Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 2

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THE OS HAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 36, 1929 i "The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, and news will be received at the Whithy Branch Office, at To Tolaphons FomA fir Business Hours Phone 300, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON | | 1] (r {] | AD 'E. H, Gumey to Speak Here sion the Résshrch Founde- tion ab he © At a brief meeting of the Cham- ber of Commerce Executive held In the Town k's oftice on Ties: evening, the tion of hold: § & luncheon on Monday evening next was discussed, as the Com: mittee had received a letter from r. §, H, Gurney, prominent Cana« dinn manufacturer and 'exspresi Loy of the Toronto Foard of Trade that he could speak in Whithy en that date, or, if this was not convenient, on the 86th 'or 80th of November, The Executive after some dis oussion thought that it would be quite difficult in the time left to arrange a luncheon for next Mon: day, and it was therefore decided to hava Mr, Gurney asked to come on November 20th or, if possible, early in December, The Committee was ununimous that Mr, Gurney fs an outstanding man and would be a good drawing card for a lun cheon, He will speak on the sub. o Relation of the Busi | ness Man to the Research Founda: tion," My, B, J, Melntyre was fyen the thanks of the commit: for getting In touch with him, The first luncheon will theres tore as decided Monday evening, ba igi hy " ng 3h Novem: ay. . Major ned, 0 the don Yham ber of Com- ree, #n speaker, Major Wood 18 pp authapity on Chamber of Com meres Matters, FINE IMPOSED ON CRUELTY CHARGE Court Finds Cattle Were Not Properly Cared For While in Truck In Pollee Court Tuesday after nopn Magistrate Wills delivered his judgment In the case of Thom: as Withur, of Enniskillen, ehayged with cruelty to animals, The ne~ cused, a well known farmer, was found to be the owner of cattle which Humane Inspector Nelson Baird and Ohief Gunson, of Whit hy, alleged were inhumanly placed in 8 trick for shipment ta To- ropto; Jt. was: alaimed that one sulm 4 fts Born Woken and that Wl Wes mining from the wound down the side of the truck, also that another animal wan chained so tight that It could not raise tg head, Crowding condi: tions were also seid to exist, Mr, Wihibuy in hig gvidence claimed that he had taken every caye to #ee that the Anbmals were eom- fortabla on the truck and he den led any evidehce of cruelly, Magistrate Willls in his Judge ment found that there had heen an Infraction of the Act as charged by the officers hut Imposed the minimum penalty of five dollars and costs, The latter were high owing te adjournments and the number of witnesses heard, A similar eharge against Prank Rogers, driver of the truck, was dlemissed by the Magistrate, COURT CASE HAS A HAPPY ENDING Dan Cupid Intervenes When Young Man Faces Serious Charge Dan Cupid intervened over the week-end In the case of R, Mo Fadden, formerly of Oshawa, whe A ehh VE od Only 3 'Days More ~=O0f The 2ND Anniversary SALE LADIES' CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, Fraigared cuff, Regular 69¢ & 75¢, SERA SUR RR INI TE » LJ PURE LINEN TOWELING, Wide colored border, 20-in, wide, Yd. .. LJ \l LADIES' SILK AND HOSE. A. B. C, Brand, Black only, Regular $1.00, vox v0i6 101i vvst ves » LJ FUJI SILKS, 15 new shades, Special i vivant iy ena Em- 49¢ 25¢ WOOL PLAITED 49¢ LJ $95 ¥ 39¢ rom Ra -- ---- il Smart styles | Collar, FRENCH op CHAPEL SEAL | | Jaunty Reg, with Size 16-18, 00 for I { B G Regular $1.00, DRESS FLANNELS Pure 32-in, wide. Reg. 7%. Yd......, Wool, 15 shades, Ld J] » LADIES SILK AND WOOL PLAI- TED HOSE. Popular shades. 