Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 14

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av ¢ an gry neh €, A nario leens 1% it ov sermon was preached AWE, hive og Jose sred hers, I mer in the Ind fini n Jen In f and » ' 1 Bi it the files he er 0 Ji Wreck ress 8 Jogi Wve charge of fhe ears and e sommunigated with Ottawi pos ein regard to locating the owns 1) lone of Hwers I" WERE "REMANDED i Wiig Robert) Harton and nneth G, Cole, the 1 ' SK we ouths who were arreste noon "Wednesday jéaegiaign of a Chevrolet ne a James A, Pi a" tation, " stole ftom wironi of the gourt house piper efore Magistrate J, A WA A y afternoon on / ppd 0 of" ihe were remanded until Noy, le thelr records are being old nade here regent! gated, the ownership poof the ah fT ele, wh 18 Ae ' MRS, JOHN REID pi LL Bhannonyilles=Death visited thi effrey, one o mmunity wnd slalmed a respecte teen in the person of Mes, Jahn eld, The deceased had been in falls g health for some time and her oath aeeurred about 1030 on Baturs day night, Bhe had heen a resident of Bhannenville and eammunity for 8 number of years and was highly Apa # inks nd will ahout him, wis out fo vi | y [AR far 4s ean and lishey of fariane of, of er of the 1 Lo oline Jo from one of town today an will pe hantler, who dissovere ['} rn i @ | loss would volunteer ne inform e learned er Wren seemn to be between ranels streets and from Vielorls Avenue sast to 0 the 1 river, PAPER CHANGES HAND Arnprior, w= Atinauheemant o" # ehan Amy Hor digtinet sur» teens of the town, the best known and one of the ablest of Ontarle'y weekly newspaper editors, is to lay down his pen after 30 years as pubs the Chronlele, He has fa oked of the business to W, H, Lanark, # former Lif¥ anark Tra, but who ha speeted, The funeral wis held in rinity ehureh on Monday and thy A A ed by 0! ev, hey Wy trio ' re rept y 16 leaves 10 our pA which were stolen | her oss tH id se hus pnd, hier Wil erild of Hills und two sons, Cesll @ nt Anne and John at home, 0. ire sisters nd one ons brother, "GAs LOST IN IN BEWER Lindsay ==Approximately 6,700 gals ling were poured Into the indsuy recently, the affests hap away fram newspaper work for The gas My, oy 18a 1, Arnel d Mn t, i i , ; i You Must Have Sugar Suser Is one of the much needed elements in a belenced diet. WRIGLEY'S chewing sweets supply soser In a convenient wey, The flavor (s an extra delight, Then tool~you know you aren't adding weight, Sugar Is a fuel that burns up neediess fat, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 IT'S MADE In ONE PIECE THEREFORE IT CAN'T LEAK Every Leakproof Hot Water Bottle Is guaran. teed for two years, If the bag you buy wean out before that time, re. turn it te your Rexall Drug Stores and get a new bag free, A Leakprool oan' leak because it [s all one piece of live Para rubber, No seams lices or patches, Even the stopple socket Is one solid plees with the bag, Ask your Rexall Drugs gist to show you the LEAKPROOF HOT WATER BOTTLE $2.50 Bave with Safety at JURY & LOVELL'S THE REXALL NTORES King WN, Nimans §, Phone 8 Phone 08 # few years on aeeount of his health, J efery wis the third publishs h of the Ch I oniele in hall " century, with established in 1820 by the he John A, Mi Domid 4 sibser quently was sold to the late A |affery, father of the Present pubes ligher and at one time business mu- nager of the Ottawa Cltlgen, whe, In turn, disposed of It 30 years ago to his son FINED FOR MAKING WHOOPEE Lindsay =A young man was fined in police court Friday on the