a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 THE GENERAL MOTORS "BLUE DEVILS" PRACTISE AT NIGHTS "BLUE DEVILS" MID-WEEK PRACTICE THROUGH THE EYES OF A "SIDELINER" Account of One of Many Mid-Week Practices Gives Some Sidelines on Activities of "Blue Devils" Shows Is Meant by "Practice" A great many people do not know and a great many more have a wr impression of what one of the mid-week prace tices up In Alexandra Park In like, In order to correct wrong impressions and to supply the necessary knowledge to those who do not know, It has heen decided to give an account of ane of these practices Just as It happened, is story of a Blue Devil practice Is given by an inter. osted onlooker and that particular nigh Hiv everything just as it happened on which Is typleal of what happens every night, Even the conch's remarks are included (of course some of them have been censured) so If you read this carefully | und tro your imagination you can pleture the entire evens § story In token from the Nevem pf the "Snap * & magaine published by and in th of, "the General Motors Rughy Club, gigi By J folly rrod the trans : ty of even the futd No ra dong " Park, and nineteen wa gn uniformed men In the prox imity of voles bey he A paintu Images RAIN t n weir | hiekgrowm of darkness, while t or profiles, nes centuated hy a foodlight which gas uneensingly upon them from wu deserted grandstand, lent neilihe A busrite 10 the pletury, | Was ne myst lou, F, bout § be peteen nil arm. i ed Fring volee In Sect pT fi 0 wird tha speake rk moment' was CHIT. g the jean Homeoie a rit place on w play h rh ely resortdd to hip Hg of stopping the play ow the Individuals the A Just an ordinary practice much that happens In a which the uverage fan hut little, i pio Instance dt abprosched five o'¢loek and | yout 8, the owners ol certain pe tucked away In eertaln the Industrial Relations last 1 wenduy bullding, hogan to clean wp thelg work for the day, Boon after the five o'glock whistle blew, most of them pulled In thelr belts a noteh and hustled over to the dressing rooms without bothering with such mere thing as supper Here Hum Johnson und Howurd Luke had als rendy astablished themselves and eould be ween busy helping th ora [4 with & thousands odds wd o Nani Johnson Is ou or of wiihun old friend of fh. Kelley gray, ong of the senior fora Dire ers in the Dominlon of Canada at the resent time, « Kelley 1s coming out or the first time with the Ble Javila toctry his hand at rugby and win In initiating Kelley ta the difs forgnees between uw lacrome and a ruby wniforim, Over in the other earner 'How! Luke, la placing a bands age on Thornton Logan's pet erm while dawn at the other Hh uf the room Marre Keohen and Rusg Wigln- ton hve tenporarib® suspended thelr dressing netivitles In favor of either | A hand waving competition or ap wes pument, we weren't able to find Ru whigh but In any. sass, Kohan A few minutes later oy Cul i Juek Bond and Radph Hamil ready drevibdy produce a i'l somewhere and proceed -F o la! It while Clit oe looks Able ih awny look in hid eye, Hee Pry ly ARufing out' a new play so ne« bok bothers hing he's polng to the park?" lack Bond, eraving to get into act on challenges (n the midst of spearing ['} bullet pass from Rene Lortle, res dehtly added. to to tho little passing Little by Little Fox Trot Voeal Bornle oo dh and 11068 His Orchestrn Johnny Marvin 2207 Moanin' Low from the musical comedy The Little Show" Y Fox Trot Johnny Marvin I Lift Up My Leo Relaman and His Orchestra LJ Finger and Say "Tweet! Tweet!" (England's comedy-dance sensation) Fox Trot Singin' in Jack Hylton and His Orchestrh The Rain: from the motion pieture "Hollywood Revue of 1900" Perhaps Rudy Vallée and His Connecticut Yankees Am | Blue? from the motion pieture "On With the Show™ Fox Trot Nat Shitkeot and The Vietor Orchestra Rome wh which Is going wp and down on oat, t's go come from about four hy erent volees at onge and the frp ¢ donb " le out th door an tor Hd [1 down the iy t Sn of a pos ible ride they set out on foo for he park, he remainder of the Oye a few fnishing tous 0 hele uniforms and In ups 0 three nd Jou ollow the Hirst p oul the door, Some are suscess e1 0 get ting a vide, not, they trot the most of the way fou hair wi ta Street Stade pened rk nd helr gone 0 be " 14 - r A iio wiv ut the Wi the dull thud of pie ide he "on "ean he heard and hoon closer oavastige, th n 4 on Cutler, Doe Powden and ray can be seen shout thirty wl