Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1929, p. 7

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rset What Has Gone Before Raquel Rojos, half-Spanisy and Valt-Ameriean, has come from the losert town of Hermosa, Arisons, jo New York, where she has plan~ 1d to marry Jack Farrell, & young jaginser, Hor exotio benuty attracts » attention of Alphonse Courbet, ¥ho engages her as a model to go jo Paris, The engagement arouses 0 fury of Madame Pauline, whe fiercely jealous of newcomers B Alphonst's shop, Chapter 1B In the private salon of Alphonse behind the main showroom ef the Lima, her mind focused on the rules which, according to the great dic tator of fashion, would make her into a first-class model, "One must relax wo," he sald, allowing his body to fall into a pose of elegant ease, "The chin up, now a tit, so, As though one listened to catch the strain of a haunting melody, The shoulders atralght, forward, ah, over sn little, A sway of the hips, leonine, #0," Raquel caught her 1p under her white teeth, She must not laugh at Alphonse as he sway. od across the thick, cream-colored rug, She imitated him, Ho perfeets Iy he himselt gave way to a smile of delighted approbation, "Hhe Is quick, lke the little monkey," he sald to the tawny saleawoman who assisted at these strange rites, "Now a wrap, the ermine one, white with the fringe of black, Down from the shoulder ....80, 'The hands, to enfold it lovingly so that the silhouette, , that is right, Bo! With verve! Now the feet," Up came the long, pointed, white fingers of Alphonse in a flutter of dlsma "The feet, Madamoiselle!" he wxelaimed, "They are quite impos. yible, On that stool, please, that | may examine more slosely. Ahh, A sigh of relief eneaped him, "It ts nat the feet, after all, It is the hoots, Such boots T have never seen, Peasant boots, At once we must 108 to them, A note for the hoots, Mise Emily, T will select the shad a3, & Aogen, for the beginning" Aud so on through the long morning, Raquel swaying, Raque! sheathing the slim ltheness of her in sleek satin, in powdery velvet, In silken cobwebs and the sheen of costly ture, Alphonse did not again mention the woman with the ample breast Land absurdly narrow hips, Nar id pe refer to the unnleasant scene that had been so effectively stop- ned he his entrance to the shop, Al noon he gent the TAWNY sales: woman called Miss Fmily to lunch with Raquel at a nearby tea.room, Curlous mlances of other sales ween followed them from the shon, The alr was tense, As if it "had heen elnatrically eharged, "Whe Is Madame Pauline?" No yaoner wars they olear of Chew Al phonss than Raquel asked the puestion, In the tone of one mot io he silenced by evasion, Miss Emily laushed, mirthlensly, "Pauline ls, wall, I suppose you'd all her the hoss of the works, or sald, "Aho used to man, ke Y am, a few , Hhe's off her head about | ) utely dotty about Mo In sas Kirk, Poor little deel in one r a de aunt of - shop and never did obagk, Take my advice, Rojos, y off Al Pauline's got usiness," The ripe lips tight A » make W let ? 1ay hands on me As eo Pa Was, 3 regime of ° ! mop ot Alphonse in + By Raguel's first afternoon In the hop was a duplicate of the morn. Ing, As she walked tow her hotel fn the early evening, Anke ad herself again and agiini "Can there really he so many beautiful clothes In the world?" « Yes, And more to come, She, Ra- quel, had worn them, would go en yearing them, The hat with the white paradise, at ane hundred and titty dollars, was but the beginning, A dozen pairs of shoes, The hlack satin dress with the white soart that made her Hike a dark Madonua, It was to hers, Her work-dress : ralng into the dim hall that '10d 10 her room, , the lights were oni oy came to sud. it, A th N Ww line shone ) the hat. Someone in turned on the lights, fasta Was t, It might Fer Sw ne sneaks INietr A robber? He'd find little snough loat in her room, Now she was soudding along the hall, close te the wall, The light disappeared. A draft had blown the floor big Would she risk pushing It back ever so slightly? No need, The draft had done 14 for her, One ly a small rectangle of her voom was visible through the erack, A deck, with hotel paper piled neat 17 in eubby-holes, Ax dhe stood there, undecided