Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Nov 1929, p. 9

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GENERAL DRAPER SPOKF AT BANQUET at aS (Continued from Page §) the other overseas dunn ons. hil wade to the eanse of Emp : J Whe ime of its grea st weed, pi (Riser, In A von #Peve spanse, Hried the nesesnty [7 Sebving Aude " A truly ni Hay He and spoke of splendid plage eh the Empire had " iin the I world as the shammplon bo 'y and right: Rev, en wi he ane the i raneh, Can ry iL and testified fo the! | A ho service whieh the hraneh rendered in euses of disability 4 need iu the the ¢ hy The response was made by A, raves, who ap peated far Ay iffterest anil up of all @ ig 08 veh for the brane The rot tn pa he ye Les wlan us # Hating, | argapigation, wih ber posed bh DN, Douglas, and Pane w [J iif in i jl PE Ho hy ar ot Jape, his entire agreement fu jh Henin whieh i wil hota | ou § arding the plage of the ia yg nf he werld, and his plenspire M bein Whe to visit Osh awit hraneh of a Leglon, ico Draper made an Intern yefers tee 0 ; ie dinner being pio 1a the dlders of the Empire hy the Ines of Wales, "The ne dip hi nh Pringe of Wiles | n" selling together the V.C's tram the different piste of the lmpire 1s worthy eof mention n an {Arinistice frets, sald Genera appr "What a i ering thw wi 3 ude up of the noble an an aner, who have fought side hy side na king and [el It ia not nly reeogn Hen of valeur and of fighting merit, hut will be ene of the palden eine tht will bind the de minions 1a the ¥ Fpire, Mon November 11th, 1918" said the general, "the most horrible wit un all intory eame ta an end, Hyery pol hin science could produce in order to incapacitate and ta kill had heen used in this great world sons flict, Mere words fail to deseribe ihe Seeadtul carnane which engrossed the rE ----_--_, natbons of the world for over fom yERFS ropL il CG The aed ih EE thy cepdntion of whined pecs doy " i origlngl Ari ee Pay wi # the pi jor. wees of the psaple 1ouna expiesnon nay ll kindy of ATH i 0 er necanse of their. shanksgiving a acterized that dll Lay, "In the ee Tt Tow Kiving svi Wry were emnity Al oy developed Io hi tan, rather th, of fying, It was in tha for pene vnking of the g sheriheed eve¥ ph in the sade trustworthiness, In the eoupse af in world "i "i fe i i éltisen to hr 16 In th i Wiahds, adh BEREON We bi ar tho wh i fo itnelf, == auntry) for or od anes -- pi pire for the ie sneved ame of o world 0 the fv yond o the Land the sadness of Armistise ¢ " tig ton there runs # Hyun ri nhkfulness \ Yb wid of pride, True \ bles 1h are hoth thankful and pre ul 10 hes long tak race that ean produce nen who will da and die, in sush & splens did manner, n Armistice Day we geal with [1 fitude all the many hie ge 0 oh W sation and open y within A hl 4 Brin Empire, & two ideals © sommemaration and thanksgiving characterize all arfilee serviees, Canada's Pant inte the mighty struggle Lanny threw herself with heart ad vou sending overseas almost halt Am Jon of he stalwart sons," said the speaker, "The wa sherifiee of Can bl I was Breit, there having heen 210000 easulutios, nearly & Quariel of hat number making the supreie saerifice, Many Canadian family giveles were hraken through the loss of father, hisbiand, brother oF so, on (F ried Cakes 25¢ PerDos. Cream Goods 30° to 60° Order your FRUIT CAKE for Christmas 80¢ and 60¢ per Ib, Hn R. MONNEY'S BAKERY We Deliver M King W, hy ir Lh THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 h | 929 i the J (fishery ee Aiptssred the fi fity of ¢ h ¢ heads Winer, fon "oly isabled ure the (0 fie AA Use who have ple 1 ly trigd to nd Gecupaion for | ¢ them, During the Armistice season ow thoughts wre ened In geatelyl ren oh wnee fo thoss who fought wd Wiered and dhe thetmelvan nl! hfe GE ) 1, if Oe ik Ldad : : y hk the fy Pay moh th EN 's