Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1929, p. 12

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» \ ' jis & LOVELL EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS DESERTER HELD WERE Brockville ~- John Wiillam Drake, of Kingston, a deserter for the past five monthe from the RC. bis Mugen, in delve Suid v7 0 AWS n / transfer him back to the Lime stone City. Ie s---- * AGED RESIDENT PASSES Cornwalle~A very old und much respected . ¢itizen of Ellisville, in the person of Thomas McCohnnell, wged B7 years, 8 months and 20 ys, died 'on November 1, Mr, MeConnell, was of Irish origin, hav- {ng been born in the County of Ty~ rone on Vebruary 12, 1832, snd migrated to Canada with his par- ois fn 1638 when only 156 months of ago, 107 pt ---- WAS OLDRST VOTER Pleton=sMrs, XII Maybes, Port Hope, a doughter of the ate Geo, #inider, of Prince Wdward, was the oldest voter In Durham County, . Mrs, Maybes will be 101 on Jan uary 25, 1080, Mrs, Mayhee 1s ens Joying good health and was ac companied to the polls by her daughter, Miss V, Maybes, Bhe re- oalled her father's interest in pro- hibitiatt 'dnd in those days, she waid, they practionlly had to fight their way to the polls to vote for temperance, 1,000 wip DUCKS SEEN IN ONB VLOOK Ploton--WHd ducks are evident. ly plentiful this year, On Bunday afternoon a %ock of them, estim- ated at easily one thousand birds, settled on Fast Lake ngar the Big Marsh. They formed a large flock mass on the water but when in the air flew in about twenty groups, each with a leader, It was a sight to thrill any hunter but the birds were wary and stay- od well out into the centre of the lake, out of range of guns from the marsh or shore, lL SHOOTING MATCH Will be held Monday, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 11, at 1 p.m, sharp, on the farm of Wrightson ight south 6f boys' training school, Bowmanville, 20 geess, Come & Enjoy the sport with the boys, IRA ¥. PEARCE BEMANDED ON BALL Broekvillo--Jomes Burne, Br, James Borns, Jr, M, Durant, and James Harper wore arrested by Provincisl Constable T, 1, Robin- son, charged with the theft of fit- ty dollars in cash from the per son of John Markell, 8r, They up- penred in.police court this morning and were remanded until Tuesday, November 19, Ball was fixed at $0600 and one surety of a lke amount for each of the defendants, it 1s alleged Markell wap given doped lguor before the deed win committed, VEW TURKEYS You THANKWHGIVING Bollaville--Prospocts ure that roast turkey will not generally be the favorite fowl for Thanksgiving dinner on Monday next, While there is a considerable humber nf turkeys in the vicinity the price to be charged will make them pro. hibitive for the ordinary cltizen, A representative of the Ontario today in conversation with nu loen) meat vendor was Informed that he would have a few birds for sale snd thar the price would be 65 cents a4 pound, PLANE CRASHES NEAR NORHAM Belleville---TNesidents of Norham village were given a thrill op Sun- day when an neroplane, whith was taking passengers on flights near the village went into a tall-spin in making a landing smashed into a tree and slightly Injured the avin tor and a passenger, Frank Blod- gett, of Norham, The machine was being plloted by Norman A, Miller, winger of the recent "Toronto-to Cleveland derby, How he and his passenger escaped death Is unae countahle as the machine, a De Havilland Moth, Is a mass of wreckage. It was Miller's first accident In three years' flying FIRE DRILL WAS REAL THIS TIME Toronto, Nov. 8.