Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1929, p. 11

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; THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 _ PAGE ELEVEN ha i A ug JHE SASSHSIED DESHION. TL For Rent " whip or In taste, In commercial | decislon of the supreme court of On a A Engineering and* Surveying JONA % BARTTETTE AN ANT BWTTH, ONTA L] FL Pune, fire Con | 10 Land Syrveyors and Cli Engin olin Wh aie eu fro) Maiie Kd cars, Sub divisions ¥ no nlanying Bim Hunk THe yA King fawn hone 4 F's n, Conn CO ig" on 1" Bi r'. v. Anily, BA ng ope e.. FOUR AND VIVE ROONED MOD All Classified Advertisin urn suites, including eledirie refriy , g aration, etove, laundry, eonven| Co y E E onion, Hat Sontinyous Arad Shier sipplie ppiv Bo 'phone ' ming vents, te. nr he Trusts and Guarsntes Co {Ad,, manager for owner, Toronto (3741) per word, TAPKIERNIR VOW WENT [fl Minimum charge 800, Modern conveniences, 840 and u Bach subsequent eonseen: Apply Jury & Lovell ves 1 NLNY CTR] Of course It Is none of our business CE | "80 | TIORNEY GENERAL Tr brick house with convenlences, i ib " LAL AVR | Donald's friends eall her Ishy Dal 74 ( adr 81; or phone UNW, ( 4 Three oonseoutive inner STATES SITUATION it Ta, | onne or un perception of the popu~ | tario licenses by the Minister ol R t | lar nesd, hut we could searcely | Finance are not necessary a es or Al hold the view that publishers were A -------- ope | henvtlopn persons, For it is out | Cl fi d Ad of the fulness of their hearts that To a Saskatchewan grain, grower assl e 8. publishers flood our tables with | James A, Vaur, of Langham goes th ---- fourteen thousand new hooks per | distinetion of having mide the firs A Pirst insertion==114 cents annum, In many canes they do | entry from Canada to be received fof il] this without prospect of gain," the Internationa) Grain and Hay show Prank fiwinnorton, In The Yort- {at Chicago, BTWHE WARATRTRA, | (OKT BURIAL CO, @ KIN " oliewor. . Notary Public, Convey | lkast, Ambiance. Re pence Hi Meer Money. 1a loan Third on | fue sires narth ones 210) and Al Wilding. Opposite Posi i / Celina street, iawa, To ee street. Ambulanee, hone Ld . ~~ hal Insurance TANT BON, INSURANCT . oy BL west Oghawh, ha old { HWYON AND Ji [} haw He Bhiriviers, Conveyamears, ~ * hat In Osh I bile, ete, Office pyar i; on Wh luteance Bimese | go gui fn, Ni dows, $0 Wimeos Brrson, K€. [north Your inenraace vents at " ' ' night Heview, This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss nrising from handling a large number of small accounts of this nature, I io EA Nour Fels, 0 Maney ta lonn 0] a, od hows Fk HY Fuoue wil OW Sloss 5 K, feeted, ug Trpuiportaion o| GARTAG I § 1 WEORAG 1, 001 man's, pr) TOR yi, SOLE: in HRA, MOVING, HLOrAEe Ware hous thd moving van equipment one I tions for Lh price of HOUSE, TO RENT ON. RITSON two first \nsertions nny olusnuee, . Slecirle ah. 20 Mf Minimum oharge for three i-- ry. e. tthe, Phone. gan fusertions, 00 cents, Declares Insurance Licenses to some persapally to The Times office, u telephone eall [| {05 (Shed rooms A ome: Aly 317 Gliddon by Minister of Financ will inky 0 messenger who will recelve the advertisement || Ave, (108 Protesstonnt or Nusiness y y Cards, $3.60 