THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 PAGE THREE Taxes Collected Here In 1929 to Oct. 24 Total $711,200 Prohibition Union Rally Attracts Capacity Crowd At City Every Seat in the Hall and All Standing Room I Taken--Crowd Shows In tense Interest and Enthusl asm in the Addresses FERGUSON AND L.C.A, STRONGLY ATTACKED Speakers Claim Government Contrg) Has Failed to Bring About Benefits ~~ Which Its Supporters Pre- "dicted In 1926 The Liquor Control Act and the follicles of the FeFEUEOR EAVer)- fment with vegard fo (he tempers Whnee question wera subjected to an fAneampromising attack al an en iAhuslastlo rally hiedd dn the ety Pall last night undey (his auepioes JAF the Oshawa Prohibition Union Lin the Interest of W, Hi, N, Binelaly Lhe pally marked the parting shat gf the havd-fought chmpsign which Was heen waged In this viding be Swean tha Liberal and Conserve lve parties, Kvery neat in the mudience wan taken and thera was vy standing room avallable, "Whe levee crowd showed intense UBnterost in what enol speaker had i lo say and there was ou feeling 'of Mansenoss and excitement which p vavadod the witmosphers indieats ng the tremendous eoneern being {daken hy the temperance peapla of the olty In the pesulis of today's sglection, If Inst night's Eathering 'hay ha regarded as a true eviters an, the electors of Oshawa will turn ont to the polls In large num: hers today to vote for elther one "at the two eandidales, SU gpeakers for the evening Inelud: Vad Rey, KW, Havaton, pastop af Bime one Btreet United Churedl, Rey, A, BH, Sanderson, vetired United "Chwivel pastor of Whithy| ex-alders man John Graves; Hey, CO, WH, Cragg, prstor of King Htreet Units pd Chureh, and Gordon Conant, K, 8 ¥ ¥, Rup paring Ninelaly Hav, A, M, Trwhn, pastor of North #lmepe direst United Churey and president of the Oshawa Pros hibition Unlon, acted as ohalyman The chalrman made it clear at the apeidpg, of the meeting that the Uniai Wan supporting W, H, N, pinelale, babes! lender and ibe opad eanddate for the vidinm, hes couse he had made It plain in his olootion manifesto that the Lbeval party, if returned to power, would submit the Hauer question te the papple hy plebiscite op refevendum when ever it wan shown that theve was a suftiolent hody of puhlle ap: inten desiving a change fh the pra: sent method of dealing wity the vohlem, On the other hand, wemier Ferguson had refused to give a plebiscite and Frank LL, Mason, as Conservative candidate, was endarsing the polly of the premier, With a Liberal movern. (Contiined on page 8) OE Coming Events p worl each ine imum charge on 0} hv fi Conta sevtion, for seh Hall Last Night OBITUARY MRE, MARIA MsCRUM The death geeupred early today of Mis, Mavia Harriet MeCrum at the residence of lier son, My, B, Ji, Me: Crum, oa Burton road, in her Blst yeur, The tate Mes, MeCrum had enjoyed Tai health until lust Thurs diy when she contracted prieumonii, On pesount of her advanced age hey sand lon stepdily grew worse until she pissed guletly away this mor: Ing Vhe decensed had vasided in Osh geome here from Bibih's Valls, Bhe wih horn near the historig Chrysler's Farm, ut Martiehurg) astern Qi turin, whe lived in Brockville for a number of years buy, following the death of her husband had moved 10 Buith's Falls and later to Oshiawi Bhe was an Aaa nt of the Baptist ehureh and had attended Calvary Baptist ehureh here, Bhe was loved and highly regasded by all who kngw hey, Those surviving Inelude (three daughters, Mrs, KG, Remmington, Cedardales Mrs, John W, Relyes, vl Present, and Mis Russel Miele, af Smith's Falls1 three sons, W, Ks MeCram, of Beoaklyn, NY MaeCrum, Oshawa, and M iH MoeCrum, of Islip, Long Ialand | twa asters, Mrs, B Dirndl, al Smkh's Falls; Mrs, AD, Perey, Boith's Falls and one brother, Earl E, Logk: wood, alsa of Bmith's Falls The remains will he taken © 4a Brockville on Friday, where a fun eral service will he held, Interment to he made in the family plot, 'As pangements are also being made to hold & short service at 9 am, Friday at the residence here, FUNERAL OF WM, HANTINGN The tuneral wah held yesterday afternoon from his