Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1929, p. 17

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ELECTION EXTRA!! ¢ Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer i» paws, Un TA. § WA, ONTARIO, WEDNI DAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920 A RI A Growing Newspaper in & Growing City FIV, VE CENTS BT Ii POVER Opposition Parties Fail To Make Impression On Majority Liberal Leader Re-elected en i AN Vg te, We OS thy # JY W. BE. N, NINCLAIR, K, ©, M, P, ¢ Leader of the Ontario Liberal 6 was conceded at 8 pow, 1,000 votes, tonight, Mis majority Party, whose veseloetion In South may reach Sinclair Elected In South Ontario Maj. Over 1000 Rural al Divisions Pile Up Wipe Sinclair Majori- Out Mason's Lead in vy ~ Liberal Leader Polls Strong Vote In The Township, and With Two Polls to Hear From Had Majority of 1118, With only (we more polls vo hear from at 9.80 o'clock, WRN, Hg Liberal leader and oan. Nn Routh Ontario, was re. With a majority of 1,118, ROE No. a8 ARuinet BL ANON Seoured A malor AWA and In Bast Why nie ir seoured MN ne Kinelaty a » Sou ro tw ana 5 fa tn rant Fey the muniel My ve ™ of the thet Yalta Every poll in Whilthy ve Rinolalr majorities Bast Whithy broke about even, but i. an auiieiont Wy cit tn ount to give h ity ot ry in the a BW - wan hein for Whithy and one for WA, Oahawa, with 12 out of 13 heard Bh, had a majority af 24n fay Bo This was much smaler than in the NE, i the Conservatives had expected, AR spelt the downfall of thelr hopes, an far as South nario was concerned; A noticeable feature of the polling was that Sluelair had A majority in both the north weat I Rorteast warts, This waa a of the north-west Ward, whioh we Conservative in the last When Wir had had a Salon n "the nevil-eant Ward, The other three wards gave Mason majorities, My, Hinelair polled wave votes in the viding in this election than he did in 1926, whan the Asures an. Sinelalr 8,801; Stacey, & omen Street Brawler: "Look ere, wy (rion, tet awe tell you this When 1 1% 4 man fo remembers an" The Other "Oh, odo, dae when © Sts Ya, e den't® her (At hapuism)=His name, sed HM ther Pereival Avchibald Alived Henry Smith Preacher (10 assistant ==A \ line MOre water, please! ! Well EE [Conservatives Are Assured Of Large Majority As Result Todays Provincial Election Conservatives Hold Their Seats All Over the Province, with Opposition Parties Making Very Few Gains Ministers Are Re-Elected Able to Secure Elect Ee --_--. All of Fergusons Cabi ion Same As in the Last Legislature. Taront Ont Oot in (em With 78 members elooted at B48 a oloek tonlght, the Ferguson (oy arnment, with 16 more members Lhan neovssiary for a hare majority nm the ltepimiature assembly, were returned Al this how anly 10 members hinve alo { helng supporters of Hinelaly, the Litharal Progressive, ona Lik independ 1 power apposition hoon ed WwW: | endo orab-Propre: ent Conservative Hoturus from the Henolos wore suicielent to establish tha red In these vidings a Con Barvative gata rom the Liberals In Obtawn Bast and a Liberal gain from the government n Waterloo north were only ohanges recorded The Progressive party which held eleven seats In the last hoose, dropped Vietoria RONEN to the Con Bervative party I, GQ) Bandy, who Was rst elected an a supporter of the Dpury United Farmer Govern ment In 1010, and had represented that eonstitueney aves Whi defonted hy W, WW, Htaples, the Conservative nomines Hn Ive and one neban sonst the Binee, Lead in Cities 10 Urban On Arie maintained Hs allegiance: to tha Conservative party In early returng received from today's men eral election, At 5.840 pom, an hone And a hall after the polls had elosed, 41 supporters of the Eov ernment of Hon, G, Howard Fey guson had heen elected, and the Conservatives needed only 18 more members to