Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1929, p. 15

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, OSHAWA PAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NC EMBER 7, 1929 ED SECTI Wren meets LL NY WRTETRS EAE ee HF § igo fi or y Vy, um, HA, ETE, "HATIRTTNR, Nuothey Publis, Convey Manav A lo lau, Thivd fi us Opposite Pag ff Pile Selieier Aneer ney Al ( re RE, BANK WHRTOWTON "AND (LITT Warrinon, Conveyance atarien Public, ste, Offlen ave Andard Hank, Kuteaneg Bimess » k oie IH 1» Aare, 11 Ke, 2s Ay oN: 20h Nid LAL. mm VER Muney (6 naw, 16 8 To Phone 67, Realdenee Bi nerth AKT LAAN PTE 1, TAR Hers ne | J li pil Hy io if} ibd 3 J WA HY lle ie A tare, whe 0 ¥ PHVEICTAN, Bi OMes ane hel BR WRAY, Aseaurhes etary . Oshawa, Phone 94 . CHAROLTY W.THICR Bl glan, Surgeon, Obatetvielnn, Spestal geferencen 1a mainly work iil di geaies of women, Two vears' post radiate experience, Ofee and ves genes 107 Bimens 81, N, (ear, Broek) FIERY, TIVEICTA NY Ohstetvietan, disgases of usec gud ehildpen, Ofige and dene, Y v7 Rand Fast. Phone 1153 a | HAZLTEWOOT TVR an and Burgeon, speeial LITA ven to Xorav work and Blesipd : Hi guy, Offer, Pisny Hlngk ie Offie Fig 0 am . A W ia ii fe Ro Ohsteiviel 1, igh and i i it 14d Bimene 8), Fone Joa dance A RL bh hone AA RU HER Aa io LB & A kidinh) ll Ft WP Ran, Obatetris erin 1a mater sed of children epee, 183 Bimeon 81 Neth vy A tv wark oi Ofes and hi Phone Bane 341 y Be} J H.LIJ Twat 0 BR oe so pot Weal, Anrapio, Wl he ai his Nee aver Jury & Lovells Reo tare eivh Tram LLL | fou homie ton and ireatment \ (Missa of sar, nase and Aheoal alntments may he wade #1 Batieday aver Mitchell 10 ww 12 ; ARROL NaN a + phone AF FH ark CAR entraetion, Nurse (1) Al ts Ww va hh Hage 1 I RRC) AA Ver \ A Nitrous Hons, Fone 181 Ao ) ---- ont Theat Dentists, 4 AE (TY ARATAGHON An tention 10 tn attendanes. Phaves VINSON, N ineee 8\ hh EE {Oe LLY Contracting OTING ~ CONCRETE Altera \ wes FOR BN N RE Deve ro wR And ak LL © POR 4 ri ni VOW, OAR AYOTAN WPEOON, pa glin hl and JO \ jig i] i WEL nOvLR, clalist b 4 NBT! Han \ way hat «| leale Enginesring and Surveying NONEVAN AND SMITH ie JAR i Land Suevevers and C) vers, sul divisions Ff " fan ne fl munieingl Enkings ¥ ar 1) Wii 81 f Fhon ih URI TURTAT £0, 7% RAL Redence fom. T iia ™ nartl, Phones 81 Hever UIT B7 Celing street, Clshaw. Benes street, Ambulance, Phane Se aad 1084, Insure wi 19 King ul weil, by ' i eit Fire Arengy in Oshawi, gro 1 iy ¥ ail ad hii ' 0 Himeow worth, Your iste WANE ab ended to and your te vail pre fen # Were " ran on TE OARTATN AND man's, 88 Bond West In FrRibire moving, Wories walk house and moving van eqiipment hone WH, OARTAGH, MOVING, ARAVA anil and Sites fea TR AA tlie Fine Spe Bi EW J wh AHA wi Cox, 0 hip En Al inhel fuEnitare movers, Pa oa hie fd JAP il Ahi Be gro ; (Oot, 1he1 ma) WANTED THUORING OF "All kinds, Carting or moving, Phone i) W, (Oat, 10 I mo) iL CANTENG AND LONG din Aes avers, satisfastion frig ol filek Bervien, hat