69¢ L IAL EERE ERLE EERE "HOSIERY SPECIAL PENMAN'S SILK AND WOOL PLAITED HOSE uality, shades are sandrust, nude, Rifle, Ivory, n, Even Jaw, Atmosphere and Black 99¢ trim styles, Sizes LADIES' EIDERDOWN KIMONA * Pretty designs, NEW DRESSES of silk and satin in pleasing and attractive - 7T9¢ satin OW $2.98 @ $6.95 14 to 44, al $3.95, HOSE ) L)] ] FACTORY SHEETING. | Good quality 72-in. wide, L LJ » BOYS' PURE WOOL GOLF 49¢ r IB EER NEE RR) IEE EEE EE NE NER] PURE WOOL GOLF 69¢ r (EERE RNEEEE "MILLINERY SPECIAL 50 ONLY LADIES' AND MISSES' FELT HATS. Velvet trim, chic styles, Reg. up to Pair Sater va 2c PENMAN'S FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE. Point or square heel, New Shaded va si viv avis $1.95 LADIES' Fine Quality CHAMOIS. ETTE GLOVES. Reg. $1.23 TEAL Ae 95¢ AND FLEUR DE LIS $1.29 ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' CLOTH COATS REDUCED 209 a . A. Dewland, Lmreo | Liberal, Torante Si Heeky solution was | LOonserviative was found guilty not long ego hy Magistrate Wills of a serious of tense agninst a young Whithy girl, Both the young men and the girl 'have been united in matrl monlal honds, 1 Is apnounced, and the nceused remanded for wen tence until called upon, The groem on tha oeteslon of his murrings received the magistérinl blessing of Mr, Willls, accompanied hy a BHL of mush needed cash with which to start the matrimonial ghip AXE ON its long voyage, A local min~ ister ted the nuptial knot and the groom. it 1s sald Is now ane xloun fo play the vole of a hresd- winner, HEALTH OFFICERS ISSUE WARNING Communicable Diseases Must Be Reported Within Twelve Hours ET Heveral enses of concealment of ghickenpox. have recently heen ves ported to the medieal health of« flegy and sanitary inspector, Chlef Gunson, LJ Chief Gunson ealls attention to # elpuse In the Publie Health Act which pends as follows! "Whenever any hougsholder knows or has veason to suspect that any person within his family or household, or hoarding or lodg- ing with him, has any communie- able disease, he shall within twelve hours glve notlea thereof to the Heovetary of the Loeal Hoard of Henlth or to the Medionl Health Offiesr," The Act goes on to point out that such notes may be glven In writing within twelve hours us stipulated. The penalty for falling to gomply with the aet Is a tine of not dss than $86.00, Chiet Gunson as Banltary In spector warns that In future any Infractions of the Aet will he prosecuted, as 1 1s urgent that the health of the community ba prop erly guarded, ONTARIO VOTERS 0 TO POLLS TODAY (Gontinued from page 1) Georges; Miss Jdelen Currle, Independent: Conserva Faronta Bt, Patricks; and Miss Buhay, Communist, Windsos we, Laat Standing of Parties The standing of the parties at dis 13 A STII RL United Farmers cvoovrvner o Vacangies wires (Vacancies wera North Lanark, Prescott, Liberal) and Loronta St Davids, Conservative) Nominations The Conservative Party has placed a candidate in each one of the 112 constituencies to contest today's elec tion, The Liberals have named 87 and the Progressives 10, Others with various party affillatons wrei Indes pendent Conservative 7; Prohibition ity 61 Communists 4; Independents 3 Labor §; UFO, 4; Independent Prohibitionist 1, Independent Labo ly Conservatives Liberals Progressives The Government's Appeal Based on the projected policies of his Conservative government, Frem ter Ferguson made his appeal to the electors, Reduction in motor license fees, reduction In hydro service charges to rural users, a programme of expansion and Yovelupinent n avieulture and mining, and improve ments in the educational system were offered by the premier for approval of the voters Opposition parties at once charged that the election was premature and unnecessary, It was argued that probably sympathetie consideration would have been given many of the yremier's plans and that they could wave been brought wp in the wsual legislative procedure without res course to dissolution, And then from the entangled issues early in the campaign, there arose a question that has forced isell into hi very front rank of campaign dig putess=the liquor question, The Liquer Question Premier Ferguson declared that, with the election of 1926, his govern: ment had been given a mandate to putt inte effect the Liguer Control Acti that its operation was proceeds wg satisfactorily and that further res strictive measures would be introdues od an necessity warranted, The Cons sorvatives sald the act had been in fore only a comparatively shot time and that a longer riod of ape CFALION Was necessary 10 give it a fair trial, "Liberals Faver Plehiscite Liberals, under their leader, W, KE, N, Sinclaiy, asserted that when a des mand fon a change