Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 a The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subser| Gasstte and Chr from plap thet the weather wis & ite oi tha ehilly side, there wan 1] wil, pea) ,. gaming from [Eli ris b dl viet, From weve on 0 a wih van the Hols were i peeph on fun an pleas To obi i Od progam ro ay entertain. hat" vious Xo a ather ats ort 40 babi | * FAIR WENT OVER "BG LAST NIGHT Hundreds Thonged 1 the County' Town to Help ; 1 yonds ea iho ta Why hire Ay evel nial - : . I hi " i utile Wt 0) Adina iN Wai Gand i wen the tet that the Fel! Bros. The LEADING JEWELER 0 Wo hod irs h AM whloh 1 up nt Hall a and progeeded poveral of the streets, was A thriller, Vehicles, motor 4 horae-drg A of ancient nad Wm ern vint decorated flog and Develts, PWIA, single and done ble, Jas oof groups of Haki- nos "iva av novth, wha 'arrly- mY ed from Manchester Just In time for the parade ehildren. in faney and weln fowe'on AORLU MER, iotab ished 12 Simcoe St, th: | com Huskers, folks with very long ¥ = | an ghort whinkers, all tgured in i 0 it the paraded which was headed by oh Rat Traffio OMeer "Hid Hilllard on his motoreyele, and Marshall John MoClelland, The Whithy Cltisens Band furnished the music, and met with opposition from several banas of the jase variety, There was hui one hovsesdvawn vehlele, and 'the horse looked aa if the man who own od It was hullding it and had the A Delightful Breakfast Food in news will be received at the WI 23==A fer Business Hours='P RESENTATVE AVES H./ORMISTON | an m an Fain, nl Branch Offies, at Ano, a % Ay a: truly yf A ty of the days hefore new models were the yage, Nohody asked for a de monsteation, The Whithy Wor Cabs had a nlee float in jhe parade Mid It wan Bn evedit Lo them, The judges, Mayor hugler, A " Browning, and Mrs, George A, Toss had a dlffioult task in select ing the winners of the various events, Thely awards, however, wera ad follows; Most dilapidated oar=Caoll Wil Hamu and Jim sheridan, "the Cou Huskers, Hest decorated (ruck Whithy Wolt Cubs} hestdecorats ad ahildren's whesls=loth Maolps tyres host single clown=="Miss Tals ty" "Tam Jonen; heat twin clowns Wvelyn Underwood and Evelyn Thorndyke| best ohildren's Hallows a'en costumen=Ist, Margaret Blane Hele dnd, Jimmy Marsh Brd, Cane te Bmith) 4th, "The Bekimos," m charge of Jima o, B, Lynd} bth, the Jags Band group (a noly a uregntion), he commie outfit, tha one<horse vehicle, was awards od special mention by the judges, Those whe did not get thelr prises oan secure them at the offliee of A, 0, Hrowning, K.0,, Brock Stress, North, The drawing for the four capt tal prives wan awalied with mueh Interest, It was made hy the popu lar hitnd veteran, dimiy Palmer, and the following won the prises; Threa-plece Ohestarfield suite A. Ropueiit, Whitby; radie, a veal heauty-~Mise Annie Yaokwhnkl, Whithy! three tons of eon) Robert Lae, boda 1/4 load of word M, Langevin, W Vithy, A a ---------- i Bh « Ll 4 TE "Phe various hooths and attrac Us were well managed, citizens ing thelr services gratis to he the veterans and gmen aurey on thelr geod work dn this community, 'Fue oMears nlwo did some effective work and thelr work wis mere than well rewarded, "he ofeers were: A, 5, Blantiek, entre man; 8, M, Lomax, teary, 0 fh W, Kirhy, treasurer; John ir! land, Falringh of Parad eommii- yminton, divestoy of an id Malutgr hilrmun ire i Labor, n i tive Han mat to straighten up bills, & stale ment will he issued through the press showing the total rvecelpis and axpenpon, 1 win the epinton of many dure Ing the evening (hat the fair shoud ha held earlier in the sen