Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1929, p. 1

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"AN the VOL. 5--NO, 110 News in Brief 0 (ly Casedisn Prose) r Drowned Hib gaonem Wil lim Campbell, A prominent resident of Palmers- on and Canons, wes gal ptally drowned at Mud Creel while on a hunting trip hh teh 1 L] New Cure Claimed Sillngo.~A new method of curing chronic bone infections was olsimed hd Dr, Max Thorek of Amerie All address before the eo "velioge of physical LR my Conference Wdmonton, ~The possibility of holding a dominion-wide confer- once on the unemployment situa~ tion will lkely be discussed with Premior Mackensle King during his sppreaching visit to this eity, LA Bee Mir George Voster Returns Quobeo, Rt, Hon, Bir orRe Voster, one of Canada's delegates to the league of Nations assembly, is woturning on the Duchess of Richmond, dus here on Saturday, Nov, 0. vols ; Government Defeated Blin ~The government was dled in parliament on a miner ment to the national health insurance bill, but it was below its full voting strength and cabinet remained unshaken, . 3 LJ Tried to Polson Farmer Brandon, Man.---Andre Guetre, 80, pleaded guilty in police court to the charge of administering poison to a farmer of the Bwan Inke, Mau, distriot in the hope of gaining possession of the farmer's savings, LJ German Prince Dies Loudou, Prince Hugene Bobaumburg-Lippe, aviator mem ber of a family related by marr age to the former kaiser, died late yesterday from injuries he suffer: od yesterday in the crash of a Ger: man passenger plane near Marden park, Burrey, : CRE Rumors of Revolt Constanza, Rumania~~=The news papers here yesterday published rus Hors of a peasant revolt against the Soviet government in Southern Rus sla, Serious fighting between peas- ants and the Red army was sald to be In progress at Batum and Sebas- topol, Be My mand, chief eh officer for ¥, bate Toft last for Cornwall, for the W undernod of straightenin Lou! the reported ballot box tangle in Glengarry, Recent feforty state What many of the boxes had been found | \ unlocked, . Found Dead a Bed Toronto, ==Discovered by an other resilent of the house, Ed- werd L, Powers, 38, was found dead Ju bed in his Gould street house last night, Ohlef Coroneg Dr, M, M, Orawford decided death wan due to natural causes, » . LJ wr Driven Into Street Toronto, = Fourtesn people, members of four familley, were driven to the street in night attire at 13,80 a.m, today when flames originating fn an overheated fur uaoe awept up through partitions to the second floor in the house At [38] Bathurat street, v Move V, O's Arrives Southampton, England, --Fifteen more Canadian wearers of the Vie toria Cross arrived here last on board the Empress of Soot to attend the Prince of Wales ne oy The party was welcomed b the mayor «f Houthampten an represen (atives of the Mritish Lee gion, . 130th gh Hol/ Kingston, »=The year 1084 wii mark the 150th iabiverny the landing of Capt, Michael und other United Empire Loyal in this distriet and the historical soclety fs arranging to have the annivarsary marked In some fitting manner, pi eu 4 an auto hich an je we way d dine thd hurd te Cornville AP thay In seven hd north of here, br snes mbed in leville general howpia SY ter Me mit. noe, vhs Sore When aprings on the. in w he were SEE canning it te werve turn Ben, --. a Jw he Hive injure Shmus) ard to the rao pak Trattio tigat: i) inves. urpose' oe 1 'were : Kast General hos thio Officer + Shaina Dlomuigatel a new rer The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer / A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 16 Conta » Week; 3 Conta o Copy. TWELVE PAGES FLIERS WAIT FOR WEATHER 10 IMPROVE Rest and Nourishment Are Chief Needs of Members of the McAlpine Party BELIEVED TO BE AT BURNSIDE RIVER Flight Southward Is Not Likely to be Resumed for Two or Three Days (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Winnipeg, Nov, 8~Quietly resting, probably at Burnside Lake, where arge stores of supplies had been onehed in event of an allswinter hunt being necessary, the MacAlpine pars ty of cight, with their aerial rescu- ers, are not likely to resume their homeward flight for at least two or three days, Brought down from Cambridge Hay, on the poshern extremit Victoria Island, Wednesday, to ail: urst Inlet, Dominion Explorers a post, and Burnside, 60 miles further south, the explorers were believed now to all be resting at Burnside resting Jd eating alter their two months "of "starvation-rations," Wandering in the Arctic reaches of the dominion, Col, C, D, H, Me- Alpine and his seven companions, though reported "well" ha lost welkht from their need of nourish ing food, Except that the party, MW well as Capt, G, 8, Blanchet and | guartette of plots, who continued a ceaseless air search from the Burn. side River base, needed rest, no red: on has been given for delay in