vesidence pl Kingston road east and Wilson Rd, of the late William Hastings, old and highly respected resident of the district, who died last Batur day In his 77th year, The deveas- od was highly regarded and many ware present av the funeral to pay final tribute to one who during his long Mie had proved himself worthy of friendship, A number of hens titul floral tributes were revélved, The late Mp, Hastings wad horn In Liverpool, England, and was brought to Canada with Wi nia at (he apa of one Yeur, ved hf We Mia In and around Osawa For several years he Was eng: od in the brieksmaking business and worked fn what was once teri od the "Court Yard" In northwest Oshawa, under & Mr, Redding, Lat: or, he and his brother, James Hast Ings, entered into partnership and conducted a slmilar business on King street east, For the past 7 yours he had resided tn Harmony, Those surviving include his wi dow, two daughters, Mrs B, H, Wil Hamaon, of Toronto, and Mys, RW, RN, Gray, of Chicago, and four sons, Allee, at home, Albert, Herman and Rupert, all of Toronto, two hroths ors, Robert, of Detpall, and James, of Oshawa, five mvandehildren and one Eveat. krandehlld, The service was conducted by Rev, A, M, Irwin, pastor of North Bimeoe street United Chureh, Ins terment: was made fn the Unlon Cametery, MHRA, RLISARKTH PENNINGTON The funeral was held yesterday afternoon fram the vesidence of hey daughter, Mra, H, ¥, Baldwin, 44} Masson street, af Elisabeth Wien wiland, widow of the late Henry FAINTERH, PAINTERS == OPEN {medting Thursday, , RING, WL Apo, Inthe WM OA, AN 14 are weleame, (1010) RUMMAGE SALE AND HOME: mide cooking at 20 Himoos #4 South, Thursday, at 3,30, (101) DANE NEVADA, girs am Phone Ht Fin" SHER nN AOR SALR NING Arnau ember 1ak EAR : \ ENT, (1004) HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT sot Almooe Hehopl, Fpiday ening Nov, 1st, Admission & an Good RROEPAW, { MOTOR -QITY ROWLING AND Oshawa Winter Gardens, big while Hallowe'sn fete, Gents 1,00, ladien B0¢, Includes wll daneing, all howling, all vaundes ville, Musle hy Stan Willams and his Blue Mavines, : \ (1020) ORHAWA WINTER GARDENS, square and round dancing, Fel day, Nev, 1st, 8.30 pw, A tall wight of square and round dane ng under the divestion of Pat Ahanuon, Dance to the snapplest old tyme arohestra of this paw of the province, Haymakers Ow chestra. (10%) a i i I EE ia I 0 LATE 10 CLASSIFY Oona, 1000) WARAOTE TO WENT Of piieet West, Phone ne, 103%) eniington, who died 1ast Hunday n her FTIR year, The late Mr Pio had heen a delleate ealth for a long period, hut whe mained a tient autferer all ro her flness, As a loving other she will ba greatly missed bers of her family while har death comes as a distinol losa 10 ve olrele of friends and av ' gy Mrs, Pennington had » Mieslong pesldent of Oshuwa Wal bi ve in the yew ore the old Qa was hullt through ry with it an Lhpetus growth, Her parents Niehos 1] Uniten dvooaned held, Those surviving hetude four daukiutth Mpa, J, B, Moore and howe, one ay ab Bane brother, James Rutland, af Petron, and one slater, Nima, Anne Hoag, of Taranto, wre oan Birtha Mandal APANTON =A tha Oshawa Gen oral Hosphial an Monday, Oto her 88, 1838, to My and Mm Harold J, Spanien, a danshier Ueda) awn for the past eight years having | arly residents of the | Nicholas Bullane, faa ong Boey | | OFFICIAL VISIT OF (iOVERNOR-GENERAL ~~ HERE POSTPONED Civie Fathers Found Them. selves Unable to Enter tain Him Tomorrow EE NOW INDEFINITE Viscount Willingdon Was Unable to Open Collegi- ate Hore December 1 The viel of Viscount. Willing don, Governov-Cansral of Cannda, to this elty has heen indafiniiely postponed, The Times was informs od today, Viscount Willingdon had plan ned to come to this elty an Hep tember 14, hut owing to & sudden Hiness, wan al the last minute faresd (0 postpone his visit, Tha olvie oMelnls lutey vecelved word that this was ohly u Lsmporary postponement, hut that the Gove arnoy-teaneral would visit Oshawa tomorrow, Oct, Hl A hurried meeting of tho speeipl committe was called, and the guestion dis ounged, hut 1 was decided that 1 would he absolutely impossible tn