Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 Ria woe omen's Interests in the Home -- and the Community TT Al | Cay mi | J Skin Health of Your Children -------. 1. To the child, the cut finger, the scratched or the bruised knoe, may- t, 8 scratch, or a bruise to be endured or even boast to Mothers these little cuts mean possible infection real troublemakers, Lilebuoy soothes the little nicks and knocks of the day's play, Its lather foes deep inti cleanses them, Aig on breathe guard like an invisible have found that Lileiuoy is a veal two-purpose soap that it cleanses and protects from germs, The Women's Corner rar Vor Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and (he House kosper "Social and Personal veo: wm CELEBRATE FIFTY wiz non KTH ANNIVERSARY the ruddy eves : TRA sa Have Lived in the City Over Forty Years 10 AUTUMN PINK VOIR KVIINING Phnke 18 one of the mont fashion whle valores for evenlng---not nee ossarily a shell pink, bel 4 deupds tone that Is slightly grayed, Coral In much in evidence, And strange a8 IL may seem, the new shades nie artioularly effective on the red wend Bing me a song of the apple howers; Of the luselpus irapes that the vine-fleld yields) Of the garden radiant with autumn flowers, And the rich hep-fields, Sing me a song of the tolling bees, Of the patient flight and the honey won, Of the white hives under the npple In the hay sun, Today two of Oshawa's oldest residents are oelebrating thelr fifty=sixth wedding anniversary, This old couple 18 My, and Mrs J, W, Dunlop of Gladstone Avenus, They have lived in the elty for over forty years, and on the twenty-fourth of December this year Mp, Dunlop will be ninety- glx years of age, Mrs, Dunlop In|} i Tbr ia inter uy re "4 Suggestions For Hallowe'en Party 2 old people and this morning they were ready when the ear ealled to liere are & couple of ways that will provide a great deal of fun, Hang take them down to vole, Mr, and Mrs, Dunlop are look. nm sheet over a door so that It veuches from the foor vight te Ing torward to a pumhber of calls ars today In honov of thely annie Versary the top, On one side paste or sew i large round pumpkin face with the hele for the mouth right SCOTCH CONCERT EVENING UNNEMBLES It Is very smart this year to have avening ensembles, Wraps of vel vels und brocades (op gowns in the same colors, often the same tahrios, Height, hard greens, silver blues, rose pinks, and many tones of yel low are good, White, of course, 1& utterly feminine, and one of the loviiest of evening ensembles fs the white aud gold brooaded wrap, ool: lared In ermine, topping the white wide-meshed gill net evening gown Mines many women, however, do not feel they can have a different evening wrap for every gown, the problem that confronts them 1s to Kol one that fs al one and the same time practieal and yet a bit glamor Oun, I should suggest un black-white oelor sohema for the average woms An In this situation, There Is un Hmited variety possible In black and white, Velvet is the most prao tion! fabrio and nothing Is smarter The photographs heve show two of these prominent ot Distyiot Chief conference of Internntionsl Confederation of Zouta at Torons 0, Left, Mavgavet Teare, Inteviov decorator, Niagara Valls, N.Y, and vight, Mrs, Goss de Kress, ehadrman of international relations commities, trees Bing me au song of the pescefu) deep, Of the long red glow that the sun- net eaves; Of the swallows taking a farewell sleep In the homutead eaves, rm. It you have not already planned all the decorations and games for your Hallowe'en party here ave some that may help your party to 8 A BUCOAEH, We will conslder that Invitations for sixteen have heen sent out, and that you told everyone to dress In On Tuesday evening Miss Vearl Stirling entertained the O.G.1.7, group, of which she Is a member to &# Hallowe'vn masquerade at her home on Masson Bt, Mrs, Harston the leader of the group was present and she assisted with the games 'that were played, » A LJ On Friday evening, October 80, the firat Oshawa Girl Guides of Holy Trinity Churen held a sues veasful basaar, The different stalls were decorated in the patrol ool: urs, There were booths where candy, hot-dogs, home-cooking, faney work and eold drinks were sold, One of most popular attrao- tions was the Fish Pond, The mus- eum also afforded a great deal of amusement, Members of the coms pany wish to thank the par. ents, friends and scouts whe help. Audience lar minister AT KNOX A large and appreciative