Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1929, p. 3

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M4 THE OSHAWA | DAILY TIMES, F 'RIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 PAGE THREE Gen Draper Delivered n Inspiring Message At d The nquet Of The Oshawa Legion Ems SL Torapto Chief of Police Was f Speaker at Success } Function Held in Ro- Hall Last Night MARY VISITORS FROM TSIDE BRANCHES sting and Inspiring Pibgram of Speeches and Egtertainment Presented ~sCieneral Draper Sounds ynote of Service for P oF SR Chighnoterleed by an githusiastie exemMifeation of the spirit of gum= randeshin and goodfellowship which animiled the Canadign Lory in the dys Bf war, the Armiishiog" Banquet! of thi Oshawa Branch of the Can ding clon held in the, Rotary Hall Inst nlght was a brilliantly suoeessiul fanet@n, The hall was Wlled 10 on peel with edxeservice men of the distei@ und from the Legion bran ches Hrookhin, Sunderland, and Oil emdeamany of the prominent gltizgens of Oshawa ulse graced thi ocensten by thelr presopee, he wiest of honor and ehiel speaker wis Brig General DC, Draper, of Paronto, 'whéd delivered an inspieing and touching address on the signi fieswnee of A Pay, and on the work cof the Canadipn Legion ws a ational organization, General Drie per was given a gwenderful gvation by the gathering, and his presence put the final touch of sueeess to the BRIGAGEN, DRA Avmistion banquet of efforts of the whieh orgumieed the The diriner which was the Ladies' Auxiliury of wih a splendid repast, m furth many expressiung ¢ ton und congratulation gesnive speakers, The for the wecasion was M, Hood, ehalrmun of the the brant hy i WVEry happy Manner, with an interesting speeches ware voeal other fro of ents Wai huted ny fibre reir, Hob Gibbie with Walter Jacksan ns IAL, heh for the the spirited 'sin ing of o Leglon RG ANNUAL ARMISTICE BALL 4) nde the TT oi the wh LIL (UTE evs Ami A Onto { Pah Wa will be held al the ARMOURIES Thanksgiving (MONDAY) Night, Nov. 11th Dancing ® p.m. te 2 am, 'Tickets §1,00 per couple FAVOURS SOUVENIRS Music by the BLUE ACES 8.PIECE ORCHESTRA Fhe toast 18 the ely oN Ninelair, WN, ul the elty since he same by years ago, Mayor wala! cgpable manner, of the doubts which soi geomed to have "Oshawa tinue to grow, wml would "Our Country and E Ihe toast ta "Our Co Empire," was proposed did contribution which ( (Continued on pa Born Aunday, 4 RAHNME 1020, to My, and Mrs (hea Marie Heeson), a damuhter Un WE a. Where is the "Dude" of yestalyeay ? + consigned to oblivion along Wi the Dodo hind, unsung and un wept foe. No man today wants to emulate him, Yet all desire to be well and smartly dressed) © sojoy therfbeling of confidence thit comes «vith, wearing good clothes, 5 Hh othe da cal. he aA SH i a great degree , , and none mere 30 than "Society Brand, famed for fine fabrics, comect cut and faultless tailoring, Warn everywhere by successful men who know that value is guarenteed Chief of Poles of Tovento, gave a mastorly address at the ho fled that oes Interdpersed lah Ne - A MH, Mitchell, the toast, and predigted that, in LOOK FOR THE SOCIETY BRAND LABEL IN THE POCKET SPOKE HERE en who the Canine dian Loglon Inst night, canmimitiees Langue served by the Legion id brought al wpprecii from sles taustinaster Melntyie Koeutive " n program of numbers and ent ont Ter Sawer, the aceom salolsts and for Id-time war SONEN, Jed did George Walsh Toast 1a the City of Oshawa Wile propo wed than elo ent speech MIP, bon W hor pike wh the tremendous Hrow th tot thir in his sponded to spite wopls "mw woule in time he ane of the great o.ties of Ontario, mphre" wintry hy and Leon Fraser, seevetary of the Chamber of Commerce, who dwelt on the splen anada an ge bh) Oot, 27, the Oshawa Hospital, Wm, Rivhme, the gift of (110a) \ INSPECTOR URGES DOURLE PLUMRING TWO-FAMILY HOMES Board of Health Requested to Pass Ordinance to This Effect OTHER MATTERS Sanitary Inspector Hubbell Deals With Many Sub. jects in Monthly