wirange, on such short notion, the weleame that the elty would Hhka (0 give to the vieasvegal party, Tha OYEINOV-ERNeral was thersforas no ified of (his fact, and IL Wis sug gested that he vislt Oshawa on Doe I and formally open the new (ol lagiate und Vooutfonal Institute A telegram received from Yid aount Willingdon's seevatary stated that an December 1, the govern ganeral would he in tha West In dies, wo that now the visit of the vieacragnal purty stands Indefinite ly postponed SCOUTS ORGANIZE AN ASSOCIATION IN OSHAWA CITY C., M, Mundy Elected Presi dent -- Will Co-ordinate All Boy Scout Activities A Hoy Lily al CITY Wis tended meeting workers Monday CA Ay With sehen vi Beaut Association hoy Oshawa and tminedinte organized at a well at of eltigens and Moot wight fn the YM Irwin, the pravinelal seeretary in avtendanee and laid down th wherehy the sssociation vould weeessiully thinetion | he vilwe of the seheme, he sald, | wits 10 centralize all Boy Seout, Cub and Rover Beowt aetivities under ane head rather than to elise the tere tory to he sphit up nto se many in dividual efforts as 10 is now and om of whieh 11 is desirous of furthering the tnterests of the boy hy harboring | avery sehemo for his partienlar bene Ul It further Nited the now heavy executive burden from the shoulders of the aotive seoutimasters and gave him a free hand to da the aotual wirk with the hay himself The greatest feature probably was the heinglng together of the many interested soelotion, olubs and organi sntions and thereby eliminated the overlapping In Neout aevivitles as well as strengthening the work as i should be, for the actual bay and his We he association us organised com Jound 4 with other such hadies now npedaning fn wany of the larue elles wl Ont and from reports, the suceess of thase centres tn Hoy Noout aetivities has struek elose to the fundamental prineiples of the arlginal scheme In the promotion of proner guided hoy life he personnel of the sovintion his @ representation from each Noout Troop and from the busi ness, prady ay religions, eivie and service clubs af the city, Fhe affieers for the fist your, eleots ed at the meeting, were! Dresident, CM, Mundy vice president, N MoLean and M, Noanes: general see retary, RR, Torpett) ol EEL VM FY IS seeretary, Av Wilson SINCLAIR HAS ~~ | LAST WORD IN THE CAMPAIGN (Continued fom page 1) avearded a good measure of applanse #3 he reasoned aver the gomparative charaoteristion of the OTA, and the LCA In his speeoh given at Orillia, Hotween the alternatives, he sald, he Ws oompelled 10 give his support 0 the existing Liguor Control Aoh as & measure, which, while not perfeet and stl only an experiment, was, he believed, the hest experiment vel hronght forward, The Ontario Temp eranee Act he declared 10 he Tan practivahle al enforeement atier the people of Ontario had shown them Seven 10 he abowt equally divided wpe on ih He made sweeping dental of allegations that conditions of wiles spread drunkenness and Sdebhaweh ory® existed in Tovonta and elses wher, hat deckined 10 enter inte Stas tistical controveray on the ground that seleeted statistios were the great S81 IMPOPrERQIALIVe TOD 11 any ars Huament "Palitieal" Ta Coltieiam In the hatthone reply gt hiv dis Bore the Liberal leader ehareed that Wo Cody hath mac 8 purely palitds Oshawa as eal spool more in the interests of RUIN STALKS IN OSHAWA ; $15,000,000 LOST HERE AS STOCK PRICES CRASH Rulwestitter and absolute rubies faces niany people In Oshawa and this disiriet today, "They have been wiped out in the tervific selling orgy un the stoek exchange, Fifteen mitlons of dollars wers lost In the last Ave days by residents wf Oshawa and digiriet, This was des serihed by thoss whe know us # "eons pervillye estimate," EIA000000, A BIL Gul to the entire aasesameit of this ity jw sun therefore equal to 0 forty per cent ahd wore uf th entire vile of all the real estate in shaw, A loss of $000 (ur every iil, wean and hid tn this sity | reinendons, most unbelievable, Yer ols He Pight-lhpped, with stralned fages, hundreds of ehlgens of Oshawa elus tered around the tape In the logs brokerage offices