and ne doubt the exesutive With. take nid inv 'Conshih thon hotore another faly 1s decided Wp- on BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE TO HOLD RALLY IN WHITBY for Monday Afternodn and Evening An Interesting and instructive program has heen prepared for the rally of the Whithy-Lindsny Bape tat Asanolation to be held in Whit hy Baptist Church on Monday af ternnon and evening next, Ahout 100 Aelogates are sxpecied to be on hand, and the Indies of the ehureh have made elaborate are rangements for thelr entertain. ment," The program for the day Is as follows! 8.00 Warship Hervies, Rev, T, F. Heat, Whithy, HOLIDAY A UNIQUE SALE EVENT AT 36.98 Smart, new, unusually ohie styles, shown in a beautiful range of fall tones, Sizes |4 misses to 43 women's, These dresses sell regularly at $1000 two $1295, Special Purchase Price 10 Dozen | Ladies' | Silk Hose ing in shades of Rifle, Panetela, Sun: brongze, Beige, Trouville and Black, Substandard of the 93¢ quality, Special 59c¢ WF Wid SPECIA All Wool Jersey and i TWH ALS Toe ¢ eT. Girls' Sport HOSE 79c ABC Brand of silk and weal sport stockings colors, J, Substandards of $1.29 quality, Special, in fancy asserted § ete Sizea 719 to Fine Programme Prepared | w pubis riba RA. Mane peel §.b0=»Walcome--~Mr, 1, Rich, Whithy, Heply=Mr, D, Rigs, Om ave, 8,00 Sectatiey assume fe port, Mrs, J, WH, Wiking, Oshawa, B.0B=Roll Onl, Wnh Boolety i usked to present & written re ort, weeompanied hy One Dollar 0, $dinudbiibintmant of Nominate In poh tou end other hHusiness, bil Vrvewldent's Address, Migs H, J ahaner bnfiay, ; y 0 Qlg==Mim f ART W I, IY drowarden ip Orotorics) copie 440 Ad Rev, H, B, temute, of Bolivia, Bho Cloning, G00w=Bupper, Myvenin 780s ong nal ) period, 7.60 Committee, qh Ben Beloction hy Ladies' Trio, Iinduny, B,00meAddyvoss--~Misg M, Broth. ore, Lindeny KA0-~Hymn, B80 Announcements and Offer: Ink, B40 howing of Representa: tons from outside points, §.4b-=Introduction of New OM: oars, 480 2=8010~ Mr, HH. Michasl, thy, bbb ee Add ross Sev, H, ¥, Win- tomute, B80 "0 lowing, NEW.LOW RECORD IN CONTAGION 15 SET IN OSHAWA (Continued from page 1) of wom had not reqelved immun: lsation treatment, Four cases had peourred among the pre-school nye ehildren tn the ety, numbering ape proximately 4,400, among whom immunisation has only Just heen started, Wight eases had been nots od among the adult population, most of whom have nel been im muniaad against this disease, This, pild the doctor, indleated that the immunisation was proving very valuable Win Wenubon erviee and devys Miss ©, Parrott, of Nominating i Eh i Bi TR a ih. Jie Ste Jie Sali 79c Pair LARGEST IBEX FLANNELETTE | ABC Quality, a fine appearing stocks | | | | | | | 100 pairs only Ibex flannelette Blankets, la t 12:4 size flan: Hpealking to th Deoard of Health Dr, MeKay stressed the need of earrying the immunisation work ito the preschool age group, these hildren being more susceptible to any contagious diseases than ore the school ohildren, In diph: tneria, he sald, the Most CAses 00s urred In ohildren helwesn pix onthe and three years of Age, [ three years helng the peak, and the ine around which the majority of the deaths acourred, The Inelds anos of the disease then fell to the age of 16, In soariet fever, the in: oldence of the disease rose from ix months to six years, the Peak Polng between six and 10 yours, then falllng to the 16th year, Protection Through Tite Immunisation given during the wirly years would not anly protect the ehild fop years of partieniar danger immediately ahead, hut would give them a measure of protection throughout thely