Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1929, p. 6

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PAGE 81x / RARE Sa H-- i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929 Be Women's Interests in the Home -- and the Community SOCIAL and PERSONAL | OUR NURBES We Tuy not possess a home of our weekly whist drive last evening, Bovenieen tables were in play, The flypt three ladles' prises were won an follows: Mrs, M, MacDonald, Mrs, Chas, Les, Mrs, M, Thomas, whilg the Jontioments ve prises went to W, Judd, RB, Brown, James Ox ford, CI The members of the Whoopee Hunt Club who left for Maple Is- land, Parry Bound District, on Mon« Foro phos hy the side of the read, we ive Jol our lives, to fim, or for hy the slek eot, to help ely load, fe Ritson, Arlle Ba ¢ § Amos, singin hong nl supper tables were daeornted For we are the friend of man, mothers of my o ih iad rote Mrs, Les, Misses Hota Taylor, Mildred John , Dorothy Cook, little boys and girls sams p Jui and were kept amused inening to stories told b Doris Barrowelough, -r Taylor and Mrs, B, Harston, Hallowe'en soiory and each west wos given » Jekow Dae at to wear, In servin the teachers were We serve at the palace, the princess of hein. m, oF kins formerly y Mi England, w / he pr who lives by the way | mong the hon uents ot 1 ¥ Lome of the gang, whe te lle NEO 0's Moss "Hi th eric Res Res, light) Or he dior the street who knows Mand ity» Vor r we wear th Ik of man, hh: n service, "where ween' ¢ from Bie lips or the ¢ Pa fits arly dream, Wi a smile, for reward, Is love's iy Fér'swe are the friend of man, Th How silvered arown, WEE puhurn, or raven, or brown fowl their reward, and by Him He whi grant 11s Inslgnin, a erown fire wold, Av Co Norwich Btpaet Went, 18 wpanding a Few Nope with eelativen In Jersey Clty I. and Mrs, "J, Hyndman, A treet, nitended the funeral Mary Hyndman of Kemptvitle, on Monday of this Week, any are Fred Ball, Thomas 4 man, George Parsons, oun ors, Blake Bond, Arth ville, Harry Oawker, Harman "Roger, Are thur Henry, Kdmgar Glover, M. Huns, . in oi 8 The "Lend a Mand Club" held thelr monthly meating on Tuesday evening at the Winnona Aparts ment, Bister Blanche Ball hy ed, The president, Bister ighe Disney, presided over the meeting. Phe lub 18 planning a busy seas son, quilting bees, sewing eireles, and other potivities, During the evening Blaster Disney and Mister CUranfield donated a linen tablesloth and brides cloth and these wre raftled off, Wisters Thrasher Cranfield holding the Iueky & ots, The members expressed oir raves that Blisters Annie MaeDon- ald and Wthel Holdaworth who wera 11 were not able to attend the meeting, Refreshments were porved at the close of the evening, The next month's meeting will be held at tha home of Hister Wier, Atha! Wreet, . The Volniary Dapartment of Bim- oon Bteect United Chureh Sunday Hohool wan entertained to a Party yantarday afternoon, Miss Marion Burne, Heeretary of that departs ment was in oharge of the affair, Phe wan asalsted by the teachers on LAE ron ng, Mra, Trace Mills 8 spendin » week ork ; orand 1H wi BS i onto, shaw +] days on a fot Dut on) on he visit with her Mother, " Bmith of 7 anne Bt, Mrs, has shown great Interest In ihe most notable feature of this Hf noeing such of those sights as 4 hasty visit would he A On Wednesdny Mr, e Mrs, Trace loft for Montreal, Are returning to Chicago next Ay where Mr Trace In anxious to continue with his chomidal reneareh work, Ll] M LJ The officers and members of Queen Mary Lodge No, 07, met In their lodge room Wednesday even~ ing, After the business of the uvening Past Worthy Mistress Beams took the chair to conduot wleotions of officers for the som. Ing year, The ofticers elected were as followa: W, M, Bister Radway, D JM, Blister Nichols, Chap, Blister Toma; Recording Hocretary, Histor Maritain, Financial Neo, Rister Hevers| Treasurer, ister Himpaon | First Lecture Blister Howie; Heo ond Lecture Sister Bayyas, Deo, of Ceremonies, Histor