Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1929, p. 4

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i | PAGE FOUR Chr Oshawa Baily Times Busseeding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER The Oshawa Dally Times ls a member of the +h dian Press, the Conadian Daily lS "ensiation. The Ontario Provineis! the Audit Burssv or Clrewistions. SUBSCPIPTION RATES . Deliverad by sarvier, Ihe o week By mail in Canade (outside Oshawe sarviey delivery limite), $4.00 » vesry United States 05.00 » your TORONTO OFFICE Bond Suldine, L] Temp iones Breet, Telephone Adelaide 0107 residder, representative , - REPRESENTATIVES IN UV. 8, Powers ni Blane, Ines Naw. York and Chisago FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8, 1929 A CENTRAL SOCIAL SERVICE BUREAU A few days ago The Times, in its editorial columns, advocated strongly the idea of organizing & central service bureau to act as # clearing house for all ve lief work in the sity, Apparently there were others who were thinking along the same lines, for at the city council meeting on Monday last, the subject came up for discussion, and it was decided to eall a meeting to consider the possibility ef organizing sue h # bureau, The advantages of a central ¢learing-house for vee lief work In Oshawa have alveidy been pointed out, Not the least important of these is the prevention of overlapping In the giving of relief, a condition which in the past years has vesulted in mueh money being wasted by unscrupulous people taking advan tage of the several agencies doing this work In Oshawa, Those socleties and elubs which are dolng velief work, above all, would weleame an organisation to cosordinate their activities, without robbign them ol thelr individuality, Some ef them work in specialized classes, and would, perhaps, not he willing ta hand thelr responsibilities and funds entirely to a eens | ! ralibethy. But a central body through which infors mation gould be wasembled, and gases allocated so that there would be ne overlapping could do a splendid work in Oshaws and would he the means of & great saving in vellel gapenditires, Because of ita undoubted value, it is to be hoped that there will be a large attendance of interested people at the Meeting whieh is to be held in the council ghamber next Tuesday evening to discuss this subject, All organisations which do relief work in any form should be represented, hecause it will be decidedly to their benefit to have a community feds eration of service operating on a permanent basis in Oshawa, MATURE PUPILS DO BEST WORK S------------ Those who are entrusted with the education of ohildeen will be in hearty agreement with the yvepoit of Chiet Inspector Moshier, of the Toronta public schools, that children wha do not enter sehoal until they are seven years of age complete their course in 169 time than those who start at the age of five, This is & finding of mueh intevesy, since it has a definite relationship to gre of the pressing problems of education in mest communities, that of providing schoel accommodation, From the standpoint of the ultimate good of the ehild, Inspector Moshier's veport is wearth studying, There are too many parents who are anxious 10 send their children off to sohoel as soon as they have reached the age av which they ean legally be asceptod, Tn some canes, they have a inistakep idea Aha the ohildren will make better progress by starting their sohool education as early an possible, but the state ment of the Toranta inspector disproved that theory, and shows that they make sa slow a start with thelr work, simply because they have net the mental ea pacity to absorb thelr lessons, that they are handis sapped as PAH with children whe do net enter wheal yn 4 Seven years old, -- a \ present He has a schol aceon modaviow problem largely because of the' larger aumber of children whe entered school at the begin: ping of the present term, Indeed, it was found neces: ¥ © refute admission 10 & number of ohikdrew, an heh ware all otmsidered a trifle foo young to ph starting thelr education. 