i eat er win bi po ho (J yy hy 4 eo wd aL pe i A a toh fol th i ney, He men, nis and privitions ol Wiki oo. ches In thelr heaps the spivis ei penee, Veteran influenee should acl TY Hgaal divesting elviligtion inte the yealm of peace, The tie hes passed. when the i upen to wdian Corpy Is eallec aht, hut i wit ry netion ae a urge for good reat viriety of ways, The oo! bl fol and they his al velerana should be @ ly 8 tive the na of devel opin # right - tonal tt allan, Civilians need to be taught the art af Someadeain ind for pe rad CUNT) pao eed hy the sol diers in the nid i gory trenches of vanes and Plan rk, BVIEFAN in uence in Ey a ean only aot in a aoncerted way through the Canadian Legion peal to Veterans "Tapped Apes all veterans to join the Legion and make the Canadian Corps stand as 1 did in those years ol stress and strain Let us infuse the war-time spirit of the carps into the Lemion that it way function as @ force for pease, Let wa mobilize for this great task under our former garps commander, General Bly Ar thar Currie, who 1s the President of the Canadian Legion: Tt should be an incentive to us all 10 know that aur former carps sammander has not lost interest " the veterans, Neb they busines ouble nor slekness have inet his | kin an Reve part in the werk of the Legion, uh sake & real effort in order tha the Lost Generation may net rion lived in valn, "The hope of making Canada one af the height gems in the British grown reais largely with the veteran, te ataet with the people YN Ruwland, MAN Beotland ane Vales hu re he our men something of fhe oy in qualities af Hritisers, Let ry Tb towards the goal of ok we Canada & _ foros for good within the Heitish Empire, hanks Expressed In an eloquent speech, Gearge WV, MeLanuhlin wived the thanks of the pathering to General Draper for his bres 66 6 ut lhe basguit, 4 pnd for his Hep ll oy yi hel wef , H BEFhy A ipsion | fo tha fed support, and the withering i Mien With thy a Vowke wir ho thanks In 4] Key, ih ri / ded the » ry Jon o , fit spaech, and the gath { ohio i "| gy HA hy its pape A Hse, confi L4H AH Mis REL the foil 1 "Pha ie and stressed the great mo i fa nm " i ole Jndy " ihr ep fhe by ih In. doi i" i V there, he Watlonsl Awthen, and on prowounged by thy Wrslon, The degorations of the hall, with the min feature, and with # magnifica pam wren, with the braneh Wag, were very sirik ng, and sn effective toweh wis gly onto the proseeting # hy {he Iillen jad high "6 the Le hit ob by and ah Ah fils y thie Cant a & i i iid ds To lng of | the Leng lon wh, # Gamplete sim GA if eivek ho Jobin T, pha In ie ANaErs Conrtiee, Boy Arh Mr, und Mes Muwtay slant na) Lh he My He WE i is und Mes, resently Wigliy i So ites bg Hike Mleh ln, hunting trip [hy Cubimbin with hed fowl old's Wo Yaueouyer, The RENOWN 4 beawtitwl "Challenger Deford Crotley's exclusive eo mode bivdsoye maple overlays, # mill a vhaiids, Bublidn oy Dram 1peaber, 225 with mbes Full Power Screen Grid The DeForest Crosley Imperial Series i Sa and ow reen Geld ow: 4 7 the 's beat informed research {wan standards aed tev high " A Compare-- COURTICE BRIEFS Brooks tw viehing her winler, Mig Will Vevey Wn Tuvan, Hurry Brown und Alan, IAndeny, were Bun day visitors of W, RB, Courtice ville hin father at Wakeesyille Hin tuthey Adcommigded them Lame ind spent | A, 1, a few diy with My, and Mv, W, | II fA whedon the | H sEmlstiog eelehiation aw BEQOKS has gong novth on u Vinnk Walters wus In he ah [ peri pdent | Monday on business fon Xs Baveriment My, und Mrs, W, H, (anded the presentation In Boling palipduy evening al leme in honor of hig two P/E NINE edi Ey ---- Ghark.g Wha Werh cubly, Mrs, #2 #1 Walter Enider whers hey Anyw Willer Bnldary und hrother Hunde, K wiainten, 4, VV, Lil vieiniy Taranto | Atherton Tussis, Mileholy mt Jil planting fended Hey lll LiL LL LE i LR aR R Rs