Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 18

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PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1929 Be 4 © 5 \ 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 a HOOOOODOLOOO0000 Mason's Oshawa Majority Not Sufficient to Give Him Seat VOTE IN SOUTH ONTARIO ils Of Vote 1 Candidates Elected HEAVIEST IN MANY YEARS, Details Of Vote In South Ontario "1, Riding Of Ontario IN OSHAWA ESPECIALLY Ee Ci CITY OF OSHAWA Fort ~~ William Cons, Unchanged, Grenville j==Hon, unchanged Hamilton West Binelalr Frank Bpenee, Ma) Mason Maj, Sinetaly | Hastings Bast--J, F, HII (aee)) Mai inehanged, Hastings Mason Minelaly Mason § Mason finelahy Mal G, HH, Fergusen, 74 Athol St North-=Hen, J, R Fred 1, Last Minute Rush Noticed Between Six and Seven O'Clock Swells Total Vote--Morning Vote Wes Also Notice- ably Heavier Than Usual---Both Parties Were Well Or- ganized, and Fleets of Cars Carried Voters to the Booths Throughout the Day The result in Oshawa In the elee tion today, showed (hat Interest in the election here was keener than in in nny assembly contest many vears, The vate in this ely was much heavier than expegted, ex pecially when the drizely nature of the duy was considered Even this morning, many polls In dicated that the vote would be heavy Usually, the morning poll ig Nght But both parties were well organ wed In this viding, and this morning bent thelr efforts to, get out all the vote that they knew wag for thelr candidate, This cleared tM decks in u measure for the afternoon, when hundreds of requests were received by telephone for trarsportation to legislative wert indeed fleets of cars nd, the polls, Large kept busy in the elty throughout the riding As the afternoon w got heavier, and al strening of volers were walling 1] many of the polls, Scrutineers and others In touch with "the shuation sid that it was the heaviest in many of the polls In the elty, ex perienced in some time, and the hg ures hore out thelr contention Right up until seven o'clock, the Ime of voters kept up steadily, and there was a noticeable last-minute rush hetween six and seven o' I'he result might therefore, sald 1 indiente, about as well as any elee tion ean, the trend of public opinion in the riding on, the vole steady Hines vole, lock ELECTION FLASHES (Continued from Page 1) 5. Shaver, Cons, conceded, Unchanys eh Waterloo, Marth 1=On¢ indiente \V. G, Welghel, Cons, 1 fs defeated, Forty out of 114 Hett, Ind Cong, 1,53; Tweed, Lib, AL Wetehel, Cons, 1,362 13 out of 58 give Vaugh- wajonty of 1,038, Election Welland an, Cons encoded York East i=<Election of Hon, Geo 8S: Henry, Cons, conceded, Unchang ed, HON, J. § MARTIN Resolocted in Norfolk UNITED STATES COAL RESOURCES Enough to Last 1,000 Years Still Under Ground Minot, N.D, Oot .30.Expery estimate that 816,000,000 tons coal, enough to last the United States 10 centuries, le under North Dakota's rolling wheat fields and ranch land, Already steam shovels are scooping it from the surface where a few yeara ago sods 'house ploneers toiled with plek . and shovel, Bleotrie generating plants, built at the mines, are converting the fuel inte yout 0 Hanami over high voltage lines to ine trol plants in North Dakota sud nelghboring states, The start was made by Rimer Truax at Columbus, in the north. west part of the state, He found the strip mining so profitable that he opened another mine at Velva. Eastern investors were attracted and amalgamated his holdings. Now power companios are rapldly buying up the oholoe properties timated cost of the lanite for ; at the mines ia 90 conta a a