por month belele, seonvenlences, hardwood floors, h ' tended to and your Interests pros alectrle fixtures, newly decorated, || Gents a word per month Oftawn, Nov, 0. © P,) Attention ; for onch additions) has been dewwn by Hon, Willism H i Phone JAG), TIMES CLAMSIVIED | uf ROOM. HuiUK HO bh. ADS CONE LAPTLEY Ce 10 Gaye to whieh stasedl That Fon All Makes / eign Insurance Companies whether : Tele hone 35 Mor In. PaaS RY, Henry Wiki TELEPHONG BB [3( ue, fire or cusualty, can be legally The Ontario Motor Sales P 6h G Gihhonu I) , Sonia " ed Ad I authorized to hd npiet business ii IMITED Lbs Ask for (lass | Canada only by leense from the | po si Nt, 8, " 004 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT THRILE AND 0 ROOMILD Sa Depnrtinent Minister of Vininee under the dru oy ihe ance Act, and companies which ean dona and Jinders Logal anid lon : " ) alin ol 0 Aid Jan ond hte ---- TWO HOUSKS TO RENT, rive should ot Le nuthorized by the Can Do You ib ' h ' Bainn public EC an unin, Sen Real Estate for Sale 'Articles For Sale Rot nier uate, Apoly 104 hie at, HONEA ghey OLDEST TTA. i" TROLS TI TART "NT at, Phone a 1470, (109%) Var! len companies hive boon thorized hi: Wi Ing Bb East [Dshed furniture meyers, Park ond | FOR SALW = BOLI BRICK. XIX MIRTD HARD AND gy TWO CLAN COMFORTABLE tl rinted Hg ha In Ontario, Que: Don't Lose Yow Car, me Cawle, ih, 08 tem, five pleee, hardwood foors, sido | body wood. Waterous Meek L Mise Medical pank hone 81 1 WV drive, rh diss args rie ' A,X i | Phone \ 2h ; ' (Apt, 2011) ii Pehl {gn yg Hh POPU hast selior n boak vinelal insurance laws and that by » Let Me Finance You! = ho STA ol Lit BINTZA i . ) written by a sincere author whowe BI BRAY FVRICTAN, RUT WANTRO---THUCRING "OF ALL | In Street, Taronte, or phone Kens | Lid, plunos, new &nd used pianos yr pone talent | ALT RIZE TN MODERN ATATY: | mon talent, but whose tastes are oret roats ence, King ! 406 2] ' ! MOTOR LOANN AND DIN nes. Bers BOGOW, a ou 10:1 me) | won MALL i] NIEW COTTAG IN arranged. Apply CO, ull, oh Tobe King Mt, Mast, Apt, 2 best-seller occurs only when au COUNTA LID, ion V re wT EAGLE CARTERN AND LONG | on Cedar Bt, 4 rooms and bath voom, | L688, Ltt) (1000) | thor, publisher, and publie are In v distance movers, satisfaction guarans | bulli in cupboards and elothes closets, MOVING HALE OF -, 1 LILG | mer oo smteamemme | woot a" ule dt Cyan oannot make LJ references to fhaterotty work aid di awe Phone us first, ee (op: #400 down balanee easy terns Wig reduction, cash er ters, Hyorys | $98, 0 rooms $16, rand hi YOu 0Annot 'mike. Dest-neliors out Double ra RANUN, In 0 is 1 ; TCTAN. age, 28 Bloor Bi 1, Oshawi, Phone | foot hennery: Clase to station, Terms Neatly new, Apply 168 Agnes Hi, | Dousekeeping rooms, Nultable for | lisher of each book believes or ha | the throat, rec, Ohare, dstuie Vicks relieves in two direct [SL] i a and shampea #1, Faelal 7% fields made to erde \ 5] Ni ROOMY | IY eli ( wrder, We save vou | DINING ROOM OTTER, RIT CHEN y y In In business for business pur | bis \Y Biot We Phone fe etl he Ae, Phone or #6 Money TC atiia ten free, 0. A rh wabinet nd other articles all in good He Nok. ones, And the publisher frequent | haled direct to the air pas. ---- Wond Bouth, six