PAGE TEN ET Do f THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1929 sig So de i GOVERNMENT HAS SET NEW RECORD Has Greatest Number of "Seats Ever Held by Any Ontario Government ------ With the Ontario provincial gener al elections now over, and the Cane servislives in power with at least " seals, the largest number ever held By aly Ontario government, 4 FEVIEW ob the vampasition wl the fogisl live anes ly singe the retin elileie Cop fekation in 1807, 18 interesting, Beventeen legislatures have vonig and gone in Ontario, Nine differen administrations hive Peer in powe Une wid Unionist, three were heads ull by Conservative prime ministers, four hy Liberal wid ane government wai # Hated Fapmerl # ig usin, The standing of parties in the list legislature as vetupned in the elegtion of 1940, was as follows Conservative AL 17, Indie by 47 Prog, 1 U0 Labor 1. The standing al inane As on Hep, 10 wast Conseryis vives, 78; Liberals 203 Progressives, 1 UFO, 30 vavant if Fallowing are the Ontaria aduiln istvations alnee Confederation : (1) Hon, 1. 8, Macdonald, premier, July 16, 1867 tu Deo, 19, 1871, Un ania, (4) Hon, 1B, Blake 20, 1871, 1a Oct, 285, IY (4) Hon, Oliver Mawat, Cel, 25, 1872 10 Yuly b, 1806 oh) Han, A, 8 Hird iene 2! 1490 10 Ol, 17, Liberal (5 Hon, CG, W Ly premmisg Ost 41, 189, 10 eh, 7, 1008 Liberal (nl Hon, Bie, Jo FP, Whithey, pre ier, Feb, 8 1608, a pep fan, uid Lanseryvilive (7) Han, Bir William Heupst, pre mier, et, 4, 1914 10 Nov, 14, 1010 Conservative (4) Hon, KB, C, Brury Nav, 14, T0190 (a July 16, 1933 Farmer (9) Hon, G, H, Ferguson, premier, Tuly 16, 18233, until the present; Con aervalive Results of previous pravinelal gens oral eleetions were approximately as Jromien Dei Liberal . peeier, Liberal July premier, United porters of Sand Unionists, LT] Lelormers 2, In field Magdanald 3, R dependents A Nefarmers al, Tndene nents genta 1 il, Canservatives 33 Tle ions 4 i. Liberals 88, Conservatives 29, Inde J hgenta | | Liberal 48, Conservatives 34, Undenendents 2. 1B6--=Liherals 64, Conservatives 24 Li wliherals i, Conservatives BL therals 49, WA 1 any af Tndsttv 14, PP \ tC THOR--1iherals 49, BL RAL 44 Patrons | © 1902-1 iherals 81, Eotirervittites 4 ¢ i Wi=Canservatives 9 Liberals 29 M1 Canservatives #3, Liberals 2 Tal Way nd [11% 1914 he ans, 8, CE Unlanlsts 32, Liberals 25 a ---- TIME TABLES AMMATAMEAM IA PR, TIME TARLE Bveiive Beat, 3, 180, A vil Time) N West > ie (Exeent Bunda), Wily, ) i {Exeept Bundy) N Ly Sunday) he eg ¥ (Bevo REY i CANABIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept, 9, 100 12W an Ll A Time) Phaly, eaveit Bunda, FAN UN A am ERS aan 117 an i ih event Runa, S30 pow Daily, exept Bund AY BAF a Dat, sheet Buda 43 wan. aly Pi ik eaeeht Batwiday ai, Pally lad win Hatly Lam Pail rat AW wm PR WW ww an, 3 SATE Bulan, ree i Svat Bunda, Wi Aw HN wily £6 R67 JHU Jt Whithy, Quan, hy Sa waenvite mh iB co wie 3FFz9%F - - -- PTTL TTPPY Pe [Be Pers ToPoPTossds $3237 3 frrrrrrrssressss SPPEFEFF FEES CT PPTCT TOV ess g2#272012375337 7 PPPPPPPT 7 : : f TPEIT EEE ES Zo Ld EE f: 228837 £1 ' ONSTIPATED? Fake NATURE'S REMEDY wrhonlight, Your eliminative he wii Wil be functioning prop: A IRE BNE YAE Bon 1 end As # hawsl autinn se pis and 14 AN hae Habe ak hey host asl ively no pain, no griping: Tey it, Mild, ple bors hy ¥ ig glie ra A Milhiom, YARN O-NI TEIALRHOW All 7 = bi I, Lah 190-1 i! WM, Litierila 2 Cana a8, Labor 1, Soldier 1, tndependents "1023- Gonmrvattvey 77, Lilevuls H, [SHINE] 17, Lathan of 1930-=Conseryitlyes 74, Lilierals 17, bil 4, Progressives 1, U0, §, #huy 1, COLLEGEFRIENDSHI CHANGED A CAREER Malcolm McGregor Gave Up Architecture for Acting Malealm MeUpegor went ta Yale College to hevame an avehiteet, and graduated womovie star! While prolessars wera laeluping