out from the goal posts, sims drop kicks between the bars w ul: foo measures of success, if A 0 time, Al Moore ls an+ Jo Wy 6 run around the track hp wk pa ge ayers follow him the main sing, It seemed, to keep complet al other p reRsONn warm, CHE Pound, in the contre of the netivity, «a around him a few minutes later and seeing that praetigel'y all the boys were how on hand, with his charaes tl HD "Come on, come on" od the bays together and the pee Wl brustios was under way, With boys all wround him CHAE ook | uaa 0 of the opportunity 10 de boys were exp ting=-point out thelr shay fitonings k 0 the game at Be, Kite his he did in no uneers tin Muhugr and & look of combined Sinaternation l rele WAS Apparent Phe mM nished, "A ud Svek, heady. around the aa L ke It faust =was Cliff's noxt procedure and about three mine utes later the pack, puffing mildly trotved back from hein olreuit around the half mile oval, "Now Hien lot! 8 see, who have we ope tony Cn wis talking a Wand ab the sama time peerin through the darkness to (ake oy of Wa hinterial. "Well, well, Gray MW gov on the ball, Logan and Wil: ny you play dnside-~what, Wilson at hefe? right Brownie, where's rowiy eh on Ae play In Hop's tler vare wt middi LEN ond Wy nlon at outside, bee at fying wing, Care Ver it quarter apd Cook, Hubbell and Rowden, halves," 'The boys mention ed lined up mechanieally nn their us signhted places while CIN cast his oye at the remainder of the squad, Thane he presently Lined up against the team with the ball, 'I'ribble at centre, Degray andl Kohen at ins side, Art Wilson and Hamilton wt middie and MILL, Eagleson and Rene Lote at outalde few mare boys had not yet arrived, At this partie ular practive, Was enphasising fond rune' Som nighty it is "interference," others as gain It ds "line Pucks" and on still other oceasions he makes the team huatle OI new plays, But tonight it I Mend rams" with some words tw wet the plays started quicker thrown ih on the side, For ony solid hour the hoys work. od, the players being changed over from one side to the other while the second team was strengthened by the grentual arrival of Murray Johnston, Liz Walker and Russe Morin, It iy up to the "seconds" to stop the plays of the aftackers and it 1s up 10 the "regular" team to beat the "seconds" If either aide falls down (hteralty) particularly the o uiare they hear about It from the cone Nkawise If & play doesi't work right, the proper advice is levelled, and more than one, p an othing is wrong, CHft will § ey steam to one word "Sop not a player will budge iv cil points out what's w At About | quarter after asven Cl started fishing for a wateh somes tre beneath his sweater and aft it a eritieal urutiny raluraed Cli ner gensated th a i ion i hd 0 4 with the Wahl x3 [EN Only the two ors. ; "Norris RB no ha or or or the foe \ _-- = ot we SREY wh ge WY nother run ~ ke aon » ghd Nan business at hand © AAR ey then MANY are to get Hvely sana A ong won FYer came to ohnton i now In his the Ry down, Fist follow Nother wy nt plying a or's and Alex In the meantime Ross Mackinnon ' w caleulating whance |! of an va et pS | UVR hy 4 wa A Ey 1 tha evening ont & winigrareen to Lis Wal Gray's sore thumbs, THE "BLUE DEVILS" IN THE MIDST OF A MID.-WEEK PRACTICE 8 rolling A inte the room, olliwe warts ind Kuss Wilber, to Arr ibd Claude Wate nd ell Hevslewoo bani In thelr ape pearance goon after, These med wre as mueh wn part of an prietice us they are a game, and the players wouldn't consider It a successful workin unless they were on hand enst some time during the evening, liven "Nick" Nicoll was in evidence on this particular night Finally however Juck Bond discoy ered he was hungry and his diseoys ery spre when he was heard to iu 4 where da we va I As Il by sagle the dress room began (0 clear and in ten minutes not 6 soul wis left, Bowe of the boyy had gone home, others hid gone down town elther to (the show, the bowling alley or 1a moller skate, while others hind one eidst to the eyrling rink to spend the rest' of the n Le skating, hus is completed & mid week practiee, The buys will wll be back asain the following night and th same general routine will be follow ed, though no two nights are the same in exact detail, In this way, and only this way, arg the Blue Dg vile made A and ready when they qo on the feld for w game, hut the success of the team thus fir this ear, gives ample evidence af the mportanee of these moonlight grace teow And that's that! Buch