Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1929, p. 14

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Bh oe PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1929 REPAIRING rp i rg . WASHINGTON BUSY | RR (NEARY JOD DEAD [si mit | mm cm my | KEDRON BRIEFS | main : : (Wotan of persgny cob in ie | 4 a - ME, Wi Bennvsan, Wellesley 8] PREP Ri mm; i i uid bu Aili) san v4 , | i" Warm, spent. (lie week-end al by | [1 yea HEHLIAIAY 4 ye 1 ' 4 Ron tha top OF CR8 mOvIng wrens 7 9 HV Werry's | satlefaetinn we ean FoR IY i of lays, A hody of & man Was sid | . MA 1 Mis Kathleen Conlin, aseompanivi And Hake it Tel the eeFrant | ERE CF ' A Ril [ Bean i "rap lunch ha lus nyer ' ' | : hy het wister, Mrs, V, M, Love, Os) Him 2 f ane of the strerms, CRT daa > i / ! aw. left an Batiedav Tor arg bee ! NAVA CONF N a | | Volcano in Guatemala Re. 1% 00 the Siew Fe So " : . oh, ih left on Batwrdey for 4 Week D, J, BROWN ' : J | y we ] vacation with friends in New York THE ANWELER news Activities With he had died from the hest pouring oi ] : Niatr Tendietids In N61 | up fram henesth : wid 7 " a i | | " ! RAH, 14 fHAeinl Wateh Inspector for i. ; Spending 8 16 days with his grid Canadian Natlonal snd Osh i i 4 President Hoover Places I be 4 Terrible Results rr rt ally 7 | ol y i wsatin My and Mrs, B, Canlin awa Rallnads p v i I - 5 0 ovimtal 4 } # vrs f, We (8 il Large Hope Upon Gather " Cruntepyala, City, Nov cid uy Moy iti ve] | 3 i! =n Wil, and Sry, W WL vit: | 10 Wing Bt, W, Phone 180 / ? ¥ i vi 4 i ! : ' ' { gr f . f o Vib 1) STF) 1} 4 ing of Powers at London Eh / vol Ler upton pf Rakin, Whit, Ing wy explunaiion of his abience, " oh With Pelitives at Baling and ¥en : cdl broke ont with renewed fores yess | Nell Garret, Wingntan, aged 66,1 In" 1088 Albert J, Cox Tost his ( month plus #8 8 month for he | N00 8 Wood. Crone, Mrs. (0 terday, It wos estimated that neaps | munpger of the radio department [Vife In resening an elghtyearold | sixsyearald davghier, Evelyn, The {arests and: Danald. Oshawa oy 1y 500 haa heen killed and 200 in-| of a losal stave velurped yesterday | hoy whe had Taiben na Deteodt | photograph reproduced above was Wi: N. Hosking aN tin mma (id 1 ; plthough only 87 bodies | Bier bedng missing since Qctaher {park woud, In vevognition of is | inken helove he Detail epinode | Me aiid Mes, Harvey Cronin 8 anth bE Mia home Nara, Fay al 7. When he disappenred he left a | saorifion, She Cgnogle STastinia | and shinws Me, Cox In 06 VO imi | enttriained the members of their | so hid on thelr § nt "i iM : note that fed police to belleve he | has awarded hiv widow Mis, Thefts | form, with Mes, Cox and Die | family (0 a dinner party in honor | Walter Wheeler i Min i Wr hud enmmitied uuicide, Cox, Toronto, un penslon of BIB » dnughtor, af Mr, Norval Crossman whe levies Wheeler, HB bie ened (By Ken Clovk, Canadinn Pres" staff Correspondent) g i { Washington, D.C, Nay, Tin ured, Wh kwhuw of time toward Jawuary I 1 ; iad - heen vecpvered, and the fiyve-power disarmament f 1 The extrema heat in' the vicinity e Wily nee Jn London, the govern: po J of the crater and lave streams ih 4 Ie Syd oMatule ot ha Rute ; 4 i " 14 an avy Departments ave hard at 3 y ry work upen the case for the United FERNANDO LA HOBA ELLA CINDERS--Let It Rain By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Btates, While in the malin Great pi Jota soeluior, wha : and the United States are