 1&8 County of Ontario Old Girl' sootation was held in the Board uf Pubs Ldhrary Henday afternoon The H, A and a4 most enjoyable feature an address hy Mes, (Judge) J hompson, on the work which 1a Aunsnciation wight undertake, oom the president, (I fH gpocinl emphasis being ald on the | he the of person! conte members and helween sociation and the community, 1 very fine address and ons every member appreciated Thompson was [TT Iieh Plans were for the hridgs party to the home of Mrs, Rob on Wednesday evening, I'L; CA lgounped Harness an | Coulthard, was In the | tendered fl Perfume | Value $1.78 Special Price | $1.00 { | KARN'S Drug Store Next 1, 0, Phione WIN We Deliver the | the was placell in Inst Vebruary under Is 8 purely of course, open to men in thelr own sections, The W., Heatby challenge eup, ab Hwan and Mrs, Hew Paterson, visitors In that elty, and in Het all Yinks in the 6 Handel, Otilla | vr Lioldiy, Roberts, Kige, Du Manderson, vine, 80 Mowat, M Mut i158 J ll Mth Wil M Miahel (IT Hall Tang ft) mith Wi Mosh H No but ing of the u Mayfair AIRDRESSING guesswork Service scientific understand. nderlying prin. ciples of beauty and de- v | pment Permanent Waving, Hove Is an organisation whivh peenlinrly fitted to speak autho My, Haham has always kept sf from ony yenvs of experience ds pitatively on hale dressing styles, yies and modern methods as the keynote of his veseareh in the art of Beauty Calture Beautiful hale stylishly Poymanent Waves Natural, HAHAM'N achievement and he Halpdvessing Baton hy courten Phone for Appointment Felt Block Uraslit ahle 1) Pan, Wiss Ww Men's Men's models, ot Young aad Cis from RAR CATR ARATE] pant G7 SIMCOR ST. N, hinge you new The finest clothes come ta belghten your and success with this remarks Natl weekly payments that you will hawt YOu to own the very have before, life and heing you finest wardrobe, Overcoats quantity Astinetive appearance tweeds w= models from enifttured hy one of the near ast viglaine, Teun, hat "4s M offers It (0 you In ouy Modo UE OPOrators 2020! 14% King St East wonders that you « J0y Womake (Et possible Mop Tey 16 today! Ladies' Coats LLLLEETEN LURE (HL LE) " Women's and Coats for all AL ave boawiitally ANd marly styl many Am lune fur trimmed, Al values from $24.00 Mets Suits A wonderful selection of men's two | smart pin stripes and single or double breasted sults in $22.50 Your Credit Is Good | Ns Glass Bros. FAMILY CLOTHIERS aveption ould never WR ol « ously PHONE 2378 SE m----