Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1929, p. 6

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[Ane " WibG with bint- oy on sllow | or olryaanthos ow, 'Wedp something of | 0 #, 8 fenthered 4 ong to peopl, : bade farewell to win, gpt-tanned grass, the § grieve ; this June mirage i death the faster, » jquaw Bummer, pltital reprieve Proserpine has won from her aruel master, firam, 7 'Chutelalne bly John Hanlon L] * LJ . r Flint of Queen's Univers Me 4 town, for the week. nd, LE J Mr, and Mrs, H, Hoy spent the week-end at Bowmanville with Mrs, Hoy's mother who Wha velg: brating hey 04th birthday, \d w Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Young of this city were in Athens, Ont, visting reldiives and. friends over Thanksgiving eok-ond, Miss Marion O'Connell and Xarl Hoy and Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Mon. ware the uests of rs, Whomas Hoy of Bowmanville over J il a Miss Hagel Bweet Normal Hehool spent the holiday and week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, © 10, Bweet, Mary Bt of Toronto LI I J JoMroand Mrs, Louis Deaton and WM. Mrs. Mrank Thompson, Taunton attended the Roast Fowl Bupper at Wick Chureh, LJ LJ Miss Dalsy Callaghan of Hi Joseph's Convent, Toronto, wpent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrg, J, Callaghan, Masson a" * L I Miss Mildred Montgomery, Nels sun MaeKay of Ovillin and Mr, and Mra, Thompson and baby Kenneth spent Thankegiving with Mra, Mac. oy, Burke nt, ¥ * Miss V, Lapman of the City Hall sLETE has returned ro Oshawa after sponding the past two months al her home during the {liness and ueath af her mother, Mrs, J, Lap wan of Barna, + I Evelyn MaoKay's friends will be , pleased to hear -- oe many Was In Bed A have to work In the store and de my own housework, toe, and ! Summer THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1929 i, a HL ... and the Community ; thug ho In roavering § . u Yoooly d in "atu: Which she Weg or Wi umday evening lest, Holiday visitors at the home of My, and Mrs, C, J, Sweet wore Mr, and Mrs, G0, H, Chapman, Hamil. Chapman, My, and Mw, C, J, Rob orson Maple, Charles Maple, Mr, and Mrs, R. G, Bhelley daugh- ters Vara, and riam, Ganaoe oque, Mr. and Mpa, W, %, ' Beeley Bay, and Mrs, Charles Ross, Vortsmoy * Mr, avd Mek daugh lon L, 'Tuner, My, an Nw, and son Alfred un Miss Allcen Brooks, Oshawa, and Mrs, 1", Keeler, Highland Creek attended the N.C.0s Dance on Monday evening, La Ld ¥ Migs Murgaret Hone of this elty + bride elect of this month has been the guest of honor at seve oral showers during the last week, On Friday evening, Mrs, B, J, Per. guson, King Ht, JB, entertained ubout seventy ladles for her, Mrs, Pilkie, Myrtle, Mrs, Kaiser, Mrs, Dright and Mrs, Henley of Toronto were the out-of-town guests, Last ovening Mrs, toy Mann, Chureh wtreet, autertained thirty of Miss Bone's friends, The guests this time presented the hridesto/he with gifts of kitehen accessories, » * » On Friday evening, Oct, 8th, about thirty members of Court Oshawa 294 LOY, pald a visit to Court Refuge, Port Hope, for the purpose of in itlation of candidates, Assistant su preme Chief Ranker, Bro, Mitchell, and Bro, Clarkson, of Toronto, wer prasent and gave very Interesting ad miresses, The Guards of Honor, of Oshawa, under the leadership of Bro, Eagleson, District Deputy, conferred the degree In n very efficlent man. ner, At the close of the ceremony, Refreshments were served by the members of Court Refuge | WEDDINGS PORTER . CARD A very pretty wedding was solemn ized, on Nov, 9th at King St, Uns ited Church when Miss Anna Estelle Card became the bride of Herbert I? Porter, The georgette, to mateh, She carried a shower bouquet of QOuhella roses and Hiles of the valley The bridesimald, Miss Mary Porter of Kingstap, sister of the groom, wor n dress of pink georgette and car ried sweetheart roses and Hes «o the valley, The best man was My M., Veale, of Smith Falls, The groom's gift to the bride wan a sea! coat tiemmed with sable, to the hetdesmald a pear! and crystal neck: lace and to the best man a' white gold wateli chain After the ceremony a dainty lunch. eon was served by Mr and Mn Walker at thelr home, 63 Athol St, W., which was decorated with nink and white carnations and ferns, The hostess ware navy georgette, The happy counle left for Toronto nnd nlaces further west, Mr and Mrs, Porter will reside in Oshawa, DUMONTEL=DEPMRATTO A quiet wedding took place at Bt. Gregory's Rectory Tuesday af ternoan at four o'clock, when Mar. fon, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mr, Depratto