Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Nov 1929, p. 10

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rh ' 4 4 ¥ w i *» MH Sof them had thelr { coaL ¥ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1929 "BLUE DEVILS" DEFEAT "ORFUNS" EFORE LARGE CROWD 13-9 i \bout 1,800 Witnessed Gamé on Holiday--Game Filled With Snappy Plays 'and Good Rugby--"Blue Devils" Look Good "qn one of the best exhibitions wi the fall pastime that hag ever pean given in this oily, the Gens eral Motors "Blue Devils defeats ed Varsty "Orfuns" on Monday afte wrnoon at Alexandra Park by a woore of 18 to 0, One of the largest crowds that an ever attended a game in Alex nara Park witnessed the game nd although It was a little late In slarting it proved well worth walt ir Throughout the entire game xoitement was kept high by the ilngsling plays of the * different embers of the two teams, Heldom has so much action heen seen in any one game on an Oshawa fleld, The Oshuwa Intermediates showed themaslves able to take care of hemeelves ngainst the Menlor team nd they dominated the play for nore than seventy per cent, of the ame, Only in 'the last quarter did the "Orfuns" veally look dans siorons, Oshawa outplayed them in overy department hut the "Orfuns" never quite trying and the fans were never without something to heer for, The game proved of 'wrent assistance to the Oshawi deam 'and gave them a chance to Srush up. on certain points Whivh wan only he practised In a game, " Oshawa Tacklevs Good 2 The most notiepable Join in the spllround good work of the "Blue avils" was the manner in which She team worked when on the des dansive, Nvery single member of She lineup got in some nies tackling Wiring hia game but the flying mokles of Rond, Walker, And Boul "thee wore exgeptionally good, fond, undoubtedly played hin host ame of the season while Walker nd Hotlthee weve apllling the ball oarriers all over the EIAs, Wilson played an even hetler game Shan the one he played last Hats surday All his kloks had plenty fot height and distance, The high ight of his performance was the hen goal he kloked, In the third ariep he tried another field goal m more than forty-five yards Sout and he only missed by a few get, Mis, broken field running Heo, left Hitla to he desired, S¥Doo" Nowden alse had another ood day, The way in whieh he gets away from tacklers makes one Sthink he was greased like the arathon awimmets, In making longest run of the day which wae about forty-five yards long, hoo' fooled six tacklers and three arma around m hu: when they started to hug fm they found he wasn't thers, QUALITY a) \ Phone 3060 MALLETT'S VE YOU AYN, DRY SKIN ¢ 41 DU BARRY BEAUTY . PREPARATIONS AW 4, Created by Hugnut i KARN'S DRUG STORE | "Blue Devils" Win From . "Orfuns" In Well Played Game Before Big Crowd - "Blue Devils" Play Sarnia Saturday By virtue of thelr sensational trl umph over the London Gas Meuse Gang, by an 111 score In Sarnia Just Saturday, Sarnia Wanderers have obtained the right to meet General Motors Blue Devils In the finals for the Intermediate ORV.U, echamplon- ship this year, The first game of the home-and- home series with points to edunt will be played here ut Alexanders park this Saturday" at 230 pan, with the return game belng slated for Sarnia the following Saturday, according to official notification vecelved hers this morning Itichardson Best for Varsity The best man on the "Orfuns" was the kicking halve, Richardson, Mis long strdes seemed to fairly eit up the ground and to high goes oradit for the longest run of the dny when he skirted the end of the ling for a run of Atty yards, Know: led and Baker aluo showed up well, The boys all finished game fn fine shape ang ever ember of the team will he fit and ready for action or when ever the "Nlue Davilg" have to meet the Barnia Wanderers, Harnip defested Lon- don hy ten points, the score heing 11 to 1, This means that the Blue