Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Nov 1929, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA DAI Y I'MFS, mp ------ "COIN IS TOLD DISPOSAL PJ INT {JE IOFAATE trom page 1) an sion lf Decom, ' hr for leh he report stated, "fg pe, ft mildly, Dy Ds righ pre. went met hod of HOW AKA disposal Is that of a Foniafind iio and lonely OGUALe OPON Cons 1," It was declared, 0 'Reterrin 0 the Adangerous con. dition of the lake water to ars at Lakeview Park, the report st YA fant at Drove ahd major importance, fie Ch he question of the danger to bathers in the lake, In the shore waters adjoin- ing the eut-fall from the sewanre diteh, This ares extensively on of bath | treated used hy bathers during the sum- mer months, Under conditions now present, this 18 6 distinet mens koe to their health, The proximity of this sewnge discharge cannot "| avoid dungerous pollution of the beach water, To overcome this, it mit he suggested some, that the igh might be ehlore inated «ad in this wey stabilised, 1 am advised, hanes, that this gould not reasonably with n sewage such as Is now delivered from our plant, and that, in order ta be of use, one should require shit the sewage be clarified and treated prior to the appHontion of ¥ | hi chomionl," Contrary to Taw Aftey referring to the added danger Lu the eity through possible pollution of is water wsupply through failure of the filtration and ohlorination systems, the re. port continued; "The depositing of raw and une sewage Into an inland stream, or fresh water lake, is con trary to the Public Health Act of Ontarin, The depositing of the lass of material, by any into the waters of sam munfeipality, the great boundary fresh water Inkes, between Onnada and the Un~ tates or Amorica, is contrary ited INVINC] a ---- a, fo A] THE CROWNING PLEASURE OF A MEAL pe WITH DESSERT REN IF JELLY POWDERS "INVINCIBLE IN NAME AND IN QUALITY" MOLARENS LiMiTED HAMILTON, ONT, heft What Is th to be the re. maine of an old Indian burying ground has been located In Tor ronto, Excavations uncovered the skulls and bones of several mon long since dead, The photographs ! i vhow some of tho grim reminders [ot the past belong Inspected by those, who found them, to Internationa) mgreement, and also to the Public Health Act of ly "wh yi La " y uying a went, Then facts, orother with the vital necessity insistent on the oft isons of Oshawa to do everything possible to protect thelr watéy sup. My will compel the city of Oshawa to give consideration officially to un replnuement of its sewage dis posal system and when it does wo [ bo meat also the obligations im- posed upon it by all those parties, corporate bodies, ete, whose In- teronts are vitally concerned with such disposal, If such 1s not done, the gity counell will then be in a position which Is abhorred In law «that of one buying a law-sult,' The report further declared that with the harbor development poheme now in progress diverting the onresk oarrying the effluent from the sewage disposal plant wo that it now flows outside of the harbor, and to the east breakwater, thin makes It flow through a portion of Bast Whithy township, and this might oause gamplications unless the offensive nature of the effluent was reme- dled, ™e Recommendations The recommendations made by the Board of Health and the oity M, 0, H, in the report were: "It 18 urged that whatever plans for sewnge diapcsal are now in '| hand by the © eity of Oshawa, of the | | through the Engineer's Departs ment, or whatever plans may be proposed. that these be given due and Immediate consideration, be netively taken «9 In committees of Councll, or other special come