Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, PAGE FIVE ih bh FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 HBA Ho 67 eT 14, ub wir tm WB re BOM po NEWOCANTLY Tans a ket dn 00 i" nk Majority tor Bragg~10, DARLINGTON TOWNSHIV Poll No, Hott 4 TT | whieh are given helow, Bragg we ured majorities in Clarke town: | Poll No, Wp, Newcastle, Darlington town- 1 yi Wp, and Hops township, Elo] 4 000 aeured majorities In Port Hope, 'owmanville, Millhwook, Cartwright awnship, Cavan township and Tanvers township, This announcement hy the vee arning oMesy last night hrousht 'nan end much speculation as to ha rasult of the vote, and marked nother milestones In he elonem glaction esmpnian ever withessed in Durham county, The figures were! MUADNODK IER nville ly ° Times », pr-- MORTLOOK Hopressntative Phones Office B81, OFFICIAL COUNT GIVES W, J. BRAGG MAJORITY OF 14 Returning Offi fcer J Mes Camus Made Statement Last Night Ww. I Drags, Libera, NAN 6 ks of 14:10 Durham county, aes ne to the oMelnl election ves oo ARhoy peed Inst night hy J, amin, Milbrook, veturning of floar, Milton J, Hillott, mayor of Sok manyille, the Conservative ean didnt, will prohably demand a ve int, he stated to The Times to [13 According to the eMain) flgures, oT AY Poll N Wa ER RRR RE tran 4 (CRE BR's 100mm bh if EET V4 vim § a RE TREE EL NEFA TART 1 Ep madly ul fre 1 4 ben Bo vriversimm 11 1 vier Kin ima pr 1 [rT nr BR rh 1 rrr mine UTI OB sro vmmrt B04 berm Ta mh tere wht 1K Yona Fun Selling The Second Instal- ment of The Greatest Sale Story of 1929 A Brand New List of Bargaing That Reflect The Marvellous Values of our November 3 Big Days Sale wc) . Be bi Majority fo by the i87, HOVH NEHIV Pol Ws Hw B NR REE BO vt ramen Bh snr bres rr et Im Poll No, a Witt preg REL RET TT ] fa LAME LENE om 15 " 104 480 Majority for Willeti--K6 CLARKE TOWNSHIP y . | No, Brags Willott Pall on. Praga a WAN AR ar] [i i I em vb J leet tons + wry 4 1 8 son 1. some B- TH Bey fama banning 8 Be 38 soo barroom 18 104 8 wots , BB LY Bh Hh BB vivre rbimmes se WE Ward 8 0, 3 winirer 08 TH Bh shinny as to #0 Ward 8 Wa 1 aw H HH f vee nmtrrry AB h T verry rm MO w i LL Hi LIT " ard bp, . , TA 100 greens 1) vr BB hn OR ream + h yr 4 8 oh hot kt Wurd 8 wa TEARS | IEE 67 BY NT "poli 0 Ale | Kd41 1008 Majority tor Blliott--R61 BOWMANVITIN Poll No, Beaag ¥illott Ward 1, 104 187 BR varies 01 114 ih 3 In von hd 147 ID. mina ses ne a7 PR omer 18D AAT ih vr BB (L "" Wh id , Ab 1 +n s AU--_ RRR FER 14d Majority for Bragg-=hid, PORT HOVE rol ot hen vay BR AREER] 10 hha Majovity for Hragg-=8A0, RECAPITULATION LTT Hilion MIB OOk om veers 104 BRD Clarke TWD, vows y B04 BOO Neweuntle " tre Chintz Covered Comforters In the Double Bed Size $1.98 36-inch Silk Georgette Colors == Ceranlum, powder blue, peach and mals, yd, IEEE EEE EER EERE EEE EEE] 40-inch All Wool Navy Serge, Yd, ., The Best Pure Silk Crepe Back Satins In a very complete range of colors, $2.95 quality for, yd, Wow $1 95 Fl TRL arte rr ome B06 THA Dariingion Twp, 1104 hd HH Han Port Hope vw B41 1008 Bowmanville ,, 1160 Ourtwright Twp, ni Onvan ww: ' TLL] Manvers Twp, aL) Hape Twp, dn IH BH Majority for Bragg TRAINING SCHOOL ANNUAL AT HOME Over 280 Attend Banquet and Dance as Guests of the Staff The Bays' Training Behool was the seene ul » large withering last ove wink when 250° Rotarians, prominent eltigens and friends of the sehool were the guests of the superintendent and staf at their annual At Hon The function was held in the hall of the new seheol whieh has heen named alter G, Howard Ferguson, Premier of Ontarib and In future will