eharye of making unnecessary noise, He was ane of a hart of young men from Peterhoro cele the Peterhoro Collegiate Institute ov er the Lindsay Collegiate Institute rughy team, The young man was dri ving & oar around the streets, honk ing the horn, Another bay was alt ting on top of the or and the party valued oh a disturbance that thelr number was miven to the police, The fine and costs totalled oN, HIRAM LB "N, COOK Rrookvillo=Many warm friends throughout the distreiot will regret the death of Mp, Hiram HH, Cook, ol Yonge Mills, who passed away at 330 o'olaek en Thursday afternoan at his home, fram injuries sustained on Tuesday evening when he peel dentally fell from the verendah al his residence Gananoque on January 7, Cook was horn neal The late My 183, and tures, and remain an advertiser, Make this a habit, interest of shrewder buying. Channel buoys HAT would modern navigation do without the channel buoya==those floating markers that keep ships off the shoals? In a very real sense, the advertise ments in this paper are channel buoys, placed for your protection==for the safeguarding of the family expendi These advertisements are the signed statements of reputable firms whe seek your patronage on the single basis of giving value for every dollar spent. They are honest statements, the only kind an advertiser can use People whe get the most for their dollar in the mar ket-places are those who keep an eye on the channel buoys. Day by day, they follow the advertisements to learn what and where to buy to the best advantage, Study the advertisements, in the The advertisers in this paper have charted the channels of buying for you, Keep to the course, ruling the vietary ol {| it | ahawn In Hell | Famous Players at 40, Ford Motors Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO HAY AND BTHRAW PME od denivin fi bh Ad BAW Rie iniitie oh 8 Wii v Hin talk oy 1] liad oi fe wi ask, Toren A ih 1 i) wn iy Yi oaled Vol rinee a |! une Wi Het bill ini " , Linleg, tm hb [A] fi Veh oe, Ie Giaied Mw 0 oss ho, Veliveren ----rry TORONTU PRODUCE Vorante wholesale deaisin wis ulisiing pg Eh reli i Mrs ab the lllewing wr go Vrenhy ssbina, In eartony, fey (rahi ho Junne "Wes Min laprus, of weeanin, ahs WHY, Balin Ade) Hrnte, 40s) a8 wt id No, | GHenfiOHY, prints, 486; Ne Beran ry, pints fl { twlin Bh bd L] i ol {args Lad ALL] Hi Ld 0, il bin, 006i al Nort, i} iw ey Hey Hip 1h Flay a shilling, Vil "td Ly PALER EE am iy RTT I) 1 ih over Ing olf To IEE srrrirr inna | eases] AONTG PROVISION IRICES 9 wholeyhty rh ho TRUL Akh fh 8 Bip pn fi Hl he i a, ane "h pi Lo {| a 9 ql a POAINEA od, 19 hos! [" seh LTR "lear hss " on 1 po fl Ne Wl hy fa hy AY) wel ole, hm Liwhiwelhi wh ard Pre Ierens, Tei tubs, Moi pally, I " Jibs, i Wn ph Alerts ay 1} bof CURTIN i pile, Lie) Hine 1s v ok Joins Bg New York shoulders Ihe) oh pies; Bh pork hain, he oi ruaasle sprouts, ul, hanket 1] | ey, 4h | Cah : p ; 01 : wh Ave ' 018 Cninng [7 Endive, dosen 080 [IR] naeh, peek pn per pound (I | eal lattice three fay 010 ead Isttuee, # fo on Hent, hinaket [1B] ------ ---- a wis therefore In his ih year, He had heen a vetired farmer for many vears and was widely known through out the distriet, He was quite netive despite his advanced age and on Fuesday evening about o'clovk wits on the verandah at Ils home and manner stumbled and fell to the ground, sustaining a fracture af the collarbone, as well as frac tured riba, one of whieh plerced a HIN Hosldes his wife he is survived hy Miss Hertha H, Cool at home, He was a descendant