wha rapid extenston of "power mea business men see an adustrinl era looming the arm, country, for third polls | since | HON, W, H, 'RICK Resolooted in Parkdale SCIENTIST SEFS LIMIT T0 SPEED See Record Flying Speed, Equal to That of Tornado New York, Oot, 30,-In his quest for speed, man has succeed od In ridding a self-made tornado, That, says. Dr, GN, Pesgvam, Columbia university physielat, is what the recent HNritish thght at SUS. 8 miles an hour amounted to, Anyone who has seen a tornado with a forces capable of driving a straw into a plank, can realize the apead attained by A, H, Orlebar, captain of the Nvitlay Sohnelder oup team, aa he averaged U87.7 milea an hour in four successive spurts over Calshot, About the only ditterenee was that Orlebar's plane created Ita own 'tornado', In this instanod oall afr resistance, A real tornade has a ealonlated veleelty of about 400 milena an hour mear the vortex, That's how fast the funnel whirls around, In Orlebar's flight the plane had the velocity, but If the pilot had struck his hand out of the coekpit the consequence probably would have been the same as when a twinter hits a fence post, Oviebhar's |. speed wan approximately a mile in 10 seconds, "It wouldn't be safe to travel In anything faster than seven miles a second," says Dr, Pegram, who ix dean of Columbia's engineering school, "The traveler would fly oft the earth inte infinity." And, he might have added, eternity, A minister had been urging his congregation to give a hearty wel come ta the stranger' within the gates, not forgetting to maintain a pro or interest in their own houses olds, Alter the service he went to the door as usug! and began to shake hands with the people passing . ont. He was interested in a wellsdressed and intellizentslooking young woman and ted her heartily, "1 hope we may see vd here of. ten," he said. "We always have a warm welcome for new faces" 78 Burk Bt Mi Miller & Alhert Hi Ares LAbbY's wo Hehool 10 Albany Bit King and Nitson RA City Hall St, Gregory's Behool 21 Elgin Nt, Kast Mary Nt Behool Total Oshinwa re v 4 TOWN OF Moll NO | le=Reld-Nash Motors §Kd, Bowman's Offlo UeeCounell Chamber d==Tunor's Shoe Htore beeCommunity Hall Total for Whithy EAST WHITBY Poll No eHarmony Waostmount deNtevenson's Corner dU, L, White's Blore ,,.. BesColiimbus Raglan East Whitby Totals TL) i340 WHITBY lnelale Ma) Mason ason Hinelaly Ma) TOWNSHIP Manon Aaj Hinelaly sSinelaly Ma) ip TOWNSHIP OF REACH Poll No, 1==Utlon f-EKpsom ,, JR, Bwanniok's de=Greenbank ....:¢, f--Boapmve f==Prince Albert Te=Codar Creek ,. i ivivmmivs §~=Manchester f=Hainttield RELL E ERE EEN EEEEELEERE Reach Township Totals (youve Mason Mason Ma) Binelalr Sinelaly Ma) i 110 03 108 11 151 LR WwW. Powell's PMekering Liverpool G4, Toyne's house Cherrywood Kinsale Hrougham Whitevale «Mount &lon «Claremont Altona Plokering Tp, Totals 116 WHITBY TOWNSHIP J, H, Gulliver's Wiliam Honnetta's BrookHps--J, Graham's Braoklin Hall Ashburn Whithy Township Totals + PORT L=Treasurer's Office §==Town Hall de=Proshyterian Church Port Perry Totals Hougog Tp Advance Poll Mason PERRY Mason Binclaly 100 RECAPITULATION Oshawa Towh of WhHDBF. «+ vv ssn vans KE, Whithy Township , Whitby Township Plokering Township Reach Township Port Perry Sougog Township vv v00 Advance Poll TREE Mason , 4448 LAL) LR ah Tia 17 ab Sinelaly 4248 Hoo pian 78a 1089 LEE) Mason M Ma) al Mason Mason M [1% AE) hed 181 246 10 13 19 i0 764 | Cooke fs | Dunlop 01 gi, Ni w Sinelaty Ma) fi RY 101] LE] gig Ma) Hinelalr oi 16 ar i Hinolalr Mal, 480 148 in aa: LER 440 ar i HON, DR, GODFRRY Rewloctod in West York HON. LINCOLN GQOLIME