a. hout her pext move, a form moved inta the lne of tA man in dark suit and a light fedora hat, Raquel could not see his face, We moved nimbiv, warily. Examining the daper In the deal. Shulfiing the Ahi Li of the wastebasket, Rith- ar drawers, Me paused. Raquel THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929 BY JANE DIXON fllustrated by Armstrong Perry gould tell by the slackening of his' body that a baffled look had come over his face, He had not found that which he sought, Now his attention was caught hy her cloak, the one she had worn when she fled from Hermosa, It was hung on the back of the desk ehatr, He lifted it, turned it over, gered at the gellar in the hak, eo was looking for a label there Someone who dared not ask wapled to know mare ahout Raquel, OL] she came from, A coat label might tell that, Who would be interegled in such information? Not Alphonse, He had shown no Inelination to pry into her past, Then It must he, ,,, "It you will tell me what It Is you want, perhaps I can find it for ou," The man at the desk wheeled, A snarl of the cornered animal on the thin, welfish face under the fedora, "1 was looking for my servings tray," he mumbled, "Must have left it In this room," Not in the ecubby-holes, surely" The girl moved fagther Into the room, Her black eyes flooded thelr derislon over the man at the desk, "Didn't know, ,, forgetful, ,, ." "Umm, Bo you tried the waste. basket, And the collar of my od, Theres would be no Paris, yoar she elects the exolle, eloak," Bhe laughed, leaning a gaint the hottom of the hed I ------------ 'Miss Hard-Boiled si. uld tall to please this important ollent? Sha might then he dismiss It's all 5g new to me," "You oan he perfect, it you will" Alphense nodded lke one who In arnvineed ha has made a wise deste ston, "Tha ellent now cultivate your type, Last year she follows the sehaal of Titan, Such veds I have never seen In coiffure, This With her face, ,, 1 tell you (he trans formations fearful and wonderful to behold, But you shall ses for yourself," i All afternoon In the private salen af Alphonse, Naquel swayed or strutted Into graceful poses while the dresses she wore wera rajected ar sent away to he packed In trunks, Later the trunks would ba trans ported to the Park Avenue home of the tmportant cellent where they would he unpacked hy an expert and thelr eontents hung in order far the private showing, "Take a good rest tonight, ehirvie Alphonse advised her when the last gown had heen carried as way, "so that you will he fresh for the morning," Mrequel followed his advices viglde ly, ' Promptly the next morning at eleven, the town ear of Alphonse It was a triumph of Frenoh ---- i 2 Aa that t face, eens hat ie the [fn 3 " willed it, the ihe \ "Tell Madame that all she will aver be less than oan be written on the The man's wolflsh snarl shaded inte a leer of unwilling admiration, "It you'll excuse me, lady," he sald, sliding toward the door, his eyes still an her face,,.."! guess I'll be going." "I would," 8he © him now with her | dee that you don't come hack, 1 have already summoned tha hotel attendant, by putting my finger an that button by the door and keeping it there while you were husy looks ing for your tray in the collar of my cloak, We will be here any moms ent." The man let aut a ory, leaped tor the door, recoiled, Feat came hurry- ing along the hall, He was caught, A fox In a trap, "Don't iva yourself away, cow. ard!" warned Raquel, 'Here, take this oloak, I will ask the servant for coffee, You how yourself out as it you had come for the cloak, 'Quick, now, ,,,* "Yoll miean you are not 0404s" "Turn you over to the palloa? Certainly not, You must take a measage for me, To Madame Paul' M by | \ # soorohing ik look, "And going The man started, As If a missile had hit him midvi-ft, "Tell Madame that all she will ever learn about Raquel! Rojos, the new mode! for Parl, would he less than can be written en the label of a coat, Tell her, tao, that Raquel comes from a town where babies use stilettos for playthings," A ratsa-tat of knuckles on the door, Rague! spoke loudly, #0 the pers son outside the door could hear, "Yan may go now, Do not bother to return the cloak, I have finished with 1" Chapter 10 On the third day of