in Osh awe Phone us firey, ara (Oot, #1 ma NEWTON TROCR, 7, BIN loek Girmvel, sand and Nd FHF ape, 218 Bloor Bi KE, Oshawa Phone 47 0 (Nav, fel min) TR SA i Sa SAN. Beauty Parlors FETT LOL PERM ANTENA wave, Bpeelal #5 and $7.50 Finues ave anil ahampon 81 Faelal Fe Wr eulth or 230, Phone M68 or #6 Reng ah EXPERT MARCELLING "HY ret Ww an at Betty Lou Perman oni AY whappe: Maree! and sham pon. bY Phang Bia, WATEONS BAR BER AND Refuty Ahap, 9 Celing 81, We spe plalise In ladies' hate eulting, mae i ni, whith peeing facials, Maree! CALLE TR tl) Apnainiments hone fit (1 | ALI err ANT ri i, MRS Everette Hell Ant 0 Edward Apa wents, Ouehes Bi Far appointment phone Ageal J (211 CTA Building Supplies FOR 8 ATE. RAND NAVE sang andl Bleek loam, $100 a wil ar auility and servies 'phone Ms ary Hoos, 898 ving 11 CEMENT NEOCK AL SALE dood anand and gravel, Ta naire prompt delivery, ples orders in advanen of delivery date, W, Hap rawdal.e Phone 1618 Musie : PFI AC TRE TR VHOAY. RINE Soe hi (Dp) Grant "ww ne i --. | (Nay A mo ARTUR TINO V ol Al i | shor (Hambowig Lote AREY, ar all exams ranted pupils prepares Oshawa, Wednesday, 9 Bimpoe fi North, Phone 28841, {1 aN MHA HOOK LEY "FTRREN PHO WILE Aetapt pupils far ali §, valoa onlture, ete hone 1804, Nav t Musie, Oshawa Oollogt: Nake Bladie, 20 VIOR "AND Ad0ER RepRits oan sleoivle wad Y dol Tubes and batteries Prieta vacharged, rental None 10400 Ohavies Blain Wa RAW supplied $1, W Ales, 2% LL) R akon of sath, ald sete Ye wor added ho My * Pilev: ks PIES, CART 8) HAVE TLL OREVIOREARTUND YOUR windows and dears filled with ta i nd 3 Shik aul the wel, the oon My RR Rawa PRON (Nav, dL We) a | NIRR Dents Fin YARRR 4 BRT one hog Ba Kinde of bo on sake A Wh. Phone 1084. (Ooh, 30d we) (ORL 18 me) "All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has heen found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling » large number of small secounts "of this nature, Far the convenience of sustamers who ind it inconvenient ta come personally to The Times' eee, a telephones sall will bring » messenger who will 'vegelve the advertisement and eollest for same, "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Hi " # Real Estate for Sale FOR BALE = SOLID BRICK La Foom hot water henting, gunn trim, five place, Trinh floarsy ble drive, eledivie Axtures, price $4,300 S00 dollirs down, Apply Pt Pulfey in Breet, Taronte phone Ken wind nd dN 16) FOR BALE-J an Cedar BE 4 ro Built fn euphourdy Articles For Sale MINT 0 HARD AND BOTT WOT Whe, 8480 per load, Also hone diy hia wand Water a Meek Linnsd Phone |248 (Apr, di FOR BALK "HBINTAMAN uu Lady, planing, new and used planus V0 pation, Tales odeing teri Arranged Apply U, Trull, Phone hhh RIAL MOV IT ALE OF BICYCLES hileyels N eli, and wtomohile dyes BIW vous tion, Sah ok fori Fvery thing must he sald, 82 King Btres weal (Lie, #40 mn) PORT FALE MIXED "HLAR wand, $10 uw oord, deliverad, Phone BOLOM or onl) B71 King 81, Hast (107) WEBCT HI HANH Abily 168 Agnes Bi (10M) {Nin NEW COTTAGER me and hath Fanny wie glathen closets tull see hasements, everythin y (apr B60 dawn halanes pisy tering, EB Ele 7. 