audis ence assembled basement of Knox Chureh and ens Joyed two hours of and mirth, Inst Rev, Duncan of Entertained by Four of Toronto's Entertainers Munro, Knox CHURCH some sort of faney costume Hallowe'sn Is the 'spookie" time of the your and Lhe more use you make of the ghosts and witches the hetter, It Is a very eisy matley to APPANES § pumpkin head ghost over the top of the entrance door to your house and at the very (im the guesth are impressed with the "apookiness," If theve 1s a winire way in the front hall with a landing halt way up other pumpkin head ghosts oan he placed here, There Are many ways to decorate, but the colors to use are the conventional black and yellow, Place pumpkin faces, elther home-made ones or Ars night In the good musle the popus Chupeh od to make theiy hasaar the huge sucess It WAS, . Last pvening LJ Hix * CG groups of King Ht, United Church united toe hold a Hallowe'en Masquerade party in the Hunday fichool reoms of There were about that one ehureh, hundred girls present all In some faney cok fume, Margaret Hwitser who was dressed as 'Grandma' wes given tle prize for the best costume, Oue of the features of the even: ing's entertainment walk, and was A Khost They played other games later refreshments were served, The leaders of the groups who had charge of the party were Mrs, R, Davie, Miss Ida Comerle, Minn Marion Blewett, Miss Ruth Cook, Miss Marjory Blewett, Miss Velma Harrls and Miss Yokes, ENGAGEMENT Reta Mv, and Mrs, A, Thompson wish to announce the engapgeme nt of their daughter, Marion, to Htewart ¢, Parker, The wedding will take plage the early part of November, dalborae ENGAGEMENT . and Mrs, M, J, Werry, 117 8t, B, announce the ens t of thelr second deugh- Marie, to Hamilton, third la whe fate Mr, and Mpd, Ham« on McConnell of County Down, land, The marriage will quietly the middle of Novem. New take T, opened the concert explaining that on adeount of sickness, Mr, Clare Henley and his troupe of artists were unable to fl the engagement and In theiv plages the audience would bo" entertained by four of Toronto's wall known entertains or, Mrs, Lenora Hurd Rest, the leader ol the group, delighted her audience with hor plano Intemmres tations rome of which were ex« coedingly amusing Mr, Ken Crossley, who was the winner of the Gold Medal and a scholarship at the 19280 National Kxhibitlon was tn fine form and rendered a number of the popular baritone wselog In excellent style, Miss Violet Murray has a sweet ROpMANe voice of unusual power and floxibility, and appearing, as she did, In the kilts and singing the songs of Bootland she soon won the hearty of her Heottlsh andl enge and was repeatedly recalled. Miss Ella Whitmore, a young, but very effiglent elocutionist and { costume artist delighted the audi ente With a varlety of readings, some grave, hut most of them laugh provoking, The continual demand for en ure of the audience, The concert aploes of the Choir and the Pros church musio, EN - WEDDINGS \ K Afte r Uperation See Our I Line of Coats Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE TORRANCE--HRELL A very quiet wedding took place on Friday evening at Knox Chureh Manse, when the Rev, D. Munroe united In marriage Mar garet Bell, dauphter of Myr, and Mps, Bell of Heotland, and Hugh Goldle Torrance, son of Mr, and Mrs, Torrance of Scotland, 'The bride Aug groom were attended by Gladys pion of Pipe street, and Walter Gordon, Burke Ht, Af ter the wedding the couple left for & short honeymoon trip and on Shetr return they whl! reslde in the oly, TARIFF BOARD 70 SIT NEXT FRIDAY Wednesday's Sitting Post: poned on Account of Elections Ottawa, Oot, 29.--The chal man of the Tavift Advisory Board announced yesterday that the pub. le sitting scheduled for Wedness day next would be held, instead, on Friday, Nov, 1. The applieas tong which stand over until the latter date are: < Firat hearing of preference No, 187, am application by the Mens tho! Jompany., Beldgeburg, Ontarla, for fee lating of mens thol and camphor; Second hearng of reference No, 138, an application by Imperial Oil Lid, for free listing of tetraes thyl lead, used in refining gaso- line: : Fipat heaving of vefevence No. 130, an appHeation hy the Bakelite Corporation of Canada Limited, Tarontd, fob upward veviston of the tarift en synthetio vesin, The postponement was decided upon #0 that there would he we sittings on the day of the provi. olal elections, A memorial iY Thomas Hardy is to erected at the weslorn ons (Pance