Devils vill meet Narnia to decide the Intermediate champlonship of Ontario, The team, the manage ment, and the fans have all been waiting for this game and with decent weather It 1s likely that aven Monday's erowd will he made fo seem small About fifteen hun red witnessed the game of Thanksgiving Day Dinner After the Game After the game, the members of both teams were given a dinner hy the General Motors Rughy Club In the GMC, Auditorium, This din ner was given in order to give the hoys A hetter, chance of gettin acquainted, and. it certainly prove od a success, The boys talked over the different. games, past, present, and future , and expressed thelr opinions on the other games in other leageus that have yet to he played, After having done full jus time to the "Tolkey'" the boys wll Joined In a sing=soug, and impromptu program was kiven 1 0 Lonky, President of Club noted na chairs Ident of the Club acted as chairs man The boys gave thelr yells and Morris Kohen favored the boys with a solo, entitled "My Wild Irish Rose," "Phe Niue Devils" quar 1ette oonelating of Russ Wiginton, Jack Bord, ED, Wilson and Neil Heanlowsod gave no number, Thelp efforts were put in the shade, hows aver, by the "Orfuns' Quartete, Their "team" consisted of Brits nell, Morgan, Knowles and String er, J, Veer handled the "ivery" for all the members Following this the chairman introduced = mumber of speakers, Richardson, Rond, GU, Morgan, and "LI Walker, These boys gave thelr opinons and hopes for the game between Queena and Varsity 'whioh in to be played next Raturday, The result wus a draw, Coach Pound was then called upon to speak and he expressed his apprediation of the aplendid way in whieh the "Orfuna'. and thelr management had helped the "Blue Devils" out, Ross MacKinnon was the next apeaker, He also thanked the Tors onto boys for thelr sportsmanship and expressed the hope that they would make It an annual event, The chairman then Introduced one of the prominent guests, of Hie evening, the Well:known Tommy Church, Refore leaving for home the Toronto boys were all presents ed with a pencil as a momento of the trip, the Ra hE THE GAME Oshawa kicked wouth and Wile on who was doing the kioking hit the cross bar, Varsity were held on their two attempted buoks and wera foreed to kick, Rowden took the kick and made a few yards, "Dog" got several yards on bucks hut on the third down Wilson Kioked and Walker tackled Moe ood, Toronto kicked on thelr at down and Rowden run the ball back ten yards, When held on two plays, Oshawa kicked and Wilks son put the ball well behind the line, The Varalty hall missed the cateh and "Lis" Walker threw himuell on the ball for the first and only touchdown for the Blue {Neat Post Office Phone 878 EL TUESDAY AND WEDNES: 4 DAY AT 3 » The New Martin Theatre [Columbia Plotures Prosonts 3 JACK HOLT DOROTHY REVIER 4 MICKEY MoRAN HELENE CHADWICK "Father & Son" A Gripwing Story of Love k an Navrition Niled "Ailraotions 3 Comedy Noll Rinwers . ne ~ OWPRINGTIMEY EHR SPRCETN DER TTT ROX NEWN , Devils, "Doe" converted and at the eng of four minutes of play the OFS WAR ta 0 for the Nlue Davila, The "Orfuna" kicked and Wilson veturned, Movin, playing at inaide, brought down the wan taking the hall, Varsity kicked to got the ball out of danger and Doe" muffed the oateh, Elliott gained ailx yards on a nice huek but the Riue Devils kicked, Ries ardson took the eateh and was hrought down by Walker, Varaity tried an endsrun and Roultbhes brought down Meleod who was forceg to retire for repairs, Varsity Kioked on the last down, Cook made a niece buck but when they falled to make a gain on thelp next down the Rue Devila kloked, Alex Gray got the Varsity ball ear vier DARIRA hiv own line on the iret play Varsity were held and hag to take to the aerial route, Wilson took (the cateh and van the ball back twenty-five vards, Oshs Awa moved the ball aver to the ponte of the Hala and Wilson