70d * IHS ae Ma pa Work Wanted RE-UPHOLETERING, CHERTEN helds made 1a order 4 BAVE Vou money Katimates free, © A Con sable, F4 Mechanie street, Phone 1303) M1 HA TTERTRE CHARGED Al LEED far and delivered, 78 oenta, 1 fo Flen CULE had pied. $1 LL a LA PARES IB und gandition, SUR, A INA W \Gis, P00 mad | oly My, 6 Hy Burnes, G00 Blmes PATTRATHE OTHANOHN AND DN: | 24 8 hone 410 (1080) livared The, venta) BAe, and the | DINING ROOM SUITE, KTTCHI entire aloctpionl system of oar pe | cabinet und other artieles all in good paired, W04 Oshawa Hivd, Phau alin ab Ringadale Ave (He) LIEW . Ok ied me) ORDERS TAKEN FOR DRE AUTO HODV AND TRUCK WW: | eens wil dusks, Phong 2008 | andring, Metal humping | handle | nih, (1064) ha Wider Bulle Bodies, BIL Fowl FOR BALE <= FRIGIDAIRE, Al 4h Band Weel, Qshawa most new, must sell leaving town (ALLL price very vessonahle, Phone J1I8W {HO | op | Biav en Wines | fank HUACH RLY ew FOR BALE LAG WH DAY P01 mn) Public Stenographer MARIE M, HILTON, 14 BIMOOE sheet north, Phone 1000, Hpevial rates for malting Hata and plrouiny work, --- hd Ma) | pi Home Cooked Meats FRET ET TOME" "WATE POR plas, stonk And Kidney plows, hot of onl, hPawh, fakes and pasties, whe, aie Frank Drakes, 31 Maps street, Phone 2R78N (TTR) . Auctioneer PHONE FIR), W. A ger, MA Rimeoe 8, Ha) your odd plases ol fw Ai ri [1] ho" ile flea Al owip y il a or THE WILEON HARDWAR) fore the follewing Vand Wushes oink SEL Mot ur le BOB, nies B10; small slave #10 BA King street wast f10hh) HOLIT OAR GHAND fathers vlaok, dintag roam ohalre I Pisa PREe wel BiREWY BOWINE manhing, Apply 40% Hlmeos Hi, N (108) FOR BALE eS Position Wanted WORK W ANTED HY A YOUNG SRY. vi man, Apply 110 Frederiek . (10% } WANTED GENERAL HOUS) work by veung mil Hox 288 Thies Mi) TI "Poul VOMBARIDIN, BF Jol ox LON Whithy (08a) --- -- Room and Board ROON AND BOARD FON YOUNG WAN WHnE (0 share room with ANOLE, BXIrn WAPI, Heparaie hada, 68 Gibbs BY, (10ta) NOON "AND BOAR FOR ONR OF tw Bi Wh 19 FOO ingether Mes, fhort, 10 Warten Ave, Phone Ue) | Help--Wanted Male Rove WANTRA=TWO a ioNG Daye Wanted to aaaiat hatlding en Bineer, Good oharfaeter onsaiitial Rielly position ARBLY hy etn ORLY, Alger Proms Lid, (1048) BALERMAN RE LIRR AY anes 10 sell Co new Conner Thevme BISOtie washer, good QRpHTINILY rafurences Van ived, APpLY 12 Hon BL Hy Oshawy Ont Phone sop (0) TWO INTRUCTORNY ARR Vive Wen i Ry pn fat, Bh LAWS Ay LA i Nig Wa ni Help Wanted HATRDNERS RR WANTE IL NURT Me Arsh elas for ofl established pay for, all @ WERE Bh haw, a | 8) Atart ARply ® Richmond Stiga, B = ~Sewood Td Doar FRCOND HANG PRALER, FUR Atal ha LARA sold ARG Ries ih (i LL La FLA SONTOR | the 10h, % op § Mafaiahed WAR Tou A With von vy for akg ™ AH] he Moderate . thin AMVIRE WALK our eorham, No PON, Lochiion, Penk #1. 