life, the dootoy sald, The splendid situation of Oshs awa's milk supply also helped ma Lerially In vaduoing disease, ha de olared In this respect Oshawa wan In the forefront of the olties of Amerie, far all this elty's milk was pasteurized, he sald Proper pasteurization had proved an eof footive Jrateetion apainst the sprand of diseases hy milk, sald Dr, MeKay, The water supplied to Oshawa was alan abaplutely des pendable the year around, and was free from had odour or taste dus to chlorination except In very rare fnutances, All of thease taetors, he ald, tendad to hee) to a mink mum the spread of disease Every Atom Throbbing The Canadian Bank of Commerce OSHAWA BRANCH On Monday, Nov. 18th The business of the branch of The Canadian Bank of Com- merce located at 20 Simcoe Street North will be transferred , to the Branch on the North East Corner of King and Simcoe Sts. Which has recently been substantially enlarged, a MCALPINE PARTY RESTING TODAY aE (Continued from pags 1) Captain Blanchet who Is In charge of the party and elosed thelr Wine nipeg offices last night, leaving for the Kast, It Is now siated that landing planes at Fort Charehill will not ba feasible and the party have heen inatrueted to head for Nig Hear Inke, nhout 40 miles north: west of the hay port, and then proceed from thence hy dog team Postpone Flight Ottawa, Nov, §-=Wenather today halted the flight of Col, C, BD, H MacAlpine and his party of seven men brought back to the mainland of Oannda on Wedneaday after twa monhis' wandering in the Aretle, One brief message from Capt, Guy B, Manchet which passed through Ottawa told that the weathur rendered flying hasardous and that hie party had decided to remain at Burnside viver and Bathurst station wntll conditions elonred up, After privations and trinle of the past two months members of the party, and rescuers partionlars ly, seom determined to take ne further ehunces They will fly when the weather ls mood, It Is sald here, and they will "sit down" when ennditions are In Any way threatening, Half starved and worn out as they Rudguhtedly wera when they turned up at tha Hitle post at Cambridae bay on Victoria Island, the elaght men naw have an oppor tunity ta yo Half of them are billeted ut Burnside diver, at the head of Bahturst inlet, and the other half about 60 miles north at Bathurst station, While they Are awaiting for the wether 0 Tor up they are also eating and eaping, and ft 1s thought that oy will show but lidle of the foots of thelr long exposure by o time they reach civilisation, Depend on Weather Nothing definite ean he sald moerning the time the rescued 'ol AY he expected to arrive at hurehill, Everything now depends 0 the weather, GHTENING OF LIQUOR CONTRA REGULATIONS (Continued from 1) ii a ----_-- - aA _ a ory permite on proof of sale to winors, Col, Price also forecast an am endment to the highway trafe set making a stiffer penalty for drunks on driving, and announced that he had written to sll magistrates, bringing forcibly to thelr attention the severity of the penalties that oan be inflicted new for this of fence, EE --------T Many British Your Chosen Tomorrow Mayor-Making Day in England and Wales (Ny Thomas T, Champion, Canadian Proas Biaft Correspondent ) London, Nov, HK =Tomorrow there takes place the great annual mayor-making throughout England and Wales, In nearly every in stance the election in by neclama tion an the three principal politioad artien In each munioipal eounell ake turns In nominating thelr choles for the olvie ohalr, In London the new Lord Mayor fs elected on Hept, 20, althoush he does not take ofMee until Nov, 