on art, Ww fellow stadent in the mame clasgrnam with Metiregor Waa meditating on another farm OF ark, Tall hulldings and graves Fil olireh mplees tapering to the phy ald not ntvigue the Tmaging Hon ol Hex TRE ad much as the hetght and elean out profile of Whe walld-be wrehiteot diligent iy merihbhling notes across the alale fram him Ingmm, alvendy a motion ph tps director, wae taking a enuree at Yala at the tme that Met vega Wad Just putting the finishing tonehes ta We training as an avon tet, Pa Ingvam's experienosd ays Metiregor answered wvery veguipe Mant fap a sereen career and had Wm oaddition, an aasy ehavny of man ner that o camera would not mise The twa men heoame fast friends When the eallege (erm Was aver, both weve headed for Oalifornig==tugram ta plek up his Work directing and Motivegar in gee or himaell ad that TnErm had desoribed wn Blowingly How well Metvegnr Justined in Eram's hellad 1n his ability ae an HOLAY Waa soap proven, The flys thing Ingram did when they reuen od Hollywood was ta head for a puddin, Bhovrtly after, MeGvegor found himeelf a fall-Hadged soto Wail on the way to stardom he goand-looking hay from Newark, New Jovaey, might have spent hia Wee bent aver a drafting honed ietand he hacame famous Hh less time than 1 takes to draw the destin of one sky -sermpe; In "Whispering Winds," the Tif fany-Biahl Pittany Tone dialogue production which featured him With Patsy Huth Miller and Bye Houthern, showing now at the May tn Thaatee, Maleolm Motives or PLANE & part that axaetly sulla his talent that of a sevious minded, lovable bay wha 18 torn het ween Wo loves, The dinlosne and musi eal neare are synehronised hy ROA Photophons HUE ING YE oy {Detralt Nowa) Hai hove was something | wani? od 10 say a youn hut | terget WHEE IF was how Bho Was 1 Veoad wight ena let MEN'S WORK HHIRTS ATP 49¢ | & Collis & Sons LR] Re Phone THiw = Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner Felt Bros. 7 Ae LEADING JEWELER 12 Simeoe St, South For Retier Values Ww DIAMONDS Uurne' Jewelry Store Corner Ring and Urine Wah or Tema NGEILL PLANNING ENTERTAINMENTS Plays and Lectures Are Are ranged for Moyse Monirenl he Jnviied Hall Muti Unlyersily planing a series of entepialnmonts For Moyes Hall durlng the carrent Hugplon tn which the pubis These sntariabimenm will take the form of Gi hy the students of tha dram, muster! programs snd a group of fram 18 to 1h lectures hy Jealup: ai nf the university wheye, hy the Vieyers' inh hie yey Play, "Dene Hyilus ikl Lo wbapa siniher denm il yell heen welsetad The Veeshman will pressnt thelr annual pin 1H dreams WHI wlan give a play In the now year will Muslon) Peograme Huys pul Wye won Wil he under the diese Pavighun Oliavkn, li En Wd Bide During the week of Movemhey Uh tn BO the hall will he geciplied whieh wags Woavev'n fumnim TT ng the week heginning Vahrusry 47 bul the pay to he offered haw Muyury!' Ing the week of November 1h and Pha wpseinl elas In the Baglish de partment tn the teehntgun of the The muslenl programs this sen the new dlreetor | well given anid nf Moti Conservalorinm af Mu A wpuelal werion of Munday avis und Wing suleviginments glvep wh 9 nelonk 1 now going mn, of whibeh tha | Ra hive wlvonidy hae Latin hy the Jaen ovowd al the opening ane asl Bundsy night, And plans wim under wy Lo nuke hewn anlerininmenty whith ly ayant, Another und move smh Lions series of concerts with he gly Gi Har the Mew Your DRAMA "WHO CARES" WELL ATTENDED will a any huh y any arly Plokering, Gel, #1 I's drip "Who Cares' presented ip 8 Paul's Chuwreh on Monday svunlng hy tha Heaoklin W MH, unday (he dungeons of the Ioopl soelely, wis well ailendend, win of nn temperanes eharnoiag duntained the fiterest of tha lan of a a ..