of United Empire Lovalists and one of the oldest residents of the distriet Hoe was a4 member of the United Churoh hx LI LL ane daughter, Srem---- Stock Market Prices Vers, 6 yi bilons, bing Cusnmbegn, 11 ow Celbry, dus Viraley, per hp ih ' LST CP TE CL bos Balaily, twa bunehss Crapslinit, twa toy Loimans, pei dose 14 Rug With, Jib) {oe fig 86, Boh, Daaket Liveen bean, 11 gt Hines Un ' p JERI Peps s, sin lay i anhsrvien, ab " $0) IR anipe, WR, rien [1] uri, hw + Hs Apples, bis, 1 ' ' nin r---- EAST BUFFALO LIVE KMTOCK Wank Dulfale, Nay, Regains of hogs A005 he Ivers, Wij elusing weak to Tis welow upenings shimpers bolght serly ul 300 wd sparingly at WOES leis dreds 068 and dawn on weights al J60 a 30 Pandey 180 yin ~ pounds, $00 we WN Jigga; downward tw § Wseinin ol euttle 3,000 Hht steers and you lings "pion YT hig har, wely " kinds weak fa Wo i Mest LLL J Yr JL hi | hi ard 10 BAM medium wand shin ilys Toth | Hi fom Wo wieers and Jl LN fn 0 i iy hie RU] low meade eawn and heller UF OIE JWR) BULIGE HIROS EWR, 1] 7 Weueinte of salve, 1000) vealers sleady, $17 dawn, Hegnlpin of shosp, 14,500 he us "hn Sis lower mond ta eh oe ol Alm and Ang igh ie, ML te th wots, $0 1a $080) fut Wen, JL Sownm TORONTO GRAIN OTATIONN Cirnin dealers on the tant Baurd of Frade are making the fallowin Mari for eur late Manta ee yo Ng jor , MW Ld Ne ia i $1 NO Na) A TE Ne, Wie "1 Na ol 5 Ve reed, of 1786 (il, Cloderieh and bay poris) Manitobs oate=No, 3 do, MIA A an pi Na, § vellaw, $1.08 1:0 (all Furanto freight) Iralghtn, binge 1 aharte, py o H i | feed, 66 14g) Ne rall, delivered, Millissd, dellvered Month fniluded = Hymn, per ton ton, 837.001 middinps Wi Uniaite Krain=wWheat, § i 1 Bt bel barley, ta Tee) rye 40d | _luekwhes!, M ji hie BEE nals #otw aE "GROCERIES MERGE Announcement of the seven independent grow Carnwall merging ol firms In Cornwall and well known eh store of ganlgation trading under the nami Buperion Stores," was made regent tv, The merger will affect the local businesses In regard to purehasing, advertising and sales policies, but eich will retin [ts present manage ment atl stall he stores which will hepome Su perior Stores on or about Nevemhe \8 ured A, Bissonette, Wraunstein Hrothers, Dextras Lrosery, Edmond Drouln, Rrnest Hamel, Peter A, La viene, G, § Kilgour's Rrocer) aga ery suburb with the SR Markey Bummary by Canadian 'ress Toronto and New York Mock Quotations Supplied by Nioble, Forlong and Co, TORONTO ATOUK MXUMANGH Toronto, Nov, 18=Intarnational Niokal and Beagiiian again slump ad sharply on the Tarento Rieck Hxohanwe today, battered hy the renewed storm of Hauidation whieh pantred tn Wall Btreet, Thess in ternntional stooks hore the brunt of the local strive Running, Inte anather avalaneha of selling of dove an the looal market apsned ter an theeesday holliday, Niokel fost four at BDA, losing the great af part of last week's recovery nd Brastiian slumped ta around 14, about four points below the | ast loss he whole market was affestad ols, Industeinls, distilleries, and utilities altke, hy the continued selling pressure, Walkerstiondey Nam and Worts was the moat al Jdve swtook on the hoard and eam partively steady, losing only &§ ot 109 Heltah Amerioan oll sold down FW at 40 and losses of a point or more wera Inflioted on Imperial Ol at 2TW, Internationa! Petrol sum At 20 and MoCall at 28, Ney yioa Btations was substantially low Br oat AAW Losses of twa to five points ware Telephone at 184 at BY, Massey Haveln at 240 and Vage-Heraey at 20 Ets, NTANDARD MINING