11 all parents were 10 pay heed 10 the advieg given hy lnspestor Moshior, and were (© vefrain from sending (heir ehildren to school until thay have reached the age of soven, the accommodation' available 'wonld be quite ample for the city's present vequirements, and the overcrowding situation would he greatly relieved, ELEVEN YEARS AFTER Next + will celebrate ties Day and the aba Will observe the minute's sllenee in -- yes dead, When that time Sth it -- ested that t head should Ww wilh thei wok who "the dries a firm thew will da 10 pres yet Wor gt) MN Dreraheine the : Pn fh renuens soem a fanciful idea. He war has Nite to do with It is something which is the statesmen a governments and in which Ik would be of no material concern, <The anly progress ve by we a towards world peace is in diffusion amongst the ht and fle of all v means of seliing ra A Pop wet i) feels that undp i hy would be passed hy an over and Ql and 3 LU] THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929 brings misery sud suffering to both victor and vane fuishgd, In Europe, where the effeats of the late struggle are still aeutely visible this unti-war spirit has grown tremendously amongst wll classes, So much is this the case that no less an putherity than Premier Rams sy MacDonald has declared that in ninety per cent af European countries if a popular vote were taken to abolish war and all standing armies and navies it ming majority, Lat the average map and woman when they pay tribute next week ta the dead remember thet ten million laid down their lives, t youth of the world, that 30, Iife, that fifty billion in treasure was blown from the gannon's mouth and that another such eatastraphe within this. generation; would mean the end af evils ination and an almost esrtaln reversion ta barbarlem | This ts what les before us unless the ordinary man wid woman are willing to do a little fighting for peace while there Is still time, They and not the statesman and the diplomat held within thely hands the fats of the world, Such as they whe will suffer mast shold the nightmare of yesterday come again to Christendom, - A CORTLY DEFEAT The Yolo by which Premier Briand was defeated In the Chamber of Deputies about three weeks ago has proven & vather disastrous affair for France, True, M, Tardieu has been able to form a new cabinet, but only after several other political leaders had failed, and after three weeks had elapsed, during which France was without a government, Even now, there is no assurance that the government will have any stability, for the Radical-Soclaliste, a powerful fies tor jn Freneh polities, have expressed their intention of voting against the new government whenever the opportunity offers, Uhis means that there is a grave danger that within a fey days the Tardien admin istration will go the same way as that of Mr, Briand, This condition of affaivs is not conducive to sound government in any country, and it Is partieularly des plorable at & time when grave ternational problems are waiting for solution, Already there Is suspicion of the new government, as seen in the German elalms that it has halted the evacuation of the Rhineland, whieh was agreed upon by the powers at the Hague conference, And with the conference on naval diss armament Just around the earner, it Is highly neces: sary that France should have a government able to speak with convietion In the deliberations of that hody, The reason for the ghaotie conditions in French politiepl Nig is not far to seek: It Is to he found in the multipligity of groups which elect members to the Chamber of Deputies, whieh earresponds to the house of Commons in this country, The combina: tions of these varied groups are always changing Al one time groups are supporting the goeverningni of the day and at other times they are in opposition The party in power for the time being never knows when the alignment of forces is liable 10 ehange, and this creates a constant feeling of uncertainty, An unlertunate eirenmsiancs, too, is found in the fast that some of these parties are gemposed of extreme radical socialists, something akin to Comming, whose sole desive 18 to tear down something, ive: spective of the consequences, It was a group of this kind which infligted that costly defeat on the Brinn government, and it In Just as likely to do the same thing to that of Mr, Tardieu, It is, on the whole, a sorry state of affairs, and hardly ona that would he expected in a modern farm of government, JORLESS IN THE CITIES In an advertisement in the Voronto newspapers, Mayor MeHride makes an appeal to the eitigens to give employment ta only bona<fide vesidents of the eity, and at the same lume serves notiea that only such residents will be given any consideration in the handing out of relief, This announcement comes on top of & steiking statement made by H.C, Hudson, general superin tendent of tha Ontario division ef the government employment serviee, and W, 8, Dobbs, the ety of Tarante superintendent of the same service, These men have found the remarkable situation existing that although reposts fram firms show that mole people are at present employed than ever before, there are wore people than ever out of employment in Toronto, This is a peculiar situation, but ene which ean readily be explained, 'Lhe short grain erop in the west this year did away with the neeessity