10 N ROX 133 Oshawa L080) WANE RESPONSTRTR PAR I WASHGE 10 TORT A fap ar the week oR CRI JID evenings oF Boom L10%h ) W RTT og "CTE Di Aen @ or 3 wively WOH Fay UNG EADY LT) ih ATK, \ Apply § TN oral Motor avy ET YOUR KH FATTE "AND weonsanrion al fe Olly Aute 'rook ars al LTRS a weal, Phones 294 [OANY RA weil Wa RUN VERTU TOT WANT" for BO YORE MOMEAES Reourity i oF 0RRL Interest hat "fn Pal AR Interest gan A Wn For Pan thine Rh (1080) Farrier \Y SOR Wade 0 Le Med CORT HEATR OREFR TR THING SEALE, BRK Hawers on ends and ww NR Ti Please "i a NS ADYR WHITE GOLD WH ah Yin Wight hotweew WY 3 dandy veils R Ritson Road & Phan ip, AWE OIRO TTT | 0 Nowa wo No Will RAY TeRd ing the Pi ey ) WIR W Som LL) MY AT Simoes Bh Nownh (Ea i RN With an uN CORVOR INO BR, Prafarably weal of oreak, where Ane WI take Baily of $140 th awl hansen PATE Barman , balanea WIR bo paid tn oleh, Ae Weed ality dor Khe hawsekeop wa all DATHOWR YS hon 2% Ties hoa 1 AR0a. Lyeett, 3) Ring B, tiie 9, (10d) h For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD AFH WiIken, (neluding elesiria refrig aFiiOn, wove, IaunRdry, eonvenl Unies, S465 sonUInuGaus hot waeler wupplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 8671, ur Tha Trusts and Guarsnies Us Id, manager for owner, gti ) APATTMENTE VOR RENT Maodprn sonveniences, $40 and w Apply Jury & Linvell, ALLEL) BMALL HOUBM M0 RHUNT--AV ply 606 Calling Hivaet (1070) TWO FURNIBHED OR UNVUR ehed rooms, WHI vent separate ly, Fhone §RhH7F, (1076) VOR WENT WMODWHN Bix roamed house, MWewly decorated Only oaratul tenants need apply, Liaw vaninl, Poasnesslon immadlate Iv, Phinne Kay, (1070) Tey HOUSER PTR W001. wikurniahed Aly Hd Amines Ribs (107¢) HEN COMPORTARLY feat room, hoard aptlensl, Apply 26 APE Avi (1070) WO BATH WOOME TO HUNT Hunt, walsh und alectrie, Apply 811 Divinlan Bi, (1070) FOR RENT BEVEN ROOM helek house with sonvenlsiees, App 748 Cedar Bi op Pegi (bbe) AOURE TO RENT ON RON Head Bawth, sx rooms, hsthraom, fHrnues loci Ilha $0 iw wanth, Phone 2435W (Il 10 WENT PURNISHED OI UN tarnished yooms, Apply M7 Glidden Avi " (10K) FOR RENT HIVE HOOMIED ganventenves, hirdwond fonrs Axtures, newly deearated, Apply M1 Elgin Bi 1 Phone 1686) (HOM) WIGHT ROOM BRICK HOUSER Fivoary eanvenlanes, Franoh doors farm Windows FRundyy tile plod In hasement, Henry Witkin i (Hihhene Bt (10h) THREE AND 6 ROOMED HOUR] to let, Bimese Bt, North, Apply 644 Athol Nt, | Phane HIV (100 WO HOUSER TO RENT, FIV Faome, newly desgrated, Beven room hat water Beating, Anply 168 Woo HE Want Phage 121K (Hg) WO OLEAN COMFORTABLE furnished ranma fay HEhE hotline Kenning Byary oonvenlones, Alen HUPaEe, Apply 104 Alles BE, Phone 140 (10hp) ALL BIREH IN MOBEAN APART ments, Apply ta PH, Heats, 10) Bing 80, Mast, Apt, ¥ hrlek electri Piri POsBeRRION (108e) d HOOMED HOUHE POR RENT, BEE, A ronma 1B Heand new 6 fanma, B80, Phone Holden 571W, (100h) "HHREN NIOREY FURNISHED Nouaskeeping rooms, Hultahla Toy poupla, Oanvanient tn Ped and Phitiips, Pay partieniare hone 1041) {10bn) LAR UNFURNISHED TWO panms for