Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 1

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News in Brief (By Canadian Prose) Pirates Busy fault fre, Marie, Onte--~Acnord- § to Information reaching the ult, the steamer Chicago, round on Michipleoten Inland, at the mercy of north shore "pi- gates' and will soon be stripped of everything moveabls, oe Duke's, Cousin Dies Vaneouver,--Ronald Compbell Oampbell-Johnston, 67, prominent mining engineer and cousin of the Duke of Argyle, died here after a brief illness, Ho was born at Berks shire, England, and had resided In Vancouver tor 89 yous, Man Found dq Toronto,~Lying prostrate on the floor of his room at 78 Hamliton street, Frank Coleman, #40, was found dead last night, BM Gaud- otte, another roomer, walking into Coleman's room, found the hody and immediately notified the police, Ld . LJ Sham Battle Planned Brantford, Arrangements have been made for a sham battle to be held in Military District No, 1 aren on Thanksgiving Day, Bev. eral units of Military District No, 2 have been granted permission to participate in the MAROGU VION, Ld ' 4 'Wagon Driver Inju i ah mond Mil ~-pavid ; arpo i Infured "sony IPO ONIIN ; fitreet when the wagon he wue driving was struck by an sutomo- mile driven by Richard Marsh of Oak Ridges, L ¥ » Given 80-Year Term London, Ont.--=Kdward Harlton, who was convicted on a charge of manslaughter for the killing of County Motoreyela OMcer Jack 1, Waddell In thin city four years ago, was sentenced hy Mr, Justice Wright at the Fall Asslges to 20 years in Kingaton Ponitentinry, Ll] Allege Driver Drunk Hamilton, An alleged drunken driver was arrested here last night following an accident at York and Locomotive Btreets when Wil. Mam Little, an elderly pedestrian, 110 Ray Street North, was pinned to the sidewalk by a second car, and in not expected to ve, Tame Pheasants Shot Kingaton,~-RN, By Ness, manager of the Lemolne's Point Farm of W. H. Coverdale, President of the Canada Bteamship Lines, complain. od to the local Game and Fisheries Warden that "aportamen" had shot tama pheasants on the Coverdale farm, LJ * Ld Carn Dynamited New Orleans, Two street oars were dynamited in a resumption of the desultory bombings that have marked the local trolley strike, The cars, Down up In dif ferent sections of the olty a few minutes apart, carried fow passen- gers, none of whom was hurt, LJ ¥ Murder Charged Toronto,~Jean Diekson, whose body was found on a railway bridge near here on Rept, 11, wag murders ed by A person or persons un» known, according to the verdict given by a coroner's jury investi gating the girl's death here last night, May Kill Tari Bil Washington, --The dietion of Senator Reed, RepubMoan, Penn- aylvania, that the tariff Hill will be fn conference With the House, will be borne out, fn the opinion of House Democratic leaders, unless President Hoover recede from his advobacy of the flexible provisions eliminated by the Henate, Wor Catfle Theft Sentenced : Ingersoll --Pleading guilty in the Police Court to the theft of aight cattle belonging to Coun elllor J, B, Ferguson, George Mak- or of Kintore was sentenced ay Magistrate Paterson to oly t months determinate and twelve months Indeterminate in the On- tario Retormatory. . Fire Destroys Barns Chatham, ~Damage estimated at $10,000 was occasioned by fire on the farm of Nathaniel Merritt, River road, Dover, The buildings destroyed included a tobacco barn, horse stable, instrument shed and chicken house, Horses were saved but a cow, two sows and their lit tera perished, . * LJ Suny Novth Fort Churchill, Man.~Folk of the North country are smiling at reports of heavy snowfalls in the southern prairies, Fort Churehill, rthern terminus of the Hudaen Railway, has yet to ris ence {ta first autumn snow, Four hundred miles to the south, The Pas, once conalderad "far north, reported a light fall of snow over the week-end, bile M The Osh 4 awa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer ESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 AWA, ONTARIO, WED A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City AA-------------- 15 Cents as Week; 3 Cents » Copy. TWELVE PAGES EPING RALLY ON STOCK MARK ETS Ontario a_i More Cheerful Feeling Ex. isted in Both Investment and Speculative Quarters When the Market Opened This Morning ---- TORONTO RESPONDED DURING FORENOON Selling Wave Started on To- ronto Stock Exchange at Opening, But Market Firmed as Result of New York Strength (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wins) New