Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, PAGE FIVE -- room of Hampton Unplted on Tuesday evening, No vember 11th (Thanksgiving eve ning) under the nuspices of the Young Veople's Roclety, assisted by instrumental duets, vocal solos, and violin selections by talent from Hampton, Salem, and Rollins, There wis 4 large attendance and the eve. ning was a very enjoyablé one, Me, and Mys, Amey and: family, Oshawa, bave moved into the hous recently vaested by Mr, and Mrs A. B, Jennings, who have settled in thelr new place of abode at Osh: "wwa, Mr. and Mre, C, 1, Horn ae companied Mr, and Mrs, W, W, Horn te Toronto last Bunday, Rey, David Rogers, Kt, Thomas, called on old friends In the village recently, { "Thelma Robbins entertained a number of her seliool friends to a birthday party on Tuesday, Kveratt. Allin also celebrated his A birthday by having several of bik ¢hums in for tea, Mr, and Mrs, Freie, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr, ¥, J, (ront, Mr, and Mrs, daughter, Hehool Chureh YOUNG PEOPLE OF SALFM PRESENTED *NJOVABLE PLAY Program Was Given on Holi day Evening in Hampton Church Hampton, Nov, §,--The Bulem oung psople* presented (heir lay "Star Bright" in the Sunday wm GENUINIG nY ALL HADIOTRHONS HE ALE NS stand voltage abuse Cleve Olemens nnd Mildred of Osh- awn, spent Runday with Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Cale, Mr, and Mrs, Moy Billett and baby, Jean, Bovereign, Mask, mo: tored here recently and are snjoy- ing un visit with Mr, A, E, Billet and family, that's why Mr, and Mrs, W, 4, Doldge, Mrs, experimenter. T, Wray and daughter, ¥ilean, vig ited ut the home of N, K, Doldge, Oshawa, recently use. Mr, Paul Williams, Nestleton, 1s visiting his brother, Reeve Wil. Hams, The school children had an en- Joyahle motor bus ride to Bowman. ville on Friday, when they were given the privilege of hearing Cap tain Dansing at the theatre and also the talkies, West inghouse TURES INEVERY SOCKET a ___"~" Batteryless Consolette offers Amazing Value ol #404 C.G.E, Loud. Speaker to mateh $25,00 Complete with Radiotrons $96.50 a in lili) 'RADIOLA'33" T its sensationally low price of $75, Radiola 433" leads the world in radio value, Never before have you been able for such a small outlay to own such a fine allelectric receiver, The receiving circuit of Radiola *"33" em. bodies the most advanced features, Six tubes and a power Radiotron ensure great volume. A single station selector dial simplifies tuning with knife-edged selectivity, The modern de- sign of this Consolette harmonizes with any furnishings, Its fidelity of tone ia unap. proached in sets anywhere near its price. So great is the demand for this new Consolotte, we advise you to have a demonstration at once and place your order without delay, Easy terms of payment, if you wish, ALTER Ontario Motor Sales Ltd., SOWMANVILLE OSHAWA WHITBY SANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Limited ET re s---- LLL UTA WwW \ AAA CO, INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COCL IN SUMMER DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED \ OSHAWA, ONT, Those Splittin 1 Siok Headao os! *FRUIT-A-TIVES" Stop Those Health-Robbing Paine Mrs, Michel Coulls, Killaloe Station, Ont, writes) - > the snd Mr Bick headaches that come bath on you time after time will yleld to "Fruit-ne Mrs, Coulls Is only one of 3 discovered this, "Fruit. The weather of late has been rather unsettled, with occasional showers of rain, sleet, and hail, Mrs, Edna Ruse 1s still able to pick generous houquets of pansies out of her garden, Mvs, Jas, Burns and Raymond visited Oshawa relatives on Mon- PETTY THEFTS IN MYRTLE DISTRICT Farmers Have