Haht housokoeping, Yery ventral, BE Centra Bt (10M) FOR RENTS COMPORTARLE HIN ronmed house In desirable loosl Hy ream ditioned throughout, Lanven tenes hardwood Hoare Maderat PORE te FLERE Pavey Phone 460 (fuhn) FOR RENT--NEW BIN houses, Modern convenisnoes, Hapd wood Hors thraurhoul, on haved sipnel, Phone BREW, TI he) 10 WENT HED ROOM muir able fay gentlemen, Phone 100%) (1090) APARTH ENTE TO RENT DOWN awh 840 and BR per month BIOR Rent, 4 rooms, bath, sles trie stave and Klohen aablinet, Run ARN olothes elossts, an ox RAR Times ( f TO RENT -HRIOR LN hardwood Hears, Frenen dee, | BUR parla nly ACURA window bithds and alestrle Ha Hires, Apeh ih Riga By, WB Phone 44 (108 Pots and Live FOR FATE THOR ORN FOLD Xhive FT) ban. Att Ritson nd, Newb, hi Rossland ay aw ¢) 0 TINGOTN EE I AMO Rien Ala ehol hon geese, An ARRAN WON, Hampton Post Fen 1A miles aast of Thun 10, Phone 1048 v2 (1080) © Mortgage Sale NORTH AGR HALE OR LOVENY AARON 6 roomed made hungale, Naw ly Aeenrated Hardwood Haars, & ploes hath, furnace, gam AES, Grand bargain $3300, dawn PRYMBRE F800, Quick Rohe Hold oly ATAW, #2 Bimeos (108) Young ns Notice to Creditors In the Palate % The Aranaton of the To Whithy tn the Mhdig Ontarte, Lahanren, Dosapned, Al pelaans Ravin lating ARAIREE Phe satate of Thames den Wan Rranston ate of the Towns! iy of Bast Whithy In he County Ontaria, Labourer, aed, Whe died an oF alent the Twenty olERIR day of April 182% ave wath fed 10 send 19 the Wnderstanes Adminiivairiy op the Wadersigned Halloliars. on oF be Whe ith day of Decambor 1935 thelr names ARG Addressnr And Tall partioniae oF held oladms Anly veritied, After wa Mentioned date ha a of the oatate will ARAMBUESE AWARE the Parties en THRE thers having vegard on 19 the olalma of whieh the Ad Winkie shall then have aw Lie, DRA A Oahawa this fh day = November 1998 NARAN ALON RRANRTON, Adminiatvatriy UR Ura men, Creighton, & Frasen hap Roliviong Oshawa, Ontania, (ALL EEE EL) WM Worden WAM of \ HOOM | ( AIX woo | Y ON..: eY NNN \NNO Rates for Classified Ads, First innartion==114 6enis per word Minimum shnrgs Bos, Baeh subssgiont conse tive lonseritlon 1a per wird, Thess sonseecitive user tong for thy prices ol wo Hirst inneriions (Lhves sents a Word), Minimum charge fur three Insertions, 40 askin, Box number 10a additions) Professional ar Wusiness Caran, 84.60 per month fop oil wordy oF less; 10 AANIN 8 WOOP poy WORN for = enth additions) word, TIMER CLAKBIFIND ADB CONE LIYVELK Als COMPLIBE MUCH THLHPHONE 8h Auk for Classified Ad Deapiriinent So Personal ARV WOV SFO ATO PTION, 3 wieks old, Apply at 296 Kloor Bireel wal (1080) ELL DRYSDALE TRIAL HELD AT NAPANEE Kingston Man Charged Fol: lowing Accident to Rev, F, J, Maxwell, Oshawa The following elipping from (he | Napanes Hxpress will prove of In terest to loon! readers #8 IL refers th Lhe telal of Wn, Degsdale, King sion whos traveller, who was ohare ad with dain hint 1 harm 10 Hey FP, J, Maxwell, pastor of BL, An draw's United Ohureh, his