Revlooted in Wellington Sowth HON. Gy 8, HENRY Reselocted in Bast York HON, F\ 7, SMYR Resolected in Hamilton "Thank yow' replied the girl, mods estly, "Now," went on the minister, "if vou will give we your address, my wife and \ will call en you one over ning" "You won't have far to go" she sald. "I'm vour cook." -------- An American woman, after hitting her husband with a goli chb, threw him out of a secondsstarey window.» In some families this kind of thing leads to quarreling, 8t, Thomas, Oct, §0,-~Chlet Justice Meredith yosterday ad. Journed the sittings of the assise court to allow jurors to carry on their fall plowing, "Tt looks like @ day, gentlemen," he demarked after the first panel had heen ohoss an, "When as plowing might be done snd Wedneaday and Thurs. Li may not be such a day, 1! will Jot you all go to your homes it iy desire 10 proceed with your work," : "Rushin' to the office, rushin' ent 0 cay ushin' back, an' rushin' home, wi the' rushin® street, } Rushin' wip and rushin' down, rushin' in and out, Sav, what's all the rushin' for? What's it all abow Congratulations to Me, and Mrs, Tohn Glover an their recent marriage, Ve welcome Mrs, midst, Glover 0 our | | | | aw | (fel) "i | | hi | | Wright, | Lona, unchanged, Kidd (nee), ) Kingston---=7T, A unchanged Muskoka (heel) unchanged Ottawa Mouth (aeel,) unchanged Port. Arthupe==D unchanged, Renfrew North=--=Hon J A fueel,) unehunged Foronto, Waadhine shields, Cans, unchanged Waterloo, Jouth i=K, K, Cons, uneha ged Welland 1==M hang ol London, North j=], Pp ans, unchanged, Bault Ste, Mariei=], §, unchanged Foronte, Hraeke di lei=A, R, Nes hitt, Cons, unchanged loronta, Jovercourt == 8, T Cons, unchanged, Foronte, Kglinten =A, C, Melean, ons, unchanged, Haldimand :=R, M, (aoel,) Ww, Heclestone Arthur Hills M Hogarth Leary Homuth Vaughan, Cons, un Moare Lyons, Loans, Berry, Cons | Hain Perth South i=David Ronis, Cons nan Hrantford j= Rey, Gg unchanged, Hamilton Centre j=T, W, Cons, unchanged, Toronto Heaches i==T, A, Murphy, Me WwW, Martin, Jutten, | Cans, unehi nged, l'orento, Hrockton =F, Brien, Cons, wnehafged, Toronto, Bellwoods (=T, H Cans, unchanged Toronto, Greenwood j==T, J Smith Cons, unchanged Toronto, Riverdale: ley, Cons, unchanged, Toronto, St, Patricia =E J phy, Cons, unchanged, Addington i==Hon, W, D Bell, George Oak Mur Rack, Cons Unehanged, West 1==C, E, Raven, un: changed unehanged Brookville 1-H, A Clark, Carlton =A, H. Acres, unchanged Elgin Fort William i=Election of Spence, Cons, conceded, ninye, Cong, unchanged, Hastings West Cons, Unchanged, London Bouth Cons, Unehanged, Hamilton son, unchanged NIANArE balls Cons, unchanged York Fasti=Hon, George 8 ry, unchanged, York Bouth unchanged 2 York Kast i=Hon, Dr, Forbes God frey, Cons, unchanged Wentworth North =A, L, Cons: Unchanged, Windsor West i=], Unehanged Wentworth W dh William H, Ireland, Wilsen, ist} Morri WwW, GG Willson, Hen Leopold MaeAulay, Shaver, F, Reid, Cons, Bouth-=Klectlon of T, J, Mahoney, Cons, conceded Toronto, High ki=VW, A Baird, Cons, unehanyged, : H Foronto, 81, Georges | field, Cons, unehanged Wilfred High ington, Cons, unchanged Ww C, Boho» Taronta 8t, Davids orenta Parkdale i=Haon, Price, unchanged, St. Catharines =E, C, changed North Ottawa =A, KE unchanged Peel j==Eleetion of T, L, Kennedy, Cons, eongeded, Unchanged, Prince Edward, (final) j= Cons, Majority, 614, Perth North i=Hon, J. D, Man. teith, Cong, unchanged, LIBERALS MLECOTED H Ciraves, un» Honeywell, Ceolliver, Manitoulin j== Thomas Farquhar, unehanged, =D, M, Ross, un= Glengarry i=], Sangster, Unehanged, |, RENRIVEA BLROTRD unehanged, J South Ontario 