Report That an ordinanee be passed hy the eity Board of Health making it compulsory to have duplicate plumbing eonvenlences Installed in wis Lhe Lo monthly in resided, made than one family recommendation Board of Health nt ity meating last night by sanitary spegtor 1, A, Hubbell This was veguired hy the Pub He Health Act of Ontario, and was necassary from a sanbtation stand paint, the inspector declared, The Inspector also veferred In his re port to the fine standard of milk und walter supplied (to the eltinans of Oshawa, and to several other matters that had eome to his ot Lention, The Hepori The report was Hmowo nulnpinee numbered #6, The use of soft eos! 8 moenuriable for this nulsanos and I must be admitted that In Me PRR surely Is a vewy Hrent poures of punoyanee | Might shy howeyer that having mn off several copies of our oly by=ldw relative to smoke, I have in all canes presented a copy of the Ly-law to those who the lid wis Inld against, with Instruetion to adharo as closely as possible te Ia Interpretation Plumbing Pevmibes Plumbing Inspections numbered AN, Blambing permite © taken out 28, During the 10 months of 1080, the engineer's department has Is sued 164 bullding permits for bulldings in whieh plumbing, would be Installed, In my survey © have found that many of this year's hillding per mite, have been for homes where the sanltury sewer 18 not At press ont opeviting, and also that type OF home which Is not halle for this type of ueeommodation I find Also that some of last year's builds Ing permits have not heen oom pleted, hut are helng witheld until & mare apportuns time of finane INE he same may appear Up to date 1 have aeoounted for BA, out of 164, and 88 whieh have no sign of plumbing tnstalla ton as yet, which leaves a balance of BK to he arrived at during the NeXt month or two A Eredar many of the sewer cans neotion applications have heen (( "ontinved on page 7) JUVENILE COURT WORK DESCRIRED somplaints i ol {| An Interesting Address Given to all homes In the olty where nore | the | | |New Low Contagion Record Set In Oshawa In October, Only Six Figure of Six Cases of Contagious Disease: in Month Low- est in 17 Years, and Probably Lowest Per Population for All Time~Dr. T. W. G, McKay, M\O.H,, Gives Credit for This Accomplishment to Immunization Work Carried on in the City Schools, and Also to Fine Water and Milk Supply A new low record of contagion In this elty was sel up during Oge tober, according to the vepokis pre sented to the Board of Health at WE monthly meeting last night, Ons Wy BiX cused were reported during the month, which was the lowest ln LT yours that John Gibson, the board's chalvmuan, has boen u mem her of the Board and probably the lowest figure, per population, in tie history of the municipality, I Wis slated OF the six gases repovied, four ware whooping cough, one wan mansles, and one searier fever, of a mild type, The nine sehools that some under the supervision of the nursing pervice, the eight public sehools und the separate sehool are antirely without conteglous dinensns, The olty entered upon the month of November with only two osser, aus of whooping sough and the seariet fever ouse Only Two Diphtheria Cases The frst ten months of this YORE have sot up # fine record nso nr us diptherin 18 concerned, for . Only two oiksos have been reported, Cases Reported -- on March 8% and June 168, with no wonthe, Only 16 wearlel fever cused have heen reported In the ten months Commenting on thls record at the Board meeting, Br, MoKay der aeribed It aw wonderful,' He de cluved that It wan showing the ver witli of the aotive program of im munleation agninst contagious dis chpon that has heen carried on among the sehool ehildven of the olty during the last three years Ho declared that with the growing Wogeptance by the parents of the principle of aarly lmmunisation of ehlldran against contagious dig bel, (that the time would some when this olty would have the hest veoard in Ontario for the low nums