Qrowthers| Inner CGuard, Mister Boughton; Quter Guard, Bister Johnson] Com. mittee Binters Wood, Read, Dowe, Morrison Smith Guardian, Broth LL A tr baaaaan ; Thompso oa Untoes Mister | - Haan IE nomalf hugs a" \ ators Les, Goodell, a) Plano, W W 1 oY our i He nd 1s N het (RRB ister Crowthers, There were visits ors trom Vimy Ridge Lodge, Whit by, Oakleigh and Vietory Lodges of { | : ¥ 4 : Oshawa, | "so youth ho "tin the closing of ment supreme, on shorien unfold" wre told, Pdi We are the friend of man, Misn Kathleen Conlin, Athol rh bY, Tr Hyndman 4 mother, Mra The Hons of England had thelr The Royal Templars perance, Oshawa No, 68, apent a very enjoyable evening In their pew hall above the Hydro Eleuvtrie Shop, on Tuesday last, The event took the form of a Hallowe'en Soelal, and about fifty members and friends In various gay oon tumes helped to make up a pleas Ant evening of games and frolle, An excellent program of music and SONES WAS a feature, Miss Annie Farrell and Mrs, Rolf Burns, tak ing turns at the plano, The items included a motion song, sung b Miss Mary Daurlo and Mr, Lloy Newhall, Misa Ivy Fleming also kindly assisted on the program by the rendering of several sonus, Mp, Sharpe kept the Semis ny In constant merriment with his hu. morous efforts, while other artists included Mr, Douglas, and Mn fohards, #Heleot Councillor of the Royal Templars, who eon Uotedd the program, Refreshments were served at ten thirty, and at mid. night the happy party broke wp -- RECIPES APPLES COOKED IN RYRUY Pare and core as many tart ape Po #8 thera are persona at table, repare a syrup---for tour apples, one QUP SUEAF And one and ones half cups water, Into (his, as soon as It reaches the bolling point, place the apples, and with a sib vor fork keep turning them, gents ly, over and over for tive minutes when they will ba thoroughly cooks od and soft, Put each ino EW ual dish and cover Ww 2 oream Which has had added to It one teaspoon Super and oneshal rin ts vanilla, A Rinsing var rat a to till the hole of apples with jelly before putting cream upon them, | of Tem: | wm ALMOND COOKINS One halt peund shortening, \ pound sumer, % pound Simonds, mon, eake Ov and add ane dd almonds, fine, and the Juice of on |) and lemon and the ted Mad " wily ong And Hout ohough to make a |] roa and roll hin ow with cookie outte rush wit white and aprinkle with oy Pake In A moderate oven for § min. utes, This makes about § dosen small cookies, They are delicate and nies for tea, Trouble For Those | aradually, and tous gar blaneh beaten, A 1} Gun CHOSEN FRIENDS HAVE CONCERT "| Madame Toaussaud's Wax Works Feature of Evening Something very novel in enter: tainmendt In Oshawe, was the oon vert put on Inst evening hy the members of the Chosen Friends' 0080, Characters and scenes from Madame Tusssud's Wax Works were brought before the audience, which was startled at thelr amas. ing likeness, Rotary Hall was packed to the doors by those anxs ous to witness the biggest event of the year attempted hy the lodge members, The Citlgens' Band was in attendance, thelr musio sdaing much to the evening's perform. ance, Judging by the decorations alone, It was evident that Mrs, ¢, P, Marks, who was In charge of the concert, had spent more than a Hittle time on It, The audience Fi Pwas convinced further of her abil. hy the pros ity und enterprise gramme ieelf, The Band played prior to the introductory remarks hy Mrs, A, W, Bell, Then the main programme started, Plrst were different chars acters posed hy Nving models, Boft misle secompanied this exhibition, while the wonderful seenery In the stage netting added much color and atmospheres, Home of the char noters , depleted werer Egyptian irl and Arab, Mary Queen of Hoots, An Old Fashioned Girl, Miss Canada, Indian, Polish, Bpanish, (ypuy, FPareretta and Dutch, Ne siden the tableaux, thers was a pro- gramme of good music and read Ing Mpa, Norrieh sang Allee Niue Gown, and two other melee tions, HBhe also