rooms, bathroom, (three cents a word), Fox the conyenlence of eustomers wha find Jt Inconvenient "de i ~WURNTNHITY OR UN. Dox number 100 additional collect for Vive ll Not Required ond ol . fo sama. FOR RENT ivi ROOMY for 20 words or less; 10 i arly possession, Apply 31 Elgin i word "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Price, Autorney-General for Ontario Radios Repaired Pvery convenience, Vrench doors, COMPLISH MUCH | Parkh GAWTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL to dog, Nimeoo St, Nerd, Apply 032 [fi d ] 0) J "phiie BW. (1096) A - ' . not or will not eomply therewith fe, | ie - he Py Hg roomy, Newly decorated: Seven rooms WwW :] The Attorney-General for Ontario . Lb t | hy Books Are points out that approximately 40 for Need Money? 4 (IY, . labs, $3.50 p hone LLL A # ake Log! and long Park flttanee foley hot ates satin Sihwoed | sib, 8 or Jud 0 bone dry furnished rooms for Hght hots. ------ hee and other provinces under pros (Oot, 10-1 mo) | 300 follars down, Apply 2031 D ors N ry " dollars down, Apply WHEE 1 HOR BALL HBINTAMAN [TT 240, (1000) In greater than the com G ® Holden sO, goucher, OMes and Feels 1 | a | wand A004, (Nov, A:Nov, 16) LJ) . . if | inst Fa Vietorla kinda, Carting or moving, = Pho a eo radios, Inte inadels; tere ments, Apply to P, H, Deattie, 101 | similar to popular tastes, , The need this Felt Mock Room @ hone 3700 4] Rurgeon, Obstetrician, Special teed, quick service, cheapest fn Osh | full slse basements, everything uy bloyele stock, and automobile tires, | 4 MOOMED HOUR FOR RENT, silk DUPAoS OUL OF ROW'. oars, AO oo athits of wolien, the years' post (Out, 20:4 mo Power, 704 Nimeoe § ¢ (10M ) thing must be sold, B23 King Stregt | 100ms, $00, Phons Holden (1000) of an act of condescension, oele, Cienvel, sand and cinders, earts | house, bath, furnnee, bien, hundred] eae TRIO i NIOHLY FURNINMIED | books ase the 1ight Is that the pub Russep on HIEAUH "WLW ung PALA (Nov, fi-1 mo) Avply to Weaver, Jackman & Co (10#¢) | Young couple, Convenlent to Peds | been lod to hope that this partiou- | nt ie ne Wand Pres 0) Boauty Parlors _-- w k w } FOR AaLl WY agian yo hone 1041) (1090) | or vy! not expect w make Holey ways: & To EE 43 " p : ANKe good condition, F 'NT Ft b ' dl upon It, but If he hopes to make | ud Woo, k 4 wer aly PRRMANTNT a ot oly Mp, OR, Burnes, 300 Stmaiy FUR REA CUNEATE #1X mney the hope is not disoredit (1) Its vapors, released | DISNEY.COTT ok Ca fer roseonditioned throughout, j8ble to him, since the publisher by the body heat, are in- a1 Cullinti Rone 3008 [0 y 0, Offiey wm on ' Mie " ad BIB {7 8 Toi 4 4 £(1 a il 74 Meghanle street, i gondition, & Kingsdale Ave, (1000) | Phone 400, a (100h) | IY publishes a book upon which he | sages; and fone Toy Woon bt. i oh roel) SUA UL TRUCK, TRIN. THIRTY ACRE POULTRY FARM, | west (Oot, 491 mo.) The reason why the majority of | i) drenton (1108) lars and Puilyps, For partioulars | lar book is a good hook, Je muy olan hd ited special Een wave, Hpeelal #5 and 87.50, Finger | SE TTOLAT ENING. CHESTER [ot #8 I'lione 476, (104) | Toomed house in desirable look) AMBULANCE knows he will lose money, He pub. | | hy ay at Belly Lou Perpan FOR BALI FRIGIDAIRE, Alc) pop RENT-NEW NIX ROOM wh