her of serious communioable dis Bilan Immunisation Valuable Dr, MeKay pointed out that, of the wearlet fover oases reported during the year, one onse only had heen noted among the school ahi! dren, numbering about 4,850, Two onsed, however, had heen noted | among the collegiate puplls, many (Continued an paKe 8) City Firemen Dexterous | With Paint Pail And Brush ET -- ST ---------- Members of the olty five hrig ade are to he commended for thelr dexterity with the paint hrush During the past two weeks Lhe firemen have heen husy redecoy ating the interior of the hall and IL now presents a4 Kreat improve ment aver lin former appearance Cream and pearl grey form the | ontop soheme which was ohosen hy the flre<lighters, the walle hay lng heen done ln eream while the woodwork and doors have been touehead up with pdr! grey, Metal aguipment sueh As BONES nnd steam pipes have been conted with Aliminim paint Rven thhlen and Into thely share of resdecarating and they have been painted to harmonlge with the general onlar sehame Praviously the hall had a rather dingy nppedrance hut now It looks height and clean, Light eol ors ware ohasen heonuse they show up the diet more plainly, and the members of the brigade oan now therefore keep the hall serupulous iy olean, The good work has been extend od to the woodwork on the ex terior of the bullding and the window fyames and doors on the | around toes are being painted, oe rst fhiirs liave come - CITY AND DISTRICT NE WS | FINKD POR INTOXICATION James Pldgeon pleaded gullty tn poliee court today to his first oharge of belng Intoxicated He walk fined $20 and costa or thirty days In the county Jall He paid the Hae LOA, CARE AINOURNED A further adjournment was made until Thuvaday, November 14, in the case of Joseph Mavks, eharged BY JUDGE JARRETT [ ARENA RINER RAPIDLY Kinamen's Club Last Night The Rev, 3 ( Tarsit the Juvenile Court wi Osh the Speaker at the regular the Kinsmen's Club Welsh's Parlours last evening, To a large and enthusiastic members ship that was present he explained the work of the court in combating sonia) evils amongst the young peos Me, Captain Jarrett was introduced by Young, "The reason 1 am addressing the Kinymen's Club on this subject" he aldy Mis because they are vitally in wrested tn obi welfare work and although the general public have ln lo Wen of Just what they ave doing hey ALR SATIRE OR quietly and wo wally," | OF the great number of cases that Gme helore him since he was ap solnted Juvenile Court judge there as not heen one thet has repeated dell he smd, Mis method, 4s a Ha brother, has proven very swocess ol and the service rendered hy pros wuient eitfsens who were aiding him a Ws work was of estimable val ue, he said Probation Method The method used in this recluna- Hol work was 19 pat a fal on pros bation under the care of an inter ested eigen to whom the bay re parted at stated intervals, By persons al contact with a person wil' high Neat the lad gradually found thay ll better to do what was right, . within ane month 8 great ehange Wan noticed fn his sohool work and Ww hs general behaviowr, Captain Jarrett stated that the gang instinet shoul not be disconramed in the youth of the eity bat should rathey be turned to good account hy asso hte With aAnEs of better pom panions." "My helied™ he stated, "a that it ds better 10 cure the crime disease without the necessity of a jail orm than 10 start a had Whang: hy wining him with eraminats At the completian of his speech a vote of thanks was moved hy Dave Fowler, who said that Oshawa was very fortunate Wn having a javende | CONF apd more fartunate An die that had been appomted 1@ the POSH, dge of | AWE Wis meeting held 1 the (} with vielatlon of the Liguor Con tral Act, when he appeared In po Hos court this morning, Marks has heen In custody at the county Jalil, The walle of Oshawa's new ar tela] toe arena are steadily rising and hy wll indloations the * hullds Wy may be finlahed and ready for use by the new year, The