1==W, E, N, Sinclair, North Oxford changed, \ Liberal, conceded, Gain from Cong, Oxford Southi=R, A, Baxter, Lib, Ottawa Kasti=Louls Cote, Con, fain from Liber PROG LAC Brant County i==H, C, Nixon, un» changed, Last Perilous Dash Approaches On Lakes Freighters and Crews Being Groomed for Last Trip of Sea- son Against Heavy Recalled (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Taronto, Ont, Ot, 30,=With north winds blowing across the (reat Lakes more frequently, the eves of Canada will once amain turn to the plight of the inland mariners, who each Year face greater rlaka in the pursuit of thelr livelihood, and the "last trippers" will once again attempt thelr pers {lous rushes tram port to port he. fore the navigation season ends, This has not heen a good Year for "salling." The grain congess tion, with elevators crammed to the brim With the liteblaed of Oan- ada t grain distelots; with Nindreds of steamers tide wp, wae able to either load or unload thelr OATEOSE] has caused evan more hardship than usual to the men who "go down to the sea in high. In many cases, the money that had heen saved to tide the saller aver the winter has been spent in order that he max exist the summer, and it looks like a hard winter for the mariner, " Consequently, there will he little dittlonlty in Shipping crews for the last wad dash against the "iveese-ul,"! When every ' minute means money, And when ohanoces verging on the veokless are taken in order that heats may "met un. der the wire" with their valuable cargoes hafare tha for hand of King Winter ends navigation tor the year, Five hundred boats, and 20,000 men are hetng svoomed for the last race against time of the seas son, and it 1s hoped there will he no repetition of the disasters of previous years, Already, the satlors have lost out in the firet skirmish against the terrific winds whieh occasion. ally ehurn the lakes ta fury, The steamer Andaste waa the first vies tim, Leaving Grand Haven with a load of stone, a sudden gale evh dently shifted her cargo as she rolled helplessly, Her evew of 28 men were lost, Tragedies of Other Years In Lake Buperigr, the tug Coens mea wal forced. to cast off her $100,000 vats of pulpwoed and run for shelter under the lee of the "Oraveyard of the Lakes" Isle Rayale, Last Year was no exception to general rule, In all 14 boats went down, were burned, or stranded, 10 hecome total losses, The M, J, Bartelme went aground on Cane ton Island, Lake Michigan; the wooden steamer M, T, Greene burned In the Niagara i havge Mingoe foundered in Superior; the steamep on foundered off Isle Ror 1 Marysville burned in the a River; BR, MoQoll Sutwed pat tale harbor: the James ¥ Cahill burned In the same fire; the W, H, Hawyer, A, B King, and Barge Peahtigo all stranded at Harb Peach, Lake Huron: the 'Ind burned tn Georgian an the Ma nasoo founde in orion \ and the Thousand Islander fou ered when going to replace the Ma- nasoo, The Bachem burned in ¢ 8t, Clair River, Take Mysteries \ In 192%, the tatal hy og lost was 26,788, Rix ships lost In storm that year, It was in t storm that the steamer Kam! fa believed to have foundered though the mystery of her 4 ance has never heen h me of the hodies of her crew 20 were recovered on fala R hut no trace of the boat haa @ heen found, Another mystery of the la still unsolved ts that of the W, Qllcher, lost In 1882, Na trace of thin ahip has heen discovered In the intervening years, \ "Charlie hasn't had a drink or heen out for an evening for i 1 weeks" "Turned over a new leaf?" "No, he turned over a new ean"

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