was manifest, a vote by plebiscite on this ene ques ton should ba fiver, The premier, in apening hi campal ny had declare ed flatly against a plebiselte, \ The Progressives, under their chieftain, I, G, Levhbridge, cage owt with a platform proclaiming bones boi legislation, They placed them: selves squarely in agreement with the policies of the Ontario Prohibis tion Union and declared for the pros hibition of manufacture, sale and ine portation of intoxieating beverages, Around this issue the campaign has whirled, The premier was charged with being autocratic and with hays ing no regard for IQular opinion in the, form of a plebiscite or refers endum, The Liberals were charged with an indecisive policy and with an attempt 10 eurry favor with both ops ponents and proponents of the liquor Cantrel Act, } Progressives, Prohibitionists, and ather opponents of the present legis lature declared that the Liquor Cons trol Act had proved a fatlure; that orime and drinking were increasing: that homes had now become the scene of prolific drinking, and that popular opinion demanded an tmmgs dint rotarn to Vdey® legislation, AN Parties Dp timiatie : Optimism was the keynote of each DO Bowmanville Daily Times Tp News, advertising and subscriptions will be received ot the Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephones--Office, 687 REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK LAST MEETING OF CAMPAIGN 1S HELD rs -- M, J, Elliott Lauds His Op: ponent for the Clean Fight in This Constituency The last meeting In the sleetion campuign was held in the Opera House last night in the interests of Milton J, Billott, Conservative oandidate, The speakers were Mrs, Howard Vallis of Peterborough and J, Warl Lawson, federal mem her for North York, Mrs, ¥Yallin sontined most of her vemarks to sducation, and gave an interesting address on this phase of the goy« grnment's work, #he also spoke at length on the liguor question which, she sald, had been made an fssue Of the election when unnees ARRATY, Mr, Lawson gave na general outs Hue of the good accomplished hy the present administration and was frequently interrupted hy applause, In the middle of his speech, Mr, Killott, who had just arrived from addressing a meeting In Port Hope, took a sent on the platform and this was the cause of an out burst of cheering and clapping, Mr, Blllott made n short spasch and nt the end lauded his oppon ent, Mr, Bragg, for the clean fight that had heen waged In the eons wtituenoy, "Mr, Bragg has always heen & wreat personal friend of mine," he sald, "and has conduot od hmself In this campiign wa the gentleman that 1 have always known him ta be, He spoke of Mr, Trags'sn wood work for Dur ham In the past hut thought that, helng a member of the opposition wis unable to aolleve as much for the county en that side of the house as he would he able to do as a member of the Government Ahout five hundred people attend: od this meeting and at the close three hearty chipars ware given for Mr, Elliott before the singing of (od Have the King h ARR party foregast, Conservatives Ard elalming an Inereased vepresentation in the next legislature, as against the 75 seats they held at dissolution, Lib erals predict that Conservatives re versals, principally in rural constitu ences, will herald a startling upset tonight, Progressives, with only 10 candidates in the field, believe thei opportunity has eome to hold the bal ance of power, Inereases have heen noted at this elegtion in the suwmber of candidates affiliated with the Prohibition and Communist parties Prohibition ean didates and thelr constituencies are Carleton=\V, I, Stratton; Dundas N., W, Heachi Grenville--=Rev, 1, } Headley; Leeds T, Kilian; London North=W, 1, Mossop; Wellington South==Rey, Beecher Parkhouse Toromte High Park=Dr, Minerva Reid, the last-named appearing #8 an Independent Prohibitionist Communist gandidates and thew constitutencies fare; Hamilton Bast Stewart O, Skaith; Toronto Hell woods=Timathy I&k | Toronto Hea condale=T, C, Sint; and Windsor East Miss Heeky Buhay Ningty-five of today's candidates were members of the last Hous They are divided hy parties as fol lowst Conservatives 64, Liberals 20, Progressives 9, UFO, 2, wo