us It ground oul the story af stocks that were going down, down, down her, seamed 10 he no Hilt, The taps wis hours behind, 10 was linpossible to know how the market stoad wt any given time, 1 they soldssthey knew not ut what price, 1 they decided that (he market bind about reached the bottam wid waited ta buys=sthey did't kngw but that ethers had gotten the same netlon twa hours belore, wml th market might be up ten points hy now in New York, Unsertisinty==in deglslon Juss ruin, stalked wll around, Kyerything Gone One old man walked into the af fee) the expression on his nee wis hopeless, His son had Invested houy Hy, on wargln, Now, everything hi hid, house, furniture, property --gy erything was gone, wiped out at a shile stroke here were minhy others Like him, It pid, Awl there were no doubt others who had ao lost everything whe never Wis ake ah I hut tock thelr loss in silence Clerks 1p the offiees=workmen in the Anelarigs=some the ely's mon redvudied business piens=everybody who hed snything ta dé with the mike was eanght The wwnegers of the brokerage house aiid tht, while panies had hegn veil wong those who hid baught steele on margin, the wiser ones, who had bought conservatively und wha had bought outright, had hung on 10 thelr holdings, and suffered no setuul wianey loss, except the depresintion in value on paper, Most of then were eonhdent that the market would win fem, and tht thelr losses would nat be nearly us real us they louked vemergpy wrgin Bayes Wuflored But it was the buyer on margin who sulfered, When the first cris eine, lust Vhursduy, many of them pub right out of the tirket=suld out thelr holdings and took thelr loss Others sovered wp thelr marging, and sald out when the market Armed somnewhut Feiday und Saturday, They last, 16 In true, hut not su heavily, Others, hung on, soyvering their mirging with eseh sucgessive gull fron thelr brokers, Borrowing money on everything they ewned, they hung on with grim determination Wit the hnal erash yesterday, when, Wn spite of Trantlg efarts to rides fur thes leans, the market slid out from under them and they faeed utter, dey olnte ruln, Everything they had gone, 1 one stroke he pity of It wll was, brokers say, there was na veal reason for the break, Business conditions thyough out the country are good, But one of these undeseribable panies took place on Wall Bireete=and the whole pontinent beawme paralysed with fonr and began a selling orgy, which has had Jin tervible reperenssion even In Oshawa CITY AND DISTRICT NE HEINE ARK BOUGHT An advertisement In another col umn of this lesue, calls attention to the feel that Information ts wanted an to the velatives of Willlam John FL, who was horn near Oshawa, about 1878, The estate ls valued at about $16,000 and It In thought thal there are some relatives live ing In this vielnity that may be able to elalm a share In I, HOY WTRUCK BY CAR While traveling on Bloor strest west, yesterday afternoon, # oay driven hy A, #, Noss, #1 Ritson road north, ran down a little hoy, the son of WN, Dalby, Bloor street want br, Bird was ealled to al tend to the ehild's Injuries, whieh proved slight, The Ineldent has heen reported to the peliee NERIOUN UNEMPLOYMENT Bireh QUE, Ot, NO A werlous slate of unemployment axial in the township, aoearding to a statement of Rellef OMoer Twiggs, who Is already deluged with applications for relief, Little work 1s In pros. pact, as almost all municipal une dertakings for the year hava heen pompleted THHEA ARE BARE Heveral severe frosts, followed by high winds, have played havoe with tha follaga of times and the moat of them have lost all Ahely CURLS They stand with hare branches as another veamindur that winter Iu fast approaching, The loaves He In putters, on lawns and In wardens or are gathesed lute ples to he burned, thelr pungent andor Maing ke an inoensa Foy the dying year, CEARNEN AMALGAMATED Ab a special committees meating held tn the ohureh vestry last night plans wera mada for the helding of & membershin campalgn hy the adult bible olass of the Bt, An drew's United Chureh, The men's and ladies' bible classes of the ehureh have