arena » a large structure and will present an imposing ApReaTance from the wireet, NORTH ONT, OFFICIAL vorn The ofelal count of votes cast I North Ontario viding at last weok's eledtions announced hy the returning officer shows James Blanchard, Conservative, secured 3,088, J. W, Widdifiel, Progress tye, and former member, 2,339, George Veale, Liberal, 1,187, alv. Ing My, Blanchard a plurality of CEL] . ICH FORMED LAMY NIGHD Oshawn and distriot wan visit od by a cold snap last night and the mercury went slightly below the freasing mark, This morning 100 Was seen to have formed on the puddles and the weather felt very wmueh lke winter ta those Who were hurrying to work in shop and affice FINED 3100 AND COSTS Constantine Glecoft, of King St, W., hloyele dealer, wan fined 3100 and costs hy Magistrate Wills in local polloa court today when he Was convioted on a chavge of keep ing Mauer tn an (legal place, the basement of hig store, This was his first conviction under the LCA, And the minimum penalty was oon #oguently imposed HOLIDAY PORTAL SKRVIOR As Monday, November 1, Is Armistion and Thanksgiving Day and a public holliday, there will he general delivery at the posts offen from § am, to 11 am, only, while the money order and sav ns hank departments will ha ellos ed all day, The pablle lobby will ramaln open from § a.m, to § pm, There will he no delivery hy oar vier on Monday, but there will he ane Saturday aftefioon All malls posted at the office wp ta 12 o'clock noon, Monday, will he des apatohed an usual SIR ARTHUR CURRIE NOT SERIOUSLY ILL| Montreal, Nov, 8.-«"His doviora are very satiatied ever his condi ton and Sty Arthur will return to the university for a few days," was the reply given at MeGH univers alty tast night 10 & query as ta the dondition of Sie PAWS Currie, prinoipal, who has been confined to the Royal Victoria hospital tor a few days for o vation, It understood that an STAY a | of General Hospital, ton taken twa days age did not reveal anything of a serious nas ture, a "00 LATE TO CLASSIFY WARTHL0000™ RELTANLE stenogranher, Apply at once, 84 Simeoe Bt, N., Oshawa, (110a) WANTED - ENGINEER TO TARR charge of central heating plant at Oshawa Genera! Hospital, Must have at least third class centifiontn Also roferences, Apply Secretary | (11040) The Ave giving a special in Permanent Waving Two weeks only, PERMANENT WAVE Regular $10 for $7.00 A wave that leaves the hair as « you had natural curly hair, Satisfaction guaranteed, All work | done hy expert operators, For appointments Phone 2968 or 86 Simeoe Street Nevth Betty Lou J | best concerts ever (PARKWOOD HORSES REGISTER WINS AT NEW YORK SHOW R., 8 McLAUGHLIN'S "SAHIB" DEFEATS US, ARMY' 3 BEST "Sharavogue" Wine Middle- weight Division for Qualified Hunters 7 Al the for Nuttonal Horse New Yark, Nov, ty«<fourth annual Hhow at Madison Hguare Garden today Canada registered 1s flrs triumph, in the heanvywelght claws for green hunters, with 1, 8, Me Laughing "Bahih," trom Oshawa, Ont, carrying off the honored after defeating "The Judge," of the Uni ted Wiates Army team Mr, Molmughiin also produced the winner in the middiewslght di vislan for qualified hunters, with hig brown gelding, "Bharavogue,' Becond snd third places tn thiv claps weve awarded Miss Huth Cowane of Montreal, for her hunt tars, "Ned Tape," and "Lucifer, The Ttallan army entry, "Buelin," was fourth, PICKERING Telephone 800 Miss Jean Clark, Correspondent [Fine Concert And | Supper, St. Andrew's Plehering, Nuvi B'1h¢ of | managers and the members of by Andrew's United ehigreh were mors y Of the hoard than satisfied with the suet supper, held on Fuesday BUPPEr wis al the us and the numbers I, Was very ene WHHIVETRUTrY evening 1 he ual high standard, which partook of COuraging Following the vil wie of in the quartette the supper, piven presented hb \ from' College street Haptist ehureh, 'oromto, Mrs, Hedges, soprano, Miss Haley contraltag Gy Monaghan, tenor sud A Butler, bathione, cms igtod, by Mish Maud