of Montreal wan married to Horace, 'oldest son of Mr, and Mrs, Dumontel, Jarvis 8t,, Oshawa, Rev, Father Nench pers formed the ceremony, The hride and groom were attended hy Mr, und Mra, Poiver of Loulsa St, Osh awa, slater and hrother<inslaw of the bride. After the wedding the young counle left for a trip to Montreal, Vanlitelle, Dacoteau and Cornwall in white stockings wis attired shoes and hride hat, to} ton, Misses Irene, Marlon und Vere. LL i W. 4, Murray and' WOMEN'S MEETINGS RITSON ROAD HOME AND NUHOOL OLUn Regular meeting of Ritson Road Home and, School Club was held In the school on Tuesaday night, Nov, 12, There was the usual business, One new member WAS ens rolled, A musionl Progra; Waa given by Mr, and Mra, Holden and Mis, Fleming, whieh was greatly onjoyed by all, The meeting closed fn usua! way with "God Save the Ww, King," The members of Christ Siren CHRIST CHURC Women's Auxiliary heldg their 3h. sneer a Wu AVenve...... OPPOSITE PENNA, R.R, STATION A Preeminent Hotel of 1200 Rooms each having Bath, Servidor, Circula- | ting Ice Water and many other inno vations. ,featuring a sincere spirit of | hospitality. B. 0. KILL, Geneval Manager", Instead of lying awake fighting lor breath booausest ASTHMA Mr. A. B, Bimpson of Nutess, Bask, now takes RAZ-MAH with # soda bisoult and & glam of hot milk st bedtime and sleeps sound. ly, And he had had Asthma all his life, what menor Ag a never . ETT Templeton's RAZMAH Capsules are sold on guarantes of rellef from #1 worth or your money baek, Yaak to sabes No smokes, sprays, ) w for ohisl and Colds, too, snd #1 boxes at your dealer's, he "eo new ned buy Tomploton'y RAZ-MAH monthly business meeting on Tues. day sattornocn, The main business under disoussion was the annual sale of work to be held an Friday, November %ind, The Dorgas Heo Jolany and conveners of the vars fous booths have preparations well In hand ana the convener of the fon room has planned a tea menu of ehloken salads, hot biscuits, cake, ote, There will also be music and uw "Lucky Dip" for the child. ven, The members hope to see all thelr frionds there that day, LOBA, NO, 83 On Nev, 11th Vietery L.O.BA, No, S83, held thelr regular meeting: After the business of the evening was over, the election of officers for 1930 was conducted by Sister Selleck assisted by Sister Sayyea, of Queen Mary No, 97 and Bros, J, Short, Bateman and Gray of LOL, 2167, The following officers were elected W.M., Sis, Foote, DM, Sis, Smith; Chap, Sis, Seriven; Ree, Sec, Sh De Malse; Fin, Sec, Sls, Howard Treas, Sis, Young; 1st Lect, Sis Travail; 2nd Lect, Sis, B, Young: ND, of C, Sis, Hagerman ; Iner Gy, idl Gray Outer GG, Sis, Selleck; 1st, Committee, Sls, McKnight Guardian, Brother Foote: Trustees, Brothers Foote, Sis, De Morse and Sis, Gard ner, Auditors, Sisters Smith, Seriver and Gardner UKRAINIAN AT, GEORGE'S PARISH The members of the Ukrainian Nt, George's Parish wish to extend lo all who attended the basaar at the Parish Hall from November [th to the dth, thelr hearty thanks and appreciation, The results of the rattles are as follows; Dinner Het won by num her 2181 held by ¥, Belows;, Ten Dollars in Gold won by number b held by I", Marco, 100 Ibs, of sugar won by number 1890 held hy K. Baron, Parlour Mirror, won by number 3286 held by A Zwarun, China Tea Met won hy number £417 held by W, Hersola, box of Cigarettes won by number 687 held by Miss Risik, Those who drew the numbers were ploked from the people, pres ent, There were two English, one Cnacho-Hlovak, one Hungarian, and two Ukrainians, Mr, Powers of Cedardale Post Offtee shuffled the tloketa before each draw, SALVATION ARMY HOME LEAGUE Tuesday afternoon the Home League members of the Halvation Army very much enjoyed an ad dress hy Mrs, Dibble the evangel- fat, at the regular weekly meeting, She spoke.on "Christ Choosing His Disoipide," showing how it i» possible for us to be a disciple in the home, on the street, at the meeting and where ever we may be, The members of this league feel very grateful to Mrs, Dibble and expressed thelr thanks to her, Lunch was served after the ad- dress, Mrs, Borthey one of the members and one who hag for a lung time worked faithfully behind the scenes preparing the refreshs ments, was called to the front and presented with a very pretty apron from the other members, A suits able address was read hy Mpe, saunders, Mra, Rorthey was taken completely by surprise but exe Dritaed her appreciation of the ALBERT STREET LAS The Ladies' Ald of the Albert St, United Church held thelr regular monthly business meeting in the chureh