ma- king the next jump to Haker Lake W. I Brintnell, operating mana- or of RA Canada Alrways whe as taken over direction of the air Shsrations of the rescue planes from by Hie slated today that Col ne's party and thelr rescuers bit likely female at Burnside for two or three day {11} Use Dog Team Toronto, Nov, 8, -~Mesuager telling of the progress of the Mac. Alpine purty and thelr rescuers from Dathurst inlet to Churehill will In future be directed to the Toronto headquarters of the Dominlon Xxplorers, With all fears for the safety of the party dispel. led by reports from the north Thayer Lindsley and H, R, Nore worthy sent final instruction to (Odntinued on page 2) Probe Report Is Submitted of Labor Sends Statement to At. Nov, 8~Interim report of Waldron, KC he commigs nted under the combines 8 at to enquire into ¢ ie activities of the Amalgamated Buil ory' fon and other associated * anlzatio was dispatched toda fon, Peter Heenan, wiigiater of la» bor, to the attorney-general of Qn. Gi hile the contents of the report were not made public, it is unders stood that the document deals with Commissioner Waldron's probe at £| London, Ont, when the actions of certain contractors, members of the former Canadian Plumbing and om Guild, were under examina» ¥ 10 all the speeches ¥ the last six weeks _ry ---- -------- yp -------------- McAlpine Party FIRE OUTBREAK IN NOVA SCOTIA MINE And Rescuers esting Memorial Chapel Dedicated at ZApmiety School Be ---- Er A CHILD SUSTAINS SERIOUS BURNS Clothes Caught Fire After an Explosion of Coal oil Belleville, Nov, §,.-Margaret Soule, S-year-old daughter of Mv, and Mra, Joseph Houle, Point Anne, was severely hurned last evening and fs now In Relleville General Hospital, not expected to 'recover, The ohild poured some coal ofl on a smouldering fire and then touch- od a matoh to it, A slight explos slon followed, The clothes weve all burned off the ohild, the face res celying the greatest degree of hurn, The father was also hurned trying o save hin ohild and although in hospital, will recover, a ---- Five Killed in Explosion Worcester, Man, Nov, § Five men are reported to have been kills od In an explosion between shafts 7 and 8 at 8 o'clock this morning at the Swift River project of the Metropolitan Water System in Qaldbrook, No details have yet been learned, end-=you'd Tightening O R tions Dec W.H.Price And (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) of the lquer control act, promised by Premier Ferguson during the election campalgn, Ia now under the liquor control board of- nh Uni ty avenue and Shertiy Mepast. vk came almuls y avert afternoon two announvements of steps toward the objective wot far iteal? by the gov. ernment and so vigorously endorse od by the people a week ago at the polls, Sir Hoary Drayton, Hguor board Mente 10 atop ger us Toronto, Nov, 8,--The tightening | Wh ided Upon By Sir Henry Drayton when and he' plonses, nder thin order, dated Oot, 28, two days before the eleetion, ven- dors will stamp all permits under " olon but as yet wneoancelled, 'a legend warning all other bv £3 that the holder of sueh a perinit can buy Nquor only at the store neavest his home, "Purchased henceforth contined to Store JY reads the stamp to be ime ed on the permits of those od llguor-abusers, supliers of bootleggers, or without the means to permit anything beyond a overs tain degree of buying, The two steps taken in unison yesterday by Sir Henry Drayton, Us 0 [quoy hr ehairman, and Hen, W, (Continued on page 2) ind from buying The new memorial chapel at Appleby school, erected In memaor school's Old Boys who were Killed at the front, was dedicated hee late and hiwpressive cevemony, The layout shows; (1) Soviet Plans { wet My with Prinolpai Lt. H Development Of Its ye Impetus Given to Plans by Renewal of Relations With Britain ---- (By Canadian Press Lansed Wine) Moscow, Nav, 8-~Soviet Russia celebrated the 12th anniversary of the "October" revolution yesterday, which also marked the beginning of the second year of so-called fiveyear industrial development plan, During this second year Russia proposes to invest more than three billion roub- les (the gold rube {8 worth about $0 Cols) in various industries, ®xceed- ing last year's investment by 110 per cent, Now that the British parliament has approve. the renewal of cam: merelal and diplomatie relations with Russia, the Soviet government will find a new impetus for speeding up woduetign, VESSEL SUNK, BUT CREW 15 SAVED Sinking Result of a Collision in Lake Ontario Near Kingston ---- x (By Covadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, Now, 8 ~The sloop Mag- mie Ly one of the last of her pars tleular type on the Great Lakes, sank yesterday after a collision with a key line eames near here. The erew cas caped . share in boats, e Maggie L., was enroute for a cargo of Re when her how was torn out in the crash, She careied coal