Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, | PAGE THREE, | Solemn Services Feature Oshawa's Observance Of Armistice MAN BREAKS NECK | [pr PETER KYLE DIED ; NTE W bebawa oe ol Tt WMLAIAMAA. || CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | HTERIILLMED. Ontario Regiment And Legion LJ HHMAN] ED ONE WEEK weke, Vreank Beadle a Al d IN IEEP DITCH Daniel Sheridan Blpeaveg In Wels ny Ah T Sponsor Impressive Events " ¥ J pales court this morning vhuvged | were srvested for helng intoxleat A J 1 elr un ay ervices aldid id Intuxlontion, He was remands | ed, Appearing / pallies court Lo % "we ed for a week, i i Hue of §6 ad wn ar Len Arthur Bonnel of Tovente, CRT WHI pr a Bradley ol Webi Vii Death Occurred Very Sud: n wo Days Of Ceremonies v il \ U V i} and costs op thiviy days, They a Touching Totes Paid. in FRED BRAMHALL hug 1 ahaes General | Shs vu ups dy Sout ase | vk oe ih tar dil S04 "DIED SUNDAY | Serdaes of Churches Bun- ospita Hah Ar tad SO ih Whit CHV | 10 DROADOART Home ' | Drumhead Service at Alex an Thursday evening of this week ev, George Dibble, tenor soloist renmeny pu ££ : andra Park on Sunday day, to Those Whe Laid DIED SUDDENLY HOPE, FOR RECOVERY | Tie prosendn ara to he used in the | who is conducting a "Singing Re WAS WELL-KNOWN Altarnson 'Was: Attends Down Their Lives in the = work of the troop vival! wt King wiveer United Le ---- a | Chureh in this elty HE hrosdeant ! Ri 7 | 4 . Great War Oshiwa took one of hey TeRpact Almont Completely Paralys MINOR ACCIDUNY | fo AP (811 boro rH 83-Year-Old Local Merchant ; ATR ' ed by a Large Gathering / lg i Lorne Newhall, 686 Carnegie | night frum 10 to 11 o'eloek, / ; of Citi ad citigens on Monday when Fred ed Condition | Ave, driving iy No, 419 418 6ols ' A Why My Dibbia And hin Carried on His Work { n : EE of Citizens Pt---- SPECIAL SERMONS ariel Gecrge Bramhall, of 108 Criti | mp i . A / Hded with Jahn Toslana driver of | party hel thely waeskl muni 5 n - 0 y al Ip on B ritica J Pry fl | yo mi to Saturda : a 3 AND FINE MUSIC| fo sirout wih. ste. amb ar No U1GROR an Bunday, wi | abel, (he earch holm fled 0 y . | MEMORIAL SERVICE, Y i Authur Bow 0, of Taranto ving } howm, st the eorner of Chureh HpRaIY Altar avar an haur of ; 3 F ji / Hopped Phono h oH Jehnatons I the (i ph Ml uit Ul vith and Band stvests, Both earg wore | gaored snd olassiesl solos and eon Oshawi 10st one of Ha olden na ; a MONDAY FORENOON Blare ane K damaged conslderahly gragationnl singing, as well as most highly vespeeied eiiieens i ; \ Thanksgiving Observance | io the hospital he passed away a (8 broken neck as tie pesilt of i ann solos hy M| Mustang the | 10 a'elnel on Bunday night when i " : : ; , th a tiont and Inspiring Messages Delivered eter Kyle, planes) tow minutes after admittance, Dy, | mator aeeident whieh oeetirred early |, _ a y Was Combined With the | iil [10" 01 attended him, stated | yesterday wiornlng when neu PHIEN ARRESTED AT CNN woeampunint, Mr, Dibble knewered {Cl Jon lced" nay sudden)y i. A p L! , of at Services by Rev, 8, C, ot | which he was vidi nimet | | Branley Bparvow wan arrested fg large nim her PRUBEL BUM d 4 Celebration off Armistice fhat feuth was due to heart whieh " 0 be {i Pict tor tronpassng on the CN hers from the audience if the result of a wlyoks In "pits i panhie, . . EE L a of his age, for Mi Kyin was i : ry Jarrett, Rev, R, A, Shires in Many of the Churches IF, G4, Bramhall was the san of | narth of Pontypool, Other ueenpint years old, he had