mites, with a determination to | dovelop and carry out, at the earl. lost possible moment, an adequate modern, snd upsto= dato sewage din pol system and ssscolated moths od of trentment of such sewage, its | wollds ana {ta effluent, an to make it Innovuous snd free from any EE rl C THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1924 fonlth menace to the Hyves of our citizens, 10 free it as much as may es possible from unpleasant odors, from chemical hy-produet which might injure the potability of the Inke woler, impair is usefulness for commerelal or industrial pure poses, and to, ax well, free it from objectionaWe eolmy and taste, "In any event, 1t 1s likely that no matter what system of disposal or treatment Is adopted, that ine pistehce will be made that Anal trestmant will mean and require, at corinin times of Lhe year, treats ment hy ¢hlorine, "The loesl Board of Health ournently urges that this imports unt mntler of sewage disposal for the oity of Dshawa be made one of the fmportant items of the Agenda of the City Counell, apd that ine tensive consideration he given | thersto and immediate action tak: | on," McAndrews: "Hooray! The wind has changed." Convalescent Wife what of 11" MeAndrews: "Yo ken, the do id sald you needed a changes of air"! "Well, mon, JUNT THE SAME "How's your oar running?" "Not wo good, 1 oan't keop it throttled down," "How's your wite?" "Oh, she's about the same,' WUITING WIYIN wo SU mncY Reporter---How shall I handle this story of a dog attacking pedes: trinns? " City Editor--Make it snappy, PAGE THIRTEEN ei ih NOHOOTAIIREL HOWLERS The following wehoolgirt "howl. ers' have heen colected by a writs er in Oyersois) "The whole world, except the United Bates, Hew In the tempers ance vone," says one schoolgirl To the guestion, hat id cama af- tog Luwen gp 1 an Alert yoihig thing' fod? "Phin of pain, but whe turned him down," QWhat do you understand hy suffering for righteousness? AvreHaving to go to Sunday school What Is 8 herbaceous por der? Arh herbaceous boarder Is one who will not eat ment, EE -- I SL LPS Bank Presidents But, why a you wish to work in n hank? derlous Youthe-l1 believe there's the real meat Tow, 3 ; I ili Hii tl es fil] dl money in 1t,=+China, bd I into soups, gravies, meat dishes, left-overs, croquettes and sauces In tine of | Lr £ | ; TR | by adding a few wh i Ph ARRESTS. ore SET Th ankagiving Day Specials WEEK EY HEALTH AND HAPPINESS These go hand in hand so strive to build up your sys tem against winter's ills, 1&L «Malt and Cod Liver Oil . pure and pleasant and nots ed for its digestive and nour- ishing qualities. Full 2 pound ja Reg. $1.75, # $1.19 ML 8 SATURDAY §1% Se EE ¥ & 8. os, » Liver Pills 20¢ 0c Virol Infant Tonle! 48¢ 80¢ Feaming Hair Tonle 10¢ Egypt an Lue har, "ey" size, 'Peppermint Patties Delicious creamy | pure fle chocolate, and in one pound boxes Special 29¢ 1b. " THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY CHERISETTE FACE POWDER In Your favorite shade | and a $1.00 LOOSE | 0 | 98¢ | FOR ELLIE) Auto MILLION RAZOR One blade, stro §0e Lavender lated Shaving Cream. ALL FOR » an "hs - worst enemy oO paudrad ana rang! This combina- tion treatment of Rex. Magnesia all "93" Hair Tonic, Tocth Paste $1.00 size and Rexall Shampoo, 400) Wed, Thue, & ral for $1.00 Hot 78¢ Gripe Water 87¢ 40¢ Fleicher's Castoria 20¢ 80¢ French Balm Soothes and Heals 39¢ M-loids That famous remedy for throat irritations and hoarseness 28¢ Box FREE with a 50¢ bottle of Rexall BRONCHIAL SYRUP Relieves tightness of the chest and coughing spasms and bronchial irritations, Large bottle and a box of meloids. 