Hopes, eloentionist, Thy program was under the management of HG, Williams, seeompanist, Lach number was with periest order, and enthusiantioally applaud od, Judging by the re aetlon of the audience, the most popular musical munber was the singing of "When Irish Kye Are Saba," hy Mi Monaghan, who put so mueh inte the singing of Hy that even though It owas an eneare number, he wis gompelled to return to the plaviornm and "eg I Alain, lage, was received nh ------ Dies From Stroke Suffered on Way To Cast His Vote Pigkering, Nov, §=The funeral al the late John Dunn who passed away at hs home on Chureh street, oly Wednesday, took place on Friday ats ternoon to Groveside eowetery, Beookling The late Mp Dunn had heen stricken with a paralytie stroke while on his way to the polls on els potion day, which proved fatal He was in his sixtyselghth year and was the son of the late Thomas Dunn, of Claremont, who was a well known Hgure my the township, He was engaged noagrienlture, all his lite, He is suryived by his widow, ons davghter, Mrs, Oliver Henry, Brooks lng and several grandehildren, two brothers, and one hn One brother, Douglas, resides in the village, PICKERING BRIEFS Mr, Wright fs Plokerin Now | h y Mrs, Guthrie, Visiting hie daughter, for a Tew days, he Women's Missioary Noglety Coming E Events a Conts per . word each hw sortion, Mintmum charge for each insertion, 8de, MADAME BRROWN, PALMIST, hone Appointments 2WRAR, 9} Oulan atyeet (1091) RUMMAGE SALE, ORHAWA Club Rooms, ton floor, stands and Bank, corner of Ring and Simooe streets, Saturday & pow, (10h) OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS Friday, November §th, dancing £80 pm, Round and square dancing ta Pat Shannon and his Haywmakers Oroheatrs, Prives for best old tyme waltzers, (108h) OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS Saturday," November Sth, dane ing 2.30 pw, muse by "Frank Carew's Commanders" in new sensational dines hits, (1100) ORANGE LODGES Wiki ATTEND Knox Chureh for Thanksgiving service on Sunday, Nav, 10 All members requested to meet at Hall at 10.30, (110m) BUCHRE IN THE I TB HALL over Hydro tonight, Good prises, Admission 380, (RELY) SQUARE AND ROUND DANCE aU Rarnhart's Pavilion on Mow. day, Thanksuiving Day, Al TORUIAT dance Saturday wight, Good rchestra (118) 12 Year-Old Messenger Is Held Up At Point Of Gun And Robbe Ot Firm's Cash i." IN HOUSE OF LORDS LORD GREKNWOOD Formerly Nir Hamar Gresnwood, a native of Whithy, who this week | took onth and his seat in the | House of Lords In Bogland, MRS, DIBBLE SPOKE ON| | "OPENING BLIND EYES"! Aly George Dibble the purty that Is econdueting evan gollnthe nopvioos tn King se, Untied | Chureh here, lust night gave an Ins npiring the subject "Opening Bind Byes," Mi Dibble huased talk the wstavy of Hartimeus, the hind | hogan Her mes was primar Hy ta Christiun Ing to their responsibility During the service, Me, Dibble whose singing 1s attraeting cow { slderable attention, Open the Gautas of the Temple "Mather | Muohres," with suered words He alan Introduced al choruses Into the meeting led In eon kregational singing GIRL. SENTENGED 10 REFORMATORY Kingston Young Woman Gets Six Months on Vagrancy Charge 0 member of Kerman oan her an LLL relat to ulhey LAE "and foayay and 'nthion, formerly of Kingston, who was convicted in po Hea eourt last on Ww charge of yaevanoy, appeared batore Mags Istrate Willls today for sentence "Have het parents heen notl fled?" His Warship asked "They have been, but apparent ly they take no interest in hen" Chief Friend replied "I think the Meveer reformatopy will he the best place for her, Magistrate Willis commented and sentenced the young woman to sis month, Returns Delayed Paronto, Not until the weather eloars up will the result of the pra vinelal election in Kenora be known Polls around the Red Lake disteiot have not boon haord eon, bes Lanse the returning officers have heen unable to fly out to the Frances Weeki Vel ratlway EE --. of St Andrew's ohureh