heen Mr, and Mrs, James Hramhall, He of the ener neluting the driver, Hui A ODL i IM, 3 LH vamarkable good health, and Wan and Rev, E, Harston of the City wi horn In Frayton on December | old Braun ar 71 tikh street, | alt hig place of business, tn the " y cuped wit Hie nur . d 4 MY | 1870, He was unmaveied and | C80 \ Mal 1 Cedardale store af his son, J AL RUA GD BE IM ressive were Ll ' [] rye J : / ane 0 A dog whieh ran ont in front 1 1 v . I'he ehwrehes af this ely joined fri Senmhal nd nephew, A. Walle, | the ear from a neighboring \ Ly \ oe bay |) Hh | And / \ ) ITTY i te have heen the I ipdny, The news of hin Asath came | \ Fark, at three o'vloek HBunday aft thie GhNEry in vi ub Armistice Bay By | My, Bramhall was g member of the ll J I | . Rl ax a Event shook 40 hin MAW d a M cing ar FViees, Bppropriats { "™ 9 | ' g | OF the mesldent | vil | Hvis 5 Li aun WH ou Jaint parade af the holding special pery Apprapri King Htreet United Chureh He | LA friends in the oll for Mr, Kyle | Hh (Ontarlar Heglment and ta the eeension, on Buanduy, wah & plumber hy osenpation, The | With the anim! the dri J 3 } i Tl A In prietioitly every ehureh of (he | funeral will be held at the peside | Yd Na melting shigrply | News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the §| by reason of his kindly aigpouitns A | Iuneh No, 40, Canadian Legian and hig long residence fn Oshawa i i, 014,8.1 wil held to the park 1n city, ane or even both ab the day's | gues. 106 Celina street, on Thupse | of the vod, The ear heads Bowmanville Office of Fhe limes, [elephones==Office, B87; § Tad hill up an extremely wide Alana oa oe services wore marked by fmpressive | gay at 8.46 o'clock the diveh snd turned eamplerely om R|ne hi Agha PEPE KYA drumhesad servige oon gleele of feiendahip, and his death Hueted Capt, Hey i, Jarrett tributes to the Canadians wha wil Honell had to he exteieated fr REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MOR TLOCK Bll ha sincerely maurned throughs | Weblsknown Oshawa mevehant and | anerary ohantain of the Heb! | founder of Kyle's Grocery Mores, | mani He Trail wis Aesinted dawn thelr lives in the Grest War " werturmed machine as he was foun : A M vieh ended glove GUT HEL Yosler ta have heen vendere Field LL Ve FOMIMNUANY ld ) hi Ae Ray hy the hy hoa POPPY CAMPAIGN hel op he WHE | ri yh alatas y Mu, Kyle was harn in Lis Pralvie wha died suddenly nt his hon hy Capt. Rev hiv of BOWMANs and ting muse by the eholis eum 12 had heen seriausly nine p Bi 2 4 | Queheo, on April B84, 1846, Ka that hove on Bunday evening ville ho presented the addvess Lined to make the serviees fivting " as hrouaht hospital her | im has passed hig KArd birthday , (Heve HOH, Patterson rector of ta the day aniekly a8 no game months ago, When & lad of \ \ "nm Holy "Teivty Ohureh, who vead the Inssevirul of the eangregations, the ol Lr iw, | Wand attending tan years old, hig pavants, the late; IT, pasim and He | I, Maxwell pate of thinksgiving was wlse para \ the injured man I" Pater and Mary Kyle, came to Osh J WU | history of | Andrew's United aunt, ws the celebration of the As " that Honell ha } If, oT) f is | awn, heinging hel UNE RON ym Chureh ho 'read the lesson, Hun mistiee WONIVersary was CC eombiied 4 | ' |e Fast wight Th im | J 4 |] with them, and sines then Mr, Kyle grads attended the servios which has resided here his Fetary nf | [| uu held in memary af those who thelr Hive nm tha trest Wai with the "Fhanksgiving observanes De, Rahertsan