Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Nov 1929, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1929 _ Women's s Interests in the Home ~~ and the Community | THE PLANTING (W, Lomax Childress) my plants a tree may lve 0 46s Iie lenves unfold, a greonness of Ia summer girh to authmn tinge of geld, - plants & flawer may ive wen In heanty grow, he Wy whiten on tia stalk, The vamhler vos to hows whe 0 Baws (ha saad may ow # flald of harvest fa ha song of reapers ringing lane, When all the sheaves are there, But time will fell the tree, The vosa will fade and Ale, bi harvest time will pass away, As dns the sang and seh, ] ants in Jove "h Mi h a (pat, if find 11 will ive with God» 18 not mada of dust, Tt asnnnt fade nee change Tha wards MAY Kept ared he, Pov Java alana has high vepoie In immortality, 68 Matelle Mathie han vetirn ig Oshawn BEtay attending the liners) of hep aunt, Miss Emmi Lee In Finduay, yanfurday, Clank evening Nim Jui Haha fold, Bimeas Bi, novel, WAR the Wann al a very pretty Hallow gen Party for a nimhery tan, playma hi ib 4 My, Avden Parish and son Martl wr and drughiter Goldie and Mya Wiam Parish of Athans, Ont, dufted friends In Oshawa yestel by, Mra, Gordon . * Uanant a Onllege on Japvieg Htgeet, To Wnta, on Wadnanday avening, Mrs, M, Hadwell Migs 4, H prguson of Taranto, Mrs Jd Ww AV and Misa MoMasioy ing ana Mus, J, BH, oy \ thy Were the gnasta a fi! 1 Mimey his weok, ALN Youne Peobin's ARIOOIREION | 1a Ting prettily decorated tables for t, Gregory's Ohureh held » une an danes an Tuesday ave nin he all was suitably decor LL] | enjoyed the novelty Hon and entertainments thit ad heen arranged Mie, M, Boynton and Mrs, J, W sen Bilgdon, and iano duet hy Minn have returned (a the Ary i'w and forts i Lan Li HiMAY Chureh held tn Toronto, | Gig tay Aftending the anvention the Minne was the * + & ast week, Mpa, delegate from Oshawa to the On lavia Canvention of the Pantlonstal very dalightivl held In Taranto Wotnoadhy meng the. home Holiness Ohureh on RRturdny, . Abnut ha young Thorn ion' re, Gen, Weheter, anloye Hornets, Inst evening an gantentd, All tha guests wore bya time In Hallowe'en games | favor Kmily LL] amery, Muriel penn And Mrs, Willla h Harrow Av Opgraln, Helen Bl aly faney A Awarded the prise tor the ah . . The Bona df Bagland had a vary 0 la Whiat Dive 4) Yen. y Mothnne oy Avoher rd ne table were | Al ies ne 8 \ fy Mr and 9) ols prt i. w § Wo y Wars won Ly Mo , Bwest, and a Jd AMON Winn \ fharrard, Chavies Holder, wn Wit lam Ashton, The Solel Qlage of the oe Aaptisr Chuveh held a Hallowe'en in the Bunday Rehon Widhindty venting 06, v Was served at oo he whivh the Business of . of my " re db oe vu aM weak, an ckaches an ™ NA every fue PE vdia Lb. | cgelable of har kin ple snd eoftes atianded i Haveargnl Old Givi' Bupper 881 anth ot A hanger and programme Minslpnary Pantionntal POORINT aw Darathy Barry, Hinlla thera at the home of Me 80d | Lied Heil, Verantea Lovigue, Kath id Ch dh' a | on oN \ o Mw, @, RUE Ll a 3 4 Lo, iY 1 his Mie iden, ang hy NoFar, a ad Compound Glows was nilendsd to, The clam then wlested officers for the al) and winter term, Miss Mildred Gridgs wan elected prasidont of the | class wud Miss Helen Morison, ses: VaLAPY-LEensurer, and Miss Gladys Lotion Wn appreciation - fn the on ltd 4 I | tin PER: en et Cridge nnd Gindys MeOurdy helng the capiaing, A soeinl time whe spent snd the mesting adjourned, Ld » ¢ On "Puesdny evening the Chosen Prlends had a mangueride dance in Rotary Hall, Phere were shout BOO guests present, As the eouples In thelr gay costumes paraded around the hall for the Grand Mureh, the Jude ploked the win neve, Mrs, Marks and Mrs, Kingsley won Hew prise, They were fate nots as in hide and groom, Novelty dances witorded a great