Onions and Carrots Stolen From Fields Pearl with Myrtle, Novy, ] Miss Vance spent the week-end velatives in Toronto A lovnl pardener hag the mis fortune: to have a hag of onions stolen from his yard on Saturday night but was fortunate enough to get the number of the culprits Sir 31 he Is now in the hands of the law. A farmer a couple of miles north had six hags of car- rots taken from hig fields one night recently, It Is time such petty pilfering should he stopped as It Is getting two common, Mrs, Armstrong of Ann Arhor, Mieh,, has been holidaying witn her brohter, Mr, Levi Tordiff, Mr, Henry Merriman who has heen with a bridge construction gang on the CNR, near Beaverton all tall and summer has returned to his*home here and resumed his studies ut the Whithy High Sehool on Monday, Mrs, Roy Apencer of Kaladu vinsited her parents, Mr, and Mra James EK, Reaconk during the oariler part of the week, Mr, Nea cook 1s Improving slowly and will have to Pe confined to his beg an other week, Mes, Frank Briggs was called to Whithy last weak owing to the derfoun fllness of her mother Mrs, Rishinrd Blight Mr, and Mrs, John ence and sen Andrew former's son In day Home from here went te Whithy on Sunday te hear Mr, Denton Massey, teacher of the York Bible clans rive a splendid address has mg his theme on "The Tie That Binds,' Mr, Oscar H, Downey ' left on saturday in company with & nums her of Rrooklin friends for the northern wilds where they will spend the next two weeks hunting deer and other game, Mr, Norman A, Hamilton visited at Livights on Sunday, Mr, and Mra, Will J, don visited Whitby Hunday Mr ure, Hugo spent' Sun. day will the latter's sister in To ronto, Rev, CGeorge Nici! preached in Manilla on Sunday, Next Sunday, Nov, 10th he will have charge of the ftree-will offering services at Raglan, Homa of the farmers here are practicing for the ploughing match which is te be held at Mr. Kd Shane) " farm on Tuesday, Nov, 18th, On Friday night about thirty members of the Adult Rible Class met at the home of their teacher, Mra, Bdward E, Mole, and spent a soolal evening and made plans for the winter's social evenings, Dur Ing the evening Mr, Charlie Pil. key oulled the gathering to order and Mr, H, Lane read Mrs, Mole the fullowing address and Mis, Chisholm presented her with a beautiful out glass salad dish, Dear Mra. Mole, On behalf of tho Adult Rible Class we ask you to please accept this Nitle gift to show our appreri- ation ff the time and service you have randered the class, We sfhcerely hopa that you will continue, as our leader and teacher so that we will have many more succewsful years, Signed on behalf of the class, Although taken rather une awarea Mrs, Mole made a feeling HOT WATER BOTTLES SEIBERLING NETTER THAN AN EXTRA RLANKET O98c KARN'S Drug Store Neat P, O Phone 878 We Deliver C, lawr visited the Lindsay on Sun Marshall, Mr, H, of Roy Cook and friends on Pr " | | Reporters and sinty planes touring Calflornia for reply expressing hoy regrets thal the was not able to fmpare to th class wy much good as he got from the perugal of the lesyons Short speeches wera made hy the Muperintendont, My, W Cranham Mra, D, G, Ross, Mr and others when all joined In wing Ing for "Mhe's a joy good fel low," After which the Indie garved lunch and arenagement were made to hold menthly meet ngs wt the differa: homes of the nage WOMEN'S ASSOCN, Thompset Touch of Thanks. giving | : Zion Mian Cora Cru Oshawa, Was a Hundnay ogusln, Miss Melgn Lewis, al Mr A, Btalnton's, The Women's for Nov, meeting at the home ol Mra, J, WW, Halson on Wedneadany afternoon, when 25 ladies number of ehfldren w Nresont Roll call was answered hy Than giving readings (feneral busine was done and a splendid report o the fowl supper expenses and 1 celpts was glven, after which a pro | gram, consisting of solos by Mi | Thos, Martin and Mi Runsel Baintom was given Mrs, J, WW, Balion and a first cla paper on Thanksgiving was piven hy Mrs, (Rev,) J, R, Nek Was greatly enjoyed contest was then put on and Noy group served refreshments of po tato ple, baked heans, plokion, cake and tarts, to whieh all did Justice Mra, Dalson sand her group, name Iv, Mr R, W, Rall, Mra, W, R Robbing, Mra, R, L, Stainton were recorded a hearty thanks for the splendid together | Mr, and Mra Miss Mary were of Mr, and Mps awa, and visited Mrs aunt, Mrs, Jane May, 88 at Harmony on Bunda) Mr, and Mra, Elmer Wilhw and Mrs, Bert Northeott, My, and Murs, J, Cameron and Marvy, Me, nnd Mra, Russel Stainton, Mr, and Mes Wesley Glagpel, Mp, and Mw George Hilts, Oshawa, attendan the goose dinner at Leakeard on Mon dav evening and veport a splen did supper and concert Mr, Ray Cameron has hunting in the small ona Miss Ulva from visiting her hrother, Qooy In Sask, for two month wha visited My, and Mrs, Lowls | and family, former resident: hb Na, Down, of Oshawa, Iv val Ing her daughter, Mrs, Fred Roh hing, and thay attended the eet Noy guest Association met ene vate of afternoon spent Cameron and guest Onli ameron s years old Jus weok-ond WwW, J, Trick Mp hoon doar Mian Pearl and Masters Dopeld and Wesley, of Ebenezer, at J, W son's, Mr, and Mrs lina, visited H, G day, ENNISKILLEN NEWS Enniskillen, Nov, Mr, Char lie Stainton and My, Black of New market spent Sunday with former's sister, Mrs, 1, Lamb My, and Mw Sougog, Mr. and Mis Gill, visited with My {| Thos, McG on Sunday Tha ladies ald and thelr hus | bands, of Enfield, are being enter | tained at the home of Ay, and { Mra, R, Ormiston this Thursday evening. Mrs, F, Heddon and and Lois Columbus visited at { John QOrehards on Sunday, Mre, Robert Ashton, Columbus, spent a few days with her grand. daughter. Ms, Henry Strong and Mra, T. MeGll, Mr and Mya, John Slemon are spending a few days with their son, De, ©, W, Slemon, of Rows manville, Mrs, A, Walker who has heen visiting Mrs, J, Freeborn's return Pascneg, ®o sun John Pascoe on Me Mrs Roy and Kenneth Mp ed to her home in Toronto on Suns day, Stuart Rodman, | [1 oronto | Gor | My | | Leila Mcintyre and Leila and a | Reading by | which | An amusing | North and shot a | Pasene has returned ing: alse Mea, Delbert Flintoff and | Bal | the | photographers in al Western Alveralt Exposition at Los flying press room which accompanies | Angeles, Mrs Ir tu Hol | Wolke NEETING AT 710N | Interesting Program Had o | anton LW an I A | | \ ughtor My Hiunley Preston, My Hun 1d Mr Bradley and I Ashibon wpent friends In Peterboro G4 Werry, My H Famblyn ends ot Weloome Mr, and My I" don visited the | Burgess, visited Munday Hievans and formers sinter, rone, on Bun Mi mer Herrin h Oshawn, My nd Mi fami vinted and Mis, Wm und Wm thelr Hery noand ont My nd My "eed My Mooray, Paterboro, Mr Kiwood Hahn, And Betty ited at thelr mother's I, Preston, Sunday nd Mrs, Wm, Htalnton and isited friends In Oshawa hithy unday and Muannoy peak Mo ind Mrs Ls hte) Mi I ion 1 Mi 1 My mwa, vi inl d W Walling and Johnson, Ush Me and Mrs Alvin Hunter Prince Albert, My Hacketoek, visited at d family lon rnham | | Hyams Only Women In "Hurricane" ¢ history o dungh milar roles tion Fhe mother vie and the daughter hey appear together wall talking eple of the AT whith will he the New Martin Theatre Ih which are written es the roles, were Lhe Two women of rolat in life ey do upon the adds nahip screen Cildors Iu visiting hey | Wearry | heard | Our Greatest November oat Sale Involving