her apprens tloeahip as a model, Raquel had shawn suep an aptitude for the work that Alphonse, in a ferment of enthusiasm, announced he would entrust her with an Important wis ton, "You shall accompany me ta Park Avenue" he sald, mentioning a number in the most exelustve see. tion of the street which far the tima bhelng, fa the Happy Hunting Ground of the Rleot, The Promis- ed Land of these newcomers wha campalan deliriously tor even an honorable mentlen on the Soclal Ticket, "In Par' Avenue," "Alphonse con. tinued, "lives a most lmportant oltant, The wost important olient of Chez Alphonse, Perhaps I had her fn the back of my head when I employed you, wie petite, She must have been very Hike vou, ance, We go to axKihit ta her, privately, the new models, You shall shaw them, ohere Raquel, and this sa unlovely go =a shall choose many." Alphonse shook with enjoyment of a clever triokery he was about 10 verpeirate. "Are you sure 1 will de® Ra. learn about Raquel Rojos would label of a coat," rem -------- vtiatey, tmmaon ly hlack with anys and sliver fAttings,., drew up at the door of a formidable grey stone pHe on Park Avenue, Raquel wondered why they were allghtning In front of this publie hullding, Surely, fram its extent, It could be nothing loss "The home of the dvagon," Al phone ohuekled, "Madame Rosart will he awaiting us, She 1s always prompt" A servant In plumsonlared Hvery admitted them to a vastness of hall that was so overpowering it seemed sacrilege to Raquel to speak here above a whisper, They were whisked upward In| ohange her now! an elevator that seemed to mount | without sound or motion, Raquel found herself in a room as big as the lahhy of the Hotel Brixton, A room with sand-colored walls, sand. colored carpets, a soatteriur af vawning sand-colored chatrs, Thre ugh an open door she caught what sha teak to he a room of wmirrars The walls were lined solidly with them, "The models ara In the dressing. room back of that one h the mirrors," sald Alphonse, Migs Emily and two helpers are there They will groom vou, dress you far each showing, Do not hurry the tollettes, Time 1a not fmporiant, Only vesults, And results depend upon perfection, She was in the room of mirrors Two dozen Raguels were watohing her from the pallshed surfaces on every side, The mirrors wera are ranged so that they reflected a figure from numberless angles, Throaugr an open door Raguel saw the tawny head of Emily bending aver an open trunk, "Hy heaven! quel asked dubloualy, Suppose she Alphonse ™ aan't ha vaali™ "Another polnt", ,, Alphonse lowered his voles so that only she Vy hetr what Be pds vary "Madsme's husband may be oalled into apprave hor choloss, He Is véry| young, very hod, inclined to be quarrslsome at vy 4 16 1s enpon- final that we please i Wr soe cess 8 entirely fn the hands 0 this young hoynder Besar," Raquel nodded, Gave hevialt into the hands mily and her help ors, One 48 helpers wes An artist whe worked miracles with brushes, yoma on, powders, lotions, oreRmg, faumey portumen, Toes than fifteen minutes passed hefore there trailed through the room of miveops puch a vision of exotio Inveliness As draw exelama- tions of vinden of ineredulity trom Alphonse an gathar apoupant of the sandeploved room Ranuel swath ed in flowing lengths of flesh ehif- fons edged with costliest ehinahilla, The sable sm of her hair iss nw shave & oalyx of flesh pinks and Ly LI The allor of her akin luminons in ty dani The star. let eurve of her lips Atom Io, Hey hinok eyes win, Jo of axelter ment and desive Jas, "By heaven! Alphonse," heard a volea gasp, "the creature can't he reall" lowly Raque! turned her head toward the sveaker, As a liv might turn Its face to the aun, Bhe felt a prickly sensation, The sensation of ane who, unsuspeotingly, takes lold of the handles of an eleotrle hattery, Aha wan gasing at a carieatura of hereelf, A ecarvieature at once hops rible and pitiable, 'Come here, my dear," sald the cavienture, "I've got to touch you hefore 1'll helleve you are peal, Don't be shy, I am Mps, Bosart," Nome lomeethought 1 was soe. ing myself," hreathed Raquel, still hewlldered, Had she sehemed for days, Rae quel.eould not have hit upan wards more graelous, more grateful to the ollent of Alphonse, Mrs, Bosart