8, The following have heen chosen Lord Mayors for the coming year: London=-8lr Willlam Waterlow, alderman and master printer, Liverpool---Lawrenoce ht, meme her of the noted shipping family, Yorke=Charles W, Hhipley, ald- arman, chairman of the losal eles trielty sommities, Manchester--~Counelllor Robert Harvolay, shipping merchant, form« oly member of parliament of the ely, Bristol==Councillor Walter Brys ANE, QUATTY owner, NheMeld-~Alderman O, W, Bards sley, locomotive engineer, AA only leaving his cab while he ha year of offios, Losda-=Coupclllor Naihan rinon, wholesale news agent, Nottingham-=~Counelllor Walter Wesson, trades holon secretary, Hull==Counelllor R, Richardson, printer, Mirmingham-=Alderman M, Lan- Counelllor easter, printer, Harper nenountant, Norwleh » Hmith, Nowoastle == Councillor Joseph Stephenson, fruit merchant, Portamonth==~Oouncitior J Smith coal merehant a ban master tn the local Balvat ie A Alderman division, Carditt Wm, Chap fos, Independent moans, Nradtard- ~Alderman Angus f Jur tans , Nov, Bemdndiéts od bY A bdo arand Jury on eharges of legal entry inte United Hiates, 64 man, mostly trom Canada, languished today in an overorowded Jall here, Forty-one of then faced one-day sentences and speed deportation, Similar sentences of the remal Ing 18 expired \ and ps were to be tranapo to the bore [der and escorted aevoss, Mor. pe A ---- on VEN the cleanest ki chen will look untidy 'if the stove is ababbily gray and spotted .. . but any ume sightly stove can be made brilliantly black with Zebra Liquid Stove Polish « «the one quick, cary, clean way to make that stove the most attractive spot in the room. ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH RRCKITTS (Overeca) LIMITED MONTREAL + TORONTO « VANCOUVER alae blankets, pink or blue borders, on sale, Saturday only 0 Pre ah a, follows! $2.15 Girls' White Flannelette Bloomers, 28¢ 49¢ Made from fine Quality white flannel. ette, sizes up to 13 years 25¢ A GIFT FOR THE . nr | RE TUTTE TOTTI) 30 Dozens Children's Hose At Half Price ARC Brad Pub and silk and solo and sand shade, Dept. urday standards of qualities hk wp wile oa Sat : to Me. Saturday Price, pair DEWLAND, LIMITED | WEN EAC i Ry ir Henry Drayton: An order | to all vendore that henceforth the | man suapected of A: ween will be allowed to hy ig ee vol A the store hr onder will be AA Ny werk Hq the suspects permit wih a specie Esta, Ry Col, Price: Seven suggestions atmed at a further tahtening of the aot were passed on to Riv Henry an tallowm: 1, The appointment of halt a dosen supervisors to cheek stores throughout the provines and report direct 10 the Mquer hoard, 2. A sohool for § eon. trol prineiples on all present vem | Blankets : | Firet Sule ofiChA | Of a silk and Wool mixture, plain ; knit or a fine bie. oh § and suitable | for men, | | Christmas Gif, a o price noe dw Aqum lho and permit censors and all +A = White | wi ~ PRE han soared | wow amplayes, to 614. Subs = NA RR 3 Inaanes of tow Sires A, Sha Ww Tha he RJ ge | ER Hterature 90, [Ml] RAEN ER C F FR To y Naty RN 4, Issuance of a ® | warning : ining me Sol TRL) a on drinking and driving with avery Hah UR he XR Hh Ne PATORARS, hay a PA WAY wha a Y will work val 8. Estee inspection in large oity heal and eh a whaned fatores during rash hours, hn, A 3 CORR ARE BEER Instant dlsmineal of permit te \N WEE wh \ auers RIVIRE one MAR (Wo or more A EridA awd --. Nw Wt i permits, FN iy A 1981 pay 3 YN ARE SWy A oheok up oR breweries and TE el wa 1] PAR INTL SLY TRE I witent xh WSL rineries ARG A cancellation of Wwike |

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