-~More than 600 pupllg of the John Ross Nob ertson School Glengrove Ave, wero led from thelr classrooms by teach ors yesterday when a fire wus dis covered on the roof, of the build ing, The fire was confined to the roof and was extinguished in less than an hour, _ Stock, Market Prices Market Summary by Canadian Press Yoronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by nnn NEW YORK STOCK MXOUHANGE (By wanley W, Pronostl, Associate od Press Floancial Kditor) New York, Nov, 8,--Btogk prices rallied at the opening of today's market and then fell back shary- ly on what appeared to be the sale of support stock purchased yester- day and profit taking by profes- slonnl traders who were disinelin- ud to way In the market over the holidny, Trading was back to a normal volume, although the ex- change was again opened only for three hours, Karly guing In the leaders ran from 1 to 70 points, with a few speciation showing larger advan. ces, on buying Influbnced by the sustained recovery in yesterday's wopslon, and tha unexpectedly larye drop of $666,000,000 in federal re- parva brokers' loans, The demand quickly tapered off, however, and prices began to recede .around the end of the first hour, Many of the ourly galus were cancelled, and a number converted Into losses of one to 6 points, Call Money renewed unchanged nt 6 per cent with the demand moderate, and time money was in fulr supply at the wame rate for all maturities, VORKIGN EXCHANGE Now York, Nov, B.Forelgn ex- change steady; demand rates: (reat 'Britain 4.87%; Canadian dollars 1% per cent discount, LONDON NTOCK EXCHANGER London, Nov, 8,-=Wall Btreet's rally infused a more cheerful ten. déney Into the Stock Exchange gon orally today, Trans-Atlantie fa- vorites opened better and contin. ued to improve slightly, making gains from yesterday's close, ranging from one to three points, Nickel registered the most im provement, Other sections were steady eox- cept Breitish Funds, whith still were under the influence of the conversion loan, TORONTI NTOOK EXCHANGE Toronto, Nov, 8.-=An early dis- play of strength wan not maintain. od by stocks In this morning's ses. lon of the Toronto Stock Ex- change, During the first hour is sues advanced one to three points but considerable selling came into I ls i rig 1848 CLEARANCE OF BUNDLE LOT ONLY ONE DAY LEFT Take Advantage of the Extraordinary WALLPAPER TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY LESS THAN REMMNANT PRICES PATTE'S 88 Simcoe St. North ESTABLISHED a 1871 ] 'These new members of the Parker Duofold family greet the world today to find them. selves the center of interest in the smart style windows. |. Madeof Non-breakable Per manite~ 128% lighter than + frequent because it has 24% more 10k sit the nearest pen or==gee these 3 Parker Duofold INE + © Sieacce South, Phong 68 ' wh dy | I. tive po veplaced without Sonia te the rn po nd «Now Convertible ~-- Jor Pocket -- for Desk Ee oh Buying 8 Parker Pen means when you Tho Bel su rn need oblain ealy . BASSETT'S Oshawa's Main Corner for Pocket -- for Desk 5/97. %10 Pencils to match Faas to fs KARN'S | | | { | | | | Yellow Cab 12 Drug Store Next P. O, Phone 378 #Stoble, Vorlong and Co, the market just before noon and gains were reduced and in some cases wiped out completely, International Nickel again pro- vided the bulk of the total turn~ over, The stock opened With » gain of 1% at 86 but realizing sales depressed the price to 88%, for a loss of ons point, Walkers sold as high as 12, reacted to 11, und then firmed back to 11% for an advance of %. Brazilian start- to 40, for a revession of % The Olls were