parlor, The president, Mrs, In Cameron, occupied the chair, Aft- er the opening hyin the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison, Ist Corinthians, 13th chapter, was then read rosponsivoly after whieh the roll was called by the segretary, Mrs, H Lewis, The business of the day ins cluded the report of the Treasurer, who reported the sum of $230.48 from the chicken pie supper held recently The date of the anpual basaar will be December 4th, Many other things of interest were discussed and a bu trip to Toronto war. decided upon, The date will ba announced later, Mrs, Bruce Cameron, of the program committee then took the chair and the following program was given: Mrs, Naylor and Mes, F, Branton sang a duet, "The Hand that was Wounded for me" A very interests ing and helpful talk on "Friendship® was given by Mrs, Perry, Mrs, Whattam was called upon for a short talk, After thankin® those who took part the president resumed her place and the meeting was closed in the usual way. efreshments ogils of the afters served and the AY noon tea were $1.80, mp The Toronto Star scored ils usual sucoess In the Ontario elec: tion, Rvery candidate it marked out for defeat was, as might have heen axpected, elected, --Paterbore Examiner, ~ Canton erepa in hunter's green iy No smarter or more useful a sult could be desired than this charming one of brightly checkers od tweed, The slim skirt fonturos the Inverted pleat and an overs es TG ari w--Now York. ---- SIMPLE SMARTNESS A simple printed rayonarepe in by coming tones of brown and yellow beige, It emphasizes higher waistline, and gurved hipline so important in the mode, A circular godet is insert at centresfront of skirt which give Interesting swing to hem, The larless neckline is valled into rever Sleoves boast of wide turn-back far ing cuffs Style No, 718, is designed in sie col [patterns | Vise 16, 18, 20 years, J6, 38, 40 and 42 ghes busty It is an excellent dros for school or office wear, It makes up beautifully in feathers weight woolen which is so smart, and Included in every new ward-robe for general daytime occasions, Midnight blue wool crepe with res vers of white crepe de chine is chie, especially attractive and practical repo satin in black with the dull surface used for center-front godet in skirt, partial belt, cuffs and rever facing provides interesting trimming effect, Silk crepe in rich plum shade, sheer velvet in black or gay print and crepe Marocain in cocoa shade are ideal auggestions, ttern price 20 cents, in stamps or coin (coin preferved), Wrap coin carefully, We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents ads ditional for a eopy of our new Fail and Winter Fashion Magazine, Ae "PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Me omrimans, Sobeve. Oot MAR ccna Sele send pattem listed below: PETLTTTTTLTITCTTTR TROL | LL CRETE Wasi BE wane PORTITRROTEN || | IETTTTTITITINT ARR RARARR IAA Name ssn Addie [LL LITT Prosi se uinissiasnninsinenisine SLRLLALLY Silen Bride stamps of A blouse of slik crepe furnishes a striking note of Interest with its ynerusted bow motif in deep brown to harmonize with the brown buekground of the tweed, A ------r a The Women's Corner or Anything of Interest to the omemaker and the Houses keeper I'he "eon the end of the word mod erne, stands for smart distingtion id being up<tosthesminute in styles wrerly we loved pastel shades and blended gently into ene an I'he ultrn mederne places vtling yellows and greens and reds, vith black for smartness, close up to ¢ unother with no neutral lines be At angles and cross patterns hese qolors flare forth with savage tinetiveness--but we have learned Ike it I you do not want to really make Vi our restful, harmonious and eutral room, as to walls and back« rounds, vou may give it a modern ouch by means of small accessories if the maderne type \ metal lamp with a modernistic thade; curtains of some bright col r, crossed in hanging to provide the lines; cushions of modern a screen, small table, » a plant box, with the cubist degigng und the bizarre colors of the will give your room the neceptable today, but leave the fundamentals for you to return to when you tire of the bold and nolsy btrusiveness of the moderne, noes her een modern or modernistie, Lon ' VELVETS THE VOGUE here Is no more popular maters il ut the present time than velvet t seems to hold all the loveliest phts and tints of color and this seas reen lend themselves particularly to elvet, A lustrous black velvet gown hould be in every woman's wards wn's shades of dahlia, wine and he, Tt ds an asset and also an