that b AUR | \ di on Wave parte Maree und than | BATTERIES | uA Gb. hai | ir JOR mont new, must well leaving towih | house, Modern oonvenienses, ards Ha at 1 ate nina It I A VR At the same, time. Phony Joa i. ARTER for and dette fod J Cepe rency price very reasonable, Phone JISW. | Goa faors throughout, on paved | good book, and he belleves iiat icks "draws out A VAR al supplied Ba Bed repaired (100¢) \ i Ww "AND oe leon. Fl wl howe | THR WIT atreet, Phone SHFW, (1000) \ what ho thinks is good will appeal soreness like an old- fou Ls | HONTHARDWATOL OF | == an ' | ome out ti, Ge So we mer | Hi Luo mob AR WG lowing ond oven | 10, JUENT IEDRGONG= gi Lio one restart i, his ho bn joned poultice valelan 3A eel | BAT RITIN ONARGED AND DE | Qusbee couk 898, MoClary Keo [410 for gentlemen, Fhon (1000) | thousand booky Ls published such nburwh. Ph eeliing, shampooing, facia we EYESIGHT SPECIA.IST Sy anecla fh 1) eants, Wor Bad 1 phone livered The, rental RR, and the | (rly $40, annex 810; small cook CIATION SS DOWN | Year. We know that very few of ph c (S te Rese War Karns, [1 ternity rk and d B64, entire eleetrionl system of oar ro | stove B16 20 King street west, them are good books, But we do Optametry Rives, lle tenoe con Bh Nowa feveretic Mell, pd ), Kdward Apart: | A118V oy i " ITO RODY AND TRUOK RE: | father's clock, dintag room ohatrs, RT Ti © Phone YET hungniow hardwood floors, French stone and black loam, 1 60 ' ki hb gs tie ttl ren, fe an rh NARCET AND Ml patna, ¥04 Oshawa Hivd, Phone (1000) [town B40 and $40 hot month not know the little human story | You Ever ane Health im 3 ve Care and Eye Strain Cp ments, Quehes 81 For appointment : Disn lock | a AR, HYRTOTAN, phone Aaar, (Ot, =] mo) | pateing, Metal bumping. 1 handle | § plece cane wet, Ninger sewing Hox 98 Times (1oNf) | © for some fallures in guardian A) ey Blo Ww, Oot, 11+) mo) y n " # Hieam heat, 4 roome, 4 . h lL FOR NALE--ROLTIV OAR GAND. | Et Ce and Kitohan oabinets bohind each title, a EA, ur on, Ohatetrielan, Office and | SS the Wider Built Bodies, BIL Fry, | machine, Apply 40% Nimeoe #i, N | AA, - residence h18 Blmeoe street north, Building Supplies 40 Bond West, Oshawa, Ae 110 TENT-IRICK™ IX "ROOM Mision / ph Qal, 9:1 We) ON BALE = BAND, GRAVE -------------- i ant het, hor ove NEw ™ wl in \ 00M Hin parlor, newly decorated, } ns ow bh ( a0 3 Ear Nose, Throat S scialist for quality ane heevice ne Ma Publie Stenographer sale, Apply 12 pam, thes Ave, (1104) Hud 4 ig Fy Rhine 5 : ns Sono Ta) TE UE ele MATTE NM. WILTON, 14 _WIMOOR | YOR NALE=PLAVRIC > PIANO Phone 449 (1080) Br Wt Tao bd BLOON TR BALL | street north, . Phone 1000, pein) | Periect condition, Bacrifioe, Apply FRENTE TWO OR "TAREE UN. eet West. Toronto wl he his er AAR i Rn To INSITE | rates tor mailing dma and ofveiine | 83 Park RA, Bouth, (100h) hed R REL \- " : 8 oe Aver in A Kovels Ht prompt delivery, place orders Ii work (Oot, B61 mo) LADY'R LANE FUR TOA T FON purmshed voc HA Yatam Nov. x Re The Builder has hia problems, tore each Saturday, from 1 till advance of delivery date, W, Bop anle, Mudium sive, also furniture bi pa i Hage IN 100 but Lumber need not be one of of Ty HR towdale Phone 1018, ~~ Home Cooked Meats Awply Box 107 Pos ottice, | Ei WT IOON | I] . hen ENOUTEG "HoME" "WADR PORR FOR ATH THUR RC TRATHEK for rent, Meat, light and water - " -_ \ v No.one ever accused a Builder Dr. Hess and of selecting an easy job, But if ad Abvein] eh nay be made at Music --" ples, steak and kidney ples, hot or ih AL condition Aline cook. sie Central, Apply 63 Division, Phone | v n " 0 ' we, PUPIEE ACCEPTED TN™ VOUXT | gold, brawn, cakes And pastries, Fuitable for use an laundry stove, | 100M . (100h) l k RD (@ you ake use of our stock and our C ar . i. ser , your problems are consid- A erably lessened, RR om nd Throat inatructions, Mra. (Dr) Grant] gto, ete. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple HA I'O RENT OR § ROOM FLAT, TCOFRICT | Devry, Phone 1188, street, Phone BAT2F, (rer) | AE Muron Bt, rath) | oventonces. 80 Brock. A4M IN OFFICE (No, Bal mo) | se amen. | CREAN WIORET WARY CARN ; » RN ne ATR a ye Hours Ake (110¢) Good condition, Apply 8&0 |. pm A, Rvenina by by VOCAL THA Austen. Burke Bt (19h) | TO RENF=AWG GR Tiki furnished rooms for lght houses Fy 10) pu ay, 92 Simeoe NI OReFVaLe Ce ------------ go nan hed phone a (Tampons Con for al XA PHONE er Ww. LC Ny AA WE, Welt | auctioneer, M6 riod 8, I} I {ean sell vour ¢ yes of pg AN TREN $0 and other, nig & vards, 4 ane, wi "atisntien to | rae a LE NY por CRON of Muate, Oshawa Olle: ate and Publle Sehools, Studie, 2o (On, Ad mo) itrous @ & A it over Mi 3 fn Hier. \ RR LB HUBBELL i LT Jean by hy ire Bidw, Phone | ® ¢ fn attendances, Phones § West morelan Watch Aehnaken pobalr shop al Ki 4 Radio mov hy ND "ROCHE wk ae batteries or ok ete, Phone 1904, King ne St TALL nN Ww. El AUC TIONERR, 80 Simeone Street 8, Phone BN. (Ot, 28:Nov, a EH Motor Care GET YOuk auto PARTE AND accessories at the City Aute Wreckers, 16:17 Bond al weal, Phones 2080W or R44RW (Qet, 26:1 We) FOR SALE CHEA Nedans=very small down PAYER, Auly Nox 2 Tinea (ICY) Money to Loan CITY AND FARM LO RR ress loans arranged fou Rarristers, ete, "Room and Board TOON AND HOARD FOR YOUND man willing to shave room with another Extra warm, Heparate beds, U8 Gibbs Mt (10%) ROOM AND ROAR TOR ONE or two girls willing to room together Mrs, Short, 18 Warren Ave, Phone 127 A ---------- (109¢) {I ROOM AND hoard for rls, No other hoards ply 88 Uladatone Ave, (110h) _Help--Wanted Male = TWO NTRONG boys wanted £0 ansiat bullding em near, Good character ean Miia teady JouLien, APply by letter only, Ave Prem Lid, tute} PAMAN™ REQUIRED Be to yell new Uennor Then petro washer food OPPOFIINILY, oon requ ired Abply 12 Bond by B, Oshawa, Ont, Phone 90, \ (100 Keeping with modern convenlenoes, Centra', Reasonable, Phone 180M, (1100) FOR RENTwHIX ROOM HOURR on Nurke streat and three unfurs nlshed rooms, Phone 1504W, -- (1100) FURNTENED "FRONT REDROOM for rant Hroakinnt If desired, Phone 3174W, (110a) TO RENT = THREE Room apartments, Down town, Baths, hot water heating, Heht and water tne eluded, Kauipped with gas ranges, Reasonable, Apply 12 Qladetone Ave (1100) For RENTER RW NIX KOoMED home At 123 MoLaughiin Rivd, Phone 1R78W, (110b) FOR RENT-=TWO NICRLY PUR. nished rooms for Hpht honsekeep- Ing. Kvery coenventence, Also gan ake, Apply 21 Warren Ave, : (1100) NINE ROOM HOUSE "sey Panacea $1.78 $3.80 Louse Killer 78¢ Worm Powder Roup Tablets 