wf | | f . " n "| ol Suttahle desorations tanehing pad . " wlatiun an the ea TIS | ay ol OVER WEEK-END ( f nearly T5 years eontinuous .) i dH k Both the Avimistien and Chin lesgive TOT AL OF OVER $1,080 eided that an fon ul 4 JL J | Ul, p y J | ves in ih Som nih | nn [1 THE RING HERF | nd revin to Hh ooh mon) i pai Vv i NAY fH Bus Hae Wa LA rm i] mm ul Th | i f 1) 1 RUE | . § | 1 rmouries | | | ik Ap. dil Pony ip by HAS BEEN SUB. in he ] i : M [ uh } Ia quite A alung man, Ni 4110 the Ble the Ontario Regiment nk 4 well | SEVEN MISHAPS OCCUR: LARGE CROWD GATH. | Kole siarin in the gioeons his Co, I, hi, Rmith, Ofiber Emma pt +"! RED IN TOWN; NONE | ERED AT WAR MEM. | tusiness, ha gave it up, and on: | HON, PETER HEENAN, | Inf Tha ORNAWA 8g WHITDY. posta r-- Bimeae Brest Church n nd is 1 | | Kyla started In the grocery hus! A parted 1 i ) he | SCRIBED io : a, HH, } mith, oNlogr eommand street United ehureh bunday marn - heen almost eompletely paral Canadian Legion, and mem erviees conducted In Bilinear 8 Can wil wan ane of the sost iwpressive Last Year's Collection Exe WERE SERIOUS ORIAL YESTERDAY | fred (he empley wf the te ia] MINISTER OF LABOR, | iim nf tho oily five higade nar af Armistice Diy services In the eit Ah churel Wilh beautifully deeor 3 ceeded by Over TOOK PART IN N { k | worked for a period of &ome forty | WAS SPEAKER { " Him Hundreds Hed hota tefl with Hag far the oeeasian an RD " A | " p pars, his Ban J. B. Kyla, alap fl APO an Mimeos Brest and the Mth Ras tor the, Seekaioh 4A $200 Frost Meade Bridge Flanks | Rev, Duncan Munre, Osha:| [ante, hin HOR lr along' WIA : : | parade presenied & splendid spas Lim for HOME YORrs Over B00 Members From All| tacie with hand vesplendont in $d ye solr 0 the { hureh dito y Q a Te, Slippery, Causing Easy | WA, Gives Inspiring Ads \ a van: Lik} nid Mh fl i I Wns ee Wey wptain Tha Pop \ d hal 4 » ) 4 Iness 3 plow and hilue p # Tha DOPRY UAmbbian Lhd h UNISHAL FVENT | Skidding dress at the Service Hintorad Uvoary Tuanen on Ontario Assembled in toad, THE periment: whieh Wa | Fy Hurston wis in charge of the | gaeypday, under (he ausploes of About thirty years thimoat wt fall stvength, presented LLL Oshawa Beaneh No, 48, Canadian I. HW, Kyle went inte the Eroeery This City father oy VARY BAF appearances while the AL eleven dielock the congregation fy \ i aglon, HHA 1 axoeaded axpeota . Mast [impressive v a we | business In Oshawa his i ) Bh ¥ n a 4 i Ww agin 1y ( \ Nhe ved two nunules of Hennes tans In view af pravalllng condi M. M. Hood Speaker al Hoven neeldents aeoureed in Ro mania hold Yoauterday. the sloventh | wont with him Ant, WHoR the ; u h oo he i Ma WA d with & y v { | # 1 Meh he Jans W h -- i e tans At the present time, The te | k 5 i A | manville aver the wesl-and, But a8 | guniversary of the stenting of the | store was opened In Cedardale, he \ Hy X i" ot HN AY oy \ iy they And ii i J ; J ol PTH Were 1 are A 1) td the A fat himeciutol i wponss of the genaral publie on the Woodstock Serviee And | 0 iam wore sertous the alls [ avmistion, before (he war memorial | went there ab Its manager, & posi ® forgotton | ole ¢ d army Sava IWIN this 1] SR TE RTE IN elda, a M | \ 9 \ bow 3 } 1 and ULLL ne TY REO OR A BIB ie Kress AE vary ratifying and the n \ N ' in 10Lary ark Howmanviiie thon whieh ne flad Talthiuily ange wis sung hy the male quartetie, treats wi ' hE an Officlated in Interchange | day passed guietl Hundreds of ane | tl with lop wi h | Hi Was A or ANd mora hasardons