more than a Hundred of the Beautiful Thursday Garments, Res ductions are by far the most radical of We are ready Season's most We'll commence on any season in the past now to give you wonderful sayings = Come and look over the best selection we ever offered in any November Sale, $15.95 Reeder $2500 395.5 $22.15 Regular $35.00 to $42.50 $29.75 Coats All Better Coats Show Pr'ce Reductions of a most + $19.50 to $22.50 Coats Reg generous character, ull ] A es END OF OCTOnKR HEPORTED HIGH Nov, 1, ==Bules of the Motor Co, In the last 10 days of October shows a 40 per sent Inerease over the same period lant year, figures for the period Lm reatly to the reality of the illusion. | CHEVROLET family resemblance, au NA LEN traits and \ strung | mented by | | Detrolt, mannerisms, | Chevrolet stamp them unmistakably ther | and davghter, and lend a harmonious and eonvineing note which would be lacking otherwise here 1s ni Hn ] 14.4 { 2 intlarity of volees, a fact thut is [A tant are 36,040 againat 2M, wont evident when both protest fran lat 11 WL year, aceording to ofolals " ' ) y theally against "Hurrlicane's" mad [9° 10 Company scheme to give the wirl to: ¢ aptain | Gang over last your's levels were Blac | made in all parts of the country, a Both. woinen have kiground of {majority of the company's 63 sales long and thorough stage training, | Jones surpassing thelr quotas, November sales are reported as Miss Melntyre, wife of John Hyams vaudeville headliner, was his profes. [Continuing along the same high level sional partner for a number of years, | I'he daughter is well known on both | the spoken stage and sereen | Hobart Bosworth has the title vole | in ""Hurrleane," with Johnny Muck Brown playing the juvenile lead us n AE) Your un bing Service Station Robbed Wellant through a thelr into the Fareing window Way Fast A -- stations of the thieves open ped with $181 ported today, Main street vi Imperial Oi Coy, here, ed the sale city RELIEVED + +» QUICKLY This Purely Vegetable Pill will move the bowels without any pain and depressing after ef« fects, Sick Headaches, fadigention, Billousness and Had Complexion quickly relieved, Children and Adults can easily swallow Dr, Carter's tiny, sugar coated pills, They are free from calomel and poisonous drugs, All Druggista 260 and 750 ved pkgs, and exci lew ye a i | Do You | i Practically every line of busi ness is represented in this dis tectory==a handy reference tor LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT 'Whithy Lumber 'amd Wold Yank Phone Oshawa 834 Whithy 18 Lifes Your Own 3 ica Own SATISFACTION Ng to hecome the variow those who wish acquainted with business houses, List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Divectory! - - YOUNG 4% Prince St) Oshawa, Ont. SACRIFICE SALE; Ask my agent to show you my beautk ful vesidence, § rooms, Bvery convenience, Hot water heats Ing, ideal location, ete, WII acoept as low an $500 cash, Msney Real Estate, Phone 1530 i High Class Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Lumber Wo J TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 43 Albert Street hones B80 & 18%, Ea STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO, 183 King Street West, Phone 1100 COAL COAL Chowne 103 W. J. SARGANT Varden Hour Speer B Orders Promptly Delivered PHONE 22) Machinery Repairing For Your Dyug Needs NOTHING POO LARUN NOTHING JOO sMaLL THOMPSON'S Acanac Machine Shop 16 Simos Bh SesWe Deliver 10) Ring Si W, hone 2814 2] | 1 | Qshayea, We have several desirable houses for rent, CUTLER & PRESTON Real Bstate Insurance Tolephone HTN Night calls 810-1000 64 King St, West | | | | /

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