of Dorchester, Bugland, core numbers indicated the pleas | Was under the au- opeds are to he used to pay for tiflelnl ones at every convenlent place, Crepe paper streamers and novelties are the best to use, and may be avranged to sult your house The MHeghting effects should hg us dim an possible, You can fix the door so that it does not have to he apened by some one inside and fue stead of the hostess greeting her guests let them enter at the com mand of a welrd voleo Issuing from i oconcenled place behind the door By means of the same weird voles direct them to tha room where they are to leave thelr wraps If you want some novel sugmoss tlond for pairing the guests off in partners for dances or for supper | es | aris Now York. COMFY PAJAMAS A well-deslgned sleeping gar ment for youngsters of 2, 4, 6, ¥, 10 and 12 years, that fs comforts able and practical 1s shown in Style No, 260, It buttons down the front, It has & dropped back, It may be made with or without a collar, The collaviess type seen in small view, shows applied trimming band, sleeves are perforated to be made short if desired, Flannel is hest for wee wmalds and lads, and it comes In most ats tractive kindergarten prints, that are quite amusing for the young steva, It also comes in pretty floral patterns, Pongee, striped percale, wuslin, cotton broadeloth, printed cotton orepe and crepe de ohine are other sultable fabries, The S.year alse requires 34 yards of 28-Inoh mater fal which makes the cost surpris- ingly small, Pattern price 20 cents, in stamps or coln (ein is preferred), Wrap opin carefully, We suggest that when you send for pattern, you emeclose 10 cents additional for a copy of aur new Fall and Winter Fashion Magasine, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Te Te Oshaws + Mg Fb Bwclosed find |, \ sents Please send pation ATTAINS Wr ae BEE Gain ETI IUTRTTITICINIRTIORINEE LL ERNST L TOON ARTEL ELEAE ALLER ATER LCL TRA A ARR 4) Nang ABI uaa tir an Ta ERA Town BETTY LO EE ET CETL SREY PHBVIRE0 hans Laas AAT IRR AREER ATARI REAAA Price, 10 eapiy aach ad flan wm x Wian cols eR hy {each guest | will be more fun, 'oolors of course can be earvled out girls on the side behind the pump- fin faeces and the boys on the other Ale tive each boy two small oards with corresponding numbers on them and as the girls walk past the sheet on the other side of the doov they will put, ene hand through the hole and ene of the boys will drop one of these numbers onvde Into the ghel's hand, When all the girls have numbers take down the sheet apd let them find thelr partners by matehing thelr numbers with those on the boys' onrde, Another way ls to get a number of Hallowe'en pletures and out them fn two In a ragged fashion (ive the girls one half of the ple tures and the boys the ather parts then when (he hoys have found the give whose part of the pleture mutohes his they may dance to gether, or be partners for some game, For Hellowe'sn theve are a num bor of old fashioned samen that still afford fun at any party at this ponnon, There Is hobbing for ap- pled, and trying to bite the apple that fs swung on a string suspgnds ed from the top ef a doorway, And # number of others, A treasure hunt would ba Just the thing for YOUr party and as there 1a no snow on the ground yet you can have some of It outside around the house, It ia better to have this at the beginning of the evening, In a certain part of the house have suspended over u make hellve hon fire witehos' eauldron and tell to go to the cauldron take out one of the slips of | paper that have been placed there, On It are the first diveotions for finding the treasure, It may olthar be a Mttle verse or If the hunt is to be quite long, In the farm of & small map, Then the guests will proceed to look for the treasure by following the directions on the fiat wlip, when they have reached the tlrst place to which they were directed there will be something theve to send them on further There may be as many directions an you wish and the further apart the better, Da not make the direc tions too expliott but rather give the hunters something pusgling, It It 16 Yery easy to make up & Hitle verse for each of these stopping places as It were, nd 1 will make It more interest i to the people taking part, hut the object in to keep them guess ing, and sending them an further when they think they have reached the prige, It 1a hest to have the oud of the hunt somewhere In the gentral pave of the house and the treasure may he either a