mission, A Froid 1 Dowland amount received was $664.74, Al . | ix anotdonts. ii BR plage in undveds of eltisens tage hey V | well up to the lus " il Wha oY Reena a ail uh ils Wh | i | i UL ' $ \ f A Hey Mite Hyg | Ne | though exceeding last year's fig Of Flags | i, hut | the ex-servios men of the OW 1 | gantal and Kindly personaly, and blue uniforms, al i A \ Hit | el w Fhe ar A YUL [res, 4 meh Taker sum 18 needed [ three days dn quite & reoord, BEE a hady and eadets from the BIEN | fie customers loaked upon him as | \ Vg URilorma R40 Shela RUE > | shene, ! Wu nl Avaurable War Rervie VA oy ihe i ¢ Kuops | IW order ta carey on With the Kront Molntyre: Hood, ohaivman of the | that number (aok piace at the ithonl and (he Hoya" Tralming | gue of (help true triends LAngh Mi i. | Foo nto] medals glitte rad oh ma 0 YH Wn \ Anis ia i | . ro MIAWR, Pana . ny d Ld Jick, A lr \ \ \ \ \ W' Lwark tnvolwad and to meet the ues exBeULIY pammitte of tha Onl PLR, overhend hvldge on the west Hohool giood with hawed and un Mr. Kyle was first marveled on Huh 0, ULL , | tt Th AhOWINE thit the wearers had Pe ! LAR LLL Paver TL) be ) " an nearh founhel piiendes 1 , A i he them {the merning sermon ont demand on this fund for diss] odian Loxton Oshawa Beanels [ern Mmits of the tawn sinea Fri A N A fl how | hh #llant Rid Poa Ul paminien Day, July 1, 1867, the (d W | hvat \ hy } rend Fal ceived recognition fap the fathiful A ¢ H . \ hte A 0 y ass oelebrate \ eve \ LL | wits "Looking Backward" and the | WOR CORREA « Whe 10 Waadatnek far the wi dny night, The frost had mueh to NE h WH EA \ oh by EL day of Confederation, . 10 SH AM 1. MeGratl Wight Weverend | performance of thaly duties during . 1 y i" 1] \ ¢ AA, 1 \ | 4 mintster wade "Naerifiee," the key Ih addition tn the above RMOUREL and, delivered the address af ves) go win (his and any motorist oom In the ahaanoe of Maver Hier, | Jilasbeth Bhaw, Hie diog Wh : ilont of | he toning days between 1844 and nite of the serviee, "he huslg ele onlectad an the streets, the sum | memheanes st the annual wom N \ oi Thick ehving three ohtidren John 1918 He alb nations hatidivg and madi of B01. 40 was veeaived throush | (al decoration NY held nt [Ing along wt a Hod vale of Spa { through he Pekvaimen neve Hoek Kyle Peter B, Kyle, and Mra i ; \ ATH ) total of $1,086.16, whioh exceeded | Woodstock Cenotaph an Bunday | #04 landing suddenly an the plank | son conducted the Rervi win in 1800 Mp, Kyle was | An IRSRIFRY nan on Fa i . tehanee no serio" he declared h holden, found his oar slightly out of Promptly at 10,48 o'oloek the | HOWINK ! the Hght of the world Four drums, placed an two ters The I \ \ \ Been hullt | last yeue's total hy ovey §o00 wltarnonn,, when tha Plest Haine | { married a second time, ta Miss by privates of the hugle hand f L FINAN Bpire Bas bedi hy At the same time the eall for] lan Oxford: Rifles, the Waoadstaek | f0nival as th Haght frost had made | whole gathering Joined in singing ' t Mallarytown, On In the afternoon the members a Wie fd from oft the saerifices of Hyves of 11s sons, \¢ \ { Ib La the Wood very slipper 0 God Our Hein tn Ages Past Mary Heott, af Mallory ) sombled in Ri. Gregon andisorium LO Oampany, Whithy, and draped he said, The minister stated hist vallef will, It Is captain, exeand last | Branch of the Legion, th Hao Three 6f the autos volved were | which was followed by & prayer. of trade, whe survives him where Klate Deputy 1, 1, Duitus, and With tags, formed the Impromptu } 4 a 8 nil 0 # # Hh { nt Hite \ pi whvane whe treated this freedom yoar's demands and the fund I8f Hoauts hud the \ Hh A Hien I 8 tacit oars and the ather three were | thanksgiving and vemembranes | Oldest Member of LOO, Lodge affeers of - Peterborough eauneil N Pulpit team whieh the serves in the Hghtly wis descorating the graves of stil Japan for anyone wishing " He two chan . " th AME 4 foam Tarentn and OalAwa by the Rev. 4. UV. Robbing of Trin In addition ta his elpele af hus! 98 canderred the honour of Nth! park was eondunted Not a few thong wha died and the same applied [sentvibute, Contributions a a | ™ & A A Rg 1H A S001 holy he auvanth aneidant aeourred at | ity United Churehs At the oons | news friends, Meo Kyla had oloae | FCAT TER ALS TOE 108 aandidates, | OF those. present had. ¥ivid Seals p X \ viva \ ¢ ; 10 those wha died that we wight [he made to A, H, Pawar, Ohalrman | for tha se the oorner of King and Ontarta | elusion of this Wreaths were pines | Associations wilh ohureh and fri allowing a hultet supper & pn lootlona of similar servioss held tn \ b | Hie In Oshawa, Ho wan Bf Lomog Goo l numbers and addr Franoe, i keaping with an old Heits 4 ) ) a Ted ra af { \ have religous Nbevty, Suevifieg was | Poppy Day Campatgn Commities, A unlaue feature \ \ \ d by + yg dil Yam ntact [84 Bond Bt, W., and will be grates | was an fnterohangn of flags he: (HiTO0LS G0 Monday hut Hite dam: | od on tha Maniment hy the Row pera I member of Ht, Andrew's Bh Army practise. The parade for tent BAe Ae RAO ) d tween the Woaadstook RBraneh of | BE Waa done and nobody was | manville soldiers' Club, the Lilies | fRIERTUL member of were earvied oul he prineipie | \ Reine "p 0 form hit this could nos he done by the | fully aoknawle god, . ARS Canastan Fagtur aud thy Mid] MIN ary Hoolaty af the Bowmanville | United Chuveh, and he had the | Shae P80 the evening was Honoes [4 Inte thee sldes of & restangie A i mElan \e Wr | oak ( ah ALi alana! poticy, shout i (hating of ue Pammitiod A Ww oll i wey po A at the Am the Wamen's Canadis | honor of helng the oldest member ais Pater Heenan, minister of labor (Continuad on page 11) (Continued an aad a) Wishes (0 pay hy Wile and 1 LLL ovloan Lenton, The Texas flag wis | heidage where six of the week-end | an Club, the Hays Praining | of the Corinthian Lodae, 1,O0.F for the Daminion of Canada all the workers who so ably assists handed over hy Mr. Hood, on hee SPOTS teak place has been empha- | school and several private oltisens Mp, Kyle lx survived hy his wife, od In making the campaign the sues fed auatn and again tn these eal Tha Rev, Duncan Munro of Knox [ by two sons, John 8, Kyle, of Osh N 3 J o al Ry The danger of the overhead | High sHelioal \ i post, ta Gears Fore fon IL Was abd It Le the desire of Jutg GE LOAD a ibid Branon | mms and the fawn oaunell has asks | Prashytovian Ohureh, Oshawa, {0 [ awa and Peter 8, Kyla, of Toronto, | FOO LATE TO CLASSIFY the Cammitien, that all wha na f EERE in pati n, | 08 Wha vatlway several then tor [an fhapiving address urged Wis and one dauihiery Mra, H, Cow n nolped will acompt thin bitimation "My, Hood [a new heldge, Bast winter survey: | hearers to hold Wgh and Keep | ing, of Hamilton, There 8 also | HOURR TO RENT ON PARK BI AMALGAMATED 4 handed aver to a Oan were sent dawn and the plas allght the toveh of vamembranee | ana surviving sister, Mea, Roberts | Road North, Apply 124 Park Road Tamibug on [ In the maring on {alting members fr Orillia