deal af fun, The musta wan supplied hy a logan! avehesivn " Jt | The United Chuveh, North Bim: ni toa, Wis i HAY gantra lant avening in spite of the Inclement wonther, when the Woman's Aw , | wowiation sevved a Hallows'sn sup per in the form af hot beans, pump Tha ehureh AK Aagiratah with Hallow i golara ahd table weve most attynntive, agethey the supper WIE i Brant suoeess and s splendid sum was vonllged, This goes tn the hullding fund, The next inter abt In the ehiiveh fn the hagsar 0 he held an November #8, They will be special Thanksgiving sey viges on Bunday, November the ning the "AW hw ary te Ml fn 4 Hallowa'sn Party In the form of There weve ahouk Ihivigsfour giles pros fut, tor the hanguet they all jotned tn playing games, The give all tn taney dress presented un very gay ploture when they all sat down the hanguet, After this followed the programme, which consisted of an Instrnmental hy Dovle Hopkins, peoltation hy Dopathy Halner, a short addvess hy the ehalrman Mes, BR, A, Travell, and recitation hy Jean Mating Wtramental Dap ha sveRing Canon £1 olay wpoke & fow words (0 the Tha sivie of the Arends had a Hallowe'en party HW Javvie Ht, The Minsen Conty ue Del awn, nf Mm Huesla wore len Kolly Kathleen Orawf +h dey aldine Johnston, Mirell Cully, Kay Wilson, Nara Mont MoAlllster Trane , Brow wm Red ull Tae av. mrt Wl. nrald Hawkes, Dan, Harris Jack Hoare, Him BH CA Merkin ok LH Vanderwalk: Nelaugh 1 in the evening Mes, Harry "Mi Higginhottom and Miss dy lad In unldentitign AH 4 ave» ih oF te ie |! i \ nang th n oad vee AIR but a short while, Mes, Hig AtEOm gave un a veeltation A YOhanea FAN (am ad # lo Howe ad My, a i "ne the plane musle, "After my baby was hon i was very weak and runstown, Iw oe able to do any heavy wor about twa men din V 5% mot \ Mn ey am ER HE Chote 4 When Inkham's \ Mulurdy, veeording weorelary, | decided (a make & p i 7] pn past president, LADY CLARE ANNESILKY ish if of COnstlewellnn own own, Breland, and ig member of Inhor paviy Snent I "Wadhom who I vist In Canad ends ! di on " if ib vening Ne CEDAR 100GE HOLDS DANCE LAST NIGHT First Annual At Home Great Success Labt aveilng, Oat, §1, the Maw onde Tample wan the seene of the Hest nnnunl "AL Home" of the Codar Lodge, AV, and AM, The avening's snteviainment was In the hands of the fellawing oom mittees Muster of Ceyemonies, W Doane and A, W, Ball, Programme, N, MeDaugal, B®, Nash, PF, Johbh Hefvashmante; K, Farwell, H, Me Hulght, RB. Meek, Mntertainment, PF, Chester ¥, Fossey, and D Hwarts Degnvations, HW, Heran Laure, The guenin ware received hy My and Mya, Deans and when all had pusemhied In the Lodge Hoom Mp, Donny suid a few words of weleame (0 the Indies In partion lar, He gave a heiof autline of the purpose of Masonry and stated that 11 was a "hullder of oharad ter', Tt wan a surprise to all when Mp, MoKnlght took the Haar and demanded averyone's attention He, In a few words pald tribute tn the Master of the Lodge and Alea made a presentation of» BeRUtIfu) heuquet of Howern 18 Mys, Deans, The guests then form od In lne for the grand mareh and entered the auditorium, A loon! orehesten supplied musle for the daneing, whieh sontinued until after sloven n'eloek when a supper Wan warved, The eouples AEain in vaded the danve Hope, A lueky number dances was announosd and 8 won hy Miss M, Kishy and My fanley Everson This at home 1a the fest snelal wttampt af the Cedar Lodgs and All who were present agvesd (hat the members had done everything : eihia to maka IE A Success And onan far thelr Fuests, 1 HELPFUL HINTS '| CONUKNRNING CAKEN How many flavourings are there that a cook may use ta make her Hhhos, puddings, and sweets appe: lng! The ardinary man or woman will anawer Hghtly="Laman, almond, vanilla, , Then they will slop to