give them a majority OF one In a house of 112 members The frat party change Was Pes corded In Ottawa East, with a Con nervative vietery aver the Inde pendent Liberal candidate Hug it nw feet that practioally all these Conservative successes wre confined toa urban eonstituen The country ridings, wheve It MAY he expected the twa apposis Hon pavties will yun strongest, have not hagun to come in yet, The first opposite on candidate ve ported elected wax HC, Nixon, Pros MADE GOOD SHOWING Conservatives Toarante, Oot Olan FRANK LI, MASON Conservative candidate in Ontario Routh, Who wade a substantial veduation tn the majority of W Summary At 9-45 p.m. CONSERVATIVES 72 LIBERALS .. 7 PROGRESSIVES 1 LIB.-PROGRESSIVES wi |] IND..CONS, vin ots, DOUBTFUL 39 whe was returned (n Brant [0 Drury United TL House, whe had riding since 1924 Lowls Cote captured Ottaw from the Liberals, thus balanel maine and losses at this hour Pinard, the defeated Liberal date, had represented since 1933, and was a strong ad of the sale of beer and wine glass In the provinee, gressive county wis provinelal secretary in the Yarmer governs mem Fen of My inet members were returned to pows vr at B40 pany, Ineluding the prime he received an ov erwhelming malority aver Rev, T' H Headley, his Prahibitionist opponent in Grenville Other cabinet members elected at this hour were! Hon, Gy §, Henry, minister of pubs Works and Highways BOX contested meats Hon, W, HH, Price, Attorney=Geners | gain election al " They were: Dr, Minerva Hon, J, DD, Monteith, Provinelal | who van as an Independent I'reasures hibitionist candidate in Hon, Charles High Park; Mra, Grant Nee Mines Liberal candidate in Toron Hon, Dr, Forbes Godivey, Minister | George's; Miss Helen Currie, of Health Hon WW. BE, Finlayson, Lands and Forests Hon R. Cooke, out portfolio. Hon, KF. M portfolio, Hon, BA out poartfolie The feat, seat 10 leave servative column was a Liberal wan in Waterloo North, where $8 Tweed, defaeted W. 6G. Weichel, Conservative member nm the lant Ferguson's twelve gabe minister himself, Toronto, Oot, 80-The ©O Leglalature has yet to elect it woman member, Today's a le bul MeCrea, Minister of Minister of | Toronto ®t, Patrloks, and Heeny bi Buhay, Communist, in aor Kaw Minister with AL the nomination of B,J. My offiolal Nt, Patrioks, Qavernment ence ta her father, Col J, A rie, Who hae represented the Smye, Minister without Dunlap, Minister withs who was ohos the Cons Commons, Flashes On Results In Provincial Election Rasex North s=RBleetion of D Potason, Cons, conceded, Unely Elgin West, (Final) Lib, $140; Raven, Cons, -- Hamilton t= Election Algoma == With fe ~ small dol to hear from which wi Hkely inarease his gwadority, Dr, Robb, Cons, leading hy 2500, Algoma p=Robb, Cons, conceded hy large majority, Gal ony, eleation of Carleton =Rleotion of A, H, res, Cons, conceded, Unchanged, -- Reangford ==The election of Rev, W, G. Martin, tn, 1s conceded hy over 1,000 majority, wr Brant i=Rieetion of MH. CU, Nixon, Prog, conceded, Unchanged. Aor | the Ferguson cabinet, in West hon was conceded a few after the polls closed, ---- Namilton i= Election of 1 ten, Conservative in Centre Ha also conceded, Kent West: ee -- Election of R \ od Kent South Bruee 1-28 ont of oF give Mattar, Cons, $42 majority, election coneeded, Unehanped. -----rvemer ag p=Martin, Cons, 08 by S20: Majority for Mar vem-- diner, A: Gillanders, 170: Heary, Cons, 28 Lambton Kast te Kive Fraleigh, Cons, QO, 1211 Bastman, Lib, Lambton West t=Dr, A} fan, wneha Rrant Read, 1 tin, M42, Rrovkville Riection of WH A Clarke, Cons, conceded. Unchanged, Cochrane North i=Rieetion of Watters, Cons, is conceded. Un 1030 EN, Sinclair, Liberal leader London NOT he out ohanaed, None of the Women Candidates Were Ferguson s Majority Will Be About the represented a last Otiawa