Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1929, p. 10

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i « PAGE T YTHE VALIANT? IS GRIPPING DRAMA NOTABLY ENACTED mmm Paul Muni Has Role of Con-| ned Murderer In Ali-Dislog Film Mevenling un honrtomoving shory tense with human interest and po teayed by no east of stellar exeellence "Phe Valiant," Vox Movietone whl « didow produetion fiom the eaprhly hands of Wilks BK, Howard, direc- tor, had vs opeping presentation list night at the Wh Martin Thewtre, aul Muni and Marguerite Churelie iM, wos featured bn the lending roles, the former ms a confessed murderer sentenced fo electrosution, and the Iutter ni a @irhowho socks to decoys whether the gonyviet bs hee lungeining Wg brother, give ehuraeregisnt ions thie reffuet thelr viried stage exper) hee Adapted Diy Tam Barry and John Hummer Booth from wu play hy Hol worthy Hall and Robert Middlemass he Villian" proves sn ddeisd 1 dim for the delimention through Voy Movietone of the tingle situation in whieh wn erent youth Hodes himself wt the end af the trl, wd of hiy righ determination to gusrd his family fram pain and disgrace by concealing "Nis identity to the end In the notable east of stage wid sereen plavers who depiet the poy erful desma whth surety snd hnesss in valae und aetlon are included John Mack Wrown, DeWin fn, Wichurd «Caelyle, Henry Kolker, bul ith Yorke, on Dempsey, Don Te Hou pA DODD'S | KIDNEY PILLS 'Aq LI vy Rel KINI TIME TABLE hy Nd ot ny fi y (Extept Bunday), GMA, B wm Daily win, Daily (Kacept Bunny) A | Daily (Eweapr Bunday), Kant 1, Dally, ' HN (Exsopt Bunday) Wily (Exeapt Bunda | ily (Eavent Saturday), Maly CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Bopt, 19, 1000 oglu A BAY am, Dally avant Bundy, BON Bon, Bunday only, La am hay: | pon Diath wees Sunday, pony Dally, event Buniday, hal eorrpt Bundaw LIL \ wi Daily, except Baturday, wy Pally We Haily Westbound » A Lely, eneent Bunday, Wily A il vy eneept Nundar, ily, except Bunda, Vaily, » Banday andy Wom, Dally, enenpt Bunda Bod poy Daily, except Bunday, Whithy, Othawa Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEN DAY SCHEDULER after April 36, In) Fine) bia 1 ow i, PrTTepTeTT ® $323z7332 3 TTT IV Ssasew 333:33%38:% z PEPE TPS TT OSS 2233382332583 3 1 TIP PPTOISIN 3 33323333322 =r: z 3 4 3 wooo too 233233 SpPpceTTe Pease 4 LIA! ODS I ELFCTRIC TFPSION IS REMOVED FROM POLITICS IN INDIA s----------o Viceroy's Declaration Evokes Wide Favourable Response Wew Dein, Bl, Noy, B-Qpinion bi Indie hus now crystallized nto de fire gomment on the Vieeroy's hike Wubi daslueation of November 1, mie Wing Release that the favorable re sponse Ws wilder than ight have been enpected, 1 he Vieeray's airmustion af the: Beigah Government's desire thst Indi should attain Daminton satus in the fullness of time, wil painting wut i conference should he held in London ta clear up relstions hetweun Weitkeh India and the nave ubiten of dndia, is deserted as re moving with ene bold stroke all the eleetrig tanglan from nding polities, The deelirntion delivered w severe Wow to the growing movement fur camplete independence and the Inds Wan press characterizes the day of the decluration ws uw red letter day we Indian histor Deseribed As Wise Attucks had been expeated from two quarterss extreme i urapenn,' or white apinten, Jw nding and the soreulled "Congress politicians, Bat Anglos indign nevspapers not only were the Hest to describe the ans neuneement as wise; they also re sented the opposition youead in th British party press, The Btatesman of Caleutta, for instance, deelarwd tht even the wisest men cin make profound mistakes when they are wl Ww distanen of 6000 miles, Any epi dation of the gon! of Paminion sta ie would mean to the establishment on ehwrge of breach of faith a wont Brain, the newspaper added: Must af the Indian newspapers, hile awaiting the final verdigt of indian politicians, welcome