tr. | any De Forest Crosley with the best Radio or phonograph you can hear em | | The "ROYAL YORK" s=Gives the full power of the "Imperial" Seveen Grid Chassis, Supers lative periormance in every way, A cabinet sf perfect propoviions in the mort beawtiful woods, S385 with tubes D' TRING each of the past four Jn Canadian homes have Quishased more DeForest Crosley radios than those of any other manufacturer, This year an amasing sales inerease---N0% over 1938 is Indicative of still greater public prefers ence publie enthusiasm, In DeForest Crosley's unqualified ehals lenge of comparison with the finest musical instruments you have ever heard in found the explanation of that proven preference, It ix so definite==s0 tangible #0 slmple, It has brought thousands 10 hear these new models, It clearly telly the story of a character performance that has decided the radio question in hows ands of ng Canadian homes, Those who hear bw Vast ine Resources Create Quality That performance-=and that challenge are the p product of the Jen engineers ing resources of the mdie industry, wan on accumulate all the Rnowiedss of radio science, No one on gonination ean do all the research work The" LANCASTER =A beantiful combination enéxrap ) amps) Sevieg Neveen Grid fouh, aed A thon, tly ry able, oriental ly combing 10 mabe ibis bs A i 1S Peis of lib goon with tubes on alk radio development, Hi i reat labomtories contribute to the orost Crosley, 3000 research engineers a) the results of thelr findings, This In the policy which has made DeForest Crosley performance the standard of the natn, Great Production Reduces Costs DeForest Croley sales siceesr=that has made thin Canadian Company the largest radio many factpeer in the Briviah Emplis==has seduced Metion coms 0 a minimum, Here are the acenal figures of annual sales and production increases: 1929-8196 aver 1924 19062000 aver 192% 19% aver 1924 1938-370 aver 1927 First © months of IDI0=-809% over 1928 Thin sustained record of k in mann factring row th makes possible A Wahity AL average prices, Hear ome of new DeForest Croaleys, Lat Jour tn 4 AWK \ win Ton wl ie slow a aR LP I make an AE for your ol DeForest Crosley, Limited 3B Maha, ves, BH Polling Man, Div, marMed ve with hin father and brothby motored Log BWeantiors ara wpending un few Mr, ana Myre, 8, B, Brooks mot ared to Vort Hops Bundsy spent the duy with they grins wong, duck and Billy Bowles Phas Ladin' quinteits, Mesdimeon KW, fourties, Anis ang W i, Courties, with Miss Hakel Hin dle, pianist, and ome others rom motored to Vrines evening of lust | ter Mimi week wheres u ehleken pis supper wun served and a eonesrl given in - viel the giintetis sunk savers! The people there wx ty them a corals) reespiion | and entertained them in un splendid Har Wha voung peiple held o Hel: lows'sn seein) 'Fhursday syening the Bunday Sched yoom when & good program inending promens ading Wo Tavey mMakguerads cos times, was the order of the ene Lariminment, Canty was served and W assault time njoyed Thursday svening 18s week the young papole"s meeting will he In A. chris of Miss Marvy Vound, Mig Aura Oshorne and "Frall Hangsy's Hyany Mis Avg Osborne ts spending wn oweek tn Toronto viding her sls Iyin Osborne and olhey yalatives there wna E--..e "Yash, They, 1 perlieve you, Bul ars you yell Insured," A wo ---- Tbe "TUDOR" An Bolg Series pe Hanhe Soveom Grid Chatsls bn 0 Ht odifeg av wodvrne cabinet of exe onal desdgn, Choice walumt wands beawttfully combined, New, jaw proved Electro Dymamie Ai $398 with tubes Ww The Challenger Series The Imperial Series Thirteen models==sereen gold and Standard tubes $78 to $685 LJ FOREST CROSLEY DE Screen Grip Rabio a a a ie DAMS FURNITURE CO. SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA E JOHNS PIANO 0 SHAWA STORE

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