think, and POrhaps adi And OMEN Mos [ateawhepry ih A look round the Confectioners' A BHakera' Exhibition, hewmen AWE That there are dosans an dosens of flavourings (points aut A writer), Hssenoss of practically avery fruit are mide now, a few drape of which will impart a dell ae taste af hanana, laganherey, Soph PARPLATYY, Apriont, peach T1138 There ave Hausur and wine flav aurings, which wive a viehness and Hngoving sense of lusurlousness to the platnest enatard or padding Thon, for cakes and delioate oroams One BAR ATH ta he Tames, AURA ax0tie, hut the & of a lovely fHlawer 's wo lew HIRE than & delloate taate, TN fare, Why should one he content to walt and not Ata! , QVer eank, whe learned Just how ta use Havounings, . WAKS A aponge-cake that eb in hy memory ike a dream hy using A Arap oF sasenon of RATGISANE, Tone, Ran or ar hellatpape--not ta mention y+ WMIMONN, Cakes of quite a plaln mixture 0 Hlavoured are very papular with WOMEN, Whe wonder why they Ahold nat alae wae sueh novel ald 10 ohnkery, After all, thvour is halt the battle, and toy leek of flavour ™ bh a, One Might as yb "TONRA Sake HAVA » complete with [Ae hounds, and an ina with Wine host, and others a farm, Kept hy a friendly nome, with plas, oaws, ohiokens, sata and dogs wan dering aheut the farmyard oake oheealate and on ho 1 worthy af nate that instead of the cakes halng tall, sa that arg WOAHes are oul, they ave mad® dl In dimension, hut much fat on Thus avery ohild at the party EolA what he ar she really wants, small alles af cake with one of the Hen Sh Whe Ao WEIGHED 163 LBS. ~=NOW 140 LBS, How one women lost fat | ond gained health EE Cm Ih wh we lly he Wo "ew 0 the BE Ea Ay EAE Bin i Mh WAH ig ned 1ualth p= ive ta - Wrist Ven Alle "ery ' for nearly un year, snd 1 have not 00 well for inahy years, My weight Lk Ba 2k Ld A ai! I fr er His of youth, of the olen les TI® aria ===Now York AWATHED HIPLL A Black opepae satin wits buttons dowh the bagk Is naw youthful Pay In vogue showing the very taminine note in swathed hips with huge putt Ab AAS hat dips the hom, Bleoves are slendevly fitted with daria he low the elbows, Hiyle Noy 078 10 olavarly design: od hy ive 4 helaht N the funre faly for after ly gH In slmple enough fap general wear, and it doesn't require imm toa ting i hlaek trans arent velvet ar In printed velvet 0) Mgr tones, So ene, Blum mee pd i HB heple orepe Hi i vy wk ovepe, and RURter's Breen SARION arape WMA E ly JApantiate. early made and the saving 0} an ' Wa a wonderful apRoriuat nave & Parisian wadel that » ha suah perfect taste far all areund afternoon aeonsions, at the eost of the fabrie and a few hours of your time, It 1 destgned tn sises 14, 18, 20 Fiat A, AR, 40 and 43 Inches Ma pules 50 cents, In AIATRLE OF ain (oaln 1s preferred), Wean oaln earatully, L} age that when you send tov \) you enolase 10 ents Onl | addy LY to yal aur new Fall and Win "" Fashion Magasine, PATTERN PURCHARE COUPON I TOSS PO, Re hates Thiel tes ARRAY ae i) ARAL AAANAY ITTITTTTTTTITTTRCORITRUEENE LLL BETTE SLL LRA ARRARRAA RRR ARALRA NAY LLL BETTTTTITTT TION ors LAA RRRRTERTE TUTE ITL TERRACE LINARRAIALA AAA AN] ATTA ARAAR AAA RRR LRA ARN A ARRTERELETL ART INARA LAAAANARALAL AAAY ) ALARHLLTLL HAAN THRAAN 1 10010 AR ARRARAAAAR ARREARS Pravinee EN See Owe New Fall Line of Conte and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPER #4 Nimes 8, Sewth The Women's Corner id ABO #F Ih ol Intarent Ao he OETA key is, Aline BOVLKEROS IN #FY IM The holere tn claverly introdused | fall wf in oid Lo suERERLInG & [vnlned waistline without astuslly vilning the line, Jo formal atiernoon wear the § tunis In vieh, and often hrile _ "lor Warn aver a sansirasting | * Hart afters Ah aecapiable kM one Lunies ars Irequantly hevdered, New York declares