for har verters' excursions from the east, and in past years these have absorbed many of the unemployed of Torontg and other Ontario gentres, The same condi tion is probably to blame for the fact that hundreds of men whe had been workidg on fave in the weit, an well an dn Dutarioy have migrated ino the city, and have swelled the ranks of the unemployed there, Toronto has & hard sitwation to face, and there way be sene Justificatoln for shwiting the deers of wnsmplayment and relied to all except bona fide resis dents, Bwt the question iy supe to arise of what is 10 be dowe with the ethers, They cannot be allowed 10 starve, Many of them have families to support and these hive to be cared for by samebody, Whe that hotly will Be is net at prevent wp Stew but at ds very {that Toronto has a Mowlt problem to fsa during the coming winter, EDITORIAL NOTES when 1100 Jueh ecomomy can be tha on earth Bets girl is looking tor a husband + bok before and after warvlage. : There ae he most isa Wan in those daya of the hear market whe ei and bear iL t | E---- A lle attention Wo the question of dolng that Christinas shopping early would be mngh appreciated Just new, A paragraphist wonders how wiany acoident victims had their teeth or tonsils out the week befor in ors der 10 prolong their Nves, Machonald seems quite safe in the promiorahip for quite a while yet, since the Liberal support what the Conservatives oppest, and the Conservatives 'sup: port what 'he Libera Oppase: 2 ------------ Ith chimed wat dancing tends to make he feet larger, Probably that is why there is were demand 2 A90 wath five and six in Jadiog sheen than dor we oF three, the vary flower of the 1000 4 ined for | Other Editor's Comments USHLESS WASTE OF LIFK (Bt, John Globe) Buceonsful tran onannie tights hive demonstrated the dimen en and dangers no less than the possi: Wiens "nd th MIEOVE Wie #0 re iat $0. ofiegt ome Toh there oan he Be dopbt hut (hat dg atempis should he Lorohihited, Aviation need pot loss Bind fherebt. The time will os some when the Atlantic fi will he easily and safely nur gomplished, and the steps lending up Lo that may he taken under veir sonably wate conditions, Theres Is plenty af weope for initiative and gouvage in tying without J Wnehing toolhardy enterprises, I in nore honour and glory In blowin 0 JER INA one regularly an hit hi I dung ALropos to out tha a8 premarh rely, And to it i a that the Fates ware daughters of Themis, law, It Is time for the law to stop uselesk trans-Atlantic Nights, THE POWER © or F TH MOVIES (F, J, B, Veale in the Nineteenth Century, L anion) Mr, Haldwin his drawn attention to one aspect of the Alm's Influences ihe evil effect fillm plays designed sult. Western tastes have 1 pou rial andienees, with thelr ently ly different standards and outlook coo There Is, however, anather us get of the problem with results wl feast equally selions, Lut far less easy 10 remedy, At the present time great Alm producing Blate has une imited pawer, not anly to Magy ts awn aehievements, but ta hold up to universal gontempt the eharaeter and misdesds of ie rivals, Thus we awe to the American film Industry the all but universal belief that the American Army won the Grest War The point is perhaps of little prac teal Importance, although it dogs lesa than Justice ta the tens of they sands ol men who laid down thew lives in France and Flanders during the period when President Wilson wis toa proud to fight, It furnishes, however, & good example of the en armous power of the enema: Cam pared to the multitudes who derive their ideas on the Great War from the Alms, the people wha seek the real facts from authoritative hooks on the subject, are but an Inslgnl Reant minarity, REPORTERS HAVE IT EASY (Stratford Beacon: Herald) Reporters have It pretty easy getting inte everything for nothing Often have we heard that remark Yeu, it's an easy life, sapecially when an eleetion is on Megting in By, Marys, for Instance, where there are four speakers on for the evening, Sit there and take notes from, eight woatll 11 o'clock, Gel & ride back home, and then 10 the offion, becasse that report has to hy finished the samp night, Get stared about 11.30 on the story, Firat speaker not so had) that's attended 10, Sesond speaker comes w bietle harder, Guess this story will have to be out, oF I's going 10 run all aver the paper Starting on third speaker at one in the morning, Tired ¢ Guess L'il slide across and get a cup of coffee and a sandwien, Fourth hear finished about 2 in the morning Well, that's tha, and I guess Ii plek up a Nttle sleep he cause work starts at eight in the marning os, fromm eight In th marning until two the next morning in Just about ewhteen hours, Hoshum reporting