hoon amalgamated un der one organisation, and it Is the purpose of the oMeers to seek the membership In this lass, which meets every Munday aftarnon, of all adult mambers of the congregation, | The ladies and men of the congre gation will be heartily weloomed BL thin olan, CHIMNEY WRN When un ehimney oaught fire al the residence of 1 Owen, B88 Mary street, last night, the fire hrignde was called, The firemen made & prompt run and had Hite dimouiy in extinguishing he lage, No damage was done, There have heen several ohimney fires within the past few weeks and householders would do wall to heed the warning of Mira Ohletf Eilon to make sure that all ehimneys Are leaned, MOTOR ACCIDENT A motor erash occurred at the Intersection of King and Centre piroets today when & ear driven hy W, A, MoAfney, 44 Walmour Rd, Toronto, collided with a ma ohine deiven by J, ¥, Barnum, 180 Agnes strest, The window on the loft alda of Barnum's oar Was smashed while the left fender was bent, Neither driver was Injuren MoAfiney wan travelling west on King strest, while Barnum Was poming on ta King from Centre streat DRIVER INJURED Autnoourt, Oot, BR == Albhart Oo burn of Agineourt suffered a pos sible fracture of hin leg shortly hetora § o'volook tonight when the motor trae which he was driving wan struck by an automobile driven hy Alex, Heandy of 190% Dundas Htreet West, aooording to the Moarbore' police, Nergeant Deayeott, who with Constable Rrown investigated the aceldent and arrested Rrandy on oharges of reckless driving and of falling to return ta the aoens of an aovldent, EE a i. "-------- the Ferguson Government than in defense of the Liguar Conall ev and that he had patterned it ao elose fv after the Prime Minister's so, palin argent thst ho wight just an well have come oat eavlier in the clontion with his "Me, 1oi=l'm with Howard," instead of wilting till the ant Spayehatogieal mement" 1 auneh it Mr, Binelalr strongly resented Le Cody's snggestions that the Opposis von forees had resorted to "miarep resentation" and "extravagant states ments' with a view (0 developing publi apinion Mh the WH and alleged that in hiy plea for fir play for and continuation of this i quon law Dry Cody had used only Hove stathatien tending to support his olalmig, and nat statistdes, suoh Wa dinnkonsdriver Rupes, neneral drunkenness, and motarkilling tye wes, without whieh, ho contended, no mtelligent disonssion ai the present act could be ftvadusad ar considers LRLN SWHISPERING WINDNY VAT NEW MARTIN First Lave what, {na man's or woman's Hife, Is fs peal worth? Roanantieista will tell you that i lives furever-that the memory af it otors a Hite, wndinimed hy loves that follow after, They, olaim that TIN EVOrY MAR OF woman who attracts yoy affeotion there is SOMME we blanee of that first one In wham were all enehantments, There 1% & saving that 4 woman never marries her fist love hut spends the vest af her life yearning oF him, However wae this is the | By ---- Ey. faet remains © at tha majority of Art loves wake hotter memories than marital partners, Perhaps that In why there Are BO Riany of them who belong 10 the past und © alay there exvept when called forth an sentimental ghosts In "Whispering Winds" the TH fany Tone dialogue pieture showing Phursday at the New Martin Thea: tre, Tittany Stahl has used the story af a fest Joye that held the fate ol thee persons in ity grip. Patay Ruth Miller, Maloolmy Muotiveger and Kye Southern are the fentured players who portray these people: ho A Phatophone recorded niente and WIE sere, Eve and Hwy, in the ploture, love ouch other with sueh 4 consuning passion that nothing else matters in elther's Mie, Mate parts them and a Niijdoratnding arses, Jim mare ries Dora, How wny others, Hike Jin, have Hone tte marriage white their hearts oried ont for the unattainable one! You, trapie an it seems, there are hap: martages built an a lat love's deapain, iy found happiness, wail the firgt giv came back AN hx Nie, The tnfuenve of § great lave «= ta WAKE OF IAF & man's hanpiness ta in "Whispering Winds" Bye, the aint Thin fest loved, holds tn the hollow of her hand the power 