is the rou tine of the regular weekly practice Alded hy the foed lights, which wre up in the grandstand and by a ball whieh Is painted & luminous eelor the Blue Devily wre waking thely hid for another Ontario Titermediate Chumplonship, Such spirit deserves reward, | The Blue Devils are al proaent proctising for thely coming 1] with the Vapsity "Orphans ai inte he held in Alexandra Park on Monday, Thanksgiving Day The same kind of practioes will he held next week when the i vils prepare for the final series with the winner of the London Sarnia series for the Ontarie Intermediate OR F.U, Title Now that you know how they prac tice, came out on Monday alternoon and see them tn action against the 1988 Senlor ORF Champs, th Varsity "Ogfuns" ut Hue A baby In Prague lived for two months without a brain, Looking around us, It ls not a record Ne Kina St, W, Phone 15682 M0 | i al PORT SNAPSHOT A By Gyo, Camroriy, Sports Editer S| 'oranto This Afternoon their game Practice As pit of thelr preparation fo Viruity "Oefung,"" the Bue Devils are having a daylight practice at the pirrk this aftesnoon: The bays have all heen told to be there at 300 sharp? Althongh' the Hoodlights are a wonderful help ta the Blue Devils, they da not glve the halfbacks a chance to practice kicking and hroken field running, . The other membors of the team also, do not get i change wt opendfield taking wl dhe gma, the soneh urdered a daylight practioe # * eS w Monday's Game is Creating Interest with the In order to brush up on these points lor today, The fellowing is a paragraph taken from the The writer 1s of the paper, Forento Dully Star Wo A Hewitt, There will not ba any local Boreal many fans will meter to Oshawa to between the Oshawa Blue Devils and the Bie Devils won the ORFL, im and are on thelr way agam, Ther Oshawa team would da mm senior 80 not only are the Oshawa 1 fares but, Queen City) will be down 1a waleh the rush ¥ » Can Sarnia Overcome Lon Threnghonut the provines on eityy fawn aod hamlet will be wate! Quden'ne Varaity he Osha patience but for the most part, the [terested in the game wp in Suna fo (ht | will try avercome an oe House Gang has abtied tn the thie Ha" will 'meet the winnes * . STRIKES, SPARES "Ching" Johnson Says He Wil! Quit New Yark, Nov, 8.=Uhin John wy one of the antstanding defen: stars in professional hockey, has de cided to retire from the game alter an entire day of diekering with Cal John Hammond, president of the Now York Rangers, over the subject of inereased salary, YChing demands a salary beyond anything we ean pay, Cale Ham wend sald, "We have removed hin from our plans for the season Johnson, a preduct of Winnipeg Man, eame to the Rangers from Minneapolis in 1928 and though one of the greatest defense men in the history of hockey, has been contin wally beset hy injuriess Ho was lost through most of the 1936.27 cam patn because of a broken shoulder and last year suffered a fractured ankle, \ Johnson sald he would devote his time to the management of oll pros no doubt, 8 great many of the Naturday 1 of the Tigers Argos game fund Will wlio walt the AND BLOWS TOMORROW sport ealummn Editar of that special the Sporting football game on the holiday, so see the exhibition game Varsity Orphans, The championship last year how the ermediate ¢ Is mueh curlosity as to company," ughy fans going to be out in full rughy enthusiasts of the the game, Come early and avoid * w don's Eight Point Lead? the rugby Ung with interest, fans the ul every are of the in Hamilton omteome of theye games with im of Oshawa will be Wanderers of that eity mdon La Hue Dey poaple mare in where th int load, ¢ previous which the 1a game I'he " . Cob. Hammond reliant diselon Nod hig falling (0 geome 10 terms with his defence wee I was prepared to give "Ching' a ubstantial ingrease over that him under Ms old eantract," Ham "But 1 was unable wo prant as big an inerease as Johnson himaell seems to think he is entitled paid mond sald iH Johnson has definitely spoken his last word, his retirement will see the passing of one of the most ef feetive defensive and attacking play ers who has figured in the limelight of professional hockey fn some years Ho was & particular favorite of the Gotham fans, Without the services of Johnson, the, Ranger management will be calls od tipon to revamp Aheir lineup, with "Vip" Foster, the most likely candi» date ta AN the defensive role with Leo Rourganlt as team-mate, Anoths er likely prospect is Lea