EXCHANGE Toronto, Nov Hooks reacted on the Btandard Mining Bxohange today wander the pressure of fur ther Hauidation, The opening waa teregu iar hut prices started to slip later tn the seaslon when the sell ing heoame more general, The val ume of business was fair Noranda and Amulet provided a ood portion of the total turnaver The former opened at 86,00, eased to 34.04, and then firmed bhaok to A448, for a loss of 40 ax compar od WIN Friday's oloss, The tats tor opened at 2.08, firmed to 2.19, stumped to L868, and then ananped baok to 106, fou A loka of 20, Wher pitt Gardan Was alsos active, and sold off 18 at 4.38, The oils were also heavily trad od In Ajax sold up % at 1L8W Alherta Paoitie eased 30 at 2.80; Calmont was off 11 at 88 Assos iolated Olle declined § at 1,80; Cal mary Bdmonton 18 at 3.38; and | ast Crest hold off 10 wt 1.20, FORKIGN RYO ANGERS New York, Nav, 13-=Foreign axohanme steady: demand vates, Great Beltaln 4.87 1:18; Canadian | dollars, 2 per cent disoount eR STORM WINDOWS "I SAVE MONE ¥ HALLIDAY Lame 16 Jackson Me MAMIY 162 1:2 to 62 May, LONDON NPOUK KXOMANGR London, Nov, 18,=Trading on the stock exchange In the early hours today wan Heht with Anglo Amerionn Inston wank fn sympathy with New York, but slightly above parity levels \ Hrasil Traotions ware AD, Hydvros and Radios 88 enoh, and Niokels U1, The allt edge seourt tien were fairly steady, but bus! HORE tn every Hine was slack Operators hare are not heavily committed fn Wall Btrest spsoial tien having reduced thelp commit manta In the early days of the dump, The result 1a the speculative noenunt in Tranaatlantio fssues Is smaller than for some months past, Wall Btreet opening prices dom nate tha market here enon after ROOK A% Tar as prloe movements are concerned, hut loval buying i# not extensive ---- TORONTO LIVENTOOK Toronto, Nov, 18. ~Uood hutohey steers wold up to $7.00, and oan ners downward to $3.80, Calves were steady at 2145.00 to $16.00 tor choles, Hogs were unsettled with packers hidding $10.88 fob, for bacon on $11.60 aff-oar, Lambs held steady at $11.80 for #00 ewes and weathers, No sales were made up to date, ORICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Nov, 18, =Mare than a fant break in wheat values here tok plage today owing largely to slook market weakness and severe downturns in Liverpool wheat que tations, The Liverpool sethacks in wheat prices were asoribed to huge supplier and to unfavorable finan. olal conditions, With buying supe port lacking, Ohloago wheat starts ofl wildly at 2% 0 10 Ao lower, and afterward steadied at about 2 ahove the initial hoattom Hgures, Corny Oats, and Provisions were Alan depressed, with earn opening 140 to off, hut later recovers ng somewhat, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Ny YA niben, Nov, 12=Wheat: Nov, 8 ta 3 IR lower at 128 10 1, Bi 2 58 to 3 LR lower at 18 tn 128, May, 2 38 10 3 AR lower at IAS 12 wo TH daly 3 to 3 NR lower at 1 to 18 1 Oats! Deo, SR to 1 LR lower at 12 10 1 38 lower tn od ! ? CHICAGO QRAIN OPENING Chicaga, Nov, 12 Wheat: Dee, | 18 Ld Mar, L210 34: com, Doe, 8% 121 Oats, Dee, 4 S81 Man, 48 TORONTO High Low 2 pw Ol 40% WN 0 ALR Gan, nd 190% 18% Can, Bid 20 Rig Caeokshatt NN 12 Cty, Dry, §0 \ AR WW, Ragen, 10% 10 Dam, Nig, 24 MN Qypsum LAR NN He Wal, ay yy Hw, Bnd, 30 Mw Ut YAY AR 3 Ww It, Nk $M 10 "nM Nn A LRT at of Soek ny A Nae 1 " WW, AlN. 13% TEN mp. Oil 3 pN Lah M#, ia, mi, Ve, Ehn HW, Blation 46% Abi Aux Aimnilet Wg Vali Hol Ha How Ha Ik Noy Mh, Mig Hd, Th Vn Wi Wal Hine Am, Am, Ali