80¢ a Bisinieriom $1.40 Pratts Producer $2.00 Louse Killer 70¢ Bronchitis Remedy 38¢ N For our lumber is wall manu« factured, assoc'ation-graded, 'and dependable . . . it makes repu- tations. Our delivery service is the only hourly-guaranteed one in this district. a------ e.g" --€"®SR5>G WE ---------- Oshawa Lumber COMPANY LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North Ata, ne St Hamu fa at ao \ontion to wan extraction and X:rv . Walsh, 11 DRA Nov, Em] ER War DIRTRIBUTOR WANT 10 "DOYS Blmooe sirest south, newly deo AND y REPAIRS \ polween 8B ARG 12 yearn to asalal | orated, hot water heating, suns 16 A) Makes of seta, old asin ro. [84 for § yehre WOrIgAKe BeoURI. hi, A chanes 1o make xome teal | room, Rent 40 dollars per month, RIN wer tubes added by | WHI 4 M ha cont Interent haut {one for Shiistmas, Abply N38 | Phone 308 or 100, 21 Nond street » Modeligd, Jew No oharge for | Yearly, Principal and lnerent Sher | Drew at ¥ (nti, (1108) | west, --tl10F mepection, Phows 388 R11, [eed No Kkents, FOF PARIGURI | WILE HIRE TONEDTRTRLY | === "To aa] DY FN cuamble of mak | Wanted To Rent oh, MR two thommanc dollar first | WARY RDZRESPONSIBLR "FAK: YORE Permanent situation where | iy Wishes to rent a ear i the week: EPAIRIT "AND RE: | ability, education snd hard work oo Fools ivade to aati, eounta quiak. advaneament, Men wh Call. JPW evenings or 100m aver prices Mrs, Hihn with care preferred, Apply Friday, | seessemen . nee 8h N OF) Personal Condition Tablets Be Diarrhea Tablets 38e TELEPHONE 2821.2820 Royal Purple Poultry Specifie OV FOR ADAPTION. 308. 90 aa old, Apply at 26 Rioor Street a : SAR \ Pisiafgsteme Help Wanted 0 N. ERE 0) py AE Lost and Found i ---- HERR a RY LC Rel i {on hen Tot I wateh Fi Aa VA LL * Zenoleum ar 0 d "*hioke) ta, Rian Rend and Twey & Lovells 40c he Ta libel ok Lea . w ot seek, 3 SROOND HANS DRALER™T TOTTI R BOTT ARR J Jy Dima 41 Alpe Sadie Mri polored = | small = Armia, gor Buliding, A A ups, | yon PR 3 Ci ol ------ (1100) Sle sneer a Tu AVenve.... PENNA. RR. STATION] AProeminent Hitelof 1200 Rooms | FETT Sh YO Ww ents, Miss 1K. Dewhirst, Phone (108¢) Re : PL Loa Sl "TOVELY $3800 4 roomed modern hunwalo, A \ A al CF dav hetween Mantreal Rank (a) | work, Ea : SLi honad "Bar Dapmont | 80 haar Found Hert 00 EET ser Babine Thon shal Mata ; : a {ORE | balances will be MAN ™ onnh, Ao then) Coat ng SOW, Rb IDLO) | a) once, Lyeelt, 23 King KB, phone Mortge Sh " v oo FR u = = i rw Ren Ek hw Sra rd Pog er HY Material made wp, Add AN KR , (aver MARRY Cat ng and deliver, Phone § hy 264 we) pod Pri i Ag by south, 88, "10 101 we) wand Live Prices alse choke Ewmdden geore. Won, Hampton PRY Anson Pont office 135 wiles cast of Thun ton, Phone 1348 » 2, (1080) Newly decorated, Hardwond floors, 3 Plece bath, farhace, gar ARS, Grand bargain $3208, down payment 3300, Quick Rone Hota: oly STIW, #2 Rimeoe (108h) 3 Tokre.-- The a he Remane taday, a an a tinalaet, to pare for another congress tn 18 Wobably In Ohloams. A prepare ory. committan for permanant or ganization alae wae authoriged. & Lytle mited PHONE 203 ne each having Bath, Servidor, Clrcula- | ting Ice Water and many other inno» * «featuring a sincere spirit of or

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