Four-Cornered Contests Two ridings today are witnessiug fourscornered contests, while 16 eon stituencies are balloting for three candidates In each, The four-carners od fights are in Cochrone North, with a Conservative, Liberal, Independent Conservative and Independent in the field; and in Toronto St. Patrieks, where Conservative, Liberal, Indes pendent-Conservative and Hudepem! dent«Liboral are waging a fight, Three-cornered flights are helng waged in Dundas, Hamilton East, Kent Kast, Lambton Kast, Leeds, Lincoln, Middlesex West, Ontario North, Perth South, Prescott, Tor onto Hellwoods, Toronto Rracondale, Toronto Parkdale, Waterloo North, Wentworth North, Windsor East, Thousands Now Eat A Delighttul Breakiast Food BOWMANVILLE LOYAL TRUE BLUES Will held a dance at Courtice Genes Hall, TONIGHT AT 8 0'CLOCK Have You An Acid Stomach? DISMISSES CASE OF THREATENING Magistrate Holds Complaint. ant Did Not Make Out a Clear Case Veank Anderson, of Bowmans ville, was dismissed when he aps peared before Magistrate Ward In Pollea Court yesterday morning on un charge of threatening to use vios 1enoe on the person of Joseph Hens ry MoKwen, The cane arose out of an AEres: ment hy the complainant with the anensed's mother-in-law to buy ap: ples, He had had them ploked and packed In harvels when the hin storm came last week, After thin he olaimed that the apples wers anollt and he vafused to take them The accused had told him to move them from the premises whera he Hived with hix mother-indaw, hut the complainant had emntiad the narrels and had mixed the different varieties torether Hr hderson had later met MoH wan on the street and had told him to wo and sort those apples out, which the latter had refused where upnn Anderson, It was allevad, had said u1'f) get you for this If T evar mant vou In the country," MeEwen then laid the charges Crown Altarney W, 7, Kerr, Wha oonduetad the ease for the orown tated that he would not ask for a anvietion rs MoKwen had heen un: able to make ont a clear case and had contradicted himself a numhar af iimas, Case wan therefore dis missed Anderson 1s taking the ean of the apples to a elvil court, olalme mg dnmarag far hreneh of eantrael Rosa Btrike, of Bowmanville, re presented the seoused, VOTING IS BRISK IN BOWMANVILLE Steady Stream of Electors at Polls Since They Opened Up until the time of going to nress the voting In Bowmanville had been brisk and from the time the polls opened at eight thers has hesn & steady stream of voters go ink tn and out of the various polls ing booths, The voting wave Mr, Rrage a majority of 1,008 there belng only three munieipal: ities In the riding #iving a Conser vative majority, These were Port Hope, which polled a Conservative majority of 654, the candidate he ing mayor of the town, and Mil brook and the Township of Mans vers, The final returns for the last election were, Rrage; 6,049, and Chalk, B,0006, : ------ - . HOOKKY MEETING POSTPONED The meeting arranged for the junior hockey elub for last night talled to materialize as nobody turned up for the event, Othey at teractions In the town evidently was the cause of thia and another date will be set in the near future, -- PROHIBITION UNION RALLY (Continued from page 1) ment fn power the temperance foross could hope 10 take the mats ter ouf of party polities and decide the fasue on its merits free from the influence of party polities, Rev, KB, Havston An earnest and powerful Appeal for defeat of the Ferguson admin fatration and the abolition of the 1,0.A, was launched hy Rev, Mp Harston who was the first to ads dress the electors, Rev, Mr, Ham ston olaimed thet the Ligour Cons trol Aot had failed miserably in bring the benefits which ite sw ortera claimed it would bring 924, Instead debauchery, pover ty, lawlessness an abject misery had followed in itg train, The Pas: tor stated that as far as Oshawa WAR concerned sti had (nerean od under the LOA, and that ab though the oity could hoast of an excellent, sealoun pollee fares, there was still many bhootleggers doing » flourishing business, Rev, A, "Far thirty-five rm 1 have heen & falthtul follower of the Conservative party," stated Rev, A, R. Sanderson, of Whithy," and for thivtyfive Yearg 1 have heen am Qrangaman, ut