Manstgnor Q'Bullivia \ iH, ™ Augustine Neminary, preached Heeallegd War Days 4 fs : o how Jrtehuily helt #aneraus o adlan ensign ta ha sent ta the | ™ by Me Ww a Amarloan Loglon Past &t Mineral | Was staked out ta hegin work | far those who had given their all | shaw, of Cleveland, Ohin North (113) ' N spwadal Contributions Wells, Poxas. This 16 the first oe: | WHOA was expected ta he fulahod | tn the onuse of right, Immediate Hut in the wide efrele of he | FETRERER TRS VORITION 4 The following Ws A HSE Whoa] Clio an whieh there has heen an | UME Yea) Vothing haw yet been | ly on (he fest strakia of aloven all oghawa soquaintances, he leaves 8 Lon da on wark by day or week Waking Ahestal Santrihullaha i interohange of flags hotween Aws| 10Ne, hawavay Heads were bared wid for two mins | japge olrole of mourners, who will] sperianced with children, Phona ) Can, Bank of vammares ARtan orloan = ahd Oana ian Loaion 11s haned hy oitigans who have | utes silence was observed jot In extending the moat hearts f agg op (1180) | " dard Branoh), Mr, FW, Cowan, disoussed the subisot tharaughly tn Adduntant Chittenden of the Bal | fair sympathy to the bereaved | © | | Both Branches of Bank of ' branohes The Taranto Har, W, H, Moore, the past few weeks that the next | vation Army then offered a PEAY | amily ohadvman Tavltt Advisory Hoan, meeting of the eounell will see | of thankspiving and Captain the fhe funeral 18 heing held this 3 \ ] TWO (ISHAWA something done In this matter, Al! Rev, R, J, Bhives of 81 John's An alia aay 3 30 Hg he his Died Commerce to be at King Brickwork Up. To Within Pry TW, Gy MoRay, Coleman's Oavtage, W, BN, Sinelair, K.0., thoush na record has been kept 1 | glean Chuveh pranounced the late residence 198 Marvy Bteeet, | ARTLEY In Whithy, an Sunday | and Simcoe Eight Feet of the MPF, Mader A, F, Hind, Qol {1a hallevad that In the past sum hanadietion, The eeramony olosed whera the servioe will he ommduet November 10, 19020, Ann Janet T Frank Chappell, Paul Swavig, 3, b a JAN mer there have heen #1 least 33 [ With the singing of God Nave the | G0" 0 ia PRBtor of the deceased saunders, widow of the late op dtarie, 8, J, Btaple, Oshawa Rotary accidents at this ane spot, and tha | King Those present than flied Roy Pod Maxwell Tames Astley, Manchester, BEng he wa oy hralvhea af the t-------- Olub (special oalleotion), J, A, Me | + A JAF bomark was overheard during a | vevarently past the wemerial vas | UO ' fh and. in her THIN VYeax [Canadian Bank of Commerce have panveraation on the street, "Why | peating ance again thely pledge not Faheral from her ate residence, will he amalgamated, and will be . a . Gibbon, Weston Hread And Okes h A \ : \ yeu hore contrat, | AER tna i Mt | oominund Tom supe 1) | fia oo Cheers | BRERA hh a ade AEA? pra" dng, TELS 1 AF Ke that ORhAWR Avena, Limited, It was ans | Yor | all, Capt Xa 'RTO, Ridgeway, small cash and We { "i ETON ny EG ll November 14th, at 2.40 pow, SPERLS, Attar Raturday next, Novem: nounved toduy, The separate elec: Me, 4, W Molaughting To Bah | Qt, J, Mes Cook, 9 Matta | 4 (1a) hee 10, 18 w A AN need Hh a trieal PT has been awarded ve, Lid, Cal, Ry 8 MoLanghtin and | sipoet, various valuable My | | atreoet, cash and valwables Opt | Market Lang, several olooks and | W bk h fre RISHIS \ Aa \ " 0 the Bows Rlsotrlo Bhop and Mr, Fy Store, Rrowe, 130 Cipgsvannr siveet, $4251 24 Wah AX) Regent streot, pearl | lowes Oot, M, Mres, RR. Kirknpat Hank of ¢ Wg @ dort 0 A the sepdrate