50c¢ Water THURS, FRI, & SATURDAY Bottle TT T------ P8¢ i GIANT TURK Klenzo Shaving Cream Makes billows of beard softening Inther, Biggest value on the market, 187 Julded. .- 38¢ 80¢ Mik of 3% $1 28 t pentres covered with neatly packed ular 25a bottle and Oc tube of Milk of Magnesia | oe PASTE Merville Duska Face Powder This new sensation of eharming odor, in a shade to suit "00 complexion, He Linge Box RiBor's. Boot iron Wine .. Hoot's Malt ky bob with . PARTS OF THE GITY Call upon of the world, Awal meaty nuts , fools Ontario packers produce. the A & P Food Stores for your Thanksgiving nationily famous food stores to serve you, Each store Is fond. bulging with good things to eat your selection are mouth-watering cranberries , , , + figs, dates, altron , , , suconlent fruits , , needs this year, Command this great oh yap of orisp of celery olives from sunny esh, green vegetables, and the Where else could you go and be 80 Ware of the fine quality and wide assdriment that Ontario's Foremost Feed Service offers you? And what & delight to know that at the A & P Food Ntores you spend loss for oholoe quality than yeu spend for ordinary quality at many other stores, "EY A VO STORES--KING STREET WEST~-SIMCOE STREET SOUTH All Poultry Bought at A & P Markets Will be Cheerfully Prepared for Your Table Upon Request FANCY THANKSGIVING POULTRY Freshly Killed Young FANCY YOUNG ONTARIO GEESE + vv oie =. 20: FANCY MILK-FED BOASTING SWIFT'S "GOLDEN WEST" DUCKS » 37. CHICKENS » 420 FOWL n.33¢" AVERAGE WEIGHT § LIS, AVERAGE WEIGHT 34 LDS, Round o& Square AVERAGE WRIGHT § LDN, I fl BEE FRESH YOUNG ROASTING HAMS em ROASTS RUMP wn. 285 WING---An Excellent Roast ... . 1b, 30¢ BEST QUALITY BACON By the Pigs CHOICE CUTS FRESH YOUNG ROASTING TENDERLOINS--Fresh «i ovvviioeev Ib 83 BUTT ROAST Lean ....vivvssssvnnsidb 38 PICNIC HAMS---Fresh Shoulders. ......lb. 17¢ FANCY SMOKED SUGAR-CURKD HAMS memes m2 | NEW SEASON MINCEMEAT 2 we 25. Your A & P Market oarcies finest quality freshly Mllled poultry for purohage, 1b. 2 Fe FANCY SELROTRD A & P BEEF PORTERHOUSE With Large Undercut, .1b, 38¢ Peameal Sliced Back > 39° nreaktast Ib: 3Be LOIN ROAST---Rib or Chine (EEE REE EN) Jb. 33¢ BOILED HAM---Best Sliced ,......... 1b 49¢ POPOV PVLDOPE AYLMER CHOICY QUALITY PUMPKIN 2 ves mete OHOICE QUALITY PEAS vo.48ieve 2No.aTneR Ge VICTORY BRAND OLIVES queen 20.05.30 1 Qe. OUR OWN BLEND=-DIRECT FROM PLANTATION TO YOU TEA blended India 1. 4 Oe PRU TE TRNOEY Si eADY eee BOKAR mr mn §% PANOY NEW YORE STATE CELERY i 2 susnes 17+ ERRIES »21. LETTUCE --Ilceber * . [EEN 2 Heads 18% SWEET POTATO IEEE ERLE EEN] Ibs. 28 GRAPEFRUIT--Texas Seedless ..2 2 fer 10 10e ONTARIO-GROWN Molntosh Reds APPLES «1.25 tT 8 WHITEFISH © 19. HADDOCK FILLETS---Fresh ...v. lb 80c FLOUNDERS--Fresh Atlantic .,.. Ih 18 SMOKED FILLETS (EE ERNE NE NE NNN) 8e. YSTE Jee " OYSTERS DODD DDI THANKSGIVING SUGGESTIONS BRAZIL NUTS ..,.....iovvvnnanns db 38e WALNUT MEATS--Broken .........Ib. #9 | POULTRY DRESSING. .,...1}-0s5 Phy. S¢ PEEL--Lemon or Orange. ...........Ib 23¢ |i PEEL--Citron. Ib, 33¢ Mik 1b 33¢ SHIRRIFF'S Assorted Fruit Jellies. . Jar 33¢ | 36¢ it '21 1b. Bag 3c | CURRANT S--Bulk, 3 Crown. . +. lbs. 3c | RAISINS--Bulk Sultanas ...........lb. 18 | on T2en. Bot 18 § Tar GRRAT ATVLANTIC & p-- To Ca, i at | MONARCH Pastry Flour. ..... 7b. Bag SWANSDOWN Cake Flour. . CATSUP--Aylmer .. ---- LIMITED OF CANADA = Phe. 5c MAPONNAISE. a xo 8%3-0a, a 20 HY TE anv es tr ve nN Valin He MAGIC Baking Powder ...... 16-08 Tin 3c OX0O CUBES--4's VE ns a veins Ne 18e CREAM OF TARTAR EXTRACT .. EXTRACTS . PICKLES cobb GONDOLA ¢ Coco Al A LN WW NY b. B : CHERRI oY i =

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