ved an shot at Crown Prince FALRLLS 3% MEANL IEEE . --_-" : _- ; on what status 16 fs nee. Humbert of Ttnly In an unswes " h 3 ) , SUEY EER i i i, AY CW Ait, ' i FRESH } JUST MY Lew THOBE WEY CLOTHES Cessary for each jo maintain fn the oussiul effort to nssnssinate him 1 n " 'much-discussed evulser class, it hae | Juving his vecent viele to Bins Pole Way PARE MS THE. FREY MCF an BOENES, ; [ipa i hos shoaland, hare Again Woy sols, ad 00 AL GEL MICEL( va THE, . TRA SHOW WoL) GLAD (T'S bain the Bo" shciatuoto agrae. en al Br i FOR, TM COMING In ment may he arrived at withoWy [given then for complete canvassing Rl FCTURES. Vv Y% Vd ' | od he assent of all the powers cof: | of the whole position, oA AS AS ih 0 wm / 3 INSTEAD OF verned, and this opened a wide | President Hoover places larga A BULL FROG ih YAR /l : GOWG our! 7 for research containing h hape upon the London conference, why RENE ; 4 /), | y Hechnieal and politieal elements." (His administration has approached gatary of Btate Henry L, [the problem of naval disarmament muon has heen for some weeks [In g workmanlike manner very une fast eontinually In toueh with the [tke the hurried and dogmatic tao: ow Meneral Board of the Navy and he | tics pursued by the Coolldgs gov: . r v : 4 and undersecretary of state Joseph | ernment before the flasea of Gen. ? { i 1 1 F, Cotton have also consulted fee- [eva In 1087, Bul us the glamor n 7 ently with President Hoover, Mr, [which surrounded (he visit of the | i ; \ - y " | Ls Stimson moreaver has heen fn cous | Britlsh Prime Minister Hamsay : | (fepence with two of his ecolleagnes MacDonald grows natuvally & little p, 7 Ys py, low dhe United States delegation, | dim, well-informed Washington be. Fy / / 7 oN Nd A nw, He ® David A, Reed of Pennsyl- [comes Increasingly aware of the if HW Wi 0 JA : A va and Benator Joseph T, Roh- [dioulties which must now he fae f d "NY J W Wy % vA wi of Arkansas, Ambassador ed and which will put the diploms ' + j per ioe ) J ly 0), 9 4 We J A Dawes, a fourth member [acy of the Hoover administration i | L | J Ab iil, | of "the delegation, {¢ expected toto severe tes, A y : / Va f 0 Reg 1 6 Par OF; Copyright 1528 A / stay forrsoma time at the White The chiet problem gn the situa iia ie House when he arrives here from |tion is viewed from Washington by Mewopelian Newipapet benjcs London, and oppdriunity will he snturng the powers of France and taly and Creat Hritaln, and geos " . i [graphically 1s situated in the Meds TELLING TOMMY ™ eid ftervaneas, First France and aly TIME TABLES must arrive at an agreement upon wll ry P11 TT ---- -- er 4) y Ry GOTLANDIA IN PTT purity, which they way do vetyesn TOULOUSE FRANCE MoROCrO -- pow Bibb, | Lhe gelves, But hath Franee i ¢ a . ; : . LPR, TIME TABLE aly aro opmosed to (he whol on Peles hilly Wham {HONOER Why fas Cab: Re of the submarine, an idea favored VY | a bi If I | YOU NEVER SEF MAYBE FOLKS Bfeeddve Beat, a0, 1929, ) : Wo dard hy both Great Britain and the Unit {LLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT. TH | 2 | an , a ony | TED MANUSCRIPT, THE WORK i _ " i I Pin FLAG, 1 WOULDI'T STAND Gol ont ofl Btates, "The poder man's hattle io Patty (Except Sunday), ship" has an interesting signifi OF A FRANCISCAN FRIAR HO WAS BETTY? FOR 11) fratiy (Except Sunany) cance In the Mediterranean wheres BORN IM 1305 TOMMY YY R11) Daily, In Is ome. af the great trade routes 4 } A Daily ( Exeent Sunday), i