that 4 Parig reports concerning the Lod wiihoustte and princess line, the wrap of slender stralght sut In quite We popular ax ever among fashions uwhly gowned women, Tha vogue for calor In the hath roam has gone to all the fItings, seh we the bath spray for hath roams without a shower, and IVa unhle for women who shampoos thely awn hair, Thews ave In a8lars od vubber, Groen and Iavendey and yous, the hot walter bag matahes them, and oan further sdd more anlar hy having the eever for the hottie of salored chenille to math the hath towels, LONG LINES MORY GRACEFUL Yin the evening the knees of & WIMATE WOMAR APE ROW Her awn Kee erat! Absolutely-=not even "lim paed,! They must he only guessed al, Hvaning gowns "drip" lovells news, The lank Hines mold he ULE ures of the fortunate, and Insinis ate move kindly the pulehritude of the less perfect, Bul through the new sithoustte all women oan aohiave Frace, dlgnity, elegance and saphintioation, No mean assets---K0o alally or otherwise, The new nes will maka hetter depoariment nee shanty for some women too, Lon Hien need fgarpying,' wot merely 'wonring," RECIPES Y Quick Telng One sup WFown RUEer, Ane LL] pon butter, three (SREPAORE hot paffes, one-hall aaspoen vanilla, Mix to A smooth paste and spread an the oake while warm, "This In an exeellent lelng to use for loaf ake Pate Loaf One sll, one-half sup sugar, huts tar slag of an eEl, ane rea panniul af soda, pineh sell, ane oe of sony milk, anehalf eup white flour, ane anid oo halt cups of graham flour, ane pound of dates (stoned but nol oul WR), PAINE ane hour and deka one hour, Tha ahove veolpe was Eiven to ue and we wers tal IL Was Very good "WHISPERING WINDS" AT NEW MARTIN A huiieapun dra tht digs right Huw Inte guar shite LUD SCHL Laine YOu With & nop ol ee le you wisi you knew 1a told in Wher ing Winds," the Tiltany-81 1 din logus feature shawn yeaterday at the New Martin Theatre, where iv res wine antl Saturday, Patsy Huth Miller, Malealm Me Gregor and Kve Bouthern ave (ea rel and there are only twa othe members 9 the He ugenlg Hea sever and y Fhe aArouse=and each is periest When Ll comes 10 pe ITAYIRE Yow nil of woo i onde, you van't find Bn hotier euipped to sonvines you 1) Paw Ruth, an Even & voles, and a goed ane, ahs 1a doubly fubred oH We iikedl Miss Miers [1 we 8 ¥ hye storla==it was controlled oo eihle and her volo kept & low, throaty teh, Mins Millar's ola 0 I'v of a sal town airl wha love I \ boy he she hd rown up with fy, | W! \0 a darned ou pal ha A peach av " pirhs=but doguone 1, ty } al hE {EL Mit 4 thn \ pth wh de iy bo Wat matter AE athor in a shiftless old salt ane In Hlveld % ohip off the old bloek, Bhe that are some ing (hat ols & || law A hat HW NN a Nh WN LLU BRLD ¥ { Pit Hd Ale W the h i OIE 0 marry Kye, . Hu, when he eames gi k from Horton, Kve A Jee oA ® Wren all 10 fame ork, Yooh) lowe sons, the stage, ARplawe, Ths TX) letter on \ : mantel ankin 0 LU A LA | TW y Bs {how nN ith he " ¥ wher the far apn woo § . here I a the day © of Jim's i ne | tlie Wi i of fhe A hot 0 W hon dee MA WATTS ¥ 4 hod W Jens Aah (1 ha! LL Mads N a oF RARRINAS, 0 kn . W oh heh, hut bh 0 Always love hey how { HUMMING "WIRD It would take AR Angel's ™ " Poly ------ hot 1) Maa Wy hin ale Ey ge ™ hs all His hy Ho \ 4 the oryatal Mah Melt fuvial A bobbin winding of the threa Ot LA wo Om the spoels His a welghtloss thing, Ra he na aun, Saints and angel bathed in flame Know far loss of flame than he, As he hovers plutonless, A FAN SORLARY, hort BP Teistam Coftin, in Jl he Yale Review, SOCTALIST WIVES PLAN RECEPTIONS PR ---- Entertaining on Big Seale For Rank And File erp While thelr wives have remain wietly at home, members of the Socialist Gavernment have oh 10Y6d a levee monwure of Kory during the lust fouy