when 1 must choose between loyalty to my party and loyalty toa wy consclence wy consolance must come fivet, Theres fore 1 am opposing the present a follow » WEE LE Get vil % Uk 4 AY Wwe W 0 pe 0 fife RN oF Ate p \ Me ------ 33 fF starts, | 1% At whatever Phy hy an wea ted ALJ or then take a little ARNE alias the seid # iy aomach aw h Stars recawmmend Protest CLE 3 hy hh Af nena thousands wee it @ 11 positive V prevents stamach tm WEL ap the worst attack wm deas than five winwtes, Gel A trial paokame, either pawder uf tablets, from your dragsisi, we Rae al hy digestion and stomach ty will yo hike magi Q vative government ln ita houer polley." Graves AT Be-Alderman John Graves who has been taking an active part in the campaign for My, Sinelalr saw fa tha Liquor Contral Act a great menace to the pravines of Ontarie, it had debanohed homes and was a threat to the future welfare of the youna people, Rev, ¢ BK, ( That the number of bhrewertes and distilleries In Ontario were ins creasing under the Ferguson ree mime was the statement made hy Rev, € KB, Cragks who declared A i a. this to be proot that the 1.0.A Was responsible for Iscrsesed drinking among young men and women, He charged that Ver BUson Wag not showing British faly play In vetusing un plebiscite on the Hquor question "Why are the Curries and the MoCanulands slumbering thiy eles ton?" suked the chalvman, Hey Mr, Irwin, "Reeause they think the temperance foreey ave asleep We will shaw them on election day whether we are asleap or not," Only one Interruption occurred when a man at the hack of Lhe hall unked why the King govern: ment. was not hiamed for the in. arense of hrewarles and distilleries Instead of the provincial govern ment, "The hecklar promptly lef the hall, however, although the ohalrman ruled that it was a fal) question, GU, 1, Conant 0, D, Conant, who represented My, Binclaly at the meeting, dealt with the question In very able fashion pointing out that the Fed: eral government had not leenwsed one hrawery or distillery in Ontars lo within the past four years with out first receiving the consent nf the provinelal government, The onus therefore rested upon (he pravinelnl, vather than the Demin: on authorities, Mr, Conant was of tha apinfon that the heckley wis fram the opposition camp and that he wan wtlempting to throw red herving seross the tral, The wally was concluded with Nutlonal Anthem and threes hearty thesry for W, K. N, Binclair, TWO TEAMS CHASE WESTERN GRIDIRON CHAMPIONSHI Moose daw, Bask, Oct, BO Winnipeg Canoe Club provides the only obstacle in the path of the Moose Jaw Junior Marveons in thelr quest for the Western Canada grid champlonship, The Canoe Club were left an the Maroons' only ap position yesterday when Celgary forfeited next Baturday's game, The Calgary Clty League is pol yet. completed and oMeinls thers ure of the opinion that thelr repre sentatives would not he competent to meet the Maroons, NOT A PARTY LINE It was & singularly sweet voice that eilled "Hello, Taek" "I'm not Jack" came the mow ny response, "Foy Just 8 wrong number, Louisville Courler-Journal, 000000 0 Hallow'een Special POPCORN 3 Ibs. 25¢ POTATOES UXBRIDGE OR NEW BRU! "WICK $1.80 HOGG & LYTLE LL. .ITED Per 90 1b. Bag PHONE 203 at the lant election | Colle, was, sour belehing, frequent vomiting, feverishness, in babies and children, generally shaw food is sours ng in the litle digestive tract, Vhen these symptoms appear, give Baby a teaspoonful of Phillips Milk of Magnesia, Add it to the first bottle of feod in the morning, Older ohild ren should be given a tablespooniul lass of water, This will eam child==make his stomach and bowels easy, In five minutes he Is comfortable and happy, It will sweep the buwels free of all sour, indigess tible food, It epens the bowels in constipation, calds, ehildren's ailments, Children take it readily $y it is palathle, pleasant-tasting Learn ita many uses for mother and ehild, Write for the interesting hook, "Useful Information" A a " Fhe Chas, H, Phillips Chemie 0 Windsor On It will be sent FREE, I buying, be sure to get genuine Phillips Mill of Magnes i have prescribed it for over 30 years, . \ \ \ 2 at Needless

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