irregular, Britian American eased 1 at 42%; Imper- inl declined % at 20%; Interna- tional Pete firmed % at 22; Mer Coll ¥rontenne was up 1 at 24; und gupertest was unchanged at 20%. ' Of the agricultural stocks Mass- ey-Harris advanced 1% at 41%; and Cockshutt Plow registered a gain of 2 at 24, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, Nov, 8, ~Whoeat: Nov., 9 lower at 182%; Dee, 1 to 5% lower at 188 to 188%: May, 1% to 8% lower at 180% to 1404; July, 8% to % lower at 141% to 141%, Oats: Dee, % lower at #4%; May, % to % to 167% to 67%. CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Nov, 8.---Owing large< wheat quotations at Liverpool, the wheat market here underwent a material setback early today, Iit- tle attention was given to wstate- ments from the federal farm board that regardless of breaks in prices the hoard would continue to loan money on wheat at the lecel re- cently announced, Opening at 1%e off to %e up, Chicago wheat lat- or suffered an all-around drop, Corn and oats were likewise weak, with corn starting at a shade to ho lower, and subsequently eon- tinuine downgrade, Provisions ad- vanced, TORONTO High BY 43% 21 26 he 10% MH% 2H 12 80 a a6 2 124 80 12 43 1% 124 Stock Br, A, Ol Brag, Cn, Brd, Cockshutt Cty, Dry, Dia, Beau, Dom, Sts, Gypsum Hr. Wal, Hm, Brd, It, Uti, It, Nkl, It, Pet, 1d, Aleh, Imp, Ol Lob, "A" Ms, Hv, Me, Fre, Mt. Pwr, Pg. Her, 96 Shaw, 80 8. Station 50 Mtandard 184 170 280 70 700 710 718 hOB 41 1% 12% hie 79 LL) Mines 180 160 215 70 700 700 780 noo 1286 Abana Alax Amulet Big Misa, Ch, Res, Dome Falcon, Holl, He, O11 Howey HA, By Kt, Fir, Lk, 8h, Norda, 8h, Gr, Biscoe Bd, Ba, Tk, Hg. Ventures Wr, Har, Walnwell 18 NEW YORK Btook High Low Close Amer, Can, 1218 115% 11564 Am, Fr, Pr, 16% a7 87% Anaconda 87% 86% 86% Balt & Ohlo 110% 117% 118 Can, Pao, 204% 204% R04¥ Chrysler ,, 83% 12 a3 Cn, Ga, N.Y, 100 (13 IL" Cal, Gra, ,., 204 Hh Mu Dupont ,,..1134% Gen, Mot, 43% Gen, Fds, O% Hudson ... 47% It, Comb ,, 18% Tel, & Tel, 80 Jha, Mav, 119 Lae, Wis, .. B2% Mt, Ward 63% Mx, 8brd, 17 Poore & Co, 28% Phil, Pet, 1% Radio ,..vyv 304 Simmons ,. 70% Bin, O11 ., 28 Bt, Oil NJ, 65 Utd, Air, 0% U8, Steel 178% Woolworth 71 Hw N. WATERLOO GIVES TWEED 308 MAJORITY Kitchener, Nov, 8.--The North Waterloo provincial election fig ures show that majority of 8, Tweed, Liberal, over W, G, Wel: chel, former Conservative member, was 3956 and not 425 as announc- od on election night, The vote was Tweed, 6080, Welohel, 6686, and Hott, 4704, What Scotland needs a a good five-cent box of cigars, --- Every. body's Weekly, Inspector (taking charge) What s the man's complaint, offio- or Policoman--'E complained that the lnmp-post passed 'lm on the wrong aside, Re he LT gp DON'T WAIT FOR DISRASE, Mead 1 't lot oreo into our druggist says Nature's own treatinent for he eds functions, Wels, Liver, Stomach, held BB RRR Sep Sold bw Fo W. Thompson. Drussist od at 43%, and then snapped back | su ly to unlenked for downturns in Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets Ouinces, 6h wm, Green peppers, Cranberries, qt, Varsnws, bus, Furnips, bik +44 Apples, hus, TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale deniers 'n hay and stigw prs 0 shims the lollewing Lrices toy hiverad wp track, Torontei= vg, 4 Timothy, baled ton we 4 Tomethy, baled, ton M200 $10 Oats straw, per 0 em heat siraw, ha tom 60000 9.50 10,00 0, 1 Timet " va 18 guoted ut 81V w $20 per ton, delivers $15.10 Chicuga, Noy, m---- yesterday, TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesales desire ure offering pro duce to