10 change his entire Hie, "Uhat she does fs not WHAT any women world doy, for Eve keeps faith with her first love, Nhe puts {1 above vanity pride and sels Rati sy and wakes it the ylie thing that wast af us merely dream about and fow of us have the gallantry ww save FIR VOTE POLLED IN OSHAWA ITY THIS MORNING Some Polls See Brisk Voting While Others Were Slow POLLS OPEN TO 7 PM. ra. oi Fairly Heavy Vote Expected | in Oshawa As Interest Has Been Keen A Taly number of voles were poll od up te noon in Oshawe, Havers! polls reported that voting had been wow, while others reported that polling had bean fairly brisk, Tha Hght rain this morning no doubt kept down the number ul voters Lhut exerelsed thelr fraps uhius, and IL wus expeoted that a aonsiderably higher vole would he polled this wfternoon than there wis this morning, The polls are open unt) 7 o'sleck tonight Hhould the weather improve hls afternoon, I is expected that « heavy volts will ha polled in (his oity, Due ta the feet that hoth oandidates In this viding are vesn dentin of Oshawa, Interest hus heen running high here during the oem palgn, and there will no doubt he a Ialvly good volte polled Hoth party orvesnlgations have hoon working steadily and briskly otting out the vole as far as they gould, and numerous calls have | haan veeslved for automobiles to transport voters to the polling sis tonu Tonlght the returas will he given aut In the Armorviss, where Tha Times has Installed a special sors Vian DOMINION TRADE COMMISSIONER TO INIA WAS HERE H., R. Pousette Interviews Oshawa Firms on Posi. bilities of Increasing Trade H, KR, Poussetie, Dominlon (rade gommissionar to India and Usy lon, visited Oshawa yesterday and Interviewed several loon! firms In gluding General Motors of Canada, Ltd, the Pedlar People, Ltd, and the Willams Viane Co, with re gard to the possibilities of the ex port trade to India, My, Pouw pette, whose home Is ln Baral, spent the past twosand=a-half Yonrs in India and Ceylon and Is well yuilitied to speak of conditions in that sountry, He was (nterviewen in his room in the Commercial Ho tel hy The Times yesterday after noon and gave the following we pount of hia chuervations made In India, Tmpressed by Oshawa haa heen neveral yours sinoe Mr, Poussette last vilsted Oshawa and he expressed hin delight at seeing no many fine paved streets and evidenoa of alvio growth, UYour olty has a substantial, prosperous abhpearance," he stated to the representative of The Times with that warmth and vivacious ners of manner which ts often ehar aoteriatio of those whe oan race their ancestry back te old France, WE oam muoh impressed hy the pumber af fine homes that have heen bullt and the feet that Osh AWA NAN EPOWND #0 rapidly within recent years," Mr, Poussetie left last night toy Hamilton where he will spend sev. oral days Intgeviewing manutao. turers, "I arrived In Canada ond of June, and sluee then have hoon turing the Maritime Prove eos, the Prairie Provinces, British Columbia, Quebes and Bastern Ones welo, Interviewing present and po ential expurters Owe trade with ndia Amounts to shout twenty-two million dollars per year, made wp of twelve million dollars exports and about ten million tmperts, OF ex: Orta the prinetpal tems are autonos Rios tives, allver, and other articles which we sell 10 thal LOUNLTY Wie woven wire, fencing, antomobile wes consorion, eaten carbide, piping, oahvas-ahoes with rubber soles, aln minum agvienliural implements, road Machinery, Wire gauss, canned fa hy hand paper, ete, The commodities sold wre tea and Jute products "The Canadian trade with India 1s NOL large, as wp 10 the present, Cas nadian manufacturers have not shown a great deal of interest tn that eonntry A further obstacle te trade han hoon the taet that tndia Is a poor county and gonsequently the des mand, ontatde the requirements of Government, talhways and army, is or & cheap olan ot avtiele which is not made this eonntey, In spite of this the Indian warket fap tutwe possibilities ix dooldedly worth enti vating Canada 8 not in an export trade for a vear or five years, hut, we battove, for all thined henee