pounced on her with a little enokle of delight, "Do you really think we look a. lke?" she asked, tilting her head to one wide In an absurd attempt to he coy, "I wondered, ,. hut you caught the resemblance at ones" Ranuel was getting a close-up of the carvioature new, The woman's face was ravaged as a battlefeld over whieh all the armies of heauty hind waged thelr battles and gone down tn defeat, The skin was stretehiad so tautly aver hone and flabby muscle that it seemed it must part, A death's head smile draw the withered lips tight at the corners, A amile that was perpetual, even in repose, Byes, rlasay, like agate marbles, held wide open hy Invisible props, Throat stringy, erinklad, orinkled Ike crepe paper despite ita heavy coating of dnamal, The emaclation af the woman's body! Tt was shoeking, As If her bones must rattle with Ler slightest mave, Valine ran along the baoks of her hands, sirlving desperately to control their palsy-like erusl blue wells, "IT must oall my hushand, My Posart," eackled this amasing we MAN, "Ha pretends he takes ne ine terest in my clothes, We does, of conve, He adores me, you know," The glassy eves were fixed on Ragual as if they expected her ta deny the adoration their owner elatmed, Raquel forced an appro Ing simile YT tell Blaworth, ,, my hushand Mp, Bosart, there's na use of his denying ho ltkes pretiles, Blas why should he have married me?" The woman eackied at her awn traglh humor, "That flesh pink fs jus the thing for aur type of dark beauty, Ho youthful, We must nav or forget (0 aecentunie aur yaulh must we Just rest here a hit, my », y y, a { | 24 Raquel heard a voice gasp the orept™ | dear, Alphonse, don't you dan Promise, I'll a and tetoh Blgwarih" (Continued To-morrow) i « - y x ha wi \) i phos Heveral uw Bel eli 8 were stolen fram the o and this bird is visibl 4 \ TE in dak a To ---- 0 i [Former Administrators Con. | widely dlftevent viewpoints on the Tad f the aah overnment would aos cord Dominion status In the full: voy during the debate in the House of Low 1] roy's tle fi. ran ar dey tn in Gaverper wh Noh SiRolnted a any pared atlon of the Improve: commission, no less than all his fel. one who nevar has to stan orowded street car,~~Chionga Dally News, -------------------------------------- NIONS DIEFER ON] INDIA SITUATION domn Viceroy's Deslars- tion on Statue London, Nov, 18+="Phe (we [1 sonstitutionn question ware Hlustrated in the columns of the na pecently, Former Hre teh istrators In Indig pros tout roy. declaration that ness of time, A former Goyernoy of Ronan) however, regrets noth« ing was sald in defense of the Vie letter appears @ from ham, former Gavernor Lord Hormel nited A Joint They laration LLL} [] i" improper L] mon status ore, and hes AN A weak ntielpat dian politicians, 0 HH to averthraw Hritish yule India hy vevolutionary methods, But the Bar! of Lytton, former t Fangs), ANPTOAREN Te uring the debate of the Lords no member of the onservative Covernment ord Irwin, wad Is defenss or showed ot that ous 0 former ment e Indian atmosphere pro Hind / the Viceray's straight forward statement, Lovd Irwin, he declares, necured =» Ereater measure of unanimity in Indi than had previously heen obtained hy any statesman of this genera tion, "The members of the Biman low-countrymen, should he grate ful to Lord Trwin for such a slg- nal achievement," he concluded I-------------------- Our idea of a veal pretty girl Is na MA 4 w 1 4 (oo The All-Talking Drama W You've Been Waiting For ADDED ATTHACOTIONS bi _ HHORY'S Took" On Halon Camody "Plate of Panama ith (hapten THE PRICE OF GREED I CCC Ohlo Bale in Niar Witness Re Is your family health recor as good as the Martin's? very family eonld save a lot of sickness by wsing LIFEBUOY," saps Mn A.V, Martin, «lis antiseptic lather remores gevans" wh. oi Loti ! LIKE Lifebuoy first 1 a real health soa ather, Mr, A. 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You'll quickly dearn to lave Lifebuoy casant exineoloent scent, which tells you Pifebuoy purifies, and Which vanishes as you rinse. Adopt the Lifchuoy health habit today. % HEALTH $0 Ae | Removes Germs «Protects Health 5 ¥ 8 3 & . - " A LIFEBUO AY i Val a » ; ¥ Ws \ ho) ih By El } ag i §

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