won Frank HB, Maxwell, John Murphy and Thos, ¥, O'Brien, an a result of Bn moter aeoident Whinh aooury of on the Righway near Napanes, AOVAPR) weeks nin, Hav, My, Max wall was seplously Injured and has {ust pecently resnvered Ho win driving west at the Hime, Keanm punted hy Mes, Maxwell and his aon Frank Murphy and O'Heiepn were passengers fn Deyadale's oar, The alipping states pa follows Madden, Mr, Wm, Drysdale, shon traveller of Kingston, was found gullty on Tuesaday last an all four pounts of dotng hodily harm to Hay, Pod Maxwell, his son, PK Max well, Juli Murphy and Thos, © O'HMen, The oases was held in the aunty Criminal Court at tha Coun House, Considerable argument de veloped at the opening of the sass, the esouneal far tha defences Insists IE tht tha cane should not ha pros osedad with, and olted rensons for ao doing, His Honor, however, avarruled tha objection and the cane Wan proeesded with and was not soneluded until wie o'olaek Hontenoe was deferred, #8 oounsel for defences gave notlee that he wold Appeal on a eaprtktih point of Yin the Polls Oourt the weak previous, Mi, Diyedale was found guilty hy Polloe Magistrate Graham on the eharae of helng under tha imtlaencs of Hauer while In charge of & OAR, ANA WAR KIVOR & ANEpeds of aoRIBROA oF One YOAR, and 10 pay All the eons, VHOLL onsen were the result of A had motor arash hear Odessa oh Friday, Sept, BTAR, when Diyadale's ar anil ME, Maxwell's ear eollided, with the result that four were ne ured, An wall an Deyadale, the mine stor halng seriously tnjured, There were A lates number of witnesaes and the evidence wan about the Aamo An heard tn the Pallea Court on the fret charges The oases ores ated conaldearhle Interest and Auta & RUWMBAE Of APROIALOM Were pronent, VM, Wilson, KO, ap at for he Crown And Messis, NB Herpington, R.O, and J, © Raynolds, Kingnton, tor Drysdale, wwe SCARLET FEVER AT NORTH OSHAWA Two Families Afflicted by Mild Form of the Disease ET North Oshawa, Nov, The Paw oll and Solomon families are wader GUATRRLING Tor seariet fever, Tt is a "i WEN fp OF the Ni he threesyeamolt Connell ohikl Wet With a paintal pecident Sunday evening when she fell aut of an wp AAS win W Nhe wai quite se " N LU va WL AL Gerry return od howe fran x WOE Hp to Chi W 0 Ant © a hited Staten points hil MCRAE they were Buests AOL Riven hy iN olanaes MY Gerry attehdes Rinsell Jolaw underwent a sel ONE Operon Wo Oshawa General Roapital on Tuesday, At the time of Writing Ae ban well a8 can he ex PORK Halowe'vn was carried thiowsh ay win! avonid here, Several pranks were paved on people and others Vise 21 hawes We eats The \ THatora His Honor Judes J, HW, dawnponir of vin no Hout pived Ry mishap, nidny there wih # heay hat soem, Mull as big we peas il Wie mde the ground white for # oh nd Phe stn shone through 16 #8 Hines Vrink Glover sustimed & sik on his head when he fell from & wagon " i Vi Murjarie Gerry Ta gh ising hie I iis, and Mw, Gillies, over Ihe week ond and retiirned