York, Oct, 80,~~A sweeping rally In pricey took place at the 10,000 to #80, Heveral blooks of the initial 000 share figured In | dealings, with early mals ranging from $7 to $10 a whare, A few stooks opened moderately lower as a result of further foreed lguida tion following yesterday's disas- trous break, but these losses fall ed to check the buying in the goneral lst, It was apparent that strong buying support had develop, ed overnight, and that a more cheerful feeling existed In both investment and speculative quar ters, U.N, Bteel common, direciors of which declared an extra dividend of $1 after the close of the mar- kot yenterday, opened $8 a share higher at $177, North Ameriean Co, showed an only gain of $10, Canadian Pacific $8.20; Ameriean Telephone #7, Waetinghouse Klectrioc $4 and New Haven, Xrlg, Pennsylvania, CQhryelor, Montgomery Ward and Paramount Famous Lasky moved up $7 to $2 a share, Toronto Responds Toronto, Oct, J0-=With operators loaded with selling orders due to lightening of weak marginal accounts heavy, liquidations was the order on the Toronto Stock Exchange durin the first hour's trading today, Aided by the upturn in New York the or: ders were filled at only slight reces glony fram last night's Closing quota- tions and the market then took on a firmer appearance, Nervousness was apparent through- out the morning trading, but bargain hunters found numerous opportunis ties to purchase issues of undoubted merit which had been caught in yes- (Continued on page 8) NEW PREMIER I CALLED IN FRANCE Etienne Clementel Will At tempt to Form a New Ministry (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, Oot, 80, Etienne Clem: ental, chairman of the finance coms mittee of the senate and former minister of finance in the Herriot cabinet, today accepted "In princl- ple," the task of forming a vabinet to snoceed the recently defeated Briand ministry, Briand Was Called (By Canadian Proms Leased Wire) Paris, Oct, 30,~Aristide Briand, former French premier, wan called to the Kiysce palace this forenoon to confer with President Doumer gue and presumably to receive an invitation to attempt to form a new French government. Upon emerging from the palace, however, he declined to anawer questions about the possibility of his getting together a new oabinet, Hunters Invade North Country + Sault Ste, Marie, Ont, Oot, 80, The Sault was an armed camp tos day, with the arrival of several hundred hunters from across the border, Some reached the Sault In time to take the Algoma Central Rallway train and arive at their hunting locations before the wea- aon opens on Friday, Among those who went out this oraing wal YKikI" Cuyler, of the foago Cuds, who ia hire with a Javiy to hunt at Mile 80, There Is much the Je, most being lentitu » a from points east of the Sault 1 were to the effect that large numbers of north, apparently just ahead of a "froose-up." opening of today's stock market | wild geese were coming from (he | STRONG BUYING SUPPORT APPEARS AT NEW YORK SITUATION MUCH BETTER Weather Bad In Most Parts Of Ontario Today Electors Are Greeted With Drizzling Rain and Snow VOTING 1S LIGHT Weather Is Likely To Have Its Effect on Number of Votes Polled (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Oct, #0,«~Predictions of unfavorable weather conditions wera fulfilled today when Ontario voters began thelr trek to the polly to elect the 18th legislative assem bly of the VYrovince, In mont districts east of the Creat Lakes drissgling rain and snow, and in others cloudy, unset tiled weather greeted the slectors nto when polling booths opened at A o'clock this morning to receive the ballots that will continue to be onst until 7 o'clock this eves ning, Cantral and Western Ontario districts reported a fine, drissling rain that was. nol encouraging to # heavy turnout of the voters, Dis triots that did not report rain sale the weather was threatening and dull, Mild temperatures wera gon erally In this part of the Provine From east and west of Toront: oame reports of snow, the east, reported the weather a dull, cool and cloudy, with flur ries of snow falling this morning Bault Ste, Marie experienced a fa) of snow last night, and although the weather wan cloudy and coo! today, It wan anticipated a heavy vole would be cast at this west arn point, Returning officers In Toronto were not overworked during the first three hours the polls were open, A light vote {sx expected, the inclement weather conditions doubtless having