hiked for one pola. When play wis resumed HI of Varsity was Two members of the "Bluse Dev. ils" whe thrilled the srewd on the holiday with thelr dering flying tack. les. Both boys were right on and when they are on, they've hard to beat, The tackling of these boys was forced out of the game for re. pairs, Varsity kicked and "Dog muffed the cateh, He then tried to stenl the ball away from the Varsity man hut sithough he got the ball the Pmpire saw It and he lost it again, Richardson tried a fake kick but he was nalled by "LAR Walker and the whistle blew for the end of quarter time with the score 7 to 0 for the General Motors Blues Devils, NUCOND QUARTER Lortle, Johnston, Moore, and Kohan stepped In to relieve Cook, Willett, Cutler und Carver, Varsity tried another end<run. and Jack Bond threw (he last man down hard, iehardson' kloked and Doe' got the ball, Johnstone and Moors wera both sent through foi bueks and then Wilson kleked tho ball out of play, Varsity messed up thelr first play and Alex Gray the ball-hound of the day, fell on the 'loose pill, Wilson kisked the ball well down the fled," Varsity tried a buek but Logan broke througn the line and threw the ball earrvier for a loss, Kohen grab hod a fumbled ball sng passed to Wilson Laortie missed pn hole and hit the centre and he was stopped suddenly Johnston moved the ball over In front of the posts und Art tried a field goal with success, On the next pla) Bond broke through the Hne and elesred Riohs ardpon ta tackle the ball earrier Mack stopped the hueker and Varsity kloked, "Doe" run ball back thirty-five yards, On the next play Nowden lost the ball Varsty was thrown for a Joss and then thoy kicked, it war hare that "Doe took the oateh run the hall buek forty-five yards eluding «ix tacklers to do It, the very next play "Deo yards on a buek and Wilson fol lowed with another ten yards, Osh awa spolled their big gains by be Ing offside Although more than fortysfive yands out Wilson triad to drop kick and he missed the bar by enly a few feel He man aged to get one point of the Kiek ahd this raised the total up to eleven amalnst nil THIRD QUARTER Varsity kioked On the frat down, Lortle got yards, He tried pain but gob stopped, Lortte missed again and Wilson Kleked Richardson put fn the best run of the day when he galloped around th 1 for Afty yards, He wus (nally tackled hy Morin The game quiokened up here and both teams began to play good raghy Varsity tried for a fleld goal but only managed to get a rouge out of ft. This was thelr first score of the game, Wilson kicked the ball well down the field, and Wiginton fell on the loose ball when It was muted, Wilson kloked for ans other rouge bringing the seore up 13 to 1, Richardson again made [wx yard and | juckled | On { they HOL Lhe | playing back | | | | | | "LIZ' WALKER AND NED BOULTBEE one of the main reasons that the "Orfuns" ware seldom In scoring po: sition, The Wanderers are soing So have nty of trouble on' "Lis" and Nod start "working" their end. SS run and was brought hy Bond, Varsity fumbled the ball but recovered, They, kicked to ket the ball out of danger, Wilson took the oateh but was brought down In his tracks, Cutler erash- od the line for a small gain, Wil won kicked and Richardson run the kielk back twenty yards, The Blue Devils made a fumble and the "Ovfuns' get the hall, Kohen missed a play and tried to run the bull out himself but was brought down for a big loss, to end Lhe quarter, Neore "Blues Devils" 12 "Orfuns' 1 LANT QUARTER "Orfuns" moved the ball up th Oshawa two yard Hone and then the "Blue Devils" stiffened and the "On funs" thrown for un loss wie in succession, With the ball in from of the posts, the "Orfuns" tried « field goul with success, Wilson kick ed the ball well up the field when play was resumed und Richardson re turned, Tribble took the ball for a wallop und then Wilson kicked, Bond fooled the half Into missing the ecatel