be known as the Ferguson Hall During the hanguet "that was the frst event of the evening Dr, UG, K Reaman, the superintendent, an he half of Mmselt and the staff weleom od the puesta to the school, Follow In| the dinner a soneert was put on under the supervision of Mes, Rea man and amang the many tems on the program the musie of the string quartette and the two vieling, aseom panied hy the plano was outstanding Alter the soneert a dance was he f in the mally decorated hall ta the muslg af Brion TL and his arches wa The decorations deserve special mention as the hall was net reeoy Maa ble an ta ald sell, having heen 15 only bought and held specially for the November 3 Big Days Sale, each ,. +. . REAR NEE I ght LR EY Frat hy EERE 004 Majority for Bragu-414, B44dnch Wool Coatings Navy Chinchilla and sand duvetine, Reg, $2.95 and $3.50, 3 Big Days Sale Yd, 51.95 Such a Silk Lingerie Sale as Is Seldom Seen chor ave A, Hundreds" and hundreds of the daintiest Jrotiient, finest Gift Garments at a price that is remarkably small, Princess Slips ottis nlekers==Nig owt tmBlouiers and Step<dns, Regular $1.40 10 98 e $1.08 values, THREE BIG DAYS SALE | : Women's Meraerized Broadcloth Slips Regular 59 36-inch Real Silk Taffeta for Princess Slips, Yd, 80¢ re ed fl ..e. RENE w, tee N, Ward in 190 ih 104 go A ih 4 ¥ N Ward 1 Women's Mercerised Broadcloth Bloomers Kil 1160 Regular 59¢, 3 Big Days Sale | Majority for Elliott 0N CARTWRIGHT TOWNKHIP Pall Noy eaaw Killa 1 mh hi " 10K ih 30¢ In a full fange of colors and #lees 79¢ and 98¢ values for INSULATING BUILDING BOARD COOL IN SUMMER Fancy Jiffey Aprons The new Christmas stock in plain ehambrays with faney trimming, fAgured prints, check ging Tc hams, and factory cotton, Reg, 98¢, Each Women's Klannelette Pajamas, White with colored trimming ya ah WARM IN WINTER ES ------ Satin Brasieres & & Plein or Broeaded Pink Fabrle 28¢ 88¢ | | # Bo. f In all sizes, At / in Majority for Elllott-=T4 CUAVAN TOWNARHIP No, Wreaun Whi yar 8 . te 77 107 7 11 '1 ah hal er i Al AR OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OBNAWA, ONT, $1.03 A40¢ 36-inch Black Duchess Dress Sat'n, Yd REET RE EEE N 3. inch All Weel Dress Flannel, Yq labial 36-inch Habutal Sill The Best Dollar Corselette We Ever Sold Regular Ha and $1.50 Is priced very specially for this sale 89¢ nl THEE $1.29 | EN TEE An +oum Ab LURIT (EERE TAR a -- 1 IT] (SAR IR In All colors, qualities for, yd, 50 Only EERE EEN EERE EE GIFT CUSHIONS OF FANCY SILK A Maker's Clearance, Fillings of pure cotton ay kapoe, Oblong, square and round shapes. 3 Big Days Sale, each Pastry Flour Saxon 241bs, $1.05 Eclipse XXX MARVEL 24 1bs. $1.00 HOGG & LYTLE LTD. PHONE 203 84 CHURCH ST. bir Hh transformed into an al Mia Japanese garden, The At Home was held under the patronage of My Jenin MPR, Miss authortand, | H h, Fury and Mr, and Mes i M, Rahhins I was Mr, Robbing who presided wt the formal opening of the new gym nasium at the seheol a short time |. a mr" al of an Average fa "In perfect pan: "Minty git Wp Hives bi i do ® JACKS X Tor the Thon fair, bor Oh ne te whe hundred. aay ily oa ont, hotter b+ Sold by F. WW, Thompeon, Pruggiot fifa Ala ied For Your Dvug Neoth || THOMPSON'S| A 10 Simcoe Wn BemWe Deliver List Your Fim in the "Times" Business Directory! achinecy Reps Machinery LAL Repairing ey M00 WMAML A fata, | ¢ ™ & SR SN ARR a a STORE FOR RENT ALY Prince St, Apply co. a West Ao when famous athletle stars gave exhibitions of helv wilh PROCLAWATION FOR ARMISTICE. ISSUED Fhéve was issued today under the slanature of Mayor Milton J, Elliot, A proctamation with