thelr effect on the voters, Chicago Firm Helps Workers ee -- Sears-Roebuck, Chairman Guarantees Stock Accounts of Employees, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, Oot, 80,==The Herald and Examiner sald today In a copyrighted story that Jullus Rosenwald, philanthropist and chairman of the board of Sears, Roebuck and Company, had "pledged without limit", hig pers sonal fortune to guarantee the stock market accounts of the 40,000 employees of hin company, John Higgine, vice-president, Immedately looked up the accounts of all employees, not only in Chie= ago but everywhere the company has branches, When he found an employee carrying an account on which, In the present hear market, hin margin had grown too narrow for safety, Higgins communicated with the broker handling the ace count and offered protection, follows Ottawa, In | Election Returns WILL BE ANNOUNCED BY The Oshawa Daily Times TO-NIGHT The Armouries STARTING AT 7.30 P.M, A special wire will bring to the Armouries the results in South Ontario and in the province as a whole, BOTH CANDIDATES IN SOUTH ONTARIO WILL ADDRESS THE GATHERING THE CITIZENS ARE CORDIALLY ATTEND THE ARMOURIES TO RECEIVE THE RESULTS Extra Editions Two extra editions, to be sold at 5 cents a copy, will be issued as 8.30 p.m, ~Giving result of election in South Ontario, 10 p.m,~-Givin gresults of election all over the province up to that hour, Special Telephone Service Phone 2000 TO SECURE INFORMATION AS TO RESULTS -- Through the courtesy of the Robert Simpson Company, Limited, Extra Telephones will be provided answering telephone enquiries and receiving results from sub-division. ELEVEN LINES AVAILABLE Whitby Readers--Telephone 416, Whitby Exchange. Bowmanville Readers--Telephone 524, Bowmanville Exchange, RETURNING OFFICERS---Telephone Results to No. 35 or 266. INVITED TO JM BOAT ASHORE NEAR KINGSVILLE Crew of Two 'Men Swam Ashore to Safety After Crash ---- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingsville, Oct, JA forty-foot boat Shilted ashore hero last night, after water had disabled the engines, The boat, a tumsrunner had put out from Amherstburg early in the af ternoon, light, and had sprung a leak, The erew of two men swam ashore and are at present "thawing out" af. ter thelr immersion in the cold wats ers of Lake Erie, Considerable excitement was caus sed locally when the boat struck bots tom, the crew firing off rockets in an attempt to obtain assistance, In the gloom, it was believed that a large freighter had run aground, R ------------------------ Owen Sound,~=David Leslle Ste. henn 1s In the General and Marine onpital here suffering from con ouasion of the brain and a badly. bruised body, injuries sustained when he was hit by a ear, North Bruce Candidate Dies On Eve Of Election Owen Sound, Oct, 30.~-Alaxan- der P, Mewhinney, Liberal candi date for North Bruce, and Liberal Whip in the last Legislature, died at § o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home on the Seventh Conoces- slon of Bruce Townahip, His passing wan most unexpects ed, although he had been {ll for ten days, On Sunday he showed mueh improvement, and there was avery reason to helieve that he was ob the road to recovery, but last night hoe took a turn for the worse, and Soath followed, Mr. Mewhinney started out on his campalgn in North Rruce over 3 veoks aro In excellent apivite, pul the first week in the pens . going right up to Tober mory, and It was on his return to Wiarton that Saturday night he complained of fealing 111, His phy- slolan ordered him to his home to take a reat, and later hq was tole that he must take no further part In the campaign, and that he must have complete rest it he were to ®ot his strength back, The infor mation that he had suffered a res lapse came as & great shook to his friends and relatives, while throughout the whole County of Bruce, and tn the Riding of North Bruce: in particular, there is sins cere regret at his paseing, He was popular everywhere he went, and was enthusiastically received dur Ing the short time he was able to carry on his election campaign, Mexico Forbids CLEMENCEAU TAKES English Talkies (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mexico City, Oct, 30.«The muni cipal council at Puebla is reported in a despatch to El Universal to have adopted an ordinance forbidding the display of motion pictures with Ege lish subtitles and talking pictures gis ven in English, The despatch said the measure was expected to end the invasion of the English language Will Execute Bandit Leaders Soviet Government Con. demns Five More Offend: ers to Death (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Moscow, Oct, J0.