and "Lig" Walker fell the ball Wilson uguin agin kicked und Art walked buek with the ball for Play pepped up and there good being fest down, Varsity but Boulthes hirol through the hin and through the ball eareier for u los Richardson broke away ug the end and although Bond got him, Varsity had thelr yards, Oshawa got the ball on # kick and Ste caused Cook tu fumble when he tossed the ball Ww Cook who was going through for a buck, Wilson kicked and Morin Richardson Varsity moved down the field pnd on the third do kicked familton wh muted the cateh und an "Orfun" pleked up the loose hall and although Art Wilson made a nice fAving tackle and brought him down, the ball was behind the Time was up and Varsity fabled to gonvert and the game ended with the IJ ta 9 for the "Blue Devils The Teams Blue Devils Pos, ira y nap Marin 1 Hott Cutler Hond Walker Wiginton, Carver Rowden Av Wilson Look Lartie I'ribble Hamilton Kohen Houlthee fohnston Moore Hlack OMeiuls Rartlett, 4 nloe were oan wis plenty ol rugby shown, On the tried a buck win around vn Wi Hi sore Orfuns Henderson ringer Harper Brooks Hill Knowles Haley Carter Hritnell Richardson MeLeod Honnett Smith Organ lams Hurk Dougla Archer Luntdes Outsides Outnides Middle Middles ying wing quarter halves halves halves SUT " Umpire, Britnell; referee Western Wins From McGill London, Ont, Nav, 10,«Western Mustangs closed their first season in the Intercollegiate senior foots ball race here on Haturday at the Little atadium, in a blaze of glory, humbling old MoGill, 10-2, and tin. ishing fn a tie with the big Red machine from Montreal in the standing, Although held to a 8-1 advane tare t the close of the third quar Aer, the Mustangs quickly added AWO more alngles in the last per 10d, and still hemming the Red 'orew in thelr own goal area, fine ly 'broke through to block Urpus t's klok, MeLaohlan flashing in 10 recover the ball behind the Mos HN goal Mine for Western's second major score of the season, -- -* RUGBY RESULTS INTEROOLURGIATR Nentor wort Wentern 4,10 woul MOGI ions 3 Intermediate Ri MC vend OA, Junior Uiot Ti 29 MoGill WY ty INTRRPROVINCIAL Hamilton ....18 Montreal .,. Argonauts . 4 Ottawa ONTARIO UNION Newlor Windsor .... 10 Hamilton .. Intermediate Rt. Kitts Guelph IR xSarnia «3 London 'ay XeSarnia wine group title, Junior Malvern Qda, 10 Bt, Kitts , 20 MoCormioks 2 Niagara Falla 0 Wt, Thomas 27 Pi, Colborne 11 Galt-Proaston .® Thorold i. 8 ve Game called In third period th of iy Queen's o Wi 8 | ADDITIONAL SPORT ON PAGE NINE RUGBY STANDINGS The standings of the clubs in the various rugby unions and groups, Including games played on Haturs day, are as follows: Final Intercollegiate PW LD A 1 nN 6 112 A's 14 10 Queen's wv me 8 210 Toronto seevy 8 Went, Ont, woes 6 1 06 28 B40 2 MoO ws se 8 1 6 14 RO 3 Play-oft next Saturday--"Toronto al Queen's, Final Interprovincial n LFA Pty, Hamilton ove & 5 1130 30 10 MORLPORL wes 8 4 2 41 40 § Argonauts .,. & 8 8 KO 88 4 OUMAWA + sve 8 0 6 121238 0 Final Senlor ORV, Group No, 1 PW L FA Pa, Balmy Beach 6 6 0103 37 12 Kitohgner «+ 8° 8 3,060 38 6 St, Michael's ( 6 2 4 61104 + Camp Borden 6 1 6 14 84 2 Group No, 2 Pr WL FAP BAIA on ay @ 6 0 85 18 12 Windsor «vs 8 83 3 80 TY 8 Hamilton ,.... & 8 4 40 68 Varaity «8 1 BS 806% 2 Sarnia won play-off on Monday, s---- What this country needs ia some method of increasing the price of everything without adding to the vost of Mving, -- A certain actress, though maw vied, and Jong past her first youth, made up so wonderfully that she looked no older than eighteen, A young wan, who had often watohed her from the stalls, sought out the stage-managor and asked for an introduction to the lady, "I'm sure she's as charming and sweet oft the stage an she is op," he remarked, "She's all that," agreed the man. ager, cordially==so cordially that a fearful susploion flashed inte the youths mind, "I oaay, You=-you're not her hus band are you" he