retell dealers at the lollowing wie oo) aps =Vrash, esting In cartons, Glcy fresh extras, loose, Wei hist, loose, Wc; seconds, , Blorage eggs, 6xlras Adc; hints, 40g; se conde, doc, utter=No, 1 creamery, viipts, 43%; No 2 freamery, prints, Ale Chesse=New, lurue, 2a; (wins, 21 1:00; elplets, 220; wiilions, vc, Qld, large, 2! twins, 20 1:21 triplets and cuts, es old tiltons, dle, wressed hry Chickens, 5 108, Wp coivviinisrrvsiris # Dey fo » " to Do, under § bs, Hens, aver § Ibs, , hy 4 10 6 rollers Prerereny " weklings ..i00 declines hem of pF ware ol | Iie the hori to hguidation, eRe, 4,165,813 e/, 1d TORONTO PROVISION »RICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prings 40 the trade; Bmoked rears - 18, medium, 34 fo Jey Sooked Joins, BU | last year, 125,025, i i_amoked iolls, i breakfast bacon, | New York spot in J buck, peamealed, 38 to 40c; do, | 43 1:2¢; smoked 45 10 Ale yeur, 110,442 y Sc; tone sleady, Cured meatorl ong clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibe, $246; 70 to 90 Ths, 82: %) 1a 110 Ihe, Ie, vywelght rolls, 40s, Lightweight rolls ' Lard=Pure tierces, Te; tubs, 16ci pails, 1761 prints, 18 0 1%, Shortening tierces 14 to 8c; tubs, 14 12a; pails, 18g: tins, 17¢ prints, 16, Pork loins, 28¢; New York shoulders 18g; ork butts, 2c; pork hams, He, rustle BPIOUtS, Gb siicirienis 08% Do, 6:qt, basket 0 45 Cobbage 010 aul Inens' dry, Heat, bask Endive, de ap ineh, [rT Art ushrooms, per pound anal lettuce three for Hoad lettuce, 2 lor , for car lots ern, $1.08 1.2; Na, No, 4, siL.M 1.2 $1.18 1:2; No, 6 2 feed, 65 1.4 included Bran, ton, $37.85 Ontario grain-=W re, 11 qt, Celery, dog, vivre Parsley, per bunch i, Oranges, per dozen Salsify, two bunches Grapefruit, two for , Lemons, per dozen , ) | steers, § Bangnas, per dozen . 25 Calves--Receipts, Apples, 6:at basket oiiiiiiin $17 down, Green beaps, 11 gt, 4: ' 500; holdovers, "1 Wednesday's close | Il 65; 260 Ibs, ta $0.50, pigs, sows, $4 10 88.50, Cattle~Keceipts, six for 4, with fresh made new season lows Lode Fd and 38 1.Be, respective eo, und while there may gong inta the market it also appens ed that u A part of the selling was due Bix eitien=Huter, 17,803,397 pen commitment Wh 1 a6; do, new, fon; Hoa 8 h 2 shuns, 74; December, 501, ' rl Ty ayember, old, Chicago spot market=Butter, extras standards, 0c; tone easy, Eggs~ rent firsts, 40 to Ade; tone wieady, Bireet stocks--Butter--"Vaday, 114,84; last Kggv~=Today, 100,124; TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Crain dealers on the Toronto Bosrd of Trade are making the followin, Manitoba whest= 2 No, " 98 1:2 | Goderich and Bay potrs), Manitoba oate=No, | feed, 67 1.4¢; 1.48 1:4; eed, 04 1:2 American eorn=No, (all rail, delivered, Toronto frelg Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freights, hugs ser ton, $45.35; shorts, per mide hugs, $44.25, eat, 74 to 76s; rye, §I to $1.05; buckwheat, 83 to Be, J CHIE, FRODUCE FUTURES 7=Taduy's of ket was wllowed to remain unehanged hom best qualit firm wid relvigerstors somewhat easier, All ire options were weaker snd lower from the pening, strength in theses at no time being sufticient to boost prices wi in line with yesterday's top sales, The butter spot market was sharply lower today, with most rvegiutered on the top grades and whole milks, | hit the hardest and suffered » decline The lecembers snd put mar Branduyis ARUREY reaching y on each ol ave lisen new Vour markets on hand=Butter, 54,220,468; 558,834 747, Butters Cheese econ: bf! market=Dutter=Extras, tone unsettled, Egga~Viests, 47 ww Quotation 0, | north northern, $1.85 1.2 i No, § (edd No EAST BUFFALO LIVE BTOCK Kast Buffalo, Nov, 7.» 