=Five men alleg: ed to be members of a band respons sible for the murder of 65 persons including six detectives were cons demned to death today, The leader of the group was said to have been responiibie Rimwelt for killing thirty of the victims, Four members of the bandit group are still at large while 28 others including four women have been sentenced to prison terms varys ing from two to ten years, JURYMAN SNOWBOUND IN SASKATCHEWAN (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Regina, Oot, 30,-~Roads were so badly drifted in southern Saskatoh- ewan Yoaterday that J, A, Haug, Rogina manufacturers' agent, oonld not get through from Moos somin in order to attend the ops ening of the King's Benoh Court, Haug was snowbound and when olroumatances were made known he was excused from jury duty, More anow fall on Monday than for the season up to the end of No- vember, 1828, HIS DAILY DOZEN; SUFFERS RELAPSE (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, Oct, J0.~Physicians of Georges Clemenceau, former French premier, found him more fatigued this morning than when he went ta bed last night, Surprised, they finally fhined from hm the admission he ad called in his physical instructor to help him do his daily dozen, In his eightysninth year, and just recovering from a cardiac attack which almest took his life, he could not see any reason why he should not keep up the practice of forty years, SEVERE TESTS FOR ITALIAN SUBMARINE (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Spesla, Italy, Oct, 30.-~The Ital. fan submarine Tito Hperl, 830 tons, today submerged to the ex- traordinary depth of 343 feet in teats and remained there 30 min. utes, Kxperimental "hydrophounle" communictalon was oarrled on from the depth with the submarine Solesa on the surface, Condition Is Good Toronto,~=The condition of Hon, James A, Robb, minister of fi nance, who was taken {ll here a few days ago with lobar pneu monla, was stated today to be very good, Voters Electing Legislature To-day CAMPAIGN CLOSES IN WHIRL OF ORATORY AND DECISION RESTS WITH Sinclair Has Last Word In. The Campaign Listens In On Canon Cody's Speech, Then Broadcasts Reply UNIQUE STRATEGY But Sinclair Refutes His. Arguments Toronto, Oct, J0,=Three minutes ulter Canon H, J, Cody had ended his Orillia radio defense of the Lis quor Control Aet last night, Liberal Leader William FE, N, Sinclair was before the "mike" at Oakville hurling his reply out across the night ta thousands of that unseen audience whieh voles today Graphic Struggle The Cody-Sinclair air battle provi ded the most graphic feature of the 1929 election wind-up, With practieals ly every station in Ontario under res quisition, the alr last night was faire ly ulive with the force of the lasts minute campaign eloquence laosed upon it, but it was to the Orillia akvillo engugement=the unique spectacle of one political spokestuan viswering another in 'the bat of an velash," so to speak, although 100 floes apart; the hrst move of its and to be attempted in the whole iistary of radio advancémeént and hook-ups==that the countless recep» tion sets, east and west, and north and south, and wherever they mark their ballots today, were chiefly tun ed, Mr, Sinclair addressed a cheering Qukville audience earlier in the eves ning, then adjourned to a radio store where he "listened in" ta Canon Cos dy's speech, and returned to the theatre an hour later to make his reply, Both his speeches were broad. cast, The Oakville audience waited tor him during the interval, other speakers addressing them during his absence Favors L, C, A, Hon, Dre H, J, Cody, former Minus ister of Education in Ontario, was (Continued on page 2 [nvestigating Steamer Loss Inquiry Into Sinking of the Wisconsin Opened Today Kenosha , Wis, Oct. 30:The feds eral government, the country and the Goodpieh steamship company. joined today in an investigation into the sinking of the steamship Wisgonsin four miles off this port yesterday with the loss of at least nine lives, I'red I, Meno, supervising inspects or of the fedewal steamship inspees tion office of Detroit, had charge of the inquiry for the government, He said he would begin at once the ques- tioning of witnesses, rrison Mutinies Managua, Nicaragua ==A small gars rison of national guardsmen at Teles paneca, Northern Nicaragua, has mu» tinted, overpowering their officers and taking to the hills, They took with them the garrison arms and ammunition, Chatham.