around elestion times 1s # Hreal job) Bits of Humor | Wallace 'Why don't you mary Gladys? Afraid 10 pop the ques ton Horace: "Nog atiald 10 guess won the pep," Lady of he House (10 the eoak) Marie, why does tals polieviman eamne here so often? Is there any danger of anything disappearing from here! Marie e4, A porieatly good vook, Amerigan (at Seattish football game)=\Whay don't they start? They ont 10 have Kisked off hall an hows Ay DEOL MAN = has happened American Ave, something serions Not a player taken oft HH Seotsmin=Nu, worse than that; they canna find the penny they (oss od Wp wi Ab a veeent dinner & certain rather NETVONS Author wad tlle wpan wi expectudly for a speech, He re ver Inctantly, saying, "Gentlemen, 1 foul very mneh hike the man who was val lod 10 the hed Ade of ha dying wile John, she sald, 'will you promise Ihe that at the + trad youl re in the fivat eab with my wether MN AE ATR Atwalahed, as he replied \ Rat's Your last wish, dds sle, tn o hat 1 I oArried eu, All the tame, you've spells the day for me!" W-------- Ay resentative Reivten of Chisagy, awheon Wh honer of his return SA) RY wat talking about the FARIA proposal, at that tine, for uns wited naval constriotion tn the ease of small ships, The MORIA Mooked all right on the surface," he sald 'bat It was ey aa. whderneath, Like A Your husband has sueh domestio aes hasn't hed a friend sald Wo s. Holes, Wea, so mach at said Mies, Holmes, with a hard Mle lavgh-- So much ho indeed that 1 davent keen any ties. fe why call vo me Lord, a Ny a the things which I sav? Take my will apd Wak it Thine: Ih shall be we oF We FRIENDLY T] baw ov hii W YORK BU BAYS THAT some of the world's fore most idealists have long diseyssed and fonriged i democracy of the political systems of the nations of the warld, hut this ideal, however dubiy while Ws exponents characterize i" wdynntages, is still remote and to he achieved, On the other hand, ¢ democracy of dnternationsl with a bomeasurable benefits, has already stamped its Tmmense worth upon the peaples of all sountries and tus became wm anplaee whieh won be aeeeptanee through the nits ural laws of supply and demand, The barter of international trade has heen made possible be: Wes of modern Facilities of var fansporiation, But there was id or nessssary link to som: plete this world exshange of cammeoditios, and this final eons necting link is advertising, Ad: vartising has presented commeod) ties fram distant lands in such » desirable manne: to the peaple of the United States that they have purchasad them in sufficient quantities lo warrant a conting- ance of suppl yr And now that ad: vartsing has Diraduesd and fam: iprised their Myapiago wid erepted a constant demand for various products fram far away lands, we buy sand wee hem with scarsnly an afterthought of the vomanes and the strange atmos: phere which surveunds them, trade, Raw produgts, in seme instances, WIE re Nee Bbry ingredignts wo gomplete sei tain summaities have through the means of generous ad vertiing now hegome household and personal necessities all the vountry, For example, we aceept an fori wool and spiees from the Fil ayes Jlands and trom Madagascar, oli the voast af Kast Alrien, sames rub per and graphite: Portuguese Gulana pends us dvory and wax, Tiipal, whieh was one of the Harbiary Bate and is now a Turkish regency, ship us saffean amd senns, and some of | our heat pottery and il Ware comes trou Bpatn, Belgiom sends us laces and linens, Peru sends eocos, wood dyes and nitrate of soda, and fram the Argentine games indigo, salts and wphur, Bome of our amber, sandal wood and betel 18 brought from Hongkong, The West Indies send su war, piel. and arrowroot, and seal skins, wail lahsters come fram Lahrado of our Manila elgars, filigree jewelry ar earthenware are shipped fram the Philippines, Alaska which we purchased from Russia for 7,200,000 gndd now worth many Himes the price, oy ua furs, walrus ivory, tn and pypsl WE MAY NOT READILY REGOUNIGE ALL OF TukSE VHINGS, NEVER HELRSS (HEY FORM NEUHUSARY PARLE 10 THE MANY Pu PUCYTE WHICH WE UU AND HAVE IN OUR HO, ES, ADVERGVISING 18 TM WO. LD'S FREEMINENT DIS RIBUVOR, AND MH, WELLS, ONE OF V'HE LEA ING ADVOCATES OF 1 WORLD DEMOURACY, M RECENTLY SAID THAT "0 LY AN ADPEQUATE AbvE TISING CAMPAIGN 18 NEE TO ACHIEVE THE MILLEN NIUM." SOME WILL QUES. TION THIS, BUT FEW WI DOUBT THE OLD MAXI THAT, "IT PAYS TO ADVER: --- and ETT e kd " $33 o=z23 Pours By James W. Barks, M.D. SLERP sleep In wa old an oathng and ye wo one has been able 10 tell just what sleep 1h oF What causes W, Rvery little while a4 new theory as to the sana of sleep is annewn ged but dn a short Hime Jeaeaioh men are able ta show that this thery does not aceownt for