months, Now the wives wre (0 hive & wpecinl piace in the palitiesl sun, When Parliament venssemblon al the snd of this month slight Bo sinlint hostesses--nome of thew have watched the Hoelallst Party fl up and helped thely hushandy AV Jong "mb trom ohwenrity Ministerial eminenee--=will hold y othe af RIE ROOR Yecaptinn Haoh wil I solve Ministers and members of | wank and Nie of the Party and thelr womentalk, a weak to develop that social wide of a Government Without which, ss avery sxperienced politielan knows, IE suffers In many ways Wiven' Luncheon The eight hostesses who have heen asked to open Whit may hit oalled the first Boolalist season' are Mrs, Bnowden, wife of Lhe Chancellor of the Kxohequer| Mrs Henderson, whose hushand Is For al Booratary; Mra, Olynes, wife of the Home Necvatary| Lady Vays mony, wita of the Lord President of the Counelly Mrs, Alexander, whose hushapd is Pivst Lord of the Admiralty; Miss Hankey, sister of the Lord Ohaneellor; Mes, Bldney Wehh (who prefers that plain de seviption to her veal title, Lady Passheld)=Lovd Passfield In Heo yetary for the Pominions=and Mrs, Wedgewood Henn, wite or the Heevelary for India The arrangement, which was made at a luneheon party (6 wives of Mihintors given hy Mrs, Bnow dep at Dawnlngatrest, In to hold an Moar recaption eanh Thursday until Parliament ad lourns for Chreistmar, heginning with Thursday, Oetoher Al The hostesses will hold these funstions In turn, beginning, It 1s hoped, with Mrs, Henderson Miss Ishhel's Pant Mins Tahhel MacDonald, daugh tar of the Prime Minister, who wan In Amerien with her father and therefore could not he eon pulled ahout the Arrangements, will, of enurse, take & prominent part In the seclal Hfe of the Gay arnment Bha han taken part In several funetions at 10, Dawning sivest anes the Government toak affion, and will eantinue te do se on spe In) aceastons Alter the Ohristmas recess It 1s Intended that the wives of other Ministers shall carey on the soem duties, Mra, J, H, Thomas and Lady Orathin Mosley will na doubt he amangst them Yhe purpose of these gather Ines, naturally, tn te enable Min (ators and other members of the Party and thal wives to mest un dey apfant woolal eanditions," sald Mea, Olynes, "and wa hapa tht an many as possible will at tend them, not dimeultion of distance those whe ean will | tame, Functions, which are antieipat ed with great Interest In the Ho will ha informal In the sense that no very convention ul drawn need he warn "Wa friendly mestings, withow Haren, wild & member of (the Party clulint Party, OF cause, woms will he able to da wo owing 40 | large euro shop, and, siter potter oli, hil WL ing around for @ while, abled an as This is the finest of allOrangePekoe blends A shortsighted old lady entered sistant "How much in "hat hig Jape fH dal hy the doar worthy TA great deal replied the wesist ants "that's the proprietor" The millsman's boy was an his fire vaund, and a customer remarked thal the mills was still warm "They must hive used the hot tap," explained th ny Por fee oream woo O00 low ind yi aches, jooTies an ) y fruit BoC OLATHE SENT 1] delicious they Also delighthul as a cake feing and filling and 6 a beverage with milk or water == hot or gold, NY » ope DRINK © E by FRY. plonteeoh i SRT FRY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP is chocolate with sugns snd wilh whl ENJOY A TIN THIS WEEK Jo ® FRY & BONS (Canada) Limited Montioal, Que #liced RY'S Wy y+ Your Cliocer has B lor you, we TEE Here is a hat with smart youthful arge head sixes for matrons, Yet its. youthful style may be worn by anyone requiring a large head size, This is really because Dorothea h tomorrow is $2, Ask for this unusual, and 8 six shops, the

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