--Albert Cassidy, haw nessmuker, of Tilbury, wan assault. ed Sunday night by a man whose identity in unknown, and as a re- sult ong of his eyes has been re- moved, Aeroplane Seeking Lost Fliers Crashes In Lake Ottawa, Oot, 80,-One of the government plancs, rushing to the goarch tor Pilot Officer Bonard and Pllot W, Cannon, at 8§t, Fell olen, Que, crashed on Monday at A point about fifty miles north of Latugue, Que, according to wend received today by the Department of National Defenoe, The machine, piloted by Flying Officer 8, R, Sunnuks, with Cows poral Poulin as mechanly, and John Carprel, of the topographical surveys, passengers, orashed into an unmapped lake and adnk, Fly ing Officer Sunuuks was slightly injured, All occupants of the machine were flown to the St, Maurice, Pap and Game Club by Flying Of floer Norman G. Forvester, on another government plane, and Flylng Officer Sunnuks 1s belng brought back to Ottawa by train, - THE ELECTORS Voters Have to Choose 104 Members From 228 Cans didates, Eight Conserve atives Having Been Elects "ed by Acclamation HIGH LIGHTS OF THE CAMPAIGN REVIEWED Liquor Question Has Play. ed a Prominent Part in the Arguments Put Before People hy the Party Leaders W. R, Wheatley, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Ont, Qet, J0==With tha echoes of wu six weeks' campaign shuts ting back and forth across the proy- lnee, Ontario voters went to the polls today to elect thelr 18th legislature, Party leaders and candidates, with an imposing array of lieutenagts and & whole army of supporters, liave tours ed the provinee in & speech-makin procession that carried them into ev+ Cry constituency, A campaign that was marked bw apathy in its early stages, warmed up in the final week with a fare of charges and counter-charges that were hurled from countless platforms and ver the giv by radia hookups, gy cial namination day, October 19, there emerged from the swarm of party adherents a total of 236 cols testants, Two hundred and twenty eight of the 236 candidates nominated must await the verdiet tonight of the electors, Eight nominees were des clared ¢lected by acclamation and all ure Conservatives, Two members of the Ferguson cabinet are ineluded in this 'number, Hon, Charles 'MeCrea, minister of mines, and Hon: J, R, Cooke, minister without portfolio, I'he complete list of acelamations is: The Acclamations Hastings Fast=J, I, Hill, Hastings North=Hoen, J. R, Cooke, Kingston=T, A, Kidd, Muskoka ~George W, Lcelestone. Ottawa Souths=Arthur Klis, Port Arthur, M, Hogarth, Renfrew North=L, A, Dunlop, ° Sudbury=-Hon, Charles McCrea, Leaders All Opposed Not one of the three party leaders received an acclamation, In Grens ville, a Prohibitionist, Rev, 1 H, Bradley, is opposing Premier Fergus son in Ontario South W, Ei N, Sin- clair, Liberal leader, is waging his election fight against & Conservative opponent, I, L, Mason, The Progress sive leader, J, G, Lethbridge, is en» gaged in a three-ocrnred struggle his riding of West Middlesex, He is opposed by Dr, Le W. Freele, kW servative, and 1, G, Turnbull, Libs eral, Four Women in Field Four women candidates are in the field, They are Dr, Minerva Reid, Independent-Prohibitionist, Toronto. High Park; Mrs, Grant Needham, (Continued on page 2) SOVIET AEROPLANE IS AGAIN DELAYED Weather Causes Postpones ment of Final Hop to New York (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Detroit, Oct, J0.~Flying conditions this morning faced a postponement of the plaps of the crew of the Rus» sian plaf, "Land of the Soviets," te take off for New York, The fiyers went to the Ford airport but in view of unfavorable weather notified New York they could not wet through tos day, Should the weather clear they planned ta take off and fly as far aa possible, Weather Halts Salvage Work Bault Ste, Marle, Ont, Oct, 30, Heavy weather yesterday caused the tugs Genera! and Fitagerald to suspend their efforts to dag the steamer Willlam R, Pilkey frea of the rocks of Gravel Island, where it went aground in the storm of lage week, The engine room has heen pumped out and some of the holes In the bottom of the vessel, patel» od, but the cargo hold is still full of water, The crew is :atill ving aboard, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Oot, 30.-=Wheat, Deo, 1.988; Mar, 1.32%: Corn, Dee, AN Mar, 87%. Oats, Deo, 49%; Mar, 53%. 3 1) * A

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