with Miss Man mind hy mito Btephen Baywell, president of (hi Oshawn Young Veople's Uman, ad dressed the Young People's League here on Veidiy evening, My: Baywell spike on "himmigration" and Hive BOING I eresting 1actn on the subjeel Mir, Kennedy neted as shsbrman In the ahsenes of bath president and vies president, and also sang # pret ty soba, The next leggue program is Wo ehaige of Muriel Phillips, She tal lowing Friday there will he & temp granes lecture Phe Junior Endeavor will Lis vs arganiged on Friday slternoun alia whoo! My, and Mis, Juhi Alexander und Miss Frances, Will Alesander and Miss Esther Dennis, matured (0 Pel arbors and visited Mr, snd Mrs, Nel son Hudson, Bundy Mrs, Bonnets of Whithy, vise her mother, Mis, Manning, Munday Mrs, W, W, Pipher and Luby June, vistbed her parents, Me, and Mrs W. I, Barrett, over the week end Frank spent the week end Enplinh at his home at Linda ET Ahought your husband object od to you taking holidays alone? YON, TRAE Wan TWO YBRTE RED "Than he's changed hig mind?" UNO, ye ehanged my husband," A teachar, diseoursing on King Alfved the Creat, touched on (he burning of the cakes, AL the alos af the oral lesson the ehildven Wars required tg wirtte 8 composi Hon on I Now, ehitdren," sald the teaon ar, "tell me all you Know about Alfred the hut don't men tan the burning of the enlies] Ww have had that sn often Tall me what els oll Know One ehitid paper read ax fol Inwu and Alfred went nto the woman's onttage, hut the lous sald whout that the hettey," rept RTANDARD CODN INSTALLED Mu K\ithbnes Id LH |i A hy ating LAL = SR OT RW PAGE F FIFTEEN a dE al aa a a 4 Rs inn - - Radios Repaired The Ontario Motor Sales AMITVD NO Bless Bi, W, Phone 04 WW Blin My My Do You Need Money"? Don't Lose Yow Car, Let Me Finances You! G. R., Holden MOTO LOANS AND DIN COUNTS 11D Volt ack Boom 6 Mone $700 DISNEY COTY AMBULANCH AT Celing Mi Phone 1088 ---- EYERIGHT BPECIA INT Auth ali Ihe Eyes ln Maden bile Optometry Fanti vise wir Fy sn Health ve Care and Eye Shinn Disney Block IPhone 1010 Delicate Curtaing stay free from the harmful effects of Soot and Coal Dust, A Heating System that is Unrivalled for CLEANLINESS A home ie Ne Moist, Freah, MeCLARY Bushing Warm Ale wystom, Standard Code Installed, never ful to Naty women, The Alr In the and Healthinl, 19 ealleet dust and add to houselesping a particles of soot and coal dust, The MuClary Sunshine Warm Ale Furnace burns all the goes that came soot! Thin in made possible hy the famous 'VENTERLART' Ring--an exehe sive MeClary trative, Smoke and volatile gases are tgnlted, nto an Intensely hot flame, You get ALL the heat! Bven the cheapest grades of Piel edn be burned without waste! A MeClary Bunshine Wasm Air Heating system, Brandan Oude © Anatalied, costa enly about half ae wmueh as Hot Water or Bream! Talk ss things over with a MeClary Bunahine today. He hin 10 adil to your eombait an FAVE YOU real Toney

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