regard 10 the observances of Arnistve Day in Howmanville, The text of the pres ATION Was ay follows "In complianee with the desire of Hix Majesty the King, 1 da hereby proclaim that two minutes' silenes be observed in the town of Bowman ville, on Monday, vember 11, wt the hour of eleven e'eloek in the forenoon, so that in perfect stillness the prayers and thoughts of everyone way be concentrated on reverent re Membraee of the glorious dead and of the Victory hy God's grace vouehs sated to the Kmpire and its devoted allies, "A commemorative serviee will he held in front of the soldiers' menu: ment 10 which all SHtjens Are oor dally nvited 10 attend, Rireen minutes 10 eleven sharp, 1 he erviee at whieh ministers from all ehurehs ox whe find 1 convenient to attend will take part, will he of twenty mins utes duration" Bm ---- W. A. MUSICALE AND AFTERNOON TEA r-- The Women's A John's Anghan ohureh held a sues vessiul musieale Ay afternoon tea the Parish Hall en 1 epdey als 1ornaen, "» a "Ried of voeal sak eli Re well Rh ad y Whe has sang over the vdieo an also teh Ah to Oshawa audiences; Jdley, and tet Anthw wo » HH ove Seng" Wore Xena wi LA and tor which he received ny ap Pause, Mrs Wine Adams " pa 4 oe LN Teeltarion A iN \ QNKIOT Avtod aa Wat, J white elephant Wh Phe iN attraction and the RY Ww hoyond the awnilary's expe JUST A FR R$ TO SUNMER Get ready tor ida how Ne to apend winter LN \h Sa Ti Tid Along down | lary of 8 hy whose Cares" and the drt and hh 1) DAR. ATTACKED BY BOSTON PREACHER Says They Remind Him of "Sacred Cows of India" Roston, Nov, &.Thae Daughters of the Amerioan Revolution set it welt up as "one of the shored vows of Amerioa,'" according to the Rey Pr, Wiliam 1, #Btidaer, who open Iy attacked the organisation from hie pulps at the Copely Methodist Bplscapal Ohureh hove veoantly, "They seam to feel they have a -- to condemn the ohureh, ta wmilsslonavies and is prenchers, They seam to feel they have the vlght to bandy the names af ehureh leaders shout al will, Wt nelther preachers nor chureh Of have any right ta prota atl suoh notion," he declared Yin that respect,' he sald, "they remind me of the saeved cows al India, They seam to feel they are Among the untouchables of this nation, but he DAR, will soon learn that Amerioa has no served cows" parfeot right Macwaldie: "They've telling me the Hoos o' Commons 1a Just ap vanged Jka a big publioshopse The members oan get drinks or anything they've wanting'" Donalson! "Wi a difference Mao wi' a difference! In the Hoos oF Commons a BIL 8 hrooht In float, and the measures are oRreit, Hut tna big publioshoose the meas wre be oareit In flest, an' then the walter brings In the Bll, Dye en, EL DIZZY 4 pL billows, eonati '8 RAM hid Fi Mi sale, ble vamady will have you feel oy fine by morning, You'll snjoy fron, tharaugh bowel notion with, ont a wightont alan of geiping or discomfort, Safe mi abt a TO- N | C po TOMORROW NR HT tony Vy Wes from these pointy to ho and Gali CORRE Tesarts. Any Canadian Nation al Agent will be - 1 SWRMY YO | With lterature and information and | ATFARRS VORT LTANAPOTIALIDN Teserva: tons and tekety, that has You gi d any th 8 d h combined qualities and two Hou of ¢ mous No ent as these ups, EDWARDSBURG Everybody enjoys its won. derful flavor, it is thicker and sweeter than Crown Brand and equally rich in nourishing qualities, Toy it «all chiddven love iv! Riteiustion Taste th The CANADA STARCH CO, Limited The Famous § NE rious. Syeg that ney no ull and Dells are known throughout e Country. N MONTREAL |

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