THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 ro Vomen's Jnicrests in the Home --- and the Community a ar ---- |e B fis Ont, ad ipod 0, AA fos : Ll] Wy in thn he | on wit lot wil io oc hs im 3 w if dh gavel Hart, Mary and Helen and Harriet Ho"! Nor Ronis Fring, holdny the Hg [hr olen and wi nm Wy poitloin Pyeon Lid 0h i © Mig LF ari ih deormond, 150 BK COULD biti WORK hy di a i Mine H, Mins fey, if Mr, Riee, ot On Thurada fos of Holy dareatt veoelved and the where Mrs, anninted hy Mes yi M tor, Mra, Jones and Mpa, attends the number who The hi tenho the a Resident 0 prog Mildred Johnston (lvele, announeel ning of the avening, nolo Luke, They wera Aprabes Debussy and Cradle Hong mer, . There were vooal Mr, Fleming, isn Mario Mrs, Hlewart Alger, and Holden, Miss Louise Court Your Best Dettnce 'When Winter Comes SY up your drength for Stormy UILD a bountiful store of reserve before winter, with tap oe ood wind, snow and ice, takes iw Make Oveltine be for Blowing health, al vos UP BRAIN, NERVE AND BODY Ema A ei SS HL Mee Tole: Mis Lobos, The Indes were wall pleased with in a few hrief Lil at 1] @ number was a group of two played by Miss Ma 0 CIAL and PERSONAL Vraser of i n Joba | md This 1s a Somiele, Hat of those in ren Jt ull, Miss 6, Miss lb A Holley, Mw, May 4 risen the Ina. rinity COhureh # ton at the Ohureh Rastory, old " Huasts Ware Nshereq | Into ! he dining room h poured tes, Poy and with the proceeds which are te go In aid of, the ehureh fund, uaploss of the Elisabeth Long Mission Oly ele of Bimeos United Chureh last evening was indeed a suscess, M " pi ret ue hy hy in Hons oo a" "| talning the § be Jronen with har von rend' i, Th dig two Yolk in #0) Xt a i a rday afternoon, 5 A tation, eR: Ri ditad hk o pit rew's "Oh ir hala JIB aliarmoon LF bi (a? hue we if Ro bo v Hoi in, ET i ™, Wee: vwell sha ye, § ham who vain Mie. Row: * nM Horton, Mrs. ' oh ors aw, and ow, The proreeds Moun. tod "to §40,00, WOMENS MEETINGS | WMA BIMOOK WF, ORUROH sp wile Tha ks 44iving mes Reting /] the amen's i Shneos i, Vii Ohare ¢ M held Uraae Bevetlins) J by Hi Kveraon and Mve, Adaly were f lowed hy delightful it Haw: gonslating of & sola art Alger, plano My Ay Kir hy, and & most inepl Aine Rate by Mra, Careoallen o 0, hy, Whose ih ant rr WOthe Women's Shoes," Tea was os to the seventy-five ladies Present, w.0 mY, The Women's Ohvistian Temper: ance Unlon held thelr read I» monthly meeting In the sehoe room of King 88, Chureh on Tues day afternoon, Nov, § After Havolional eusralses and the business was disposed of, the meeting was favared With two very datenih Nolo by Mr. Geo, Db: hie, wha Is conducting a revive, heres. Mr, Dibhle's messans of SORE Was very mud a Appa ated, Me Qounty Frenden!, re, Geo, Jackaon, Fort Perey, in & very able pddress, vaviawed (he lamperance sliuation a8 we have IL today, pointing an many of the eaussd and challenging hy workers as wyonter siforia in future, HM ave & vapor wo othe Loi nial RHE) A Da vention recently held tn Winduor, and told us that wo could only hope far & completa viotary hy Naa "a ol a thoroughly / tod pub opin v Thien Wolo rendered b law, the meeting close nen NAM OHAPTER O, B, & embers of Bunbeam Ohap- vider of the Kastan Siar L010 peEvIaY meating in the null on Thursday evening, Wiig WHE A large attendances I. momuers and vialtors from many, sunnyside, Queen Wy, wenohes, Ohapters all of Toronto, whe Heaver Chapter from Heaver ton, and chapter from Windsor, at, Mary's and Bowmanville and one member from Reelin Mes, Lu Walker, D io, of the diateloy No, 11 was rasan i for the annual