it is nee easary for us to make a long view and lay plans for ature as well as present day trade, "Ia ownsidering India, 1 must he borne Mm omind that the basic faota 8 he Peasant, Neventy ane per cont af the people lve diveetly hy aww eultire and another ton to twenty por cont indireatly hy the sail, B ai thus he soon that the fntape prosperity of tho countty depends about the Win development Mo ARMoultnre, As Industeialiy, India 1s not dove had AN periant degree 1 ooutertain the hope that he irom | a l*k a. Collection Figures Show Increase In Amount But A Decrease In Percentages SEVERELY BURNED BY MOLTEN METAL Joseph Judd Is in Oshawa General Hospital With Painful Injuries Juseph Judd, an old employs of Fitthngs Lid, wan admitted tu tha General hospital yesterday alternoon wulering from severe burns whieh hi had vecelved from molten metal while working In the maldivg shop of the plant, Judd is being wtiended hy De, Miler and although his In Juries wre very painful his condition with reported wn favorable today Judd, it 15 sald, was pushing as a true bearing the metal pot, when the truck beenme obstrueted cause ng Wm to fall forwied, In order ta sive himself he thrust out his left wrm which eame in suntuet with the molten hguld, Bome of the moetil wis ulsa splashed whout his body BROOKLIN BRANGH OF THE LEGION 5 VERY ACTIVE Charter to be Presented at Public Gathering Next Monday Night Cet, #0 The recent ly organised Hreoklin branch of the Canadian laglon Ww rapidly gaming to the fare with Important and Interesting activities, Vor the Innt few weeks It has heen conoen trating Ha efforts on AVFAREaMERLS far Ha Armistion season program This will he started on Monday avening, November 4, with a soelal evening and publie meeting In the Wrooklin town hall, at which the aharter of the hraneh will ha form ally presented hy M, Melntyre Hood, of Oshaws, as the repress. tative of the provineisl executive, A large party from Oshawn In gos ne to this gathering, and It Is ox peated that the Whithy hraneh will algo be represented, In addition to the presentation of the charter, an Interesting program of musle and peaches In ta he given, and It Ia antieipated that thers will he a larae gathering of the men And wo men of the Hrookiin distriot The heanch has alee completed arrangements for the holding of an Armistios Memorial servige in the Hrooklin United Chureh on the ev ening of Bunday, Novemher 10 when the members will parade and will ha Joined hy comrades fiom Whithy and Oshawa, The Armistios Poppy Day 1s also helng nbuerved hy the hraneh The Immediate soolal activities of the hraneh ave to be concluded with a community danse In the town hall on the evening of Friday, November 18, Dr, James Moore, the president af the hraneh, and RW, B, Wilson, 1th snopetary, are making avery ef fort to arouse interest fn the Le won In the Rrooklin distelot, and thelr eftarts are meeting with much HUOO0EN, ---- now on India will become & hroads ening market for foreign marchand {ae, and base it on the expectation that the value of the craps produeed will Tnerease (rom year to var, The methods of agrieulture praatised are probably little loss primitye than they were hundreds of yours ago The tmplements weed are the erudest Nothing fs known of wooed seleation, and animal manure whieh should he ased to fertilize the sell ix burned uy fuel, India never had an Agricul Department until a ventral = departs ment wid organteed by Lord Carson in 1904, and {t 1x enly fn recent years that the Provineial Departments have established gontaet with the enls tvators, The Indian peasant fs very oonservative, and bein iterate, cannot he reached by tha weitten word He oan only he influenced hy demonstration, and this wakes the matter of tenehing him dition, wud somewhat expensive, but now thi the country has awakened to a veal tention that India cannat prosper wae los the peusant prospers and desires a Aleher standard of Hing, cowl tions are likely to tmpreves 1H only ton cents a day, and that i surely a very small sun, ean be added to the averie caring power of the pea sant in the aprepate this would add onarmonsiy 