stammered, "NO, or no, sald the manager "I'm her son" i | PORT SNAPSHOTQ | By Guo, Oamreriy, Sports Editor They Did It! Yes Birl The Genernl Motors Blug Devils stepped right into the Rah! Rah! Boys to the tune of 13 to 9, The game was just as the score sounds. Not toe much scoring, fairly close but with the Blu Devils having a decided advantage on the day's play, The local team played "heads-up" rughy practically all the time and the crowd got chiunce of seeing what a good rughy game is like » LJ Ld \ large Crowd The rugby fans of Oshawa must be able (0 smell a gor because they certainly turned out on Monday to cheer the boys wong It wan the largest erowd that has ever watched a rugby game in Osh awk and one of the largest crowds that ever watched any game in Alexandra Park, And they were not disappointed, The game was wonderful exhibition of the fall pastime #nd everybody went home isfied, " 1 w * V v Ld old thine fight en Saturday The Barnin Wanderers displayed the and not enly did they win the game hut they defeated the Gas House Gang from London by ten points, This gives Sara the right to the "Blue Devils" for the Ontario title, The will be played in Oshawa next Saturday afternoon, The Hou Gung were better than the evils Mayle meel Nrst game London Gas Iu Il wanted to show that they hut that chance has been denied itis just London - # Now for Sarnia ie first game * * vn ta busin The "Blue the coming battles with Sarnia Devils" will get right 1 he vik next af the series will Le played in Osha Buturday afternoon The Saturday Hue UofT Wins In Last Second wena nih [RIT shin return guime In seheduled to be played in Paints are to count on the round question Devils bring another ehamplonship with the ball on Que He Then oame the the one that discussion uy divputod I Lo of and other plays that nee stantly being Introduced hy fans got together the hall one yard out wus tied, If wooring the he Quedn ands to play will Button of the nnd muah pla will enu wh von Ke had | en "n There may have been dy theilling finishes to a rughy game than that of the last scheduled game of the Intercollegiate senior sories which was staged ut Varsity stadium on Baturday afternoon be tween (he undefeated tricolor of Queen's and the Blue and White of Varsity, but neither the prosal records of the Canadian Rugby Unlon nor the memary of the old ont follower of Intercollegiate rug hy oan recall a lke ending to a thrilling contest The sLruggie ran the entire gamut of the tions for hath the players and fol lowers of both teams and when It wai ll over and Varsity had won by 7 to 6 and tied up the college Tacs there was a dearth of cheer ing for the moment, nothing hut gasps of astonishment, happiness disappointment and reallention of having withessed the kind of game | that Is played fn a novellst's mina but seldom on a football fleld It was ane of those games which are classed ns great to win and hard to lose but on the play as a whole victory went to the team that deserved It the most Li Queen's had won they would have deserved the victory because they would have turned back a squad that seemed to be the better one and when they lost it was a hara game to see flit away on the final play of the game The ending of the game wus the great elimax of a stirring struggle in which first one team and then the other held the upper hand, Av ter wooring the first point of the game, the Tricolor lagred by § to 1 at the end of the first quarter and were behind 6 to 1 at half time, With a minute te go In the mors i he na further hip would wl there wa vhamplon und there we oritiels i 'ricolor for he had onim Moma eral 4 recoling that hu culled that the ther the olslon, elaiming ternntives but and analysis will show the vight thing Hi Carter to kiel hopin Queen's taeklers would Varsity half or that be nn fumble On the In the game Varsity never had a return un kh from a tion und 1 thetion Ninelale's Winning Hotuen