plumbing and heating Th TE ts " Te the . huntais | Vy chsh J ah " Wark UB A IRL oe Vy i R thes A Viable Rn thant y MW AH Ne 4 M h a \ ind fhe { In Memoriam oe treet : hat qo (1) Rn re Ave is © \ | Nuh, A aithan steel, S| wit, #7 ROBOT SiPeel, 380 In 0as Living Nov, RB AN ans hoa \ . : tone tn Miller & Libhy, both of whe Tend stay up long without ves and Jewelry Phemas bookie: 438 Oxy | ans: Jeweler Ook a8 HL Mel Ws . hy Claroliee atroet TH ta ah PRASRY-={n loving Nomen of [Sound 8000 ARer that Gale to he hy fueling, Nault Daily abd ford street, $6.30 and wateh and Windsor Cresoont, tie ping Wis | stamps WW. Davidson, 107 Windaog Burglar Tried lo Reb Cash | our dear Muriel, Who passed oame manager of the A Hound [away November 13th, 1823, nf heaneh, while Major 8B, ©, Hoduing, Work an the sonstruetion af the . \ | ! TE------ fewelev: Oot, 22 TP. Allan, aM Si m Lawrence, 19 MoRenste Avenue, | Aven $0 cash I, MM. Chivas al 6 aolan . HORA Hh. HRNOTRL OORITROL GES, Funes street. jewelry and vabwahle | HN Oot, 3 Flaney Manufaeturing | Wortley Road, south of eit limi Register in North Osh hey "lEhth you [Mah aEer of the Former EINES Padly missed hy | BARK hranoh, remaing in Oshawa as the TH, Mothewsill Ca, 18 Bree \ \ shawl: George H. Copeland, Rioh: ' Company manufacturing fowelers, | 880 cash and other valuables va Abid. ---- hos RIN . h Tn AWA Gav J Mather and Daddy, [manager of the combined hranehes (113%) [ihe announcement stated, R, Cond ing very favorably, and, unless ll Nanth TY Noy 1 " [Camnenter, Who was formerty with the Joh tk hindered mateviniiys by Comi Events fi had weather, (have is avery indions "we ~ A i . fo; Id E i h H \ ton that 10 will he finished on A Conta por . Wan! each in 0 ng! At 3 a'oloek BURday Wor | CHEBSRRROUGH==1n loving moms [the Rank of Commerce hsaneh have he Desigris ine 8 omes le A medium slsed Wan dress ary of aur dear son, Clarencs [and has for the past pri heen Ate sohedule the, The belek wark Ww sortion, Minimum charge | done ta a helght of 14 feet, theve tor each insertion, #6, ! sod with HEht topeoat, Haht suit who departed fits lite Nov, Lh fing accountant at the Btandavd holng § more feet of the wall ta -- . TET and ean fade an Whentotaatul at | 1829, "Rank branoh, has heen appointed construgl, Rooting will he staves ea x . (Opt (0 hurglariss the til af Alaw OR Tour Baar Your Memory aoe ¥ \ W od tm Adlately the hWelek wark is] BUCHRE IN ODDFRLLOW 8 : i 3 a ander Bron, savage, Jahn Alexand- Pay Mi In " RARRARLENL for uit WN TLL finlshedy and iy 18 expected that the hall by Rebekah Lodge No, 4, on al § 3 LIRR Si 1 oF ANd Twa ohms, Addison Soatt aad still our helel is soe retained th thelr present positions roating will ha under way hy the tata, § MW, Adtutalok Sr Sa : and Olifrard Relomun Mawhed IAT | Boh DRESIRE NAY BUE RORIOT TOR SOme time Ab east, end of hext week i . \ ¥ RS. LE a | saturday night to sleep at the gay hein gs Lis expeoted th A . The general contractors have ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING $ { vi N y § Jha 3 ANS Ad were awakenad hy & WelEe | phe day we WH weed GRR are i W We ITPA TR NOL, a8 Fob, lot any suhoanivacts an in dQene's Hall, Courtles, to . ] \ | 3 af someone cutting at the wall of Sadly wissed by Smee streets Will he complet the Joby hut have been taking] wight, Musto hy Heb Woke : A Sa al a \ the. atlted nk A JAK Rh, Ne | Mother and Dad, well hefave next Satunday, The priens on shoal metal work, paint chnaiva . y PY \ MAR WARS heard outting