very worth while prize or just a humarous one, A miniature ohest filled with little chocolate candies wrapped in gold paper ta look lke colns makes a very good prise for this treasure hunt Now the supper and what would be approprinte fo serve, It it is a dinner party it la better to sug gost Hallowe'en only in the decora: tions hut If you are serving a sup per late in the evening there are a number of seasonable things you might serve, The yellow and black color scheme ean be earpled out to some extent in the vefreshments, It is very likely that you will ba serv. ing sandwiches, these may be of als most any kind but cheese sands wiches arranged on & plate with vipe olives gives the idea of the black and yellow, The Hallowe'en i and in the cake lelngs and for this oo easton ginger bread in often served, Pumpkin tarts are quite a novelty at an evening party and oan be served at this time, There are several kinds of candies that will add color to your supper, Rither coltee or puneh should be served with sandwiohes, | The editor of the women's page has other suggestions te offer for] the Hallowe'en Party and will be glad te help anyone who comuns | loates with her at the Times office. | A -------- An American tourist whe had climbed Vesuvius one hot day gave a perfunctory ok around when he | hil reachod the crater, Taking owt hig hook, he teked off "Vesuviw" we his dtinerary, and turning to his guide grated "OK and Binnedis ately began to deseend, == Roston | ransom A | a i Tenants tn wmunieipal houses in Vherdenn, Soatiand, are petittloning | or better quarters, some self-patsing flour, and some thick oream on oream, | the Gold and silver hrooades may have more pppeal to 8 woman who wants ovoning things vomantie, Often | one ar the other of theses can he | worn evening after evening and stil | one's friends will exelaim over it, | thinking It & new ane Far they look differant with each color they are worn with Whatever the calor ar fabrle of avening wraps this winter, the ot 18 of real Importance, Home wrank follow the lines of gowns, fit the hody to the hipline and then have full, teatling skirts that fall over the gown's teain, A three-quarters evening wrap, however, 1s an excel lant ehalea for the long, frregular | hemlines Dolmans, capes cote, fitted coats and that wrap up about one good style, Individuality A real triumph Collars and eufts on more often luxuriously furred than | not Ermine, sable, ehiluehillan und other fluef urs ave used One love ly sane green sweeping, long Wirab | has a yoke and collar of vieh fur One of the newest of evening wraps Is a royal blue transparent velvel, collared In Russian ermine There Is a dvaped baok with the fitted skivt portion sohleving fis | fullness through the uke af wodets, The collay stands up majestionlly oape | lagen oon wll in in out Is re CORIE Are RECIPES COFFER CREAMS Hall a cuptul of very strong cobs foe, 34 cuptuls of sugar Make the coffee by pouring a ouptul af bolls IRE Water on to a large teaspoons fal, or more, of a welkbknown oof fee easence Add the sugar and boll for about & minutes, let it cool, beating it all tha time, then roll Inte balls, and spread out to ary and harden, CREAMED COOKIKN 1 ek, 1 cup sugar, 2 oss, of hut ter, 4 nutmeg grated, 1 gill milk, Heat egg and sugay work In the butte (slightly warmed), unt soft, Add the nutmeg, and stir In sneush flour to form A paste sufoelently stir to roll out 4 Ineh thiek, Cut Inte small rounds, and bake on a floured tin for about twelve min utes In a moderate oven; when they are quite cold out each In halt and put oream between MEAT OLIVES Halt a pound o6kE roast heel, | onnee butter, 1 reaspaaninl of minced parsley, 1 pint oxo extvast, 1.3 aunes flour, seasoning of salt ad pepper 1 teaspoantul powdered mixed herbs, . HAAR 4 of fine breadorumbs Cut the meat nto strips about five inches long, and ane and a Ralf neh wide, mix crnmbe, seasoning, Se, and str in part of a heaton egy spread some of the mixtuie on each stip of meat, roll up and secure with a needle and thread, Melt the butter ina stewpan and in it brown the wl ves | take them wp pour an the flow and oxo stook 1 boil it up, replace the olives, and shimmer for 18 minutes HELPFUL HINTS SIUKEY HOUSE PLANTS Some people have great ditfouls ty In growing house plants, while others seam to be able (0 grow al: | most any kind of plant in any howe | they aooupy, | Gas, Insect sprays, tao little wat or, too mueh water, toa Mitle aun | and 100 Wueh suls=any op several | of these may ba responsible, However, there are sevepal sims | ple plant medicines that may revive | lolly house plants, Colles grounds | on the roots three op four times a | week will alten work wonders, par | tioularly if two teaspoaninls of ols | ive oll are added each' ten days or 0, | Cheek the plants for gas, inset APES lek al water and saeh things, and If they ave still siokiy, ty the coffee grounds and oll cure Trea i | i | 1 i ! i \ soap 15 had on Radtewm vo tablospooninls of pava- | iow oka \} ATTN VOI ie fy Mn na pan of water foo thorough Varnishing Bactewm is another of Wi wl STAN] : aN { temen {a hountitwl LAM etivoron's THE BATH SOAP SU are some of the reasons why in y Canadian homes the orange-red Lifebuoy is as familiar a sight ae e bath tub itself, tors, nurses and school teachers endorse Lifebuoy, Let your family, too, enjoy its benefits, Laves Boathers Limied Toren KEDRON WOMEN ENTERTAIN THOSE FROW COLUYBLS Fine Social Evening Held at, Kedron Church Last Wedneaday Kedron, Qot, 3-=Mrs Walter Walmsley, Toronto has bhoen apend ing a few davs with friends here, Nodron Wamen's Assopiation ens tertained the ladies of the Columbus congregation and their hushands to & social evening in the chureh on Weds nesday, Oct, @ Columbus ladies provided an excellent program after whieh a telegram and musical cons tests were put on, Lunch was thea served and a social hour brought a very profitable evening to a olose, Mr, and Mes, DT, Hepburn and Miss Helen Hepburn, Uxhridge, Mes, MoAdie and Miss Fanny Hislop, Osh awa were guests of My and Mrs, W Hepburn, Miss Kathleen Conlin, Oshawa, spent the week end at her home here, My, and Mrs Gluronte \X yy Wil Ham and Robert, and a ames scott, Columbus, recently # with the latter's sister, Mig By Meffaw, Cran Miss Florence Wheeler, Toronto, spent the week end with My, and Mus, I, Crossman, My, and Mrs, By Davis and family entertained a number of the yawns people of the community 10 4 Hal lowe'on party on Friday eventing, Af tor all had arvived in a 0d Ne 4 RBuessing contest was held as to who was who, Prizse were award od as to the most original eostumes Miss Alice Smythe winning the La diva' first prize, 4 lovely Hower, and Ass Joan Lave, as a claws, the gen fest prise, a diary, Ho tolling and games, followed laneh and canny singing bhyought a very pleasant « 10 A elas Miss Bomioe Werny spent cok end with feiends at Ashhaw Mi Ortie Sith, Oshawa, spy ¢o week sud with fn, Gorden A My, and Mrs. 8 Conlin attended dinner party in honor of My, Jah bivthday given hy his hier, Mes De Rigks, Bowians Vio on Natasa evening AE, and Mss Lo Haneoek and fan 1 visited at My Robert Heath's LOR in A My, and My LRLLEIN ng W th \i 31 I. Saunders, Tw PORE Were week end suests of Ma and Maso CW Hoskin Miss Avene Bray, Toronto, and Mis Bray, Bulickd, wory FOUORT Suess of Mr, and Mrs, R, J, Luke, Kedron was well represented at the Laymen's banquet in King 8t, Chureh, Oshawa on Thursday evens ing, Kleven men from here attend: ny, Misses Lena Hoskin and Della Glover were guests at Misa Muriel Pengelly's trosseay tea in Breoklin on Tuesday, Ooty h, Mr, and Mp Felon were at Courtice, Min M ond with Mountjoy, My, and A + Hutehings and r. Horace Haneook's nt th ™ week: {rion Allin ore or CONNIN, Mrs, Harvey Crossman and Irene recently visited their eons. ms, Mr, and Mrs, Peel, Sundury d, Ms, Sadler, 8% Catharines is visits Ing her daughter, Mra, 8, Jewell, 0) i % Rosa Lee vivited at Mr, AT, Stainton's "n Mr, and M wrie, Min Dundenhofer ' " 1) and Miss Rhea Crosks em, Krle, Penn, and Mrs, ohn a A B Van rite Conlin kem, Toronte, rand Mvs, Miss Mar ing } hw with her alter, Mrs, F, M, Love, Oshawa: iw Ol Ly re Ms t renee a ats of a apends Tuke visit . Ethel Van Neat, Hamilton, recent on dn vty wi g hy them, o one--for your own Tol mind «keep this oi, relfable prepares PREME PURIFIES AND PROTECTS Toronto, ' Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, {phn Glover an thelr recent mamiage, 'oe welcome Mrs, Glover 18 ow midst, "Rushin' to the office, rushin' out to eat Rushin® back, an' rushin' home, ETT | unt street Rushin' up and vushin' down, ashin in and out SW what's all the rushin' for? Vhat's it all about #* a. . oo al | oe @unutng without mame A, W, Muvtl sold Kam's Drag Store, 1, B, Mit , BW Thompson and Jury & Lovell soothe ho t ta A a Dl 1a coated beoa Bh Dowel Al Mowe 3 ve Castaria: the wine | CHL Fletoher's siguature of the wiappen \ whose

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