300; slow, og s~Receipts, 1, to 25¢ under bulk 170 to 240 Ibs, $0.50; 140 to 160 Ths, $0.25 downward, to §; packing 1754 80; cutler cows, 100; vealers unchanged, yi medium 2 to 86.7 $4.75 Bheep--=Receipts, 900; lambs slow, steady FL) last $1.06 1.2 he) , If you can be convinced one trial will do it A" [Ty A A 'Fresh from the gardens' to weak; ogod to cholce, $13.25 ta $14; me throwouts, $10.50 to $115 fst swe 5.5 dium and strong weights, $11.50 to $3; "i "a lo 86.50, AINE EO EAA AAA AO AAAS SASS 00 BUY Llib JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE Hard Wood Slabs Soft Wood Slabs CORD WOOD TWENTY (20) DELIVERY VEHICLES INSURES A PROMPT AND COURTEOUS DELIVERY | | DIXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE 262--FIVE DIRECT LINES oT WA EVEREADY COMBINATION MODEL §9 Showing the Eveready Combination Phones graph and Radio with the doers open, Note the convenient arrangement of record albums al sides, Builtsin B egiranDinemie Speaker, Cobinet by Malcolm & Hill in exquisite Nos Mar walnut finish, Four record albums--iwe d0" two 12", Receiver has seven tubes (Three Seveen-Grid) and one rectifier ~ eight in all, PRICE (less tubes) $435.00 " pr i [i | i MW lid { i bo a LUC {i0oodkL EVEREADY COMBINATION MODEL $9 Combining Screen « Grid Redie Receiver and Phonograph, Above illustration shows the doors closed, concealing phones nap chamber end record "a THE WORLD'S CONCEPTION PERFECTION ae a a eC | | i I A744 7.1) Rad EVEREADY ADIO OW available--the first of Eveready's new Screen+ Grid Radio Receivers! Built to realize the tremendous capabilities of Screen Grid tubes--thg new Eveready Screen-Grid Receivers are the most sensitive and most com+ pletely shielded Screen Grid sets on the Canadian market today, | We urge you to compare the new Eveready Screen-Grid Receiver with any other vadio of like character you may now be considering, We urge that you do it at your leisure in your own home, You will positively find that Eveready oute performs any other radio set--any other Screen-Grid set of any other Short Aerial set, The combination model shown at left brings the finest Screent Grid reception, or may be operated as a phonograph, brings ing a wealth of new tone to favourite records through Dynamic reproduction, The cabinet is made exclusively fot Eveready by Malcolm & Hill, in rich two-tone walnut effect, with all the beauty of color and wood grain protected by No-Mar finish, As in all other Bveready Radio Receivers, the chassis is guar anteed for one full year, Each set sealed against humidity and temperature, so changing weather conditions will net alter sensitivity or selectivity, Eveready Electro-Dynamis Speaker of unusual depth and clarity of tone, built-in, There is a set of tubes in every Eveready Radio Set, scientifie cally matched and tested at the Eveready factory, so that the full quality of tone and volume is assured from every set, Bven in this detail Eveready takes scrupulous care to give the purchaser the benefit of laboratory accuracy and supervision, See and hear this new Buersady Radio today your dealer will arvange for home demonstration, Canadian National Carbon Co,, Limited Cal Montreal Vamower TORONTO Winnipeg N GRip | TTT 3 ; 0 By Shia! CRN Foran Set N Ty ) Distributors for Central & Western Ontario, PURSER, BULL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London and Toronto, Eveready Radios Are Sold By George C. Allchin Limited 15 Church Street, Oshawa

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