the an HOUnCeent ae Bo wise step toward Anding the way out of the pelitieal wipiusde, Progressive politieul ad press option in being wodeled on de dines of the statement based hy J members of the Todas Nationals Congress und other leaders, Ineluding Mahatma Gandhi, great upholder of Tada nationalism | Sreimvass Basted, prominent Indian dender, wha was cormerly High Commissions 1 South Afeiea, and My Annie Bos wn This statement ghves conditional AECOPIANEE, SUMRERHINE o Hyeller spi pit should be Infused into the Gov grnment of the eountry until & new eanstitntion for India aetually comes inte existenee, Generally it 1s intend ed to speed up the sonferenee, which the statement points out 18 Rppar STR BE FOR SALLY Bimene 8%, No. wary atirastive ren home CO CTA La ah oily "v0 Tahiod at _ pune} A Rag iB pi od #1 Wi Bathroom priv po Arage, a winuld he vedlately Box 323%, Qshawa Daily Times new Inet nape ted lL EE SSL THE OSHAWA aia im eolly to frie a schetne of sonst ute! wovernnent, sd not getual 1y discuss the the within whiely de | | ilikon status ht be wanted, tatement Compramiee SE he SERLemient sas me ERIN ON BR hot Wien the heee chigh polities! sehals of thought in India, ih Lil erwl, Congress and Tndependint ser thong, miming we securing the largest measure of apreement possible, The only else 1 this Culming eaptraversy 'a the demam that the Nathonalist congress should have predogupant represomtiation when the round-table eomference | stmmened in London, Other polit eal guarters want Tale vepresentiblon of all parties and interests Whe depressed wosses and Indian Christians weleome the Vieeroy's an nouneement snd web that thelr Tne ents be protected wt the gonference The declaration, We ted, served 1a} iy. hide attentbon from depald 10 de Wheration, The nan paint vow woyiding fi allen tamy follow publication of the port within iw fev month awiiniod ul speetpl services al Man WBnaneene | hustar Tart Bunduy evening Arhiton wre spending un few days with relatives wt Whitevale, wind Mis, Boney ppent Bunday wim Hoh minslonury fram Formos, home an furlough, widyosn on Bunduy Bunday ay, Tovonte with relatives, Mis Jomwia Metealie, of Torgnin, wpant the weelk-endgwith her wig: Lar, Mrs, Loving Cal, | Mr, Pilkey Iu taking dawn the grist mill one-halt mile west of Lalumbus, KA, Tarves spent Bunday Ashihurn with his mother, is eprenentibion at the eonlerence, which will Bion re COLUMBUS BRIEFS folumhnug, Nov, 6.The choi wl Tha ""Ldvewires' Bible Class of Columbus will present Lhe drama, "The Winning of Joy," ut Green bani on November 11 ab the ehick Gn ple supper, Mik, toa, Hayw and Mrs, Jaw, Mr, dohn Butheriand and bons Hutheriand, The community extends sympa Mr, Willams, of Tavenia, Yip thy to 1, Hall und his family in thvly vasent horesyamant, Mrs, V, Garfats WW 11), Bhe haw gana Le Oshawa with her daugh ter, Mew, A, Brown, [or u while, Itny guve an Interesting Iie mislon work on "vening, Mr, nnd Mra, Levi ¥llens spent DAILY TIMP, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1929 | HAYDON BRIEFS Haydon, Nov, T.=Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Lumbers, of Tovanto, vem yenknt guests of Mr, and Mri, Bens vw Ashton My, and Mrs, John Mountjoy, My and Mrs, W, samuels and won, Ken neth, und Mr, and Mrs, Herman pamuels, of Cartwright, visited Mr, sna Mrs, James Crossman, My, und Mrs, John Gresham and ons, of Oshawa, visited My, ann Mri, David Graham on Bunday Mr, and Mrs, Hamilton and son, of Dram, spent. Sunday with My and Mrs, Hussel Annger My, and Myr, Herbert Stainton and family, pf Hampton, visited Mr, and Ms, A, MeNells on Bun diy Mrs, Richard Ashton 1s visiting her daughter, Mrs, Wesley Brown lee, of Leanlde, Ing exevelsin, Blandard took charge of Lhe pro Mrs, ¥ Eradley, devotional hy Rema Brad: | rendings hy Mis, rami ley, Hike Gladys Martin tor i coneert an Mandy, Figin The Infant son of Mr Maountioy 18 very Longue meeting wis well atiend- | 4 ed