met at the home of Mes, Arthur Boyes, on Wed nesday afternoon, A number fram the village at tonded the street fair held at \Whits by on Thuesday night The Women's Association of St Paul's ohureh met at the home ui oc VEG Cartwright, on Wedngs day afternoon Final arrangements for the basaar to be held on Fels day, Nov, & were mace Miss Edith Murray spent day ik friends in the olny Ry A Bunting, the postmaster, has Phas | up at been confined to his bed during the past few diya with a severe enld RR I Ivan Ferguson, Messenger for Thompson's Drug Store, Robbed of Money Pouch Containing $13.88 on Park Road North Last Night SECOND ROBBERY WITHIN A WEEK Police Believe Crime Was Committed by Twe Young Men Out of Work Wha Apparently Used This Means * of Raising Money twelve-year-old messenger hoy, employed hy Thompuon's dyug stove, was held 1 lonely spot on Park vod north Inst wight by three armed men and robbed of the sontenis [of his money pouch amounting to SLUNG In oash, aesording to the pltory which he told the police last alght, This 1s the second holdup whieh has neourred In the vielnity of Oshawa within a week's time Aocnrding to Ferguson he Was proceeding north on Park road when two men stepped out of the shadow snd acoosted Wim, The man dark sliekaes and carried pes i, One of the trig had » nsli over his fage white Ivan Verguson, WO Yalve while OLiar Bure the had a black mask, Phreatoning the, hoy with thely sung they ordered Wm to tum aver any money which he had in possession, This he did apd ndered the cash in his money pouch whien represented oollegs tone far his emplayers, Ferguson claims that the twa appeared Lo ba young men, After searching his pookets the pale left him and the frightened lad returned hastily to tha stove, Noy Wan Decoy Wyidentiy a thind person, youngster on a Bleyele acted wa aecoy ta the rogues, Bhortly after ton o'vloek a call was received wt the dys store to deliver some goods ht the restdlence of a mal named Drew on Park road north, As Ivan 1s night delivery hoy he was despatehed on his bloyele to the address given aver the tales phone, When he arelved at the Drew home he was Informed that no one there had ordered anything from the store Perplexed, ha parted on his way back and had not proceeded far when he heard some one shouting, He kept on hia way however and had reached King street when a small hoy ought up to him on a hioyole, The hoy stated that his parents had given the order and If Ivan would ride back he would shew him the nouRe, Took Money Pouch Together the twa wtarted north on Pack road and when they came abreast of the row of Redyes which skirts the south side of the soho yard twa men stepped out a ordered Ivan to stop, The other Ind stop calmly by while th messanger hoy was searched, T men salged the monay pouch and wvidently ecarefed it away with them far no trace of ft could be found, when ¥F, W, Thompsom proprietor of the drag stops searehed the vicinity this mornin The first intimation of the robs hery came when Ivan arrived baek At the store, He was erylng and seemed badly soared The Incident has heen reported to the polloe and every effort ia helng mede ta locate the oulprits, Chief Friend 1s of the op'alon that the men ave unemployed and ha resorted to handitey in der Nain some money, It la eonside that these two were net the same men that robbed a taxt driver hep Inst Thuraday, Ivan vesides with his parents at 140 Tyler Cresgent and is well thought of by his employers, \ \ | BUTTON RADISHES CRO BRUSSELLS SPROUTS PUMPKIN PIE HARVEST MALAGA GRAPES BEM] T En ou Sunday (lam ted pm, Thanksgiving Dinner De Luxe, $1.25 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 WUREN QLIVES ORYRY EN RANCH CREAM OF TOMATO soup JTONS ROAST YOUNG ONTARIO TURKEY OYSTER DRESSING on GRILLED PORK TENDERLOIN APPLE PRITTE MASHED POTATORS PAN ROASTED POTATORS T™ ANKSGIVING. PLUM PUDDING SUNDAR SMYRNA Flas ARS R » -------- ne wsaal popaltae Di .

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