1a the purelasing power of India, To quote the words of a wellsknown eeanomist="India needs hotter business, hotter farming bets ter living" S1oam not returning to India hat at the onmpletion of my tour of Cas nada will procesd ta San Franelsea to open & Urade Conpntssioner's, of flee Mh ahat port ww a Hronkiin, - Phe arehbishap had preached w splendid sermon on the beauties and | | Two okt Reid | fore of wartied lite pots Waddled slowly out at the close of the serviey SAR 'twas a fine sermon his piv rine was after telin' wa adeed it was, An' 1 wish 1 Khew as litle ghowt 1 as he does EE ove may bho the greatest thing in the world bat it won't make sume folks do things that pride wilt, a Incrense of $38,600 Shown Over Last Year in Actus) Amount Collected, But Arrears snd Current Roll Collections Both Down CITY TREASURER SAYS SHOWING GOOD Commenting on Figures Re leased by Him This Morn« ing, Treasurer Blackburn Says Showing Is Good Considering the Year's Labor Conditions An inevease of BUKA00 in shown In the petusl amaunt of current and prvenry taxes aollectad In Oshe AWE In TURD up ta October #4, an compurad with the same period of Inst your, wlthough the peresntege of taxes collected ax compared with the total voll is lower, pecording to figures raleasad hy olly treasurer P, A, Blaokhurn, today A total of $711,800, somprising FARD,T00 In eurvent year's texes and BTL600 In arvears of taxes, win pald Inte the elty treasury he tween January 1 and Oatoher 84 this year, In the same period bf TOOK, u Lotal of BOTE,000 was paid In taxed, comprising $608,000 In eureant year's taxes and $74,600 In AUVBATH Of the arrears of (axes whith wara outstanding on January 1, this year, amounting ta $106,000, thera has heen collected $71,580 ar BEET per cent Of the current tax roll, which amounted to SEE 000, there has boon oallegted $088 700 ar 11,88 per gent, A comparison with Tast year shows that In T1088 the arrears outs standing at January 1, were $117, 000, of which $74,600 ar 68.77 per oant had been collected at Oot, 24, At this date, of the 1988 current tax roll amounting to $714,600, thera had heen collected SH0K, 000 or AUTH per cent, Comparing 1080 with 1088, ft Ty found that at October 84, the eal lsetlons of arrears of (Axes were down 11.8 per cent and the college tions of ourrent tax roll were down 0.08 per cent, "Thin showing 18 veasonabl good, considering the laber condi tions that have prevalled in this elty this year,' sald olty treasurer Hlnokhurn tn commenting on these figures ---------------- BUYS STANDAR BANK BUILDING Fred Brock Will Establish Grocery Store in Port Perry Port Perry, Oot, Broek has purohased the promis formerly ocoupled hy the Stands Rank, Tt 1x understood that he w establish 0 grocery store, \ Mr, and Mrs, © Medd vislted friends tn Myrtle on Bunday, 20,0 Fp Mr, and Mrs, W, A, Ohristy HloomMeld and Welllngton, . Ming B. Petery of Claremont wad Mus, H dhort was in ronta for a couple of days week, Mr, and Mes, Ove Hhunk » Merle ware the guests of Beagra A Me, and Mes, Hugh Wallace, Taranto, wera Sunday Na Mrs, Wm. Cook visited friends In Toronta this Week, days. with triends in Rowmanvil lant Week In Torante hy tue Rav, Mr, Chureh, Margaret Bdith Moti Several members of \ opening spent the weekand with friends home for the week-end, oh Irfends on Nunday, a Mr and Mra, B Mitohe Miss Maude Reltton spent a fe Married Rrewin of Ht, Him (0 Geovge Alexandep Woods \ idelt t Sunder Lodge attended the the new Maronite Hall land last Monday evening, 4 Miss Alloen Tammonds was the guest of Port Perry friends this week, 1 WA Se S---------- » " AV han things do not came your Way Ith oa sign you ought to be wohg James Meath, dled Oat, after thom, 1004, God knew that you were swubfer And the hilla were hard 18 elim 80 He olosed your weary Nga In Memoriam aan MEATH==1n loving memory And. Whinhered "Pea Thine, » » From the family, 388 Cunt tia God of Thky | Nr and Mw, W, 6 Looke, T Hall _ Street, wishes © 1g than friends, nelghbors, Butsas of | Qua Goneral Hospital also General Matars fap thelr Kind # pressions of sympathy during the! POOORL Bad bereavement,