and grain cargoes for the past forty years, Toronto ~Further improvement in the candition of Hon, James A, Robb, Dominion minister ot fin- ance, who has been ill here for neatly two Weeks, Was noted by hls physiclana this morning, | sent | he! IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY MARKS OPENING OF MEMORIAL TO OLD BOYS KILLED AT THE FROAY of the | & Guest of Appleby sohaol, (8) the school eadets ined up in frant of the new chapel, (3) the soreen and masters' seats inside the * ohipel, and (4) the 8 Bdmund Walker memorial window with altap and reading desk ERUPTION STORY - | French Gov't FULL OF TRAGEDY Scores of Vietims Perished in Their Homes in Guatemala Guatemala ol, Guatemala, Nov, §.Overwhelmed by molten lava or suffocated hy Mphyalating Eanes, moores of the 300 or more vigtims of Monday's eruption of Banta Maria voleano have been found in their hones or along the roads near KI Falmar, where they perlahed, The full story of the disaster has hegun reaching Guatemala Chy through rellef workers wha had brought ald to the thousands of parsons in the affected vegion, In all elght coffee plantations were destroyed and most of thelr inhabis tanta killed, The bodies found in the pained homes and along the roads gave mute evidence of the horror that had avertaken the population, Some 'of the dead had heen caught in the flelds by the molten stream of lava while others had heen as: phyxiated In thelr barricaded homes, One of the most tragic spots Was A grove of trees where fleeing inhabitants had sought refuge, some of them climbing' inte the highest branches, only to suffocate and burn, ------------------ V.C. Hero Dies Of War Illness Maontrel, Now, wv. Sohn Frangis Young, V.U, of the Grenadier Guards of Canada, who won his decoration while acting as a stretoher bearer during the Rattle of the Scarpe in tha last days of the war, died yess terday at Ste, Agathe sanitarivm, a vietim of tuberenlosis that had held Mm in its grip for ten years, Only a few days age he sont a Wetige of greeting and Godspeed to the Canadian V.C's on their way to the Prince of Wales banquet, Shortly after, he took a turn for the worse and succumbed yesterday wer ning. He will be buried here an Sats urday atternoon, and hs comrades of the Guards will accord him all hon- ors that go to a here Again In Peril M, Briand Has Task of Sat. isfying the Opposition Groups (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, Nov, 8--Upon Aristide Briand, French foreign minister, today devolved the ta of answers ing questions and ma ing o sips, tans, which, 1 satiafae will hring & chamber vote of on dence in 'the new government of Andre Tardieu, Falling, It seamed the good im- Jrosion oreated yesterday by M, ardien, with his ministerial deer lavation abounding in facts and figures rather than the uaual gen» eralities, might go for naught, and hs ministry voted out of office before it is falply in, Indioations were today, barring inoidents of the sort always Mable to arise in debate, that a amall wajority---ar anywhere from 17 to 44 or 50 votes-- would he given the NeW government, An unimpor tant government motion of ads jourament last night won hy 44 votes, Pleo of Peace M. Tardibu's ministerial declan atlon pledged peace with all nas tions while maintaining the secur ity of France, M, Briand today had to descend from the general to ne spooitia and answer ovitolawm of his polloy of evacuation of the Rhineland, the agreement at the Hague, and his proposal to discuss J A dermany evacuation of the A ---------- A------ BRITAIN MAKES PLEA FOR STATE OF IRAQ Geneva, Nov, 8-==The increased econand prosperity of frag, and the great development in health, educa tion, ageioulture, irrigation and oth: or public works in that Mesopatane ian Kingdom of the Arabs, was stressed before the League of Na- Non mandates comission this w y BH. Bowrdillon, counsellor to N Henry Dobby, dritish high cams aor and commandersin-chief in . | | OFFICIALS UNCERTAIN AS T0 WHETHER ALL MINERS REACHED SUREACE SAFELY Nationalists Claim Victory (By Canadian iy! Leased Wire) Shanghai, Nov, 8+The Kuo» min News une 3 organ of the Nationalist government, toni ht stated that Nationalist forces scored a sweeping vietory pit ih the rebelling Kuominehun or "people's" army" along the en tire battlefront in Henan Prove ince, paralleling the Kinhan rail wity and alse along the Lunghal allway, Weather Holds Up Search For Quebec Fliers Four Aviators Lost For Month in Northern End of Province Ottawa, Nov, N One brief mes sage received today hy the depart [ment of national defence from Flys fing OMoer J ¢ Uhlman, in charge of search operations for four flyers fost fn the Ht, Fellelen distriot of {Northern Quebee, sald that snow [had fallen throughout yesterday, No indieation was given as to {whether or not the time id af | number | ate transportation concerns are ata ] proached when the seapeh would [have to he abandoned until afte {the fraege-up or that machines | would have to he changed At ones from wheels to akils, fkilg and mechanios wha will fit them to the machines have been tram Ottawa and ave baling lin veadiness at #t, Fellolen pending the oncoming of the wins tar season In all, Canadian six planes of the Royal Afr Force, as well as A belonging to commerolal tioned at St, Fellolen ready to take off on the search As SOON AE Weds ther permits It 1s now wore than a menth sinoe Pilot 'W, Cannon and Me ohante Leonce Lisotte, of the Cum ti-Reld flying services, disappears od into a snowstorm, and 23 days slnoa Pllot Ofoer J, 1, P, Bonard and leading Alvoraftsmen J, A, Wortey were lost during a search TWO KILLED IN AENTUCKY FIGHT Policeman and Man Whe Put Up Fight Both Slain a EE Winchester, Ky,, Nov, §,-=A guy flght between three members of the Winchester police department and a man whom they had been called to avveat, veaulied in the fa tal shooting of two wen here ate eatevday, ¥ Patrolman Lion evo h 08, died an atier 8 Wah (A to & hospital, and Mike Wills, §2, farmer railroad contractor, Who battled the ofcers, sucoumbed shortly after ho fell plarced by nine bullets, When y you seo ve women going into & barber shap together, it means that one of them is going to get a hatront--Sault Daily Stary » Specially Equipped Crew Went Down Into Mine and Succeeded in Reach- ing the Section That Is on Fire OFFICIALS BELIEVE MOST OF MEN SAFE Fire Was Noticed Soon After Morning Shift of Miners Had Gone Down Shaft-- Rescue Crews Are Being Held in Readiness (lace Bay, N.§,, Nov, § Maepgre information received heve this morning reported that Princess cols llery at Bydney Mines was on Hye, The fire was noticed In the vielnity of the underground stables shortly after the men went to work, and smoke was reported voming from the mine shaft, Oue oMelal at the golliery thought all the men were safely out of the mine, but he gould net he certain OMelals of the Hritlsh HNmpire fteel Corporation, Including J, C, Nicholson, aeting superintendent of mines, Alexander Molachern, chief Inspector, and Li, McColl, ahlef mining engineer, rushed to Hydney Mines by motor ear after the repory was received here, and were fols Jowed by two mares ampiniey the central rescue station at Aberdeen, The men were equipped with Draeger helmets and other aps paratus necessary for flghting tives afd mine explosions, Drager oraws of other collieries fn this diss triet are helng held in readiness to proceed to Hydney Mines Gace Bay, N.§,, Nov, §,---A Dras ager crew which went down Inte the Princess Calllery hefore neon succeeded in veaohing the vielnity of the tire, which drove 60 mins evs from the pit this morning, Iv is reparted at the offices of the ears poration in Glace Hay that the tive started in the seetion of the unders ground stable where hay was stars ed, Just how serious the situation in will be determined when the Draeger crew returns to the aur face, Big Increase In Liquor Permits Number Increased by Over Thirteen Per Cent, Toranta, Nov, &=Mare than 23» 000 Haquer permits, vesident and tems porary, were issued hy the liguoe control board during the fiscal yeae whieh ended Oct, J last, it wag diss olosed yesterday by Sir Henry Dray» Yon liquor hoard ehairman The statistics were contained in a oirowlar letter to vendors in whieh the board announced ith Dew permits stamping plan, designed to cheek on Set Sinee the letter is dated 2A, the figures may be vegavded N virtually complete sinee few penny would he sold se glose to the tion of their term of usefulness HY the ore wore olased on election We With hia Jette Promise, he 1s i. statisties may be compares lows with the complete nl Te i ures for 1999-28; Resident 11, Rak Temporary Ww IN Totals "a Premier King Aud iene (Ry R, Ki Carnegie, Saf Corea spondent Canadian Press) Bdmenton, Nov, §-~Fallowing a busy day In Alberta's capital, Prime Minister MacKenale Xing addressed a meeting in the Firat Preahyterian Chureh here, He din cussed the taritt question and oth. er of the western prob Speeches were alse delivered Hon, Charles Stewart, minister the interior, and Hon, J, Ralston, "We have had surpluses tor the roars, sald Mn King, | wh cock | minister of national past tive A the lane of the | oftics, "AL the same time we Sutiag with Tells Edmonton f The Success Of overnment's Financing have reduced the taxes, 1 wondee 40 the people of Canada realise vo the great extent we have lessened the burdens of taxation." He ves viewed the reductions iw income AX Talon and tanitt schedules, "The sales tax wan red i FOAL 10 B per cent, gh I hi 1 oan safely say it wil ROXL year to 1 per he hy et lesa than that, All these tions have been wade While Wwe hae i the publi debt, we ing to the milway situas HR King outlined conditions 0) t gaverament \ Fig WY MUwAY bb

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