-_SS ELLA CINDERS-- Keeping Quiet Out Loud EAA ay pl io dd - = 'i § WY FER Pat GO Far gh VIN, Me un ian MEwapipsl Briony / oT ---- SL AP Widening Aude dani, ii Minn [13] Hin Munlyaul, Onl pravion work fov the unemployed hin winter, ehilemann of the Wxseutive Commie Megtdiumon Kannedy WINTER WORK WILL HELP UNEMPLOYED City Will Start on River St, Pierre Scheme and Other Works Tha oauk In White, Jull, Wupdunn, Muokey, Nes tur, Huron, Denpsy and oe, Wile biikikig IH WABI Win plied Lo wept work on the Wiver Bt, Flares sanitation, whieh Will cost 87,460,000, nnd tor whieh | money hk heen horvowed through # npstal dunn This work wus oraered hy the Veavinelnl Hosea of Health, und the Clly wis 01 dered hy the Publie Bervies Com mission ta sxeeuls the work ung Pilg the manny he Gly will ulso ents Hon u plan of winter sewer coanstraetion which will winploye a large nim hay of men, Ald, DesHoches sald, | Honssooiurs Mavkel will ha repaly al und snlnrged, nnd work on Ph IX, haulsvard will contribute to the winter work Hira ghont REPAIRING WATCHES OUI BYVLIALYY If your wileh 1s nol giving salinfnetion wa Ban Vepaly and maka 1 tell the soiree thine D. J, BROWN THE JEWELER Oricinl Wakely fuspoctor for Canndinn Katlount and Ose mwa Mallvonis 1 King ®t, W, Phone LL nul of the hour Huve Bul 6 NHusty an une of the WH hi "You walling Lenuru TON, not ow bie of WY oreptied the onl Huh 1 inva aver hinoked and | nngin Yau weeg © fll on he ators | renllsged I, | wan putl i' Nuh," mit Ha wun wn ungler with the EIR ual tmaslinntion ¥en he wuld HW Wan the big Wiehe Cy will Ali, A A, Dissantion, SOUND STAG 1 ET ------ EL. a By Bill Conselmen po Charlie Plumb 31 ade: eats gr 0 Wo TTR mmm 11 Jo Hi! fa if ii Te 5 THE . PRWEAREA), Foy ory TALMAMNG PICTORE AND Wik, GRING ping) AS (1 WER THE WBAL THING | AMYONE ! WHO COUGHS, BMERZES A DEMAND A CHOWES, OF, TA ws, OLY hdl ANFL WEY OF OF Ukr Ny \ " ILENCE] CA WH hl BREATHE AS LEAS, © WOULD eu) ry WHE UE ViMT Y These SOUND PIETUNES Aw A { POON UGLY ME a ---- a V DULKLING RAN WAY a UMHAR) | 18) Lon pons Sr - "BRINGING up FATHE R § WAAAY T SUM TE Gap tLe, ER ERIE BLT WO TT IN NS TEAAT IY ERO THEN ROBRED TRPAATT BARI HE 1S BENT BLS ION Hon DL LA) EVEN See HE HES MN 0 \ hr Shed a, NE Love Ye wv et ad A FT Pally: [BaBBY AND Comfy FOUND HiM AND whit OLED MIM mE Ww hD THEM ee wa --y ll eT, THE ANB MIME re. - By Grace G, "Drayton Youtl NECK 18 CETTING Lop EE Hy Who iy NESTED UNDER A ®16 Thev | [Time wen ay AND ONE DAY THE UGLY DUueNLING ERED Dolly $A B DUK LING DEAR, |, Ei) LR BLEEP, VW ARE GETTING MEAL PRETYS Yuta ALL RIGHT { AL \ \ LC LRIT A WEA RE WE OLY ONE THAT DS BULB IOWLS @ 1008, 1a0Y Ponta Berviie, Iw veal via in vighia veaavend Adal A Mal RIGHT! sev "By Geo, McManus A : i TELLING TOMMY pow - a HOW ARE TREES AND PLANTS GRAFTED, DADDY 9 -- poe | A ES A Fa OR TWIG OF ONE PLANT |S INSERTED INA | CUT MADE IN THE SURFACE | OF AROTHER 50 THAT THEY WILL UNITE AND A NEW CROWTH FORM TOMMY, § Y a 13) RAFTING 13 A MI! RX OF PROPAGATING PLANTS WHICH 13 USED IN THE ¢ CULTURE OF NEARLY a KIND OF FRUIT TREE AND OF NUMEROUS FLOWERS ORNAMENTAL NAR OW hat IRA PAA, TR GOODNESS! WHEN DID TREES OFT INTO POLITICS ¥ DADDY TOLD ME ALL ABOUT TREE GRAFTING BETTY AMF? A WAR Lh TREED AND SHRUB, THE PORTION LIPO WHICH THE DETACHED SHOOT 13 \HSERTED (3 CALLED THE STOCK, THE TRANSFERRED PARY 18 CALLED THE CIOM OR SCION, AND THE NEW GROWTH THE QRATT, HEN VARWETIES OF FRUITS ARE DEVELOPED BY RAFTING HAVING CHARM TERISTICY OF THE TrOUNTD TAN Row Foaumen Buateans Te, Sian Ronan nghin ined BRINEE JURY AND LOVELL, LTH, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 2 LL JETT THE TTY \ GONNA GIVE ME A RAISE THEN NE RUE % TIMER » IN NA WHAY TWE INCENTIVE [Sas we. a YM NOY By Russ Westover MY RR RR HELLO. Nom R NOW) REL ae RENT uRaLy WAN neon hii N AlN - » L) SAK 2, \ Fan owny Sai