ec in A different gulor corsage, an or slippers adds nn ghie touch nd makes a change, The deft needle An can make her own gown and elvets may be had from $4.50 per ard up, It takes about five yards make a fashionable frock and here are many shades from which to hoose, There are also many put crn from which to make sections RECIPES Horseradish Sauce q tablespoons grated horseradish, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, | tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 14e cuplulls milk, scalded, Ly teaspoon salt, Lh teaspoon pepper, Melt the butter in. a saucepan and ub in the flour, add the hot milk lowly, stirving constantly, When mooth remove from fire, add the horseradish and lemon juice and ROrVe Boiled Beef and Raisin Sauce 4 pounds rump, 3 tablespoons melted fat LL teaspoon salt . Heat the fat, brown the meat and cover with boiling water, Simmer for five hours, Strain the juice, then cover the moat with a raisin sauce, 15 oup butter, 2 cups sugar, 1 oup molasses, Wy coup black coffee, 2 ORKA, 1 teanpoon baking soda, A oup Borden's St, Oharles Milk 2 oupa flour, 1 teaspoon ginger, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allapice, 1 1h, ralsing, Cream together hall a cup of buttery & oup of sugar, a coup ot molasses, halt a cup of black cofs fee, two yolks of exes, and a tea: apoon of baking soda, dissolved in one-half cup Ht, Charles Rvaporat- ed Milk, hen add two cups of flour, » teaspoon of ginger, a dash of cloves, olnnamon and ajlapice, also halt a pound of raising, if desired, Bake rather slowly, When dene and cool, dover with loing a4 follows: Heat the two whites, pour inte them, beating constantly, syrup made by boiling a cup of sugar with a fourth of a oup of Borden's St, Charles Milk, r LYONRA 6, LTO # Blue Rabel 38¢ Hall-pound <' HY) f h { : AF i 1K or b / 4 J Hi EA; Red Label 43¢ Hall-paund | HELPFUL HINTS | CARE OF UMBRELLAS A wet umbrella should be elosed and stood with the handle down, This prevents rusting ef the point where the ribs join, and also pre vents stretching of the eloth TO TEST EGGS Place an egg in a pan of water, If fresh it will He on its side, If a few days old it will tilt upwards, If stale, it will stand on end, If very old, It will float, A CONVENIENT HIGH CHAIR If four rubber-tipped door stops are screwed Inte the legs of an or dinary chal, It makes an ideal high chalr for kitchen work, or for a small child PEELING ONIONS Pour hot water over low them to remain for 4 few min utes, then drain and pour cold water over them, Then the skins can be removed easly, MANCHESTER BRIEFS The thank- onlons, al Manchester, Novy, # offering wervices held here last Bunday wore well attended, Rev, Mr, Mitchell, of Ashburn, and the Utlen quartette were much Appre- ciated ut the afterncon services, At the evening service, the Columbus oholr was In attendance and were also appreciated, as was the pers vice given by Rev, R, TT, Richards, of Port Perry, Those having the arranging of these services wish to thank all those who helped to make the day a success, Our community elub--somebody sald "it couldn't be done," so wu started to sing us we tackled the thing that couldn't be done, and we did 1t The Community Cluy held ite resopening meeting on O¢ tober 81st at the township hall, with prayer and community singe ing, followed by the business trans netlons, Myr, Grant Christie, Mise Aletha Parrett and Mr, Donald Ferguson were appointed an the pl ano committee, Mr, Ohristie {a the chairman, A program was then given, consisting of a reading by Miss A, Barrett, solo by Miss Melba Gray, dust by Miss Jean and Mr Donald Ferguson, and two plano solos by Miss Hattie Lamb, Bom games wore then played, The col lection amounted to $i, The meet ing closed with lunch In all, most enjoyable evening wan spent We hope to have mora members this year, with bigger and better elub meetings, At the next meet ing we expect to have election ol officers, It Is expected that our plano committee will be on hand at each meeting What might have been a serious nooldent ovcurred on the highway just south of Manchester, wWhun Mr, Arnold of Lindsay, driving a new oar, ran into a black horse and killed it, The car was dam. aged badly, The horse was the property of Mr, Conlin, of nNrook- In, Mr, A, Roach, Mrs, Roach and Mrs, Crosler were in Whitevale re. cently, Miss Killa Windrim and father, Mr, Geo, Windrim, Mrs, Nugent, and Ceoll and Margaret, of Lind. say, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, O, Lamb, Miss Viola Mitohell has given up her position at the Robt, Simpson Co, store, and {a in Butfalo, assist. ing her alater, Mrs, Cochrane, whose children are ill with soar let fever, Mr, Dan Christie, we are pleas: ed to report, is steadily improving fn health, Mp, Ohristie has been sultering from a weak heart, Mr, and Mrs, McKee were recent visitors at Raglan, the guests of thely daughter, Mra, Evans, Mra, M, Barrett, of Oshawa, a former resident here, was a week- ond visitor at the home of Mra Barrett, The many friends here of Mw John Moore, of Oshawa, were sors ry to hear of his loss when he was held up on Thursday evesing, but they were also glad to know that John was not seriously hurt, which might easily have happened, Her many friends in this diatriot are pleased to hear that Mra, Claw once Cook, of Prospeot, who has heen weriously 111, ix improving in health and ia able te be up again for a few hours each day, Mrs, Frank Crosier was in Tow onto on Sunday, Mr, Thos, Smith, of Rlackatook, called last Feiday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Lamb, Mrs Smith, who had been visiting with her parents for the past week, re- turned home with him, Mrs, WW, MoQlinteck, of Port Perry, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mra, Chas, Lamb, Mr, and Mra, Gordon Flewell, of Sougos, Were recent visitors of Misa Aletha Barrett and her moth. er, Misa Annfe Deard, Mr. Joe Reard and Mrs, John Moore were in Uxbridge on Wednesday last, On Sunday ovening during the fog Mr, Hiram Fitehett had the misfortune to have his car run in to hy a oar from Uxbridge, Mr, Fitchett's ear was but slightly dam aged, A number from hers attended the fowl wupper and program at Prince Albert last week, but n number from here did not enjoy the Hallowe'en pranks played in this distriet, Mrs, Pennock, Mrs, Robinson and son Douglas spant Bunday with Miss Anule and Miss Dolly Reesor, Mr, Frank Jonson was in Tor. onto last Tuesday, Mr, Fred Lamb was In Oshawa on Monday, Horry to report Mrs, Johnson fr, is very low Mr, Joe Cooper has engaged with Mr, Howard Franklin for the win ter months ENOCH ARDEN STORY FOUND IN REAL LIFE feattle, Wash,, Nov, 18.--Ne fusing to helleye that hig wife, two little girls and hig baby won, from whom he was separated in the Ban Francisco earthquake were doad, a Vancouver man has Just ended his 20-year search here In despalr, The weird tale was unfolded when the modern Enoch Arden found through the Seattle missing porsons bureau that his wife had a. re-muarried after searching for him 10 years and was living here with two of her children, hoth mars ried The man holleved hiss wife would he happler if he ala not muke himself known te her, and the polices are keeping his identity i pecrel Barbara (whose first tooth has Just dropped out)=Mummy, mummy, quick! I'm coming to plecesl=--~Pass- Ing Show (London), IF GOOD Not long ago & man saw an article in & mall order catalogue that he de« cided to buy, This man possesses quite i stack of shekels and anvbody would he glad to sell him and charge it, He wrote the mall erder house this "Send article; If good, will send ches que" In due time he received the follows ing! "Snd eheque ele, = St If good, will send ar« Catharines Standard, See Our New Vall Line of Conts and Dresses nt the FASHION SHOPPE #4 Mlmcoe St, South is graced with sparkling Diamonds ~alim, artistic wrist watch and holds a lovely piece of gleaming silver-plate at table, Adam Design teaspoon~ M.25 set of ix, Np) rr The wrist watch of to-day; 14K. solid gold, good time= keeper, , $35.00, COMMUNITY 26 piece set in the han dsome * chest, (Deluxe Stainless Knives) dernist $34.25, BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Corner An Ailing (CHILD k comfort the Jnoment your quan er has an upset of any sort? Cou u do the right thing--immeditelve though the emergency came with= out warning--perhaps tonight ? Castoria is a mother's standby at guch times, There is nothing like in "emergencies, and nothing better for everyday use, For a sudden attack of colic, or the gntle relief of constipation; to lay a feverish condition, or to soothe a fretful baby that can't sleep. This pure vegetable prepa- mation is always ready to ease an ailing youngster. It is just as Are you red to first nid ana qu Nude harmless as the recipe on the wrapper reads, If you see Chas, H, Fletcher's signature, it is genuine Castoria, It is harmless to the smallest infant; doctors will tell you so, ? You can tell from the ree on the Wiahhet how mild it 1s, and how goo fon file systems, But continue wit Astoria watil child is grown, wa oop

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