Carter hoofed a great hall, al moet perfect for hi wing ind least four of them were TI Jaok Bipolutr as he onught the hall He appeared hemmed In hut dod of to Ws vight, but baek to h | left, and drove the ball weil hack towards the dead hall Hone, a kick of oloss to 70 yards One of the Tricolor wings almost blocked he ball, Hinelair's foot hitting this player's hand after the ball had started an te way ROross to trey and met th the Varsity wings on tap of him and he no sooner pleked up the hounder than he was pulled to the grass for a rouge that Eave Varsity a load hy 7 to 6 Then oame the whistle and the HAMA Wak aver Later It wits | found that full time had expired | « jhat after Carter's foot had hit the | om they pla hunoks worl LL LE) | y Tad had haunee to K rimmage forma regular wm poamed HKe the ont oval hat were put in one og wat hitting 'em hard and heavy and Montreal Wins | tawa Eine hy bition football squad Queen Cavtor dashed | 0 other kleking ureal played both the lending voles, the | here and the villain and, as In all] wall tain fell to drive ball when he drove it fram behind "and conquer JACK BOND (Captain) Wha wet going on Pandas and his best games, Jack iow that he has really hit his stride we haope ta hear more from him in Sarnia It Ts [ tha coming game with Sarnia, From Ottawa FO yud hy bac klieldors, Montreal, Noy dashing Hed Moore and Gordie Winged Wheelers, swept #0 10 4 vietory aver the Of Henantors in the final sched led game of the "Hig Four Inter Football unlon here I'he Wheelers finished puson In second place, hehind the Hamilton Tiger who elinehed first place hy down the Toronto Argos In the Am vlty yosterday Wheelers played wide apen Lo pwamp the Benators hard throughout hut on provineinl Wmiurdas Lhe who Toughl who proved no mateh for the local | per cent af the play | Ninety was In Ottawa territory, and anly Wn dogged Ottaws defence prevent winning | Montrealers from wider margin The peared three touchdowns, three othe neensions they were within the Ottawa five yurd line, they falled to go over for the major pointy Nane of the Wheslers' touchdowns was convert thelr other five points coming the Whitty kleking five ad the winners but up on whan alr, Advoeats If you beer you will Hve emp up drinkin eighty rant IL 1s too late for me to Not I am elghty-one | H he had kick fd Into touch a mere five yards out the chaumplonshin would have bean it dinelalr had fumbled if the Queen's tacklers his own goal Hue the hull had pre ponl aves, or If Varsity wings had not got Carter hefore he could Hine and White the not return the hall the would have heen through for hut the ITs" were pUBOn fuel While 1 player there nll Junok half, hesplan tgnal out wny ol who was through dinclair, the Blues and he showed a versatility, He untpir to ni more than Wi ane prominent Wa) his wa singed melodramas, the hero ame through just hetore the ow the villain away thely Perry, the local | through | oan | one | vented him kloking, if hig | return had not gone wall baok intel | work the | | SSAA EA Ld ids sss TPT VIVVOYe Ye PUNTS and » TACKLES: k " B 4 re ew PEE a 4 > 4 The Blue Deviw gave the Rah! Hah! Boys the merry Hal Hal in thelr exhibition game here on Mon da bode deeded ddd Yee J Ld And while we all Akree that you | can't pin mueh faith in exhibition seaves, nevertheless the loeal fans felt that the Blue Devils won their game just ag the score indicated, EE BE It was quite a set-back to the Orfun team, hut they took it Hke gentlemen and the players on bath teams were loud In thelr praise over the fact that the game way wo Tres from rough tactics, A won: derful spirit of clean sportsmanship way evidenced throughout the ens tire game, Por the Orfuns, Slim ichardson stuck out ke the pros [| verhial wore thumb, His kicking, eatehing and running were abso- litely faultless, He made a fine impression on loeal fans LJ "ar the Blue Devils, Art Wilson und Doe Howden were