played a banjo nelaotion Miss Cladys Melaugh In wave a reading, Homa of the tableaux were Wash on the Line foomie), Watsad on Oshawa Dalry Milk (comie), Maggie and Jiggs (eomio), Quick munio was play od for theses, Neauty and the Beast and Cinderella and Hilver Slipper were very pretty tableaux The Fairy Rose Carden and Mexi can Courtahip were colorful and fanainating, but the Chinese Opium Dan displayed a great deal of dra matio ability of the models and wan perhaps the best scene depleted, Welrd musio was played while this scene was shown, Helections hy the band were played throughout the evening, The Nridal Parade, the last on the programme was ins deed tha mrandest of all and the aostumes, as In all the other tah lenux, ware vary heautiful Mra, J, I, Marks was presented with a large basket of flowers at the olowe of the concert, as a token of appreciation of the others members of the lodge for the work she did In connection with the ens tartainment, Bhe {a deserving, also of a great deal of praise, for It was through her steady efforts that the concert was the success It wan Noth the audience and players tamained after ta enjoy an informs al dunes, wer Won of those taking part In the orka were) Misses Nianche Bkinmeley, Denns, Davis, Orance, Olllospte, Rinck, Macy, Watson, Ouddw Tole, Mensars, Rice, Rinley, L Really, Mra, Trayton, Mrs, Crance and Mrs, James EE a il New aa of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 dimpoe Nt, South STCHARLES | i) lon! MILK Orda For Anything ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ust one who, never starts to preach hen days of shadow some, But understands=and walks beside And cheers you ony A chum! gat one who cares not i your path n palace lies or slum Bo long ns It Is grandly walked With sturdy feet, A Mg : of pluck b fri um Ahm oul 4 to tryst Just one who sings A On Above the world's And grips your han From youth te ey THE LINEN CLOSET The more ample & linen closet ean be, the better, I'he major considera tions are first, absolute cleanliness, proper protection from dust, and » convenient spacing of shelves for linen, It is # very good idea to haye a lower section a cedar lined oup- honrd to store blankets or gomfart ors, equipped with u shelf, The walls of the gloset would he painted sn at: tractive color either in contrast or to mateh any color scheme of the room or hall In which it is placed, The shelves may be made of different depths and different helghts, although all of the same length, that is, above the shelf for sheets the shell hold ink shallower things such as pillow cases, may be only twosthirds of the depth of the one helow i, whereas the next one ay have the depth of the bottom shell, For sheets and sufficient depth, while for napkins tabloselothe ten or twelve Inches is elght or nine inches, It would he found an advantage to alternate n wide shelf with a narrow one, for DISPLAYS ANISH NOTR A captivating new model that is waining wore and more yRbuinrly avery day in 1ashionable cireles 1s ustrated in petunia Ruthie cantun erepos The scarf tie that falls nen- chalantly over shoulder shows smart teinuning In sheer velvet in three blending shades of same goloun which appears again in deep cull (reatment, | . pm tormin: ates at le a oo 'K amy bu! ha R ou A This book, sent free, shows new Ways to serve more milk in the daily ] Ww. Your family needa more milk, Serve {tin their food, in soups, sauces, breads, desserts, candies, 4 tevin | saving enor: | tones, thie re {ditional for {and Winter I~ ele bi a, t skirt, plac ] nein Nat hips, with rR th ment at lefts n Jon, provides fulness w Ry Style Ne, ne is eh hn Jee | 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 3, "his slendering d with Princess Nines % phe lias in black crepe on crepe in bottle Green a a oN brown hoy Hie x canaine only hoot Hg in ones n (coin is preferred), We coin ea We 8 RNY that whe you To | ONF pew Trathion Magaaine PATTERN TT, couroN RR serine ches bust, It's very © hetive and Serviesable velvet Hh bile ie ta Stine, wil ne a Rin price 0 cent, in for palterh, you en he SO Ry Pa FETTRTETTET TETRTAEOININ ig ANNAN Address Town Proved Luni inna iminium insane ey SR" Whee wn tarlie: ae | The Women's Corner the Homemaker and thé ob iiptoveat to Housekeeper fit It more comfortably, ilding » closet daverming what # conve ant and build ser elves LiLo stirsefve wh when covered with pads, nished at the edge 3 valances, with a scalloped binding, upper » op which h are out of reach may be treated In Fhem, re cording to thelr helght. Thess tov may he for rly blankets, From the jo of the closet a shints roflar shade a nen ou wil pe wil pe ao om i protaction Rgainst Mn # large house where there ls a heal "ot | linen, it is desirable to fog 4 # closet for Led-linen and sep arate one for table linen, Frequen| ly to«day excellent closets are built n paosey or dining-room to hold table linens, ---- CHIC WRINKLES Sults, nfternoon frocks und eve ning gowns all take longer glove lengths now as necessories alter the fact of style, But whether four-hut ton length or twelve, gloves to b ehie must he wrinkled down on the wrist, not worn drawn up taut Aale-- "TRY.ON" PURSES The wise woman will "try-on" her purses this year, For the numbers of different tones of color, the varied shapes and slses makes it hard (0 choose: If Milady wears her out fit Into the store and holds different urses up alongside of it, she will be much more apt to select the cor rect one GREEN SHOES Green Is a big seller in shoes, The reen suede oxford, with calf-skin tip and trim, Is lovely with green tweed frock, Green kidskin, trimmed with bronge edgings, Is 4 neat afternoon sandal, Light green, and a clear, hard green are both pop ular for evening slippers, especially for wear with White fishnet gowns, FRONT TAPE Little wirle' bloomers and skirts that are ole ted all around shoul! have a li pe sewed in the middle of the front so the child will | know at a glance which way to pu! them on, This a veal time-saver, and If a loop Is mada of the tape, the gar | ments may be hung up by it when laundered, Putty Pineapple Pudding 1 oan sliced pineapple, § cups water, 3 tablespoons cornstarch, eggs (whites ofly), & tablespoons sugar, dash of salt, rain pineapples and cook pines lon Jule and 1 eup of water, Dis solve cornstarch In a little cold water, then add to the hot water a rT Now 1 get TN dust, Es ST to scream! I had Rubbed, rubbed all morn. Ip 1 SE he L ng home from weike!® 1 told my - "T'm not poling The finest tea you can bu us xed Kose Urange « o»oe fade from juicy, flavor filled leaves--three ups in md, Every package guaranteed, REDROSE § TE Ais good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good and eontinue cooking until thick (4 minutes longer, then remove and smooth for 10 minutes tongor | from the fire and pour into indiye Bent the eggwhites stiff and fold | idunl glasses or Into a wet jelly into the bolling mixture, Cook for | mould, fet aside to ehill, i -- SMOOTH » T--. pp" For ONE POUND FRAGRANT - The full-bodied richness and mellow flavour of Gold Medal have made it a most popular bever- age. You'll like Gold Medal Tea. mn 'GOLD MEDAL TEAN BG went on strike whiter washes = without hard work « + lot me tell you my secret such hbour, "How do a4 het you a nice snowy wash?" rf 4) "You never seem wi out scrubbing, the way I do." RScrubbing) Why, that's on d- pied! Toots you kore, Sat the whitest are dn Ee) rinsed 2" And then she told me about Rinso, How its thick suds soak out dirt and pi "aa at wash clothes 0 , Next washday 1 My and my, what No soap I ever used marvelous, wiy even before the home from school, The seta? wash 1 over faw! oF canis certainly Shanged my washday Ri wk " us whether you i or washing machine got the clothes ue from school ~-1've ry Ay easy directions and ee ees vt than though possible Lover Brothers Limited, Torente R08 dothes whiter

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