inspection * the ys Wor And commen dhe {loars on thelr He AB alo complimented ater race Walker and W, B, ia Karl Olt on help pani ta Mia, Walker wan accompanied Mra, Sara flbheran a member o the Grand BExeeutive, Two van. ratte id degrena of the order an Joie Reld and Hrother 1a ov contributed a very enjnvable Menke bY he aif fron We a bow 0 RA. anion fi Ww, . i he YI % Rehica eb : Oknk GARNISH Okre pods that have heen stewed ply ny vir yt stick a fork in Them eadlly Make an unusual and arith for hralled halibut or fl POTATO FLOUR For creamed soups and gravies, potato four makes an excellent thiekener, Tt does the trick perfestly und gives ow clearer appearance than nl flour, GLOVE CARE With the advent of longer gloves with new frocks, glove care assumes a Never roll weed gloves fie a ball, Booth out Angers, and blow alr mio them and fold earelfully, Da not pull gloves off ar on hy th culls, Never put them away damp from rain of preapiration, \W hel) | washing them, use soap Haken and add a Wo wlysevine MENDING HINTH It your small san wears aut his knlokara' knees almost hetors he LUrnE around, try belkin them with same staunch material hefore he puta them on, instead of patehs WE them later, You ean but the patel on the back with favisihie stitohes and prolong the good ap POATARES AR ee IR0Y, A tarn y+ ar a map bow ended enally, as the ta y the use of af) wpe, fh requires ne stitohes ta shaw, as In & dam, (et from tha talloy some of this mending tape, or use § plece | * of hloyels tApe, Lay this under: neath the Lorn spol and Arrange the threads nearly together 10 caver and hide the tear, Carefully lay a oloth aver this and press with a warm iron wath! the rubber In melted a holds together the |! threads, The spot will be rather atife after suen & mend, hut asd Wo harm in goods which " heavy and stiff anyhow, . KEE® OVEN FROM RUSTING Altar baking keep the oven doors open wntll the aven la they sughly cool, In this way ne mols are oan accumulate and form Fuat, Daa I Ld I. Wo other oot EE -- COD LIVE KR SAR! a The Woes Cover Vor Anrthing of of J font o oe Homemaker and ad! A THOUGH? FOR TODAY itn Mater | of economy to he happy, to view Wie CURRY ditions trom the " vightost angle) it enables one to sels Jile at He very host, It expands the soul, TABLE LAMPS Vor table linia there are i different Hpi bo ng I od today) the wired vase In ho in with the chs deter ot " 0 wired ehndlestiok : nai, sliver, or wood, wasting Ith design and period, an ne ar § 1ght eandleahr hy an adjustable metal shade, T (i In hesldes a fourth Whe the figure Nuh an & shepherd ov shep h i bird, or a (assinating bi We one Jade, nléh #4 the slestrie Fe hie k J i and Is both ernamen "hn ul sof the decar 4 Juve of the lamp shade an # wade of, an equally imporian point " 0 have Jt of a alse al slinpe that sult the base, Whstevit that house may he, Move sins In desarating wre sammitted In the name of lamp shades than of wimoest whything sles, Proquently, they ame uhitively ous of prapartion, v Justing the shade to sult the nese way he spoken of us u aasg of he opmingnoss fest, To noeomplish (hm AE 1s neeessaky (0 Lipve somes understands the makin of lamp shades see (ho hase an make the shade to fit 18, De not depend upon yoursell to see the wlee that you will need, unless yo hive tind a shade on the hanes an know that you are vight, The other Important paint Is thet the hulbh shanld he shaded so that the glare doss not strike the eye of one slitting In another "oof the roam, HBometimes & shade bs all vight when you sre close to It, ut at a Hitle distance, It In Just