Puenday evening Mes. Henry Ashton, Look tha apen alier which Fri iassan hy Ashton wr Viens were mis and Mi whooping cough RAGLAN BRIEFS hy Wednesday, November [ Waglan, Thompson spent Tuesday in Toronto A drama, entitled "In the Hands of | on the Law," will he given in the ehureh Wallyduft young people 1 OY thir elaek Miss V, Hartop, Port Perry, Je=Mr, and Mrs IA wt B fo The president, HE with piel A | ancl held M Jail i | M in M ¥ Wer M fo Al King (¥ 3 | 1) 0] in 1 Min fa i ew Ady» 5 ther from Lhe William Bellington with her friend, Miss la Wilsun hers ¥ attended the lan sle held hy whinson, an ah rooand Mrs ed 10, Thompson recent) ns Bialla Wilson visited in Vort h/ Wednesday } Lirose, Taranto, Very v, and ~ Mes Bray Inesday in Enbeld round My slay Lien sent Cagl have moved In formerly oeenpied | thut Hugh fapmer president Mier plier WL he Bane (, BO years old he Columbia ON Compan Fuesday in Chatham, N.Y, rill months' ness, his daughter, MM vears old, died pital ar Moghester had heen a patient Hine Mary King he Maya Hi iy wher hs he ast month ELLA CINDERS--For Art's Sake Fala 1 DONT THINK BHOULD GO To THE By Bill Conselman od Charlie Plumb TELLING TOMMY TR Er -- ARE THERE ANY PLANTS DADDY? a aaa (4 ¥ ¥ wh wed | | BJ ' NY uN i) BRINGING UP FATHER AAS A p---- THERE ARE A GREAT MANY DIFFERENT ust MEDICINE | PLANTS USED IN MEDICINE, TOMMY, A si wags ANISE 13 US#0 ar IN MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN ! hi Rare BITTER ALOES WHICH 13 OF 50 MUCH IM+ PORTANCE IN MEDICINE 15 OBTAINED BY EVAPORATING THE JUICE FROM THE LEAVES OF VARIOUS ALOE PLANTS, S---- TTI | ON CA A -- 1 | Mi v ABAFEVIDA - iw rp -- TO CALM MILD fo HOM TO ¢ ARLE TT TS) REPAIRING WATCHES OUR APECIALTY It your watoh 1a not giving satlataction we Oan vepalr and make It tell the eorvect timo D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Oftiolal Wateh Inspector for Canadian Natienal and Oshs Awa Rallroads 10 King 8% W, Phone 180 ag 49¢c A | \ 1. Collis & Sons [THT] Rit Ww, Phone Tw id Diamonds! Bassett's | On Oshawa's Man Corner MEN'S WORR® SHIRA AT | ,) EAR SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DOMINION QBOTHING CO 68 KING AT, W, Chews B41 We Deliver Er] "A. HARE OPTOMETRINT 8 Bond Street Est Hundreds of people wear with wimost comers Have's Manittioss Lenses Sa ---- Err LOVELL, LTD EXCLUSIVE AGENTS LOSE A LEG i \ BY COLL OF MAGGI . BROTHER COMES In) yy AA PE HES COMNA Ii! ll EL WIN GE LT Ang' MENA BERN THONG 15 SAFE In) YY ROOM \on _. ANY Sw ---- ITT Ji hy ' IIA We, 5 be 3] i. Ml} 0 THER, Tt) Feature Bervice, Ine, Groat Britain rights rege ved WHERE AR¥ you 0 iLL DOYLE HAW ARE ana Find Can DEW TE MAGGIE BROTHEN | STRERT J 5 BY SOUTH AMERICAN INDIANS 70 HEAL ARRAY WOUNDS ----- * CVeRY PAT 01 THE ARMICA PLANT CONTAINS ARICA OF WHICH A VALUABLE MEDICINE (5 MADE SAFETION 15 A GUM: LIKE DRUG HAVING A POWERFUL, DISAGREEABLE ODOR WHICH 15 USED IN MEDICINE TO PREVENT SPASHS AND ATTACKS OF HYSTERIA, wie, Ine Gopnt Beiain lghie N Raf ; BETTY BLUE bl GEE "THATE A BIWEL\, BU WAY Te MASH I'D HAD THE CA BOLAGHT THAT DOG: PADDY TOLD ME HUM! TD RATHER KOW ABOUT SOME PLANTS YIHAT THE CATCHER &! USED I MEDICINE, B SAYS YIHEN HE WALKS OUT AND TALKS TO THE PITCHER f By Geo, McManus --_-- " ha -- WOE HE MAD oI WE WARTED SELL HIM TO ME: | Br 11D HAVE TE "Im ™ f AN I NA wih M A A bh J EI Ba WARE GOING To THE CASTLE SAD Ray, Te oT 'THe ANDGo HAT ARE YOU DaING WITH THAT, JAR? dain The owl » ON SAID Bo®BY, WE ARE TS Fu 11 FROM The FaunTAIN Of MANY COLORS» FOR THE WI Tom = Mi Te Foe ap "ie "Bine of TRUTH WE CAN RESVE The of JReTH § re as nn LOVELY PRaNcESs »" A TILLIE TOILER---A Waste of Time Ao NEW GRTTING "T HiM =~ (& GO nw Blown Mt, Mouta So AS ano | WAS EMBARK WOURNTORE TOM AER URS AND SCUTTLED "THE SHIP BY) GOING To BE MEAN= TT PIBAT GAYTETAL STR BIH E ] FAM The PouUNTAIN PTY 's SAD The T Pith THE TAR FReM "ThE, awl. NEAR RY wer

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