ALL WOMEN DEFEATED elections four members of the faly falled Toronto pendent Conservative candidate in Minn » urrle ran In protest agains Conservative candidate candidate in prefey for many years, and was formally a member of the Dominion Howse of' Fred 7, Swmye, minister without portfolio in moments WV, Calder, Cons, conceded, Unchang: Ry Last = » out 60 give Gams Pro wl 32 out of 18 2048, Oke, MoMik net that ny the LL A candi Kast voeate hy th nario a frat eneral to Reid, Pro dham, to ®t Inde Mian Wind Irphy, in on An cum riding rt, Paul } angel hraith, Ham» Tuts milton A oN Lib, voll 8 rg p---- -- Ferguson Again Premier As a result of today's election, sentation in the legislaturk In give J, P, Moore, Cons, 1800 mi Jority, Kieotlon conceded, Lanark South =Dr. J son, Cons, Ung changed, » A. Ander London North wJ, I, Moore, Unchanged, Long Manitoulin Rleotion har, Lib, conceded, Lib UFO ALA of Farqu gain from wo ---- Norfolk i=Eleetion of Hon Martin, Cons, conceded, John 8 North Oxtord-=14 polls out of 71 give Ross, Lib Progressive 8); Salen, Qone,, 1,242, \, BE Un ---- Ottawa North t=lection of Honeywell, Cons, conceded changed, Peterborough City «Rloetion I. Strickland, Cons, conceded chiyged. ------- ol Un ------ | Prince Bdward =H. 8 Colliver, Cons, Unchanged, Peel tT, " L. Kennedy, Un changed. Long, of 1 L n Renfrew South teRleetion M, Costello, Cons, eonceded cha ---- South Waterloo (Final) on, Lib, S88: Homuth, Cons -- Sturgeon Falls i= Blection of A, A Aubin, Cons, conceded. Cons sain | fram erals, | South Victoria r=Election i W, Staples, Cons, conceded, from Charl a \ gam Toronto, St, Pateieks (Baal) of Murehy, Cons, 4473: Belfry. Lin. 1.1 HOWARD FERGUSON Ferguson will again be premier of nearly every section of Ontario, MON, 6 Ontario, His party held ite repre Currie, Ind 850; Know Lommunist, NI los, Loans, 198, m-- flection of conceded, Greenwood Smith, Cons, Toronto GJ Patricks ee Eloetion of Cong, conceded, Uns Foronte, St 1 Murphy, changed Poranto, Riverdale Yleetion Goo, Oakley, Cons, conceded, U changed, ol «Election conceded, Bellwood Cons, Toronto I HW, Rell, changed, Toronto, Rracondale tKleetion Av Ri Nesbitt, Cons, conceded, changed lection needed |! toronto, Dovercourt ST Weight, Cons, of changed, Toronto, St. David's Election of Wilived Helghington, Cons, conceds ody Unchanged w------ Poronto, Parkdale: Cons, 6197: Coughlin, Melntosh, Ind, 80 Price 211 (Final) Lib Toronto High Park t= Klection WW, H Baird, Cons, conceded changed ol Un we-- toronty, St, Georges, (Final) TON ont of 108 give Sohohiekd, Cons, o40F 1 Noodham, Lim, 207 Unchans wed Q Smith, Greenwood (Fiaal) Cons, SLT aronta Ninth, Lib, 18M toronto © Woodbine (Final) swe Shields, Lom, O80, Kinsella, Lib, 1» a 4 nL Toranto St Andrew s==Risotion { of NB, I, Ringer, Cons, conceded, Unchanged, : Toronto Beaches, (Final) 1-107 out of 107 give Murphy, Cons, 7985; Ford Lib, 230 Unchanged, Mow de Voranto, Rrockten (Final): Brien, Cons, 8628; Gilehrist, S801 Unchanged, Peterboro==15 to hear from} Strlekland, Conn, 4668; Molr, Lib 13d Lib, Marie Sault Ste ~Lyons election conceded ------ Simeoo Hasti<Hon WW, Finlayson, Cons, Unchanged Kglinton==Kleotion of MelLoan, Con, conceded, Uns aronto St, Patriok's== Election of 1, C, Sehotield, Con, conceded, Unehanged, Toronto AC ------ Toronto Dovercourt give Wright, Cons Lib, a3 66 out of ot A Stanley, Paromita Parkdale Hone Wo HH, Price, General, conceded we---- West te Blection of Fred Cong, conceded, Unchanged, -- West], F Election of Cons, Attorney \ indsor Reid, ULE Windsor Reid: Changed w---- Waterloo North «Election of 8, th Tweed, Lib, conceded. Lib gain trong Loans Wentworth, South I. J. Magtey, Cons, une hanged, Wentworth North re Blection of (Conthhned an Pasa 2) Ad ww --

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