and then 1124) Bian 0b the former R ing And BIaeing, Same of the subs F MADAME NBVARA, PALMINT \ Sa \ WORE Beak Ite the window te ------ | -- Maa My hore § AN Pit cORITACE AWATAR Ave axpected with Ross Corners, Phone ap gd } ; ig 4 #00 ROW NAT he Way coming ta the od hy the addition of the apace ina few days. The Matherstll firm ments 2894, 13h) y (Ed . \ \ | SL | | II register. The heya at frst thauwght Born formerly lnoorporated in A steve is handling the other trades, tw | RUMMAGE BALE AT WY { i 3 i aun HH \ \ | | oa chum tering 10 sore thew (0 Aho oABk OF The: DAK, | The Hae CIMA INE WMABORTY, CATRORINY, oto, George 8 shoal roam, Wodnes: {if A 14 A S HUE when they shouted the ob HAYNES =A Oshanh, oh EVIGan gia has been entively replaced The Dshawa arena Will, when | day, Nov, 13, at 1 dw, EE. 4 J pHE tan, ha hays "gts chase | Nay, § 1888, ta Nn RR MER GR paw aguipment, And Rew completed, he one of the finest tn (113) fal ] gu 8 a 5 But he had had 100 Hood A SLATE | RAward Haynes, 10 VON ahs have been dnstalied. When ANY oltF of thin sige in the prove | CHRIST CHURCH AV. BA, 1880 i ! im IF | When the marks of the Suiting | Road, & son, CLIRRD qamptersdt, thin Branch will have nee, I will have the seoand tare Review, i heing held Thursday h \ ' 'Hi | MA Hwegvorad ey Rhee n bs WHITE At Oshawa, Nov, 8, tathe fest equipment of any brane ont foe gurtace tn Ontario, and wil) ANE Driday evening, Saw : : Hey whieh hr I VR MR and Mrs, HLS White, 84 OF tha bank hetwean Toaronta aad have sorting aocmadation for 4. a (1100) -- -- -- ro ; aha N NUTR Bt. & son. SHI be Natta, The Times was forms AUR Teale, WIN Standing oom far {LRT ALL GO TO THR WHINY . 0 Wik thequis Aid shanae A SHEERS 0, 0 a AAA 1.000 hy Ample dressing roam Drive, Sons af Bagland Hal NEW HOMES BRECTED FOR PROMINENT LOCAL CIPHARNS oid BROT \ zl " LE Ad N \ pocamoation including 8 roams Wedneaduy, Nov, 136, 8 YI WO one ptionally fine ovamples , Motors of Canada Bid Sanding | Oshana's most prominent wen for hoghey teams and ane Poawm Admission Die, CLE) far owes embodying an oll Bags | WOIl back fram Simeon 56 north | This house too, stands on a wawth hin) Ww Bab ME oh Ww A HARE astBLA of each fap lady and sentlowan shat | MR, HAWKREY, THR I, BADER QR : v Fin an admirable landsoape sett : N N ors, Will ho provided, The frees the Taronta Unity Centre will " Wah oaign have Just heen vom the howe alsa has a x Aone Nh Fail gl ey win gly hint Ny he aly OPFTOMETRINY the PARE Will be cannevted to the | in Welsh s Parlour on Friday pleted hy Ray 1, Mishap, TOMO | garmgn at the wor, WHISK In 8 | heautitul trees Wad shrabbory, A PrN hares a 8 Bond Street East lop PIARt of Hamhly Brathers, wha! Xm, The subject will he, i ANCRITOCT and fniineen, TO Ane proached through # brick and the | winding drive toads past the house ANGLRGE Shs of hurglany was » minute dink - hate heen actively interested, with | Lords Frayen Motabhyaioadly {Qabawa eltiaons, (Fol) bth wow | her portewachere, (Rs hE) I (he flo wn marase At the rear, whith | tho soho! which has recently heen 3 -- R. 8 MeLavnehiin, tn promoting the | taterpreted, All ave weloame, home hatte fae WE Davis anf wow home of Baart Mobaushiing | is connected with the house hy a] broken nto and & dumber of founs | x Rk RBM commie ATORA Btajoct A C130) { sistantagoneral manager of General | san af, W, Mebanghtin,d one of | vonservaton DORE ARE BURGE Articles: \ Hare's Fawittoss 1onwes *)

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