high snough to expose the bulb and give an unpleasant light In the even, Thevefore It 18 nesssss that the depth of the shade as wi A Ie width, tap, snd hattom, studied with ears, No he rules can he ald down, It bb 8 onne of fitting the Individual hase, whatever It may be, pki using a very small shade on & high san: dlestiok aor 8 very deep ane on » low oandiestiok, Bath are equally ad, In many of the modern reams, the tale amp, a shaft of the pi aatal type, phinted hiaek, prov ww Lacquer-red, In Areciive 4 in stpsoially 80 In oo Kmpive fesling, where y wiih : helanas, ne [IY dashes ire wit ® ) had ar Janp h row: fram y is pam on nies oh small tables or on a desk, These are attrastive In sliver, with the metal shade paint: od green op lnequersred, In Peoms with dark paneling, ® hav} ol English candieatiok finds a hap hn place, The ahiads may be of plait od slik or of parchment, PUR JACKET AU Ona of the amariest and moat appealing of new Imports Ia f r fmoket suit, The frock In af salt colored rose tweed, of jason! weave, and the little lapin ih HS with rose twee re and a litle vose tweed flower on ita lapel, FUR CAPR A bladk maliak threeguartsr length eont, out on rather airalahi lanes, though with the ower due purving upwards In front has a avalt Ne od cape collar, the ands of whieh tie In a bow ulder the ehin, FLOWHRED DROOLLETAGR The very law haok of a dawn [Ink satin evenin Wh of Sok HY ond ane whe in Hva aha from the point line, RECIPES THANKSGIVING RECIPES FRIED Sion Out the a. portions and lay ShAREIRG the + hod Remave ram any, pi how A iE: hh A \ caver on in hot butter, ohtoken i @ EE nd Tw water and it and ly When i ho nioaly \hichened and DOWR, Fawr slioes of i onlona fine), iW Water Add aonsoning, NUT BREAD Eat Cp 0 AE LL ATS \ ul y stirring eT make twa oF You do, dissolve freely, to got suds , , Do you wonder to your hands, LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO wilt § prm-------------------- can leave a stone in the dishwaler all day It cannot dissolve , , , Ie will do nothing , . + but you can depend upon le to "last," Most soaps are like that , | opr goaliy Is deceptive, It means rubbing and rubbing to got suds Buds should come quickly and easily , , , as Sunlight suds Sunlight Is al water that's unnecessary even wasteful, Yor booanse Sunlight ls all pure soap It is move vconomical , 4 bor for bar it washes more clothes thaw eommon soaps, grok impatient with low quality soaps nlight , , , and never could pos Be 1 Then look for the $5,000 Su means real economy=-longer life + hard and "lasting" But this pos soap. It is purposely made to No need to rub hard with a ") of Sunlight + and as for leaving Sunlight Soap in the that millions of women the world over have + + DOW use any other soap Algie Guamntee of Purity, I to your clothes-- protection A A. ne ha dellelonn for Thankeulving MOOK MINOR FIR One cup wolasses, 5-0 sup vine me WL water, 1 aup sugar, | Wp bread "Srna, ue Shop ine, i LAghiy 10a: Rah a af AP wine Mou SRT Toronto Hamjlon LITTLE OAKKRS Twothivdn of a oup of butter, 1 up sugar, Bo enee, b oup milk, B teaspoons baking powder, 14 oups faur, § teaspoon Havering, Cream butter And sugar, add well-heaten | 0, BIR dry Ingredients and add Alternately with the milk, Add favoring, Drap tn small mun Hane and bake In moderate oven, KARN HONE 370 NEXT THE SOSY AW 1) on sale tos clean how axclusive -they day at §1.88---a ance! as Tt ~--the smart peo to a foast eet Unpreand in hats of the better type. Models of distinction--each with gain dhe Boulevardes of Paria, thovar-al tthe oon pee n 0 aii offering,