sleep, Phoopies 1 the past have heen that the ackd wastes accumulated dw wi the day deaden the sensitiveness ab the brain sells, and sleep ensues Another theary is that the haw eels se wp their oxygen during the diay and se Jual rest Wabi the oxy gen ean be gathered, Another Aheony W that \he work af the day acclimniates poisons and these "atve pasos deaden the brain eells, Vel another thegry Ww that the bload supply through the brain hoeomes less after a Rumber of hours, and this lack of hiogd ean: ses sloop, Now although we do not knew what causes aloe, Wwe 40 Know that certain processes avenry, whigh ast wally build wp and strengthen the bodys db 1 hikes 88 neRtioned . bes tore, Waking a hatl ory A Sar and | Whe iL veshargest, Nery help: wl things Ny WANG Neen The pulse mate hevomes yeu ha | heart Pumps as ee A The blood vessels near the suriace af the shin became f dwring ing aleep. This i of wonderin help 10 you Beeonse when yom are tire the blood vessels contract and you pow pale, Sleep thei equalises the cironlation and the shin regains ite olor during sleep papiration. hkewise inereases due to thin same dilating or enlarging W the blood vessels near the skin su face. This wm tur loasens the walk on the Riduevs, he Pe anyon in rogwived during slosh a3 the muscles are at ves, However, oxygen 1% needed ahvays, An soles are always shighily wae so the bedroom shall he well ven: tilted, (OCR SCRA YRC LR | EL 1 ig 4 > ; A lo id ", L4 Caan ff LOR CE Wy pen "~ WE OFFER As each pay-day slips by, how financla much better off are lly ? High wages 'rean little to a man's progress if he fails to put aside a portion of his earnings systematically, The successful man saves regularly as he sarns, Small deposits made rach pay day will soon grow Into a substantial amount at our 4% interest rate on savings, If you have an account with us, keep it growing, if you haven't, deter. mine to start one net pay-day, ($1 00 opens an accoun .) INTEREST ON DEPOSITS May we look forward to serve ing youl CENIRAL ( SUBJECT TO WITHORAWAL BY CHECK ATAYDAN [AN AND SAVINGS COMPANY 4 DENHAWA BRANCH BPFoN MM BMOOE SE ATH Operated Under OQoverament Inspection TORONTO HEAD AFF 08 WING & VETORIA GTS SAVINGS _ A_SAFE PLACE FOR Fh Although the museles are greatly relaxed digestion continues to go on during sleep, ahis shows what nor wal Seep in, and how It helps 10 maintain health, 11 these processes do not ocour during sleep something a wiong and you should investigate 1h It may he an Hlsventilated room, an wnesnfortable watiiess which av tually keeps the body alert, eating 100 much poiore reliring, ov perhaps toa much "on the min You must lh plogp If yOu are pH your health, stored in accordance with the Copyright Aol), | Bits of Verse | GOD IN GARDENS My garden enclosure ia Just a wee uit Of green, Set a bit bask from the elty's wild din, here's where I go when the cares of he press we hard, And in the twilight my soul walk with Him tust' a few trees where the wind makes grand muse, The pertume of fHowers and the a ol green ty Phere | repair when Twi heart-aore and weary, And in the twilight my soul walks with Ged, » oly Peace | find there in the cool of the eV ening, As He bind { when anh LLIN dens He Ww Am 5.3 he cares of life flea a by Ww We \ A 'he Witight my ww with Ged, Strain " C8, Ive owe RVENVRAIN IL has hoon sald and I fully be love 1 1 be We rae © » 1) per ent, of all headaches Hy dae 10 the eyes, When we take from thin those conditions dwe ta wus ole SLFAIA We WAY safely say that §0 par eent, of Matha are due 10 eyestrain, 1a of the body are frequently \TacoRble to ayesirain | AhWe Proving that a Ag deal of AUD PRYSIoR! SnevEy WAY he Wasted When We neglect any the war \ Inge the use of the eyes, Kean distant vision was a necsn BLY to the existance of the ua ves of Hon foe, to slight Fame was vital to maintain Mbe, our lives are Hved at short vange, Concentrated hausts the whole nervous system (ilanses are vequived to give Per Het and enable the eyes to oRrry on at thelr dally taske, Many oases of harmiul are trouble and the foundation of aa eye diseans Way be traced to Bes glooted injury from these oAUSs, Perhaps ponaidered at the the only famporary dlacomtont, discomtort 1s nature's warning hat attention is *euired, indleative of discomfort in hetore elviling friend from Ab a distance Today Amerion I'o distinguish uke of eyesight ax ' EDISON MAZDA Ni al LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL BLECTRIC PRODUCT, T0 Simeoe Street TET mee ,BOWRA ELECTRIC S| SHOP Phone 1078 Sroie-ForLoNG 4 @ Tesi ome Net. nui S$. F. EVERSON, Loeal Manager Private Wire System 1? KING STREET BAST, OSHAWA Phonet 143 and 144

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