mr East of the Heitish Empire EGE] Th 10.05.40 Dally i A Adother matty which voocelyes a po 941M (xcs Bunday) utlentlon here ls the proposal of 1.10 o m bits (Excent Baturday) France that Landon results should a a 12.08 a, Daily be valldated at Geneva---a sukges ", a nT 20NE AA 2 "TR anaon of oo . ELON tion which finds ne favor in the : : | 2 J a (AGT OF TH : | ol ) ' als CANBILANAATIRHAL RAILWAY extra-league United Hiates hs JA vem) WORLD In 1159 # "yp Re \ (WETTER TIN RETO sss ET i Standard Time) Japan, it Is Indicated, world Uke a a ald JE yy P % y aath P va y \ ph to Increase her crulser strength EE \ J 4 A TER HAY 19 11 THF b ALT ni MIPIALSQ OF THE Kings AMD LORDS Rie Randa a proportionately ta the British and "4 FILR HAVING VISITED ALL THE COUNTRIES PEIN VIHO GOVERN THEM THE MANUSCRIPT OSs [Hath Ameriean fleets, making 1t 7 to 10 i A | HE DESCRIBES, THIS FRANCISCAN WROTE "oti, [ W A pn Daily escent Sundey, iustend of as at present 6 ta 30, : . 15 NOVY IM THE BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL 1,12 ng. 8 | ipa . F y / gi i Tx To ¥ |e ------ ht A | is BoA ¢ IE Knriiut x oy THE 3)" AT MADRID, SPAIN. THE BOOK WAS he Ra avant Baiveday, ror errvmm---- i ily yy | (IMGROMS, COUNTRIES, AMD \ORDSNIPS THERE © : PUBLISHED IM ENGLISH, TOGE THER 0 hn | Di ds! ARL 1 THE HORLD AMD OF THE ENSIGHS a : WITHTHE FLAGS, A FEV YEARS AGO : "oi 9 iamondas. | | | AND ARMS OF EACH COUNTRY AND LORDS u- \ gia mp A) ; PIM i f heih: exces Sunday, f ett's " T=. lailv, Sheen Bunda: oBa: set: Corner | BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo, McManus wily, eakeRt ally. ly Juda f NOT ANOTHER WORD ABOLIT MY HON DE WO ' d : VD AE Wipes ------------------ i ee i MAGGIE: | AN | { Sunday. " -- | Wiki BEEN JOST OUR LI WER SET? fi 0 1 1% YOR WR ag | | t Sunday. eB snd BROTHER HES JUST A \MOKDER FLL OO? | MORE p---- BOY HE PREQENMTED ME WATH A ff WL Wilh FOR AMIREE ) : . I al 3 Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville . WONDERFUL BET OF SILVER: |'M GIVE OB For COUR i "" IT WAS STOLEN WHAT DOES BROTHER as LINE SPECIAL SALE NOW USING IT TONIGHT AT DINNER BEING LATE yr { DID NT Siw ART NIGHT f THIS MEAN * BEEN WORKIN | pr td oN a. [CES TION i a DE \ DOMINION CLOTHING CO ha frie on KING NT, W, ill wi oR Phone #14) We Deliver or ( { ve \, A ' h --e ve 232 re wis LF EE PEEP pesse ¥ IF WANTING ) INSURANCE of any kind Real Estate or mone other "Uma frame hoses Slow me 10 you J H, R, LU pm 52 = - FEFTETPP #FFPRzeF ----- S23 EpFEEEee CEmEmanEn Some mas PPT Faz: : PEwmdy BWLS. FPPPPPFPPErs re >of i ls @ 1080, Ft Feature Sarviee. : fe, Groat Belain rights masa Pr -- Sen <3 DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE y [x WE Will TAKE Tone | OH; IT WiLL Be GRAND RA . ~ Y " ---------- IN To canny The Jas W.A. HARE i) fi _ OPTOMETRINT & 8 Bond Street East H Hundreds of people wear : with wtmoss camfort Hare's Fanltless Lenses ~~ PPTOPPPPEe SS FPF F37p7ErERd Po : Re SER i BY Avo By ney cane To a [5 me on PLACE WHERE THEAF WAS NaTHING \ a - Rs : Pui SIGHES- THES ua D: oN : ; THEY SAT Down TO AFIT ANP R #5 BOND 81, Ws LL \ Aor Why THE BROILING HEARD / VO 108 Say "WHO ANTS FR EC Fell Bros. | TILLIE THE TOILER--Now She'll Have To Guess 18 THIRST MR, AWRY The LEADING JEWELER NEVE R Sout RAY di SY Ne Eamnene Si, Sous WAC | oo Nise, To. nM WELL, SHE'S NO : - AUBRLE SHE . » SHE CAN » TLE HAVE HELLQ! WHO

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