Quennes ville, who is reported to he a husky youth, with plenty of speed and & perties he owns In the west, willing worker, Sv----" "Orban oot og be " againat the General Motors Blue Devil" at Alesandva Park Day at 330. Know: for the "Orlane an Tigers Vs. Argos To Be Aerial Game ------ Hamilton, Nav, yee Huek Welch, the Infant of Tiger Big Four team, will pit his tos agains that of Prank Turville at the outs #oL of the "hattle of the decade," the closing game of the schedule here on Haturday, Coach Rodden decided tonigh ¢ that the Bengals must have the full benefit of Welch's great hooting as an ald AEainst Argonauts nee at the start, At least, and in naming the start Ing team for the contest he placed Weleh an the rear division with deana and Kddie Wright, with Languay and Gibb In reserve, Glenn Bmall will he at flying wing, and Ray Hoadway, whose charging methods oreated havoe In the game at Ottawas, will erack the whip fram the driver's seat Denman will paly up at (nelde wing with Clarke, and Timmins, Biford, Fear, Simpson and Cox will make Up the vest of the line, Tigers wound up thelr pre-game Preparations with another smooth work-out tonight Hame af the backs were aut while it was stil) daylignt, but they contented thew: selves with hooting and passing the hall keeping moving mean: while, When the team proper made He appearance, however, all went inte action, helng ohanged fre auently by Rodden so that every man on the squad would have mare chinga a Yinbiarien the signals, which have heel ohnnged altaget hs er fram those weed In Toronto Tigers ape confident they will win dacialvely, If not hy any great searing waren, and they are all primed far the hig fracas, Great Demand for Tlokets are primed, This elty 18 divided are primde, Thin eity 1s divided da dh i 2 = Conjecture is vite around town ahont Just how hadly "Orfuns" are going ta trim the Blue Devils nest Manday, CRE The majority of tans think that it we get hy with less than " points we'll he awfully lucky, few others are willing to say that al least we will go down fightin aven though we are on the shor end of the plank, \d » L It's venlly very kind of them te ha wo considerate but the team themselves say there won't he five points difference hetwesn tha teams, In whose favor they refuse tn @tate, . " LJ The local hoys appreciate very much the fact that the Orfuns are giving up & holliday just to give us an exhibition game, It Is & very fine thing to do and it marks them as helng true "blue sports, LJ [ | The executive is planning to give the two teams a fine Thanksgiving dinner Immediately ater the game in the beautiful G,M.0, Auditorium, . 0» Jack Bond in winted to sing with Bd Wilson playing & heart-rending ahligato on his favorite Jew's Harp, (Attention Levinaky and Kohen)y oner Pour " ol to vender the Whistler and his dog with Res« tures, Doubtless this will be ¢ outstanding number on the whale Program, LJ vy Doe Rowden, harmonien king, " playing the overture, while hove are eating soup, No doubt this will he & tremendous sucesss hee cause avery keen sport likes a lr tle apposition, CN However, as plans show naw, the dinner will he an unqualified sues nan and It hesneaks of the seed fallowship that exists hetWween clubs CR ; OPEN 4 now Inte two olasses, those wha have dJokets for the game nd those whe are trying to get them, and all odds are against the Inftar olan, To date nearly 10,000 tleks ots have heen sold, and whilegthe altendanga. may not rey of the Varaity-Tigers eastern final mat season, 1 will he thepa op thereabouts, Hxtva seats have heen nutalled to take eave of the tremendous demand, and if mer could ha put In they weuld be sel quite earlly, A delegation of aver 1,000 from the Quesn Clty will swell the erowd considerably, » NEW MARTIN Now Playing THE VALIANT A Dama of Courage and Love Broadwa COM Blues KRAZY KAT KARTOON 10 wm Chapter w= 10 Pivate of Panama z rack Girl ? win | BETTY COMPSON Stan Lawel Oliver Hardy Regular Prices Tal Travel The King's Highway | Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - *SUAONTO ™ ) and e of hain Me en RAE tam. Come aut and sue | hpi B00) JoknoN KNOWLES. RS, (LEY T) AND ah MeCULLOUGH GH (RIGHT) eo Tar and Meulpi-at i LEAVE OSHAWA LEA (Standard AM, 330 4.3 230 "Ne 1.30 oll 18 2.30 LEAVE TORONTQ 430 8 1.30 230 Ge Daily exept Sunday, o--Sunday Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, Conch voimttions at Hufele Tet aff USA, hoirt, GRAY COACH LINES Hotel Oshawa OSHAWA