the satels Hien Wilson's brainy paying win beautiful to watch and Row~ den's spectacular hroken-fleld run« | wing was absolutely thrilling, CO These two hoys ala # world of work and were In there all the tims hey caused the Varsity | tacklers no and of worry every time thay took the old spple, CO Alex Ciray Logan and Morin the plek of the line, This along with Black, broke up many # pl in its Infancy, They crashed the line "repeatedly to smear plays In the making, ware rn N ' v \ Moore, Cutler and Bilett held down middle wing positions In | thelr usual efficient manner, sven [ though Jack Bond still maintains | that the line was lke an Old Man's | Home ' ' 4 Bond, Walker, Boulthee and Wi glnton looked after the ends and flying wing position. And what # game these hove turned in! Their | tackling was superh and they hit with every ounce of strength they had In them The Hlue Devin ean still lay elatm to the hanar of having one of the toughest tack! Ing teams in the game, 3 + . | Carver and Kohen relieved ane | another periodically at auarier and hath shawed lots of ability, » LJ . | Cooke, Tribble Hamilton and Loviie were the ether members of the hard working haif-line, ana these hays certainly shone on thelr seoondary defanse work, They nil ed the Orfuns un in fine style and also did a goodly share of plunge ng » hd uw The team as a whole looked very well except that they had a tend. eney to const a hit in the last half, . + LY was a4 wonderful them hefore theiy garmin Wanderers, 'S » Blneere thanks are due Varsity Ovfuns for making this game pos. sthie and Its affect in hooting rug: hy in Oshawa will he hard to esti: mate, Nevertheless, the record orowd was pleased even though they did walt forty-five minutes for the game to start, Keep 'em open Howaver, It out fay clash with the . third period they were still trail ing by tour points, bu In that six ty' seconds they secured a touchs down on a fumble behind the Var alty line and were in front hy 4 to & going inte the final 18 min utes Then the plot steadily develops od to the grand finale, Varsity aw tnoked strongly but were steadily repulsed and the minutes were flit. ting away, Finally the Blue soors od a rouge to knot the score but A tie game was not better than a loss ag far as the ohamplonship hopes of 'the locals were concerns od, They pressed but were not only repulsed but forced to vetreat, The timekespers notitied the offi. olala and the players that there were hut three minutes to play and Varsity was thrown back within their quarter line, All seemed lost and a few of the faint-hearted started for the exita and it {a wy be hoped that these unloyal veoters missed the greatest thrill of many TUgRhY seasons, A Nerve:Wreoking Three Minutes What thrills were crowded into those final three minutes, Queen's were forced to kick on the thivd down from thelr own 80-yard line but a Varsity wing was offside and Queen's were given first down, They were again held on two downs and on the third Varsity broke through and blocked the kiok but the fates seemed against the Rlue as the ball rolled into touch and Futon Wore agatn give on a first down, Again the Blue line was adamant and Carter kioks od to Jaok Sinclair on Varsity's 23+ yard line, All geomed loat but the oft-re- forredsto Varaity spirit came to the front, The Rive made elght yards on two downs and then Sinolair kicked to Carter who fumbled on his S6-yard line, The Varsity sup porters ware brought out of the depths of despair when Ruddell cuddled around the aval Hardly a minute remained to play, On the first own Sinolair booted over to Carter and it appeared as It he haa stepped Into touch before getting over hiv goal line but the ofMulais ruled that he got the ball out, It looked like the straw that would broak the camel's haok, As pant of tha orawd howled fu protest of the decision, thet sams laesd wa

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