Halt Onn Chyyuler lw, nl, Dup lrls Hall ho ho an Gn, Hd, It, It, dhe, Ine, Max, Mi Phil, dln Him Min, al A | Win Yall Money rate 4 per vent I's they ol nea ton ke. "A" 18 Hr, 40% Vet, #6 Pwr, 11h 114 Hor, #0 1 w " LE 10% Mines 12h Wlandurd Hi 10 10h 150 gio I Kh hi Mig " Th Yi on Tih "00 700 | hon All hh On 1860 1840 104h Gold ko Ko so By, 1144 1076 07h Bh, 1860 1760 17h ian hon 400 Haon thy, ii i146 Ly ne hh hh 1] ] Ha hh hon hoo Hg, Hi6 Bib (¥1] Lures 46h A110 LAL Hav, 184 140 150 nwall 14 1h 14 Jeddo Coal THE BEST IN AMERICA Solvay Coke We Are Sole Agents Twenty 20 Delivery Vehicles | Our Service Is Unbeatable DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 2603---FIVE DIRECT LINES NEW YORK k High low §¢ Can, 108 iW 07% ¥e, Pr, 04 Ih % hTW enna LER LL] &0 & Ohio 114 114 114 10TH 106 106% Wo % J ho» LER hn #1 IT" 10g oi , Pua, Gs, NY, Gra, ont Pde, .. 448 4% is | 4 " ia ' 3 0 4 y ' Wh {I a J ' 0 ns Com, 114 0% Felo, ,, 0K (IE Man, 101 ! Mh Win 0% CERT Whrd 14% J 4 Ward [TAM hl Pet ig ah Nr, NJ, 68% I ih i J gow | YM ory ; ni TEM Bi gh hil (TL 1% J NA 10484 160 W LER AN 10% hig GLACE BAY YOUTHS LOCATED IN WOOWUS| when they sel out on a hunting trip, Fundamentally, we take if, husi nuk 18 wound, but too mepy men have to attend the stock market, Clues Hay, Nov, 14,~Allved Ne Cutharnes Blandard, and Arthur Dawe, Glace Bay | BL, youlhe, who wera lost for 60 hours In the Broughton Woods, eight miles from tawn, ware rescued re cantly when four searchers were gilded to them by thelr camp Five Moke Plavens and Dawe were ohaarved hy Capt, Charles 1, Roy, flying ona of the Hydnpy Flying Club's planes Thursday morning Cuptain Roy shouted ta them to kaop thelr five going and dropped A luneh which the boys were not abla to find A wingle paritriage wan thelr only food during an ex posure to the weather that began mons onl O11 NJ Aly Hie) worth aw I'rok Ontario weems determined, to kee) hath her Hguor sontrol set and hel tourist Hutfalo Courlersxpress, A Er nea A a tal BB BN BE NR. ENE BE. NN EN FE DON'T URE ORDINARY LAXATIVES IF they're 1iEtie hotter than habit«forg) Ing drugs, To-day snyhody can. got JAUK'S LAX, pure vegetable, swift, Ale, AFR, BANY 10 take, Heoommended by best druggists, A tiny dose does Ib, OR a ee I, WW, Thompson, Druggist not the weather, nor wher Hye, nor whether the wre slek well, poor or viel, that makes ie wroueh I thelr Hopkins Journal disposl NOTICE Oshawa Citizens are entitled to the best in everything, and a good Radio is one of the most useful articles in a home today, Consequently the following announce. ment ls made in order to tell the people of this sity and district that Luke Furniture Co. IS NOW AN E have heen appointed authorised dealers for' the famous Soreen=Grid Bosch Radio, Engineered beyond your expectations to the new Soreen«Grid tubes, Bosch {a the outstanding Quality Radio of the year--bhut not highspriced, in and hear {t=--you can tell hy ite tone it's a Bosch, Test it, ton, for ita power, olavity, ita simplicity of operation---its satisfaction in distance, You will enjoy seeing the new cabinets, Let wa demons strate the full value of the Soreen«Grid Bosch Radio, before you buy any radio. Above at ~Now Sorean-Gind dhtve 4 wi Rowh R Rian) Gone Ny of gracefn -- Ny a = A A bo and veneers with Pings are west effective, Back of the anni aetll is hoveed the elest wie \ adel ike Tam oth other Bly from LL ETS See the '"'Bosch" Radio on Dis- play on Our Main Floor 63 King St. East

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